,W THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1955 I yIiI - -- - - - - -I ,il I i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IrIARfIFEflrS r 4 d II now s 148 each I. - ._.__l Factory Fresh, Unplayed Copies, World's Greatest Artists, The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1955 Vol. LXV, No. 82 Notices Only those student organizations which are registered with the Office of Student Affairs are authorized to use the Daily Official Bulletin. After Feb. 26, notices wil not be accepted from or- ganizations not listed with the Office of Student Affairs. Lbw School Admission Test: Applica- tion blanks for the Feb. 19 administra- tion of the Law School Admission Test are still available at 110 Rackham Building. Application banks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than Feb. 9. Sophomore and Freshmen Women: Mjrtha Cook Building is receiving ap- plications for Sept., 1955. There will be space for 40 sophomores and 20 fresh- men who will then be juniors and sophomores respectively. Anyone inter- ested phone 23225 any week day between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Outstanding ap- plication blanks should come in at once. High Fidelity VERDI: Requiem Mass (2 records) Schwarzkopf, Dominguez, Di Stefano, Siepi La Scala Orchestra & Chorus, Victor De Sabata HANDEL: Messiah (3 records) Huddersfield Choral Society, Liverpool Philharmonic Sir Malcolm Sargent BELLINI: Norma (3 records) Callas, Stignani, Rossi-Lemeni La Scala Orch., Tullio Serafin, conductor LEHAR: The Merry Widow (2 records)_ Schwarzkopf, Gedda, Kunz The Philharmonic, Otto Ackermann, cond. BELLINI: I Puritoni (3 records) Callas, Di Stefano, Rossi-Lemeni, Paneral La Scala Orch., Tullio Serafin, conductor MUSIQUE MILITAIRE FRANCAISE Band of La Garde Republicaine, Paris BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 6 in F major ("Pastorale") Philharmonic Orch., H. von Karajan SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 4-in A minor. & Tapiola Op. 112 Philharmonic Orch., von Karojan S E Dial NO ScheduleI 2-3136 for Information Join the March of Dimes Sports and Dance Instruction--Wom- en Students. Women students who have completed their physical education re- quirement may sign as electives on Tues, and Wed., Feb. 8 and 9 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00m. in Barbour Gymna- sium. Instruction is available in figure skating, swimming, diving, modern dance, riding and fencing. The Extension Service announces the following classes to be held in Ann Ar- bor beginning Tues., Feb. 8: Creative Drawing and Color Sketch- ing. 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Building. 16 weeks. $18.00. Richard L. Sears, In- structor. Introduction to Oral Interpretation (Speech 41) 7:30 p.m. 1429 Mason Hall. 16 weeks. $18.00. Paul E. Cairns, Instruc- tor. Understanding the Soviet Present Through the Russian Past. 7:30 p.m. 131 School of Business Administration. 8 weeks. $10.00. Professors Ihor Sevcen- ko and Andrei A. Lobanov-Rostovsky, Instructors. Registration for these courses may be made in Room 4501 of the Administra- tion Building on State Street during University office hours, or in Room 164 of the School of Business Administra- tion on Monroe Street in the evening, 6:30 to 9:30 Tues. through Thurs. eve- ning of this week. The Danforth Foundation, an educa- tional trust fund in St. Louis, Mo., in- vitesapplications for its 1955 Graduate Fellowships from college senior men and recent graduates preparing for a career in college teaching and who are planning to enter graduate school in Sept., 1955, for their first year of gradu- ate study. The maximum annual grant for single Fellows is $1800, for married Fellows, $2400. All applications must be completed by Feb. 15. For further in- formation, see Prof. W. J. Schlatter, School of Business Administration. Applications for Grants in Support of Research Projects: Faculty members who wish to apply for grants from the Research Funds to support research projects should file their applications in the Office of the graduate School not later than Wed., Feb.d16.tApplica- tion forms will be mailed on request, or can be obtained at Room 1006 Rackham Building, Ext. 372. Applicants are urged to file their requests before the final due date to expedite handling. The Ford Foundation Behavioral Sci- ences Division is again offering Fellow- ships for the first year of graduate study to selected Seniors who wish to pursue graduate studies in psychology, sociolo- gy, or anthropology, but who as under- graduates have concentrated in fields other than these. The University *of Michigan may nominate 4 qualified sen- iors for this award. In the current year it is estimated that approximately twenty-five awards of $1800 each will be made to successful candidates applying from the 59 institutions participating in this program. For information and ap- plications, students should come to the Office of the Graduate School. Teaching Positions - Hawaii. There are over 125 vacancies, Elementary level, in the Public Schools of Haviaii for the 1955-56 school year. Salary on a 12 month basis with AB degree begins at $3000. Further information on these po- sitions and vacancies in Secondary In- dustrial Arts and Band can be obtained by contacting the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Nor- mandy 3-1511, Ext. 489. Teaching Positions-Turkey - Greece - Lebanon. Applications are now being (Continued on Page 4) FOR SALE ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Sox, 39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )26B 1951 CHEVROLET four door, radio, heater-Green and Real Nice. The big lot across from downtown car- port. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )205B 1940 PONTIAC, two door, new rubber and clean. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )203B 1952 CHEVROLET four door, radio, heater. low mileage. The big lot across from downtown carport, Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )202B TUXEDO, size 40-42, excellent condi- tion. Also 3 dress shirts, 16-33, 2- 151244. NO 3-3821. )215B 1948 CHEVROLETClub Coupe, one owner, new tires, real clean. The biglot across from downtown car- port. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )221B 1947 CHEVROLET two-door Aero Sedan, black, radio and heater, one owner. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )220B THE MUSIC CORNER, INC. now offers complete 3313 record selection. Music. Books. )2278 MAKE MONEY in spare time. Parking lot striping machine-any reasonable offer takes. T. W. Tuttle, NO 2-6674. )226B FOR SALE Royal portable, elite type. Call Patricia Cooper evenings, NO 3-1511, Ext. 544. )225B 8 RED, BLACK and Beige Plaid Bates Bedspread Lengths. Can also use for drapes. $4.00 per bedspread length. Call NO 2-2569. )224B' AUTOMATIC ENLARGER Focomat No. 2. Fully automatic accommodates 35mm and 2%x3% negatives. Lens equipment Leitz 5 cm. 1-35 Leitz 9-5 cm 1-4. Phone NO 3-2666 or NO 8-6666. )2238 1950 CHEVROLET-Deluxe Club Coupe privately owned, two-tone grey. Ex- cellent upholstery, exterior, mechan- ical condition. Radio and heater, good tires. '55 liscense, $495 cash. NO 2-8644. )228B KLIPSCHORN. Perfect condition. Call NO 2-1291, after six. )229B FOR RENT ONE OR TWO GIRLS to share 4-room furnished apt. on Arch near Packard and State. NO 3-3472 after 5 P.M. )200 SUITE: living, study room with fire- place, telephone; twin bedroom; private bath. Garage space. For two gentlemen. References required. NO 3-5841. )24C APARTMENT for Men Students, Cam- pus, furnished, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bath, $140; 1 bedroom apt., furnished, $105. NO 3-8454. )23C FOR RENT-Plain, quiet room near hospital and campus for male stu- dent. Phone NO 3-5400. )250 ROOMS FOR RENT BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH - Campus Tourist Home, 518 E. William (near State). NO 3-8454. Student rooms. )23D DOUBLE ROOM, modemn furnishings near campus. 1111 White, NO 2-9625. )39D ROOMS FOR RENT ONE SINGLE and one double with or without kitchen privileges. Call NO 3-3003. )40D ROOM AND BOARD BOARDERS WANTED. Good food. Close to campus. Any combination of meals desired. Call NO 3-8581 for informa- tion. )8E PERSONAL Atlantic Monthly ........$2 (8 mos.) Holiday ..................$2 (8 mos.) Ladies Home Journal ....$2 (8 mos.) *Life ...............;......$2 (8 mos.) *Newsweek ...............$2 (8 mos.) Sat. Evening Post ........ $2 (8 mos.) *Time ...................$2 (8 mos.) U.S. News & World Rep...$2 (8 mos.) *Students only. Many other specials for a limited time only. Ideal Valen- tine gifts. Phone NO 2-3061. Student Periodical. )55F STUDENTS-begin or continue your piano playing while at college. Artist teachers-practice facilities. Robert Dumm Piano Studios, call NO 2-3541. )54F HELP WANTED WANT SALESMEN for Michigan. Jacket emblems. Nord, Box 92, Forest Hills, N.Y. )30H BUSINESS SERVICES WASHING-Finished work and hand ironing. Rough dry and wet washing. Also ironing separately. Free pick-up and delivery. Phone NO 2-9020. Wool sox washed also. )8I BUSINESS SERVICES R. A. MADDY-VIOLIN MAKER. Fine instruments, Accessories, Repairs. 310 S. State, upstairs. Phone'NO 2-5962. )10I BABY OR SMALL CHILD for day care in liscensed home. NO 3-5830. )231 TYPING WANTED-reasonable rates. Mrs. Mullet, 726 S. Main NO 8-6883. )221 TYPING-Thesis, term papers, etc. Rea- sonable rates, prompt service, 830 South Main, NO 8-7590. )251 . WANTED TO BUY BACH CORONET, used First Line In- strument. Call Collect Royal Oak, Lincoln 2-4135. )2228 ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, HEMS. Prompt service, Call NO 3-0783. )4N ALTERATIONS. LADIES' GAR TENTS. Prompt Service. Call NO 22678 Alpha Graves. 24I REAL ESTATE CALL WARD REALTY NO 2-7787 for 2-3 bedroom homes-priced for students. Evenings call: Mr. Hadcock NO 2-5863 Mr. Rice 3YP 2740-M Mr. Garner Mr. Martin Mr. Schoot NO 3-2761 NO 8-8608 NO 3-2763 )20 I F.. I I ... 'I.M. m W'.Aft m a I Matinees 50c Nights 80c "ALEC GUINNESS is a quizzical good natured .? old fuddy in a leisurely good-humored film!" ' RICHARD STRAUSS: Capriccio (closing scene) is Lieder Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Philharmonic Orch. GREGORIAN CHANT: Easter Cycle, Christmas Cycle MENOTTI: Amelia goes to the Ball La Scala Orch. J. STRAUSS: Wiener Blut (2 records) Schwarzkopf, Kunz, Loose, Gedda Philharmonic Orch. Ackerman. BARTOK: Concerto for Orchestra Philharmonic Orch. H. von Karajan PUCCINI: Tosca Callas, Di Stefano, Gobbi, La Scala (2 records) POULENC: Les Mamelles de Tiresias Paris Opera-Comique MOZART: 4 Horn Concertos Brain, Philharmonia Orch. & Karajan MASCAGNI: Cavalleria Rusticana (1 records) Callas, Canali, Di Stefano, La Scala Orch. & Chorus DEBUSSY: Children's Corner Suite Suite Bergamasque Walter Gieseking BEETHOVEN: String Quartet in B-flat, Op. 130 Quortetto Italiano DEBUSSY: Preludes, Book I Walter Gieseking LEHAR: The Merry Widow (2 records) Schwarzkopf, Gedda, Kunz DON IZETTI: Lucia di Lammermoor (2 records) Callas, Di Stefano, Gobbi Vier Letse 1217 S. University 11111 Especially for HER .. . on . r. - An Open and Shut Case of Pure Guinness! - m- J !t Y 1 from Perrine's, C. E., Varsity Flower Shop 1122 S. UNIVERSITY Order Now! 14% -mm~ -- - mm- A ta A :~ by T. S. ELIOT Thursday thru Sunday 8:15 P.M. until Feb. 20th Matinee Feb. 20th, 2:30 P.M. STUDENT RATE 99c General Admission $1.65 I ISAAC I Revervations NO 2-5915 Masonic Temple, 327 S. Fourth Next-"BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI" WILDE: The Importance of Being Earnest (2 records) Gielgud, Culver, Evans T. S. ELIOT: Murder in the Cathedral (2 records) The Old Vic Company HUMPERDINCK:. Hansel and Gretel (2 records) Schwarzkopf, Philharmonia Orch. & Karaian LEHAR: The Land of Smiles (2 records) Schwarzkoph, Gedda, Kunz, Philharmonia Orch. VIVALDI: Four Concerti I Musici TCHAIKOVSKY: Sleeping Beauty / Swan Lake Philharmonia Orch, & Karajan PROKOFIEFF: Classical Symphony DUKAS: Sorcerer's Apprentice DE FALLA: Three Cornered Hat RAVEL: La Valse Philharmonic Orch. & Markevitch RIMSKY-KORSAKOFF-Schererazade Philharmonia Orch. & Dobrowen RIMSKY-KORSAKOFF: Coq d'Or / Tsar Sultan Philharmonia Orch. & Dobrowen FAURE: Ballade RAVEL: Concerto in G maor Marguerite Long & Conservatoire Orch. BACH : Mass in B minor (3 records) Schw rzkopf,Hoffgen, Gedds, Vienna Gesellschaft & Karajan RAVEL: L'Heure Espagnol Paris Opera-Comique FAURE: Requiem Angelici, Noguera; Chorus, Orch. & Ctuytens MOZART: Operatic Arias Elizabeth Schwarzkopf SCHUBERT-Lieder Recital Schwarzkopf & Fischer SONG RECITAL-Schwarzkopf Gerald Moore, piano BEETHOVEN: "Waldstein" & "Appassionata" Walter Gieseking BEETHOVEN: "Moonlight" & "Pathetique" Walter Gieseking DEBUSSY: 15 Piano Pieces Walter Gieseking 11 Distinguished Violinist 0 : ::: M III i See our wonderful collection of stainless steel flatware before you choose. Patterns from Sweden, Italy, Germany, Denmark and England. f . }X ii i:k ^ r : 4 :h: :f': iii iti;:;}' i ".'" " \ i:4::: t?;' }: ' ;,f "i "'',:v wmrecivA.. . I Hill Auditorium 537 East Liberty 0 NO 8-6779 ? 1:L l '.a:. .,..+; ':.... . . . . . ..!! ~ a~:.7."',," .:? ,;.. ....t:...fv. ... +.....::>- ... i ':v^ii:. ": ':::..... . . . . . . . .~ ...- - - - - - - -- .:":...........:v::............ . .................:::::::......................................,...................... . . Extra Concert Series Tickets at Burton Tower R, - M~I I Phone NO 3-4436 1216 S. University I, 1 iX1 1 I III .:. tow WATCHES o PEARLS AND MANY OTHERS lirl I I 1 I I - -