JUST LOOKING See Page 4 Y Lwh haiti, _ . U # Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY VOL. LXV, No. 118 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1955 SIX PAGES i IT'S OFFICIAL: Russian Editors Ko TCome to'U' The 11 Russian editors will visit the University. Their intention became known officially yesterday when the Chicago director of the Institute of International Education asked graduate studies Dean Ralph A. Sawyer if the University would host the Soviets as part of their 30-day cross-country tour. Dean Sawyer, the University official in charge of IE programs, said he had told the Institute the University would welcome the Rus- sian editors. Requested University Visit The Chicago official's query substantiated an earlier report that the Russians had asked to visit the University when they applied for visas last year. As a result, the IE included Ann Arbor among a list of potential tour-cities. The Russians jumped at it. Their interest apparently stems from the visit of American student editors.to the Soviet Union in 1953. The first tour was made by editors from the University of Michigan, the University of Colorado and Ober-' lin College in Ohio. Michigan Selected The latter two editors reportedly concurred that Michigan was larger than their schools, and was probably the most liberal of state universities. This seemed to impress student journalists and political economy students at Moscow State University, one editor noted. An editor of the Moscow State University Bulletin is among the 11 Russians. The others are editors of Stassen Given New Cabinet Post r *I * * * * * * * * 4 Stevenson lids CIO Boycott Claim Denied' ByStaebler By MARY ANN THOMAS State Democrat Party chair- man Neil Staebler disagrees with University Regent J. Joseph Her- bert's charge that the CIO boy- cotted the University's Workers' Education program in 1949. "I don't believe there are grounds for saying there was a boycott," Staebler said yesterday. "As I recall," he explained, "General Motors put the whip over former University President Alex- ander Ruthven threatening with- drawal of financial support if the University didn't change the pro- gram." Herbert Tells of Boycott Candidate for reelection to the Board of Regents, Herbert told a Bay County Republican rally this week that the CIO boycotted the program run in Detroit through the Extension Service in 1949. Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson of the economics department contributed the details behind the mix-up. "Trouble developed out of the way one class was taught and the Regents proposed reorganization of the program." At that time Arthur Elder of Detroit was director of the educa- tion service and Prof. Albert K. Stevens of the English department was his assistant. The proposed reorganization included their dis- missal. Taught by Union Enthusiast The class was taught by a un- ion enthusiast who handed out a CIO-printed booklet in which the union rather sharply criticized General Motors, Prof. Dickinson related, and GM people were in. the Blass. Staebler said soon after Gov. Kim Sigler had called Pres. Ruth- ven up to his office about the mat- ter, a GM official announced if the University didn't change the program, the corporation would "get" the University in'the State Legislature. Prof. Dickinson said he thought Herbert was referring to this at- tempted reorganization and the unions' opposition to the change. The United Auto Workers fav- ored the program as directed by Elder and Prof. Stevens, Prof. Dickinson continued, and when Elder left, the unions withdrew their support and interest, and the service was discontinued. In their 1955 platform, Demo- crats state that Michigan has "failed despite its predominant and growing industrial population to provide sufficient service for its industrial workers." "We remind the public, the platform reads, "that workers' education was disbanded when a Republican Governor yielded to direct pressure from corporate in- terest in Michigan and closed the program then operating." English Historian student and youth publications from all parts of the Soviet union. Ranging in age from 21 to 39, the Russian "student editors" are not what Americans think of when they hear the phrase. Most of them are in their late twenties or early thirties, are not undergraduate or even regular graduate students.. The ones at- tached to university papers are considered faculty members, al- though they are not quite instruc- tors in rank. The editor-in-chief of the Bul- letin is a full-time employee,, a member of the Communist Party, and does nothing but edit the newspaper. Students may submit articles, as can faculty members. Embarrassed by Freedom Students associated with the Bulletin were embarrassed by the Americans' description of The Dai- ly, former editor Zander Holland- er, '53, recalled. "Inadvertently in describing The Daily we had set up a contrast. There the university administra-. tion controls the student news- paper," he said. The contrast was heightened when Mark Emond, then editor of the Colorado Daily, told how his own newspaper had recently been put under a mild form of univer- sity control. Hollander and Daniel Berger, former editor of the Oberlin Re- view, agreed that this was a se- rious infringement of free expres- sion. The analogy was not lost on the Russians, the trio agreed later in the privacy of their hotel room. "Boss" of Delegation Officials concerned with the up- coming Russian visit regard one editor as the "boss" of the delega- tion. He is Dmitri P. Gorunov, edi- tor-in-chief of Komsolskaya Prav- da, the official newspaper of the Young Communist League. Hollander remembers Gorunov as "an authoritative, friendly man, with an unusual- for a Russian official-sense of humor." Gorunov is 39, a Communist Party functionary, and a decorated hero of the Second World War on the German front. Quotes New York Paper He presided over the American editors' junket through the KP wing of the Pravda building in Moscow. They reported that it was he who had to authorize the chief of the foreign news section to See RUSSIAN, Page 4 -Daily-by Jot IN SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY TURNS TO... 'Tis Spring, Spring It Is, It's Spring To Lord Tennyson, it's when a "young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." To Chaucer, it's when ''longen folk to go on pilgrimages." To Omar Khayyam, it's when "the Bird is on the Wing." To Thomas Buchanan Read, it's "the housewife's happiest season." To the Old Testament, it's when "the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." To the Union Opera, it's when "one day you awake, and your heart begins to sing." To Prof. Hazel M. Losh of the astronomy department, it's the Vernal equinox when the Sun is crossing the equator on its way north." To Ann Arbor women's clothing stores, it's when Bermuda shorts become the chief advertising item. To the University male and fe- male, it's when "visions of Arbore- tum dance in their wee little heads." But to the unpoetic, non-musi- cal, unromantic, non-commercial, unreligious, non-scientific, every- day, practical mind: It's Spring beginning tomorrow at 4:36 a.m. Oppenheimer Film Two additional showings of the interview between Edward R. Mur- row and J. Robert Oppenheimer have been set. The televised talk will be shown at 4:15 and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Amphitheater. The program is again sponsored by the journalism department. world News Roundup By The Associated Press Retirement Rumors LONDON-Strong rumors arisen that Prime Minister ston Churchill will resign soon. IJ ! r have Win- very The city's major newspapers, in- cluding the pro-Churchill Daily Express carried reports that the 80-year-old statesman was "about" to retire.t For the past two years Primei Minister Churchill has been try- ing to get the world's leaders to-s gether for a "dramatic" meetingE to achieve peace. Some of the papers headlined that he would step down for For- eign Secretary Anthony Eden be-l fore Britain's budget is presented' to the Parliament on April 19. * * * Discount Red Build-up ; TAIPEI, Formosa - Nationalist Chinese and American sources yesterday discounted as unfounded reports of a big Communist build- up on the mainland opposite Mat- su Island. * * * Democrats Bow on Tax, WASHINGTON - Key House Democrats conceded yesterday that they probably have lost their big fight for an income tax cut at this session of Congress. They said they will accept, per-, haps by Friday, a Senate bill mere- ly extending present corporation income and excise tax rates for one more year. That would give President Dwight D. Eisenhower a major congressional triumph. ] * *A No Postal Pay Raise WASHINGTON - President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave an im- plied warning yesterday that he' would be inclined to veto any post- al pay raise average more than 71/2 per cent. The President said he was con- cerned "not only because of the fiscal impact" of bigger raises for 500,000 Post Office employes, but also because of the precedent it would set for another bill affect- ing a million Civil Service work- ers. Gieseking Concert Set for Tuesday Returning to the United States for his first tour in 16 years, Walt- Mayor T Off-Stree Paring Tentative plans for. parking system expans that maywrea h-n-es 000,000 have been an Mayor William E. Bro Still in the study plans will be submit City Council sometime mayor said. He added that he ho Sion may be made on t early enough so that might be started in t At present, Ann A parking lots and two ca a total capacity of 1, Outlining how ti would be financed, M said, "Not one nickel mated $1,000,000 Ar come from taxes. The come from profits tha made, are being made made in the system." The plans for expa parking system are formative phase. Mayor Brown estim ever, that the over-al now considering would present system to abou capacity. Included in the pr possible parking facili Joseph's Mercy Hosp sity Hospital area. Also under conside parking area in the M ness area. YalIta R r::1 Says Action Makes Allies, Mlore Uneasy Knowland Believes Release Beneficial By The Associated Press Adla E. Stevenson declared yes- .terday publication of the Yalta papers had "done nothing except to add further anxiety to our al- ' lies about our trustworthiness." Stevenson, in Albany for wha he called "a personal and social call" on Gov. Averell Harrimar of New York, told reporters re- lease of the documents "revealec no more than the wise and far- sighted judgment" of Gov. Harri- man. The governor, then U.S. ambas- sador to Moscow, participated i the Yalta talks 10 years ago. George Comments Meanwhile in Washington yes- terday Sen. Walter George (D- Ga.) said publication of the Yalta hn Hirtzel record may make it difficult t arrange conferences to establis world peace. Sen. George Is a Democrati spokesman on foreign policy a head of the Senate Foreign Rela tions Committee. He said in an in terview he believes "real harm' a has been done efforts to reac some peaceful settlement witi Russia and its Communist allies On the other hand, Sen. Wil liam Knowland (R-Calif.) said h foresees highly beneficial result an off-street from making the record public. ion program Sen. Knowland, the Senate Re timated $1,- publican leader, has been in the nounced by forefront of those charging tha awn, Jr. Roosevelt made concessions to th wn, Jr. Russians which helped put East stage, the ern Europe .and China behind th ted to the Iron Curtain. in May, the Disclosures Discourage Secrecy "If the disclosures discourag opes a deci- two or three nations from thinkin the proposal they can sit down behind close the project doors-with no responsibility t he fall. their elected representatives an to the people-and proceed to par Arbor's five cel out nations and peoples with arports have out their consent, they will hav 054 cars, served their purpose," he declare he project "Whether it be at Yalta, Pots ayor Brown dam or Geneva, a useful purpos of the esti- will be served if every official wh ogram will participates in negotiations rea lmoney will lizes that he has an ultimate ac t have been counting to the people and tha and will be his decisions will have to stan the light of history." nsion of the still in the Highway Accident mated, 'how- Two cars were towed awa 1 plan he is from an accidentrearly today a F enlarge the Washtenaw and Stadium, but n ut double its one was injured. A car driven by a 17-year-ol ogram is a boy hit the rear of another ce ty in the St. and went over the embankmen )ital-Univer- Police found a 15-year-old gi: passenger in the boy's car lyin ration is a on the ground. Taken to Univer, ain St. busi- sity Hospital, she suffered no se ious injuries. Attack MSC Prepayab let Costs Plant A Michigan State College propo- sal allowing parents to prepay their children's college education was criticized yesterday by offi- cials of Detroit's two universities. The plan for prepaying college expenses was made last week to the State Board of Agriculture, MSC's governing body, by College treas- urer Philip J. May. Pay Only $15 Monthly 1 If parents began the program3 when their children were young enough, they could finance the ed-i ucations on as little as $15 month-1 ly, May said. The fund would even- tually cover four college years at $1,200 a year. The Rev. Fr. Celestin J. Steiner, president of the University of De- troit, said the plan was "a threat to the freedom of choice a mature 18-year-old should be able to ex- ercise when he is ready for col- lege." Olin E. Thomas, vice-president of Wayne University in charge of finances, said the plan would put MSC in the banking or insurance business. He said private compan- ies are better equipped to provide such service. Under the MSC plan, a benefit to the student-and his parents-- would be the possibility of a vir- tually "free" senior year, enabled by MSC's investment of the funds. Parents Could Withdraw Money Provisions would be made, ac- cording to MSC President John A. Hannah, for parents to withdraw their investments if their children were to enroll elsewhere. President Hannah told the group the plan springs from years of re- quests, made by MSC parents, for a plan allowing them to pay for their children's educations in ad- vance. Both Father Stenier and Thom- as said they had turned down of- fers from banks, insurance firms and financial houses to handle similar prepayment plans. elease HAROLD STASSEN ... new appointee ro Consider International Ban on Arms Will concentrate On Atom Control WASHINGTON (P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower in history's first action of its kind assigned Harold Stassen yesterday to seek practical ways of cutting down world armaments. He created a new position of special president assistant, with full Cabinet rank, and named Stassen to it. Stassen was charged with draft- ng recommendations which, if given top-level and congressional approval "will become basic pol- icy" on the question of disarma- ment, a White House announce- ment said. Deal With Major Weapons The broad study will deal with all major weapons, with emphasis on hydrogen and atomic bombs.- All efforts to arrive at an atomic control system have failed so far. Russia balked at international in- spection of the kind insisted upon by the United States. The President, in announcing the appointment, noted that the recent UN conference at London on disarmament problems, brought "no progress." The Stassen appointment is be- lieved to be the first attempt by any nation to make disarmament the full responsibility of a top official. Stassen, now director of the For- eign Operations Administration, told newsmen he will begin im- mediately to make "a more thor- ough and penetrating study of the entire question of disarmament than has ever been made before" Remain FOA Head He said he will continue con- currently as head of FOA until the Administration's foreign aid program has been passed by Con- gress, perhaps in June, then will esign. FOA itself is scheduled to go out of existence June 30, when its functions are to go to other agencies. President Eisenhower made it plain he is thinking of a program avoiding "the tragic consequences of unilateral disarmament" and taking into account the threat of aggression from heavily armed Communist powers if Western strength is low. The announcement answered a prevalent Washington question of what job the Administration would find for Stassen on the fold-up of FOA. Three times governor of Minne- sota and twice a presidential can- didate, Stassen gave President Ei- senhower the nomination on the first ballot in the 1952 convention by releasing the Stassen favorite son Minnesota delegation. Still Gets FOA Salary Stassen said he would continue drawing his FOA salary-$22,000 a year-for the present. Presiden- tial press secretary James E. Hag- gerty told newsmen the new job would pay the same as the four other special presidential assist- ants-$20,000 annually. Until now, the broad develop- ment of disarmament policies has been the responsibility of Secre- tary of State John Foster Dulles. Negotiations toward carrying them out have been handled by Henry Cabot Lodge, head of the U.S. delegation at the United Nations. Two Riflemen Killed on Way To University Two members of the University of Cincinnati rifle team died Fri- day in an auto accident while on their way to Ann Arbor for a match with the University ROTC team. Dead are Percy V. Morris, team coach, and Stanley Meyer, a team member. According to the Jones- ville state police, the accident '' MILITARY EXPERTS SAY: U.S. Cannot Stop All Enemy Planes Gold Key to Ann Arbor Given to 'Santa Claus' An unassuming man who spends most of his year making Christ- mas toys for handicapped child- ren became the first local resident to receive the key to the city. "Santa Claus" Al Warnoff was presented with a golden key to the city of Ann Arbor and named by Mayor William E. Brown as "citi- zen extraordinary and honorary employee of the city." Warnoff has received more than 12 citations from civic groups as well as presidents in his lifetime, but his greatest thrill still comes (EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, the first in a series on civil defense, dis- cusses the threats contained in an enemy attack.) By DICK SNYDER In 1951, after a warning that unidentified planes were heading over the Pacific for the United States, it was found that the door to the bomb shelter in the White House was jammed tight shut. Executive aides of President Harry S. Truman were still trying to pry open the huge steel door when another message was re- ceived, informing them that the earlier warning was garbled and should be desregarded. Civil Defense Needed The incident bordered the ridic- effect of atomic and hydrogen bombs. The atomic bomb has two char- acteristics which a similar high explosive weapon lacks: radiation and intense heat. Radiation is the most feared yet least lethal danger of the bomb. Only one out of eight Japanese casualties during the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings were due to radiation sickness. Also, civil de- fense authorities have said Amer- ican cities are shielded to a great- er extent than were the two Jap- anese cities. Transportation of Radioactives Radioactive material is scat- tered over an area in three ways. tance depending on the enemy's use of, weather in their planning. Latest discoveryin the transpor- tation of radioactive particles is known as "fall out." "Fall out" occurs when the material drops to the earth, having been spread across a large area by winds 10,000 to 50,000 feet above the earth's surface. 'Fire Storms' Dangerous Dangers from the heat of the bomb derive from a man-made at- mospheric condition known as a "fire storm." Such storms are caused by two factors: the actual intense heat which the bomb generates upon explosion, and blast waves which, m