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March 24, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-24

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Prof. Angell Discusses UNESCO


"Working for UNESCO is an
education in itself," Prof. Robert
Angell of the sociology depart-
mlent said -yesterday.
Describing the organization of
UNESCO, Prof. Angell, acting di-
rector of the UNESCO social sci-
ence unit in Paris in 1949 and 1950,
spoke of its functions and prob-
"Organiz tion of UNESCO may
be described at two levels," he said.
"At one levpl are the biannual
general conferences, where plans
for the UNESCO program for the
next two years are drawn.
Secretariat Carries Out Programs
"The second level is the secre-
tariat located in Paris, through
which the UNESCO programs are
carried out," Prof. Angell contin-
Approximately 70 states are re-
presented at the general confer-
ence meetings. The conference de-
cides which problems and pro-
jects it would like to see UNESCO
According to Prof. Angell, who
was a member of the American
delegation at Montevideo last fall,
every country expects something
differeint from UNESCO.
"The United States and the Bri-
tish Commonwealth believe that
through UNESCO people should
maintain direct contact across na-
tional boundaries to help one ano-
ther," he commented.
Ex'change Programs Bring Contact
"Among many possibilities this
contact may be accomplished
through exchange programs in
such fields as education and labor.
"In the Continental European
countries," Prof. Angell added, "it

Labs. Use Underground Space

-Daily-Lynn Wallas
... former director of UNESCO unit

is felt that UNESCO should work
mainly toward scholarly inter-
"International conferences for
scientists is an example of this
aim," he said.
Areas Want Reforms
"The nations in underdevelop-
ed areas want help with their so-
cial problems through education.
They want and need health. and
agricultural reforms," the sociolo-
gist said.

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"They appreciate UNESCO's cre-
ation of fundamental education
centers," Prof. Angell added. At
these general conferences, Prof.
Angell said people from all parts
of the world gather to work to-
"The feeling is not one of po-
litical fighting." It is a willing-
ness to work out a program. This
attitude eases the dificulty of fac-
ing differences," Prof. Angell con-
Language No Problem
Language problems at the secre-
tariat in Paris "aren't as difficult
as one might think," he asserted.
"Knowledge of French and Eng-
lish is required for secretariat
"The greater problem at the
secretariat is in the different cul-
tural notions," Prof. Angell com-
"American people are more di-
rect and outspoken than Oriental
people, for example. Consequently,
Americans have sometimes hurt
peoples' feelings," the sociology
professor continued.
Hours Cause Difficulty
"A second problem of cultural
differences was concerned with
working hours. Among the Latin
American people for example, the
mid-day meal is the most import-
ant. They feel that two hours for
lunch is necessary. Therefore they
eat lunch from one to three p~m.
"Difficulty arose when we had
business to transact and the peo-
ple concerned were out to lunch,"
Prof. Angell added.
Since geographical distribution
is one of the most important prin-
ciples at UNESCO, Prof. Angell
said it is sometimes difficult to
find competent people in under-
developed areas to come to the
Conger Receives
Director Position
Ralph G. Conger, '14, was ap-
pointed to the Alumni Association
Board of Directors Monday.
Conger was elected at the 10th
District Conference for a three-
year term on the Association. He
has previously served as district
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THE VISION RESEARCH LABORATORY will make use of equipment for presenting light targets
on screens in the new labs.

Down in the catacombs of Mason Hall, the Vision Research
Laboratory is making use of space nobody wanted.
Before work began last December, Mason Hall basement was
a dark mass of pipes and dirt.
Director of Vision Research Laboratory H. Richard Blackwell
thought of it as badly needed potential space and climbed into this
windowless cavern through what was little more than a hole in the
Told Efforts Futile
He spent several hours crawling under and over all sizes and
shapes of pipes, even after he had been told his efforts would be
futile. The space was useless because many pipes near floor level
blocked passage and couldn't be moved.
Blackwell needed space badly for his crowded laboratories which
had been moved from the attic of West Medical Building to the
third floor of Mason Hall a few years ago.
Last Resort
Now as a last resort, he thought of using a system of stairwells
and ramps to circumvent the pipes so they could acquire 5,000 square
feet of extra space in the basement.
Construction work was complicated. Dirt from the basement
was carried by wheelbarrow to a freight elevator which transported
it to ground level. Concrete was poured in through three holes in
the wall of Mason Hall.
A new stairway had to be constructed at the Northeast end of
Mason Hall. Supporting beams were laid along the walls when exca-
vating began through the maze of pipes.
Scavengers of Space
"We are original scavengers of space," James G. Ohmart, research
associate and project engineer remarked. "Everyone else likes win-
"It was a marriage of convenience to use the dark sound proof
walls for our work. The thick concrete walls were one of the few
places where dangerous heavy duty electrical equipment could be
isolated," he said.
The project is completely unique, there being nothing like it
anywhere in the United States, Ohmart commented. "There will be
a very special ventilating system
allowing us to have one of the
best controlled labs for large
screen tests.
The work of Vision Research
Laboratory consists of studying
capabilities of the eye as a detec-
tor and learning how it responds
to light.
Some projects are in conjune-
tion with the Engineering Re-
search Institute, with work also
carried on at Willow Run. The
Kresge Medical Research Building
is the center of work conducted
with the Institute of Industrial
Findings are applied to mill-
tary problems of how far away
military targets may be detected
r and how much candlepower is re-
:quired for landing-aid lights and


BEFORE CONSTRUCTION work began, Mason Hall basement
was a dark mass of pipes and dirt.

A NEW STAIRWAY was constructed at the northeast end of
Mason Hall leading to the labs.
Pictures by Sam Ching and
Engineering Research Institute

Tests In Black Rooms
Tests are conducted in special
black experimental rooms with a
white screen at one end on which
light targets are flashed. Observ-
ers are given four possible times
of occurrence from which to
choose and are asked to record the
time of occurrence at which they
saw the target.
At present the Laboratory ha*
two such testing rooms, one on
the third floor of Mason Hall and
the other in the basement be-
neath Angell Hall auditoriums.
The new construction project
will furnish eight more testing
rooms. Equipment from the pres-
ent rooms will be transferred
there and new equipment will be
added with research funds.
The new laboratories will allow
research to be conducted on a
larger scale. By next fall, Black-
well expects to have 25 observers
tested during each two hour test-
ing period, making a total of 100
paid part-time student observers
being used each day.


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CONSTRUCTION WORK cleared hallways and maneuvered
around pipes with stairwells and ramps.

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