Librarians Should Learn See Page I C, r Lmw Dai4h Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 123 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1955 CLOUDY, COLD FOUR PAGES SGC Control Over Annual Dance Kept Olympic Fund Dance Gets Council Approval By DAVE BAAD j Student Government Council de- cided yesterday to maintain con- trol over disbursal of annual) Homecoming Dance profits. Concurrently the, Council voted to delegate direction of the dance to a campus organization chosen from petitions to be submitted to SGC by April 18. Student Legislature voted con- trol of the dance to SGC Feb. 9. The question of delegating part of the profits to the directing or- ganization is up to SGC, but dis- cussion at yesterday's meeting in- dicated organizations would run the dance as a service project. Co-operation Expressed Interfraternity Council, the Un- ion and League all indicated wil- lingness to operate the dance on the non-profit basis. Homecoming Dance profits last October approximated $3,000. In other action yesterday SGC gave tentative approval to the Un- ion sponsored Olympic Fund dance, and Phi Epsilon Pi frater- nity's reactivation at the Univer- sity. , By vote of 10 to one, the Council approved the Olympic dance pend- ing submission of a proposed budg- et with provisions for possible fi- knancial loss and approval of the University Calendaring Commit- tee. Sigma Alpha Mu, whose peti- tion to sponsor a similar type dance was turned down by Stu- dent Affairs Committee Feb. 22, will help the Union put on the all- campus function. To Split Losses NSigma Alpha Mu representative Nate Greene, '57, said yesterday SAM would assume possible losses on a 50-50 basis with the Union. SAM's petition to SAC in Feb- ruary was rejected in conjunction with SAC's policy against indi- vidual housing units sponsoring all-campus events. All profits from the dance will go to the Olympic fund to pay ex- penses for United States athletes competing in the 1956 games . Phi Ep Reactivation Tentative approval to Phi Ep fraternity was given pending sub- mission of a letter from the near- est alumni chapter pledging sup- port to Phi Ep's reactivation ef- fort. Phi Ep's Detroit alumni group is in the process of reactivation. At present the nearest active group operates in Cleveland. Five men formerly affiliated with Phi Epsilon Pi at other schools form the nucleus of the new chapter at the University. The fraternity is given until September 1956, to activate 30 a men. Rushing will be carried on at the Union since the group has no chapter house. Approval Condition Phi Ep's reactivation was pre- viously approved by IFC's Execu- tive Council and the Fraternity Presidents Assembly subject to sev- : eral conditions. They are to se- cure suitable University approved housing, a scholarship average above the University all-male av- erage, and an active chapter ad- visor. Also yesterday SGC officially ap- proved Pan-Hellenic's revised con- stitution with little discussion. Ap- proval was unanimous. After presentation by Interna- -'tional Center director James Davis, SOC endorsed yesterday an idea for a book drive for the people of .Asia. See HOMECOMING, Page 3 Critic To Talk Here Monday John Mason Brown, associate editor of the Saturday Review, will speak on "Seeing More Things" at 8:30 p.m. Monday .at Hill Auditorium. The lecturer served as drama critic for both the New York Eve- ning Post and New York World- Telegram and has written numer- ous books cn the theater. Included are "Accustomed as I am," "The Modern Theater in Revolt," Two on the Aisle" and "Letters from Greenroom Ghosts." Tickets are available from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Hill Auditorium Bretton A ttacks Mayo r'sRe ma'rk Says Brown Used 'Gutter Politics'j In Discussing Proposed Charter By PETE ECKSTEIN. Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the political science department yester- day accused Mayor William Brown of bringing "gutter politics" to Ann Arbor. He also said the mayor has a campaign against the proposed new city charter that "is starting to go now." Mayor Brown has referred to some features of the new charter as a "step closer to that Communistic business." He spoke at a public meeting Thursday which he called to discuss the charter. "Bounds of Decency" Prof. Bretton said the mayor "has overstepped all bounds of de- Progress SST. LOUIS (A')-Six St. Louis University freshmen are beat- ing the system with electronics. An intercommunication sys- tem connecting their roomns al- lows them to pool their know- ledge for exams in what they modestly call a "brain-trust." Math, history, physics and an encyclopedia are included in their repertoire. "We just flip a switch for the answers," they say. OSU .Leads 'M' in NCAA Swim Meet By LEW HAMBURGER Special to The Daily House- Senal Democratic. Move Kills Tax Cut Plan ''Officials Ask Hearing MSC Name Change Sparks New Request A special hearing was requested yesterday by the University, before action is taken by the State Sen- ate Judiciary Committee on the Michigan State College name change measure.. The bill to change MSC's name from college to university has al- ready passed the house. Telegream Sent A telegram was sent yesterday by Secretary of the Regents Her- bert G. Watkins to Sen. Harry F. Hittle (R-East Lansing), chairman of the Judiciary committee, re- questing the hearing. Sen. Hittle has said that a' hearing would be granted if the University requested it. He has also indicated that study of the meas- ure will not begin till at least next week. 'U' Telegram The telegram sent yesterday by. Watkins reads: "The Regents of the University of Michigan request a hearing on House Bill 156 now before your Senate Judiciary Committee for study and consideration. Basic se- rious issues have been grossly mis- represented and ignored because of false urgency in a campaign to speed passage of a measure which has far reaching implications. "The serious import of House bill 156, which involves more than a mere name change demands ma- ture and thorough deliberation. Since the present atmosphere ofj unwarranted pressure has diverted attention from basic issues, the1 Regents must take a positive and< vigorous stand on the legal and other issues involved." Symphony Bandt To Give Concert Conducted by Prof. William D. Revelli, the 125-member Univer- sity Symphony band, will give its annual spring 'concert at 4:15 p.m.# Sunday in Hill Auditorium. Highlighting the first half of the program will be the colorful "La Fiesta El Mexicana" by Reed. The program will range from contemporary work to Bach, andi will include a saxophone quartet. cency and propriety by impugning the motives of all those who con- tributed to the formulation of the new charter and of those who urge its adoption." Prof. Bretton, long active in lo- cal Republican politics, termed the Republican mayor's remarks an "insidious attack." "His tactics are quite clear," the political scientist said. Although there is no organized opposition to the charter, "the mayor doesn't have to organize. He already has an organization. His campaign is starting to go now," he said. "Most Invidious" "There were many ways open to the mayor," Prof. Bretton con- tinued, "to express his opinion on the charter. He chose the most in- vidious one. In using the attribute 'Communistic' he was fully aware of the possible interpretation that would be given to his statement." Prof. Bretton referred to the "evil connotations" of the word and accused the mayor of violating "one of the fundamental concepts of American politics-namely fair play." "He now has the dubious dis- tinction of being among the first to bring gutter politics to Ann Ar- bor," the unsuccessful candidate for the Charter Commission said. "I certainly don't back down from my views on it one bit," May- or Brown commented yesterday. "I still stand by my statement. "Purely Theoretical" "I don't say that Ann Arbor's moving toward Communism," he said, describing his remarks as "purely theoretical." "When you take people out of government you're moving toward a dictatorship," the mayor said of the termination of the charter sta- tus of four boards and the reduc- tion in size of the city council. "It's a tendency toward a type of government that is not democrat- ic-call it whatever you want to. If that tendency occurred all over the United States it would be a step toward it." "Highest Regard" Mayor Brown said he had the "highest regard" for the members of the Charter Revision Commis- sion. He said his differences with the group centered around "one word," meaning the charter pro- vision stating that the council "may" appoint commissions, not' that it "shall." "Time will tell what I'm going to do" in taking a public position on the adoption of the charter as a whole. "You can't cast a halfhearted vote for something," Prof. Bretton said of the mayor's position. "You're either for it or against See BRETTON, Page 3 OXFORD, Ohio-Ohio State's ( amazing corps of divers took the Buckeyes a long way in the de- fense of their NCAA swimming championship last night, as they captured four out of the first five places in the one-meter dive. The diving gave Ohio State its<;:FE3 largest amount of points. 17, in one event, as Fletcher Gilders de- fended his NCAA crown over his nearest rival, teammate Jerry Harrison. Gilders, who scored a -Daily-John Hlrtzel perfect 10 in one of his dives, am- massed a total of 535.05 points, APPROACH-AVOIDANCE-Or, how to study for mid-semesters when visions of Florida sojourns compared to Harrison's total of dance in her head. Well-meaning co-ed, fortified with books and good intensions, makes a last- 520.30. ditch stand before vacation. Michigan's Jim Walters broke up the Ohio State monopoly by U LEADERSHIP tallying 475.75 points, good for * ad NewsU third place. Morley Shapiro, Or lW Frank Fraunfelter of Ohio State,A and Michigan's Charlie Bates fin- Roundup!PowerhAsks Improved ished in the lower three positions. 'M' Leads Yale by Point By The Associated Press The Buckeyes, who are well on Secrecy Violation Charged S tate So acilite s the way to another NCAA crown, y hold a considerable margin in LONDON - The Western pow- "In this cold war with Russia the outcome will be won or lost in team points over second place ers accused the Soviet Union last the schools of the United States," Eugene B. Power said yesterday. Michigan. OSU has garnered 43 night of gross violation of the se- "In a very direct sense," the Democratic candidate for University points, while the Maize and Blue crecy rules of the five-power Lon- Regent continued, "our prosperity, our national security and our free- have tallied 28. Yale is in third don conference on disarmament. dom depend upon our degree of education and upon our educational place with 27 points. They pledged, however, to push system." Jack Wardrop provided Michi- ahead with the negotiations "to Speaking to an open meeting of the Ann Arbor Democratic Wom- gan with its only win of the cast aside the horrible threat Of pen'sClubt A A r emohatic Wothe evening, as he outlasted Ohio H-bomb warfare." r o e edcaional State's Ford Kanno, to success- Th.esenpoeschre need for an improved educational succesateTh Western Po~ers c1aged(1u ic Repocrts system in the state. fully defend his 220-yard free- that Soviet Deputy Foreign Min- C a S style crown. Wardrop, who. has ister Andrei A. Gromyko leaked to 1 broken all existing records in this the Soviet news agency a plan Student FineAs a result of the past 50 years event, added another to his col- presented by him to the confer- f Republican-controlled State ed- lection, as he bettered his own ence and gave out a "Downright In conjunction with Joint Judi- ucational offices, he said, we are NCAA meet record of 2:05, with ,5,000classrooms behind in our pri- misrepresentation" of the Wes- ciary Council's new policy of re- a strong 2:04.2. tern position. leasing weekly discipline reports, ma during the next five years we must ardnfrptlefKonno0yadslightd* * $115 in fines levied at the March2duingth e margin for the first 50 yards, and and 9 meti hav ben -build 5,000 more. L Conference Supports Bill Ike Backed Corporation Tax Extension Passed WASHINGTON (A') - A Demo- cratic plan to cut income taxes $20-a-person was killed yesterday in a major victory for the Eisen- hower administration. House Democrats backing the proposal tossed in the towel in a Senate-House Conference Commit- tee. The upshot was that the com- mittee approved a Senate bill merely continuing present corpora- tion income and excise tax rates for one more year. Voice Vote The Senate then swiftly passed this bill on a voice vote. House leaders scheduled final action on the bill-minus the tax cut-next Tuesday. But that was almost a formality now. The steam was taken out of the fight when House Democrats yielded in the committee. That sounded the death knell for the Democratic plan, pushed through the House by a 210-205 vote, to give each taxpayer and each dependent a $20 annual tax cut starting next Jan. 1. Defeated in Senate The House tied this cut to an Eisenhower administration bill extending corporation and excise taxes. The Senate defeated the tax cut 61-32 and passed the straight extension bill as urged by President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er. The Conference Committee was appointed to settle the conflict, Unless extended, corporation in- come and excise tax rates would drop on April 1-just one week away-by about three billion dol- lars annually. The excises apply to automobiles, cigarettes, liquor, and other items. Ike Opposed P r e si d e n t Eisenhower had strongly opposed the Democratic tax-cutting plan throughout a long, often bitter scrap. He said it was fiscally irresponsible in view of an estimated $2,300,000,000 fed- eral deficit next year, and might bring more inflation. Democrats said Republicans had cut taxes last year, chiefly for "big corporations and wealthy per- sons," in the face of an even big- ger estimated deficit. They said their plan was needed to bring jus- tice to the "little fellow." Group To Plan Participation Plans for increased student par- ticipation in University Develop- ment Council will be discussed at two meetings this weekend. The Council's newly-formed Student Relations Planning Coin- mitee will hold its first meeting 1:30 p.m. today in Rm. 2K of the Union. Gene Hartwig, '55, will preside over the meeting of 16 students, with Ruth Rossner, 55, as secretary. Hartwig and Miss Rossner are this year's student representa- tives to the Council Board of Directors. The two representatives will report today's proceedings to to- morrow's meeting of the full Board of Directors. The Board will meet at 10 am. in the Regents' Room of the Ad- ministration Bldg., and is expected to act on a proposal for earlier appointment of its student re- presentatives. The Council Board will also dis- cuss a program to provide faculty fellowships in all divisions of the University. Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the School of Graduate Stud- ies, Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman of the astronomy department, and Dean George G. Brown of the en- gineering college will address the Board members. the Ohioan made his move just before the 100 yard mark. But, as Konno appeared ready to wrest the lead from Wardrop, the Mich- igan star opened up, and pulled away to win by 10 feet. Bill Woolsey of Indiana, who was given an outside chance of de- feating Wardrop and Konno, fin- ished third, closely at the Bu'ckeye swimming star's heel. Jones Edged "Bumpy" Jones, Michigan's cap- tain, behind by three yards with; only two laps to go in the 200 yard breaststroke event, put on a late burst of speed but was nipped at the finish line by Bob Mattson of North Carolina State. Since this is a new event, Mattson's mark of 2:26 will go down in the record books. Yale's famed 400-yard freestyle* relay team had to go all out to defeat Michigan's quintet, as the See NCAA, Page 4 Stock Market Rise NEW YORK - The stock mar- ket made its fourth straight ad- vance yesterday and closed only a short distance away from its record high scored just three weeks ago. The market in its recovery from the severe break that started 'on March 7 has almost gone full cy- cle. * * * Ambassador Ferguson WASHINGTON - Homer Fer- guson, former Republican Senator from Michigan, was sworn in as# Ambaissador to the Philippinesi yesterday. Government Pay Raise z WASHINGTON --- The Senate l overrode President Dwight D. Ei- senhower's wishes yesterday and voted to give 1,500,000 government works a 10 per cent raise in pay. It thereby risked a veto; the President has said he would view a raise of such a size with great concern. * * * 4 Glacier Onslaught NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. - The1 United States Army took on the mighty Niagara River last night with the announcement it would begin blasting operations in an attempt to slow destructive on- slaught of glacier-like ice. The ice was carrying waterfront homes and other buildings with it as it crunched toward Lake On- CAJA'.A. t' *Af ltflAX51J.. 11ave . JetS4gL nounced.# Two University students appre- hended at Michigan State College for disturbing the peace were fined $35 and $20 respectively and warn- ed against conduct unbecoming a student. The former was fined the addi- tional $15 for purchasing and con- suming alcoholic beverages as a minor. Althougki only one student re- ceived a fine, amounting to $15, four came before the Council for consuming or possession of alco- holic beverage violations. The oth- er three had fines suspended in view of court costs. If the same students come be- fore Joint Judic again for the same violations, the suspended fines will be levied. Two $25 fines were levied for second driving violations. One fine was suspended in view of financial difficulties. "A University enrollment of 50,- 000 does not at present seem prac- tical," he added and urged prepa- ration for doubled college enroll- ment in 1970. To increase college facilities, Power said, the University should take leadership in aiding the de- velopment of community colleges. It can assist in planning curricu- lums, training personnel, estab- lishing suitable standards and "carrying the ball" politically with the Legislature. Can Relieve Pressure "The development of area com- munity colleges with high stand- ards of instruction can do much," he said, "to relieve pressure in ex- isting institutions during years of peak enrollment." Power stressed the need for 23,- 000 more teachers in the next five years and the importance of pay- ing them adequately. VET BILL CONFUSION: Bonus Difficulties Criticized By DICK SNYDER Charges of "confusion" and "politics"bin the handling of state Korean bonus applications have been leveled at the Adjutant Gen- eral's Office in Lansing. Dissatisfaction has arisen over notarization of photostat copies of veterans' separation papers. Lack of organization because of "poli- tically inspired carelessness" has TOY TUG TUNA: 'Navy' Asks Race Capt. Frederick M. Middleton of the newly founded East Quad Navy has recently been at work in y the test tank of the Anderson : Naval Development and Testing Yard with his command, the speed 2 v.tug "Tuna." ganization and to instructions for agencies concerned. One ex-GI University student remarked, "A wealth of experience was available in the difficulties encounteredafter World War II. Why didn't they tap it?" "The Adjutant General's Office should, have made radio announce- ments and newspaper statements indicating just what the veteran Although Mrs. Smith is not a notary public, her certification is accepted in all state courts. Notarization Continues Bachman said that his office is still notarizing the reverse side ofk the photostats because "some 25- also been charged. V 5J V - AL - alsoeenchared. f rwas supposed to do. Many did not The General's Office refused even know what forms they were SWednesday to accept photostats supposed to have," he commented. of Defense Department separa- He claimed that the Lansing tion reports which contained administration tried to hurry the county clerks' statements in place matter through and gain the vet- of a notary public certification. eran's vote. "As a taxpayer, I ob- Donald . Bachman, head of ject," he said. "As an ardent Wil- the Veteran's Service Center in hams supporter in the last elec- the Municipal Court Bldg., said tion, I think I will vote on the that the problem arose in admin- other side after this." istrative processes. "The whole Service Center head Bachman matter could have been prevented .qidmhiwvrtht hddnot b- dollar-a-week clerk down the line I tario. might not know that the Adjutant- General's order has been revers- ed." Kenneth Speaks "We are concerned with seeing On Race Relations that men coming to us get their claims taken care of as soon as "Changing the patterns of race possible," he continued. "We'll put , Crelating ill tb pabout chae official seals upside down on the reaions wil bring abu cange papers if they want us to, and if of racial attitudes." it will prevent delay," This was one of the points made i Y ! . j$ i Capt. Middleton, who doubles as! a University Freshman, is officer in charge of Testing and Develop- ing in the EQN. The captain, de- livered a challenge to nautical minded students to race any naval vesse lagainst the "Tuna." The efitry must be of equal displacement and powered, like the "Tuna," by an electric motor, Mid- dleton said. The winner will be awarded the Coffee Cup Trophy which Capt. Middleton . displays in the accompanying picture. Bachman explained that the is- by Prof. Kenneth Clark of City sue arose when photostats from College of New York in his talk! Wayne County agencies arrived in on social desegregation yesterday. Lansing, marked only that papers Prof. Clark pointed out the var- i MMM I. i