'I ATtMmnAvMARCH 19!. 1955~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREN >. ,_... THE MICHIGAN DAILY WAGE TURIN ENJOY Carry-Out Service IZZA Beer & Wine Served Work on Varsity Pool LaSalle, Dons Triumph CIRUINE' at the Del Rio Restaurant 122 West Washington Hours 4-12 - Closed Tuesday Tel. NO 2-9575 TODAY 1:30 P.M. & Sunday ORPHEUM5 5c "VERY FUNNY... FULL OF DELIGHTFUL SPOOF" -NEWSWEEK MICHIGAN DAILY Phone NO 23-24-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 2 3 4 1 DAY .6 .77 .99 3 DAYS 1.47 1.95 2.46 6 DAYS 2.15 3.23 4.31 Crisler Says Completion Set 'for January, 1956 RENE CLAIR'S feauties flwiglt GERARD PHILIPE " GINA LOLLORRIGIDA JIARTIME CAROL " MAGALI VENDEUIL A Fronotoodon film PEPE LE PEW CARTOON . t I _ Ending Tonight vJM1CIGRN! Matinees SOc Evenings 80c "Explodes with merriment!" --Crowther, Times "Bravo! An achingly funny movie!" --Guernsey, Herald Tribune ALSO CARTOON - NOVELTY - NEWS Sunday - "CONQUEST OF SPACE" Construction of the new $766,- 377 men's swimming pool at the University of Michigan will begin at once, H. O. Crisler, Wolverine director of athletics, said yester- day. Contract for the project has been awarded to the low bidder, the Henry W. deKening Construc- tion Company of Ann Arbor, and work will begin immediately with plans calling for completion of the structure by January, 1956. The new building will be locat- ed between the new athletic of- fice building, now nearing com- pletion at South State and Hoover Streets and the Sports Building, fronting Hoover Street, which now houses the men's swimming plant. It will be connected to both the Sports Building and the new office building, and will seat approxi- mately 3,000 spectators for varsity meets in contrast to the present capacity of 900. Seats will be lo- cated upon three sides of the pool with special press, radio, and tele- vision facilities also to be in- stalled. New Diving Pool A novel feature of the. new set- up will be a special 20 by 40 foot diving pool adjacent and connect- ed with the varsity pool on one side. An idea projected by Matt Mann, retired Wolverine coach, the set-up will enable both divers and swimmers to work out simul- taneously without the necessity of synchronizing their workouts. The diving pool will be 14 feet deep while the varsity pool will be 75 feet in length by 45 feet with a six-foot racing depth. A diver tower with three elevations for low board, highboard, and tower' diving will be another feature of the new pool. Adequate locker room and training facilities also will be part of the set-up. Together with the Sports Build- ing pool, swimming facilities will be greatly increased while more students than ever before will be able to watch varsity meets. The structure will enable Michigan to play host to the country's major meets more adequately than in the past. Crisler said, "Michigan has always had one of the finest ath- letic plants to be found anywhere, and it is our sincere desire to keep it that way." Victors Meet For National Cage Crown Gola Scores 23; Russell Shines KANSAS CITY (-) - The na- tion's No. 1 team, San Francisco, exploited 6-10 All-American Bill Russell relentlessly for a 62-50 tri- umph over outclassed Colorado last night. That put the Dons into the finals against defending cham- pion La Salle in the National Col- legiate Athletic Assn. basketball tournament. La Salle, utilizing the clutch play of All-America Tom Gola, bounced out Big Ten champion Iowa 76=73 in the opening game of the semi-final round before a capacity 10,500 at the Municipal Auditorium. In Saturday night's program Iowa and Colorado will play for third place. Russell, rebounding d e m o n, scored 24 points before he left the floor with a tremendous salvo of' applause with 3:02 left to play. Colorado's last chance went with little more than 14 minutes to play as Colorado's biggest player, 6-7 center Burdette Haldorson, went out of the game on five per- sonals. At that point Russellpumped in a free throw which moved S'an Francisco ahead 30-21. Shortly after that the game turned into a walk-away as the Dons sped to a 16-point margin,, 40-24, with little more than eight minutes to play. It was San Francisco's 25th straight victory and gave the Dons a 27-1 record. Their only setback was by UCLA in their third game ,of the season. Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 1:00 A.M. Saturday LOST AND FOUND LOST-Lady Elgin Watch, Education School or Vicinity. Call Jan Snider, NO 2-3225; Reward. )83A FOR SALE ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords- 6.88. Sox, 39c, shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington., )26B 33-FT. MOBILE HOME completely mod- ern. Price slightly higher than a year's apartment rent. Can be financ- ed. Immediate occupancy. Call Tom Stock at NO 8-8248 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. or Lot 3 Coachville any time. ) 302B SWEATERS to formals, size 9 to 11. Call NO 3-8153. )301B 3 HP Outboard Motor used 10 times only, including refueling tank. $80. NO 2-5974. )30B Purchase from Purchase Weston Master II Exposure Meter like new $18 PURCHASE CAMERA SHOP 1116 S. University NO 8-6972 )313B DISHWASHER Kenmore Automatic. Used short time. Like new. Reason- ably priced, Phone NO 3-2363. )311B ROOMS FOR RENT ONE DOUBLE ROOM, large closet kit-l chen privileges optional. No drinkers or smokers. For quiet gentlemen. Near State and Packard-Phone NO 8-8345. )50D Rooms for Men clean and pleasant, near the Uni- versity and all the best eating places. Parking facilities. 1412 Cambridge. Call NO 8-7683. )63Dy BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH. Campus Tour- ist Homes, 518 E. William. Student rooms also available. NO 3-8454. )66D THIRD MAN needed to share apartment -campus location-privileges. NO 3-0635. )67D ROOM AND BOARD Women's Residence Hall' Several large, well-furnished double rooms at the Martha Washington House. Can be rented as singles. Full4 kitchen, automatic washer and dry- er. Shown by appointment only. Phone NO 2-7071, after 5 p.m. or any- time weekends. )19E ATTRACTIVE ROOM and board in a congenial home for capable girl or woman who will help couple with 12 year old boy. Call NO 2-3541. )20E HELP WANTED PART-TIME WAITRESS wanted. For Noon-hour only. Mary Lee Candies. NO 8-9316. )43H CAMP COUNSELORS, male and female, single or married, needed for Jewish camp near Ann Arbor. Season: June 30-August 28. Write L. P. Baruch, 18696 Santa Rosa, Detroit 21, Michi- gan. )42I PERSONAL HOUSEWORK WANTED. Morning and afternoons. Monday through Friday, or by the hour. NO 3-8284 or NO 3-3294. ) 717 YOUR HANDWRITING reveals your character for analysis. Send 25 word handwritten sample in ink, stamp self addressed envelope and $1, to 808 East Ann. )72F BUSINESS SERVICES R. A. MADDY-VIOLIN MAKER. Fine instruments. Accessories, Repairs. 310 S. State, upstairs. Phone NO 2-5962. )10I TYPING WANTED. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Mullet, 726 S. Main, NO 8-6883. )291 TYPING, Editing Manuscripts, Papers Theses. 831 Tappan Court, NO 3-0708 )301 RADIO - PHONO - TV Service and Sales Free Pick-Up and Delivery Fast Service - Reasonable Rates "Student Service ANN ARBOR RADIO AND TV 1217 S. University Phone NO 8-7942 l% blocks east of East Eng. )28I USED CARS 1948 DODGE two-door green, radio, heater, new tires. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )245B 1948 CHEVROLET Club Coupe-radio, heater, good tires. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )277B University 907 N. Main Oldsmobile NO 3-0507 }8098 USED CARS 1950 NASH, two-door, heater, good paint, good tires. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )283B 1947 CHEVROLET four-door, good tires, radio and heater, good transporta- tion. The big lot across from down- town carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )2825 1948 PONTIAC, new tires, radio and heater, 'newly overhauled motor. The big lot across from downtown oar- port. Huron Motor Sales, 2 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )2945 '47 CADILLAC, two-door, new white- wall tires. Perfect condition through- out. Equipped with all Cadillac ac- cessories. $375. Call NO 2-1291 aft- er 6. 29 l148 FRAZER Sedan. $95. Fitzgerald- Jordan, Inc. 607 Detroit St. NO 8-8141. )310B 47 CHEVROLET, Two-door. Radio and heater. Runs good. Special today, $88.00. 40 more good clean cars to' choose from. 1950 Ford Convertible White-wails. Radio and heater. New top and Life Guard tubes, $550,_NO 8-9825. )3128 1953 DELUXE CHEVROLET eight passenger station wagon. Heat- er, radio, standard shift. Original owner, $1,500, Call NO 2-5063. )315B 1939 PONTIAC by student owner. Ex- cellent condition. Four good tires $65. Call NO 3-2653 noon or evening. )3168 I I try ANGELO'S #*& 5"o dog &'effkjt WAFFLES AT THEIR BEST with Swift's Premium Sausage, Bacon or Ham and topped with Fresh Butter and Delicious Maple Syrup. Angelo's Restaurant 1100 E. Catherine Closed Monday Open 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. DEFENDING CHAMPS: Buckeye Tankers Heavy Favorites in NCAA Meet Do You Know-? I 71 The Newman Club Presents REVEREND PHILIP HUGHES Noted Historian and Author Speaking on "THE PERSONALITIES of the ENGLISH REFORMATION" (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of three articles presenting an analy- sis of the coming NCAA swimming championships.) By LEW HAMBURGER With the NCAA swimming championships only a week away Ohio State's defending champions are heavy favorites to retain their title. The meet, to be held next Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday at Mi- ami University in Oxford, Ohio, will see the return to champion- ship competitionof the conven- tional breaststroke. The Big Ten has two or three potential standouts in the event with Michigan's Bumpy Jones, Michigan State's John Dudeck, and Ohio State's Van Leer Hoff- man, but the remainder of the field is a question mark. Harvard's Dave Hawkins is the top represen- tative from the East. Oyakawa Favored in Backstroke In the butterfly event, Hawkins and Jones will probably battle down to the finish line as they did a year ago when Jones' last ditch effort was ruled not enough as the judges awarded the closest of fin- ishes to the Harvard star. In the backstroke event there Is no debate as to who is the odds- on favorite in pre-meet selections. Ohio State's diminutive Hawaiian, Yoshi Oyakawa, unbeatable for four years, is again a heavy fa- vorite to capture both the 100 and 200-yard crowns. His teammate, Al Wiggins, fig- ures to be high in the order of finish at Miami also, although he will have a tougher time than Oyakawa, especially if Michigan chooses to enter Jack Wardrop in the event. Wardrop beat Wiggins in the Big Ten meet, while losing to Oyakawa by only a short dis- tance. Two sophomores, Lincoln Hur- ring of Iowa and Charlie Krepp of North Carolina, might also 'break into the lineup of six final- ists in the backstroke events. Their times are almost identical, with Hurring's slightly faster thus far. Stanford's Larry Heim, a final- ist last year, is again a top per- former. The individual medley finds Wiggins the favorite over all com- ers. The versatile Ohio sophomore has broken all established records for the event, and has lowered his own marks several times. Stager Can Choose From Trio Michigan's Wardrops, or Jones can all pick up the second and third place points, as coach Gus Stager will probably choose at least one of the trio to oppose Wiggins. Yale's Hendrick Gide- onse, who placed second last year, will again be tough. The relay events find Yale and Ohio State favored in the free- style and medley relays, respec- tively. You can buy a Beautiful New 1955 Plymouth 2-dr. Club Sedan including heater, turn signals, License and Taxes for $159 down and $13.61 a week or we will take your old car in trade - AT I Sunday, Mar. 20 - 7:30 P.M. at the FATHER RICHARD CENTER 331 Thompson St. EVERYONE WELCOME DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS. r i i Marksmen Compete The National Intercollegiate Sectional Rifle meet will be held on the Ann Arbor range today. Individual shooting will start at 8:30 a.m., with the teams go- ing in the afternoon. A total of ing in the afternoon. A total of 89 shooters from 15 teams will be on hard. The Wolverine marksmen are rated a good chance to triumph. EXHIBITION BASEBALL Detroit 7, Philadelphia 6 (10 innings) Milwaukee 14, Pittsburgh 13 St. Louis 4, Chicago (A) 3 New York (A) 6, Kansas City 0 New York (N) 9, Cleveland 6 Washington 5; Baltimore 4 Boston 5, Cincinnati 2 "Your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer" 331 S. 4th Ave. NO 2-5523 )316B HIGH CHAIR, Buggy, Playyard, crib, nursery chair. NO 3-0663.y d, )318B NEW 5-room Home between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Phone 3YP 1009. )317B Benz Motors, Inc., CHRISTIAN YS. PAGAN! MIGHTY SPECTACLE OF A WICKED EMPIRE I ; J GE EKII Gd I r PLAY GOLF Municipal Golf Course Fuller Street near Veterans' Hospital Now open for the season. MGM's Qu o CC LRB ROBERT TAYLOR DEBORAH KERR ALSO WALT DISNEY'S "WATER BIRDS" Ginema SL quid. SATURDAY 7 and 9 SUNDAY 8 only "PASSPOUT TO PIMLICO with MARGARET RUTH ERFORD STANLEY HOLLOWAY A J. Arthur Rank Production ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50c I i $12aday on this exciting ISLAND PARADISE in the Gulf of Mexico Here's where the college crowd wil gather during the Easter vacation *:miles of white beach, moonlight. d;* rnU fee golf, water skiing a'd ti :+the FIRST ANNUAL INTERkat