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March 23, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-23

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Latest Deadline in the State


0 0 0 04
440 q a C>




O K's


Name Change, Bill






View Yalta
{liiitreliil Vaoue
r D Oin Future Plans
-Daily-Dick GasTil - A
B YCM WANT A LOnG TLnW VOUPE? By The Associated Press

Tail First
SAN DIEGO, Calif. (/P)-A
kangaroo was loose'yesterday.
The zoo advised citizens to
grab him by the tail.
"Kangaroos sit on their tails
when they kick," said Ken
Howard, the zoo's keeper. "If
you hold it he can't kick, but
hold it with both hands."
The 14-month-old kangaroo,
named Parky, was on loan by
the zoo to a television station.

Two Moves
To Kill Bill
Meet Defeat
Official Ruling
Due This Week



The midwest's curious weather
erupted yesterday from something
irksome to something awesome
bringing sudden and unexpected
ed destruction.
Michigan suffered the worst of
March's onslaught as 75-mile-per-
hour winds ripped the southern
half of the lower peninsula, leav-
ing behind them torn off roofs
Cit Charte
Scheduled I
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr
has called to discuss the propose
"However," the mayor said,
as to just what will come out of t
morrow in the City Hall Council C
city officials as well as interested
charter to "determine what is bes
"The meeting is not slanted i
ning this meeting and there won

-Daly--Chuck Kelsey
Weather Brings
broken. windows and crumpled stranding hundreds of residents in
trees.their homes surrounded by water.
roperty damage in the state ITrees Topple Here
Pro pe dmae rthate Ann Arbor got off relatively
has been estimated as more than easy. Even so, 62-mile-per-hour
a million dollars. Deaths attributed wind tossed heavy branches around
f to the weather's attack on the like toothpicks and sent trees top-
- midwest have totaled 24. pling on cars. Power lines were
z Along the shore of Anchor Bay blown down and windows broken,1
- near Port Huron, winds blew Lake but no casualties were reported.
St. Clair three miles inland, One of two victims of the weath-
so far reported in the state was
eight-year-old David Siegler of Al-
[G: legan, who was struck by a car in
a blinding snow storm as he at-
S;tempted to cross a street.
Snow hit Ann Arbor, too, before
the wind subsided and while tem-
peratures hovered near the freez-
ing point. The resulting mixture,
of rain and wind in the morning
ECKSTEIN and snow, wind and cold temper-
., yesterday predicted a meeting he atures in the afternoon made Ann
d new charter will be "very interest- Arbodstreets precarios. freakish
weather in Ann Arbor were police
I wouldn't want to hazard a guess" switchboard operators and Detroit
the meeting, called for 7:30 p.m. to- Edison Co. troubleshooters.
Chambers. The mayor has invited all Trees, Wires Blown Down

citizens to come and discuss the new
st for -Ann Arbor."
Not Slanted
in any direction," he said. "I'm run-

be any monkey business about it."
Mayor Brown has said he will
give his "wholehearted support" to
the new charter if its backers will
"compromise their views some-
what" and back a subsequent
amendment to the document, if it
passes in the April 4 election.
He indicated he would like to
see boards made mandatory, as
they are now, and "keep pretty
much the same powers they have
Mayor Brown has said he will
give his "wholehearted support"
to the new charter if its backers
will "compromise their views some-
what" and back a subsequent
amendment to the document, if it
passes in the April 4 election.
He' indicated he would like to
see boards made mandatory, as
they are now, and "keep pretty
much the same powers they have
New charter terminates the
charter status of many of the
boards, which now have jurisdic-
tion over city departments. Howev-
er, it empowers the council to ap-
point groups to advise the depart-
"Charter Will Pass"
"The charter will pass. There's
no question in my mind that it'll
pass," the mayor predicted.
"It took the charter commission
two years to make up their minds,
and they only give the voters twoj
weeks to make up theirs," he said,
explaining tomorrow's meeting.
"I'm a little teed off about that
sort of thing."
Charter Revision CommissionI
Chairman Lawrence Ouimet took
issue with the mayor, saying the
commission announced its deci-
sions pretty much as it made them
during the course of its study of
the charter. He said the decision
has been known to the mayor and
the public for around a year.
Ouimet's group held public
hearings on "what we called the
charter's 'unfinished form'" in De-
cember and January, he said. "Mi-
nor changes" in the new charter

Last SAC Banquet
To Be Held Today
Student Affairs Committee will
hold its grand finale banquet at
6:15 p.m. today in the Union.
Although no form X1 speeches are
on the agenda, Assistant to the
President Erich A. Walter and for-
mer Student Legislature President
Bob Neary, '55BAd., will give short

Beginning at 8 a.m. yesterday,
calls began to pour in reporting
It Did
Drop Inn slipped down its em-
bankment into Anchor Bay yes-
terday during the wind and
rain storm.
blown down trees and wires. About
9:30 a.m., everything seemed to
happen at once, as a tree and wires
were reported down at 1015 E. Hu-
ron, a tree was nestled in the roof
of a car at 520 Hi and wires were
strewn across another auto at 500
N. Fourth Ave.

Amerian an Britsh viws on Gil Lee, the television sta- Efforts to change the name of
the Yalta papers were expressed tion man responsible for Parky, Michigan State College to "Uni-
1/ysedywe w eaosadsaid people wouldn't believe versity" moved into the state Sen-
a D e s tr u c tio n Prime Minister Winston Church- imwhenlsahaooky atetoday,afterwinningover-
ill of England spoke their mindsfoalstknro.he whelming approval by the House
on publication of the papers. "nuts" or "go away, he re- of Representatives yesterday.
__n._HubertH._Humphrey__D-_ported. The House, after two attempts
ISen. Hubert H. Humphrey {D- ______________
to defeat the name change bill,
Trees were being blown down all ripped up roofs and ripped down Minn.) proposed in the Senate voted 88 to 14 in its favor,
day, including one as late as 8 trees and poles. Chicago's Midway that an investigation be underta-v d o no
p.m. last night on Harding Rd. Airport was closed temporarily. ken to determine who "leaked" the harre P ic y Leading the fight for a public
Just before noon, someone called Temperatures were in the 50's papers. WeaSang a ee Rp
in that a fence had been blown yesterday morning before a low Johnson Bits Publication George W. Sallade, (R-Ann Ar-
down at the courthouse. ' pressure area moving up from the Sen. Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex) 9tOO i bewho"railroaded" through the
The Detroit Edison Co, was kept south brought wind and snow. The shouted that publication of the house.
busy repairing fallen wires and mercury plunged to a low of 23 by I1houNo
Ss e in en wre n er n conference papers seemed to have' "No Exit" by Jean Paul Sartre Charge Bill Unconstitutional'
snapped poles. Linemen were even afternoonkbeen engineered in a maneuverEC
I called upon to douse flames on The low pressure .area has mov- aimed at the Democrats. He said will resume its run at the Dra- Other opposition moves were
j poles broken by the wind along ed on to Canada, the weatherman circumstances under which the matic Arts Center at 8:15 p.m. made by legislators who charged
LBarton and Longshore Drives. said, and today's winds will be di- documents got into print "strang- today. the change is "unconstitutional,"
B n Airport Closed minished. He predicted continued ly suggest official collusion. claiming that the constitution al-
C Northern Indiana and Illinois cold weather, with a high of 32 Alluding to the American version play features Gistirak as Kradeau wsfor one agriculture"college"
played host to a blinding blizzard and some clouds but no more snow. of the papers, Churchill said yes- Irma Hurley as Inez Rica Mar- and one university.
that tied up blockades of cars and Normal high for this time of the terday he does not remember mak- tens as Estelle and Ralph Dris- A proposed amendment to the
high winds that left a trail of $ year is 47 degrees, he added. ing the sort of remarks about the ces asEtellboy.RGrand bill by Rep. Thomas Whinery (R-
Poihpol trbtdt i.chell as the bellboy. Grand Rapids) changing the Col-,
Polish people attributed to him.g
He told Parliament that if he Reflecting Sartre's theory of lege name to "Lansing State Uni-
POLiO RESEARCH RESULTS: had indeed said what the version life as an eternal duel, "No Exit" I versity" was received with snick-
reported, the remark must have was written at the height of his ers and little support.
F ran c s been taken completely out of con- career. It was first performed in Sponsor of the bill was John J.
FG ive Stext. Paris at the close of World War McCune (R-East Lansing) who
Churchill insisted that again I.L said that the name change had
Sand again he fought for the ights Eenngbeen ruled constitutional last year
GCCIEC Or A TE 1 of olan. I th pulictio heby former Attorney General Frank
V accine R e o tA1rl12 oland.agInefufo the rihs Evening performances of the
publication he!play will be presented today
is quoted as saying "I do not care G. Millard.
muhfrth oe msl. through Sunday and March 30 toG.Mlad
By LEE MARKS April 3. The final performance will However, no decision has as yet
neso akvciea cetfcmeighr nArl1.-Churchill's Future? b :0pm aie been handed down by the new At-.
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., will give the official report on effective- ,Ihrhl' uue be a 2:30 p.m. matinee. torneaGeneal Thom Kaa
ness of Salk vaccine at a scientific meeting here on April 12. .Throwing the whole question of It will be the final presentation naugh. The Associated Press said
Director of Poliomyelitis Vaccine Evaluation Center and chair- Churchill describedheeports'a by the DAC for the current season. 'last night that an official ruling
'man of the Department of Epidemiology, Dr. Francis will reveal the his Conservative colleagues were from Kavanaugh is expected lat-
extent to which Salk vaccine was effective in preventing paralytic polio. urging him to retire as "chatter of .er this week.
His findings are based on an evaluation of field trials held last the press." His statement definite-AwardLs iVC1 No Legal Action Discussed
summer in the United States, Canada and Finland in Which 1,830,000 ly established that whatever his' iIn Ann Arbor, Roscoe O. Boni-
children participated, 440,000 of them receiving vaccine. plans are, he does not intend to AtD steel of the Board of Regents said
Joint Announcement make them known at this moment. yesterday "as far as I know, there's
A joint announcement yesterday by Basil O'Connor, president An attempt to get Churchill to been no discussion of taking legal
comi hmslfws etwih n Eghy-igtmen and women ~cino h atr
of the National Foundation for In- other evasive answer. The lobbies with averages of 3.5 or over were He said it was premature to talk
President Harlan H. Hatcherset SG C To Hold in the house and press gallery honored last night during the, an- of legal action as the bill still must
the place and date of Dr. Francis' were not clear as to whether he nual West Quadrangle honors din- pass through the Senate.
lgwtro.was flatly denying all reports or President of the University Har-.
long-awaited report. n Meetin Today merely one published in the Man- ner. lan Hatcher said yesterday he ex-
onTheer D Fncs' sfinain chester Guardian. After the banquet Harry Burke, pected an open hearing would be
_nwhetrDr._ansndings57, was presented the Donald Joel held on the issue by the Senate.
would be released from New York Student Government Council - '- Brown Award, with Gerhard Ohl-
1or Ann Arbor. ilhl seilmein t83 I jForMe tn haver, '56E, as alternate. Mv oSic omte
Scientists and physicians from will hold a special meeting at 8:30 ;oAccording to informed sources
all parts of the nation are being p.m. today in the Union. WASHINGTON A series of The $100 award is given annual- in Lansing, a move is underfoot to
invited to the meeting, sponsored Discussion of administrative or- ttments left in doubt ly to the student from Lloyd House switch consideration of the name
by the National Foundation and ganization, by-laws and rules of yesterday just where the Admini- showing outstanding scholarship, change in the Senate from the
the University. procedure for the new SGC head tion stands on the proposal by citizenship, house leadership and Eucation Committee to the State
Dr. Bronk to Preside . today's agenda. Sen. Walter F. George (D-Ga.) for character. Affairs Committee.
Dr. Detlev W. Bronk, president - The Council will also consider a conference with Russia. John M. Hale, Resident Director The move is being pushed by
of the National Academy of Sci- direction of Cinema Guild, for- The only thing that seemed cer- of the Quadra:gle, presented Wen- backers of the name change be-
ences and president of Rockefeller merly handled by the Student Leg- tain was that neither the White ley House with the West Quad- cause, it is felt, too much opposi-
Institute, will preside. islature. House nor the State Department rangle Scholarship Award for the ,tion has already been expressed in
In addition to Dr. Francis, Dr. SL delegated responsibility for wanted to get into any public dis- highest academic averaya as of the .Education Committee.
Jonas Salk of the University of Cinema Guild to SGC at its Feb. 9 pute with George. last June. Discussion was active through-
Pittsburgh, discoverer of the vac- meeting. Guests of honor included Dean out the House action yesterday,
cine, will address the scientific Although today's meeting is U B of Women Deborah Bacon, Dean spurred on at times by Michigan
group. special, regular SGC meetings willI of Men Walter B. Rea and Assist- State rooting sections in the gal-
Other speakers will include Dr. be held in the future at 7:30 p.m. Frank C. Gates, 67 years old, ant to the Dean of Men Peter A. leries.
David Bodian or the epidemiology Wednesdays. This week's regular will known authority on Kansas Ostafin. Guest speaker for the eve-j Gallery Applause
department, .John Hopkins Uni- meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. and Michigan vegetation, died at ning was Regent Alfred B. Con- When a motion to allow a hear-
versity, Dr. Thomas M. Rivera, di- Friday. his home Monday. nable, Jr. ig on the bill tomorrow was de-
rector of Rockefeller Institute for1 feated by a House vote, the MSC
Medical Research and chairman of LITTLE TIME: fans broke out in applause.
NFIP's Vaccine Advisory Commit- ALLOWS IME: At this point, Rep. Harry J.,
tee, O'Connor, Dr. William G. Phillips (R-Port Huron) asked
Workman, chief of Laboratory of## that debate be stopped because
Biologic Control; National Micro- "in all my 14 years here I haven't
biological Institute and Dr. Alan WsVe heard a demonstration in the gal-
Gregg, vice-president of Rockefel- lery. I move that debate be stop
ler Foundation. Contents of the -; ped because we can't make up our
report will be made public simul- (EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is Russia) through five related is now being manufactured minds in this emotional state."
taneously with its formal presen- the second in a series on civil de- Rs)nhthisystemiso w henmnsatued Aother suggestion was offered
tation. tense.) means: in this country. When installed ite r gsi r
1) Radar detection systems lo-1 will keep both interceptor stations by Rep. Richard G. Smith (R-Bay
By DICK SNYDER cated in the United States, Can- I and the public informed. Other Ait who, announcing he was an
Young Democrats "The Air Force cannot guar- ada and the far North are expect- radar warning networks are now Albion College graduate, said
antee even one minute's warning I ed to be fully operative in sev- operating on ships in the2Arti "MsCrs. Hatcher and Hannah)
To HoldMee genoemuesgeial years. Assuming that Russia area and on Air Force C-121's. (MSC President John A. Hannah)
will attack the American contin- GOC Important prize ring, winner take all."
The Young Democrat Club will9 Gov. Val Peterson, chief of the ent by flying over the Arti, two p)Grn bere op ize Cingsupwinner te a"
atsuss the memati Party t- iuFederal Civil Defense Admnistra- key radar chains are underway in be used to spot enemy aircraft re- the bill s carried by pas. of
Sm o tion, issued this admonition to the maining undetected by the radar C. Cramton (R-Lapeer), a Univer-
country when recently quizzed on Pine Tree Chai setup. GOC, relying on volun- sity alumnus, who said the name
. Lieutenant - governor Philip the condition of our defense alert Pine Tree Chain covers a belt teers, is seriously undermanned. change should be made in the in-
- Hart, Margaret Price, National system running through the settled por- CD chief Peterson estimates that- cesou be "
~r~m,~if~irnrnn fnni1'virhi~,n~ ~ T'1-~rl ,~iohhv 1v~ . .terests of "justice."

Wilder Play To Open


.--Daily-Johln Hirtzel

HERE is a' moment from "The1
Skin of Our Teeth" which1
opens at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia

have survived a thousand calami
ties by the skin of- their teeth
Here is a tribute to their inde

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