NO RUSHING CHANGE See Page 4 CI r Latest Deadline in the State :4Ia it CLOUDY, COLDER VOL. LXV, No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1955 SIX PAGES Ban Causes Conference ! V 'E " SGC Considers .n .0.i ,o Cancellation Ban on Oppenheimer Cited at Washington U SEATTLE (R) - The University of Washington announced yester- day it has been forced to cancel an important scientific conference April 7-8 because of its ban against Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. The University said seven of eight Eastern scientists who were to have led the conference signed a round-robin letter refusing to appear because of the Oppenheim- er ban. Cited 'Governmental Relationship', Dr. Henry Schmitz, university president, recently barred Oppen- heimer's appearance as a guest lecturer in the spring because of what he termed the atomic physi- cist's "governmental relationship." Oppenheimer was denied access last year to atomic secrets on se- curity grounds. The "conference, listed as a "Symposium on the Molecular Ba- sis of Enzyme Action," had been expected to draw more than 200 scientists from all parts of, the country, said Dr. Hans Neurath, head of the university Medical School's Department of Biochem- istry. Scientists Listed By DAVE BAAD First steps were taken last night toward administrative organi- zation of Student Government Council. After presentation by Hank Berliner, '56, SC voted to send his proposed new admxinistrative structure to a special committee. Government Regents Set Poll Finds MSC Name Einds Market Ais Arport Investigation Supervisors hange Disliked at 'I; Baruch Appears By2 yAN BALast Aples B pecial to 1hIe Daily Ais Last Witness -BELLEVILLE --The University 'Ia 11ate 11C bfnl116R l B~oard of Rk~egents were made Ad-! ,,tJ.1oU±au. 1i..- .Rnrivy tofLte,, sanw, I -m.J %.w W% -n- ww -LJL - 6 lk IL- JL U, J- -JL SAL l The committee will report back to SGC as "soon as possible." WASHINGTON (AP)-Bernard M. RunAirport Orinance last nigh t. Containing many features of Student Legislature's structure, the Baruch, adviser to presidents, In its second public hearing, the proposal provides for three standing committees-public relations called for "an effective shield of In and elections, campus affairs, and human and international welfare. defense" yesterday. He also called Joint Willow Run Airport Zoning Representative Coordinator Planned for replacing the fear of inflation Board unaimouslya Capbel o An administrative wing headed by an administrative coordinator, with the confidence of stability. make the Regents the administra- a National Student Association Coordinator, a finance committee, Preserve Credit, Security tive and enforcement agency. and a nominating and interviewing committee for appointments to He told the Senate Banking The ordinance itself has not yet boards (i.e. Cinema Guild) under SGC, are also propsed in the reconm- Committee: "If we do not preserve been passed by the zoning board. mended structure. our national security and our na- Purpose Given Under Berliner's plan a special representative coordinator is sug- tionalacredit,uthen nothing can The purpose of the ordinance is have lasting value.1 puos gested to coordinate work of all appointees to special committees, Bdto give safety to airportipersonnel (i.e. appointments to Academic Freedom sub-committee). Bar uch, who made millions in an epei eieta itit SWall Street, was the final witness Iadpol nrsdnildsrcsI The special committee headed by Berliner will concentrate on !aIs the tnd upithees around the field.I defining composition for committees proposed in the structure, mak- weeks of sometimes stormy putrec Campbell said "Investigation ing provisions for appointing members to the committees, and de- weeks o s the st-my public shows the ordinance will not cause ______________hearings on the 18-month boomIloeigrrmvaofnybid --fining to whom committees should in the stock market. lowering or removal of any build- A mbe responsible. ings or trees." A'i I1 e titutionsCmmitteeCe g Chairman JabesW i a t Itdoesplacedefiniteheight SGC also agreed that the Con- (D.-Ark.) said the hearings dis- stitutions Committee.Calendaring closed no major abusesin market itations and minor land use re- Committee and University Housing activity, adding: "I didn't expect strictions upon lands within a 10- HCommitteeshould be made re- to find any when we started." mile radius from the airport's cen- sponsible directly to the Council, ter. To Maintain Cinema Guild Cause Confidence Loss Not Restrict Housing Senator Homer Capehart, (R.- 1? eBycunaminous vote SGC voted Ind.), said he still thought the in- Darrell S. Downey, of the Mich- to accept SL recommendation quiry was designed "to embar- igan Department of Aeronautics quir va desgne to mba- Isaid, This ordinance is not in- Cinema Guild be maintained un- rass the Eisenhower Administra- tend, to rrinctei nt hu- If we think we have good is- der the Council in the same form tion and to cause people to lose iene"s sues in 1956, we should charge as under SL. confidence in the economy." against the leader of the party and All major policy decisions will The effects it will have on fu- ! !l.b aeb h oni u h In inviting Baruch- to testify, the I ure construction will be to limit directly involve the President in bemade by the Council, but the Committee asked for his views on to 500 feet any building construc- the campaign." Cininity Gul oard has, spon- "whether present levels of stock tion or trees which are within four fsibility for choosing movies, spon- prices and recent acceleration ofto1mieofhecnrladg This was Lt. Gov. Philip A. sors and manager for the Guild. prices cndstiutnt afiel.rUndrnfou to 10 miles of the center landing Hart's prescription for political Under recommendation Cinema stock market prices constituted a ,field. Under faur miles the height Hart'sr escriptin fr olitlGuild is only student organization potential danger to the economy." limitation will decrease to a maxi- victory in 1956 as he outlined it to ,Guilde isws onlyr sstudentllownorganizationnsec yesterday's Young Democrat meet- authorized to present a regular No one knows whether stock mum allowance of 25 feet in sec- program of movies for an admis- prices pre too high today," Baruch tions adjacent to the airport. ing. sion fee, said. Campbell noted that the effects "We've got to say-'now here's On a motion by Daily Managing If general economic and securi- on land use would be negligible. He the man directly responsible," he Editor Gene Hartwig, '55, SGC ty policies are sound, he told the said, "Use of lights that would said, voted last night to use East Quad- committee, "the stock market will conflict with airport landing lights Above Break-Even Point rangle facilities for temporary adjust to them and we will not would be prohibited." Noting that President Dwight D. home of SGC. need to worry about a possible Few Conflicts Seen Eisenhower's popularity seems To Use Library collapse of the market." Also the installation of high fre- "well above the break-even point," SGC will iicntry nP ,,,nIFactors in Rise quenv eauirnt su a r : I , r t I f The men who signed the refu- sal letter are Robert A. Alberty, as- sociate professor of chemistry, University of Wisconsin.; Korad Bloch, professor of biochemistry, Harvard University; David E. Green, professor of enzyme chem- istry, University of Wisconsin; Ar- thur Kornberg, professor of micro- biology, Washington University of St. Louis; Henry A. Lardy, profes- sor of biochemistry, University of Wisconsin; William H. Steam, a member of the Rockefeller Insti- tute for Medical Research, and Bert L. Vallee, associated with the Biophysics Research Laboratory at -Daily-Fred Day CASE CLUB SEMI-FINALISTS--Winners in the semi-final round of the Henry M. Campbell competition, sponsored by the law school, were John Appel, '56L, George Ewing, '56L, Howard Downs, '56L, and Julius Poppinga, '56L. Pictured in the competi- tion is Roger Kidston '57L. The final round is April 23. No Collapse for Russia Indicated in Near Future' 7 9 , 1 3 t z Harvard. Eighth Scientist Declines ; The eighth scientist, Charles S.I Hanes, professor of biochemistry at the University of Toronto, did not sign the letter but indicated to the university he had similar rea- sons for not particip4ting in the conference. The letter expressed the view that refusal to hire Oppenheimer had "clearly placed the University1 of Washington outside the com- munity of scholars." Dr. Schmitz commented that the university's action had been mis-; understood. He said no question1 of academic freedom is involved. Grade Schools ra fl IRd r A n + ilua ae new 1oary Lt. Gov. Hart described him as room located in the basement of Baruch told the committee two liberal but conservative, bold but East Quadrangle for general office main factors in the economy safe, cooperative but not compro- space and the East Quad Council caused the general rise in the price mising.". room for meetings. level of stocks. Last year's election indicated East Quad Council voted to let They were, he said, "the dra- that the voting shift to the Re- SGC use the space at its meeting matic expansion and improvement publican Party in 1952 was not Tuesday. SGC will pay $100 a of so many industries," and "the permanent, Homer Cooper of the month for the space to the East cumulative effects of the infla- Survey Research Center said. In Quad Council. tionary policies which have been 1954 the people seemed to vote ac- East Quad Council is In debt followed over the last decade and. cording to party loyalty, mainly $3,800 to the University for con- a half." Democratic, rather than on the struction of the library and ad- "If any economic danger threat- basis of attraction to issues or joining rooms as part of Opera- ens today, it will be found not in candidates. tion Ransom. the stock. market itself but in the A higher proportion of Repub- Temporary SGC chairman John effects of this inflationary he- licans vote than do Democrats, he Baity, '55, set up a five member tage," he added. said. "The Democrats will win if committee last night to study pos- tgh de, they get to the polls." sible by-laws for the new student Korean War Role government. 111?Rec ive Hartwig suggested consideration aa e Cooper emphasized the role of ofab-a aigSCato the Korean War issue played inofab-wmkigSC ctn the 1952 election. Other issues take effect immediately beforefin- O.en A w ard e 95 eletion Othr isuesal Review Board approvalW } N gQ might now arise which the people Review Board could stop any ac- would not consider President Ei- tion taken on measures immed- Dave Baad, '56, was chosen yes- sen oer the best man to handle, iately by disapproving SGC vote. terday as winner of the $170 Delay in some cases might ser- Wendy Owen Memorial Award. Americans consider the Republi- iously hamper success of SGC ac- Given annually to a Daily staff cans strongest on issues of inter- tion, Hartwig said. The Review member, the award was set up in national affairs, Cooper observed, Board has four days to consider memory of Wendy Owen, former while Democrats have the edge on a measure before taking veto Daily night. editor who died in economic issues. action. the summer of 1951. Constructive "This is a party that's going _-contribution to the campus com- ee By DIANE ABAKAS welding machines would be re- y stricted if it interferred with land Information gathered from for- to air communications." He com- mer Russian citizens indicates mented, however, that there would that there will be no collapse of, probably be very few conflicting the Soviet Union in the near fu-, cases. ture, Harvard University's Prof. To handle the variances from Alex Inkeles, said yesterday, the zoning regulations, the zoning Director of the Russian Research board is authorized to establish a Center which conducted inter- Board of Appeals. The appeal views of former Russian citizens# board which will consist of five ap- in 1950-51, Prof. Inkeles said in pointees was to be established at Rackham Amphitheater that de- last night's meeting. Since the only spite the injustices suffered by; two suggestions for the appoint- many of the people all tended to ments were made itwas necessary show some allegiance to the wel- to postpone nomination until the fare state. next meeting. Felt System Misapplied Townships Effected "These citizens who refused to Campbell recommended, "The return to Russia after World War Sfiv n chA11 rn a f nrlnIrT ___ . . to personal situations by the gov- ernment. They also objected to the gov- ernment's feeling that the average citizen was inert and therefore had to be pushed to get a job done," asserted Prof. Inkeles. Constant Sacrifice Disapproval of constant sacri- fice necessary to reap few large material rewards were frowned upon by the people, Prof. Inkeles said. He added that many of the peo- ple opposed the frightful toll of responsibility that they were sub- jected to. Manufacturers, who were sub- ject to arrest or "dockment" of pay, and doctors, responsible for the issuing of only necessary sick leaves to workers, were examples cited by Prof. Inkeles of people affected by this policy. Importance of the welfare state to those former citizens and their hostility to capitalism were some of the regime's strong points, mentioned by Prof. Inkeles. Bill Moved To Judiciary, Committee 'No Implications' Seen by Hatcher By MURRY FRYMER Almost twice as many Univer- sity students oppose the proposed Michigan State College-to Univer- sity name change as favor it it was found yesterday, but a large segment of the campus, popula- tion just "doesn't care." A Daily random sample of stu- dent opinion questioning 273 cam- pus students revealed that 51 per cent (139) oppose the change, 26, per cent '(71) favor it, and 23 per cent (63) prefer to remain neu- tral. Many of those opposing said, however, that it was the similarity of names, not the title "Univer- sity" to which they objected. Hope Dimmed in Senate In Lansing, meanwhile, a Uni- versity attempt to defeat the Sen- ate bill which would establish Michigan State University looked considerably dimmer yesterday, By amajority of two, the Sen- ate decided to send the MSU bill to the Judiciary Committee, in- stead of the Education Commit- tee where it would normally'go. The bill's backers, fearing that the Education committee headed by Sen. Don Vander Werp (R-Frm- mont) would kill it, were highly optimistic about the switch. Headed by Sen. Harry F. Hittle (R-East Lansing), five of the seven Judiciary members were reported ready to report the bill out. Will Give 'U' Hearing Hittle said the committee could not consider the measure until next week. "Of course, we will give the Uni- versity of Michigan people a hear- ing if they ask for one," he said, "We always grant requests for hearings." President Harlan H. Hatcher said yesterday he saw "no impli- cations" in the Senate move. One of the University protests concern- ing House Education committee action on the bill was that it al- lowed no hearing before report- ing it to the floor.. 'U' Student Opinions Opinions voiced by students here in The Daily poll were similar to those established by others fav- oring and opposing the name change. Those favoring pointed to MSC'>s qualifications for University stat- us, while many of those opposed said that there would be too much resulting confusion, Those who didn't care called the matter "ridiculous," "trifling" or blamed the Regents "for making fools of themselves." In favor, Shirley Glassner, '58, said that "people home in New Jersey call it Michigan State and don't even know it's not a univer- sity." MSC Doesn't Fit Bill On the other side, one student said "the connotation of the word x " "G in Y l I' S 1 x' t, Y Salk Vaccine Plans have been set up to vac- cinate all first and second grade school children in Washtenaw County with Salk vaccine, if it is nrnved effectivP Cnit T-ast nve men snouda come from -the townships most effected by the or- dinance and at least one should have a good knowledge of aero- nautics." The major cities in these town-# ships include Ann Arbor, Plym- outh, Livonia, and Ypsilanti. At their next meeting, April 6, the zoning board will act on the important issues of adopting the ordinance and appointing the Board of Appeals.j II did so not because they ob- jected to the Communist system but because they felt the system was being misapplied by bad men," remarked Prof. Inkeles. He said the ex-Russian citizens objected to-the many unnecessary arrests, stress of national goals at the domestic expense, and contin- uous appliance of political terms mentioned by Prof. Inkeles. atest Civil Defense Strategy pjuvtutu tave, uounuy eai nplaces," Margaret Price, national Director Otto Engleke said yester- committeewoman from Michigan day, told the YD's. She expressed en- Vaccinations will be adminis- couragement at the large number tered, without charge, starting the of young governors in the party. last week in April or the first week "If Stevenson wants the nomi- in May, depending on when vac- nation, he has it," Mrs. Price said cine is made available, Dr. Eng- of the 1956 campaign picture. leke reported. Lt. Gov. Hart qualified the re- Three shots will be given each maik by adding, "if his attitude child. After the first shot, there doesn't change he won't get the is a week's wait before the sec- nomination." Ig I ond. Final shot is given one month Commentin Go Willi ' after the second. Dr. Engleke said Cmetng on Gov. Wliams' afer for higher office, he said he believed the vaccination pro- "until a person like that is reject-, gram could be completed by early ed, I always believe there's a great June, possibility." Debate on Treaties PARIS (4)-The French Senate opened its debate yesterday on the West German rearmament trea- ties. Ratification by the Senate, or Council of the Republic, is ex- pected to complete French parlia- mentary discussion. That is the last big obstacle to putting guns back ri the hands of Germans. A half dozen other countries still must ratify one or another of the treaties, but no difficulty is in prospect. munityAis major criteria, for the award. Baad is a night editor on TheI Daily staff, and a member of Sphinx, junior men's honorary. He is vice-president elect of the literary college senior class, and a member of Delta Upsilon frater-] nity. . Members of the award commit- tee were: Dean of Men Walter B. Rea; Dean of Women Deborah Bacon; Daily Managing Editor Eugene Hartwig, '55; Daily Wo- men's Editor Roz Shlimovitz, '55; and Daily Sport's Editor Dave Liv- ingston, '55. Kauper Appointed Emphasizes Evacuation Plans Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the University Law School, was ap- (EIT'S N oTde :This article, fourth in a series of seven, discusses rea- pone ote C m iteo c- sons behind civil defense evacuation strategy.)} pointed to the Committee on.Aca- '1 demic Freedom and Tenure by the By DICK SNYDER Association of American Law It is foolish to talk any more about staying in a city to duck and School Executive Committee, take cover during an enemy attack. Wesley A. Sturges, president of In a recent release of material on the destruction potential of the Association of American Law the hydrogen bomb, Federal Civil Defense Administrator Val Peter- Schools, announced yesterday the son said that personal protection depends more than ever on dis- appointmet of a number of im- portant Association committees. tance from the target area,.{ Included among these commit- Shelters Within Four-Mile Radius Useless tees is the onp to which Prof. It is estimated that shelters within a four-mile radius of the'bomb Kauper was appointed. detonation will be useless, and it is impossible to tell how many miles