TRAVEL SUPPLEMENT 1 2UIr4lilaU lJattg SUNDAY MAGAZINE Sunday, March 27, 1955 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN PAGE ONE _. I r - + wr+ PICTURESQUE FRAME: The village of Thun in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, enjoying an outlook snow-capped Alps. GINA AND OTHER SPECTACLES: Fim Festivalsn Se Turned Into 'Insti1tutionalized Glamor' Annual Music Events Still Big Attraction By DONALD W. KRUMMEL Instructor, Music Literature NEXT SUMMER, when thousands of Americans flock to Europe, the man- agers of music festivals will nightly thank the gods for the naive idea that great music is even greater in impressive surroundings. America's complete musical depend- ence on European tradition is self-evi- dent, but equally self-evident is the super- iority of the artists, native-born and European, we hear in America today. Many Americans not yet aware of this will leave the festivals disappointed. The average American, accustomed to our bigness of sound and technical super- iority, has no conception of the varieties of the characteristic European intensity of subtlety and nuance. He will be almost as confused by European musical insight as he is with the strange language he hears. He will also be chagrined to find these festivals featuring his own American per- formers, a number sponsored this year by ANTA, the American National Theatre and Academy. The New York Philhar- monic, for instance, will again highlight the Edinburgh Festival, and the New York City Ballet and the Philadelphia Orchestra will each manage to hit a number of festivals. (Even Europeans suffer from the demands of virtuosos; I see that this latter group will climax the Strasbourg Festival with Yardumian's Armenian Suite, so begrudgingly received at our own May Festival last year), THE ATTITUDE of most festival-goers (which they will never admit), is that the music is less important than the at- mosphere surrounding the performance. This is the naivete for which the man- agers thank the gods. For instance, the Strasbourg Cathedral and the Palais des Fetes are more important than the music performed in them. Many Americans will even wonder what Yardumian has to do with Strasbourg, and why his musi is not performed in a special festival in Armenia (which, after all, may not be a bad idea). Mr. Yardumian notwithstand- ing, the festival programs seem excep- tionally ambitious and appetizing to a can-fed American musical public; even these, though, are quite often warmed- over versions of the pieces de resistance of the previous winter season in Vienna, Munich, London, or Milan. In any case, the real thrill to Americans will come with the expenses, usually in proportion to the remoteness of the scenery and the provincialism of the atmosphere, The oldest and most distinguished of the festivals is devoted to the music of Richard Wagner in the small, inacces- sible Bavarian village of Bayreuth. Seven of the music dramas will be performed in the acoustically magnificent theatre designed by Wagner, with traditions and under conditions planned by Wagner, and now under the direction of two grandsons of Wagner. All of which makes the de- mands of a pilgrimage rather than a va- cation, but produces artistic results per- haps unequalled elsewhere. Modelled on Bayreuth is the Munich Festival, where no less than 23 operas of all composers will be given. Other high-calibre operatic festivals vary from the charming, intimate Glyndebourne performances near London, to the pom- pous, spectacular offerings in the Roman Baths of Caracalla. Almost all festivals will have some opera, and in Italy and especially in Germany, opera is predomi- nant. Among the unusual items are 0 Munich performance of Handel's Giulio Cesare, several performances of Busoni's See ANNUAL, Page 13 By WILLIAM WIEGAND G'LAMOR, as any good advertising man knows, comes in at least two sizes. There is national glamor, like Grace Kelly and Saks Fifth Avenue and Cheer, Cheer for Old Notre Dame. There is also international glamor like Princess Mar- garet and Montmartre and the River Nile. Glamor is the art of beautifying the tra- ditional; that is, even though Notre Dame has a lousy football team this year and the Nile is running muddy, nobody will believe it if the puss agent keeps up ap- pearances. Film festivals are something like this. They are institutionalized glamor, some- thing an unknown press agent thought of in 1932, and which subsequent press agents have been blessing ever since. Get Gina Mangano and Montgomery Schultz together on the Riviera with rugged an- nual regularity and half the year's work is done. Suggest that it has something to do with art besides. Give prizes. A mil- lion dollar idea, C. B. The idea was born like that, at least, Since 1932, there has been growing an honest effort to spare the festivals the worst commercial taints. Recognized film "artists" like Jean Cocteau and Mexican director, Luis Bunuel, have volunteered to appear on Festival juries. In some cases, the governments have offered to sponsor the gaudy fortnights, and lately there has been increasing evidence of responsible decisions about what films should get the awards. In general, how- ever. the Festivals still have something of the status of this country's football owl games. In spite of the attempts to "purify" them, they are still mostly ex- tensive promotional endeavors in which the gala receptions and cocktail parties are at least as important as the business of looking at movies. THE TWO most important Festivals are at Cannes on the Riviera in spring, and at Venice in the late summer. These are the Rose Bowl and the Sugar Bowl of Festivaldom, and in a recent move to cut down the growing number of abor- tive fiestas, the executive committee of the International Federation of Film, Producers ruled that only these two fes- tivals could award "official" prizes. The committee also "recognized" the festi- vals at Berlin and Locarno, but denied them the privilege of presenting prizes. At Cannes, the guests and visitors per- ambulate on the Croisette between the Carlton and Miramar hotels- which over- look the sea. New films are shown in the afternoon and evening, usually along with a retrospective showing of early films that fill in gaps for the more serious movie addicts who happen to be around. last year, Cannes awarded its top prize to the Japanese film, "Gate of Hell." "From Here to Eternity," the most im- portant American film shown, was en- tered "out of competition" for some rea- son. It is said, however, that many American producers feel that winning a prize at one of the European festivals gives the film a snob taint which will hurt its box office possibilities. T HE atmosphere at Venice is tradi- tionally a little more frantic than that of Cannes. The Festival here takes place in the heat of August and has the full complement of blue-jeaned auto- graph seekers who gather before the theaters in the manner of a Hollywood premiere. If it is a demonstrative crowd, it is also ordinarily a sensitive one. Last summer, for example, Gina Lollobrigida was swarmed as she arrived at the theater for the opening of her film, "La Romana." The movie, however, evidently, left some- thing to be desired: Miss Lollobrigida was hooted as she left the theater, and the critics the next day were no kinder about the film. She stayed in Venice only the next morning. Sentiment on Venice's international jury was divided between awarding the grand prize to "On the Waterfront" and "Romeo and Juliet." The latter film fin- ally took the honors to the apparent plea- sure of the Italian audiences. "Water- front," "La Strada," another Italian film, and two Japanese films won Silver Lions emblematic of the runners-up. It was the first year at Venice that Hollywood had sent its "best" films instead of their usual practice of sending those that happened to be lying around the vaults. It was also the first year that the Russians had boycotted the Festival, objecting to the small quota of entries they had been al- lowed. BERLIN'S Festival traditionally takes place in June. It is the single event in which the audience votes determine the Grand Prize winner (an "unoffocial" prize it is, of course. Film critics have Bee FR., Page 13