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March 18, 1955 - Image 4

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PAGE FOUR -.aIV/A:}AEIf A /3}* ifl 4y

rtt 11)AY, 1 lAttt.;M ISo, a9i!

Removal of Bias Clauses
Only a First Step

AN ARTICLE which appeared in this news-
paper last week stated that seven frater-
nities on campus have dropped their bias
clauses in the past three years.
But what good has the elimination of these
clauses really done? How many of the 33 "non-
selective" fraternities are actually making an
effort to mix their membership?
The answer to both of these questions in-
dicates that something more than the elimina-
tion of bias clauses is needed to get a good
distribution of students into the separate fra-
T HE Student Affairs Committee has twice in
the past six years, passed motions requir-
ing fraternities to either drop their bias clauses
or show proof of active efforts to eliminate
them. Both motions were, however, vetoed by
the University president. The result was that
the individual fraternities had to take matters
into their dwn hands.
In a recent statement, Jim Walters '55E,
former Inter-Fraternity Council Executive Vice-
President, said, "We feel that by their eager-
ness to examine and discuss the selectivity-
clause problem, Michigan fraternities have
shown they can work the situation out for
The fact is that they have shown that they
cannot work the situation out for themselves.
There are now 33 out of 42 fraternities on cam-
pus which do not have any type of bias clause.
(Walters calls them "selectivity" clauses.)
However, the number of houses which have

actually begun to intermingle their member-
ship, is far smaller. Racial discrimination is
now 100 per cent in practice, and there are
only one or two houses on campus which are
not also exercising religious prejudice.
ONE APPROACH to the problem would be to
strongly urge the fraternities to remove
all of their clauses. However, this plan has al-
ready proved highly ineffective. A better course
to take would be to try to encourage a change
of attitude among the fraternities.
This could be done by pointing out the ad-
vantages offered to the fraternities if they"
could give up their practice of discrimination.
We could try to point out the benefits received,
and the experiences gained by the individual
members from living with people of other
religious and racial groups. We could use the
successful system employed by fraternities on
other campuses as an example of these ad-
vantages, and also as an example that it is
possible for fraternities to mix their member-
ship, and at the same time keep complete har-
mony among themselves.
PERHAPS, if our Quadrangle system would
take the initiative in eliminating discrimi-
nation within its own ranks, the fraternities
might soon try to follow their example.
One thing is certain: as long as these bias
clauses exist, there will be liberal-minded peo-
ple on campus who will fight for their removal
and these people will remain on campus long
after the last bias clause has been removed.
-Norman Barr

Inquiry Report Discusses
Quad Food, Government

"PRINCIPAL NEEDS of student government
in the residence halls are twofold. First
and foremost is the need to induce good men
to serve in the ranks and to train those who
do serve to become responsible leaders. See-
ond, there is considerable need for increased
co-operation between the various units of both
student government and residence halls staff."
With these words the Operation Inquiry com-
mittee summed up the problems of student
government in the quadrangles.
Behind these two propositions lies much rea-
soning by the nine-man Inquiry committee.
Beginning with the Inter-House Council, the
highest quadrangle governmental organization,
the Inquiry group said IHC has strengthened
the bargaining position of student government
in the residence halls. IHC has also provided
a "natural final goal for student leaders in the
quadrangles," the report states. It has also
"done a great deal to imbue house leaders
with a sense of responsibility, both toward their
own houses and toward the campus."
AS FOR THE judicial system within the resi-
dence halls, Inquiry said it "represents a
change in the Michigan House Plan since i
constitutes a sharing of the disciplinary func-
tion which originally was vested in the staff."
In the development of this system, quad resi-
dents have come a long way toward more ef-
fective self-government. However, the commit-
tee reported that achieving some degree of uni-
formity throughout the 14 different judiciaries
has resulted in problems. Presently the same
violation in different quadrangles will merit
widely different sanctions against offenders.
ONE OF THE biggest problems facing quad-
rangle student government, the committee
found, is that created by women in the resi-
dence halls. As Chicago, Tyler, Prescott. and
Fletcher houses were turned over "temporarily"
to female occupancy, the existing male gov-
ernment in the houses was destroyed. Contin-
uity of government was difficult to achieve.
According to the committee, the "present atti-
tude among many students is 'who is going to
be next'?" The group strongly urges stabili-
zation of housing territories. If more houses
are converted to womens' residences, probably
even more house officers would be underclass-
men, inexperienced in the art of government.
First-semester rushing by fraternities comes
in for its share of criticism in the recently-
released report. The present first-semester
rushing "results in a divided loyalty at best,
and in a majority of' cases, almost complete

apathy toward the residence halls. Early rush-
ing of freshmen by the fraternities not only
interfered with the activities of the houses in
the beginning stages of their organization for,
the year, but took too much of the rushees'
time from their studies at the most crucial per-
iod in their academic careers," the committee
found. The committee report said no plan was
being proposed, but in the opinion of the In-
quiry group, both fraternities and quadrangles
would be benefitted by deferring rushing until
second semesters. Therefore, "it is recom-
mended the IHC, the fraternities and the ad-
ministration jointly study the problem for the
purpose of finding a solution which would be
most satisfactory to all."
TURNING TO quad food, a subject often dis-
cussed by a captive audience, Inquiry said
"there has been a steady improvement in both
quality and manner of preparation over the
past few years. Consequently, there is probably
less student dissatisfaction in this area than at
any time since the war." This statement can be
debated, but since the writer was not here for
comparison's sake 10 years ago, it will suffice
to say quad food, often referred to by other
names, may possibly have improved. Although
it is hard for a dietician to plan meals for
more than 1,000 men, probably better food
could be obtained than at present. At any rate,
the writer hasn't seen anyone cry because of
the "goodies" in front of him in the past two
RETURNING TO other matters, the commit-
tee states it was "felt desirable to have one
large unit, such as the present quadrangles, for
a number of reasons, foremost of which is
economy of operation." The group found that
the ideal size of future house units would be
between 90 and 125 students. Sub-units should
have 25 men or less, while the corridor should
be short. Triple rooms are undesirable, the re-
port continued. A suggestion offered by the
committee is that a statistical investigation be
made of the grades of students living in singles,
doubles and triples. "In addition to the present
allotment of a lounge, recreation room and
study hall to each house, it was the opinion
of many that a small kitchen be installed such
as is found in most of the womens' residence
halls," the Inquiry committee stressed.
It is to be hoped that these recommenda-
tions, the fruits of a year's labor by Inquiry,
will be adopted for the most part, during com-
ing Residence Hall Board of Governors and
IHC meetings.
Joel Berger

Move May
Up Price
of Rubber
WASHINGTON - Congressman
Wright Patman of Texas, chief
defender of little business, has
made an important prediction
which I hope will not be 83 per cent
accurate. He predicts that the price
of rubber-and proportionately the
tires you buy-will go up to 80
cents a pound this year.
The price is now 38 cents. But
already, says Patman, it's gone up
from 22 cents on the prospect that
the big tire and oil companies will
control all the synthetic rubber of
the U.S.A. after they get the gov-
ernment rubber plants on March
"The price may even go up to 80
cents a pound if Congress approves
this deal," Patman told his col-
leagues. "There's nothing to stop
it. And the little man will have to
depend upon the big monopolies
for his supply. If the price goes
up, as it did in the case of alumi-
num, the little rubber fabricators
will be squeezed out of business just
as the small aluminum fabricators
were squeezed out."
Congressman Sterling Cole of
New York, a Republican whose
father-in-law is a high official of
Corning Glass, and who wants to
go even further than Eisenhower
in giving government - developed
atomic patents to big business,
tried to put ?'atman on the spot.
He asked when he had made up his
mind to introduce a resolution
stopping the sale of government
"Honestly, my friend," replied
Patman, "I thought that this was
such a raw deal that somebody on
your committee would introduce
the resolution, or that the commit-
tee would otherwise take steps to
stop the transaction. I only came
in when it was absolutely neces-
Cole didn't reply. Patman forced
Democratic Chairman Vinson also
to run for cover when Vinson con-
tended that small rubbe- fabrica-
tors would be protected by the Jus-
tice Department under our anti-
trust laws if the big rubber com-
panies shut off their supplies after
taking over the government plants.
"Mr. Chairman, you are not that
naive?" questioned Patman. "That
is just like sending a rabbit to the
corner grocery to get a head of let-
Washington Pipeline
rTHE STATE Department doesn't
want it advertised, but a Brit-
is scientific team has been invited
to observe the atomic tests in Ne-
vada. This is in keeping with the
new law, permitting greater ex-
change of atomic information with
our allies ... Britain's leading nu-
clear scientist, Sir. William Pen-
ney, will head the British mission.
... What worries the State Depart-
ment is that the McCarthyites
might raise a clamor, citing the
cases of two British atomic scien-
tists-Klaus Fuchs, who was con-
victed of slipping atomic informa-
tion to the Russians, and Dr. Bru-
no Pontecorvo, who deserted be-
hind the iron curtain , , . The
Joint Chiefs of Staff have recom-
mended a joint Chinese-American
command to take over the defense
of Formosa. This may lead to the
appointment of an American as
Chiang Kai-Shek's chief of staff,
the same as in World War IIs.t. .
Gen. James Van Fleet has been
angling to get the job ever since he
returned from the Far East on a
special survey mission for Presi-
dent Eisenhower.

Stassen's Black List
T ISN'T supposed to be known,
but Harold Stassen has a black
list for American colleges and uni-
Stassen has used a long string of
colleges to help in foreign aid, and
most of them are doing good jobs.
The University of California is as-
sisting the University of Indone-
sia in developing its medical
school. Columbia's teachers college
in New York is helping to set up
teachers colleges in Afghanistan.
Cornell is expanding the agricul-
tural branch of the University of
the Philippines. Georgetown Uni-
versity is assisting five Yugoslav
universities in establishing Eng-
lish-language institutes.
However, on Stassen's black list
are Syracuse University's School of
Public Administration and Roose-
velt College in Chicago. They get
no invitations to help in overseas
When Dr. Roscoe Martin, dean
of political science at Syracuse,
heard about the black list, he came
to Washington.
"You'll never get a contract un-
til Paul Appleby leaves your
school," Dean Martin was told by
Stassen's office.
Appleby happens to have been
right-hand assistant to Henry
Wallace when he was Secretary of
Agriculture, and a close friend of
Milton Eisenhower, once also a
top assistant to Wallace. In face,
both Appleby and Wallace inter-

"Not Willing To Pay The Piper Now?"


U 0


Elections ....
To the Editor:
W E WOULD like to take this op-
portunity to thank the mem-
bers of the elections committee and
the 900 ballot box workers for an
excellent job done on the recent
all-campus elections.
In spite of she inclement weather
and the fact that ballot workers
needed to be superhuman to give
each voter his proper share of the
nine separate ballots during be-
tween-hour rushes at busy booths,
few irregularities were reported,
and these were promptly taken
care of. However, even though the
ballot boxes were checked each
hour, we did find it difficult to
correct those errors which, in fact,
didn't exist at all (the Bus. Ad.
School elections were independ-
ently run, and were not under the
jurisdiction of the all-campus
elections director), and those
which we were unaware of. The
people who discovered irregulari-
ties would have more responsibly
demonstrated their concern had
they reported them to the proper
elections officials.
It should be pointed out that the
smoothest running and most suc-
cessful parts of the election were
the two areas which had been the
most criticized in past years. For
the first time that we can remem-
ber, there was virtually no lack of
ballot box personnel, thanks to the
efforts of the IHC, IFC, Panhel,
and Assembly. Also, the actual
count was handled flawlessly and
speedily. We were finished with
nine separate elections, three of
which were Hare system counts,
by 3:30 a.m.-two full hours soon-
er than last year this time.
Frankly, if this election was "the
most careless in years," we're for
more careless elections.
,Ruth Rossner, Elections Director
Todd Lief, Deputy Elections
* * *
Suez Blockade,,.
To the Editor:
I AM NO ardent Zionist, but I
was most pained and shocked
while reading Mr. Nakfoor's re-
cent letter to The Daily in regard
to the hectic conditions that exist
in the Middle East. In his letter
he asks the question, in reference
to the discourse of Messers. Men-
kes and Company: ... "Did they
forget that there is a truce agree-
ment between Egypt and Israel,
and that no party is supposed to
resort to aggressive measures?" He
then goes on to say, and this really
hurts-"At least the Arabs have
respected the truce so far."
It seems obvious that Mr. Nak-
foor has either never heard of, or
decided to completely ignore, the
present strangulating Egyptian
blockade of the Suez Canal; this
blockade, which has been in force
continuously since the spring of
1948, has been imposed on ships of
all nations either coming from or
going to Israeli ports. Egypt has
received numerous protests from
all the maritime nations of the
world concerning these illegal
"search and seizure" methods, but
as yet has done nothing about
them .The UN Security Council,
September 1, 1951, came out with
a declaration condemning this
"The atom is amoral. The only
thing that makes it inmoral is
man. We are making bombs be-
cause we hope to discourage the
use of bombs against us by a gov-
ernment that doesn't make any
pretense of morals."
-Lewis L. Strauss, chairman AEC,
-Lewis L. Strauss,
chairman AEC, quoted

Egyptian policy. They stated that
this blockade was not only a fla-
grant violation of the Armistice
Agreement of 1949 and was con-
trary to the charter of the UN
but it was in complete disregard of
all the known and accepted inter-
national law practices that have
stated there is to be a free access
to all vessels entering the Suez
Canal. Egypt has ignored this dec-
laration completely. The only ex-
planation the Egyptian govern-
ment offers for all this is, that,
despite the Armistice, a state of
war still exists between Egypt and
This is just one of the ways
"the Arabs have respected the
truce so far."
-Aaron Shelden, '55L
Beneath Dignity . . .
To the Editor:
reer's reply, we three Israeli stu-
dents deem it below our dignity to
answer a letter that refers to our
government, ourselves and the pi-
oneers in Israel as gangsters, mur-
derers, worse than Nazis, and pos-
sessors of rotten souls.
--Y. Menkes
A. Menkes
M. Menaster

~95' commMJIST CR(S(S

they got by in safety; which was,
in effect, what director Joe Gis-
terak did this year, and one of the
dramatic events of the season has
surely been to watch him, and his
determined company and commit-
tee, pull their way through to a
distinctly successful finish.'
The turn came, I believe, with
the controversial Anouilh Anti-
gone and was amply confirmed by
the response given The Cocktail
Party. So now, with their feet on
the ground, a reputation earned-
now, that is, that they have re-
minded us that a resident acting
company seriously devoted to the
performance of fine plays in en-
gaging Arena style is something
to be very happy about-the com-
pany's next season ought to be
uniformly good from beginning to
CERTAINLY there is God's plen-
tm toashape the next season
from-Spanish, Russian, Italian,
French, American plays; classical,
renaissance, restoration theatre;
there is everything from the~ light-
ness of Wilde to the terrifying ir-
onism of Sophocles; and there is
Shakespeare-who, if costly to
cast, always seems to pay :is way.
The theater is provided with a
procenium which mightrvery well
be employed; there are certain
plays which undoubtedly go better
when "framed" than in Arena
style. It is altogether likely that
director Joe Gisterak has his mind
full of ideas for next fall; but to
a very considerable extent it is
the audience, even if they do not
actively realize it, which chooses
the season's bill; their response
tells the director and his commit-
tee how high they can pitch the
tone and what they can legiti-
mately aim at doing; and, myself,
I think it highly indicative that
the plays which packed the house,
the, paying plays, were in fact not
light "popular" plays at all, but
philosophic, poetical and urbane
to their last syllables.
I am not greatly surprised at
this, because whatever else a the-
ater is, or may be thought to be,
it is always, when it is deeply mov-
ing, a place of intellectual excite-

DAC Winds Up Season
EGINNING THIS weekend the Dramatic Arts Center will wind up
its first season with Jean Paul Sartre's neat and bitter No Exit,
bringing the total number of plays produced to eight: three Irish (Arms
and the Man, The Moon in the Yellow River, She Stoops to Conquer),
two British (The Cocktail Party, A Phoenix Too Frequent), two French
(Antigone, No Exit), one Russian (The Boor). The plays selected do
not and were not intended to exhibit an overall plan for the whole
season; initial ideas for a unified season had to be dropped pretty early
to face what Sartre would no doubt call an "extreme situation": small
houses and the dreadful offstage whimper of Cassandra in the wings.
There were times when it looked bad. Once, so a famous book
says, Ulysses had to sail past a fatal island of Sirens. So he plugged
the ears of his crew with beeswax and lashed himself to the mast, and


ment and renewal, a Phoenix none
too frequent. Which is why, too,
we may hope for a couple of strict-
ly controversial plays next season;
it is surely not necessary to "agree"
with a play to be glad you saw it;
controversy is the very stuff of
life to a theater, as it is to all
vital artistic work for that matter,
AS TO individual performers and
performances over the season,
it would be possible to make a
long list of good scenes and "fine
moments," but probably nobody
is going to feel badly slighted if
one singles out merely a few for
the present purpose: Irma Hur-
ley's completely believable Celia
and later her delightful Dyna-
mane; Jame's Coco's swashbuck-
ling Major Petkoff (the part of
Falstaff was probably written for
him); Ralph Drischell's vexed Cre-
on and suave Harcourt-Reilly;
Burnette Staebler's portrayal of
one of "Ireland's fierce virgins,"
and latger her clean handling of the
complex character of Julia in
Cocktail Party.
Scenery and costuming have
been fairly resourceful. The se-
vere Antigone set was, for me, the
most effective achievement-it
went so well with the geometrical
dialectical problem at the play's
centre; though perhaps the tomb-
set for Phoenix was the finest pic-
ture of the season,
There have been physical diffi-
culties which the committee and
the company, have wrestled with.
One is the problem of acoustics.
Lines and phrases tend to get lost
and swallowed in the immense
vault of the auditorium. This prob-
lem is being studied and may be
solved next fall by the erection of a
false ceiling of fabric or board; this
year it has been overcome, to the
extent that it has, by the actors
carefully learning a technique of
crisp speaking that imposes a con-
siderable strain on them.
All in all it has been a creditable
season. The company and their
many benefactors, both from the
town and the University, deserve
the applause which Ann Arbor is
giving them.
-Donald Pearce


(Continued from Page 2)
Allied Chem. & Dye Corp., Gen'l.
Chem. Div.,-River Rouge, Mich.-B.S.
& M.S. In Mech., Chem. E., and Chem.
for Summer and Regular Research,
Sales, and Production.
Internat'l Tel. & Tel. Corp., Federal
Telecommunication Labs., Nutley, N.J.-
l1 levels of Elect. E. and Physics for
Research & Dev. U.S. citizens only.
I-T-E Circuit Breaker Co., Phila.,
Penn.-any degree candidate interested
for Sales.
The Ohio Crankshaft Co., Tocco Div.,
Cleveland, Ohio-B.S. i n Elect, and
Mech. E. for Application, Dev,, Re-
search, Sales. Male. U.S. citizens only,
Tutes. & Wed., March 22 & 23-
Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.-,ll
levels of Ind. and Mech. E. for Design,
Research, and Testing.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, Ext. 2182, Room 248
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., March 22-
Washington Nat'l. Insurance Co., Of-
fices in various locations,-LS&A and
BusAd men & women for Salaried Sales
for Group Dept.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers............ City Editor
Jon Sobeloff......Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor

Reynolds Metals Co., various locations
-LS&A and BusAd men for Accounting,
Production Control, Labor, Relations,
Sales and Production.
Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Co.,
Chicago, 111.-men for positions in Un-
derwriting, Claim Adjusting, Account-
ing, Statistics, Safety Engrg., Auditing,
and as Special Agents. No specific major
is required to qualify. There are also
openings for Law graduates interested
in Claim work. Openings for women in
Secretarial, Statistical and Accounting
The Gardner Board and Carton Co.,
Middletown, Ohio-LS&A and BusAd
men for Finance, Sales, Production,
and General Management Trainee.
Wed., March 23-
Office of Naval Officer Procurement,
U.S. Navy,-men with any background
for Officer Candidate School.
Swift & Co., Various locations-LS&A
and BusAd men for Production, Sales,
and Office Procedure.
For appointments contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, Ext. 371, Room
3528 Admin. Bldg.
Dr. Louise Cuyler, professor of musi-
cology, will speak on "The Low Coun-
tries-their Music and Art" Sun., March
20 at 3:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Records and slides. Sponsored by Mu
Phi Epsilon, national music sorority.
Academic Notices
Freshman Engineers. Pick up mentor
grades Fri. p.m. March 18., Sat. a.m.
March 19, Mon., March 21, Tues., March
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who
expect to take the preliminary examina-
tions this spring are requested to leave
their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Ha-
ven Hall. The examinations will be giv-
en as follows: English Literature from
the Beginnings to 1550, Tues., April 12;
English Literature, 1550-1750, Sat.; April
16; English Literature, 1750-1950, Tues.,
April 19; and American Literature, Sat.,
April 23, The examination will be given
in Room 76, School of Business Admini-
stration, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00m.
Honors Program in Psychology. Stu-
dents interested in entering the program
next year should apply to Mr. Heyns,
Room 6632 Haven Hall, before March 19.
Office Hours: Tues. and Thurs. 9:00-
11:00 a.m., other times by appointment.
Anatomy Seminar. Travel pictures of
the Hawaiian Islands, Dr. Bradley M.
Patten, at 4:00 p.m. "Hormones and Nu-
trition," Dr. James H. Lethem, Dept.
of 'Zronlron L,,1-~too nivers'it,, at A4:20f

gies' of Allen Tate," Sat., March 19,
East Council Room, Rackham Building,
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, A. L. Bader.
History 50 Midsemester, Tues., Mach
22, 9:00 -.m.: Brown's sections, 2054
Natural Science; Mitchell's sections, 102
Architecture ;all other sections, Nat-
ural Science Auditorium.
Psychology Colloquium. Anatol Rapo-
port of the Ford Center for Advanced
Study in The Behavioral Sciences will
speak on, "Diffusion Problems in Mass
Behavior," Fri., March 18. 4:15 p.m. in
Aud. C Angell Hall. Coffee hour preced-
ing the colloquium in 3411 Mason Hall.
English 150 (Playwriting) will meet
Tues., March 22, promptly at 6:55 p.m.
instead of 7:30 p.m.
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 4:15 p.m. Sun.,
March 20, in Hill Auditorium, the final
program in a series of three organ re-
citals. Passacaglia and Fugue in C mi-
nor by Bach, three Chorale Preludes by
Brahms, Sonata I by Hindemith, Air
with Variations by Leo Sowerby, Jardin
suspendu by Jehan Alain, and Sym-
phonic Meditation for Ascension by
Olivier Messiaen. Open to the public
without charge.
I Events Today
Frosh Weekend-Maize team Floor-
show try-outs. Fri., March 18, 4:00-5:30
P-m. I
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Coffee Clatch, 4:00 to 5:15 p.m.,
Fri., March 18, at Canterbury House.
Student and Faculty-conducted Even-
song Fri., March 18, at 5:15 p.m., in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
Conterbury Campus Series. The Rev.
Robert H. Whitaker, Chaplain, discuss-
ing "Christianity and Sickness," sec-
end speaker in the Lenten Series on
"Christianity and Evil" at 7:30 p.m.,
Fri., March 18, at Canterbury House.
Coffee (and tea) Hour in the Lane
Hall Library Fri., Mir. 18, from 4:30-
6:00 p.m. Miss Samira Samuel from the
YWCA, Cairo, Egypt will be our guest.
Campus Chapel group is the guild host.
Hillel. Fri. evening services 7:15 p.m.
Conducted by Phi Sigma Delta frater-
Congragational-Disciples Guild. Fri.,
Mar. 18, 7:15 p.m., I-M Night, meet at
Guild House to go to the I-M Building
for volleyball, swimming, etc., returning
later for refreshments.
Westminster Student Fellowship Mar-
di Gras party with the Wesleyan Guild

nor r


. _.

At the State . .
Mayo, Pier Angeli, Jack Palance, and Paul
HE SILVER CHALICE is the latest in a ser-
ies of Hollywood Christian-Roman efforts
that pour out of the cinema capital with the
regularity of grasshoppers during a locust
plague. The film's chief distinction is that it
runs for 137 minutes, which is shorter than
Quo Vadis, but long enough to make one won-
der which will give out first, the audience or
the picture.
The central unifying element is the cup, from
which Christ drank at the Last Supper. Luke
the Physician (Alexander Scourby) and Joseph
of Arimathaea (Walter Hampden) invite Basil
(Paul Newman), a noted silverworker, to fash-


mistress,loved Basil as a boy and wants to se-
duce him as a man; Deborra (Pier Angeli), the
PURE, PURE Christian maiden Basil marries
so that she can legally acquire her late grand-
father's estate and give money to the poor
The cup is stolen by Basil's mercenaries, and
Basil spends about an hour chasing it all over
the Levant. Somehow, everyone ends up at
Nero's court where dancing girls entertain to
choreography by Stephen Papich.
SIMON eventually decides to impress everyone
by flying, but he falls to the ground, a
victim of over-confidence. Helena soon ex-
periences the same fate. The cup is lost. But
Basil, converted to Christianity, and the PURE
Deborra sail away into the setting sun, while
St. Peter (Lorne Green) utters inspirational
words in the background.


Becky Conrad .........Associate
Nan Swinehart........Associate
David Livingston .......Sports
Hanley Gurwin .. ..Assoc. Spc-+s
Warren Wertheimer
...Associate Sports
Roz Shimovitz ..... Women's
.anet Smith Associate -omen's


John Hirtzel .......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise ......,..Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

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