I Sunday, Morch 27, 19 Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 27. 19] ANYONE FOR SNAILS? Tourists Find Foreign Foods Not So T ypical By ETHEL KOVITZ trouble finding pizza outside of "WHAT? No chop suey? Are you Rome or Naples. If he does dis- sure we're in China?" cover a place that serves pizza, he Confusing episodes such as this will probably find it rectangular have happened to American tour- rather than round as it is in the ists because of the inaccurate ster- United States. eotypes existing in this country of Not all American ideas of for- many supposedly typical foreign eign foods are wrong. The French foods. like wine! Not only'do they drink When an American thinks of it a great deal, but they also use South American or Spanish food, it for cooking. As one tourist put he pictures chile con carne and it, "You can get drunk from eat- other spicy dishes. Actually, these ing a piece of meat." foods originated with the Mexi- In visualizing English food, too, can Indian and are eaten mainly the American probably would not by the poorer South Americans. be far wrong. Fish and chips, boil- Some truly typical South Amer- ed meat and potatoes and pud- lcan dishes are pailla (fried chick- dings really constitute a major end and rice with sea food), and part of the English diet. uilnc a ( ids)1 An Arp tin Bavarian Waterland I I pu pa ssquiu) .n rgenbian s diet is dominated by steak, beef and red wine. Spanish culinary customs differ from those of South America more than the average person realizes. The Spanish, being Europeans, have a more international and a less spicy diet than South Amer- icans. One expressly Spanish cus- tom is frying foods in olive oil, one of the main products. GERMAN food eaten in America is not an accurate sample of what the tourist in Germany would find. Sauerkraut and pigs knuckles are dishes consumed only by the poorer people. Nor are all Germans beer drinkers. While southern Germans are, those from the Rhineland are mainly lovers of wine. The tourist in Italy may have SHOCK and often disdain is reg- istered by many tourists upon being offered certain European or eastern "delicacies." The French relish snails, the Swedes raw fish, the Chinese fish lips and the nat- ives of Thailand water buffalo. Although there are differences in eating habits of foreign coun- tries, there are also similarities. Americans seldom realize how many of their popular dishes orig- inated elsewhere. The Hungarian "toltot kaposta" is our stuffed cab- bages, their "gulas" is our stew. Czechoslovakian people are fond of "parkies," which are similar to American hot dogs. Viennese wein- erschnitzel is fairly well known in the United States, if not by that name by that of breaded veal cut- lets. KONIGSEE, A LAKE NEAR BERCHTESGADEN, SOUTHERN GERMANY I a proportionate skirt by jmedium if ye,',. S''S"2"4 i 1' 0' the foundation of your mix-match ," a .wardrobe &LL Sporteens plays no favorites ... likes you all, whether you're > small, medium, or tail and says so with a handsome, straight-line proportionate skirt that fits you perfectly what- ever your height. Interpreted in Sportlin, the exclusive linen-like rayon . . . as is the solid blouse with convertible neckline. Combine freely with the flower-sprigged skirt and blouse of rayon linen, color-coordinated in the high fashion tradition. Proportionate -skirt and matching Sportlin c :, blouse in black, navy, coral, or avocado. ..printset in avocado-and-black, navy-and- coral, toast-and-black on white grounds. Sportlin skirt $5.95; Sportlin blouse $3.95; Print skirt $5.95; Print blouse $3.95. CAMPUS TOGGERY 1111 South U. near the Diag. 1 blocks from Main Shop MODERATE PRICE: European Study Toun Offered for Students By LINDA SIMON By DIANE LaBAKAS, MODERATELY PRICED study EUROPEAN study trips for pa tours open to American stu- litical science, sociology as dents a summer education across economic students are now beir the Atlantic or Pacific. offered by the United States N One "study abroad" plan tional Student Association. j eludes the "European Study Tour Costing $865 for 75 days, a inComsatveEucain:"tdyThis tour provides opportunity for Pt inCopaatveEucation."Ti lia lnd econHomic std ofY tour takes the student. to EnglandglvialngandecHollanddy Ge: France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Ger- mayFrngland Holland many and Switzerland f or sight- many, France and Switzerland. sen,"l ondfu.Inad- This group will have full fre dition students will be able to ful- will be permitted to intervie fill the goal of talking with "the legislative, judicial and adroin people." strative officials in addition to fa Arrangements are made for stu- tory managers, newspaper, ar dents to stay in first-class hotels, student leaders. and travel by private motor coach A main stopping point will a and trans-Atlantic plane. The all- the Transport House, headqgua: inclusive fee for 72 days of travel ters of the Labor and Conservt is $1595. tive Party in England. European tours are not the only In Germany students wile o "travel and study" opportunities serve problems of coal producti available this summer. Michigan of the Ruhr industry and will v' coeds have been offered a $500 tour it the Land government of r6B including seven weeks in Hawaii varia at Munich: Several do's and an opportunity to acquire col- be spent meeting with Berlin, c lege credits for study at the Uni- officials and students of the versity of Hawaii. University of Berlin. Two types of tours are offered. Students will also visit Fea One group lives in a large resi- and Holland, where group me dence hall on campus and has the bers will be guests of the Bene social, educational, and living fa Committee, and will hear lectu cilities of any large university. The by members of the French second program invites girls to live Benelux parliaments. in apartments at a popular hotel in the heart of the Waikiki Beach SOCIOLOGICAL tours are a area. The tour includes round-trip being offered for under-gr airplane travel, excursions in Ho- uate students to Sweden, De nolulu and Oahu, special visits to mark, Norway, England, Fran Pearl Harbor, campus social af- Holland, and Germany. Theft fairs, and several cruises. A bien- will cost $885 for 75 days. nial trans-Pacific yacht race with There will be two days of i its accompanying gay events will troductory lectures, followed highlight the summer social cal- visits to children's homes, mat endar. The tour departs from the nity centers, consumers' cooper West Coast June 20 for the Islands tives, labor unions, model f and returns August 10. tories, and town planning slum clearance projects in GRADUATE students and special den, Denmark and Norway. groups are offered special for- In Britain, emphasis will be eign study considerations, the National Health Service Five fellowships for study in in Germany the group will Spain are available to American the new refugee industries graduate students for the 1955-56 USNSA tors are open to academic year. The awards, given students in the United States See LOW-PRICED, Page 15 tween 18 and 30 years old.