; I PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DA.YLY SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1959 Candidates Discuss Student. Government Issues Robert E. Bacon Student Religious Association, Academic Freedom Commission of Student Legislature. 1. In my view it is the duty of SGC to effectively meet the obli- gations and functions of the two groups it superceeds, insofar as they have proved essential and vital to the campus. These are outlined in section three of the Laing Committee Proposal. A mature approach is essential at this time in order to preserve the respect such a group needs and to begin to build a reputation of effective and intelligent serv- ice to the campus. 2. The first and most important action I would seek to make the! voting record of the Council mem- bers public and available soon af- ter each meeting. 2. The important jurisdictional functions of SGC are outlined in the Laing proposal. Equally im- portant, the SGC should function as an aid and source of informa- tion and help to students wishing to organize new groups and ac- tivities. 4. I do not see any very practi- cal or constructive purpose which student political parties could play in campus elections. Such organizations tend to limit a can- didate's individuality and crea- tiveness and lessen his ability to The following questions were asked all Student Government Council candidates on the ballot for the all-campus elections Tuesday and Wednesday. The answers are printed on this page and page 3. 1. What do you feel should be the general scope of SGC's activities? 2. As a member of SGC is there any specific action you would work to obtain? If so, what? 3. What jurisdiction do you think SGC should have over the affairs of other campus organizations? 4. What role do you feel student political parties could play in the new student government? 5. How do you propose to provide for such organizations as SL Book Exchange, Cinema Guild and SL's executive wing in the SGC structure? Bill Hanks 1. SGC should promote and en- courage maximum participation in campus clubs, social activities, and discussion forums. SGC will ex- pect little administrative or fa- culty interference in its juris- diction of student affairs; there- fore it should restrict its own scope to issues affecting students and not attempt to judge admin- istration and faculty issues over which it has no authority. 2. The number one issue of the campus is the student driving ban. Since the main deterring factor to lifting the driving ban is the park- ing problem, I would support lift- ing the driving and substituting a car registration system in which registrationfees would be used to purchase parking areas for stud- ent cars. 3. Since one of the main aims of campus activities is to develop student leadership, t h e SGC should minimize the use of its authority over the independent operations of student organiza- tions. 4. The control of SGC by a group of party candidates with conforming opinions would defeat SGC's purpose of representing a Bill Adams Student Legislature Treasurer, Chairman of SL Finance Com- mittee, SGC Steering Commit- tee. 1. The general scope of the Student Government is pretty well outlined in the proposal and the council itself will have to adapt the functions of SGC to situations as they arise. The ori- ginal interpretation will be im- portant as they will probably set the precedent to be used. 2. Any ideas or specific actions that I have in mind at this time will I feel, have to be subordinated for the present until the council gets set up and feels that it is in a position to do things for the campus. 3. In theory the SGC is the all powerful over all the other cam- pus organizations. The question of whether to use this power would depend upon the nature of in- dividual situations as they arose. Whether SGC is successful or not will depend upon the proper and wise use of this power at the proper time. * 4. I believe that all of these or- ganizations would fit into the structure of SGC and be definite assets to it. The Book Exchange and the Cinema Guild could be autonomous boards under nom- inal control of SGC, or in the case of the Exchange, the Council could set the policy, hire a manager and be done with it. Both groups would be good publicity for SGC and help to increase its control. The executive wind would also be an asset as it would provide a ready pool of willing workers and could be a training group for fu- ture Council members. 5. None as I see it. In an elect- ed group of this small ste,,I be- lieve it is-important that the group be as representative as pos- sible. Under a party system, I don't believe there can be a wide range of views. conscientiously represent his vot- ers. Their function is chiefly psy- chological and of a vote-getting nature. 5. I feel the Cinema Guild has been beneficial and well received on the campus and should be maintained. Perhaps it could be managed by a responsible cam- pus group, willing and able to handle the job, or be a commis- sion headed by an SGC member. I feel the Book Exchange also serves a useful function. I will strive for its maintainence with a look toward a full-fledged used book store in the future. .Bill Diamond J-Hop Committee, Engineer- ing Honor Council, Gargoyle 1. The general scope of SGC should be the formulation and application of policy, including ex- pression of student opinion, pro- vision for student discussion of campus issues, recognition of student groups, and co-ordination of student activities. 2. As a member of SGC I would work towards the following ob- jectives. a. Providing forums for stud- ent discussion of campus issues. At these forums several members of SGC would be present to ob- tain the opinions of- the student body which they would report to SGC. Also at the forums some qualified students could be chos- en to present the issue at an SGC meeting and work with SGC on the problems. b. Obtaining action by the Re- gents on the driving ban and calendaring proposals that were previously approved by the stud- ent body and are now evidently pigeon-holed. c. The writing of an SGC con- stitution clearly defining respon- sibilities of SGS so that these areas cannot be infringed upon in the future as might be the case if they' weren't definitely written down. 3. To be effective SGC must hold complete jurisdiction over other campus organizations. 4. As yet there are not enough clear cut issues which parties could consistently and logically take opposing views. If after SGC broad cross section of student opinion. Therefore, I feel that campus political parties could make no worthwhile contribution to good student government. 5. The Book Exchange, Cinema Guild, and SL's executive wing should continue their present functions with approximately the same relationship to SGC that it had to SL. I Bruce Boss Michiganensian Busines Staff. SGC should vigorously exercise all the powers granted by the, Board of Regents. In addition, future areas may suggest them- selves for SGC consideration as a result of failure of other organi- zations to take proper steps. SGC should at all times be real- istic concerning the natural limi- tations of any student government at a University. SGC should not be a too idealistic debating so- ciety but a constructive, delibera- tive body of sound thinking stud-, ents upholding and representing student opinions and desires. 2. There are two areas which warrant action. The driving ban should be lifted with sufficient re- strictions being placed upon stud- ent drivers to inhibit excessive use of automobiles in the campus area. There should be an intensive effort, in cooperation with city officials to bring off-campus housing up to standards. 3. Fully assuming the respon- sibility of the present Student Af- fairs Committee, SGC should be the nerve center of all student activities. SGC recognition of student organizations on campus Tom Cleveland Junior Interfraternity Council The University administration has now sanctioned a student gov- ernment in the form of SGC. It is therefore my primary aim if I am elected to prove to the Univer- sity that a student government can be an active and dynamic part of its administration. My program is: 1. Instigate a public informa- tion branch - perhaps in the form of a bi-monthly publication. I should like to bring the students in closer contact with their gov- ernment and ultimately their ad- ministration. 2. Advocate the homecoming dance to be a non-profit function under the auspices of SGC. tween the students and the city' of 3. A sensible integration be- tween the students and the city of Ann Arbor. 4. A thorough investigation of the increase in residence hall fees with aid of IHC. 5. It is feasible for SGC to pro- vide a limited number of scholar- ships to students participating in activities. 6. A student participation or- ganization that could utilize the is organized and in operation there develops two schools of thought which could become a sound basis for parties, then I would be in favor of a party sys- tem. However, if at anytime there is one party which is successful only because it is organized and: not because of its principles there should be another party. 5. SGC should appoint commit-' tees to handle the book exchange and Cinema Guild in the same manner as SL since SGC does not need financial aid, the Homecom- ing Dance should either be operat- ed to break even or the profits be given to some deserving group. SGC should incorporate an or- ganization similiar to SL's ad- ministrative wing made up of committees headed by SGC mem- bers with volunteers assisting. Bob Leacock Student Legislature, Culture and Education Committee, In- ter-House Council. In the student government elec- tion I campaigned for the ratifi- cation of the Student Government Council. I felt and still feel that the factors of change, reorganiza- tion and recognition make the SGC, at this moment, superior to the SL. I feel that SGC's scope is ex- pressed adequately in the SGC proposal, however, I might add that the SGC should and probably will consider issues of a type sim- ilar to those the SL has handled. In addition the SGC will assume SAC responsibilities. The SGC should be the supreme body over the affairs of all campus activities. The one outstanding limitation of its jurisdiction might be the finances of such organiza- tions as the League, Union and Daily. I do not feel the SGC will need political parties to the extent the SL did, however a party could be of service in requesting and de- manding consideration of issues' of real significance. The Cinema Guild Board will be controlled by the SGC. The Student Book Exchange might well should be contingent upon the ef- fective management of. these ac- tivities. 4. I see no role for student political parties. 5. Operations such as the Stud- ent Book Exchange should be handled by separate boards re- sponsible to SGC. Considering the small size of SGC a method should be- devised to provide the essen- tial activity now carried on by the SL committee system. Paul Dormont Student L e g is l a t u r e (two years), SL anti-discrimination Board, Inter-cooperative Coun- cil, Students for Democratic Action, Civil Liberties Commit- tee, National Association for the. Advancement of Colored People. I would like to do as much as possible to guarantee SGC starts out on the right foot immediately, by using a representative demo- cratic organization, attuned to the needs and desires of the student body. In line with this, I think that an increase in the number of, elected representatives on SGC is necessary. The SGC's scope should extend to any area in which:j 1. Student's rights are threat- ened, either directly or indirect- ly ; 2. Students, or a segment of them are subjected to discrim- mination; 3. Students have financial or cultural needs and interests. Student political parties can play a very important role in SGC by assuring that competent people are elected, who are forth- right in their 'views and actions. This role can be fulfilled if these political parties delineate issues, and become a vital part of the campus scene. If elected I would also work for: 1. The end of discrimination on campus; be delegated to a campus organi- zation. The SGC may or may not need an executive wing de- pending upon its chosen functions and methodology. I would like to work in the In- ternational area and in the area of student representation. A com- plete list of the areas of student representation should be drawn up and a committee should be es- tablished to appoint representa- tives. Jesse Meyers Taylor House Judiciary 1. I believe the Student Govern- ment Council should function in the arena of student activities for the betterment and welfare of the student community. The guiding principle of this government should be true representation of student opinion. 2. Any government which has as its intention the betterment and welfare of the student com- munity, must have the proper means to arrive at this objective. The greatest deficiency of Michi- gan student government, as the records of the past have proven, is the basic lack of an elected stud- ent body which represents the true opinion of every sector of this campus. As the present elec- torate system stands it is possible that an all campus election could bring with it, an elected govern- ment containing a majority of members coming from one single house unit. That is not all campus repre- sentation. I will work with SGC toward improvement of the present sys- tem of representation, in order that student needs may be more nearly met and dealt with. 3. It is my intention that the SGC should, in accordance with established policies, have the pow- er recommended to it in the SGC proposal relating to the following points. A. To recognize, and to with- draw recognition, as well as to reactivate, campus organizations. B. To coordinate and originate student activities and projects. C. To express student opinion and provide the orderly means for the dissemination of such opin- ion. D. To appoint student repre- sentatives to the Joint-Judiciary Council, and certain committees and organizations. E. To administer finances and adopt operating procedures. 4. A political party can be an active and important force in student government where issues are clearly defined and of a con- tinuing nature. With the forma- tion of Student Government Coun- cil such issues may arise and should provide a solid basis for political parties. 5. I propose that the continua- tion of student-benefiting organ- izations, such as Cinema Guild and the Book Exchange, be effected through a standing committee system, which would obtain its power from SGC. z i 2. The expansion of cultural and student exchanges with other nations, especially the Soviet Un- ion,' China, and those of Eastern Europe. (This is definitely a feas- ible plan. As an example, the present policy of many Eastern European countries is that they will grant visas to any American students who can obtain an Amer- ican passport. Further these countries are anxious to extend their present exchange student program to include the United States.); 3. The expansion and develop- ment of money-saving projects such as Student Book Exchange. Carl Luckenbach Harvard Crimson, Young Re- publicans. . 1. The general scope of SGC's activities, as outlined in the Laing Committee's report on student government, will be mainly judic- ial. SGC will assume SAC's pow- ers of granting and withdrawing recognition of student organiza- tions, approving student-sponsor- ed activities, and determining student eligibility for participa- tion in extra-curricular activities. In addition, an important func- tion will be the expression of stud- ent opinion, which, because of its ex-officio membership, SGC will be able to do more accurately than did SL. 2. SGC's work will be main- ly judicial and administrative. With the sole power of manage- ment of University affairs lying with the Regents, SGC will be able to do little in a legislative way. With such a tired old subject as the driving ban, library hours and womens' hours the Council will only be able to express student opinion to the Regents, who are already quite aware of student feelings in these matters. Further- more, SGC will be busy enough without having to look for pro- jects to initiate or issues on which to take a stand. 3. Campus organizations should be encouraged to be as auton- omous as possible. However, when disputes or problems are brought 1 W illiam Brzmm Young Republicans, Tennis 1. The scope of SGC will be to coordinate student activities and represent student opinion on mat- ters directly concerning the stud- ents. 2. As a member of SGC I would work to obtain more hours of service from the University sub- sidiary libraries and also set up a campus date bureau. 3. SGC should have as little control over other student organi- zations as possible. It should try to cooperate with them rather than dominate them. 4. Campus political parties could be helpful if there was more than one. However, if one party such as the left wing Common Sense Party is allowed to domin- ate the scene, then it does more harm than good. 5. Competent and interested persons should be appointed to administrate the Cinema Guild etc. while keening a watchful eye on their finances and troubles. I would also work for a day of vacation the day after Easter so those who travel long distances may spend Easter at home instead of travelling. Last but not least I would try to put a stop to the left wing propaganda and hogwash that has services of persons interested in student government. Recognition and interest would be heightened by publicity in the Daily and pro- posed SGC bulletin. 7. Another method to provide the organization with dependable members would be to make partici- pation for a minimum of a half year a prerequisite for prospective SGC candidates. This would ac- quaint them with student govern- ment. Don Craft 1. SGC should be the voice of the students that it represents and should be quick to instigate any and all ideas that are proposed to} the body by students. With the- - - - larger membership it will be cap- able to do this quite well. Thus E the Council's activities will never become shallow or non-represent- ative of the student body. Dick Good Interfraternity Council,Hector- jans. I feel SGC is closer to the ideal type of student government that Michigan students have desired. With the greater power of our new student government, there will be a higher premium on the experience and responsibilities of its members. Having been on the Michigan campus as an under- graduate for four years and parti- cipated in its activities, I feel that I have acquired the necessary ex- perience and proper perspective ofC the responsibilities that are en- tailed. Specifically it is my feeling that Michigan students are interested in the following: 1. A closer contact between members of SGC, the student body, administration and faculty. 2. The drawing in of as many students as possible to partici- pate in the activities of the SGC. 3. SGC should set the general -f 1 l Janet Neary NOMMM Student Legislature As provided in the SGC plan, the functions of SGC will combine those of the Student Affairs Com- mittee and the Student Legisla- ture. With all these duties, the Council itself should spend its time making decisions of a general policy nature. As many projects as possible must be delegated to groups directly responsible to the SGC. There is much for student gov- ernment to do in helping foreign students. There must be some kind of committee set up under SGC to work with the Interna- tional Students Association to con- 2. Although President Hatcher has flatly announced the driving ban will not be lifted, I would seriously consider having more talks on the matter. The high rate of violations of the ban show there is more apathy to the rule' than is publicly admitted by Uni- ties on campus, and respect the capabilities of campus organiza- tions to deal most closely with their own affairs. I shall endeavor to obtain these goals and to represent the stud- ent body with sincereity and re- SGC is a new concept of stud- ent government which places a great deal of work on the individ- ual member. Therefore, it is essential to elect members who have pr ved that they can handle individual responsibility. Because SGC will be operat- I _- II