PAGE FOUR 4 xtk M1t;JN IGA N DA I.iL V TUESDAY, MAIWIt 22, IN4 PAGE FOUR kxtE MICUI4JiAN DAIIAI TUIASUAY, MAIWU 2.2, 11~6 - : -. - ...- . ws n w + . aus s of v q THOSE CRAZY POSTERS: Changes Needed To Bring Intelligent Campaigns "First Things First" 1 4 -1'' , + a , ,,, 1. ,;, s; - ' sti =-, .- L A j CAMPAIGNING procedures for the last all- campus elections left much to be desired. Other than printing hundreds of posters, blot- ters and matchcovers, candidates did little to make their qualifications or their platforms known to the students. The campaigners who did visit dormitories, fraternities and sororities generally chose the awkward time during meals when the students were more interested in eating than listening to platform speeches. Those who chose other times, met with the difficulty of assembling enough listeners to make their speeches effective. The myriads of posters which adorned every and any available bare space on campus tend- ed to confuse students rather than enlighten them. Posters with names printed in bold print designed to catch the students' eyes lost their effectiveness when so many were gather- ed together that they blotted out the wall on which they were posted. After a while, stu- dents became oblivious to the bold type. IN ADDITION to there being entirely too many posters scattered around campus, they were assembled in such a way that if a student did take the time to look at them, he would become even more confused than ever. SGC posters were mixed with J-Hop posters, class officer posters, publication board posters, Union vice-president posters and athletic board posters. It would almost take a genius' mind to keep all the various names which appear on these posters in the proper category. No wonder only 6,070 students out of 18,000 took the trouble to vote last week. Those fail- ing to vote probably thought, "Why vote when I don't know anything about the candidates." ONE SUGGESTION for bettering the cam- paigning procedures might be to either limit or cut out entirely the number of posters which are put up. bi-annually. The number of posters one puts up should not be a criterion for being elected to an important office. If the posters are merely limited, there should be a central location for specific posters. For exam- ple, all of the SGC posters would be posted together, etc. It would be possible to cut down the number of campaigners and thus alleviate confusion by having the J-Hop committee appointed rather than elected. Since there are no issues involved in the obtainment of these positions, it seems a waste of time, money and effort to vigorously campaign for these posts. DINNER TIME campaigning should be cut out all together. One day could be set up as a speech campaign day where all the can- didates would assemble in Hill Auditorium and present their platforms or even hold informal debates. The Daily Elections Supplement is a must for those students who are either too tied up with homework or don't want to take the time to attend a meeting such as this. -In this supplement, platforms and qualifications of the various candidates would be outlined for the prospective voters. If the campaigning procedures for future all-campus elections were changed (any change would be for the better), I'm sure that the University would never again see sudh a pathetically unsubstantial vote. -Donna Hanson - - Fzrs -oc . o scr 9+ c.,w.rH.. na... war .. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR There's No Place Like Holmes', Twenty-three Faithful Agree THE mysterious convergence of twenty-three secretive men on the lower vaults of a Detroit furniture warehouse this St. Patrick's Day eve past signalled a most significant oc- casion in the history of one of the midwest's most highly restricted societies. This scarce amount of data will undoubtedly have special significance for the perceptive ready of the Sacred Writings (the fifty-six accepted short stories and the four novels) who will immed- iately deduce a meeting of the Amateur Men- dicant Society, And so it was that the Mendicants con- vened for the first time in nine years amidst the veritable surroundings ascribed to them by Doctor John H. Watson in "The Adven- ture of the Five Orange Pips." This group of distinguished Sherlockian scholars constitutes the membership of the Detroit scion of the legendary Baker Street Irregulars of New York, and shares with the parent organization a profound respect for the Great Detective and an indefatigable devotion to the critical study and glorification of Holmes. FOLLOWING AN excellent dinner, downed in an atmosphere thick with spontaneously proposed textual challenges and Canonical conundrums, a magnificient program evolved in an appropriately irregular manner. First, the Canonical Toasts were proposed: to Watson's second wife, to Colonel Moran ("the second most dangerous man in London"), to the world's most celebrated landlady, Mrs. Hudson, and, of course, the final salute to "the woman." A large portion of the middle part of the meeting was given to characteristically heated argument on proposed solutions to the notor. ious theft of the Walt Whitman diary-a dis- cussion which ensued when the facts of that problem were thrown out to the group. Among the solutions offered by certain members who had by questionable methods ingeniously de- duced the identity of the culprit, were some of merely scandalous nature; others were singu- larly heinous. At any rate, the actual theif was surely named at some time during the meet- ing! (Be prepared for startling developments regarding a certain MD in Wayne County.) THE PROGRAM was climaxed by the guest of the evening, Mr. James Montgomery, a distinguished Sherlockian and founder of The Sons of the Copper Beeches of Philadelphia, who elevated the reunion to the realm of "the years ever after" with his beautiful renditions of the ballads associated with and inspired by the Sacred Writings, As the nostalgic effect of the words of "On the Road to Baker Street" settled over the gathering, and as the rich tenor tones vibrated in the warehouse vault, a remarkable illusion was created. Outside, on Woodward Avenue, the whirr and clack of the passing streetcar seemed to fade away and in its place there came to the ears of the Mendicants the magic clap and clatter of a hanson cab rattling over the cobblestones of threescore years ago. The members glanced at one another, spellbound, with the secret question in their eyes: "Who here could step beyond the door and view the world outside, and not turn back with this re- port: 'Gentlemen, it is 1895!', -Donald A. Yates Egyptian Policy . . To the Editor: O N NOVEMBER 16, 1954, the official broadcasting station of Egypt, "Saut El-Arab (The Voice of the Arab), made the following statement: "Egypt sees Israel as a cancer endangering the Arab people. Egypt is the physician who can uproot this cancer. Egypt does not forget that it is her obliga- tion to take revenge and she is mobilizing all her forces in antici- pation of the hoped for day." On December 27, 1954, Saleh Salem, Egypt's Minister of Nation- al Guidance, stated: "Egypt's pol- icy has not ceased to rest on the principle of no peace with Israel, in any form or at any time. Egypt will not make peace with Israel even if Israel were to implement the UN resolutions on Palestine." The above official policy declar- tions reflect the general attitude of Arab leaders toward Israel in the seven years since the estab- lishment of the new Republic. It is a policy which refuses to accept the reality of Israel, and is blat- antly bent on its destruction. This is the background against which the numerous border incidents have to be viewed. Israel has re- peatedly offered to sign a peace treaty with the Arabs, but the lat- ter refuse to even commence ne- gotiations toward a permanent peace. In view of the above it becomes extremely difficult to understand the Arab protestations which have appeared in The Daily in recent weeks. If the Arabs really want peace, let them sit down with Is- rael and work out a fair peace treaty. However, if they insist that they are still in a state of war.with Israel, they have to understand that war involves losses on both sides. The Arab governments will have to bear full responsibility for their policies. -Arie Shapiro, Yaffa Edel- stein, Chanoch Brafman, Ariel Naor and eight others ** * Courtesy Asked.,. consideration for the rights of oth- ers, a rule which should have been learned by all of us before we en- tered kindergarten. If this rule was not learned before entering the University, it should certainly be learned before a degree is earned. -Evelyn H. Angus (Mrs. Harry W.) * * * F or Action .. . To the"Editor: SGC MUST overcome student apathy! How many times has that theme been repeated in The Daily in the last month? Close to three times a week I would sus- pect. And how many times has an editorial offered one good sug- gestion as to how to do this? Not often. It strikes me that this sort of destructive, pessimistic attitude on the part of the Daily is as much a cause as an effect of gen- eral student apathy. The more The Daily reiterates these themes of student apathy and pessimism about SGC the more these atti- tudes tend to prevail. If The Daily wishes to improve the student attitude toward SGC, it must start acting in a more constructive fashion: find some issues if they must be found; run some good candidates if there are any; and most important, start talking about SGC as if it has some prestige and potential. Only if leading student is optimistic about student government, will the campus as a whole respect the government. And as to apathy, I for one have confidence that SGC can provide a good student government. I won- der if there are not many others who feel the same way? -Betty Cope * * * One Gesture ... To the Editor: AS MIGHT be expected, the pre- sent Israeli debate in The Daily finds letters written by Zi- onist protagonists defending their group as perfection personified while Arab replies regard their cause as the only way to save the world from the international Zi- onist conspiracy. Debates in The Daily concern-. ing the East-West struggle fol- low the same pattern. Patriotic American students seem to prefer death to life under Communism while the Soviet apologists blame all the world's trouble on the capi- talist conspirators. The above are only two exam- ples of a university contagious self righteousness. Gon e i s religious evaluation: that only God is perfect (and He only by defini- tion), that man is a sinner and all his ideals are rationalizations for self-interest, and that daily self- criticism and repentence remain his only hope. Today, we are so preoccupied with saving the world through our ideals (even though we may have to kill everyone to accom- plish our goal) that we fail to re- Cognize that the only person we can ever hope to save is ourself and even that goal is perhaps be- yond our grasp. True, we can and must love our friends; honor our parents, and sympathize with wretched humanity, but, in fact, these can only be superficial ges- tures. Life is so intensely personal that we are all we have. -Bernie Backhaut To Switc .o,, To the Editor: DREW PEARSON: Yalta Record Leaked WASHINGTON-The full back- stage story of how and why the State Department slapped the grand old man of England in the face by publishing the Yalta Con- ference papers can now be told. Friends of Churchill say it almost broke his heart. The State Department, as noted In this column on Sept. 25, 1954, had been working on the Yalta papers for some time, thanks t a special $112,000 appropriation passed at the behest of Republican leaders Knowland of California and Bridges of New Hampshire who wanted them made public be- fore the November election When the documents were sent to London for Churchill's approv- al, however, Foreign Minister An- thony Eden cabled John Foster Dulles shortly before the Bangkok Conference that "on Mr. Church- ill's suggestion" he was asking that the Yalta records not be publish- ed. Then Eden added this post- script: "I would like to confer with You personally on this when I see you in Bangkok." At Bangkok, Eden explained that Churchill, now in the twi- light of his 80 years, looked ack at World War II as the crowning achievement of his long and illus- trious career. And the records of Yalta, Eden explained, showed up some of Churchill's errors, also showed that Eden had tried to rec- tify these errors. Furthermore, the Yalta papers contradicted some of the historic decisions for which Churchill took credit in his memoirs. Why, therefore, break an old man's heart, Eden told the Secre- tary of State,' DULLES AGREED. He remarked to State Department collea- gues later that Eden had been so cooperative in risking his political neck by supporting the U.S.A. re Formosa that he couldn't deny this favor. When Dulles returned to Wash- ington he conveyed this general idea to Republican Senators and, though they still maintained the documents should be released, they prepared privately to accept the decision. It was at this point that Carl McCardle, Assistant Secretary of State for the Press, and Dulles's personal public relations man, planted a copy of the Yalta docu- ments with the New York Times. The excuse now given in the State Department is that the documents were bound to leak to right-wing Senators, perhaps to McCarthy. An hour after the New York Times plant became known, Sena- tors Bridges and Knowland lunch- ed with Dulles, told him of the plant. He replied that he was "aghast." Other State Department offi- cials say, however, that he knew of McCardle's action and that Mc- Cardle never does anything with- out the knowledge of the Secre- tary of State. At any rate, here is what the Yalta record did to the Prime Minister of England. N HIS memoirs, Churchill claim- ed he had nothing to do with the concessions given to Stlin to get Russia into the war against Japan. This, he said, was an Am- erican decision. The Yalta record shows, how- ever, that it was Eden who vigor- ously opposed concessions to Rus- sia. A summary of the British- American conference at Malta, just before the Yalta parley, has this to say about Eden and Rus- sian concessions: "In his (Eden's) view, if the Russians decided to enter the war against Japan they would take the decision because they considered it in their interests that the Japa- nese war should not be success- fully finished by the U.S. and Great Britain alone, There was therefore no need for us to offer a high price for their participa- tion, and if we were prepared to agree to their territorial demands in the Far East we should see to it that we obtained a good return in iespect of the points on which we required concessions from them." ON TWO other vitally important points, the British Prime Min- ister is shown up in a bad light: the dismemberment of Germany and the organization of the United Nations. In his memoirs, Churchill has always taken credit for killing the dismemberment of Germant. How- ever, the Yalta records show it was Anthony Eden. What Eden did was to shunt the question of dismem- bering Germany to a council of foreign ministers to be held after the Yalta conference, thereby giv- ing time for tempers to cool. Churchill also threw his weight in favor of the big powers and against the little nations in set- ting up the framework of the (Continued from Page 2) Montrose, Michigan (Montrose Town- ship Schools)-Elementary; Girls Coach (HS. Basketball and Softball); Math- ematics-Physics-Chemistry; Boys' Coach (Head coach Basketball and Track, Asst. Coach football) Mount Prospect, 1llinois-Physical Ed- ucation (man) & (woman); Jr. High Science; Jr. High Vocal Music; Instru- mental Music, Skokie, Illinois-Elementary For appointments or additional in- formation, please contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engineering School: Wed., March 23 , Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Ad- dressograph Sales Branch, Detroit, Mich.-B.S. in Ind E. and BusAd for Sales. Cities Service Oil, Co., Cleveland, Ohio --B.S. & M.S. in Ind., Mech., Metal., and Chem. E. for Sales Engrg, and Ind. Lubrication Engrg. Harnischfeger Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. --B S. in Elect. and Mech. E for Tech. Sales .and Services Representatives in foreign countries. B. S. in Civil, Elect., and Mech E~, B.S. & M.S. in Ind E. for Sales and Design in U.S. Johns Hopkins Univ., Applied Physics Lab., Silver Spring, Md.-al levels of Aero,, Elect., Mech., Chem E., Engr. U.S. citizens, draft ineligible. Northrop Aircraft Ic,, Hawthorne, Calif.-all levels in Aero., Civil, Elect., Mech., Math, Physics and Chemistry, and Mech. E., Engrg. Mechanics, Physics, and Math for Design and De- vel. U.S. citizens only. Motorola Inc., Chicago, II.-all levels of Elect. E. for Research, Design, and Devel. Reynolds Metals Co., Richmond, Vir- ginia-B.S. in Ind., Mech. E., all levels in Chem. E., Metal, E., and Physics for Tech, Research or Production, Sales, & Ind. Relations Work, Summer and Regular Highway Con- struction, Maintenance, Design, Traf- fic, Planning, Research, Thurs., March 24 Chrysler Corp. Engrg. Div., Highland, Park, Mich.-B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Elect., Ind., and Mech. E., Engrg. Mech., Math., and Physics for Industrial Engrg. Grad,-School. Chicago Bridge & Iron, Chicago, Ill. all levels of Civil E. for Sales, Design, Manufacturing, Construction, Admin- istration. U. S citizens only. Nat'y Elec. Welding Machines Co., Bay City, Mich.-B. S. in Elect. E. and Engrg. Mech, for Design, Application, Sales. Owens - Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio-B.S. in Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech. and Chem. E. for Summer and Regular Research and Devel. Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, Manu- facturing Dept., Whiting, Ind.-B.S. in Civil, Elect., Mech., Metal., and Chem. E. for Design, Construction, Mainten- ance. Republic Aviation Corp., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y.-all levels of Aero., Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., Metal. E., En- grg. Mech., Math., and Physics for Summer and Regular Research, Design, Devei., Structures, Themodynamics, Aero-dynamics, and Production Super- vision. University of Pitss., Mellon Institute of Ind. Research, Pitts., Pa.-all levels of Chem. E. and M.S. and PhD In.Chem- istry, U. S. citizens only, for Research Thursday and Fri., March 24 & 25 Remington Rand, Inc., Engrg. Re- search Associates, St. Paul, Minn.-all levels in Elect. E., Physics, B.S. & M.S. in Mech. E., M.S & PhD. in Math., U. S. citizens only, for Research, Devel., Field Engrg Make appointments for the above in- terviews in Room 248 West Engineering, Ext. 2182, Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: . Thurs., March 24 R. H. Macy-LaSalle's, Toledo, Ohio (Div. of R. H. Macy & Co., Inc., N.Y.)- men and women in LS&A and BusAd for Executive Training Program. For appointments contct the Bureau of Appointments, room 3528, ext. 371. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: New York State Civii Service an- nounces exams for positions in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Statistics, and Psychology open to New York residents and Library Science, Engineering, and Architects open nationwide. Applica- tions accepted up to April 22, 1955. Written test given on May 14, 1955. Armour Research Foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill., has openings for Metl., Mech., Elect., Chem. E., Mathematicians, Physicists and people with an Engineering-Eco- nomics background. Dana Corp. (manufacturers of auto parts), Ft. Wayne, Ind.,is in need of a Jr. Metallurgical nvestigator to inves- tigate troubles -.rising in machining metals and castings. City of Chicago, Ill., Civil Service Commission, announces exams for Ar- chitect I, Chem. Engr. I, Civil Engr, I, Elect. Engr. I, Engrg. Draftsman I, and Mech. Engr. I. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture sponsored by Soci- ology Department: Professor Alex In. keles of the Harvard University Russian Research Center on the topic: The So- viet Union as Seen Through the Eyes of its Former Citizens. Rackham Amphi- theater, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, 1955. Academic Notices The Extension Service announces the following class to be held in Ann Arbor beginning Wed., March 23: The 1955 May Festival Lecture Series. 7:00 p.m. This series of six lectures will concen- major works to be performed in the trate on a study and analysis of the 1955 May Festival programs. Six ses- sions (omitting April 6). Registration fee, $6,00. Registration for this class may be made in Room 4501 of the Ad- ministration Building on South State Street during University office hours or during the half hour preceding the class in the class room. 206 Burton Tow- er. Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch, instructor. Seminar in Complex Variables will meet Tues., March 22, at 2:00 p.m. in 247 West Engineering. Miss Louise Grinstein will speak on "Some Theor- ems in Cnfmvai Iuronnanr, "1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i Test are available at 110 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than April 13. Pick up blanks by April 1. Graduate Record Examination: Appli- cation blanks are available at 110 Rack- ham Building for the April 301admini- stration of the Graduate Record Ex- amination. This administration will be held at Michigan State College. Ap- plication blanks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than April 15. Blanks should be picked up by April 1. Women students taking reqired physical education must re-register for spring elections Wed., March 23, 7:30 a.m, to 4:30 p.m. and Thurs., March 24, 8:30 a.m, to 12:00m. Registration in the Fencing Room, Barbour Gymnasium (basement). Electives may register Mon, Tues, and Wed., March 28, 29 and 30, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00m. on the Main Floor, Barbour Gymnasium, Mathematics Colloquium. Fri., March 25 (instead of Tues., March 22) at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. E. J. McShane, of the University of Virginia, will speak on "Channel Spaces." Tea and Coffee at 3:45 in 3212 Angell Hall. Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Prof. Robert M. Howe will speak on "Field of Application of the Electronic Differen- tial Analyzer" at 4:00 p.m. Wed., March 23, in Room 101, W. Engfieerng .Concerts Walter Geseking, pianist, Tues., Mar. 22 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, final concert of this season's Extra Series., Beethoven Sonata in D minor, Op. 31, No. 2; a Brahms group of Capriccio and Intermezzos; Schubert s Impromp- tus in B-flat, No. 3, and A-flat, No. 4; Cipressi by Castelnuovo-Tedesco; and a Debussy group-Ballade, Nocturne, Valse romantique, and Six Preludes from Second Book. Tickets available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower; also at Hill Auditorium box of- fice after 7:00 p.m. Tues. night. Faculty Concert. Florian Mueller, oboe, Clyde Carpenter, French horn, and Charles Fisher, piano, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, Wed., March 23, at 8:30 p.m. Concerto for Oboe and Piano by Cimaros; Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 2; and the first performance of Sona- ta for French Horn and Piano composed by Edith Borroff, graduate student at the University; first performance of Sonata for Oboe and Piano by Robert Casadesus; Suite of Two Pieces by Hugand, and En Foret by Bozza. Open to the public. Events Today "A Conversation with Oppenheimer" The film of Edward R. Murrow's inter- view with Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, In- stitute for Advanced Studies, Princeton University, will be shown again Tues, March 22, in Rackham Amphitheatre at 4:15 and at 7:30 p.m. Open to the public, Generation poetry staff will meet Tues., Mar. 22, at 7:30 p.m. Deutscher Verein presents Oskar Maria Graf, German poet and novelist, in the West Conference Room, Rack- ham Building, at 4:15 p.m.,.Tues., Mar. 22. Mr. Graf will read from his own works (in German). La Sociedad Hispanica will bold its weekly "tertulia" Tues., Mar. 22 (and every Tuesday) in the Michigan Union Cafeteria from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Faculty members always there. WolverinehHonor Guard-Drill In uni- form, 1930 hours at T.C.B. Be sure to bring all special equipment which has been issued. Lutheran Student Association. Tues., 7:15 p.m. Continue study of Martin Luther. Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong Tues., March 22, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. The Film Forum on International Education, auspices of the Dept. of His- tory and Principles of Education, will present "Educational Systems of Ja- pan." Discussion leader: Ronald An- derson, Instructor in Education. Tues., Mar. 22. 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angel Hall. Coming Events La Cercle Francais will meet Wednes- day at 8:00 p.m. in the League. Three skits: "Les Chevaliers de Scrabble," "Aimez-vous le fromage?", and "Dorme Reforme" will be given. Bingo in French with prizes, a French film, records, and refreshments will follow. Venez tous! Lutheran Student Association-Wed- nesday, 7:30 p.m. This week the media- tion will be on the Fifth Word from the Cross. Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Episcopal S t u d e n t Foundation. Breakfast at Canterbury House follow- ing the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Wednesday, March 23. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong on Wednesday, March 23, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All An- gels. The following Badminton games will be played on Wednesday, March 23 in Barlour Gym: At 7 :00-Marg Smith and Frank, Cohn and Hammill, Kirchner and Gebhard. At 7:30-Hantel and Do- err, Bryant, Galvin and Walters, Hei- den, O'Tool, Gubbins and Moffatt, Smith. At 8:00-Reilly, Shicks and Johnstone, Weinert, Larwin, Pahl and Quine, Burroughs, Uebel, Leroy, and Watson, Moreland, Marsh, Lemesswier and Robertson, Tauppe, Kihen, Tomi- cic and Hantel, Schweizer, Hoffmann and Marg Smith. At 8:30-Levly, Wales and Sabo, Cunningham, Clavola, Ward and Ebart, Walgast. Paul and Larwin. If you can not play when your match is scheduled, please notify Priscilla Torsleff, Normandy 3-1561, room 3005 by noon on Wednesday. Frosh Weekend-Maize Tegim Floor. show Cast list has been posted in the Undergraduate Office in the League. Mass meeting of the entire cast, Wed., March 9 in the T.anui. Allc at mem- b C f r i i i Fen rrrF i ..w ART REVIEW i ' i r rr i s rrr rrr To the Editor; As many of you already know, a rather unique exhibition is being offered this month at the Museum of Art. I am sure we are all familiar with the paintings of George Braque but few of us probably are aware that this artist has a considerable corpus of graphic works to his credit. Perhaps this lack of aware- ness on our part is due to the fact that the Braque's great interest in graphic media is a Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.................. Managing Editor Dorothy Myers..............,..............City Editor Jon Sobeloff............,..'...Editorial Director Pat 'Roelofs........,........ Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.. .... ..........s..,..Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.....................Associate Editor Dave Livingston......... .........Sporots Editor Hanley Gurwin.................,Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz......... .............. Women's Editor Janet Smith.............Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel....................... Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak.........................Business Manager Phil Brunskill ............Associate Business Manager Bill Wise..., ..................Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski................Finance Manager Telephone NO 23241 Afeni th comparatively recent one. It is within the last decade that this interest revealed itself in the. production of a number of outstanding prints. At any rate, the Museum of Art. offers a very handsome exhibition of Braque's graphic works in its west gallery. The note to this exhibition suggests that most popular with the majority will be Braque's colored lithographs. My personal reaction finds me in complete agreement with the evaluation. It is true that etching and drypoint tech- niques have been explored by Braque. The exhibition is inclusive enough so that almost the entire career of the artist is covered, in- cluding one of his first etchings as well as an excellent example from the analytical cubist phase of his work. IT SHOULD be noted, by the way, that not only was the term cubism first used in ref- erence to some landscapes painted by Braque around 1908, but that most critics credit the artist as at least "co-inventor" of the style that we know today as cubism. Braque's early work is then of both aesthetic and historic in'terest. However, for full reali- zation of a medium, as well as for arresting designs, Braque's latest work with colored lith- ography is truly exciting. The clear, bold hues, applied broadly and with a directness that, communicates the lithic qualities of the tech- nique, evoke a solid structure, as enduring in effect as stone itself. In some works a strong, black line weaves out the central theme but in all the lithography and interaction of the white plane of the paper with a series of col- I WONDER if some University of Michigan students ever think of how much ill feeling they create among the townspeople, with their thoughtlessness and carelessness? We go to the movies, at a high admission price, and students jeer, boo, hiss, and make odious com- nents and noises to such an ex- tent that they spoil the show for all. Either we leave early, or miss a lot of the point of the plot. Bicycles are spread out over walks so that many times walking is impossible. If you are unfortu- nate enough to be walking when a rider goes by, you are apt to be bumped or run off into the mud. Riding in the street on bikes is an equal hazard to the drivers, stu- dents seem to take joy in riding close enough to your car to scrape off paint. The point is, if you do not like a show, LEAVE. Don't spoil it for others who may not have the intel- lect to know that it is a poor show or not up to the mental levels of the U of M students. If you must ride or park a bike on the sidewalk, or in the street, be considerate of those who must use the walk for walking or who don't care to have their hair stand- ing on end over the narrow miss of a student riding too close on the street. A degree from a university is a wonderful thing. More important than a degree to the majority of all the people, however, is respect and a t r