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March 17, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-17

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VOL. LXV, No. 115



Yalta Agreements Disclosed by State Dep6


















Documents Reveal



Asked Concessions in Far East
To Explain Entry in Japanese War
WASHINGTON .U)-The long secret records of the Yalta con-
ference in 1945 were made public yesterday.
They disclosed, among other things, 'that Soviet Marshal Joseph!
Stalin demanded sweeping concessions from President Franklin D.
Roosevelt in the Far East with the argument that he had "to explain

to the Soviet people why Russia was
The concessions which he spe

auto Ban
Not Easy
To Enforce
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth
in a series of interpretive articles on
the driving ban. Today s article deals
with the problem of enforcing the
driving regulation.)
It's easy to pass a regulation,
but difficult to enforce it.
The problem of knuckling down
on violators of the driving regu-
lation falls on the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs and more specifical-
ly on Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
'and his assistant, Karl Streiff.
Their leg man is Harold Swov-
erland, who roams the campus
area in an unmarked car looking
for possible violators of the regu-
> lation. With a few exceptions,]
$woverland does not have the
authority to stop moving vehicles
on city, state, or county highways.
Procedure Ruled Out
A 1952 ruling by the state at-
torney general ruled out a pre-
vious procedure of having Uni-
versity officers commissioned to
stop possible violators on city,
state, or County highways.
According to Dean Rea, Swov-
erland records the license plates
of cars he suspects of violating the
driving rules. These numbers are
aeced ter by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, and possible violators
are called in to explain their ac-
On University property Swov-
erland and all other University
isecurity officers are empowered to
act as deputy cheriffs to enforce
University regulations.
Should Have Been Warned
"We take it for granted that
University students have been
warned of the driving regulation
4before coming here," Dean Rea
said. "Therefore, a violation must
be done knowingly, and the bur-
den of proof is on the violator."
A student brought before the
,Dean or Men or Joint Judiciary
Council is expected to cooperate
and answer questions truthfully,
according to Dean Rea. Such pro-
ceedings are not conducted like a
regular court trial, he pointed out.
w Dean Rea noted that a permit
does not carry the privilege of
parking in University lots. In addi-
tion to a $1 parking fine, such
violators may be tapped for addi-
tional fines for failure to observe
the driving regulation.
Permit holders must report their
knew license plate numbers to the!
student Office of Student Affairs!
,as soon as they are purchased.
,Bevan Ousted
By Laborites
On H-Bomb Issue
LONDON W) - Britain's divided
Labor party kicked rebel Aneurin

s entering the war against Japan."
cified included possession of the
Kurile Islands and Southern Sak-
halin, rights to the port of Dairen
and Port Arthur and operation of
the Chinese Eastern and South
Manchurian railroads.
President Roosevelt, anxious to
assure Russia's belligerency in the
Far East, agreed to the conces-
Critics vs. Defenders
Critics over the years 'have ac-
cused him of blundering,'or worse;
defenders have said the Yalta
agreements were sound; that the
trouble came when Russia violated
The State Department distribut-
ed the two-volume, 834-page rec-
ord to reporters late yesterday aft-
ernoon, for publication last night.
The action concluded a long
period of uncertainty over' wheth-
er the documents, vitally all la-
beled "top secret," should be given
So far as the results of the his-
toric Yalta conference are con-
cerned there was little, if any-
thing, new in the papers. The
agreements reached have all been
made public years ago.
Details of Agreements
What was new were details of
the arguments President Roose-
velt, Stalin and British Prime
Minister Winston Churchill pre-
sented to each other, and the ma-
neuverings of three leaders shap-
ing the future of the postwar
world. In that respect the papers
are a mine for the historians and
analyst of the momentous events.
The papers noted that President
Roosevelt said a plan whereby
Russia obtained two extra votes in
the United Nations was "very em-
barrassing to me." This arrange-
ment was kept secret for a while,
but later became known.
See YALTA, Page 6
Polling 160 votes out of a to-
tal of 1,593 cast, Ron Boorstein,
'57, was the only candidate
elected to next year's J-Hop
committee on the first ballot.
Sue Chaffe, '57, with 149
votes was selected on the fourth
By the end of the sixth bal-
lot, no other candidates had
been elected but five seemed
sure of receiving the necessary
number of votes.
They were Tom Platt, with
152 votes; Patti Drake, with 133
votes; Chuck Sharp with 126
votes, Diana Cook with 133
votes and Jack DeVries with

Britz, Wise,
Cordill Get
Board Posts
Kramer Tops Rotunno
For Athletic Board
Harland Britz, '56L, Ann Cordill,
'55 and Bill Wise, '55 were elected
to the Board In Control of Student
Publications yesterday.
Ron Kramer, '57, was elected to
the Board in Control of Student
Athletics by more than 400 votes.
In the student publications
board election, 3,897 votes were
cast. Miss Cordill received 3,528
votes, Wise 3,416 and Britz 2,178.
Rotunno Follows Kramer
Michael Rotunno, '57, receiving
1,162 votes, was Kramer's closest
rival. Steven Uzelac, '57, was run-
ner-up with 649 votes. A total of
3,531 votes were cast.
Paul Elvidge, '57, received 2,092
votes in the student publications
board contest, necessitating a re-
count between Britz and him.
Hanley Gurwin, '55, received 1,-
746 votes. Britz was the only in-
cumbent running for re-election
for the board.
Ensian Staffer
Miss Cordill has had two years'
experience on the Ensian staff. She
is presently Office Manager of the
yearbook business staff.
W i s e, currently Advertising
Manager of the Daily, has worked
on the newspaper for four years.
Britz was formerly summer
managing editor and associate edi-
tor of the Daily.
Alumni Clubs
'U' Birthday
Technically the University can't
celebrate its 138th birthday until
March 18, in campus annals,
marks the 1817 date when the
Board of Regents was established
as the University's governing body
-and the official beginning of the
But alumni clubs throughout the
world have ignored the actual an-
niversary. They've planned and
held celebrations over whatAlum-
ni Association Secretary T. Haw-
ley Tapping has called "quite a
long birthday party season."
From the Alumni Association of-
fice here boxes of data and souve-
nirs have been sent to the alumni
clubs for their celebrations. When
distance permits, the University
sends official representatives to
address the groups at their parties.
Scattered from Ann Arbor to
Taipei, Formosa, the, clubs total
244, according to Assciation Field
Secretary Robert O. Morgan.
Ann Arbor's University Club, in
cooperation with the Alumni of
this city, has planned its celebra-
tion for 6:30 p.m. today in the Un-
Rep. Alvin Bentley, '40, (R.
Mich.) will address the group,
whose members number 200.

Le acock Scores
Record Victory
Rossner Blames Low Vote on Lack
Of Candidates; 175 Ballots Voided
Bob Leacock, '57. recorded 682 first place votes to win a landslide
victory in yesterday and Tuesday's Student Government Council elea-
Almost 200 votes above the necessary first ballot quota of 494,
Leacock's first place backing was far higher than any Student Legis-
lature candidate ever received.
Joel Tauber, '57, with 501 first place votes also was elected on the

first ballot,
Low Campus Vote

-Daily-Fred Day
FIRST SGC WINNERS-Elected on the first ballot were Bob Leacock (left) and Joel Tauber.
Tension-filled Club 600 in South Quadrangle was the scene of ballot-counting in the first SGC
election. The vote total of 6,070 was below pre-election estimates.
Tension Covers Club60

Cigaret stubs joined crumpled!
paper napkins on the littered floor.
Cokes and coffee flowed from
cafeteria faucets as fast as the
hard-working kitchen crew could
dispense it to nervous and thirsty
Jammed with an estimated 400
onlookers, aisles of the crowded
Club 600 saw collisions of feverish
candidates with nonchalant Quad
residents, who had dropped down
from upper quarters for a late
Tension Mounts
Despite the low total vote, the
SGC ballot-counting atmosphere
reflected anything but apathy. As
clocks ticked past the normal hour
for women's permission, aspirants
for the 30-odd offices at stake grew
more and more tense.
Blocks of loyal supporters sur-
rounded each candidate, filling
the noisy air with congratulations
-or condolences.
"Just goes to show," one weary
and defeated SGC candidate mut-
tered to nobody in particular,
"posters don't do everything."
Nobody could tell him exactly{
what intangibles it took to cap-
ture the necessary number of1
Indefinite Late Per
Coeds on the Joint Judiciary
Council got "indefinite" late per-j
mission-and foresaw a possible
all-night vigil over election pro-
Making his way through crowd-
ed tables, club manager Robert
(Bob) Harrison beamed amiably.

To him it looked as though things
were going pretty well.
Economics textbooks and Holy
Bibles lay ignored on many tables
awaiting candidates and onlook-
ers with bluebooks on today's
agenda. "Yeah, I'll study some-
time," a distracted candidate
promised, "but this is more im-
portant: I wouldn't miss it for
Tension Test
Upstairs, before the election,
some candidates submitted to a
psychological test designed to
measure "use of fantasy to repre-
sent interpersonal situations." Jos-
eph Veroff, Grad., who administ-
ered the tests as part of his doc-
toral candidate work, said he
couldn't discuss them yet in detail.
Their results will be compared
shortly with those of an identical
test, given to a control group.
Billed by officiating Ned Simon,
'55, 'as "ever-faithful," Leah
Marks, '55L added a typical note
to procedures as she called out
candidates' vote tallies to official
"Pretty unexciting" was Miss
Marks' description of the election,
as compared to -past SL proced-
Bleary TV Movie
1iUnnoticed in one corner, a tele-
vision set presented a bleary late

movie. Its sound
overwhelmed by

track was totally
the steady roar

of voices.
One volunteer' ballot-counter,
unidentified, expressed the general
opinion on the first SGC election.
"This group," he said, "is get-
ting spanked into existence with-
out either a bang or a whimper."
Union Veeps
First ballot count was not
yet completed by press time
but unofficial totals indicated
possible election trends in the
Union vice-presidential race.
Gtis Gianakaris, '56, with an
official count ofe477votes
seemed sure of election. Lou
Kwiker, '56, with an unoffi-
cial count of 326, GeorgeBa-
shara, '56, with an unofficial
vote count of 339 and Jon Col-
lins 407 also seemed sure of
Jim Dygert, '56 B.Ad., How-
*ard Boaisberg, '56 and George
Jones, '56E, also had heavy
unofficial first-ballot counts.
/'*w17T7 a * 1

Although estimates had run as
high as 7,000 only 6,070 students
voted in the two day all-campus
The figure, much lower than the
6,741 vote registered in December,
was just 11 less than the 6,081
mark of last spring.
Elections director Ruth Rossner,
'55, thought fewer. candidates in
the race caused the disappointing
total vote.I
Miss Rossner added the average
vote shows the switch to SGC
didn't make much difference in
voter interest in student govern-
Hank Berliner, '56, became the
third SGC candidate elected at
1:32 today by collecting 475 votes
on the 18th ballot.
Two ballots later, Dick Good,
'56A, reached the quota to become
the fourth SGC member and Bill
Adams, '57BAd; was certain of
election as electioneers dropped
the quoata at the beginning of the
21st ballot.
High in the running were Janet
Neary, '57, and Tom Sawyer, '57.
Bill Brumm '58, Don Craft '58,
Lois Taterka, '57, Bob Spath, '56,
Joe Simon, '56, Raymond Sund,
'57 Bill Hanks '56 and Paula
Strong '56 had been dropped from
the running by the 18th ballot.
175 Ballots Voided
One-hundred seventy-five bal-
lots were voided for irregularities.
Leacock, a two term member of
SL, garnered most first place votes,
427, in December's SL election.
Pleased over his victory, Coin-
mon Sense Party candidate Lea-
cock voiced extreme optimism for
the future of SGC. He thought the
campus vote satisfactory, consid-
ering the large number of gradu-
ate students on campus.
Top six candidates on the bal-
lot were elected for a full-year
term with the next five to serve
half-year terms.
First SGC meeting will be held'
at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.1

Coates Win
Class Posts
The first election announcement
in the all-campus campaign put
Bill Gardner into the office of lit-
erary college president and Keith
Coates in the top engineering
school position.
A inst the background of the
centra SGC ballot-count, the ex-
pectant audience greeted the slate
of class officers with a roar, and
then settled back to wait for the
long pull for SOC results.
Dave Baad followed Gardner in
the vice-president spot, with Jane
Howard elected as secretary and
Mary Kane as treasurer of the lit-
erary college.
Engineerinfg Winners
In the engineering school race,
Rbbert Ilgenfritz came in as vice-
president, Wayne Kuhn as secre-
tary and Roger Anderson as treas-
Chicagoan Bill Gardner with 305
votes edged out Jim Wills at 287
for literary college president. Lar-
ry Levine, the third contender for
the position, received 114 votes.
Gardner is majoring in econo-
mics, is a member of Zeta Beta
Tau fraternity.
Dave Baad, a Delta Upsilon from
Dearborn and night editor on the
Michigan Daily, received 370 votes
against his opponent Fred Keywell
at 289.
Howard, Kane Unopposed
Out of a total of 722 votes cast,
Jane Howard as secretary, received
539, and treasurer Mary Kane re-
ceived 539 although both ran un-
As president of the engineering
school, Keith Coates received 169
vote sagainst Bill Diamond, at 82
votes, and Pete Lucyshun at 45.
Coates is vice-president of the En-
gineering Council' and a member
of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.
Ilgenfritz Over Jones
Robert Ilgenfritz, from Mama-
roneck,, N.Y., won at 166 votes for
vice-president over George Jones
at 105. Ilgenfritz is a member of
Theta Xi fraternity, on the busi-
ness staff of the Michigan Daily,
and president of the Engineering
Honor Council.

Program Needs Variety, Rains Says

(Incomplete results at 2 a.m. today.)
SGC Winners
Bob Leacock '57
Joel Tauber '57BAd
Hank Berliner '56
Bill Adams '57
DickGood '56A&D
Tom Sawyer '58
Janet Neary '58
Tom Cleveland '57
Paul Dormont '55
Ed Velden '56E
Donna Netzer '56
Bill Diamond '56E
Carl Luckenback '57
Class Winners

W earin' of the Green'
Marks Irish Celebration
Brendan O'Reilly plans on wearing green today.
So do Frank MacNamara, '55D, and Donna O'Hammill, '56.
As MacNamara put it, "I don't look good in green, but on Saint
Pat's day I wouldn't miss it for anything."
The famed Irish saint, according to Rev. Fr. John F. Bradley of
St. Mary's Church here, was canonized for his very holy tendencies,
and the several miracles attributed to him.
But his greatest renown celebrates his conversion of all Ireland
to Roman Catholicism, when Irish - ------- -----


During a rehearsal for last
nigat's performance of "Great
Words to Great Music," Claude
Rains explained that he "spent
nine months reading poetry and
prose intensively with this particu-
lar program in mind."
Rains commented that he had
prepared the program carefully

teresting," the grey-haired thes-
pian said he especially enjoys play-:
ing to university audiences.
"They're so enthusiastic and:
seem to be hungry for this type of
dramatic presentation."
No Favorite Role
He commented that he has no
favorite role or playwrite. "Your:
favorite playwrite is always the au-{

captors took him there in the sev-
enth century.
In Ireland, Fr. Bradley said,
March 17 isn't the day for all-out
merrymaking and celebrating.
Pointing out the distinction be-
tween a holiday and a holy day, he
said Saint Patrick's Day, marking
the ascent of Saint Patrick into'
heaven, is largely an occasion for]
r"seeing that the people get to

city's main streets to the music of
five combined bands.
Detroit celebrations will be
highlighted with the 35th annual
St. Patrick's Day Ball. Honoring
all Irish immigrants who have ar-
rived in Michigan between March
1 and 17, the ball will feature a
talk by green-bow-tied Gov. G.
Mennen Williams.
A-r-& ripj* 0o -. 'W,*

By The Associated Press
yesterday confirmed President Ei-
senhower's nomination of Judge
John Marshall Harlan to be a Jus-
tice of the Supreme Court.
NEW YORK - The 114-year-old
Brooklyn Eagle, only major daily
newspaper published in a commu-
nity of nearly three million per-
sons, announced yesterday it is
* * *

:-- ::.;:-

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