PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 19"5'9 a PAGE TWO TUE MIChIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCh U, 1953 SGC CAMPAIGN: Twenty-Three Candidates In Search of an Issue Latest Master Stroke On The Security Front & A( '~h4 A CAMPAIGN without issues is pretty rare. Even a minor election can usually be counted on to direct the public eye to a few important current problems, which candidates form their platforms. And whatever candidates' inten- tions might be, nobody stops them from mak- ing eloquent and colorful promises. Next week's Student Governmental Council elections lacks the earmarks of an ordinary campaign. SGC is springing into existence from a void-its novelty deprives it of pre- cedent or custom. SL's secondhand "issues" have been handed down to it automatically, but the long semesters these' problems-driving ban, discrimination, and women's hours-have remained unsolved and have robbed them of their immediate appeal as issues. IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE, in such a climate, that the campaign should have something of its present forced and artificial tone. Any student election, promising in part some re- cognition and glory for the victors, will draw some people whose chief interest is recognition and glory. The difficulty comes in distinguish- ing these people from the others, whose state- ments can't be radically different. Twenty-three faces and names line the post- er-decked windows of South University and State Street. From these names the campus voters must choose the eleven who can endow SGC, in its crucial first months, with tradi- tions worthy of continuing. We hope that there are eleven candidates who are interested enough in encouraging re- cent moves to do something about the hack- neyed old issues. Beneath their trite-phrase exteriors they offer SGC ample ground for starting on the right foot. None of the old problems is insoluble-proposals made about each of them, in the past few weeks, have shown this. Now, it's a matter of doing-not filibustering. Sunday's SGC Supplement to The Daily will present the platforms and backgrounds of the 23 candidates. Which, of them deserve the eleven jobs is a decision every voter must make. -Jane Howard Ll r K$ Some Observations on Finding A Defense Against the Bomb LETTERS TO THE EDITOR W ON FIRST thought, devising a protection or a defense against atomic warfare seems an attractive idea. Continued reflection, how- ever, suggests that it would be better not to be able to find a protection or defense against the atom. , If we did, war would become more or less like it has always been, with great additional miseries. War would still be a matter of de- vising more powerful offenses and more effec- tive defenses. The victor would probably be he with the more effective defense. And if a de- fense against atomic warfare could -be de- vised, the side that devised it might not be, fearful enough of war to refrain from it. THERE CAN haradly be any doubt that we are approaching a point where any war will be an atomic war. In a recent issue of The Reporter, retired United States Army Briga- dier General Thomas R. Phillips writes about "Our Point of No Return." We are building atomic power to the point where other weapons become completely obsolete, and atomic wea- pons become the only ones available for a war. Any war will be an atomic one. But it is extremely unlikely that 3 either the East or the West will risk an atomic war, there- fore, any war, as long as the possible devasta- tion keeps the chances of victory small, and the prospect of victory empty. If a defense against atomic warfare could be devised, the willingness to assume the risk would increase, and the possibility of war along with it. OUR HOPE for never having to experience an atomic war lies in the impossibility of devising an adequate defense against atomic weapons. We can be reasonably sure that no one will risk a war without having first been satisfied that he has a defense capable of reducing destruction of himself to a predict- able minimum. Yet, while hoping that no such defense is ever found, we must nevertheless continue to search for one. We certainly would not like to find Russia in possession of such a defense and of a willingness to war while we had neith- er. Instead we must assume that the Soviet is attempting to work out a defense and make the same kind of effort. In the meantime, we hope that neither the East nor the West succeeds in finding such a defense. In this case, nothing succeeds like failure. We can succeed in preventing war by failing to make it possible, although trying hard to make it possible. ALL THIS is admittedly very vexing. It amounts to not much more than an ob- servation, and is surely nothing upon which to base policy. The necessity of the situation is that we continue to look for a defense, pos- sibly even shifting our emphasis from de- veloping more destructive weapons to finding a protection against them. Then, again, either side might consider its offense potent enough to prevent retaliation and begin active hostilities on that score. But it seems unlikely that either will start any- thing unless he has developed at least what he considers. an adequate defense. Whether either will cannot be predicted; inventions aren't inventions until they are invented. I guess the only moral that' can be drawn from all this is that getting grey hairs solves nothing. -Jim Dygert TODAY AND TOMORROW By WALTER LIPPMANN IN CALCULATING the risks and in estimat- Ing the top abilities in the Far East, we need an explanation of the fact that both Peking and Washington talk as if the struggle to seize Formosa were a near possibility. Yet, except for the lone voice of Mr. Joseph Alsop, who thinks that the intelligence estimates of Chinese power may be unreliable, the general assumption is that the Red Chinese do not have the military means needed to conquer Formosa. They have no navy and the hundred miles of water in the Formosa Strait are guarded by the most powerful navy in the world. Yet, as Mr. Alsop says, "the Peking Government has been promising its people to take Formosa this year at the top of its voice" and "it is really hard to see why the brilliant Chou En-lai should have engaged Peking's prestige to the very hilt, if the threat to For- mosa is a mere vainglorious maneuver." Mr. Alsop's point is, I believe, well taken. The question then is why Chou En-lai,. who has no navy, can afford to talk about con- quering an island a hundred miles out at sea? How does he think he can capture Formosa this year, or even next year? The answer to this question, and the answer to many of the obscurities and ambiguities in the whole prob- lem is that Chou En-lai is counting upon the instablity of Chiang Kai-shek's regime in For- mosa. He could not be promising to "liberate" Formosa soon unless he hoped and believed that the Chinese Army and officials might do on Formosa .what was done so often during the civil war on the mainland-that is to say, to change sides and to make peace. If this is the basis of Chou En-lai's hope, it is the basis of Washington's underlying 'fears. No doubt we believe that Chiang's regime is more solid than Chou En-lai is assuming it to be. But a dominating consideration in our whole Chinese policy is the knowledge that the regime at Formosa is fragile and that to keep it going everything must be done to bolster its morale. If the Administration felt sure that Chiang's regime in Formosa were solid, it would not hesitate much longer to recognize it for what it really is-as 'the government not of China but of Formosa. The block to that peacefully as exiles but would with the mainland Chinese. * * * come to terms Beer Bias Clause .. . To the Editor: ALAS! ! It's discouraging to think of those phenomena in our universe which are so com- pletely beyond the control of mod- ern man. Unfortunately, due to the inflexibility of that divine plan decreed by our omniscient forbears, the serving of beer in the Union has been relegated to that list of never-nevers which includes peace on earth, time-machines, and such. The reasoning behind this pro- found dogma is clarified by the statement, "You can't serve beer in the Union, or you will have beer in the entire campus area." True, Mr. Kuenzel, but would that be a drastic innovation? But if we mere mortals could pierce the cloak of inevitability surrounding the beer-bias clause, we might perhaps find a practical reason underlying the beer-ban. Could the Barons of P-Bell, Flame, et al sovereignty have a small stake in this? Is it possible that beer might sell at an even lower price than that asked by present establishments? Probably not, so few things are possible these days, but it's fun to ponder these things in the realm of pure logic. -J.W. Jacobs, '55 * * * ' No Difference . *. To the Editor: CERTAIN leftists conseantly rant and rave about the so called "reactionaries," they seldom raise a voice in protest against the transgressions of the Communists. Rather they tell us it is not against the law to be a Communist. May I point out that it is not against the law to be a Nazi either. The Zionists too have taken an indefensible stand. According to The Daily, they feel that they should have been consulted. Who are they that they would dictate to us according to the whims of their prejudices. If the Zionists are really opposed to all brands of totalitarianism as they profess, they cannot logically object to former Nazis if they accept for- mer and present Communists. Fur- ther they stated that they are not "planning any measures of force." Of course they are not. They are not in a position to. However their mention of force indicates their willingness to use it. This is in- deed strange thinking for a mi- nority group that maintains it ad- vocates toleration for all political groups. In light of what has appeared in The Daily concerning the Berlin Orchestra (and other cases from time to time) it seems that there is little if any difference between the Nazies, the Communists, the more vociferous liberals, and I hate to say it but it's true, some Jews. -V. Ulianov FUB Fund.. .. To the Editor: MISS SAUER'S distortions of my position concerning the Free University of Berlin which appear- ed in Wednesday's editorial col- umn deserve to be pointed out. If she had taken the opportu- nity to familiarize herself with the motion I presented, the reasons for its presentation, my letter to the editor, and had talked to me about it (she made no attempt to con- tact me that I know of), rather than resorting to the practice of alleged guilt by association, she could not possibly have come to the incorrect conclusions which she did. I was neither "seemingly willing to condemn an entire student body on the strength of passages in a book supposedly from the Free University," nor did I suggest "that students at the Free Univer- sity hate Jewc nnrl Polar " giving $1500 to the Free Universi- ty fund, proposing that a study be made first, to see why this par- ticular book was sent and to see if the racist sentiments in it re- flected the views of students at the University of Berlin. Only after I made my motion did anyone in SL wonder where the book came from. To check the book's-source, I sent a cablegram to Berlin myself. Because of the cablegram I received in,reply, in which the Free University denied sending the book, I withdrew my motion. The question still remains, "Who from Germany did send SL the book?" This should be inves- tigated further. Rather than me being the source of trouble and statements (according to Miss Sauer), "which can be interpreted as expressions of ill-will between countries," I think the source lies with the neo-Nazis whose racist views are mirrored in "The Trage- dy of Silesia." -Paul Dormont * * * Zionist Theme .. . To the Editor: THREE STUDENTS who seem to have confined their knowledge in French to "C'est la guerre," in- deed share the Israeli's hostile at- titudes as well as the Nazi's. How- ever, they have forgotten that Is- rael won a war through espionage and immoral means. Then the trio disregards the facts and the con- demnations by the UN, as a part of their role in assisting the Zionist conspiracy. Even if they do not know the facts they invent ones, they have to give a helping hand to Israel, the symbol of destruc- tion and agitation. Israel is a unintentional but very dark spot in the West's polit- ical history. Through the good in their hearts, the western politi- cians helped in the colonization of Palestine by Zionist political gang- sters and murderers. Egyptians were first to denounce the prose- cution of the Jews by the Nazi re- gime. But the Zionist terrorists who have nothing in common with real Jewish people turned out to shield brutality and rotten souls. Then we hear from some misin- formed youngsters a description such as "C'est la guerre." Yes, Arabs lost a war, but Is- rael lost the respect of the free world. The whole world is now awakening to the fact that Pales- tine was given to the biggest un- derground organization the history has ever known. No decent Jew is willing to support Israel anymore. It lost its human aspect after re- vealing its true intentions. I advise my three fellow stu- dentstosread the various UN re- ports up to dat , because it seems to me that they are missing a lot. If you need to learn about Israel, I refer you to an unbiased treat- ment by an eminent Jewish au- thor, Alfred Linienthal's "What Price Israel." -Salah El-Dareer Gaza RevisitedĀ«. .. To the Editor: WHAT REALLY started this ex- change of letters between Mr. El-Dareer on behalf of the Arabs, and Messers. Menkes, Menkes, and Co., on behalf of the Zionist in- ternational conspiracy (I insist on the name and fully agree with Mr. El-Dareer) was the savage ag- gression by Israeli troops on the Egyptian Gaza pot. The Security Council has al- ready spotted the aggressor. "Is- rael" they called it in their offi- cial records. Boastingly the gen- tlemen consider the aggression as a part of a still existing war. 'C'est la guerre" they sa. Did they for- get that there is a truce agree- ment between Egypt and Israel, and that no party is supposed to recnr, to . +a remysc mme ne r ('b DREW PEARSON: Americas Quick in Costa Rica ASHINGTON-Seldom has an international organization acted with such decision to pre- vent war as the Pan American Un- ion did to head off a Nicaraguan invasion of Costa Rica. Its forth- right action illustrates what the American nations can do-in con- trast to Asia-to keep the peace. When news first broke that Nicaraguan-inspired rebels were inside Costa Rica, the Council of American S t a t e s, informally known as the Pan America Union, sat down in special session at 4 p.m. They remained in session until 7 p.m., when by unamimous vote it was agreed to send a special commission to Costa Rica. Then, after a one-hour adjourn- ment for dinner, the Council sat until midnight ironing out detail- ed plans of how to stop the fight- ing. At 12 midnight the plans were finished. At 4 a.m. the five commission members were en route to the airport to board a special U.. MATS plane to Costa Rica. Eleven hours later, at 3 p.m., the Commission held its first session-inside Costa Rica. Henry Hesitated THIS DRAMATIC action was the result of the increased co- operation developed among the Americas, plus the brilliant lead- ership of Uruguayan Ambassador Jose Mora, plus 100 per cent sup- port from the State Department. Assistant Secretary of State o qou injaso sum pueiloH IuaeH get the USA involved, was anxious to make this intervention-unlike that in Guatemala-one by all the Americas. Had he been more alert, how- ever, Henry might have avoided the entire unpleasant mess. Be- cause several months ago, saga- cious Hector Castro, Ambassador of El Salvador, warned the State Department that trouble was brewing between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. He also urged that the State Department, by maneu- vering backstage, might induce the Central American republics to clean out their own kettle of fish. Henry, howevu'r, hesitated. Meanwhile in heavily armed Nicaragua, President Somosa, the dictator general the U. S. Marines built up three decades ago, had developed a vitrolic hatred for President Jose Figueres, the Mas- governs one of the few nations sachusetts Tech graduate who with no army and a true demo- cracy. John Roosevelt's Uranium Company HANDSOME John Roosevelt, son of the late President, appar- ently doesn't want his name too closely connected with a uranium stock deal. For he has changed his address on the stock registra- tion. Nevertheless he is head of a uranium company which is of- fering stock to the public under conditions that certainly wouldn't please his father, who cleaned up the stock market. It happens that the Central Uranium and Milling Company of Russell Gulch, Colo., which John Roosevelt heads, has soaked the public for 90 per cent of its capi- tal but issued the public less than 30 per cent of the stock. When John Roosevelt registered his uranium company with the Securities and Exchange Commis- sion, he first gave his address as Hyde Park, N. Y. Later, John ap- parently decided - the address might be embarrassing, for he quietly changed it to New York City. The deal that John's company pulled on the public is perfectly legal-and also quite complicated. By keeping the total public invest- ment down to $300,000, the com- pany was able to qualify as a small business, thus avoid close regulation by the SEC. However, here is how Roose- velt's uranium company handled the sale of the stock. His com- pany offered 600,000 shares to the public at 50 cents a share. This ran the capital up to $300,000, but the brokerage firm that sold the stock got $90,000, and the pro- moter, Joseph Thouvenell, got another $25,000. This left only $185,000 of the public's money for actual uranium exploration. Yet even if the company strikes uranium before the public's $185,- 000 is spent, the stock has been so watered down that the public will get only a fraction of the profits. While the public paid 50 cents a share for its measly 600,- 000 shares, Thouvenell was award- ed another 950,000 shares, all free. He kept 100,000 for himself, hand- ed out the remaining 850,000 shares to friends. In addition, the company sold another 450,000 shares to insiders fnr A. nrn O niWP .than enaign DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is sn official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building bfore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1955 Vol. LXV, No. 110 Notices Meeting of the University Staff. Gen- eral staff meeting at 4:15 p.m. Mon., March 21, in Rackham Lecture Hall. President Hatcher will discuss the state of the University. All members of the University staff, academic and non- academic, are invited. CANDIDATES OPEN HOUSES March Time House Candidates 13 6:30 Van Tyne House, South Quad All 13 7:00 Kelsey House, SG All 14 5:00 Prescott House All 14 6:30 Alice Lloyd Hall SGO 14 6:30 Jordan Hall SGO 14 7:00 Martha Cook SGO Any candidates wishing to speak at an- other house or at another time than otherwise specified, please contact the respective house presidents. U.S. Government Awards under the Fulbright Act are now being offered for the following countries: Australia, Bur- ma, Ceylon, Indi, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Thailand. Deadline for applications is April 15, 1955. The awards offered are exclusively for university lecturing and for research at the post- doctoral level. Applications may be ob- tained from the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils Commit- tee on International Exchange of Per- sons, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washing- ton 25, D.C. Further information may be secured in the offices of the Graduate School. UN-Birthday Ball Pictures -- will be on display in the lobby of the Women's League till Wed., March 16. Sign up for copies. Fellowship Applications are now avail- able for the Margaret Kraus Ramsdell Award. This fellowship is used to assist students of the University of Michigan in pursuing graduate studies in this country or abroad in religious education or in preparation for the Christian min- istry. Both men and women may apply for this fellowship. Applications should be made to the Dean of the Graduate School, on forms obtainable from the Graduate School, on or before March 31. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Time Inc., Subscription Service Div., Chicago,,Ill., has a training program for woN en. This is a business office (not editorial). Training is for posi- tions in many departments. Brochures and applications are available at the Bureau of Appointments. Mich. State Civil Service announces exams for Legal Stenogrpher 1-must have had three years of recent experi- ence in law office, Fisheries Biologist 1, Forester 1, Game Biologist 1, and Geolo- gist 1. Applications accepted up to March 30, 1955. Aeronautical Chart & Information Center, Air Photographic & Charting Service (Mats), N.S. Air Force, St. Lou- is, Missouri, has urgent need for stu- dents majoring in Geology or Math and have courses in Forestry or Photogram- metry, who will acquire . degrees in June. Positions are classified as Carto- graphic Aid and Cartographer posi- tions. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture in Journalism. Wallace Carroll, Executive News Editor of the Winston-Salem (N.C.). Journal, will speak on ,Seven Deadly Virtues" of American Journalism in Rackhamn * * a Amphitheatre Mon., March 14, at 3:00 p.m. A coffee hour will follow in the Department of Journalism Conference Room. Open to public. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar. Dr. Isadore A. Berstein, of the Institute of Industrial Health, will spaak on "Gly- colysis in Rat .Skin," Room 319 West Medical Building, Sat., March 12 at 10:00 a.m. Seminar in Ch7emical Physics. Mon., March 14 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 2308 Chemistry. Dr. E. F. Westrum, Jr., will speak on "New Developments in the Theory of Low-Temperature Heat Ca- pacity of Solids." Doctoral Examination for Edwin Wat- fred Mogren, Forestry; thesis: "A Study of Some Aspects of Susceptibility of Ponderosa Pine to Attack by Black Hills Beetle," Mon., March 14, 4048 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, S. A. Graham. The Department of Sociology will award the Eit Krom Prize for the best paper on any of the topics listed be- low. Cash award of $100. Open to Jun- iors and seniors in the College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts. Term papers dealing with relevant topics may be entered in the contest. Such papers should be submitted through the instructor of the course for which the pper was written. Other entries should be submitted to the Secretary of the Department of Sociol- ogy (5601 Haven Hall). Papers may be submitted any time up to March 25, 1955. They will be judged by a depart- mental committee by April 1, 1955. All entries should be typewritten and be between 2,500 and 8,000 words In length. The papers must deal with top- Ics which fall within the following cat- egories: 1. The analysis of a Social Group 2. The Analysis of a Sociological Hy- pothesis - 3. A Case Study of Social Change 4. The Analysis of a Social Institu- tion 5. The Study of a Community or Community Segment, 6. The Analysis of a Social Process Events Today L. Thomas Hopkins, professor of ed- ucation, retired, of Teachers' College, Columbia, will speak at the SRA Satur- day Lunch Discussion on "Built-in Val- ues." 12-5m., Lane Hall. Reservations Open to all students and faculty. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evenson Sat., March 12, at 5:15 p.m., in tie Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.. Wesleyan Guild. Sat., March 12. Party in the lounge at 8:30 p.m. Sat., March 12. Sailing Club. Work parties Sat., Itar. 12, 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. meet at NAva1 Tank in W. Eng. People going to Iak meet at 9:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. at IlydiE Mendelssohn. Work party Sun., MU, 13, 2:00 p.m. meet at 1512 Geddes. e ple going to Lake meet at 10:00 a; n 1:00 p.m. at Lydia Mendelssohn. The Congregational-Discipiles Glaild. 7:30 pm., Drama group at Guild louse. Mr. and Mrs. Don Shanower areead- ing the group. Coming Events Newman Club. Communion Br kfast at the Father Richard Center Sun., March 13, following 9:30 a.i. ..mass. Speaker. The Congregational-Disciple Guild: Sun., 6:00 p.m., cost supper at tae Con- gregational Church. Paul Rohnaeder, Na- tional Student Work Assolxte, will speak on; "The Nature of MAo1e and Position as a College Student"' Episcopal Student FoundAfion. Can- terbury House breakfasts fo'ltsing both the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. sebfices Sun., March 13. "Faith of the Q.burch" lec- ture series, 4:30,p.m., Sui,", March 13 at Canterbury House. Can terrbury Sup- per Hour at 5:45 p.m., Su ., March 13, at Canterbury House, fol v ed by Miss Marguerite Smith, Director of Christian Education, who will disc'ais "The Sac- rament of the Holy Spirik' Coffee Hour at Canterbury House folioiving the 8:00 p.m. Evensong Sun., M h Lktx113. Basic Bible seminar' sponsored by Westminster Student iAellowship In the Student Center of 'a Presbyterian Church, 9:15 a.m., Sut., March 13. Dis- cussion will be on t he Gospel of St. SJohn. Advanced Bbl seminar, 10:45 a.m., Sun., March 13. Westminster Studealb Fellowship sup- per at the Student h enter of the Pres- byterian Church, 5:; p.m., Sun., March 13. Cost, 50c. WSF Clutild meeting at 6:45 p.m. in the Studenkt Center. Benjamin W. Wheeler, profe ior of history, will speak on ~~The Ea rli.y Church." Hillel. Chorus l~hearsal Sun., Mar. 13, 4:30 p.m. in toe main chapel. Sup- per Club Sun., 6 .40 p.m. Study Group to read the Five :Books of Moses'spon- sored by the Re gious Committee will meet Sun. af tert Supper Club. Sun., 8:00-10:30 p.m. "The King and I,' Hillel's Annual Purim Dance featur- ing Paul Brody ;and His Band. Refresh- ments. 35c for Non-members and 250 for Members. Graduate Ov.ting Club will meet Bun., Mar. 13 at 2 :00 ;p.m. Come in old clothes to the nort h West corner entrance of Rackham Buil.ding. Lutheran Student Association. Sun., Mar. 13, 6:00 p.m. To sign up for the supper, calf the Center. Program at 7:00 p.m. A.. Saunders, a missionary to China, will- speak on China. Corner of Hill St. ano Forest Ave. South Q 4 adrangle-Sunday Musicales. Second p1vagram in the spring series will be gint3n in the West Lounge of the quadrang4e Sun., March 13, at 1:30 p.m. Thomas .Lewy, baritone, Sylvan Kal- tak, ac'.c'rdionist, Raymond Young, baritone horn, and a Brass Ensemble. These Iafternoons are given by mem- bers of .South Quadrangle and students in the :Music School. Public invited. J THE CHINESE on Formosa tell us, and Americans who are in close touch with them believe, that Chiang's regime would crumble in disaffection and intrigue if there were cut off the practical hope of a return to the main- land. Whether or not this is the fact, the Formosan Chinese insist on it and their sup- porters in Washington agree with it. Yet the fact of the matter is that the United States Government has not only abandoned hope of a restoration but has put its decision in this matter in writing in connection wth the pro- posed Formosa pact. Nevertheless, in Formosa the decision is not regarded as final and conclusive. The spec- ulation is still alive that the United States will be and can be drawn into a great war in which Chiang might be able to return to the mainland. The Administration, afraid that morale might crumble, has allowed the Gov- ernment in Formosa to nourish this hope. It has at least refrained from dashing it con- clusively. This desire to keep up Chaing's spirits by letting him go on hoping for war is almost surely the real reason for the costly and dangerous fuzziness about the off-shore islands. These islands are not part of the strategic defense of Formosa. They are sym- bols of a conceivable return to the mainland. * * * THE ADMINISTRATION does not have a clear policy. There is in it a basic contra- diction which will in one form or another have to be resolved. On the one hand, there s the decision not to support an attempt by Chaing to return to the mainland. This decision carries with it the unavoidable conclusion that Chiang's gov- ernment in Formosa is not the government of China, and that it is not entitled to the Chinese seat in the United Nations. On the one hand, there is the decision not keep Formosa out of Red Chinese control, and the assumption that the only way to do this is by supporting the Chinese government in Formosa. The combination of these two decisions -K Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers .............City Editor Jon Sobeloff .........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs.......Associate City -Editor Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor David Livingston.......Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Spo-ts Editor Warrn Wertheimer ...............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz.........Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel.......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Poilak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise ........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member N