PAGE TWO , Im . M1Y T"V-' A N im a TV Isr PAGE TWO, .3. a3.z4 ±YA' 1 11i111A~jERJ ~J~LE . '"I' Wr'NLYA~W~AW5 SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 195x 0 CAPTAIN QUEEG ON DUTY: Dorm Rules Enforced Even when It's Dangerous "He's Perfectly Healthy -- Just Terribly Sensitive" THE ADAGE "Rules were made to be bro- ken" ought to be applied in women's dor- mitories more often than it is. Many criticisms have been made of the regulations concerning hours, apparel and places where smoking is allowed. All these things are matters which, if regulated less or not at all, would make dormitory living more pleasant. However, some rules involve more than mere enjoyment. Sometimes a regulation must be broken to benefit the people involved. It is necessary to think of the individual in some instances more than the group. SUCH A situation occurred the other night at Alice Lloyd. A girl named Molly Kinke- ma fell on the stairs, injured her head and lost consciousness. Because of a University Hospital rule which states that University stu- dents cannot enter the Hospital before Health Service is contacted, no one was allowed to phone the Hospital and request an ambulance. The unconscious girl lay on the floor by the steps for more than an hour waiting for the one Health Service doctor on call that night to come. At last the doctor arrived. He immediately called for an ambulance - the thing that should and would have been done an hour sooner if the girl's life had been valued more than obedience to rules. H OWEVER, the ambulance did not take Molly to the Hospital (which is across the street) for another half hour. First the Hos- pital tried to check her records at Health Service. Although the necessity of a rule such as the Hospital has is understandable, why couldn't the records have been discussed later, after the patient was out of danger? Fortu- nately, the fine care Molly received more than made up for the loss of time. In spite of a concussion, broken jaw and bruised leg she is getting better. But it still seems that an un- fair gamble was taken.. The delay in arrival of the ambulance shows that "regulationitis" can be found oth- er places on this campus besides in the dorms. Although an effort is being made to integrate Health Service and the University Hospital more efficiently, a provision is needed in the meantime to eliminate loss of valuable time in cases such as Molly's. AT ANY RATE, the long wait for a Health Service doctor and probably the delay of the ambulance could have been avoided if those in authority at Alice Lloyd had called the Hospital immediately and reported an emergency case. This was not done partly be- cause of an unwillingness to break the rule and partly because they did not consider the case an emergency-although the girl was un- conscious for forty minutes, in shock and had head injury the seriousness of which no one could tell. (They claimed her pulse was nor- mal and she wasn't bleeding.) Save us from a Captain Queeg type of thinking. True, the inability of those in authority to judge when the rules should no longer apply can also be found outside the dorms. But it is most pitiful there because of its constant an- noyance and danger to the students. The oth- er night's incident is just one example of the fact that obeying dormitory rules has be- come an end rather than a means. Dorm liv- ing is too regimented to be relaxing. Is it any wonder that people complain about the apathy in the dorms? Is it surprising that students speak of how much dorm life one cart "take?" Perhaps we can see now why upper classmen dio not care to live in the dorms. ---Ethel Kovitz _s - t /i Z y ,..y .. . e 1855-1955: A Century of Whitman 1855-1955: A Century of "Leaves of Grass" WALT WHITMAN, were he to spend 1955 on earth, probably would be amazed at the furor caused by the centenary of "Leaves of Grass." More words will be expended on Whitman and his work this year than he or all his contemporaries wrote during his lifetime or at his death, if the first two months are taken as any indication. A century is a long time, in terms of our national existence, and suffi- cient duration for some critics to authorize Whitman's apotheosis; it will simply confirm others in opinions already held. Assigning Whitman a place in American literary history is both easy and difficult: Easy because he is unique, and has, therefore, a ! n Playing Host to Russian Student Editors ELEVEN Russian editors will be visiting Ann Arbor, probably before the end of this se- mester. Although the University "often has visitors from other countries, a delegation from the Soviet Union is a rare thing. When they do get to Ann Arbor, we should be careful to make sure their visit is worth- while, both to them and to ourselves. We hope that they will not be too carefully chaperoned, so that they might get a true picture of the freedom that exists here, a freedom that al- lows this writer to publish his views, respon- sible or otherwise, in a newspaper. The Daily will probably be the focal point of -their visit here, because they have been advertised as student editors. Yet, they range in age from 24 to 39, and only some of them are actually student editors. The rest are pro- fessional editors of youth publications in Rus- sia. MO VIE REVIEW At the Orpheum ,.. Beauties of the Night with Gerard Philipe, Gina Lollobrigida, Martine Carol, and Magoli Vendeuil. BEAUTIES OF THE NIGHT is a delightfully amusing bit of French nonsense that makes no pretense at doing anything more than en- tertaining. And it entertains with a royal flair, as evidenced by the numerous film wards it has garnered. The story concerns a young musician (Ge- rard Philipe) who is upset by the noisy, bother- some world in which he lives. Street sounds and blaring machines make it almost impos- sible for him to compose; the music classes he conducts and the piano students he teaches bring him no joy either. So it is only natural that he escape into a dream world, a world of beauties of the night. ONE AFTERNOON, while giving a piano les- son to an ostentatious little girl, he imag- ines himself in the waltz-filled glittering ball- rooms and musical soirees of 1900. In fact, he likes it so well that he decides to dream every night. It is only a short while before he is in Algeria wooing a Mohammedan beauty (Gina Lollobrigida) or in the reign of Louis XVI, in- citing the lower classes to revolution. From then on, he regularly drifts from dream world to reality. Soon, his friends begin to suspect that there is something wrong, and a few chance remarks lead them to believe that he is .planning sui- cide. However, everything is eventually solved; and in the true style of romances, he gets the girl of his choice and gains recognition as a composer. IF THERE is any major criticism, it is per- haps that the concluding sequences take a little too much time. But they justify their existence by being very humorous. Rene Clair has directed the film with a light and whimsical touch and the nerfn er at in it+anmm_4-in IF ANYTHING can be inferred from these facts, it is that student editors in Russia are not students. At least they are not stu- dents who are permitted to act like students, but rather are under the control of the pow- ers that be, so that nothing student-like (as we define the term) can get into print. Ir- responsible youngsters of 19 or 20 could not be trusted in editorships. The eleven may be surprised then, to find student editors in this country so young, and so entangled in classroom responsibilities while editors. But if they are permitted a good look around the United States, they may be im- pressed with the relatively free rein given students. The eleven editors should leave the United States after their 30-day tour with a convic- tion that freedom exists here, and for the bet- ter. It might be hard to convince some of us of that fact, but we are not as bad off as they are. If they do not get that impression, then their visit will not have been a very fruitful one. At the same time, if we do not learn some- thing from them, we will have wasted our ef- forts in hosting them. We should be able to get some indications of what life is like be- hind the iron curtain (to use a worn out phrase) in comparison to what they find here. Unless they are very tight-lipped, we probably will learn a few things. NO DOUBT we will get some propaganda. The Soviet government wouldn't foot the bill for anyone who wasn't a good public rela- tions man. And we are probably justified in supposing that the visitors will be willing to learn only what they already believe. So we have quite a task before us. -Jim Dygert Junior Girls' 11V) At Lydia Mendelssohn ..., "COCK-A-HOOP," 1955 Junior Girls' Play OF "Cock-a-Hoop" one cast member said "It just makes you want to exuberate!" She had a point: the junior women, at work on this contribution to campus tradition for very nearly a year, have produced a fresh and de- lightful show. From an objective standpoint nobody will deny that Lydia Mendelssohn's stage has seen many more professional pro&uctions. But for what it undertakes-a joint effort of a mass group-the end result is in every way adequate, and in some excelling. Intriguing and dramatic plots are not ex- pected of such light musical comedies. This JGP progresses on a very slight thread of a theme, but clings throughout to the satisfactory line: an assemblage of young career women converge on New York in search of jobs in the nebulous field of "show business." The cli- max comes in a "show within a show" device. The script provides an adequate vehicle for the notable series of talented cast-members. "Cock-a-Hoop" is the first JGP in several years to bar any impersonation of males from its cast, and the result glves it snecial claim lonesome place, as perhaps all great artists have; difficult be- cause there are no writers to whom he can be compared that both achievements and defects are read- ily discerned. If one grants that a created "vision of life" is a test of artistic success, then Whitman can succeed. He was, however, not so much a poet of his times as a poet influenced by his times, stimulated thereby into envisioning what- were it properly canalized-Ameri- ca could become, were it to retain the vigor characteristic of a na- tion abuilding, refined by existing cultural forces that in themselves were complacent. Walt Whitman saw a nation leavened by thousands of men and women with qualities, attitudes, and outlooks, Whitmanlike, and it was this vision he wove in "Leaves of Grass." The Whitman vision by aesthetic standards is 1 a r g e enough, complete enough, perhaps even too great. As a political prophet he fails. THERE was much about America that Whitman was unaware of when he wrote "Leaves of Grass" in the late 1840's and early 1850's. He missed none of the vital posi- tiveness; however, he did not see that there was only an America, no United States-a loose, at times ill- working, commonwealth. He did not, despite his claim, present "all"; he became, perhaps, so en- grossed in collecting the individ- ual sticks for his fire he forget that green wood yields so much smoke and intense heat that the whole landscape may be obscured, a retreat be necessary. Whitman saw, in fact, a unity of life in mid-nineteenth century America when no unity was pos- sible. Work was his unifying, equalizing ideal, daily work that brought the "roughs" together in quest of bread. His New England contemporaries had begun criti- cizing and analyzing the first cul- tural maturity the nation had achieved, and one had found that the ties holding the railroads were, after all, the bodies of dead Irish laid side by side; the very "work" Whitman celebrated had already led the nation into a multiplicity and divergency of interests which continued to increase until the United States became what it now it. His vision as a political hope was erroneous even in his own time. It is no less incongruous now, despite elapsed time and a result- ingly romantic, mellowed retro- spect. In the new century Henry Adams, that magnificent and pro- found scholar, who was born when Whitman was only 19, wrote these facts after spending his life in searchofewhat Whitman said lay all about: unitl. W HITMANas a poet is quite an- other consideration. There can be no doubt that he wrote in; "Leaves of Grass" a book any cul- tured English or Frenchman would, have identified as "American." And like Poe before him, he ac- quired a reputation abroad before3 he was palatable it home. Astute critics, the young Henry James9 and William Dean Howells, moti- vated by their desire not to be ar- tistic cast-outs because of their nationality, had harsh words for Whitman. His poetry was too wild.. etry not at all. Whitman's most distinguished literary descendant is Dr. Edith Sitwell, not Carl Sand- burg. The Whitman prosody, in- volved and complex, is tied to the poet's personalityjt is difficult to say where the poet begins and the man and his on'nivorous appetites ends. Almost the same can be said for Dr. Sitwell. The brief flurry of free verse in this century proved nothing so much as that it was one man's genius to employ Whit- man's techniques to the full, aid not the beginning of the way all poetry would be written thereafter. Whitman's is exceedingly intimate poetry, in all respects, when best. ONE of Whitman's most fully re- alized poems, is "Come Up From The Fields, .rather" from "Drum Taps." Here one finds a fusion of incisive observation and the particular rolling surge of the verse; it is strangely reminiscent of the Song of Deborah-passion- ate and stoic. The incident of the poem is plain: A farm family has received a letter from their soldier son and brother, who has been wounded: "Sentences broken - gunshot wound in the breast, cavalry skirmish, taken to hospital, At present low, but will soon be better." And at the moment of reading, "While they stand at home at the door, he is dead already; The only son is dead." In unadorned speech, straightfor- ward narrative, Whitman reports the scene, as if saying the farm home might have been an Israelite tent, the cornfields a flock, and that history has brought us so lit- tle space: From one midnight to another "midnight, waking, weep- ing, longing with one long deep lon'ging," even though "Above all, lo, the sky, so calm, so transparent after the rain, and with wondrous clouds; Below, too, all calm, a1 vital and beautiful-and the farm prospers well." The poem is biblical, both in its appealing poignancy and in its beautiful directness; it has none of the excesses and repetitions that mar so much of Whitman's work. "Come Up From The Fields, Fa- ther" is, somehow, more success- ful as an experience because it is more intimate to the individual reader than is the much-praised "When Lilacs Last In The Door- yard Bloom'd." His Lincoln elegy is, by any standards, a great poem, the more so because great elegies are not numerous in English. Whitman tried to write a poem on behalf of a nation bereaved by the death of Lincoln; in trying to speak for a nation, regar.dless of how much he tied the poem to his own dooryard, he did not succeed in rendering the grief as personally real. The grief of a nation, however great the loss, can not be the in- tense grief a man feels for his own father or his so. The Lincoln elegy is for a nation; "Come Up From The Fields, Father"ris for a man, or a woman, at any rate, the individual reader. DREW PEARSON: Chinese Ready Rockets W ASHINGTON - Central In- telligence is now convinced Chinese Premier Chou En-lai will carry out his threat to attack For- mosa, but not by a fleet of Chinese junks. Instead the attack will be madeswith long-range Russian rockets. Here is why CIA has come to this ominous conclusion: 1. Russia delivered several of its latest long-range missiles to Red China at least eight months ago, and Soviet experts are' now training Chinese crews to oper- ate them. 2. It's known that Russia has turned over squadrons of fast, IL-28 jet bombers and improved MIG-17 jet fighters to the Chi- nese Reds. All this adds up to the proba- bility that Russia wants a limited war in the Far East to test new weapons with someone else doing the fighting and the dying. This may also explain why Chou has been so belligerent in his threats against Formosa. He has threatened so much that he would now lose face in the Orient if he failed to follow through. The months to watch, Central Intelligence has warned, are June and July. Real significance of this latest intelligence from behind the bam- boo curtain is that 'a rocket at- tack on Formosa would be most likely to draw the United States into a shooting war with Red Chi- na. For Eisenhower 'and Dulles have already indicated that they would drop A-bombs on the Chi- nese mainland in case of such hostilities around Formosa. Note-it was the intelligence rockets that helped reverse Sec- retary of State Dulles' thinking on Formosa. In the past, he has dis- counted the possibility of an at- tack on Formosa, knowing that an amphibidus assault couldn't possibly get past the Seventh Fleet. He has now changed his mind and decided Chou En-lai isn't altogether bluffing. Politics and Business Don't Mix THE EISENHOWER Admini- stration's laudable campaign to turn government business over to private business is getting all snarled up in politics. For the first timesin history a private real-estate broker is being retained to sell a large govern- ment factory, but there's been more haggling over who would be the broker than over the appoint- ment of a postmaster. The surplus factory is at New- castle, Pa., where United Engi- neering and Foundry of Pitts- burgh makes forging and steel castings but will abandon the op- eration March 31. So the factory, valued at $20,000,000, is up for sale. Ordinarily, surplus government factories are advertised for sale in various newspapers and the General Services Administration then negotiates or sells to the highest bidder without any real- tor coming into the picture. However, the Ikeites have de- vised a new plan for retaining real-estate brokers which-in the case of the Newcastle plant - means a commission of $117,000. All this, of course, is sound American business practice. But when the Republican National and when he must be OK'd by the Republican Senators in his state, then sound American business stops and politics steps in. And when you start hassling and haggling over the political stripe of the broker who's going to. sell a piece of government property, you might just as well go back to the previous competi- tive system of advertising the fac- tory in the newspapers. Anyway, here's what happened in Newcastle, Pa. Bickering Over Broker EARLY IN January, Walter F. Downey, regional director of the General Services Administration, which disposes of government property, looked around Western Pennsylvania to ,find a suitable industrial realtor. Four or five companies were interested in buy- ing the Newcastle plant, but Downey's instructions were not to sell the plant direct, thereby sav- ing the $117,000 commission-but inaugurate the new system of re- taining a local broker. Kane just happened to be Mc- Caffrey's primary opponent in 1953. In that primary Senator Martin backed Kane, Senator Duff backed McCaffrey. So it was politics, pure politics, not private enterprise that domi- nates the first sale of government property according to "free en- terprise" principles. Note -~ Ed Mansure, who has The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be publshed oftener than twice. SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1955 VOL. LXV, NO. 117 Notices Meeting of the University Staff. Gen- eral staff meeting at 4:15 p.m. Mon., March 21, in Rackham Lecture Han. President Hatcher will discuss the state of the University. All members of the University staff, academic and non- academic, are invited. The Board in Control of Student Pub- lications is now accepting applications for the compiling and selling of the summer and fall Student Directory. Any recognized student group Is eli- gible to make application. Applications are due by March 22, and are to be filed at the business office of the Board in the Student Publications Building. Groups desiring further information are requested to contact the business sec- retary of the Board. Late Permission: Because of the Slide Rule Ball and Odonto Ball, all women students will have a 1:30 late permis- sion Sat., March 19. women's resi- dences will open until 1:25 a.m. TEACHER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Mon., March 21 Garden City, New York Teacher Needs: English Science; Soi. al Studies; Art Instrumental Music; Boys' Physical Education; Girls' Phys- ical Education; General Shop and Typing; Sixth Grade Teacher. Tues., March 22 Battle Creek, Michigan Teacher Needs: Elementary; Second- ary-all fields, except Boy's Physical Education. Detroit, Michigan (Redford Township School District) Teacher Needs: Elementary; English.- Social Studies; Science; Mathematics; Industrial Arts; Foreign Languages-. French - Latin (combination); Home- making; Health Education; Vocal Mu- sic.. Muskegon, Michigan (Lincoln School District No. 4) Teacher Needs: Kindergarten; First; Third; Sixth: Eighth; vocal & In- strumental Music. Royal Oak, Michigan Teacher Needs: Elementary; Secon. dary-all fields. Wed., March 23 Battle Creek, Michigan (Calhoun Rural Agricultural School) W Teacher Needs: 2-8th or 9th grade level Social Studies and Communica- tions skills area. One of the teachers to work half the day at administrative level; Girls' Physical Education; 7th Grade Homeroom teacher-fused pro- gram; 3rd; 2nd; Speech Correctionist. Battle Creek, Michigan (Pennfield Agri- cultural Cchool) Teacher Needs: Elementary; Jr. High- Commerical (typing, math); Home- making; Social Studies; English; Mathematics. Lansing, Michigan Teacher Needs; Elementary; Second- ary-all fields. Perry, Michigan Teacher Needs: Kindergarten; Sixth; Seventh (all subjects); Eighth (Math and Science Core); High School-Eng- lish; Mathematics -Science; Home Economics. Thurs., March 24 Amont, Michigan Teacher Needs: Sixth; Seventh; Span- ish-Library. Cleveland, Ohio Teacher Needs: Kindergarten; Ele- mentary; Math; Social Studies; Eng- lish; Business Education; Music; Sci- ence; Industrial Arts; Home Econom- ics; Physical Education; Art; Special Education. Imlay City, Michigan Teacher Needs: Social Science-Asst. Coach (Football and baseball); Com- mercial with shorthand; English-li- brary; Instrumental-Band (man); Vo- cal-all grades. Ionia, Michigan Teacher Needs: Elementary; English; Science-Mathematics (Sr. High). Trenton, Michigan Teacher Needs: Early Eementary; Sixth Grade. Fri., March 25 Saint Clair Shores, Michigan Teacher Needs: Elementary; Elemen- tary Music. The following Public School systems are interested in teachers in the follow- ing fields: Montrose, Michigan (Montrose Town- ship Schools)-Elementary; Girls Coach (H S. Basketball and Softball); Math- ematics-Physics-Chemistry; Boys' Coach (Head coach Basketball and Track, Ast. Coach football) Mount Prospect, Illinois-Physical Ed- ucation (man) & (woman); Jr. High Science; Jr. High vocal Music; Instru- mental Music. Skokie, Illinois-Elementary For appointments or additional in- formation, please contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: New York State Civil Service an- nounces exams for positions in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Statistics, and Psychology open to New York residents and Library Science, Engineering, and Architects open nationwide. Appliea- tions accepted up to April 22, 1955. Writ- ten test given on May 14, 1955. Armour Research Foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill., has openings for Metal., Mech., Elect., Chem. E., Mathematicians, Physicists and people with an Engineering-Eco- nomics background. Dana Corp. (manufacturers of auto parts), Ft. Wayne, Ind, is in need of a Jr. Metallurgical Investigator to inves- tigate troubles arising in machining metals and castings. City of Chicago, Ill, Civil Service Commission, announces exams for Ar- chitect I, Chem. Engr. I, Civil Engr. I, Elect. Engr. I, Engrg. Draftsman I, and Mech. Engr. I. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Lecture, auspices of the Dept. of His- tory and the Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures "Byzantium and the Growth of Russian Political Philoso- phy." Francis Dvornik, professor of By- zantine History, Dumbarton Oaks Ree- search Libary, Harvard University. 4:15 p.m., Mon., March 21, Rackham Amphi- theater. Academic. Notices Doctoral Examination for Lee Florian Gerlach, English Language and Litera- ture; thesis: "The Poetry and 'Strate- gies' of Allen Tate," Sat., March 19, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, A. L. Bader. History 5 Midemester, Tues. March 22, 9:00 a.m Brown's sections, 2054 Natural Science; Mitchell's sections, 102 Architecture ;all other sections, Nat- ural Science Auditorium. Psychology Colloquium. Anatol Rapo- port of the Ford Center for Advanced Study in The Behavioral Sciences will speak on, "Diffusion Problems in Mass Behavior," Fri., March 18, 4:15 p.m. in Aud. C Angell Hall. Coffee hour preced- ing the colloquium in 3411 Mason Hall. Little Seminar. Mon., March 21, 8:00 p.m. Rackham, West Conference Room, Prof. Robert Solo, Rutgers University, "Some Aspects of the Theory of Popu- lation." Faculty members and graduate students invited, others welcome. No meeting of the Seminar in Chemi- cal Physics Mon., Mar. 21. Attend Uni- versity Lecture (see announcement). Important meeting for all student in Psychology 31 Tutorial sections 38 and 39, Mon., March 21, at 3:00 pm. in Room 3427 Mason Hall. Concerts Walter Gieseking, pianist, Tues., Mar. 22 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, final concert of this season's Extra Series. Beethoven Sonata in D minor, Op. 31, No. 2; a Brahms group of Capriccios and Intermezzos; Schubert s Impromp- tus in B-flat, No. 3, and A-flat, No. 4; Cipressi by Castelnuovo-Tedesco; and a Debussy group-Ballade, Nocturne, Valse romantique, and Six Preludes from Second Book. Tickets available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower; also at Hill Auditorium box of.- fice after 7:00 p.m. Tues. night. Events Today Saturday Lunch Discussion--"Inves- tigations and Religion," a playing and discussion of the recording of "The In- vestigator," SRA at Lane Hall 12:15- 2-00 p.m. Reservations. Hawaii Club spring party, Sat., March 19, 8:00-12:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Social dancing, games, refreshments. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong Sat., March 19, at 5:15 p.m. in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. The following matches will be played Sat. a.m. in Barbour and Waterman gyms in the Women's All Campus Bad- minton Tournament at 9:10 a.m. 1 and 2, 10 and 11, 15 and 16, 18 and 20, 21 and 22, 26 and 27 in Singles. 17 and 18 will play a doubles game at this time. At 9:30 a.m. in doubles, 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 7 and 8, 13 and 14, 15 and 16, 26 and 27, 29 and 31. At 10:15 a.m. in doubles, 33 and 34, 37 and 38. 41 and 42,45 and 46, 47 and 48, 2t and 23 will play. These numbers correspond to your names on the big tournament sheet posted in Barbour Gym. Please check there and be sure to come. Bring your own bad- minton birds. Russian dance group will meet in Room 3G of Michigan Union, today, at 2:30 p.m. Congregational-Disciples Guild. 7:30 r i }' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i R Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers .............City Editor Jon Sobeloff .........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad .........Associate Nan Swinehart ........Associate David Livingston .......Sports Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Spo-ts Warrrn Wertheimer .............Associate Sports Roz Shlimovits.......Women's Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor John Hirtzel .......Chief Photographer Business Stafff Lois Pollak ..........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise .......Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephonex NO 23-24-1