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March 15, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-15

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Latest Deadline in the State

:4ia iti

. I-., *


VOL. LXV, No. 113

* r




Buny an














Etter Gives
No Details
On Return
Crisler Expected
To Provide Data
Paul Bunyan, huge trophy miss-
ing since Jan. 10, was returned to
the Athletic Building last night.
Les Etter, sports publicity direc-
tor, refused to comment on its re-
turn but said Athletic Director H.
0. "Fritz" Crisler would release
additional information when he
returns today from the Western
Conference meetings in Chicago.
Crisler could not be reached in
In Custody'
Etter would say only that the
trophy was in the custody of the
Athletic Building. "I haven't seen
it and I don't know what shape
it's in," Etter claimed, refusing to




* * *

* *

* *




A ccepts



~Pan Includes
Regional and
National TV
Daily Sports Editor
The powerful Western Confer-
ence ended weeks of conjecture
and apparently paved the way to-
ward nation-wide acceptance o:
the NCAA football television plar
as it, gave its full approval to the
proposed program last night.
At a meeting of faculty repre-
sentatives and athletic directors ir
Chicago. the Big Ten voted with
surprisingly little dissention tc
cast its collective vote for the
NCAA television program an-
nounced yesterday.
The compromise plan, which
provides for both national and re-
gional telecasting of college foot-
ball, must be balloted on by all of
the 425 meiber schools before
midnight March 21. A two-thirds
affirmative vote is required for ac-
Approval Unexpected
The Big Ten's immediate ap-
proval of the plan was unexpect-
ed in view of the Conference's ex-
pressed desire to conduct a com-
prehensive regional program of
The proposed program calls for
eight national "games of the
week" and five regional dates for
telecasting within each of the
seven NCAA districts.
The regional concession is aim-
ed at appeasing the Big Ten and
Pacific Coast Conference which
have desired added television
rights within their individual con-
One of Each
Under the new plan a school
may appear on one national and
one regional date, or two regional
See NCAA, Page 3
Enders To Speak
Dr. John Enders of Harvard
University and the Children's Hos-
pital, Boston, will speak on "The
Present Status of Knowledge Con-
cerning the Poliomyelitis Virus"
at 4 p.m. today in the School of
Public Health Auditorium.



Gives Many
Pron sals l

An Editorial

. .0.0

... commencement speaker

. mysteriously returned
say who had seen the trophy or
who would know how and when
it was discovered.
Athletic equipment manager
Henry Hatch, who first reported
the trophy missing, said he had
been sick the past few days and
knew nothing about the trophy's
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea ex-
pressed satisfaction at return of
Paul Bunyan.
"We're certainly very happy to
have the trophy back with us,"
Dean Rea said. ."Let's hope -we
can make every effort to keep it
'Jukebox Trophy'
Termed by newspapers, "The
Jukebox Trophy," it was presented
in November of 1953 by Gov. G.
Mennen Williams as a symbol of
the football rivalry between Mich-
igan and Michigan State.
Although never officially ac-
A cepted, the trophy became Univer-
sity property when Michigan beat
Michigan State, 33-7, this fall and
was dutifully stored in a locker
room by Hatch.
See PAUL, Page 6

Earl warren
To Address
Chief Justice of the United
States Supreme Court Earl War-
ren will be the speaker at the
111th University Commencement
June 11, it was announced yester-
After serving for ten years as
governor of California, Justice
Warren was appointed to the
court In 1953 by President Dwight
D. Eisenhower.
Warren has long been known as
a liberal mnember of the Republi-
can Party. Former President Har-
ry S. Truman, once said of him,
"He's really a Democrat and
doesn't know it."
After accepting nomination for
Vice-President in 1948, Justice
Warren met the first election de-
feat of his political career. He
wrote off the defeat as "the will of

Following a year's investigation
of theyresidence hall system, the
Operation Inquiry committee has:
released its final report.
Consisting of four faculty mem-
bers and five students, the group
has made many recommendations.
In the field of plant and facili-
ties, the report states "the con-
version of rooms~ to 'permanent
triples' is highly undesirable and
should be undertaken only as a
last resort to solve the housing
"Student leaders in the resi-
dence halls should be consulted in
all stages of planning as to the de-}
sign and content of new residence1
halls," the report continues.
125 Student Maximum
In the future new dorms shouldI
not have more than 125 students
per house, the committee recom-
mended. From the standpoint of
furthering Michigan House Plan
goals, the type of design found in
East and West Quadrangles is pre-
ferred over the South Quadrangle
Furthermore, the committee has
urged the Inter-House Council to
conduct a study of quadrangle res-
idents' grades to see if there are
significant differences due to sizes
of rooms occupied by students.
See INQUIRY, Page 6 I
Turns Down

Voting in the first all-campus Student Government
Council'electioon is being held today and tomorrow.
Ballot boxes will be located at 16 different points
in the campus area where students can express their
choice of candidates for 40 positions on SGC, the Union
board of directors, the Board in Control of Student
Publications, senior class officers, Board in Control of
Inter-collegiate Athletics and the J-Hop Committee.
Needless to say this is an important election. The
student body voted overwhelmingly in December to re-
place Student Legislature with SGC. Now it is vital that
in its first year of operation the new student government
be manned by a very highly qualified group of elected

Voters should be awa
candidates' statements andc
are wide differences in the
those running for office.
Some of the candidate
their abilities in student go
opportunity to develop the
so necessary to a successful
Others have indicated t
grind or that they are clear
terest group on campus. Vo
the kind of broad leaders]
group of candidates.
The campus will havec
student interest in this electi
student government.
Problems confronting t
and will require the carefulc
dents the campus can elect.
By all means vote, and
-T'heSenior Edito
Myers, Jon Sc
Conrad and Na

Survey of Foireign Students'
Housing Facilities Finished
Returns on a post card questionnaire indicate that only one-fifth
of the foreign students on campus rate their housing as "excellent",
while one oit of every ten considers his housing "unsatisfactory".
The questionnaire is part of a survey on student housing which
was recently compiled by the International Center.$
The fact that an investigation of studefit housing was needed be-
came increasingly evident in the fall of 1954, when 1,088 foreign stu-

Total of 23 on SGC Ballot
For L1 Elective Positions
Elections Director Rossner Optimistic
About Turnout Despite Prediction of Rain
Scattered showers are predicted today as students go to the pofla
to elect the University's first Student Government Council.
Twenty-three candidates are in the running for the 11 elected
SGC positions in balloting from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and continu-
ing tomorrow.
At the same time students will olect nine J-Hop committee can-
didates, seven Union Vice-Presidents, three members of the Board, in
Control for Student Publications, one junior member of the Board
in Control for Student Publications, one junior member of the Board
in Control for Intercollegiate Athletics, and four literary college and
engineering school senior class officers.
Director Optimistic
Despite possibility of rain, elections director Ruth Rossner, '59,
optimistically hoped for 4,000 voters today.
"If the weather is like its been the last few days. 5,000 might vote
the first day with the two-day vote
reaching 7,500," Miss Rossner said
votesst Bierlin Group
One year ago 6,091 students ca
"Something New" r Pef m
Miss Rossner based her high o P
prediction for this election on the
good turnout for the SGC refer-

the people." By PHYLLIS LIPSKY
Assembly Association yesterdayj
turned down two proposals to out-
to Wrline in their constitution the
group's relation to the University
Of irtues' administration.
The first proposal provided for
Describing virtues of American review of all new policies by the
journalism, Wallace Carroll, exec- Dean of Women's office. The sec-
utive news editor of the Winston- ond promised "cooperation with
Salem Journal and Sentinel, yes- the University administration in
terday outlined "the seven most the formulation and maintenance
deadly" of them. of policy and high social and
Speaking in a journalism lec- scholastic standards."
ture, he advised young journalism After a majority of independent
students to avoid the taboos and undergraduate women's housing
fetishes which have grown up in units approved it, the "review"
the newspaper field. clause had been passed at last'
The first of Carroll's "deadly week's meeting. Later in the same
virtues" was objectivity. He ex- meeting, however, the group voted
plained it is a discipline which to recommend the "oocperation"
reporters, editors and publishers amendment to be sent back to the
impose on themselves in order to housing units as a substitute.
keep their own feelings from af- Vote Ended Week of Discussion
fecting the presentation of the Yesterday's final vote of 19 to 2.
news. rejecting both proposals followed
a week of discussion in League
i houses and dormitories all over
it Cont ues campus.,
Assembly President Hazel Frank,
'56, told the Assembly Dorm Coun-
cil meeting, that a 'plinning com-
iiamittee which has been discussing
a University apartment house for
Y FRYMER women will begin meeting 'soon
with Vice-President Marvin L.
n-Michigan State-Short pants' con- Niehuss.
y yesterday, this time with an offi- Consideration of such a struc-
ture was one of the conditions in
ease declared that an alleged state- ADC's acceptance of the $50 in-
nt secretary of the Alumni Associ- crease in dormitory rates.
nd misrepresented. New Committee13
Miss Frank also announced the
d quoted Morgan last week as say- creation of a new Assembly-Pan-
out of short pants yet," and con- hellenic Association committee to:
en they went to the Rose Bowl - study the present rushing system.
- - I Tn a rennt frnm Assemblv's.

11 e
SWorld Neu
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - The stock mar-
ket tumbled yesterday to its heav-
iest day's loss in almost five years.
In a continuation of last week's
big fall, The Associated Press av-
erage of 60 stocks fell $3.90 at
Charter Pr(
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, as
second in a series. on the proposed
new Ann Arbor charter, discusses the
structure of the new city govern-
"We the people of the City of
Ann Arbor, in order to secure the
benefits of efficient self govern-
ment. ..."
With these words the city's pro-
posed new charter begins. It goes
on to, outline what will be the
governmental structure of Ann Ar-
bor for many years to come, sub-
ject to the voters' approval April.
While the charter represents a

are after going through the endum and the fact the SGC elec- jtmere j ua
campaign promises that there tion is "something new.". y
Working in shifts of one hour The Berlin Philharmonic Or
e abilities and experience of apiece more than 800 students will
man the 16 polling booths today chesta, subject of several local
and tomorrow. and national protests, will per-
s have already demonstrated Under the direction of Interfra- form at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
vernment and have had the ternity Council, Inter-House Coun- Auditorium.
cil, Assembly and PanHellenic . Under conductor Herbert Yon
broad campus point of view nearly 1,600 members of the hous- Karaj an, the group has had its ap-
ing groups signed up for work in pearances' protested in New York,
SGC. the polling booths. Detroit, Washington, D.C., and
the ollng both. An Aror.All rotstswere bas-
that they have a specific ax to Contrast Past Difficulty Ann primarilyon ll thepro fact that some
ly influenced by a single in- Half weie turned down. In past orchestra members as well as von
elections SL had difficulty getting Karajan and the manager, Ger-
ters will do well to give SGC enough students to man the hart van Westerman are ex-Nazis.
hip represented by the first booths. In New York, a musician's union
Common Sense Party, which protested a Carnegie Hall appear-
supported twelve aspirants for ance but the move was dropped
y itself to blame if lack of Student Legislature in December, by the union president.
only is backing three SGC candidates, In Detroit, the Jewish Commu-
on is carried over to the new Bob Leacock, '57, Janet Neary, pity Council and the Plish Al-
'58, and Donna Netzer, '56. liance have also protested the Or-
Other candidates include Bill chestra's appearance Thursday.
he new group are enormous Adams, '57, William Brumin, '56. ca's apearance Thursay.
Robert E. Bacon, '55, Bank Ber- Lcly h tdn ins r
consideration of the best stu- liner . Brc , 5 Tom ganization and the Labor Youth
-lnea, '57BuDo r, '58, League began voicing protest two
Cleveland, 'S7, Dian Craft'S8, weeks ago.
Bill Diamond, '56E, Paul Dormont, wekao
vote wisely. 55, Dick Good, 56A&DN The Zionists based their protest
I Bill. Hanks, '56, Carl Lucken- on Nazi massacres of six million
rs: Gene Hartwig, Dorothy Bach, '57, Tom Sawyer, '58, Joe Jews during the Second World
bac, '7, om awyr, 52,JoeWar, and felt that any party mem-
obeloff, Pat Roelofs, Becky Simon, '56BAd, Ray Sund, '55E, Warwan party emr
' y Bb Sath,'S6.AdJoe Tauerber was partially responsible for
in Swinehart. Bob Spath '6BAd, Joel Tauber the atrocities.
n '57 BAd, Lois Taterka, '58, and Ed The LYL considered the Orches-
Velden, '56E. . tra's tour as "goodwill for the forc
To Test Reactions es bent on reviving the German
The psychology- department is ;var machine."
holding a psychological study of
S candidates' reactions to 'ie
stresses of waiting for election re- Judic Elects
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Swe- Candidates will meet in Club 6004'hn sFill
of South Quadrangle at 7:30 p.m. nes o
den accused four members of the tomorrow for the experiment.
Czechoslovak and Romanian lega- Under direction of SL president eacancy
tions yesterday of espionage and Ned Simon, '55, elections count
y will be held tomorrow evening Dick Jones, '5OL, was appointed
banned them from this tradition- in Club 600 and adjoining rooms.yDyoesl,5hL, aa yon
ally neutral nation. See ALL-CAMPUS, Page 6 Joint Judiciary Council.
Appointed by the Joint Judic ap-
REVISION: pointments committee, Jones re-
" places Bob Wells, '55, who resigned
last week due to scholastic diffi-
OI, Gem C tity IA II( trOtf r! Meanwhile yesterday Joint Ju-
diciary announced fines totaling
$595 during the period Dec. 1, 1954
the council and can make recom- Ceremonial head of the city will to Feb. 22.
mendations to it at any time. be another mayoral function. This compares with $545 fined
He may be appointed by the Most of the mayor's present ad- during the preceding period.
council as operating head of any ministrative powers will be taken Breakdown of individual fines
of the departments under his di- over by the City Administrator. for last New Year's Eve's party at
rection. Officials serving under Appointment Power at the Phi Delta Phi house were
him will be appointed by the Coun- i announced.
cilon he dmiistato's eci However, he will still appoint, Although all present at the pa-
cil on the Administrator's recom- and supervise the Assessor and
mendation. .uerseteAsorian- ty were not students, two students
Te Ainisrto il .anl Treasurer, subject to Council ap- were fined $15, three with previous
The Administrator will handle proval, as well as appoint the disciplinary action fined $35, two
many details now one by e health, planning and tax assess- fined $20 and warned, two house
Coni.For example, the council fofr fined $ 30 and warned, andhus
Coo s pp ealth c n ment review boars and te oun officers fined $30 and warned, and
now must approve all contracts, ty supervisors. The supervisoi's are oehueofcr~ihpeiu
but under the proposed charter it now elected by wards. isciplinary aion was fined $0
may authorize the Administratordicpnayctowsfne$6
to approve contracts under $1000 The present two year terms for and warned.
in ot. r n saldermen and the mayor are re- All fines were for attending a
Fw Wrst.e tained. party at which unchaperoned
Fewer Wards a Feature One of the aims of the charter women were guests.
Fewer wards are also a feature .. . .._ +.. Ia Phi Gamma Delta was fined $15

dents were registered on campus.
Working together, the Interna-
tional 'Center and the Housing
Service of the Office of Student
Affairs found it nearly impossible
to accommodate the increasing
number of students from abroad,
- Other Unique Problems
However, no matter what type
of housing the foreign student
finds he has many other unique
problems to face. In the dormitor-
ies, where one-fifth of foreign stu-
dents are housed, a graduate stu-
dent from Europe is likely to find
himself living on a corridor where
a.rmajority of the students are
Other problems encountered by
the foreign student living in the

'U' Statemen
'Who Said fl
Who said what? or the Morga
troversy continued on its merry wa
cial University statement.
A University News Service rele
ment by Robert O. Morgan, assista
ation' was being misunderstood at
An Associated Press report ha
ing: MSC students "haven't grown
tinuing, "Look what they did whc
practically riots."<

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