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March 24, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-24

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THURSDAY, MAR 24, 1953

THURSDAY !.. ARCH 24..N a~1

Second Semester Pledging
Would Aid Quad, Fraternity

"Run For Your Life!"

J ITS RECENT study the Operation Inquiry
committee of the Inter-House Council crit-
icized first-semester rushing by fraternities be-
cause it "results in a divided loyalty at best (of
the rushee), and in a majority of cases, almost
complete apathy towards the residence halls."
Although no new rushing plan was submitted
in the committee report, it was the opinion of
the Inquiry group that fraternities and quad-
rangles would both benefit if rushing was de-
ferred until the second semester.
The "divided loyalty" referred to by the In-
quiry group is not caused by the rushee. Rather,
it is a characteristic of the pledge who has al-
ready signed over his allegiance to a fraternity.
THE SYSTEM of second semester rushing is
an improvement over the present method
used, but perhaps there are other systems which
are even better. One plan might be to allow
first-semester 'freshmen to rush, but to restrict
pledging to second-semester freshmen and
Second semester pledging would be an asset
to the quadrangles because it would insure them
of the undivided loyalty of their first-semester
residents. Fraternities might benefit because
they would not have to take first-semester
freshmen. Instead, they could take as pledges
only men who have firmly established them-
pelves on campus.
The fraternities would have more time to

evaluate the rushees and could get to know
them better. They could improve their member-
ship by taking only those men whom they
thought best. Because second-semester fresh-
men and sophomores would be eligible to.pledge,
the fraternities might still take two pledge
classes each year.
THE BIGGEST advantage of secondl-semester
pledging is to the pledge. It is impossible for
a rushee who has been on campus for only three
weeks to get to know the various fraternities.
But once he has already gone through a rush-
ing period, he has had a chance to formulate
his impressions of certain fraternities.
If rushing was allowed to the first-semester
freshmen, they would have an opportunity to
get to know the various houses. They would also
be relieved of the pressure exerted by the fra-
ternities in order to get them to sign the pledge
cards. If during this rushing period a rushee
liked two or three fraternities, he might open-
rush them throughout the semester. By the time
he becomes eligible for pledgeship he may have
have even decided which fraternity he liked
The overall result would be a stronger Quad-
rangle system due to more participation in ac-
tivities by the residents, and an improved Fra-
ternity system because of the better quality of
the membership.
-Norman Barr


At Architecture Aud....
THE WINSLOW BOY with Robert Donat, Margaret Leighton, and
Sir Cedric Hardwicke.
THE WINSLOW BOY is an engrossing and interesting study of
upper-middle-class British life at the beginning of the century and
of the age-old struggle of man to gain justice and freedom.
The pivotal point of the film is the expulsion of twelve-year-old
Ronnie Winslow (Neil North) from a naval school for the theft of a
meagre sum of money. The Winslow boy ardently inists he did not

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steal the money; and both his par-
ents (Sir Cedric Hardwicke and
Marie Lohr) and his sister, Cather-
ine (Margaret Leighton), are in-
clined to agree with him. It is
only a short while before the Win-
slow family hires Sir Robert Mor-
ton (Robert Donat), England's
most famed lawyer, to represent
them at the young lad's hearing.
Soon the Winslow issue assumes
national importance and becomes
a battle against the Medieval be-
lief that "thecking can do no
wrong." Of course, everything
eventually works out all right and
the boy is cleared of charges.
INTERWOVEN into the main
current of the story are several
sub-plots which recount the ro-
mantic pursuits of Catherine and
the happy-sad aspects of family
life. All of this is handled with
moderation and a sense of humor,.
Throughout, there is a feeling of
authenticity and an observance to
small details, both of which add
immeasurably to the film's enjoy-
Robert Donat as Sir Robert is
perhaps the most dominant note
in the entire picture. His portrait
of the English lawyer-cool, ele-
gant, suave, and always in control
of any situation-is finely drawn.
Donat seems to personify the Brit-
ish mind at its very best; and his
scenes are directed and performed

with admirable skill. Although he
appears some time after the film
has begun, he becomes, and re-
mains, the center of attention.
The other performances are
somewhat uneven. Sir Cedric
Hardwicke as the father gives a
believable portrayal of the stern
father, only faintly suggesting the
more human aspects of the char-
acter, which detracts little from
the performance but leaves room
for a broader interpretation. Marie
Lohr plays a conventional mother
role in a conventional style; and
Margaret Leighton as Catherine is
sometimes only half plausible as
an attractive, refined suffregette,
the perennial beauty with brains.
The remainder of the cast-espe-
cially Neil North who does a sensi-
tive job as the boy-has been se-
lected with great care and each
brings to his role both technical
and dramatic skill. Kathleen Har-
rison makes a delightfully humor-
ous maid and Francis L. Sullivan
and Stanley Holloway appear in
minor parts.
The Winslow Boy is one of the
better, more serious British films
which have recently been over-
shadowed by the "small comedies."
It is well worth seeing and its
present revival seems very justi-
--Ernest Theodossin

MSU: Infringement
Or Deserved Name

IF THE BOARD of Regents is really serious
about this Michigan State name change
thing, it should be preserving its energy for the
legal battle ahead, instead of wasting time try-
ing to persuade an incorrigible group of legis-
That is, if the Regents see the possibility of
rectification through court action.
There is, among the general statutes of Mich-
igan, one that reads as follows: "No corpora-
or corporation lawfully carrying. on business in
by any other existing corporation of this state,
mislead the public or any name already in use
tion shall assume any name which is likely to
this state, or so nearly similar thereto as to
lead to confusion or deception."
WHAT ABOUT this? The University is a cor-
poration, albeit a constitution and public
one. So is State. If the Spartans succeed in get-
ting a new letterhead, the Regents need only
bring a court action to enjoin them from fur-
ther use of any name "likely to mislead the
Certainly if a corporation for private profit
named itself "Universal of Michigan" and en-
gaged in the business of printing textbooks,
there would seem to be sufficient cause to en-
join further use of the name. The same thing
should hold if a corporation began under a
name like "Michigan State Dairy."
IN THE old days, a plaintiff had to prove an
attempt at, or success in, unfair competition
through confusing names. According to one
judge, "A corporation has no more right to use
its name to effectuate unfair competition than
has an individual." But now it need only be
proven that the name of defendant corporation
is "likely to mislead the public." The Regents
would not have to prove that State is inten-
tionally trying to confuse people.
However, courts are not always equitable and
courts, too, can be "likely to be misled." The
Regents might lose the case, if 'it were not
for the clause, "likely to mislead the public."
Anything is likely to mislead the public.
THIS WRITER does not think that State will
fool anyone, whether it call itself State
College or State University. It will still be
Michigan State.
But this writer's opinion should not stop the
Regents from pursuing their interests by re-
course to state statute. Such a court case would
make for inches of scintillating news copy.
--Jim Dygert

IN ALL RESPECT to the grand traditions of
the University of Michigan, the creation of
Michigan State University still doesn't appear
worth all the clamorous opposition drummed up
against the change in the past few weeks.
Various arguments oppose changing Michi-
gan State College to MSU. Possible confusion
resulting from having a University of Michigan
and Michigan State University heads the list.
There already is confusion among people not
familiar with the state's college situation. There
is the story of the girl from New York who
wanted to go to MSC but not knowing the Uni-
versity was any different from MSC came to
Michigan by mistake. Changing the C to a U
will not add to the public's confusion. Among
those who know the two schools are Michigan
State and Michigan anyway.
SOME CHARGE the change is unconstitu-
tional. They say the state constitution al-
lows for one university. But there can be an-
other University in Michigan as evidenced by
Wayne University and the University of Detroit,
Simply calling the school Michigan State Uni-
versity doesn't make it the state University.
Michigan under the Board of Regents still re-
mains the constitutional state university and in
questions of law should remain thus.
Corporation laws exist prohibiting adoption
of names that would lead to confusion with an-
other corporation operating in the same indus-
try. But this argument can be by-passed by al-
leging confusion already does exist and chang-
ing the C to U would make no difference.
OF ALL arguments most sympathy can be
found with those frank people who say the
grand tradition of the University gathered
through merit of its accomplishments of the
past century plus would become fused with
Michigan State's, a relative newcomer to big
time college circles. Graduates are justly proud
of graduating from the University of Michigan.
The name of University of Michigan however
is said in just that way. Nobody ever says I
graduated from Michigan State University. Peo-
ple who know the situation in educational cir-
cles will still know the difference between grad-
uates from the University of Michigan and
Michigan State University.
Michigan State College is a university. Why
not let it maintain its prestige in athletic and
other circles and still be just and term the
East Lansing school a university.
-Dave Baad

(Continued from Page 2)
(Stringed), Special Education (Men-
tally handicapped); Sr. H.S. English,
Social Studies, Physics-Chemistry.
Allen Park High School, Allen Park,
Michign-Latin; Biology English; Gen-
eral Science Mathematics; Social Stud-
Hemlock, Michigan-(Rural Agricul-
tural School)-Lower Elementary; Later
Elementary; Sr. H.S. Science.
Van Dyke, Michigan - Elementary;
Speech Correction; H.S. Speech.
Modesto, California-Elementary.
Kingsport, Tennessee - Elementary;
Jr. H.S. General Shop; General Science;
Mathematics; Language Arts; Span-
ish or Latin; Instrumental Music; Art;
Sr. H.S. Science; Commerce; English.
Maumee, Ohio - Elementary; High
School Industrial Arts; Home Econom-
ics; Business Education with minor in
either Social Studies, English, or Math-
Wheaton, linolis-Elementary.
Henderson, Nevada - Elementary -
Kindergarten through grade eight; Sev-
enth & Eighth Grade Manual Training.
Palmer, Alaska - Elementary. High
School Mathematics; Home Economics;
Athletic Coach; Commercial.
For additional informtion, please
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Building, NO 3-
1511, Ext. 489.
TV Station KETC St. Louis, Mo,, has
an opening for a man as host on an aft.
ernoon program for children, This p.
sition entails production work as well
as work before the camera.
Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, New Jersey,
offer job opportunities to Mech. E.,
Elect. E., Chem, E., Ordnance E. for
Production, Development, Research, De-
sign, and Inspection. Entrance ratings
are B.S.-GS-5, M.S.-GS-7, PhD-GS-11,
St. Regis Paper Co., Pensacola, Flori-
da, needs a Chief Draftsman for the
Engrg. Dept. Man should be a Mech. E.
and have a minimum of ten years ex-
Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., has
positions for women as Secretaries, As-
sistants in Courses,Office Assistants,
Librarians, Library Assistants, Medical
Laboratory Tech., Junior Secretaries.
For information contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Ad, Bldg., Ext.
Public Lecture. "Picasso and Ancient
Art," Otto J. Brendel, professor of clssi-
cal art, Indiana University, Thurs.,
March 24, at 4:15 p.m. in Auditorium B,
Angell Hall, auspices of the Department
of Fine Arts.
Readings by Members of the English
Department. Prof. Bennett weaver.
"Poetry: What It Is." Selections from
Frost, Maseleld, Coffin, Bert L. Taylor,
Phyllis McGinley, the Brownings, Og-
den Nash, etc. Thurs., March 24. Audi-
torium A, Angell Hil. 4:10 p.m.
University Lecture in Psychology. Fri.,
March 25 at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Dr. Kenneth B. Clark of the
College of the City of New York will
talk on "Some Implications of Deseg-
regation for Social Psychology."
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the April 23 admini-
stration of the Law School Admission
Test are available at 110 Rackham
Building. Application blanks are due
in Princeton, N.J. not later than April
13. Pick up blanks by April 1.
Graduate Record Examination: Appli.
cation blanks are available at 110 Rack-
ham Building for the April 30 admini-
stration of the Graduate Record Ex.
amination. This administration will be
Led at Michigan State College. Ap-
plication blanks are due in Princeton,
N.J. not later than April 15. Blanks
should be picked up by April 1.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, will meet Thurs.,. March 24 in.
Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30
p.m. on "The Study of Channel Capaci-
ty." Henry Quastler (Illinois) will speak.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., March 24, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering, Dr. I Marx
will speak on "Half-Plane Diffraction:
Wiener-Hopf Method."
A Social Seminar will be held Thurs.,
March 24, at 7:45 p.m. in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Building.
Panel discussion by Institute graduates
on "Education for Public Administra-
tion: A Critique." Refreshments.

Actuarial Seminar Thurs., March 24,
at 4:00 p.m, in Room 3212 Angell Hall.
Prof. Cecila J. Nesbitt will summarize
the discussion of "Interpolation in
Terms of Operators."
Electrical Engineering Department
Colloquium. Fri., March 25, Dolan H.
Toth, Engineering Research Assocates
Division of Remington-Rand, "Magnet-
ic Switching Circuits." Coffee-4:00 p.m.
Room 2500 E.E. Talk-4:30 p.m. Room
2084 E. E.
He will give a more specialized talk on
this subject to the EE-235 class Thurs.
from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in Room 2084. open
to all Interested.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., March
25, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Lowell
Doherty will speak on "The Luminous
Shock Tube and its Application to
Problems of Astrophysical Interest."
Aeronautical Engineering Seminar
"Compressible Flows With Heat Addi-
tion," by Dr. Adolf Busemann, aero.
nautical scientist with N.AC.A., Lang.
ley Field. Fri., March 25, at 4:00 p.m.
in Room 1504 East Engineering Build.
Doctoral Examination for Philip Dan-
iel Bouffard, Chemistry; thesis: "Con.
tact Angles as Influenced by Adsorption
at the Phase Boundries; Adsorption at
Interfaces Formed by Mercury, Water,
and Organic Liquids," Fri., March 25
1565 Chemistry Bldg.. at 3:30 p.m. Co.
Chairmen, F. E. Bartell and L. O. Case.
Biological Chemistry Seminar. "Acti-
vation of Pancre&tic Proteinases" under
the direction of Dr. Merle Mason; Room
319 West Medical Building, Sat., Mar.
26, 10:00 a.m.
Student Recital. Suzanne Grenard, pi.
anist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Thurs,
March 24, in Rackham Assembly Hall,
playing compositions by Galuppi,
Brahms, Schubert, and Honegger. Miss
Grenard studies with Joseph Brinkman,
and her recital will be open to the
public. It Is to be presented in partial
fulfillment of the yequrements for the
Master of Music degree
St. Matthew Passion by Bach, will be
performed at 8:00 p.m. Fri., March 25,
in Hill Auditorium, by the University
of Michigan Choir and Symphony Or-
chestra, Maynard Klein, conducting;
soloists include Harold Haugh, tenor,
Philip Duey, barito. c, Frances Greer,
soprano, and Arlene Sollenberger, con-
tralto, all members of the faculty of
the School of Music. Student soloists:
John Moser as Judas, Ja Berg as
Peter, Donald Nelso.1 as the High
Priest, William Merrel as Pilate; Joan
Marie Dudd, Pilate's wife; June Howe
and Elizabeth Fischer, Maids. Marilyn
Mason Brown will appear as organist,
Phillip Steinhaus, harpsichordist, and
Percival Price, carillonneur. The Chor-
ale Choir from twenty-four Michigan
High Schools will be conducted by
James B. Wallace. Open to public.
Events Today
"The Skin of Our Teeth," Thornton
Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning come-
dy, will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are on
sale at the box office 10:00 a.m.-8:00
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire.
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., 4:30-
6:00 p.m., Rackham Building,
Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs. at 7:45
p.m. in 311 ;. Eng.
Congressional-Disciples Guild. Thurs,
May 24, 7:00 a.m., Breakfast group at the
Guild House Chapel. 5:00-5:30 p.m., Len-
ten Meditation in Douglas Chapel. 7:15-
8:15 p.m., Bible Class at the Guild
La Petite Causette meets Thurs., May
24, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room of the
Union cafeteria. Scrabble en francais.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong
Thurs., March 24, at 5:15 p.m., in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels,
Holy Communion at 7:30 p.m. Thurs,
March 24, followed at 8:15 p.m. by four
seminars dealing with various aspects
of "Everyday Christianity," in the Par-
ish House.
Mid-Week Lenten Vespers in the
Sanctuary of the Presbyterian Church
sponsored by Westminster Student Fel-
lowship, Thurs., March 24, 5:10-5:30 p.m.
Meditation from Mark - "ogvns


On Egyptian Policy ...
To the Editor:
HAVE just read a letter to the
Editor (Michigan Daily, March 22,
1955) on Egyptian Policy signed
by four names and "eight others."
Do these "eight others" think they
are giving more weight to the ar-
As to the content, if the writers
do not like the idea of having
Egypt see "Israel as a cancer en-
dangering the Arab people," I
don't either, because a cancer is
an inner growth, whereas Israel
is a foreign imposition.
Secondly, if Saleh Salem of
Egypt said that "Egypt will not
make peace with Israel even if
Israel were to implement the UN
resolution on Palestine," this is
what is implied--
1) that Israel is not implement-
ing the UN resolutions in Pales-
tine.'The area of Israel now is al-
most double the area allotted to
them by the UN.
2) that Egypt (or any other Ar-
ab country) cannot have real
peace with the enemies of peace
and justice. The UN delegated
Count Bernadotte as Mediator in
3:30-5:00 p.m. today in Michigan Union
Russian dance group prisyadka prac-
tice will start at 7:00 p.m. today in rec-
reation room of Madelon Pound House.
We will start practicing the other steps
at 8:00 p.m.
Baha'i Student Group-sponsored dis-
cussion usually held in the League will
take place this week at Apt. 2, 612
Church St. Thurs., 8:30 p.m. All stu-
dents welcome.
S t u d e n t Leadership Conference.
Thurs., March 24, 7:30 p.m. Room 3-
KLMN of the Union. Sponsors, Michi-
gan League, Michigan Union. Leader,
Allan Menlo, Lec. in Educational Psy-
chology, consultant in adult and com-
munity education. Open to public.
Frosh Weekend-Maize Team Posters
Committee will meet tonight, 7:30 p.m.
in the League.
Coming Events
Weekly Coffee (and tea) Hour will be
held in Lane Hall Library, Fri., Mar. 25
from 4:30-6:00 p.m. The Bahai Group is
guild host.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Break-
fast at Canterbury House following the
7:00 a.m. Holy Communion Fri., March
25, Annunciation. Canterbury Coffee
Clatch, 4:00 to 5:15 p.m., Fri., March
25. at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St.
Michael and All Angels. Canterbury
Campus Series: The Right Rev. Richard
S. Emrich, Bishop of Michigan, discuss-
ing "A Christian Faces Death," third
speaker of the Lenten Series on "Chris-
tianity and Evil," at 7:30 p~m., Fri.,
March 25, at Canterbury House.
Phi Bete Kappa. Annual Meeting,
Fri., March 25, 4:15 p.m. in Room 1408
Mason Hall. Election of new members.
Members urged to attend.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Fri.,
Mar. 25, 10:15 p.m., Open House and re-
freshments at the Guild House follow-
ing the concert in Hill Auditorium. Note
the change on your Guild calendar from
8:15 p.m.

1948. What did the Israelis do?
They assassinated him in Jerus-
alem in September of the same
3) that before asking for peace,
one must have justice-a term un-
known to Israel. Our homes, busi-
nesses, schools, lands, and all our
possessions were taken over (stol-
en) by Israelis who have not yet
paid one cent in the form of in-
demnity. Now they are tearing
down Arab churches and mosques
in Israel. 900,000 Palestinian Ar-
abs, as a result, are refugees.
4) that the statement was most
probably made after a bloody mas-
sacre of some Arab men, women,
and children.
I should advise all those inter-
ested in writing on the subject to
read the history of Palestine and
the UN decisions before attempt-
ing to jot down fantastic state-
ments to suit their whimsical
My article may intrigue some to
answer it, but I shall neither both-
er nor waste my time answering
childish letters even if they are
written by more than eight.
-Raja Nasr, Grad.
* * *
Arab V iewv.. .
To the Editor:
THERE HAS been a barrage of
letters attacking me on the
Palestine issue. One of them goes
as far as accusing me of using the
vocabulary of the Nazis and of the
Communists. I would like to as-
sure that writer that the vocabu-
lary I used previously was neither
taken from the Nazi (Sturmer"
nor from Moscow's "Pravda." The
vocabulary was borrowed, howev-
er, from the work of a distin-
guished Zionist leader. In his book,
"The Revolt Story of the Irgun"
(p25) M. Begin writes, "In this
new chapter fate played another of
its tricks on me. Conspiratorial
work was to me quite unknown
before I plunged perforce into its
depths." In addition Don Peretz
irk the "Middle East Journal" (Fall
1954), quoting the Concilliation
Commission on Palestine, writes
that eighty percent (80%) of Is-
rael's Total area is land owned by
Arab refugees. If separating a man
forceably from his property is not
part of active conspiracy-if that
is not robbery-if that isn't rot-
ten, I would like to know what on
earth it is.
Also I would like to advise the
gentlemen to quit boasting of the
defeat of seven Arab states by 600,-
000 Israelis. There was no victory
or defeat in the Palestinian War.
It ended with the cease fire order
by the UN before any side was able
;o achieve a clear cut victory.
Lastly the gentleman praises
Israel's sincere desire for peace
settlement and condemns the
Arab states "stubborn refusal."
What kind of a settlement is that
which is desired by Israel? It's a
settlement on her terms or none
at all. It is one with no repatria-

Atom Use
WASHINGTON - The British
have jumped so far ahead of
us in the race to develop peace-
time power from atomic energy
that Eisenhower is appointing
another commission.
While we have been concentrat-
ing on weapons, the British in
1957 will begin getting electricity
from the world's first successful
atomic power plant. Belatedly the
Atomic Energy Commission has
realized this. So Eisenhower will
name a commission of business-
men and atomic scientists to study
what should be done about the
peacetime use of atomic energy in
the U.S.A.
Washington Pipeline
NOT ONCE since Congress con-
vened have Speaker Sam Ray-
burn and majority leaders of the
House been invited to the White
House to confer. During the 80th
Congress in Truman's day when
the Republicans had a majority,
he invited GOP leaders to the
White House every Monday .
Naval intelligence has positively
confirmed that Russia now has an
atomic submarine . . . Ambassador
Bohlen reports that ex-Premier
Malenkov is being shoved further
and further into the background
by the new Russian regime. Mal-
enkov is reported being watched
day and night by secret police and
is so worried that he is losing
weight . . . Prime Minister Chur-
chill is getting worried over the
sweet talk now being exchanged by
Marshal Tito and the new Russian
government. He has urged the
British foreign office to beware
of a Tito double-cross . . , Secre-
tary Hobby, only lady member of
the cabinet, has kept herself so
aloof that Dr. Martha Eliot of the
Children's Bureau hasn't been able
to consult her boss fo rsix months.
Barefoot Boy of Wall Street
boy whom Ike fired as chair-
man of the Republican National
Committee, has a new job-this
time on Wall Street.
He's the representative of Leh-
man Brothers for wining and din-
ing members of state toll roads
and thruway commissions in order
to get the big New York banking
firm in on 'some of the juicy
financing that goes with the thru-
Most people don't realize it, but
a whole new chapter in financing
has sprung up with the advent of
high-speed state thruways. New
York state alone is floating nearly
one billion dollars worth of thru-
way bonds-$900,000,000 to be ex-
act. New Jersey is floating $600,-
000,000; Illinois, Ohio, Indiana
about $30,000,000 each, together
with varying amounts by Okla-
homa, Kansas, Kentucky and
When you add up these amounts
and deduct 21/% per cent for finan-
cing, it comes to a lot of money,
and the banking houses are fight-
ing for the business. The bonds are
tax free, and since a lot of big in-
vestors are looking for places to
put their money without paying
income taxes, the bonds jump to
above par immediately afte they'-
re sold. This brings in further pro-
So Wes Roberts, who was fired
from the Republican National
Committee for lobbying with the
Kansas legislature, has now turn-
ed to big-time lobbying. No longer
is he merely interested in the sale
of a Kansas hospital at Newton.

He commutes from Wall Street to
Washington to Indianapolis to try
to persuade his old Republican
friends to let Lehman Brothers
manage their state highway finan-
(Copyright, 1955, by the Bell Syndicate)
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH, presented by
the Department of Speech
AFTER Strindberg, after O'Neill, after Obey
and Cocteau came Thornton Wilder. Ex-
pressionists they used to be called, although
for some reason the word isn't very fashionable
any more, mostly, I suppose, because the tech-
nique has become so absorbed in other tech-
niques that it is scarcely recognizable as such
any more. Back in 1942, however, when "The
Skin of Our Teeth" won its Pulitzer Prize, ex-
pressionism had reached the height of its
decadence and this is a still-amusing example
of what it was like.
What Wilder is expressing in his play is "a
tribute to the indestructibility . . . of the aver-
age American at grips with a destiny." His
hero is one George Antrobus, a common
man who nominally lives with his wife and
two children in Excelsior, New Jersey, but
who, in the course of the play, undergoes the
threat of glacial demolition, the flood of Noah,
and the disaster of war. The Antrobus parlor,
in other words, becomes all the dwelling places
of man through the ages, and the Antrobus
family is all the families like his which have

Wilder tells his story both satirically and
sentimentally, and his hope is evidently that
by constantly transposing the one mood with
its opposite, he will negotiate the dramatic
tightrope to something that is both "sensible"
and good theater. In the play, therefore, he
continually interrupts the ostensible plot with
extensive asides to the audience, various Hell-
zapoppin hijinks both on and off stage, and
the frequent elevating and lowering of flats.
TEE PLAY may, however, still come off as
Hellzapoppin. What this depends on most-
ly is the artful management of all those props
on the stage. Timing is the crucial factor here,
and although even awkward timing is approp-
riate to "The Skin of Our Teeth," some of the
Speech Department production was funny
only because it was awkward. In the import-
ant second act, the most adult in its tone,
this awkwardness was especially debiliating,
and the play, as a result did not get its proper
emotional lift into the third. It needed Elia
Kazan or somebody here.
It left, in other words, too many burdens
on the shoulders of capable actors like Paul


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