SATURDAY. MARM 2lt_ 149%
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Librarians Should Learn
To Talk Like This
"You Win It, Pal"
of Literature, Science and the Arts lists a
total of 32 courses, most of them for graduate
students, in the library science department.
Although students, upon glancing through
the catalogue, usually scoff at a field such as
library science, little do they realize how im-
portant it is. The courses are designed to
train students in bibliographic methods, which
are invaluable for research. In addition,
library science courses prepare students who
are interested in library administration, as
well as those who wish to become teacher-li-
IN A LARGE university such as this, with
vast and ever-expanding library facilities,
the importance of the work of librarians should
not be underestimated.
In their 32 courses, the library science de-
partment offers adequate training for the field.
However, may an observer suggest a thirty-
third course?-that which would instruct the
librarians to keep quiet so that students can
study. -Louise Tyor
Oppenheimer Ban Statements
Leave Scent of Fear
DETAILS OF THE University of Washing-
ton's banning of Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer
and the subsequent statements of Washington
president, Dr. Henry Schmitz, leave a definite
scent in one's nostrils. It is the scent of fear.
Oppenheimer was banned from speaking on
the Washington campus "in the best interests
of the University." Schmitz labeled Oppenhei-
mer undesirable because of the physicist's dis-
missal last spring from the Atomic Energy
There was a strong, but short-lived reaction
to the banning at the time. But now Schmitz
is faced with something more dangerous to
University prestige than the hub-bub of mid-
dle February. Washington has been forced to
call off an important scientific conference be-
cause of its Oppenheimer ban.
SEVEN OF eight top scientists slated to lead
a conference on biochemistry have refused
to appear on the Washington campus. A round-
robin letter bearing the seven signatures said
the Oppenheimer ban had "clearly placed the
University of Washington outside the com-
munity of scholars."
Dr. Schmitz thereupon threw up his hands
and cried that the university's action had been
misunderstood. Said Schmitz, "There is no
question of academic freedom involved."
But there is. And there is the question of
fear, of loss of prestige, of decline in enrollment
when uniformly thinking parents discreetly
send Junior to a nice, safe, un-radical univer-
It's the fear of contagion translated to fear
of adverse publicity. No doubt Schmitz likes
academic freedom. Any man who likes to read
books, who likes to learn, likes academia free-
dom. But what are you going to do when
you're the president of a big, state-supported
university? Are you going to stick your neck
out and sacrifice money for freedom? Pres-
tige for an ideal?
No. You're going to do what any big busi-
ness would do, like Schmitz did to Oppenheimer
and the Regents did to Nickerson and Davis.
You're going to stick to the safe side of the
road and let academic freedom take care of
WHAT EVER happened to the idea that only
in the clash of truth and lie does the truth
show up more brilliantly?. Not that Oppen-
heimer would translate physics to dialectical
materialism or the like. But when fear of
labels, such as "liberal", "pinko", "egghead"
and "Communist" sweeps over a nation, people
forget ideals such as academic freedom and
free discussion.
This country smells of fear.
-Bob Jones
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Associated Press News Analyst
J UST AS in the case of Russia's latest disarmament proposals, it
will be a surprise if anything comes of her new move ostensibly
directed toward an Austrian settlement.
Austria is increasingly restive under 10 years of frustration follow-
ing the agreement that she should return to the independent status
she enjoyed before Hitler. In scores of meetings the occupying powers
have agreed on practically every issue involved, but the Allies have
never been able to bring Russia to the signing point.
For one thing, she has always wanted to tie an Austrian settle-
ment into a German settlement, on the grounds that the whole setup
must guarantee that Germany will not be able to use Austria again.
BUT FUNDAMENTALLY Russia would be placed in a bad position
by any sort of an Austrian settlement, no matter how favorable
to her. She long ago agreed to withdraw the troops she keeps in the
Counselors Not Crutches:
Present System Defended
"THE COUNSELLORS don't know the re-
"I'm going in to the School of Education, and
my counsellor made me take math when I
didn't have to."
"I hate to see my counsellor, he's no help in
choosing my courses."
These and similar complaints are heard fre-
quently from many Michigan students who
pass through the literary college Freshman -
Sophomore counselling system at the Uni-
But how often has the individual who is
complaining bothered to think about whether
or not his complaints are valid?
In the first place, the counsellors do know
the requirements. The twenty-one men who
are the Freshman - Sohphomore counsellors
are all faculty members, most 6f whom have
professorial rank, and who have been at the
University for some time. They go through an
intensive training program before beginning
their jobs as advisors.
IN ADDITION, the counselling system is set
up as a custodian of University regulations
regarding requirements for a degree. Forty-
four to 56 hours of distribution courses are
necessary of which a certain amount must be
completed during the student's first two years.
Although a number of students who enter
the literary college plan to go into education or
business administration, the counsellors must
operate on the basis of distribution require-
ments to be fulfilled in the first two years.
The complaint that the counsellors are no
help in choosing the student's courses usually
originates in the fact that the student himself
is not interested enough or does not bother to
take the time to sit down with a catalog and
think about which courses he would like to
MANY PROSPECTIVE freshmen, come to
Ann Arbor during the summer before they
enter the University specifically to talk to their
counsellor. At this time, the office retains a
staff which works full-time in order to give
sufficient help to incoming freshment.
Here the need for counselling a student is
far greater than at almost any other time in
his college career. The average student has no
idea of exactly what he wants to do after he
receives his degree. However, he usually has
a general idea of the fields in which he is in-
terested. By the time he finishes his first
semester at the University, he begins to realize
what it is that he doesn't want to do.
THE COUNSELLING system operates on the
basis that counselling can be overdone at
the university level. Too many students tend
to think of their advisor as a crutch, someone
who can take them by the hand and lead them
down a narrow corridor containing 60 hours
of specific courses.
If the student would attempt to develop a
certain atount of responsibility on his own;
by reading the catalog, talking to people in
departments in which he is interested; and,
when he needs advice, planning to see his
counsellor at a time other than the end of the
semester when everyone is trying to have elec-
tions approved, he would find that he would be
more satisfied with his elections, and would
have less cause to complain about the coun-
selling system.
--Janet Rearick
Balkans, ostensibly to protect the
rear 'of her Austrian occupation
forces and their supply lines, when
a peace treaty is signed.
This would not appear to be so
important now that she is to have
complete formal control of all the
satellite forces. But actually the
Russian army is the only guaran-
tee of her political position in
these countries, just as its pre-
sence was the cause of their sub-
mission in 1945.
To keep the troops here after
ending the Austrian occupation,
however, would put her into a
barefaced position she would not
INSTEAD of representing con-
crete steps in Soviet policy, the
Austrian and disarmament moves
seem to represent a stepup in the
Russian peace offensive in which
has been largely dormant since
the ouster of Malenkov.
With ratification of Western
European Union appearing more
and more likely, Russia may now
be shifting her tactics from ef-
forts to prevent its true imple-
mentation through rearmament of
Western Germany.
Moscow has said all along that
if the new alliance is ratified she
will no longer be interested in try-
ing to work out reunion of all
Germany or other European set-
tlements. The truth may be, how-
ever, that the prospects of a re-
armed Germany adding its
strength to that of the other
Western nations is beginning to
have the effect it was designed to
have. Russia may be considering
the prospect that she will be forc-
ed, eventually, into realistic ne-
gotiations for a true relaxation of
Presient Eisenhower said long
ago that if Russia really wanted
to get down to business she could
demonstrate some sincerity by
going ahead with the Austrian
peace treaty.
The prospects that she will go
that far are dim, but she obviously
has her reasons for wanting oth-
ers, right at this time, to think
she will, and for that purpose she
invites the Austrian Chancellor to
'The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michign for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 123
Regents' Meeting. Fri., April 15. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than April 7.
Disciplinary action in cases of student
misconduct: At meetings held on March
2 and March 9, cases involving 15 stu-
dents were heard by the Joint Judiciary
Council. In all cases the action was
approved by the University Sub-Com-
mittee on Discipline.
Violation of state laws and city ordi-
nances relating to the purchase, sale and
use of intoxicants:
a) Consumed intoxicants as a minor
and in possession of intoxicants in
a motor vehicle: One studentvfined
$15.00, fine suspended in view of
court costs of $16.35; one student
fined $15.00 (no court fine), both
b) In possession of intoxicnts in mo-
tor vehicle: Two students fined
$30.00, fine suspended in view of
$21.25 court costs and two days'
Jail sentence each, and warned.
Violation of University regulations per-
taining to presence of women in men's
residences: Three students fined $10.00
and warned; one student fined $10.00
and given letter of warning on atti-
tude; house warned on house rules;
two students (women) given one night
social probation and warned.
Conduct unbecoming a student: Dis-
turbing the peace on two occasions at
Michigan State College - one student
fined $35.00 (also purchased and con-
sumed intoxicants as a minor): one
student fined $20.00 and both warned.
Violation of election rules on all-campus
election: One student given warning for
submitting petition on which he had
obtained some women's signatures when
such signatures should have been only
of male students.
Violation of University automobile regu-
lations: One student fined $25.00 (sec-
Ike Didn't
Say Yes
W ASHINGTON - The "Original
Eisenhower Boosters" who
announced after a recent White
House luncheon that Ike would
run in 1955 unless world conditions
improved did not tell the whole
What they didn't tell was that
the President hinted just as
strongly that he would like to
take a "vacation" from the White
House if there was a positive ad-
vancement in world peace during
his current administration. Here
is an almost verbatim account of
what was said at the luncheon:
Gov. Christian Herter of Mas-
sachusetts broke the ice by re-
peating the "request of those of
us who were originally for you in
"We want you to be a candidate
again in 1956," said Herter.
"When that question comes up,
I am usually tempted to slide un-
der the table and avoid comment,"
confessed the President.
This prompted GOP Sen. Norris
Cotton of New Hampshire, sitting
next to Ike, to remark:
"Well, Mr. President, what you
might do is give us the same reply
that you made in 1952. As you
recall, you sent us a nice, two-
page letter in which you didn't
say yes and you didn't say no."
Eisenhower joined in the gen-
eral laughter. Then he replied in
serious vein:
"We'll just have to wait and see.
Maybe we will make some real
progress toward international
peace in the next two years and
conditions will be such that we
can all take a vacation from wor-
rying about world tensions."
PRESIDENT Eisenhower admit-
ted that he got a lot of new
facts on the natural gas industry
when 15 public officials called at
the White House to tell him the
consumers' side of the natural gas
regulation question.
"Why should this giant Fed-
eral government reach down and
regulate five or six thousand gas
producers?" the President immed-
iate asked his callers. "With that
many companies, competition is
bound to hold the price down."
"Mr. President, those figures
give a false impression," replied
Attorney General Vernon Thomp-
son of Wisconsin. "Despite the
thousands of producers, this is a
monopoly industry because only
one company sends gas through
one pipeline to supply a parti-
cular area. There is absolutely
Appointments for interviews:
Tues., March 29
Bay City, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Elementary
Speech Correction-lip reading;
School Mathematics (advanced);;
Studies; English,
Carleton, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Elementary --
ond violation), fine suspended in view
of financial difficulties and warned; one
student fined $25.00 (second viola-
tion) and warned.
The following Public School systems
are interested in teachers in the foi-
lowing fields:
Wyandotte, Michigan (Monguagon
Township) All elementary. Also Ele-
mentary Art and Special Education.
Hazel Park, Michigan - Elementary
Art; Kindergarten; Early and Later
Elementary; Jr. High Industrial Arts,
Home Making, English-Social Studies,
Mathematics; Instrumental M u s i c
(Stringed), Special Education (Men-
tally handicapped); Sr. H.S. English,
Social Studies. Physics-Chemistry.
Allen Park High School, Allen Park,
Michign-Latin; Biology English; Gen-
eral Science Mathematics; Social Stud-
Hemlock, Michigan-(Rural Agricul-
tural School)-Lower Elementary; Later
Elementary; Sr. H.S. Science,
Van Dyke, Michigan - Elementary;
Speech Correction; H.S. Speech.
Modesto, California--Elementary.
Kingsport, Tennessee - Elementary;
Jr. H.S. Genera Shop; General Science;
Mathematics; Language Arts; Span-
ish or Latin; Instrumental Music; Art;
Sr. H.S. Science; Commerce; English,
Maumee, Ohio -- Elementary; High
School Industrial Arts; Home Econom-
ics; Business Education with minor in
either Social Studies, English, or Math-
Wheaton, Illinois-Elementary.
Henderson, Nevada - Elementary --
Kindergarten through grade eight; Sev-
enth & Eighth" Grade Manual Training.
Palmer, Alaska - Elementary. High
School Mathematics; Home Economics;
Athletic Coach; Commercial.
For additional information, please
contact the Bureau of Apnointments,
3528 Administration Building, NO 3-
1511, Ext. 489.
Representatives from the following
school systems will be at the Bureau of
At the State .. .
THIS FILM is concerned ostensibly with the
United States Marine Corps, for the exist-
ence of which all Americans are grateful. But,
if I may, I should like to point out that the
virtues of the subject-matter are not necessar-
ily visited upon the work of art.
That is, this is a rather bad film, and not
even the presence of Marine uniforms can
save it. It is about a group of individuals who
join the Corps for various reasons, but who
become an efficient fighting-machine in very
little time. There are Van Heflin, an ambi-
tious Colonel; Aldo Ray, an enterprising ladies'
man; James Whitmore, a thick-skinned soft-
hearted sergeant; Tab Hunter, a naive boy
who "finds himself"; and many, many more.
What these men do and their ideas of why
they do it are rather more perplexing prob-
lems. At the opening the boys are pleasant,
THIS IS HOW it works: no matter what their
reasons for enlisting, the whole crew has,
in the beginning, one common characteristic,
They hate the Marine Corps because it is so
tough. The Corps, experienced in such mat-
ters, turns this hatred to advantage. It is
simple to direct it toward an enemy, or toward
other portions of the Corps (breeding friendly
The men, of course, being men, have their
diversions, which manage to take up most of
the time of the movie. Also Ray has his Nancy
Olson; Tab Hunter, proper to his role of
education through experience, has both Doro-
thy Malone (dark and evil) and Mona Free-
man (blonde and good); one young man, who
is an intellectual because he wears glasses,
almost has his Anne Francis; and Van Heflin
has his duty.
There are some nice shots of San Diego, but
one is left with a question: now that we have
the inside story, should we love the Marine
Corps more, or should we be appalled by its
To the Victor*.
IN REGARD to the recent con-
troversy as to what the name
of Michigan State College will be
in the future, we believe that the
University's position is without
justification for these reasons:
1) The definition of a university
rests solely upon the number of
colleges within one unit and not
basically upon academic standing.
2) The antagonistic behavior of
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Eugene Hartwig. Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff .........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart ........Associate Editor
David Livingston .....Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin .... Assoc. Spc-'+.s Editor
Warren Wertheimer
..........Associate Sports Edito'
Roz Shlimovitz.......Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzei......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak ..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski . Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
the university emanates from the
traditional rivalry with State in
the sphere of athletics and not
from the question involved.
3) That the University's out-
standing grievance of confusion of
titles is not the significant point
upon which their stand is actually
taken, but is a flimsy fabrication
to mask their inherent dislike for
It is time for the University to
resign itself to the fact that Mich-
igan State College has come a
long way from a land-grant agri-
cultural college, and satisfactor-
ially meets the requirements for
university standing.
We believe Michigan's prestige
has retrogressed due to its naive
stand against this proposed name
change. Whether States' title is
MSC or MSU will not imperil
Michigan's fine standing. It is our
belief that competition on a com-
mon ground will only further
Michigan's superiority in every
-Mike Conklin, '57
Tom Sieb, '58
Dorm Rules .. .
WE WOULD like to compliment
Miss Kovitz on her fine edi-
torial in Saturday's Daily. She
expressed the feelings of so many
of us who are forced, because of
lack of more appropriate housing,
to live in the dormitory.
It is about time someone point-
ed out to the public the ludicrous-
ness of some of the dormitory
regulations. We feel that rules
serve a necessary function for a
group of people living together,
hi. ,47in a. flfli flty C1 I n n
Fourth. Fifth, Sixth; Homemaking; Jun-
for High Mathematics; Junior High So-
cial Studies-Geography; Junior High
Science; Social Studies (8th & 9th
Grades; Junior High English; Physical
Education-Girl's; 9th Grade Algebra
and.General Mathematics,
South Lyons, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Early and Later Ele-
mentary; Physical Education - Shop;
High School-Socil Studies; Physical
Waye, Michigan-
Teacher Needs; Elementary; Second-
ary-all fields.
Wed., March 30
Garden City, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Elementary; Junior
High-all subjects.
Milan, Michiga-
Teacher Needs: Home Economics;
Commercial (High School); English
(High School); Early Elementary; Jr.
High Mathematics; J, High Social Stud-
Park Forest, Illinois-
Teacher Needs: Elementary; Second-
ary-all fields.
Thurs., March 31
Garden City; Michigan (Fractional No 1)
Teacher Needs: Elementary.
Livonia, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Elementary; English,
Social Studies Math-Science; Commer-
cial; Special Education-Speech Correc-
tion; visiting teacher, Instrumental
The following representatives will not
be here for interviews, but have the
following vacancies:
Chesaning, Michigan-Kindergarten, Li-
brarian; Home Economics,
Copley, Ohio-Elementary; Jr. High So-
cial Studies-English; High School Li-
Glen Falls, New York-Senior High-Sci-
ence and Mathematics; Junior High
Science; Junior High-Guidance, Arts
and Crafts.
Saint Clair Shores, Michigan-Science
(Chemistry, Physics, Aeronautics)
(may be changed to Plysics or Sen-
ior Science); Commercial-Business Ma-
chines - Transcription, Shorthand,
Typing; Commercial-Typing, Girls'
Physical Education, Study Hall (may
be changed to another Typing or Gym
West Lafayette, Indiana - Elementary;
Art; Music.
For appointments or additional in-
formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Adminiti'aton Build-
ing, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Wed., March 30-
King-Seeley Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich,
-B.S. in Mech. & Elect. E., U.S. citi-
zens only, for Product Development.
Mueller Brass Co., Port Huron, Mich,
-B.S. & M.S. in Mech., Metal., and Ind.
E., Design, Plant & Devel. Engrg.
Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., Nat'l.
Carbon Co., Fremont, Ohio-B.S. & M.S.
in Mech., Metal., Ind., Elect., Chem.
E., Physics, U.S. citizenis, for Plant
Engrg., Product & Process Devel. &
Control, Industrial Product, Technical
Sales, Some Foreign Sales and Plant As-
Sylvania Elect. Products, Inc. Elec-
tronics Defense Lab., Mountain View,
Calif. all levels of Elect. E., and B.S. &
M.S. in Math. for Regular & Coopera-
tive Research and Devel.
Vickers, Inc. (Div. of Sperry Corp.),
Detroit, Mich,-B.S. & M.S. in Mech.
and Ind. E. for Engrg. Product Design
& Devel., Sales Trainee and Manufac-
turing Trainee.
Vogt, Ivers, Seaman and Associates,
Cincinnati, Ohio-all levels of Civil
. plus other programs interested for
Design, Surveying and Supervision of
Thurs., March 31--
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron,
Ohio-Juniors in Mech., Elect. E., Ind.,
and Chem. E., at least 5'8" and 150
lbs. for Summer Program for Pre-gradu-
ate Engrs.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 248 W. Engrg., ext.
Chamber of Commerce, Ashland, Wisc.,
Is seeking an executive secretary.
Electro Engrg. Products Co., Inc., Chi.
cago, Ill., has an opening for Engrs. to
petent young men to the staffs of the
magazines National Real Estate and
Building Journal and Building. These
men will handle editorial duties and
make advertising sales contacts. Re-
quires a college degree and one to three
years business experience.
Michigan Civil Service announces ex-
ams for the following positions: House-
parent, Alphabetic Bookkeeping Ma-
chine Clerk A2, Alphabetic Bookkeep-
ing Machine Clerk A, Numeric Book-
keeping Machine Clerk A2, Farm Place-
ment Specialist 1,uFarm Placement Spe-
cialist II, Institution Chaplain I, Inst.
Chaplain II, Child Welfare Worker I,
and Highway Lab. Tech. . Applica-
tions accepted no later than April 13,
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528
Ad. Bldg.
Academic Notices
Seniors. College of L.S. & A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and Pub-
lic Health. Tentative lists of seniors for
June graduation have been posted on
the bulletin board in the first floor
lobby. Administration Building. Any
changes therefrom should be requested
of the Recorder at Office of Registra-
tion and Records window number 1,
1513 Administration Building.
Events Today
"The Skin of Our Teeth," Thornton
Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning come-
dy, will be presented by the Depart-
hnent of Speech at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are on
sale at the box office 10:00 a.m.-8:00
Frosh Weekend. Members of the Props
and Set Committee, Maize Stage Crew
and any Maize Team member interested
in working on the Staging should meet
Sat., Mar. 26, 10:00 a.m. in the Under-
graduate Office of the League.
Square Dancing and Social Dancing at
the SRA Party St., Mar. 26 from 8:00-
12:00 pam. at Lane Hall. No admission
Episcopal Student Foundation, Stu-
dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong
Sat., March 26, at 5:15 p.m., in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, 1511 Washtenaw: Tau Chapter
Hosts Spring Convention of Gamma
Delta's Northeastern Region. Business
Session, 9:00 a.m.-12:00m. Workshops
beginning at 1:30 p.m. Banquet at Mich-
igan Union at 7:00 p.m.
Frosh Weekend. Stage Crew, Sat.,
March 26, 10:00 League.
Coming Events
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sun.,
March 27, 7:00 p.m., Congregational
Church. M. A. Thomas of Travancore,
India: "The Christian Mission in a
World of Revolution."
Young Democrats. Paul Adams, Dem-
ocratic candidate for the Board of Re-
gents w14 be at the home of Prof.
Richard . Boys at 1722 Cambridge
Road, Sun., March 27 at 8:30 p.m.
New Testament Discussion Group, led
by Prof. E. Wendell Hewson, Sun., Mar.
27, 3:00 p.m., Lane Hall Fireside Room.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun.,
March 27. "Faith of the Church" lec-
ture series, 4:30 p.m., Sun., March 27,
at Canterbury House. Canterbury Sup-
per Hour at 5:45 p.m., Sun., March 27,
at Canterbury House. followed by The
Rev. Robert H. Whitakr, Chaplain, dis-
cussing "The Scrament of Whole-
ness." Coffee Hour at Canterbury House
following the 8:00 p.m. Evensong Sun.,
March 27.
Graduate students are invited to join
with the Fireside Forum Group of the
First Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m.
Sun., Mar. 27 in the Youth Room to
hear two men from India talk on "Be-
liefs and Practices of Hinduism." Re-
freshments and social period.
Westminster Student Fellowship sup-
per, 5:30 p.m., Sun., March 27 in the
Student Center of the Presbyterian
Church, cost 50c. Guild meeting at
6:45 p.m., "A Psychologist Looks at
Ltheran Student Association-Sun.,
Mar. 27, 6:00 p.m. Supper at 6:00 p.m.
Dr. Gerhard E. Lenski,assistant pro-
fessor of sociology, will speak on "What
Makes a Home Christian." At 7:00 p.m.
members will go to Lutheran faculty
homes to discuss the topic over des-
sert. Corner of Hill St. and Forest
Informal folk sing at Lester Co-op,
900 Oakland, Sun., March 27, at 8:30
Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., March 27, at 2:00 p.m. at Lane
Hall for an outing. Cook Out for sup-
per. There will be no evening meeting.
Bible seminars sponsored by the West-
minster Student Fellowship in Room
217 of the Presbyterian Student Cen-
ter at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m., Sun., March
27. Early discussion will be on the
Gospel of St. John and the late sem-
inar on St. Matthew.
SRA "Summer Evening" at Lane Hall,
Tues., March 29, at 8:15 p.m. to discuss
summer study, travel, work projects.
Call Grey Austin, Univ. Ext. 2851, if
you would like a place in the program.
Academic Freedom Committee meet-
ing Mon., March 28 at 4:00 p.m. in the
Union, Room 3K to discuss possibili-
ties for a main speaker for Academic
Freedom Week April 17-21.
Education School Council meeting,
Mon., March 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Education School Council Office. Prep-
aration for elections. Refreshments.
Lane Hall Folk Dance Group will meet
Mon., March 28, 7:30-10:00 p.m. in the
recreation room. Instruction for every
dance, and beginners are welcome.
Education School Council petitioning.
April 13-20.
Russky Kruzhok will meet at 8:00 p.m.