P AM TGlM THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,'FEBRUARY 8, 1955 _1 e t Marius Beauty Salon PERMANENT WAVE L SPECIALISTS NcesArcade Ann Arbor SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY Call NO 23-24-1 Today LEADERSHIP TRAINING: Union Schedules Meetings For Future Staff Members Mass meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow and 4 p.m. Thursday in Rm. 3B of the Union for all men students interested in joining the Union staff. On the agenda of the meetings will be short talks explaining ac- tivities of the Union by Tom Leo- pold, Union president, Dick Pink- erton, executive' secretary and councilman in charge, Keith Pohl. Refreshments will be served. In- formal discussion groups will also be formed with Leopold, Pinkerton and Pohl on hand to answer ques- tions. - All Males Are Eligible All male students are eligible to participate in Union activities. At- WELCOME COEDS! Our Hair Stylists will design a smart stunning new hair- do for you!! -NO APPOINTMENTS-- The Dascola Barbers near Michigan Theater tendance at the meeting does not obligate anyone to sign up. For interested students there are positions available on such committees as personnel, admin- istration, publicity, University re- lations, public relations, social and campus affairs, dances and stu- dent services. As a first year member of the Union staff,th- tryout spends two hours a weex in a training pro- gram. After the tryout period, there is opportunity for advance- ment to higher positions. Choice of Committee According to Union officials, a tryout is actually a staffman at the Student Offices, who is as- signed to his choice of the nine Student Offices' committees soon after he joins the staff. He is re- quired to work only two hours each week in regular office hours. Stewart Shear wio is in charge of the tryout program, said, stu- dents who join the Union staff will gain valuable leadership training for campus affairs and future Ibusiness. as seen in Town & Country I THE FINE LINE OF FASHION... New Director Aids Leaders In Orientation Newcomers Receive Helping Hand, Advice From Upperclassmen By MARJ BLUTTMAN Undampened by the usual wet weather of orientation week, lead- ers and their groups of new arri- vals to the University scurried around campus in boots carrying' familiar yellow envelopes. This semester, something new had been added. Robert Garfield, assistant to the Director of Registration and Rec- ords, became the new director of orientation. He replaced Ivan Parker, assistant to the Dean of Men and former orientation head for many years. Another innovation in the pro- gram again concer-.ed the lead- ers rather than 'ncoming fresh- men and transfers. For the first time meals were served in the Un- ion for the men and women group leaders, replacing the old custom of dining at the League. For leaders ,orientation week began on Sunday evening, Jan- uary 30. The 60 or 70 men and women students, already experi- enced with orientation work, met with chairmen, Bob Blossey and Sue Fricker, for their first dinner. Director Garfield led the bless- ing, and for the first time in countless orientation dinners, a friendly, homey atmosphere pre- vailed. Dinners this year were served family style rather thanin cafeteria fashion. The following day, Monday, started the routine of initiating the newcomers to college life. The more than 600 group members participated in the.hectic process of being orientated. One freshman commented upon the aptness of the group. heads. "I know all of the new students will agree with me that our leaders were just wonderful. I could nev- er have filled out my railroad tick- et without them." WAA Notices Robin Chosen Symbol For Spring Weekend By GAIL GOLDSTEIN "When the red red robin goes bob bob bobbin' along .." Members of the Spring Weekend central committee and all its helpers are humming this tune as they go about their job of plan- ning the weekend. A robin has been chosen as the symbol of the event, and he will soon appear on posters, banners, and Hersthroughout the campus. His cheery countenance serves to remind students of the fun-pack- Students interested in work- ing on the program committee of Spring Weekend will meet at 7 p.m. today in Rm. 3A of the Union. ed weekend planned for March 11-12. Tying in with the theme of the weekend, "Life in these United States," he will preside over Skit Night, the Wolverun Derby and all cy Fisher and Tom Chamberlain next week. Final plans are also underway for the Wolverun Derby in which housing groups on campus will en- ter soapbox racers for competi- tion. Each house is designing its own car according to specifications set up by the committee. A parade before the Derby and SPRING WEEKEND SYMBOL i "Av? THE FLATTERY OF PERFECT FIT I \ 4.. b ell e -sarn'eer FULLY FASHIONED LEG-SIZE STOCKINGS REV MODITE DUCHIESS purple edge) (green edge) (red edge) or slender for average- for tall, w small logs. size legs. larger legs. izes Ito 10% Sizes 8%tell1 Sizes Ova to 1 I% You're wearing your most appealing legs - sculptured with the artistry of skin-smooth sheerness . .. enhanced with the exclamation of smart, slender seams! Of course, you're wearing Belle-Sharmeer stockings in your own personal Leg-Size. The MUSIC CORNER e NOW OFFERS * Sheet Music * Music Books * Complete 331/3 record selection featuring: STAN KENTON JACKI E GLEASON MONT IVAN I BROADWAY SHOW RECORDS Complete selection of classical records IT T TheMUSIR In 312 South Thayer Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results other events. many other special events are With all proceeds from Spring planned for the weekend. Weekend events going to charity, Requests for block seats are to central committee members are be sent to the central committee busily planning the program. office, Rm. 3A, in the Union by Scripts for Skit Night are being Monday, Feb. 21. Checks must be judged, and the winners will be enclosed, and tickets will be held announced by Co-chairmen Nan- for these students. VISIT UTS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDED ACCESSORIES * BATES BEDSPREADS & DRAPES * DRESSER SCARFS * LAUNDRY BAGS * SHOE BAGS " SMALL THROW RUGS . BATH TOWELS & WASH CLOTHS * BLANKETS * SHEETS & PILLOW CASES "WHERE QUALITY HAS NO SUBSTITUTE" GAGE LINEN SHOP 11 NICKLES ARCADE Hours Daily: 9:00 to 5:30 a ,I G (I f Si BOARD MEETING-There will be a WAA Board meeting at 5 p.m. today at the WAB. MICHIFISH - Michifish mem- bers will meet at 7:15 p.m. today at the pool. RIDING CLUB - The Riding Club will hold an organizational meeting at 5:15 p.m. today in the WAB. New members are welcome. 1. 35 to 1.95 lI I' I CORRASABLE YOU Capriccio cF C l x O0or for the Well-Tempered. Typewriter The big deal in girls .is one who is 6haseable and embraceable. And the big deal in typewriter papers is Eaton's famous CORRASABLE. If you can't stand paper that arches its back when you advance the roller a "tkkk", ACSHORE a PIPr mwmmmmw CLASSICS I .r... .. You'll be glad to know CORRASABLE BOND ". has character and its surface is slick. x Now, we all make mistakes-an occasional booboo is no disgrace- " ..:?: G ' But, anyhow, CORRASABLE keeps your secret- it erases without a trace. So don't get hornswoggled, hoodwinked, jobbed, gypped or gyped. Get erasable CORRASABLE for the neatest manuscripts you ever typed.. Since CORRASABLE's the cream de la ream don't play it dumb A4 t And settle for some other brand which may be the crum de la crum.. For letters, notes, reports, literary efforts, theses and themes, " ifif*C* CC C. . " 1 " loot " e sass fae C Pick a Pretty Blouse for Your Valentine! She'll be pretty as a picture ... in MACSHORE'S portrait- collared blouse styled in NOFADE imported prima cotton. COLORS: White, mint, and lilac. SIZES: 30 to 36. 3.95 Just one of many beautiful new spring blouses. And she'll be more thrilled too, if you add one of these new pastel bead ropes and bracelets by KORO from 0 5 0 0 CORRASABLE BOND is the typewriter paper of your dreams. Available in four popular weights-at prices you can afford I I I i