RUSSIAN EDITORS' VISIT See Page 4 CE Latest Deadline in the State D Ait41 n FAIR AND WARNER VOL. LXV, No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1955 SIX PAG A Plant Department Reports; Parking Structure Plans Approves Construction of Parking Facilities; 47 To Use Revenues From Meters in Present Lots Major Part Of Military est Conducts Talk ES Bill Okayed Committee Nod111n % Four Mleeting By WALLY EBERHARD Construction of parking struc- tures on University property with revenue from meters installed in present parking lots was rec- ommended in a report released, yesterday by the Subcommittee on Plant and Equipment of the ftcjilty Senate Advisory Commit- tee. The report endorsed the Uni- versity administration proposal for such a program as the "most feasible" solution to the parking problem. It also recommended fur- ther faculty discussion of the mat- ter, based on material gathered so far. Drawn Plans One source reported the Univer- sity has already drawn up prelim- inary plans and sketches for two parking structures, one to be erected next to the West Quad and one behind of Health Service. Vice-Pressient Wilbur K. Pier- pont said last night, however, that no such plans have been made, although possible sites for such buildings have been con- sidered, including the West Quad lot. Carrying out the proposal wouldj mean installation of parking me-' ters in the 1,485 spaces in the campus area and in a similar num- ber of spaces in the hospital area. Estimate Cost Cost for installation of the me- ters in the campus area was esti- mated at $40 per space, or a total outlay of $65,000 or $70,000 includ- ing expenses for lot alterations. Rates, the report continued, would be set at about half those charged by the city, or five cents for two hours and 25 cents for a full day. Annual cost per faculty members was estimated at $30 toj $40. Follows Hearing WASHINGTON (P) - A major part of President Dwight D. Ei- senhower's military reserve pro- gram was approved by a House ! Armed Services subcommittee yes- terday after 10 weeks of public hearings and study. Military leaders have indicated they will use the legislation to build up an active, trained and ready reserve of two million men by 1959. OK Creation of Force The subcommittee approved cre - ation of a volunteer force of be- tween 100,000 and 250,000 young men who would take six months of active training and then serve an additional 7% z years in the re- serves. The volunteers would be 17 and 18 year olds. Their tours of duty would be in lieu of Selective Serv- ic. <: IMSUl Hearing LANSING (/P)-The Senate Judiciary Committee last night ordered a hearing Thursday (10 a.m.) on the bill to change the name of Michigan State College to Michigan State Uni- versity. Senator Harry F. Hittle (R- East Lansing), the committee chairman, said officials of the University of Michigan had asked permission. to appear to register their strong opposition to the name change bill. It al- ready has passed the House. lk"OF AL AL AL-AF AL Zn I New Pleas MadeJIle's stand k BySe bEden' By The Associated Press Hints by Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin that Russia might come to an agreement with the West over disarmament has drawn reaction from both Premier Mario Scelba of Italy and British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. In Washington. Premier Scelba began his talks with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and secretary of State John F. Dulles yesterday. He urged a redoubled drive by- - - Western countries to persuade Russia to agree to world disarma- tains r avor Of ulganina Johnson, Knowland State Views on War WASHINGTON 7P)-The State Department said yesterday the United States, Britain and France are engaged in "quite active con- sultations" on the question of a Big Four meeting with Russia. t Income $5,4000 Estimated ne Also approved were provisionsi meerdparking spaces was set the ready reserve to take 48 week- fLUos Estiate n~ incme romtheto compel up to 2,900,000 men in l w s i at $5,000. Initial cost could there- ly drills and two weeks of active fore be defrayed in a year, ac- Tyiriasnndtw weksof ctve forden be derer ia service each year, or alternately 30 7. cording to the report. days of active service. Planeor sidv"Ateetisps The report said, "After this pe- riod, the income would accumulate Balk on Two Sections for the provision of parking struc- The subcommittee was unable to A c tures. In the Ann Arbor area, agree, however, on two key sec- parking structures cost $1,000 to tions of the bill sponsored by the $1,200 per car space." Pentagon. "It is hoped that one structure It refused to recommend author- accommodating about 400 cars, at ity to draft men between 19 and A program planned to collect Eden Comments The department's press officer, Meanwhile in London Secretary lHenry Suydam, said officials in Men ile Bin n hecrnted Washington, London -and Paris are Eden disclosed Britain, the Unitediusgconducting "top level discussions" States and France are discussing: through regular diplomatic chan- arrangements to negotiate a polito-A n nels. cal settlement in Europe with So- iIF n e viet Russia. Two Developments Eden made it clear in the House Jeannette Grimn, '57, was elect- The discussions were set off by of Commons that Britain has in ed next year's Assembly Associa- two developments: mind early Western action to tion president yesterday and Ilene 1. France's .ratification of the bring about a meeting of the West- Pavlove, '57, was chosen to fill agreements to rearm Western ern Big Three foreign ministers the first vice-presidential spot. Germany as part of the European with Russia's Vyacheslav M. Molo- Miss Grimn's experience in stu defense union against communism. tov. dent activities includes a year as American officials haye said all He indicated the main talking senator-at-large of the Women's along that any talk of a Big Four points, in the British view, should Senate as well as Stockwell re meeting would have to await NEW AUDITORIUM AT FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN "U' of erlin Drive Sets 9$900 as Ultimate Goal Today and tomorrow, University students will be stopped at "stra- States is usually taken care of by tegic" points-on campus and asked a Fulbright travel grant, but in to contribute money to the Free the case of Heinz Kohler, present University of Berlin bucket drive. exchange student, even this trans- The goal*set for the present drive portation was taken out of the s $o00 contributions. The Free University has a pro- Each year for the past three gram identical to ours. It pays for years the University of Michigan a Michigan student to study there has been collecting money to sup- for one year. port a student who will come from Joel Tauber, '57, chairman of the the Free University to study here. bucket drive committee, noted that All of the contributions go to his "The Free University is even more support. The donations provide for generous to our student than we his room and board, books, ne- are to theirs. Their monthly al- cessary expenses and a monthly lowance provides the equivalent of allowance; tuition is provided by $60-$70, whereas we are now giv- the University. ing Kohler about $30." Transportation Unprovided Explains Origin of 'U' His transportation to the United; 1 Koher Pxnlain Orignx'U a, cost of about $500,000 could be built in the campus area within the next two years," the report continued. Four Necessary The report said, "it is likely that a total of four structures, provid- ing about 2,000 additional car spaces, would be necessary in the next five to eight years." Permits would be required for in- dividuals using metered spaces, and permits would gradually be made available to all full - time University employees as parking facilities increased. The committee inits report em- phasized that "no official decisions have been made, although the Re- gents have approved the policy of reserving funds collected through parking charges for the construc- tion of new parking space, if such charges are to be made." Review Suggestion The report reviewed other sug-I gestions for relieving the, parking congestion that have been consid- ered by the administration, in- cluding: 1) Changes in permit arrange- ments. 2) Better enforcement of re- strictions in parking lots. 3) Closing to traffic of certain streets in the campus area and us- ing them for parking and building access only. 4) Regulations to limit parking on city streets adjacent to the campus, particularly to eliminate dead storage of cars on streets. These changes,.the report noted, "are not expected to meet the long range need. Real improvement re- quires a radical increase in the amount of parking space." Other possibilities included set- ting aside $50,000 to $75,000 an- nually in the general operating budget specifically for parking space, and assessment of a fee on all permit holders. 26 into the new six-month train- ing corps if volunteers do not fill it up. It also bilked at giving the Pres- ident authority to recall a max-, imum of 750,000 ready reservists to active duty, without consulting .Congress, in the event of another "brush fire" war, like Korea. Assembly -I T SponsorI I-,Hop Altone At its meeting yesterday Assem- bly-Dormitory Council passed a motion to sponsor I-Hop without the help of the Inter-House Coun- cil. The move came after IHC had proposed that it assume entire re- sponsibility for the dance. Assembly sponsored the dance prior to 1948 at which time ac- cording to Ethel McCormick, League social director, the Associa- tion of Independent Men asked for co-sponsorship of the annual event. $250,000 for graduate fellowships be the future of defeated Germany M'"n' in all University divisions got full and liberated Austria, a foolproof endorsement at Sunday's quarterly program of world disarmament in, meeting of the Development Coun- this thermonuclear age and an, cil Board of Directors. East-West security system in Eu- Based on a report of the Coun- rope that will banish fear of a cil's Committee on University third world war.4 Needs, the program falls for 100 Scelba Opens Review undesignated fellowships, to be The 53-year-old Scelba, re- awavredsinowned for his vigorous anti-Com- Disussing need for the program, munist policies, opened a three- Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the day far-ranging review of prob- School of Graduate Studies told lems reaching from the Mediter- the Board "only 50 of the 3,200 1ranean to the Far East. graduate students here now have A White House announcement fellowships, and the need for in- after his initial 80-minute meeting creased aid has become a national with President Eisenhower report- j problem." ed only that they discussed "the --Daily-Esther Goudsmit Available to Any general problems of East-West re- JEANNETTE GRIMN "i," lations as they affect the peace and "The fellowships," Engineering security of the world today." snaiet sebyDr on College Dean George G. Browns sentative to Assembly Dorm Coun- added, "must be available to any Churchill To Talk cil; has been a Senate representa- qualified students, and not restrict-' Prime Minister Churchill is tive for three semesters and on ed to technical fields. planning to make a statement to Stockwell Dorm Council for two "The University's quality" he Parliament today that may fur- years. continued, "rests on the quality of ther clarify the Allied approach to Coordination of Assembly Dorm its student body, facilities and fac- a Big Four conference. Council activities with those .,of ulty." The British statesman told Par- the Senate is among the problems Board members pointed out the liament the way toward a meeting she hopes to work out in the next faculty cannot maintain its pres- with the Soviet Union has been years the native of Bernardsville, ent high reputation, in the face of cleared by France's decision to N.J. said. vastly increased enrollments, un- ratify the Paris accords which Miss Pavlove was the only peti- less more financial aid is given grant West Germany virtual in- tioner nominated for the post of qualified potential teachers dependence and the right to re- first vice-president by Assembly I agreement on rearming the Ger- mans. The French, up to this weekend, have been the big ob- stacle. 2. The statement by Russia's Premier Nikolai Bulgarin that his government takes a "positive at- titude" toward President Dwight D. Eisenhower's stand on a big power meeting. Pres. Eisenhower said last Wednesday that when the West German agreements were ratified, it might be time for ex- ploratory planning toward a meet- ing of chiefs of state. The idea would' be to seek ways to relieve world tensions. Nothing Definite Suydam said nothing has been settled, and it would be guess- work to -predict what will happen. He indicated that in any event no East-West meeting can be held t until after this spring's meeting of the council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Meanwhile, Sen. Lyndon John- son (D-Tex.) aroused Sen. Wil- liam Knowland (R-Calif.) by de- claring in the Senate that Demo- crats "don't want a war party to emerge in the United States any more than they want an ap- 4----z -- --- -- . Les As1 Lewis Ask( { A~111 p C~ 1eQ now Me Pee ; University began out of rebellion of students attending the Commu-; nist-run Berlin University. In December, 1.48, a group ofE peasement party." The Senators Business, Industry Compete students and faculty members broke away from the old University R 1N in the Russian-occupied East zone b of Berlin and founded the Free University in the West zone. Aid B from West Berlin and United States authorities and the Ford Foundation provided funds to nMichigan's jtfnior colleges should make the plan materialize, not overlook their obligation to the Enrollment is now more than' special needs of their communities 7,000, with a good percentage of as they expand to meet the de- students having escaped from the mands of a growing number of East zone. These people have re- students, Vice-President for Stu- linquished hope of returning to dent Affairs James A. Lewis said their homes. yasterday. Emphasizing the program's ben- Speaking on "What's Ahead for efits, Kohler said, "Through West Michigan Communit;' Colleges," at Berlin, people from the Soviet zone a junior college conference held have maintained direct contact here, Lewis warned: with the free world. As long as To Forget Purpose that island of freedom (West Ber- "If we get so concerned about lin) remains free, there is a crack junior colleges as academic insti- in the Iron Curtain through which tutions answering.the needs of the light falls on practices that the' first two years of the academic masters of a police state would pre- program, we are apt to forget fer to keep in darkness." about their major purpose as ter- minal institutions." That purpose, Lewis continued, brow n Talks is to develop and sponsor special, short programs prepared to help b Ut Thea er local business and inductry. O Taeater California and New York, he said, have junior college programs Speaking yesterday to a nearly 1 "we might well take a look at in filled Hill Auditorium, drama-crit- trying to answer Michigan's prob- ic John Mason Brown discussed lems." methods of "Seeing More Things." Adjustment Problem Brown spoke on a variety of In a speech at a morning session topics ,including government, ar- of the conference, Willard C. 01- tistry, Americanism and the the- son, dean of the School of Educa- ater. He said that America would tion, said adjustment of schools never succumb to the terror of and colleges to meet individual dif- fear, and that courage was neces- ferences in children and youth is sary for the artist to live within one of the major problems of con- his community. I i t Assembly and AIM sponsored' the dance together until IHC re-;. placed AIM in 1952. From that time until the present IHC has retained co-sponsorship of the af- fair. Hazel Frank, '56, Assembly pres- ident, said she felt that the dance,! which has been tentatively sched- uled for October 15, could be a success without the help of IHC. Stan Levy, '55, IHC president, stated that he felt that IHC and Assembly could still work some- thing out together, if not the sponsorship of this dance, pos- sibly some other event. "Many of those best qt for teaching," a fellowship explains, "give little thou preparing for educational c because their talents are ir demand by business and ind Joint initiative for raising to meet the $250,000 goal taken by Development C Board members and chair the 75 Council Advisory Cc tees throughout the United Undesignated fellowship will be solicited from busine cerns, foundations, alumn friends of the University, a ing to Board chairman E Cress. ualified report ght to! careers,t n great ustry." funds will be arm. Counseli Reave Executive Board, are their respective parties' lead- ers in the Senate. Sen. Knowland retorted that F ac l t s"there is no war party and no war faction." But he said the United States should not give way before Chinese Cominunist efforts to seize N w eriormosa. ., F I,, k, i c k l j (EDITOR'S NOT: This is the first ICrounci iin a series of four articles reporting teachers as a regular and neces- men of the findings in surveys of the liter- saryt part of college life. )mmit- ary college counseling facilities by This was not always so States. James D. Shortt, Jr., which were T grants in partial fulfillment of toe require- In fact, not until 1928 did the ss con- Iments for the degree of Doctor of University's literary college offer, i and Philosophy.) such services. Before that, each! ccord- By ERNEST THEODOSSIN student took the courses he want-i arl H. Counseling facilities are today' ed. At the end of his four years of accepted by most students and study he went to the registrar's' ~~~----- office and had his course recordj checked to insure that he had thel necessary requirements for gradu-1 ation.1 Operations There were no course sequencesi or particular courses for fresh- men or sophomores. Elections Approved Should Risk War He said Sunday that the United States should risk a world' war if necessary to defend the Chinese Nationalist islands of Quemoy and Matsu, stepping stones to Formosa. Sen. Johnson said he has high hopes that the Democrats and Republicans in Congress can work out with the President a "posi- tive program" for peace, Pres. Eisenhower is to hold bi- partisan meetings this week on foreign policy, with members of the House tomorrow and with senators on Thursday. Secretary of State John -+. Dulles will appear before the Sen- RECEIVE COMMENDATION: ill Local AFROTC Aids Civil Def ens4 (EDITOR'S NOTE -- This article,' sixth in a series of seven, discusses the local Ground Observer Post and its relation to civil defense.) By DICK SNYDER Many students and Ann Arbor residents will be surprised to know that part of the local civil de- fense program has received na- tional recognition. Air Force ROTC participation in the Ground Observer Corps here recently received commenda- tion from Maj. Gen. Deichelman, AFROTC commandant. Gen. Dei- chelman recommended that ROTC units throughout the country fol- low the example of the University detachment.I Each night of the school year from midnight to 8 a.m. pairs of I., brainchild of C/Maj. Ted Wuerth- In 1928 the literary college re- ate Foreign Relations Committee ner, '55. quired students to have elections today to urge Senate ratification Wuerthner returned from sum- I approved by a faculty member of the West German agreements. mer encampment at Selfridge Air from any department. Orientation Johnson expressed hope that the Force Base last year convinced of gioups were set up and some fac- Senate will complete work on this the importance of the Ground Ob- ulty members talked with students i before the end of the week. server Corps. He set out to con- about course possibilities. vince his fellow AF cadets, deter- When Clarence Little became mined to get at least a minimum president of the University in 1926M ortarbo rd of 60 volunteers to staff the look- he advocated upper and lower col- out post during the night. leges. In 1930, the curriculum Wuerthner found himself more committee of the literary schoola s persuasive than he thought and acceptedpart of President Little's e 285 cadets volunteered within I recommendations. Senior vvW omen three days. The literary college curriculum More than Appreciated was split into two parts. A general Thy ideals Pi Sigma Alpha, This unanticipated number of program was set up for the first We are ever striving toward; cadets was more than appreciated two years, and a program of con- As we seek to live thy motto, See CADETS, Page 6 centration in individual depart- In the bonds of Mortarboard. -------ments established for the last two And to you whom we have chosen, r :..3 i