Three-Fourths Affiliated
See Page 4
Lilt A
Ill lii
/ J
Latest Deadline in the State
Officials Close
Up Rouge Union
Employes' Credit Union Charged
With Irregularities in Operation'
DETROIT (AP - The four-million-dollar Ford Rouge employes
credit union has been shut down by federal authorities and charged
with "irregularities in operation."
Besides the alleged irregularities, the credit union also was
charged with failing to report the theft of $53,000 from its funds.
The Bureau.of Federal Credit Unions in the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare seized the credit union's office in suburban
Dearborn'at the close of business yesterday.
But bureau director J. Deane Gannon said in Washington yes-
"We hope to reopen this credit union as soon as it is possible to
conduct a sound operation. It was closed because it was not operated
H ichigan
lcers Down
tigers, 5-3,
In idTilt
Union Beer
X Since '30s
Should or shouldn't the Union
be allowed to sell beer?
This is not the first time that
serious consideration has been giv-
en to the ,proposal.
In the 30's, the Regents gave
their support to an investigation
of the problem, but legal difficul-
ties prevented any action from be-
ing taken.
Study Authorized in 1950
Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter authorized another study of
the situation in 1950. At that time,
E. Blythe Stason, Dean of the Law
School, was asked for his opinion,)
not only from a legal standpoint,
but also because of his experience
on the Committee on Student Con-
duct and his familiarity with Uni-
versity regulations.
His memorandum on the sub-
ject, dated March 31, 1950, stated
three reasons for the difficulties
involved in selling beer in the Un-
First, the University could not
sell intoxicating beverages to mi-
aors without running up against
she state law which forbids it.
Ihis would necessitate a careful
screening of all students in the
Union taproom.
Line of Demarcation
Second, the University couldn't
naintain any establishment which
sold alcholic liquor by the glass
ast of Division Street, according
,o City Ordinance 123.1.
Third, the University could not
knowingly participate in the per-
itting of alcoholic beverages in
'he living accommodations under
its jurisdiction, such as residence
aalls, the League, and the Union.
rhis is because of the state law
forbidding liquor on state-owned
. property.
For these three reasons, the
matter was dropped.
More Complications Outlined
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea yes-
5 terday outlined other complica-
tions to the situation. He com-
mented that if there were any tap-
room arrangements in the Union,
the strict screening of students
necessary would place heavy re-
sponsibility upon the shoulders of
the Union management.
The law forbidding the presence
of minors in a place where liquor
is sold would mean that under-
age students couldn't remain even
if drinking coffee. He mentioned
that perhaps arrangements could
be made for a special section of
the rathskellar to be open to
x minors, or that they might be
permitted to enter during meal
Another University official has
said that the move would be un-
wise in terms of public relations.
He said that to petition for exemp-
tion from the 'ordinance might
alienate restaurant owners who
were denied this privilege.
Hatcher Needed Special
An unconfirmed report has it
that because of the law against
the presence of intoxicating bev-
erages on state-owned property,
Harlan H. Hatcher, President of
the University had to obtain spec-
ial permission to serve liquor in
his home.
Film on Colombia
'according to
Nothing unco
that members
Harold J .W
examiner for
seized the cred
assets. He was
of the organize
United Stat
Fred W. Kaes
port of the sh
money was tak
federal investi
union 'began'
teller, who was
fessed, Kaess
and further ac
of the FBI, tl
charged the
agement with
ing loans, ma
members, loan
proved by the
tee and "mec
Finnish tanke
the Indian Oce
na was sudde
urday in a do'
the United Sta
Sen. Williarr
California, the
leader, declare(
7th Fleet shou
if all other me
livering its 1
jet aircraft ft
Sen. John L.
said the tanker
es "the failure
to do somethii
disgraceful situ
tween Western
Sen. Geo
But Sen. Wa
Ga.), disagree
cratic chairmar
eign Relations
that since the I
blockading C]
think we had a'
ship going into
He said that
tionalists want
tanker Aruba, t
But he said h
7th Fleet actin
Sen. McClel
will investigate
federal regulations.
vered so far hints
will lose their depos-
Viley of Chicago, an
the federal agency,
lit union's office and'
named conservator
es District Attorney'
s confirmed the re-
iortage. He said the
en by a teller after a
gation of the credit.
last January. The
not identified, con-
said. He was fired
tion is in the hands
he district attorney
Howes Stops
48 Shots on Goal L' U . 1
Special to The Daily
Michigan's Wolverines once againJ G SI * M a
reigned supreme as collegiate A.- 'I A
ahockey champions of all America.
ThetMaize and Blue oVic Hey 1
liger thundered to their fifth ,p ut IVm s3
crown by skating rough-shod over
Colorado College, 5-3, 'in a wild, "
tension-laden melee. On Dip loma
Howes Stars
The huge throng that jammed
the Broadmoor Ice Palace gasped "Michigan State University"'
with amazement as goaltender will be the title appearing on di-
Lorne Howes played the game of plomas issued by the East Lansing
his life. school this June if the legislature
Colorado College carried the at- approves the MSC proposal.
.tack to Michigan throughout the MSC Vice-President Durward B.
entire game, but Howes threw back! Varner revealed'the school's plans,
virtually everything they shot at contingent on approval before the
him. May 2 deadline of ordering di-
It was a team victory for the plomas from the printers.
Wolverines as five men shared in Meanwhile, University of De-
the scoring. Heyliger simply called troit students have been making]
Iit n ¢r a i ,
Island Attack
the government has 7U getw.
credit union man- The first period was tight all the
favoritism in mak- ' way with both teams playing bril-
kingliant defensive hockey. It was not
ing monsy non-until 12:09 that either team was
king money not ap- al osoe
full credit commit- able to score.
ehanical" errors in With Dick Dunnigan playing a!
key role by faking goalie Jeff Si-
mus out of position, Tom Rendall
was able to lift the puck into the
Senate upper left hand corner of the nets.
Tie Score
The Colorado Tigers deadlocked
things at 2:20 of the second stan-
za when Ken Smith fired a shot
after sneaking in behind goalie
Howes. The hard disc seemed to
Saniier slip past Howes over the line.
With only seconds to go before
the buzzer to end the second pe-
ON (P)-An obscure rinod, Neil Buchanan moved to
r plowing through slam the puck over the prostrat
an toward Red Chi- body of Simus. A quick fake,
mly transfixed Sat- throwing the goaltender out of po-
uble spotlight from sition, was all that was needed to
tes Senate. vault the Wolverines into a 2-1
F. Knowland of Howes, meanwhile, was kicking
Republican Senate out everything in sight. During the
d the United 6tates hectic second period the brilliant
ld stop the tanker, goaltender was credited with 16
3,000ston cargo of saves. In the whole game Howes
uel to the Chinese was forced to make 48 saves as
opposed to 21 for Colorado's Si-
McClellan (D-Ark.) One of collegiate hockey's rough-
's voyage dramatiz- est games on record was soon to
of our government build into a grand third period cli-
ng about this most max. With "all the marbles" rest-
aation" of trade be- ing on the outcome of the final 20
a nations and Red minutes of play, tension built up
to an unbelievably high pitch.
rge Disagrees Defenseman Bob Schiller led the
alter F. George (D- Wolverine pack with rough and
d. George, Demo- hard skating. The margin jumped,
n of the Senate For- See WOLVERINES, Page 3
Committee, said
United States is not Red S y Rin
hina "I wouldn't b
ny right to stop anyST6CKHOLM, Sweden P)-
those ports." Police announced yesterday they
if the Chinese Na- have smashed a nationwide spy
t to intercept the ring 'that pried into Swedish arms
hey could go ahead. making and military secrets.
e "wouldn't advise" Informed sources said the Red
n at- this time. Romanian legation here is deeply
lan announced he involved and may be closed as a
this trade. result.
the tongue-in-cheek recom-
mendation that their school's
name be changed to "University
of Detroit, Michigan" or Univer-
sity of Michigan at Detroit."
#Hannah Criticized
In the debate over names State
Rep. Joseph G. O'Conner (-D-Det.)
has accused Michigan State Col-]
lege President John A. Hannah of
not fighting "for his convictions."
Rep. O'Conner, a member of the'
House Educational Institutions
Committee, criticized President
Hannah of "sitting in an ivoryI
tower while students do all the
dirty work in seeking to change
Michigan State College's name."
He contrasted President Han-
nah's actions with those of Uni-
versity President Harlan A. Hat-
cher. O'Conner said President,
Hatcher wrote letters to the Leg-
islature last year concerning the
University's stand. President Han-
nah isn't doing anything about it,
he said.
No Comment from Hannah
The MSC President has declin-
ed to comment on Rep. O'Conner's
remarks until March 17. On that
date the University Regents and
the State Board of Agriculture,
MSC's governing body, will meet
in Lansing.
In a speech to MSC alumni in
Detroit, President Hannah said the
college wants recognition as a uni-
versity because "that is what we
are and what we have been for;
25 years."
"Our foreign students have
trouble because in their countries
the word college often means high
school," he said. He also attribut-
ed MSC's difficulties in recruiting
faculty members to the college
President Hannah said that ed-
ucational accrediting agencies are
reluctant to endorse professional
training at MSC for the same rea-
Outlining his terms, the col-
lege president said "Any solution,
to be acceptable to State, must re-
tain the Michigan and State desig-
-Daily-Dick Gaskill
A TO Raicer Wins Derby
Four wheels, a board and a driv-
er streaked across the finish line
in 21.56 seconds to win the Wol-
verun Derby yesterday.
Alpha Tau Omega's simple en-
try nosed out more elaborate cars]
to win the trophy for the fastestj
time of the twenty-four racers.
Crowds jammed the curbs on E.
Washington and watched the rac-
ers run their course down the hill.
As the afternoon wore on many of
the spectators left leaving the
faithful to cheer their favorite en-
tries on.
Before the Derby, a parade madeI
its noisy way from the diag to the
site of the race. Led by the Fiji
marching band, dressed in color-
ful costumes, the parade consisted
of the cars entering the race,
sponsor houses and the Taylor
House band.
As the parade progressed from
the diag, the cars were judged for
their originality in representing
the theme of the entire weekend
"Life in these United Stats." A
stagecoach, a replica of "Old
Ironsides," the Freedom Train, a
Postpone Debate
er F. George (D-Ga) said yester-
day the Eisenhower Administra-
tion has asked the Senate to de-
lay consideration of the German
rearmament treaties at least un-
til the end of this month.
hot dog, a Good Humor wagon. and Stockwell's car from the roar-
a beer can and a baby carriage ing twenties a close second.
were just a few of the many col- Dick Pinkerton, '55, held the
orfully decorated cars. . crowd's attention for three hours
Pi Beta Phi and Delta Upsilon's with his lively comments along
skillful replica of a stagecoach re- with his official job as emcee. Bill
ceived the trophy for the most or- I Adams, '57, was the starter who
iginal entry with Anderson House I See COLORFUL, Page ,7
F 'lan Would
New Attacks
Dulles' Strategy
Held in Reserve
States military high command has
drafted plans for use in case Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower con-
siders it necessary to fight for
Quemoy or the Matsu.
It is understood that a guiding
principle behind the plans is this:
If the Chinese Reds launch an
attack of a kind which prompts
the President to act, the initial
American power, inflicting more
damage on an enemy force than
the enemy had caused, would dis-
courage the Reds from pressing
;the issue.
Dulles Strategy in Reserye
In reserve, however, is the three
front strategic concept which See-
retary of State John Foster Dulles
advanced in a recent speech and
in talks with this country's allies
In Southeast Asia.
The idea of this would be t
confront the Red Chinese with a
chain of opposition in the Korean,
Formosan and Indochinese sectors
l simultaneously, if they seem com
witted to open aggression in auy-
The United States is publicly
committed to help Chiang Kal-
shek's Chinese Nationalists defend
Formosa, the Pescadores and "re-
lated positions." Whether those r4-
lated positions would include the
offshore islands of Quemoy and
Matsu has been left uncertain.
No Decision Yet
Officials said today no decision,
would be made by President Eisen-
hower on that question until the
Reds make a specific challenge.
Some hope remains here that the
Reds will not force the issue, that
despite their belligerent talk, they
will gradually let the Formosa sit-
uation settle down.
Berlin Concert
To Be Given
Tuesday at Hill
The famed Berlin Philharmonie
Orchestra under the baton of Her-
bert von Karajan, will be heard in
the ninth concert of the Choral
Union Series at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday
in Hill Auditorium.
The world-renowned orchestra
of 106 musicians left Berlin Febru-
ary 23 for its first tour of the Unit.
ed States and Canada in the course
of which it will give 26 concerts,
Local Program
At its local concert, the group
will play Mozart's "Haffner Sym-,
phony"," "Prelude and Love-
Death" from Wagner's "Tristand
and Isolde," and Brahms' "Sym-
phony No. 1 in C minor.
Founded in 1882, the Berlin
Philharmonic has been ,known
throughout Europe as its most re-
spected orchestra for its extensive
Under the eminent Wilhelm
Furtwaengler, who had been its
conductor since 1922, the group be-
came particularly noted for its
wide range of orchestral achieve-
Furtwaengler Dies
The Orchestra suffered a heavy
loss when Furtwaengler, its per-
manent conductor, died last No-
vember. It is probably little known
in this country that the members
of the Berlin Philharmonic, fol-
lowing an old tradition, elect their
conductor themselves. -
Af 'aN.t r".- rnrrr, x e 1,.. ,1...:
-Daily-Dick Gaskili
Proposed Charter Revision Result of Third Try
LONDON UP)--A Britich rov-
(EDITOR S NoTE: As the first in a
series on the proposed new city char-
ter, this acticie discusses the plan's
On April 4 Ann Arbor voters
will decide between the city's pres-
ent 75-year-old charter and a new
one, the result of a year and a half
of study.
A Charter Revision Commission
was elected in July of 1953 to
draft a new city constitution. "This
is the third time an attempt has
been made" to revise the 1879
c h a r t e r, commission chairman
Lawrence Ouimet explained.
Once a citizens' group consider-
ed the issue, and later, in the ear-
ly 1930's, the city council appoint-,
ed a committee to study the char-
emien boy alld heWhite
we were getting into," Ouimet charter is still to be found in the Fish Authoritybd came to theaid
said, "we might not have run." proposed new one. I this week of such unappetiz-
The group was made up of four The present charter has been ingly named ceatures of the
lawyers, three businessmen, a amended piece-meal many times deep as catfish, dogfish and
since 1879. As a result it is "defec- coalfish.
housewife and University Prof. tive in its arrangement and inter- cooperation with the fish
SRobert Angell of the sociology de- nal order," according to a coin- trade," said a spokesman for
' partment. Three of the lawyers are mission report. However the group the authority, "their names are
on the Law School faculty, Dean I decided on apolicy of retaining to be changed."
E. Blythe Stason, Prof. Paul Kau- the substance of recent charter Catfish, to persons who ac-
per and Prof. Russell A. Smith. amendments which reflected the cept this decision, will be known
will of the community," including~ as rockfish. Dogfish will be
$5,000 Budget the City Retirement' System and flake. Coalfish will be called
The nine unpaid members were limitatioons on firemen's work- saithe.
'given a budget of $5,000 expenses ing hours. ._ae-_- _
by the council. They hired an ex-
Then came months of meetings
pert on city government, Lansing with city officials to determine o a
attorney George Sidwell, to help!I how Ann Arbor government wo0rks
them draft the' document. hwAnAbrgvrmn ok.
Open hearings were held to give-feat of Tax Bill
Much of the old charter was in interested 'citizens and groups a
cnmnlicated langage. The admin-I!hn x n ,.a WASHINGTON '(A'-Sen. Wil-
:- _: