CHANGES NEEDED See Page 4 Y 4 A6F Ap .AJ t r t ogan ~3aitp '935 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 119 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1955 CLOUDY, COLDER, RAIN SIX PAGES Churchill: / French Help Not Needed Mendes-France Warned in Letter PARIS (P) - Prime Minister Winston Churchill has warned France he believes a Western se- curity system could be organized without French help if there are further delays in ratification of West German rearmament. The British leader expressed this view in a personal letter sent to Pierre Mendes-France Jan. 12 and made public yesterday. Men- des-France, the French Premier at that time, initiated the corres- pondence by suggesting immediate moves for a Big Four conference. Turns Down Plan Churchill turned down Mendes- France cold on this proposal. He said he was "firmly resolved that there be neither meeting, nor an invitation, under any foreseeable circumstances among the four powers, either at the foreign min- ister level or at the, level of the heads of government until the London and Paris agreements have been ratificed by all the sig- natories." The Briton added that he had the full agreement of the United States on this point. 'Empty Chair' In the event of French failure to approve the treaties, Churchill said, he would be obliged to sup- port an "empty chair" policy to- ward France, despite his long friendship for the French people. The letters were released by Mendes-France just 48 hours be- fore the Council of the Republic, upper House of the French Parlia- ment, opens its debate on ratifi- cation of the treaties. The vcte is due Friday. The National' As- sembly already has approved the treaties. Churchill said he feared any further long 'delays in ratification. House Votes Down Postal Salary Hike WASHINGTON (P)-The House yesterday soundly voted down an attempt to jam through a 72 per cent average pay boost for postal workers. The action left the way open for a vote later on a more liberal raise, which President Dwight D. Eisenhower has indicated he would veto. It also raised the pos- sibility that the 500,000 post of- fice employes will get no pay in- crease this year. Joint Defeat In obvious resentment against a parliamentary maneuver to lim- it debate and bar amendments to the bill, a majority of both Demo- crats and Republicans joined to defeat the bill 302-120. Backers of the plan were far short of the necessary two-thirds voting majority on a double-bar- reed motion that would have pro- hibited any amendments and ap- proved the pay hike. Only 35 Democrats and 85 Republicans voted for it. Against it were 190 Democrats and 112 Republicans. Minimum Raise The bill called for a minimum 6 per cent raise for each postal employe, with higher percentage increases for supervisory employes, bringing the average boost of 71/2 per cent. It would cost the govern- ment 150 million dollars a year. The bill went back to the Post Office Committee and Chairman Tom Murray (D-Tenn.) could bring it back for a vote under dif- ferent legislative procedures. How-! ever, he said after Monday's ac- tion: "They voted against a 6 per cent pay raise, and that's that." This could conceivably mean no postal pay legislation this session, but it appeared certain that some increase would be approved. Many members of Congress feel that since they voted themselves a 50 per cent salary boost it would be politically indefensible to deny pay hikes to others on the government payroll. Russia, Satellites To Form Unified Military Command -,Daiy-by John Hirtzei LEAVING FOR GOOD?-Planes at Willow Run are the center of bustling activity. But Detroit's Mayor Albert Cobo would like to see all this business transferred to the Detroit-Wayne Major Airport. Ypsilanti Defe rs Airlinelie solution By JIM DYGERT The Ypsilanti City Council last night deferred action on a resolu- tion to protest a Detroit proposal to shift all airline operations from Willow Run to the Detroit-Wayne Major Airport. Action was put off until "all those who have an interest" could be consulted, so that there could be a "unified thought" behind the resolution. A formal protest by the Ypsi- lanti City Council would be the fourth such protest from the Ypsi- lanti-Ann Arbor area to the pro- posed move. Cobo Touched Aff Controversy Detroit Mayor Albert Cobo be- gan the controversy last month when he asked for a meeting with airlines officials to discuss the possibility of such a move. Ypsilanti Mayor Carl J. Schef- fiera started the protests going in a reportto the council on the Detroit proposal. Since then, the Ypsilanti Board of Commerce, Ypsilanti Township Superinten- dent Henry F. Hicks, and the County Board of Supervisors have publicly added to the protests. Mayor Cobo was joined in his proposal to move the airline oper- ations by the Wayne County Road Commission. Their reason for the proposal was to bring airline oper- ations closer to Detroit. The Detroit-Wayne Major Air- port is several minutes closer to downtown Detroit. Eight Airlines at Willow Run At present, there are eight air- lines operating out of Willow Run. Seven of them rent the airport from the University through the Airlines National Terminal Ser- vice Company. The eighth, North Central Air- lines, is not part of ANTSCO, but rents from it. ANTSCO was formed in 1947 to rent Willow Run from the Univer- sity. The airlines company, ac- cording to University Controller Gilbert L. Lee, Jr., pays a rela- tively small rent and, in addition, assumes the expense of maintain- ing the airport. Lee estimates maintenance amounts to approxi- mately $500,000 a year. Airport Bought for $1 The University purchased the airport and its buildings as war surplus from the military for a price of $1 in 1947. The purchase was subject to two conditions: 1) That the University provide that the airport continue public operation, and 2) That the University return the property to the military if a national emergency required it. The University met the first condition by renting the airport to ANTSCO for tise by the com- mercial airlines. Money Used for Research The rent revenue received is used entirely for activities of the University's Engineering Research Institute located at the east end of the airport, Lee said. Neither Lee nor Floyd G. Wake- field, University Airport Supervis- or, would predict what would hap- pen to the University's interests if the airlines were moved from Willow Run. + Both said the University was "staying out" of the controversy. -2 B Alexandrov Discharged By Bulganin Mikhailov Fills Ministry Vacancy MOSCOW (M)-Premier Nikolai Bulganin fired Soviet Minister of Culture Georgi F. Alexandrov yes- terday in a continued shakeup of his new government. Alexandrov twice before was in serious difficulties for deviations from the Kremlin party line, but had made a comeback and was named minister of culture last March. Leadership Failure A Moscow radio broadcast said Alexandrov, a friend of the re- cently deposed Premier Georgi Malenkov, was dismissed because "he failed to ensure the leader- ship" of his ministry. The broad- cast said he was fired on Bulgan- in's recommendation. Nikolai A. Mikhailov, ampbassa- dor to Poland, was appointed suc- cessor to Alexandrov, short, dark- haired chief Soviet propagandist in World War II. This marked the 12th major change in the Soviet government within a month, reflecting a re- alignment of Kremlin political factions following Bulganin's rise to Premier Feb. 8. Dismissal Foreshadowed Alexandrov's dismissal was fore- shadowed last week when he was rebuked publicly for not publish- ing good} books on corn planting and livestock breeding. Farm pro- duction is the specialty of Nikita Khruschev, powerful first secre- tary of the Soviet Communist party. Mikhailov was a member of the special supreme court which sen- tenced Soviet Police Chief Lav- renti Beria to death for treason in 1953. He was appointed ambassa- dor to Poland in March 1954. Yesterday's announcement did not elaborate on the reasons for Alexandrov's ouster. He held the key job of chief of propaganda and agitation from 1941 until 1947, when he angered Joseph Stalin with a book that showed respect for Western philosophers. U .t; - -a .a e tiY, University President Harlan H. Hatcher reviewed the state of the University in a speech yesterday before faculty and staff members. In his speech, President Hatch- er commented on the following areas: FACULTY: He commended the faculty for their part in maintain- PRES. HARLAN HATCHER ... discusses 'U' status ing the high standards of the Uni- versity. He noted that the faculty salary scale was equal to that of most colleges in the country. The budget now before the state legis- 'l FullerRaps Wash'Action Of Assembly Refusal by Assembly Associa- tion to promise "cooperation with the University administration" in their constitution was termed' "rash" yesterday by Assistant Dean of Women Elsie R. Fuller. "You ruled yoiirself back into being a student opinion group," Dean Fuller told the Assembly Dorm Council meeting. She said she believed the constitutional amendment would be necessary "if Assembly is to be a policy making group." The amendment defeated at1 last week's meeting, pledged As, I sembly to "cooperation with the University administration in the formulation and maintenance of policy and high social and schol- astic standards." Another amend- ment requiring review of all new policies by the Dean of Women's office was also rejected last week. Dean Fuller urged the group to delineate in its constitution its relation to the Dean's office as an attempt "to put into affect what was being done on a trial basis." STATUS OF 'U': Hatcher Speech Praises Faculty lature contains a four per cent increase in faculty pay scales, he said. Space Problem PHYSICAL FACILITIES: The problem of space is tied in with the faculty, President Hatcher pointed out. As faculty members seek more space for research and study, the University must provide these facilities as f ast as possible. "What you see going on in the way of expansion is a delayed response to the desires of the faculty," President Hatcher said. The careful planning for hew structures was"outlined by the President in his speech. New buildings are planned cooperative- ly by faculty members and admin- istration officials inside a $33 per square foot cost limit, he said. Basis of Need Priority for new structures is assigned on the basis of need, he noted. ENROLLMENT: President" Hatcher said the University anti-I cipates an increase of about 1,000 students next fall, but no limit has been planned for total Uni- versity enrollment. PARKING: Some solution must be found for the driving parking problem, President Hatcher said. Space now used for parking is only temporarily set aside for such use, he noted, and is needed for building space. A committee of the Faculty Sen- ate is studying the problem along with University officials, he said. COOPERATION WITH OTHER STATE SCHOOLS: If no volun- tary means of cooperation between the staite's schools can be found, the legislature may take over, he warned. FLINT COLLEGE OF THE UNI- VERSITY: A planning budget of $37,000 for the two-year senior college in Flint has been included in this year's budget before the state legislature, he said. Dvornik Tells Russian Ideal "The history of Russian political philosophy presents many prob- lems which are still awaiting their solution," Prof. Francis Dvornik of Harvard University said yesterday in his lecture, "Byzantium and the Growth of Russian Political Phil- osophy." He believed that the fundamen- tal difference between the new conception and the old Russo-By- zantine idseal was fully revealed in two ways. The Patriarch was replaced by the Holy Synod and the Church was placed under the management of the Tsar's Procurator. Gradual- ly it found itself reduced to the condition of a state department at the service of the Tsar. Name Change LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYL- LGOGERYCHWYRNDROB W - LLLLANTYSILIOGOGOGOCH, Wales, M)-Inhabitants of this little Welsh town with the long- est name in the world were up in arms recently against a foul calumny being spread abroad. This wicked libel, which no true Welshmen, indeed, would believe, is that Llanfair etc., is a hoax cooked up by a local cobbler in the 18th century, and all that should really be writ- ten on the signposts is Llan- fairpwllgwyngyll - a mere 20 letters instead of 58. MSC Status Bill Reaches Final Vote By The Associated Press LANSING-Backers of a bill to give Michigan State College uni- versity status beat down two at- tacks last night in the House and moved the bill up for a final vote today. The bill's sponsors defeated mo- tions to send it back to committee for a public hearing and to delay debate until Friday so that an in- formal hearing could be held Thursday night. Opponents of the measure;. which would change MSC's name to Michigan State University, charged that the House Educa- tion Committee had violated a promise to allow the University administration and officials at MSC a chance to be heard before the bill was sent to the floor. This was denied by Rep. John C. McCune (R-East Lansing), author of the bill. Watkins Telegram Earlier in the day Secretary of the Regents, Herbert G. Watkins, sent a special telegram to the state capital asking for a hearing in the House before action is taken.- Watkins. in a wire directed to Wade Van Valkenberg, Speaker of the House,. urged that "reconsid- eration be given to request for hearing . . . to permit presenta- tion of their views on this serious problem.'' Watkin's telegram continued: "The Regents in good faith hoped progress could be made through joint negotiation and an oppor- tunity provided to present their views to the committee (on educa- tion) should be a stalemate re- sult. "Without Notice . "Without notice this opportun- ity has been denied through abrupt action of education com- mittee immediately following Thursday afternoon's meeting of committees of Regents and State Board of Agriculture. ". ..Speed and haste should not be an element in such an import- ant change." Move Pends Paris Pact Ratification Allies Turn Down USSR Invitation LONDON (P)-Russian and her satellites have decided to set up a unified military command after ratification of the Paris agree- ments rearming West Germany, the Soviet Foreign Ministry an- nounced yesterday. The announcement, broadcast by the Soviet Tass Agency, said the decision was made unanimous- ly in consultations between the Soviet Union -and Poland, Czech- oslovakia, East German Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania. ed China Agrees Red China expressed full agree- ment with the plan, the broadcast said. They also .agreed, Tass said, on the conclusion of an eight-nation treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual aid. All eight countries attended a Moscow conference on security last December and announced then a pledge to pool their armed forces and put them under a joint com- mand if the West went ahead with ratification of the Paris agree- ments for the rearmament of West Germany. Red China also was represented at the conference by an observer. West Refuses Bid Russia originally had invited 25- countries, but all Western coun- tries turned down the bid. Among those invited were the United States, Britain and France. The conference was called to con- sider aRussian proposal of all- European security to take the place of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Western European Union in Nwyich Wet Germany is to be rearmed. Depends Upon Pact The Soviet announcement sug- gested .the Communists will not go further with their unified com- mand plan if the Paris agreements on Germany sovereignty are not ratified. The Paris agreementsgive West Germany sovereignty. The agree- . ments await approval of the French Upper House and five other Parliaments. The broadcast said the com- mand would be created "in event of ratification of the Paris agree- ments with the aim of ensuring the security of these states and in the interests of the maintenance of peace in Europe." ' World News. Roundup By The Associated Press U.S. joinsPact. WASHINGTON -- The United States agreed yesterday to join a new 34-nation organization for trade cooperation-provided Con- gress approves. . The State Department announc- ed that Asst. Secretary of State Samuel C. Waugh signed for the United States in ceremonies at Geneva, Switzerland Pleads Innocent . . PANAMA --- Former President Jose Ramon Guizado pleaded in- nocent yesterday to a charge of homicide in the assassination of the man' he succeeded as presi- dent. "I declare myself innocent," Guizado told the National As- sembly. President Jose Antonio Remon "riving Dan Moal eiation Favored b 'U'-Students (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the sixth in a series of articles on thj driving ' ban. Today's article deals with alternate proposals to the present regulation.) By WALLY EBERHARD It is probably safe to say that most students are opposed to theI driving regulation in its present form.{ Most recent sampling of student opinion was at a Student Legis- lature poll during the fall, 1952, elections. 2,742 Favor Removal This poll showed 2,702 in favor of complete removal; 2,840 favor- Oing modified restrictions; and 1,782 .,. I nersns- saticfidr 'with the cttus ;I Gieseking To End Extra Concert Series Today World-famed pianist, Walter Gieseking, who returned to tour the United States last season for the first time in 16 years, will pre- a Brahms group of Caprieccios and Intermezzos; Schubert's Im- promptus in B-flat, No. 3 and A- flat, No. 4; "Cipressi" by Castinuo- vo-Tedesco and a Debussy group- Ballade, Nocturne, Valso roman- tique and Six Preludes. Gieseking is reputed to have a huge repertoire. He is ableato play without scores 24 concertos, sev- eral hundred sonatas and more than 1,000 shorter piano pieces. The noted pianist never prac- tices, he says, when on a concert tour. "I have to rest my fingers. Concerts and practice together would be too much," he explains. Gieseking has performed in al- most every country in the world. In one season alone he toured six continents. coveringr n distance pCtS OI ULUNUUU W1U11fl . 1 C L aL) quo. Results of this poll were for- warded to the Board of Regents, but no action was taken. In June, 1953, the Office of Student Affairs sent to the Regents for considera- tion three proposals for changing the present regulations. The first of these proposals would have limited driving to all students except those who are sen- iors or over 21 years old. In addi- tion, all automobiles would need a safety inspection to insure that the automobile was not in unsafe con- dition. All Except Freshmen CD PROGRAM: Authorities Stress Organization Aim The second proposal would ex- tend driving privileges to all stu- dents except freshmen. Under this plan, a safety inspection would also be required and parental per- mission for those under 21. The third proposal would have maintained the present regulation, adding a provision for safety in- spection of all vehicles. In the spring of 1953, Student (EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, the second in a series on civil de- Stating emphatically that a ma- tense, discusses further reasons for jority of citizens will survive an1 an organized passive defense pro- atomic attack, and that this will gram,) be a much bigger majority with By-DICK SNYDER planned defensive action, CD pro- Atomic assault on the United ponents have termed the present A tsurvivalameasureshinUtheeUnited States at this time would not snuff survival meaures in the United out all life in one murderous blow. States 'dep1 ably inadequate." This is the assumption under Retaliation which authorities argue for an or- Announcements to the world of ganized civil defense program. It retaliatory measures are not is backed up by the opinions of an enough, they say, for we can not overwhelming number of atomicI assume that the enemy will care- physicists and scientists.,I fully consider a counter-attack by Though conditions may change'- the United Stat. considerahly in the future. it is Even if she does. they question. We cannot prevent war by the simple possession and improve- ment of atomic weapons. Further- more, the argument runs, America is fast losing her superiority in the weapons race. Basically, there are four reasons for the "deplorable" condition of the present civil defense program:, 1) Widespread "it-can't-happen- here" belief exists in the minds of civilians and military alike. Civil defense is belittled and passed off as "Maginot-line mentality." 2) Security restrictions prohibit disclosure of some information M O ml