PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1955 PAGE FOTJR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1955 BULLS, BEARS & SENATORS: How Sound Is the Market? "I Had No Idea Elephants Were So Sensitive" -A Confident View BULLS and bears have been in the news late- ly in quite a market-circus. The American stock market never did hit the expected low following the Second World War, and with the advent of the Korean conflict, the market began to go upward. Recent times have witnessed a market at levels higher than the point at which the' crash occured in 1929, pitching us into the long- lasting depression. America is now quite prosperous. The cost of living has gone up considerably but so has the standard of living. More and more people can today do more and more things. The only- general complaint is that we have become too great a material society. But getting back to the bulls and bears. (A bull market is a buying one while a bear indi- cates a selling wave.) There has been so much market activity that the government has found it necessary to investigate in a friendly way. The Senate Banking and Currency Committee for nearly two weeks has been looking at the market and at the future it sees because of or in spite of the market. It is certainly true that stock market prices have risen sharply, about 54 per cent in the last sixteen months. It has also been some- what obvious that many individuals have been connected with their share of "deals," shady and otherwise. Commentator Walter Winchell has been under some fire recently for having given some market "tips" on his radio program resulting in some extremely active market deal- ings. Winchell et al certainly are doing the mar- ket no good; but after all, speculators have been with us since recorded time. True, the radio man or newspaper writer can do much damage openly, but what of the "back scene" goings on? IT SEEMS to this writer that an active stock market does not automatically fore- run economic disaster. There are now more and more people who buy shares on the mar- ket because 1) they have more money with which to invest and 2) stocks and stock buy- ing is no longer something for "Wail Street Men" only. Perhaps an investigation into present day market activities is not unwarranted. The points that the Senate Committee are look- ing into are valid issues: Should margin be upped? Margin is the amount of cash a buyer must put up to buy stock. Today, the buyer must pay 60 per cent of the price. Some are seeking a 100 per cent margin. What should be done with over-the-counter sales? (Any sales of stock not listed on an exchange is called an over-the-counter sale.) Many economists hold that since most un- listed stocks are not under the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, in- vestors (often of financial institutions) are facing a grave danger. These items are weak points of the market. Few can deny that they can influence the mar- ket in a bad way. But we should at the same time remember that an increase in stock mar- ket activity does not mean that a group of men- acing capitalists from Wall Street are trying to ruin the market. It should also not neces- sarily mean the coming of another depres- sion or to any extent a major recession. As Burton Crane in Sunday's New York Times noted, "there is a good deal of laugh- ter" among the committee members and the investigation. It may not be "a laughing mat+ ter" but there is nothing too serious about the market situation either. The market is good; too much anxiety can lead to a crash as easily as can real economic setbacks. --Harry Strauss IJI LETTERS TO THM E EDITOR ALONG THE WATERFRONTi Notes on Louisville Flood THE CITY of Louisville, Kentucky, situa'W, on the south floodplain of the Ohio River at the Fall of the Ohio, is a city famous for a number of exportable commodities: Bourbon colonels, and horses; it is equally famous for some non-exportables: mint juleps, a real per- sonality of place, dating to some romantic pages of Franco-American confluence, and this self-same River, source of both prosperity and municipal nightmare, currently approaching flood crest. Just now as you walk along the portions of River Road not yet inundated, the mood reflected in the faces of many spectators is a mixed one, compounded of parts of apprehension and of fascination, of a magnetic reflection that any great natural force lived with DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Assembly Constitution Stand Shows Increased Awareness IT HAS TAKEN two weeks of discussion and three contradictory votes for Assembly As- sociation to decide there should be no strings attached in their relation with the University administration. The eventual decision, however, merits ap- plause. Assembly yesterday voted down a constitu- tional requirement for review of new poli- eies by the Dean of Women's office, as well as a promise of "cooperation with the University Administration." The central issue, Asembly Dorm Council representatives finally realized, is not should they cooperate with the University, but rather can they afford to pledge themselves to con- tinue future cooperation. To make such a pledge would overlook the fact that there are times when cooperation is contrary to the best interests of independent women students. In deciding not to include this pledge in their constitution, Assembly pre- served its right to protest such things as a future hike in room and board fees if they should choose. IT IS unfortunate that a representative stu- dent body such as Assembly ever consid. ered the constitutional provision that all new policies be reviewed by the Dean of Women's office. This provision could completely stifle any expression of independent student opinion and turn the group into a sounding board for University policy. Yet 'it was approved with only one dissenting vote at last week's ,As- sembly Dorm Council meeting. The vote sup- posedly reflected the opinion of independent women in housing groups all over campus. ADC's second thought, the "cooperation" clause, was an improvement over the first. After a week of discussion in the housing units, however, the group threw out any men- tion of policy toward the University, yester- day, with only two dissenting votes.' Last year's Assembly president, Dolores Mes- singer, '55, deserves credit for arousing the or- ganization to possible implications of the re- striction they nearly approved. The trend in tpe thinking of ADC repre- sentatives is an encouraging one. A week ago they appeared to be a group willing to accept without comment any proposal offered to then-. Since that time some vigorous discussion has made them aware of their responsibility to the students they represent. -Phyllis Lipsky DREW PEARSON: Mr. Sam Puts Country Before Politics SGC Canddates... To the Editor: IT WOULD SEEM from their statements and speeches that few of the SGC candidates are aware of the problems resulting from the combination of the SL and the SAC - particularly the main one of how the necessary "busy" work will be accomplished and the educational theory upon which student government must be founded will be practiced so that neither is done at the expense of the other. It is wryly amusing to note the supreme overconfidence and inex- perience of the majority of the candidates. These people were so sure that they understood the na- ture "of the SGC that they didn't feel they needed to even attend ei- ther the training program set up for their benefit or any of the final SL and SAC meetings. Conse- quently, they now 'have no idea of what has gone on in the past and are totally unprepared to face the staggering job of determining the scope of the SGC. This unprepar- edness is rather shocking when one considers that the SAChdemanded such "expert" opinion that six of its seven student members were presidents of major campus organ- izations. Fortunately, there is a small though strong nucleus of experi- enced and aware candidates who are looking into the future and not mouthing platitudes and rehash- ing "issues" of the past. This group must be elected if the SGC is to get off on the right foot toward re- alizing its possible potential. I trust the campus realizes this, too, and will see that these people do get elected-unfortunately, a few of the others mustalso, but we can only hope that they fall from their ivory towers as quickly as possible. -Ruth Rossner * * Yote .. . To the Editor: IN LAST DECEMBER'S election you expressed your opinion that Michigan should have a powerful student government. Well, there is more to establishing an effective government than just voting out the old one and voting in a new. A successful SGC must have the most capable at Michigan working Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers............City Editor Jon Sobeloff.... ....Editorial Director Pat Roelofs...Associate City Editor Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart ........Associate Editor David Livingston ......Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Spo-fs Editor Warrn Wertheimer .. . . . . ..Associate Sports Editor Roa Shlimovitz .......Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel .......Chief Photographer 0 Business Staff Lois Pollak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill wise ........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager TelephoneN o 23-24-1 Member on it, and these people must repre- sent the opinions of the students. At Michigan, or any other de- mocracy in which size makes it necessary to have one person rep- resent many others, your only real chance to express your opinion is at election time. It would be ridic- ulous to say that eleven people, or eleven people who were not elect- ed by a far greater number of stu- dents than have taken part in past elections, can represent the opin- ion of the whole student body. When you voted for the SGC, you obligated yourselves to vote in its elections. Perhaps the obligation is more serious than you realize. The SGC has real power, and the campaign promises of the people you elect will become part of the regulations by which you live. You express your opinions by voting for candi- dates whose platforms you ap- prove. If you fail to vote you are defeating everything you stand for, just as surely as if you vote-for a candidate that you oppose. We remind you of the All Cam- pus Elections March 15 and 16, and urge you to vote and vote in- telligently, -Russ McKennon, Michigan Union Student Offices * * * GGC Platform .. . To the Editor; O N READING last Sunday's sup- plement to The Daily, we have realized that a great number of the candidates for SGC accept as a matter of course that they are to be the "campus leaders" with- out really having any clear idea of what to strive for once elected. For those people we are proposing the following platform, with the hope that if they adopt it on time, they will lose fewer votes than oth- erwise. i) The name SGC should be changed to GGC (Greek Govern- ment Council), and since it seems that the balance of power will be on the side of the fraternities, more sorority members should be encouraged to run for GGC offices. 2) Of the ex-officio positions of GGC, certainly the Presidents of Inter House Council and Assembly, and if necessary, the Managing Editor of The Daily and the Presi- dents of the League and the Un- ion should be removed, with a pos- sible reduction in the number of elective positions to retain the ra- tio so altered. 3) Social freedom rather than academic freedom should be stress- ed in line with the educational ideals of this institution of learn- ing. 4) Student Political Parties should be banned, as they tend to provoke independent thinking that will certainly interfere with the smooth functioning of GGC. 5) We maintain GGC's right to debate "controversial issues," such as whether beer should or should not be served in the Union. 6) Tuition should be increased by 10 to 20 per cent to help build a bigger stadium, and an ex-officio position in GGC should be created for a representative of the Athletic Department. -Eduardo Orias, 55 -Robert M. Russell, '56 THE dilemma of whether a war would be long or short has tremendous budgetary importance. Few who know the capabilities of destruction of atomic weapons be- lieve that an atomic war could last long. At SHAPE, where the staff has been studying and war-gam- ing atomic war for more than two intimately is likely to produce in cohabitants. Apprehension: As first floors of buildings built up sloping Third, Fourth, and Fifth Streets, laid away from the river at right ang- les, are disappearing under water that takes its whimsically wilful course, man's devices not with- standing, you see housewives with aprons gathered around their arms against chill wind leaning over second-story balconies. They look away at the miles of choppy brown water, and talk stops. You know their conversation is not neigh- borly gossip. Although it is Sunday (March 6), the activity at the foot of Fourth Street is greater than on even the busiest week-day. Iron- ically, the businessmen who are evacuating their premises are mar- ine equipment proprietors. Heavy trucks grind up the hill, hauling away assorted sizes of pleasure boats, just at the moment when the stream for which they are in- tended is presenting itself at the livery doors, as if claiming some- thing dedicated but not forthcom- ing. You look across the street in the harsh, thin March sunlight and see a man wearing business suit and tie and hip-high rubber boots carrying an arm load of ledgers from the open door of a store; al- ready a propellor has been secured to the building with a small chain so that It will not be lost to the water. Stepping across the sidewalk you kick up a shaled piece of con- crete and become aware of the pitted and stratified condition of streets and sidewalks in this, the oldest part of the city, the thous- ands of little erosions underfoot caused by this same Ohio River gone mad each ungentle spring. March, 1955 is the cruelest month. The whole public is represented, as though misapprehension were a condition better borne when pub- licly .shared. A ceaseless flow of traffic crowds the Clark Memorial Bridge, linking Jeffersonville, In- diana, at north with Louisville at south. And even though traffic is heavy for hours, there is no im- patient traffic tie-up. Cars filled mostly with what are obviously family groups, move slowly, order- ly, the same vehicles recrossing the bridge after the first convenient circle has been made. The faces do not show holiday-spirit, but the s a m e speculation-entrancement seen on pedestrians along rivers- edge. Will this year be as bad as 1945 when a sizeable portion of the city's populace-as a consequence of adequate warning - fled the rising water? Probably not. At least a repetition of 1937 seems impossible to everyone. That year waters rose almost overnight; no flood walls, no municipal facil- ities for keeping sewers flowing out, existed and at breakfast time one morning seventy per-cent of the city's area was in flood. The Brown Hotel, Louisville's leading hostelry, located nearly three- quarters mile from the river, at Fourth and Broadway, had several feet of water in the marbelled lob- by. A stuffed fish some 12 or 14 inches long hangs now in the ho- tel and is said to have been hooked in the flooded premises. Fact or no, a fish might have been caught there had anyone been calm enough to angle. Panic arose, the second aggravated wave, engulf- ing, threatening the city. The sta- tue of Lincoln at the Louisville Free Public Library, a block be- yond the Brown Hotel on Fourth, appeared to float on water. Flood walls, pumping stations, and hydrologists and meteorolo- gists have eliminated an encore of that flood, particularly the panic. It wasn't so much that Louisvil- lians didn't understand their great, unpredictable, fluid neighbor that short space ago, but rather that it acted with such frightening speed. LOOKING EAST and west along River Road you see more hu- man activity. The Louisville Life- guard Station, a United States Coast Guard facility, has small craft tied up for routine trans- portation and emergency calls. Were these uniformed authori- ties to permit, you could board any number of rowboats, motor- driven craft, houseboats, or com- mercial river ships, with little more than wet trousers. The "Martha E. Greene," a stern-wheeler, and a Commercial Barge Lines river- barge are both tied fifty yards nearer city streets than is norm- ally possible; men on the bridges of both keep watches; you see them look up and down the river with his n- - r is a roof and a darkened neon sign, and perhaps fish swim around plates that might have been their biers. The Thompson Sea-Plane Base ("Charter Service - Sea Plane Rides") becomes a perch for waterbirds, a point to which the planes, not now in sight, could moor up. A man escorts two women along the lapping, slapping watersedge, taking snapshots while the women select and reject pieces of drift- wood, curiously macabre souvenirs for a nascent decorating scheme. Two men, unknown to each oth- er, exchange wry comments at humor caused by man and the river: Signs in three feet of water inform observers that 35 miles per hour is maximum legal speed for automobiles, that somewhere be- yond the canalized road is private property which you may not tres- pass, the signs being reinforced by a fense with only stakes visible. At Municipal Boat Harbor sight- seers buy balloons from a vendor wearing galoshes. All over people are taking pic- tures, checking light and shadow conditions, hanging or perching precariously, for a view they would record. SOME public concern rose when it became known that the "Delta Queen" with her load of passengers come from New Or- leans' Mardi Gras revels, bound for home-port of Cincinnati, over a hundred miles north-easterly by river, would arrive at Louisville's west bridge Saturday (March 5). Concern centered on whether or not the stack of the "Queen," a side-wheeler, would clear the Ken- tucky-Indiana bridge. Louisville's older bridge connects that city and New Albany, Indiana, and its heighth is not so great as that of 'lark Memorial Bridge. The older bridge has a movable span, but it had not been operated since 1921 or thereabouts and doubts were ex- pressed that it could be opened. Some persons predicted that guy lines, important to bridge stability, would have to be severed to per-. mit opening. Others said machin- ery for opening the span would no longer function. The harbor-master remained publicly calm, saying the situation would be faced if and when it ma- terialized. An observer said if the passengers weren't all tired of party-making, the "Queen" could tie-up at New Albany for a water party and wait for the river to subside. The "Delta Queen" came, pass- ed under safely with elegant flour- ishes from her whistles, delivered her passengers at home-berth, of upstreaming a river nearing having given them the experience flood crest. After all, the operators of the "Queen" could not have pre- dicted the flood, but they probably were not surprised, since tle floods are regular in an irregular way; the 1937 flood came in Jan- uary, and danger exists-depend- ing on upstream rainfall-until mid-April. FASCINATION, magnetic pull: It seems, whether expression of conscious or subconscious mind, or sensations unnamed, the people like the river must out. If the flood is considered over- all, in its tremendous reality, per- haps it is a kind of catharsis im- posed on the great valley by the elements in seasonal conflict. The fertile valley cleans itself of win- ter sluggishness and waste and washes all ahead of it, until its confluence with the Mississippi compounds the surge, not expend- ed until the last silt is dropped from a spent current far out in the Gulf of Mexico, muddied a wide off-shore area by fury born in- land. Are these people come, do you come, noting the river's excrement cast up on paved streets-bottles, boxes, limbs, chairs-to confirm how tiny man-even a large com- munity of men-is? Do you not feel a catharsis in yourself, wit- nessing so great a natural purge, that you go home and feel some- how relieved and cleansed, though no less apprehensive? "Changeless change": Melville called the sea that and told read- ers of flocks congregated from a city's cells on New York's beaches. Inland though you are, you sense the rightness of what he said, the truth of the fact, although you Man no more divine the exact "Why?" of it all than he could. To be aware seems enough, and .nv, n~rha-r ,am. ns-n .. (Continued from Page 2) speak on "The Structure of Tobacco Mosaic virus including the Ribonucleic Acid." Seminar in complex Variables will meet Tues., March 15, pt 2:00 p.m. in 247 West Engr. Prof. Wilfred Kaplan will speak on "Some Classical Results of vitall." Mathematics colloquium. T u e . March 15, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 225 An- gell Hall. Prof. Nicolas Rashevsky,of the University of Chicago, will speak on "Topology and Life: In Search of General Mathematical Principles in Bi- ology and Sociology." Freshman Engineers. Pick up mentor grades Fri. p.m. March 18, Sat. a.m. March 19, Mon., March 21, Tues., March 22, Group Preliminary Examination dur- ing the week of April 11. Students who Intend to take this examination should leave their names with the secretary in the office of the Mathematics De- partment by March 18. Anyone in doubt as to whether he is qualified to take the examination consult S. B. Meyers. Sociology Coffee Hour. Mar. 16, 4:00 p.m. Wed., in the Sociology Lounge. Architecture and Design students may not drop courses without record after 5:00 p.m., Fri., March 18. Architecture and Design students who have inoompletes incurred last semester must remove them by Fr., March 19. Concerts The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra will give the ninth concert in the Chor- al Union Series, Tues., March 15, at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. Mozart's Symphony No. 35 in D major, (Haffner); Wagner's Prelude and Love-Death from "Tristan and Isolde"; and the Brahms Symphony No. 1 in C minor. Student Recital. Mary Ann Smelter, pianist, and pupil of Marian Owen. Backham Assembly Hll at 8:30 p.m., Wed., March 16, In a program of works by Bach, Beethoven, Bloch and Schu- mann. Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music, the recital will be open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art. Alumni Memorial Hall:Contemporary American Drawings George Braque-Prints. Through April 3. Hours: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. weekdays, 2:00-5:00 p.m. Sundays. Public invited. Events Today Generation poetry staff will meet Tues., Mar. 15 at 7:30 p.m. The Film Forum on International Ed- ucation, sponsored by the Dept. of His- tory and Principles of Education, will present a UNESCO film, "World With- out End," Mar. 15 at 4:15 p.m., Aud. A., Angell Hall. Blue Team floor show tryouts. Tues., March 15. Women's League 7:00 p.m. No talent required. Lutheran Student Association. Tues., 7:15 p.m. Study of the great leaders of the church, the Reformation Period centering on Erasmus and Luther. ar- ner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. General Meeting of Sigma Alpha Eta Tues., March 15, 7:30 p.m. at the League. Miss Ruth Curtiss will speak nn. "Speech Correction in the Publie Schools." Initiation of new key mem- bers. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong Tues., March 15, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. Fresh Week-end. Blue team program committee. Tues., 7:00 p.m. League. Congregational-Disciples Guild. 4:30- 5:45 p.m., Tea at the Guild House. Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonight in Room 3-R of the Union at 7:00 p.m. to develop "Racontage" speaking. Prepre to share your favorite story. Coming Events Research Club will meet wed., March 16 at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theater. Henry van der Schalie (Zoolo- gy), on: "Problems of Blood Fluke Con- trol in Egypt and the Sudan"; Irving A. Leonard (Spanish-American Litera. ture and History) on: "The First Amer- ican Writer: the Inca Garcilaso de Ia Vega." Members only. Claude Rains, "Great Words To Great Music," Wed., Mar. 16, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium, on the current Lecture Course. Reading from classical and mod- ern literature, Mr. Rains will be accom- panied on the piano by Jack Maxin. Tickets are on sale at the Auditorium box office, today 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; to- morrow 10:00-8:30 p.m. Senior Board meeting at 7:30 p;m. in the League Wed., March 16. The room will be posted on the bulletin board. Lutheran Student Association. Wed., Mar. 16, 7:30 p.m. Meditation on the Fourth Word from the Cross. Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Hillel: Hillelzapoppin' Sat., Mar. 26, 7:15 p.m. at Tappan Junior High School. Tickets may be ordered by sending cash or check made payable to Hiilel Student Community, along with a stamped self- addressed envelope to: Jan Schuster, 826 Tappan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Tickets are $1.50 and $1.75 and include free bus transportation. Please indicate on mail order if free transportation is desired. Tickets also on sale at Mason Hall Mar. 14-18 and Mar. 21-25 from 11:00-12:00 a.m. and from 1-2 p.m. Blue Team Poster-Publicity Meeting. Wed., Mar. 16, 7:00 p.m. Women's League. Consult Frosh Weekend bul- letin board in Undergrad office. A I 1 WASHINGTON-Here are two recent signifi- cant episodes in the constantly unfolding drama of Washington: SCENE I-The office of Speaker Sam Ray- burn. A delegation of rebel Democrats had come to see him. Democratic leader John Mc- Cormick of Boston had warned them not to, but they came anyway. They didn't like the way the Democratic leadership was passing the Formosan resolution, giving Eisenhower unlim- ited power, without even any debate. "I agree he doesn't need the resolution," re- plied the Speakere when his Democratic friends urged him to go slow." He already has the power. But I want to show the world that we have a united country." "This is just a method of sucking the Demo- crats in on whatever trouble he gets us into around Formosa," the Democratic delegation argued. "Maybe so," shot back Mr. Sam, "but the country comes first. We're not going to play politics. I remember how the Republicans pat- ted Truman on the back when he first went into Korea then kicked him in the pants after- ward. We're not going to do that." "OK," i argued Congressman Jack Shelly of San Francisco, "We'll pass the resolution, but only after a couple of days of debate. Let the country know the facts." "No," said Mr. Sam, "we're not going to de- bate. I don't want one word said against this resolution when it gets to the floor of the House" That enided that. The Formosan resolution was passed with only one Democrat voting against it. SCENE II--The ballroom of the Statler Ho- correspondents dinner. Three seats away as tl* chief guest of honor was President Eisenhower, the man Rayburn had saved on his Formosan resolution and on reciprocal trade, but whose wrath he'd incurred for proposing a $20 tax cut. "Irresponsible" was what Ike called it. The dinner progressed. There was joviality on all sides. But no conversation between the Pre- sident and Speaker Rayburn. Once the Presi- dent got up and briefly left the room, passing right by the Speaker. He did not greet him. He came back, but did not greet him.- At the end of the dinner, he got up, walked by the Speaker again, again did not greet him, stopped a few seats beyond to shake hands with others. Newsmen at the dinner noted the snub, wondered. Speaker Sam got up and went home. Ike and Newspapers SID RICHARDSON, the big Texas oil man who is extremely close to Eisenhower, tele- phoned Speaker Sam Rayburn the other day. He caught the Speaker just after Ike had de- nounced him for "fiscal irresponsibility" and for "lacking the courage" to put his $20 tax cut in a separate bill. The Speaker was frankly sore. "What does Eisenhower mean," he told Rich- radson, "by saying I am irresponsible. When I put through the reciprocal trade treaty they thought differently down at the White House. When I passed that Formosan resolution for him it saved Ike's neck. But when I push a $20 tax reductioon to give the little fellow a break, I am irresponsible'." "The trouble with Eisenhower," replied Sid Richardson, "is he probably didn't even know you nassed the Recinrnn lTrade reatv fn , t