BIAS CLAUSE REMOVAL See Page 4 46F 4AJ t r t an Aor :43"tt]g i ' Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1955 MIXED RAIN, SNOW IX PAGES sGC ILL BECO E RE LITY; E BERS TO, EET TOD Y -Daily-Paddy McHirtzel "rWAS A FOINE (HIC) DAY YESTERDAY, IT WAS, BUT (HIC) WASHAMADDER WITH THE FOURTH (HIC) COLLEEN FROM THE LEFT? Erin Go rau - iqui Too rl By KILPATRICK O'EBERHARD The only parade in Ann Arbor yesterday was the one which wound two by two, and three by three to an East Liberty pub. While the Irish celebrated with a lengthy parade heralded by tick- ertape and shamrocks in New York City, students from the Uni- versity - those over 21 - found their way to this oasis of green in a windblown, colorless city. Tavern, Drinkers Loade& From the looks 'o it, everyone was of at least three-fourths Irish extraction. The drinking establish- ment was packed most of the aft- ernoon and evening by bleary- eyed sons and daughters of Erin topped with appropriate green fedoras and loaded with unmeas- urable quantities of green beer. The crowd peaked about five p.m., then tapered off until later in the evening when the proverbial roof came down. From about 7:30 p.m. till closing time, the estab- lishment was a seething mass of students, beer and noise. One small group of malcontents was heard to chant mournfully on occasions throughout the evening: "WE want BEER in the UNION." No Greens Here But most of the crowd concen- trated on the liquid pleasures at City Chosen To Host 11 Soviet Editors Ann Arbor will be host to the 11 Russian student editors whom the State Department has permitted to visit the United States. Arthur Nagle, Director of the Department of Special Programs for the Institute on International Education in New York, yesterday confirmed a Moscow radio an- nouncement that the editors would visit Ann Arbor and Detroit, among other American cities. -I' Two Cities Suggested Nagle said the Institute had suggested the two cities to the Soviet government. He is in Wash- ington, D.C.; today to work out the details of the itinerary with Soviet embassy officiam. Nagle said there is a "very good possibility" that the editors will visit the University. How they might visit Ann Arbor without visiting the University was not ex- plained. Director of University Relations Arthur L. Brandon indicated he was pleased that the Russians would be here. "If they are free to see for themselves, instead of under strict discipline, I should think they will have a pleasant visit." Far From Cemetery Referring to a Russian newspap- er comment of a few years ago about American football, Brandon said he was sure "they will be surprised that our stadium is so hand and didn't worry about the possibility of slurping suds in the Union taproom. No St. Patrick's Day queens were named here, but Bay City crowned a 14-year-old brunette and. a parade of 1,000 persons and hundreds of automobiles wound through the main streets of the Motor City. BENTLEY SPEAKS: Gov. G. Mennen Williams-of German extraction-wore his cus- tomary green bow-tie while at- tending a St. Pat's Day Ball in Detroit. Down in South Bend, the Notre' Dame student radio station feat- ured Irish tunes instead of the usual hit parade fare. Station breaks were announced in Gaelic. Alumni Gather for ' 13 8 Birthday Celebration By JANE HOWARD More than 200 Ann Arbor alumni gathered last night in the Union to celebrate the University's 138th birthday today. Before the major address by Rep. Alvin M. Bentley, '40 (R. Mich.), President Harlan H. Hatcher expressed official observance of the birthday, simultaneously being celebrated by alumni clubs throughout the world. Chartered in 1817, with Indians frequently seen on its first streets, the University now ranks fourth in the nation in fulltime stu- dent enrollment, one alumnus0---- ------ -------- Yalta Papers Baring Starts Controversy Churchill Sees 'Serious Errors' By The Associated Press Controversy over the Yalta pap- ers spilled over into the interna- tional scene yesterday. Prime Minister Winston Church- ill reported "serious mistakes" in the American account and said publication of a British version should be considered. A dispatch from Moscow said the Russians were keeping mum for the present but that it is en- tirely possible they will issue their own version later. Ike Remains Silent President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er was staying strictly out of it. Press secretary James C. Hag- erty said at the White House1 that the decision to release the long-secret papers relating to the Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin meet- ing at Yalta in 1945 was made "en- tirely within the State Depart- ment." Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, who released the papers: Wednesday night, refused angrily yesterday to say why he did so at this time. Nixon Comments Vice-president Richard Nixon said yesterday in answer to a question he does not believe there was "any deliberate attempt to sell us out to the Communists" at Yalta. He made the statement during7 a question and answer period fol- lowing a speech before the Execu- tives Club of Chicago. An unidentified man asked from the floor, "What about Yalta?" Vice-president Nixon said: "Of course it will take weeks and months of intelligent study to determine a correct analysis of the effects of the pact and comment intelligibly on it.. "But I don't believe there ac- tually was any deliberate attempt to sell us out to the Communists."' Concessions Made by Optimistis? He said the "reason concessions were made was that the leaders of the free world simply didn't know what the Communist animal was like." "Another reason," he added, "was that we badly needed Soviet support atthentime for the con- quest of Japan.", The Vice-President told the large gathering of Chicago busi- nessmen that there was no doubt, however, that the concessions to the Russians were detrimental to the United States and the free world. And, he added, the fall of China to the Reds could be laid directly to the door of the pact. "Of course it naturally follow- ed," he said, "that we had a war in Korea and one in Indochina." "All we can say now," he added, "is that it was a fault not of the heart but of the head." -Daily-Dick Gaskiil "NO EXIT"-Irma Burley, as Inez, and Joe Gistirak as Kradeau struggle with Rica Martens, who plays the role of Estelle in the Sartre play which will open today at the Dramatic Arts Center. DAC Presents 'No Exit' As Season's Final Play Final performance for the cur-' rent season at the Dramatic Arts Center, "No Exit" by Jean Paull Sartre, will open at 8:15 p.m. to- day. A panel discussion will take1 place following the opening night performance. Prof. Charles L. Ste-_ venson of the philosophy depart- ment, Prof. Robert J. Niess of the romance languages department and Prof. Clarence K. Pott of the Germanic languages department! will take part in the discussion. The play was written at the3 height of Sartre's career and is an illustration of his idea that life is Irma Hurley as Inez and Rica Martens as Estelle. Sets were designed by Jamie Ross and special lighting arranged by Martha Handley. Evening performances will be given through Sunday, resuming Wednesday through March 27 and running Wednesday through Sun- day of the following week. General admission is $1.65, with a special student rate of 99 cents. J pU pointed out. Agree On MSO Voicing agreement with Univer- sity officials on the Michigan State College name controversy, the con- gressman turned to a discussion of world communism. "We should not recognize or ap- prove present actions of Commu- nist governments of the Soviet Un- ion, China and the satellites," Rep. Bentley said. He referred to the Russian people themselves as "one great potential in this world yet unused and unexplored." Any commercial and economic intercourse with Iron Curtain countries, according to Rep. Bent- ley, is a mistake. Rep. Bentley expressed general agreement with policies of Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, but also commented "the conduct of our foreign policy in the past few years has characterized by aban- donment of moral standards and principles which should be adhered to." Yalta Papers Publication Publication yesterday of the Yalta papers, Rep. Bentley said, indicates we should not urge Unit- ed Nations trusteeship for Formosa and Pescadores islands. "We can- not," he stressed, "portion out land not our own to the Communists." Speaking individually, R e p. Bentley predicted that the Que- moys and Matsus will be defend- ed and that the United States will not agree to surrender them to the Communists. "If we are again brought into conflict with the Chinese Commu- nists," he added, "I believe we would set our own ground rules, and not adhere to those laid down by the enemy." "Soviet Communists," he added. "will never become involved di- rectly in a Far Eastern war unless they are prepared for war on a worldwide scale." Regents To Study Dorm Hike Today A report on increased rates for residence halls will be discussed atl 32 Ballots Taken To Set Full Slate CSP Seats All Three Candidates; Council Officers To Be Chosen By DAVE BAAD Student Government Council, after more than a year of planning and organization, will become a reality today. Eleven members elected in Tuesday's and Wednesday's all-campus election will meet with seven ex-officio members for SGC's first meet- ing at 3 p.m. today in the Union. Not until 3:33 a.m. yesterday was the full slate of new members decided. Diamond Wins On the 32nd ballot Bill Diamond, '56E, joined 10 previously elect- ed candidates to compose the new SGC. Bob Leacock. '57, led all candidates with a first ballot total of 682, far above the necessary quota of 494 votes. Collecting 501 first place votes, Joel Tauber, '57, also was elected on the first ballot, After two more hours of - vote DOB To Publish Weekly Reports Of jiidic Action Joint Judiciary Council an- nounced yesterday reports of Judic action will be published in the Daily Official Bulletin hereafter once a week. In the past Joint Judic reports# have appeared once every five or six weeks. Rationale will be attached to the itemization of fines. Joint Judic chairman Howard Nemerovski, '57L, said yesterday the rationale would show students 'reasons for differentiation in amounts of fines as well as some explanation of why fines were lev- ied. Commitee Balked WASHINGTON (R)-Investigat- ing senators were balked again yesterday in efforts to find out what happened at a high-level Pentagon conference held last year to discuss the Army's troubles with Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.). an eternal duel. W inners It was first performed in Paris at the close of World War II but, is still considered controversial be- Ballots for J-Hop and Union caseof theatnidere towardso-Vice-President elections were not cause of the attitude towards so- tbltdutleryysedy ciety which it presents. Sartre, an tabulated until early yesterday existentialist writer, depicts peo- morning. pie as seeking to draw others with- J-Hop winners were literary col- in a universal scheme of individual lege-sophomores Ron Boorstein, imperialism. Sue Chaffee, Diana Cook, Jack Directed by Joseph Gistirak, the DeVries. Patti Drake, Chuck cast includes Gistirak as Kradeau, Sharp, Tom Platt, Sue Werbelow Ralph DrisGhell as the bellboy, and Peggy Zuelch. _ps_ t b y Finishing one vote behind Miss Zuelch, Mary Gronberg, '57, may 0Opera Commit tee also be included on the committee. P . FFive Union vice-presidents were Positions Opert elected by all-campus vote in the elections. Petitioning for five positions on Gus Gianakaris, '56, topped the the Union Opera Central Commit- candidates, followed by Lou Kwik- tee will continue until March 25. er, '56, George Bashara, '56, Jon Positions available are general Collins, '56, and George Jones, secretary and chairmen of the pro- '56E. duction, music, promotions and The law school victor was Norm program committees. Zilber '56L. Petitions should be addressed to I the General Chairman, Union Op- Flu Shots Available era. They may be picked up and returned to the Union desk. Flu shots are still available to For further information, con- all students wanting them, accord- tact Wayne Thiessen, Normandy ing to Health Service Director, 2-3143. { Warren E. Forsythe. counting, Hank Berliner, '56, be- came an SGC member on the 18th ballot and was followed on suc- ceeding ballots by Tom Sawyer, '58, Dick Good.r'56A, Bill Adams, '57, Janet Neary, '58, Donna Net- zer, '56, Tom Cleveland, '57, Ed IVelden, '56E, and Diamond. All three Common Sense Party aspirants were elected. Miss Net- zer, hovering around 11th spot during most of the count, picked up 111 votes and breezed into elec- tion when Paul Dormont, '55, was dropped. Leacock and Miss Neary were the other CSP candidates. Top six candidates will serve ' one-year terms. The last five will serve half-year terms terminating at next fall's elections. Seven ex-officio members to serve on SGC are Interfraternity Council President Bob Weinbaum, '55. Pan-Hellenic President Barba- ra Heider, '56, Inter-House Coun- cil President Stan Levy, '55, As- sembly President Hazel Frank, '56, Union President Tom Leopold, '55, League President Lucy Lan- ders,''55 and Daily Managing Edi- tor Gene Hartwig, '55. Early SGC meetings are expect- ed to be concerned with organiza- tion problems of the new body. Terms Up In April Levy, Leopold, Miss Landers, Miss Frank, and Hartwig's pres- ent terms expire in April. Although the agenda is tenta- tive, officers will probably be elect- ed at the meeting today. Other business tentatively be- fore SGC today is approval of Es- kasia to affiliate nationally with Sigma Kappa sorority and finding' of work space for SGC until the Student Activities Building is con- structed. SGC will also likely discuss rep- resentation on student - faculty committees formerly held by SL members. Name Discussed By'' Delegation, MSC Comnmittee Behind closed doors in a Lan- sing hotel, a special three-man committee from Michigan State College met a University delega- tion yesterday to discuss the pro- posed MSC name change. Delegates from both committees refused to reveal what, if any, agreements were reached. The University position on the name change has been to allow W~Predicts Conservative Election Win By DIANE LABAKAS Aneurin Bevan's ouster from Britain's Labor Party is foreseen as a possible impetus to a Conser- vative victory in the next general election by Professor Daniel Wit of the political science department. Bevan was expelled from the Labor ranks by a vote of 141-112 on disloyalty charges. He is re- ported to have told a secret meet- ing of Labor members from Par- liament that he would never ask for reinstatement. The vote, said Prof. Wit, indi- cates that Bevan has considerable party strength. He added Bevan's ousting might make it more diffi- cult for the Laborites to wage a successful campaign. Might Not Split Party "Although this move might not split the entire party," Prof. Wit said, "it will cause dissension and a struggle for leadership." The political science instructor saw a possibility that Bevan might attempt to gain control or other party members might attempt to retire party leader Clement Atlee on grounds that the vote reveals his lack of strong support. Law compels Prime Minister Winston Churchill to call a gen- eral parliamentary election before October, 1956. Hydrogen Bomb Decision Disloyalty charges, said Prof. Wit, grew out of Bevan's opposi- tion to Atlee's support of Church- ill's decision to build the hydrogen bomb. He cited Bevan's opposition to Atlee's backing of German rearm- ament and to the party's advoca- tion of America's farm policy as other reasons for his expulsion. Most of Bevan's strength, Prof. Wit asserted, lies in the party's neutralist or anti-American mem- bers. He said that Bevan's ousting meant a large segment of Brit- ain's two large parties are suspi- cious of American intentions in foreign policy and their capability of leadership in the Western world. . . iA i A d ht f~111 TERMED 'PROGRESSI VE': New City Charter Raises Comments mVCt o te b renamed University, s'v an I .oI. u.1J. --- -but only if the chosen name did (EDITOR'S NOTE: This article. s ers the council to appoint advisory' "The new charter will make the I "New sources of revenue may not conflict with the University By Admin stration the fourth in a series on the proposed new city charter, discusses some opin- commissions as it sees fit. life of an alderman a lot easier," have to be found," he said. Prof. of Michigan. ions of the document.) I He said the City Administrator Prof. Bromage predicted. "They'll Smith suggested a separate ap- University Relations Director WASHINGTON uP')-The Bisen- . position is a "good suggestion. be able to concentrate on basic is- proach-either amendment of the Arthur L. Brandon said yesterday hower Administration disclosed By PETE ECKSTEIN They've just given him too much sues and policies and bother less charter later to extend the tax he expected the proceedings of the yesterday it will ask Congress for "A big step, but not an extreme power, with administrative leg work and limit or adding other taxing pow- special meeting to be revealed to- yeteray twlskCongressifor step," is the way Charter Revision "What a god this City Admin- details." ers. day when the Board of Regents $2,140,500,000 to step up military Commission member Prof. Rus- istrator is going to be," the may- Council Powerful Referring to the need for revi- meets. and economic aid to non-Com- sell A. Smith of the law school de- or remarked after reading off a "At present all responsibility sion generally, the mayor mention- MSC's governing body, the State munist countries in Asia. scribes the new Ann Arbor consti- list of the new official's powers. "It placed in the hands of the couns ed the age of the United States Board of Agriculture, also meets This sum, tWo-thirds of all new tution. all depends on the caliber of the . -, .Constitution. "Just because it got today in Lansing. foreign aid requests, would go to Charter Revision Commis- foeigaidreqestswoldgt_ Prof. Smith said the document man you get to fill that job." sion Chair ren Oms old, they didn't see fit to throw it: -15 countries that stretch in a Brr.ommasidtegecmnt, AgrhaemnLareed imtin the Potamac" *- is "quite a progressive charter, well Bromage Agreed aid. "There isn't any question irens oda great are from Afghanistan to Prof. Arthur Bromage of the po- i ,,sAnn Arbor has many problems, 'Japan. The aim is to at least oriented to the kind of govern- litical science department agreed i he said. "We can solve them with Washtenaw County Office of match the pace of dustraza- ment we haive had." (-,. matcsaihe canethem withsCountyzof I 1 1