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March 12, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-12

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Spring Training

Rome OK's
W. German
A rmament
Senate Vote Passes
Paris Pacts, 139-82
ROME (P)-The Italian Senate
put a decisive 139-82 okay yes-
terday on the Paris agreement to
rearm the West Germans and
make them partners in the West-
ern European Union.
The Senate vote completed
Italian parliamentary action on
the accords. It made Italy the
eighth of the 15 nations involved
to complete such action.
Italy's lower house, the Cham-
ber of Deputies, approved the
treaties Dec. 23 by 335-215.
Restore Sovereignty
In addition to providing for
German troops as part of the
Western lineup against the threat
of Red aggression, the accords'
provide for restoration of West
German sovereignty and for ad-
mission of West Germany into'
the North Atlantic Treaty Or-j
The vote came after tw.o weeks
of Senate debate that saw fistj
fights break out on the floor of
the chamber. There also were
noisy disorders on the streets of
The Communists have bitterly
opposed Western Union and fought
ratification of the accords here to'
the end. Policeand Communist
demonstrators clashed briefly out-
side the Senate while the vote was
being taken.
About 1,000 police circled the
Senate building during the final
hours of the session. They block-
ed all streets leading to the build-
Charge Demonstrators
In one sector police charged into
a group of wildly shouting Red
demonstrators and sent them
scurrying down side streets. One
man was injured. In this melee
and other demonstrations over the
city police picked up more than
500 persons yesterday but releas-
ed most of them.
As a last minute protest against
ratification of the pacts and
against an attack- Wednesday on
Communist party headquarters
here, the Red-bossed Rome Cham-
ber of Labor called out its mem-
bers in a two-hour general strike
Friday. The strike had little effect,
since non-Communist unions had
instructed their members to stay
on the job.

Ice Finals
Wolverine icers will take on
Colorado College at Broadmoor
Palace tonight for the NCAA
Hockey chamionship.
Colorado won a finals berth
yesterday by edging St. Law-
aren~e 2 to 1 in Colorado
In NCAA basketball tourney
action, Marquette upset se-
cond-ranking Kentucky, 79 to
71, and Iowa trampled Penn
State 82 to 53.
(For details of hockey battle,
see Page 3.)
RepN. Sallade
Bucks Party
After revealing yesterday he has
been threatened with expulsion
from any future Republican House
caucus for not "conforming" with
party policy, Rep. George W. Sal-
lade of Ann Arbor made it clear
that he does not intend to con-
Sallade said he feels he "should
examine every issue to see whe-
ther it is in the best interests of
the people of Michigan. If Gov.
(G. Mennen) Williams' name hap-
pens to be on a proposal, that
doesn't mean I'm against it."
He was referring to his sup-
port of Gov. Williams' highway
program, which he said was the
Republicans' primary grievance
against him.
Asks Close Look
Several weeks ago Democratic
members of the House applauded
when Sallade spoke favoring "a
close look" at the road proposal.
A self-styled "liberal Republi-
can," Sallade said party bosses
called him aside Tuesday to "drop
a hint" he will not be wanted at
closed-doortparty sessions if he
continues to "anger" Republican
Another main grievance against
him, Sallade said, is his criticism,
of Republican campaigning for
the spring elections. In a speech,
Sallade had said he was "tired of
watching the Republicans run
against the CIO."
Referring to the "reservoir of
votes" lying among laboring men
and women, Sallade criticized Re-
publicans for antagonizing a large
segment of the voting population.


Worst Storms
Deaths, Damage

--Daily-John Hirtzel
WINNER OF SKIT NIGHT yesterday was Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon's presenta-
tion of "Dust of Tin Soldiers." Shown here is a scene from the winning skit by George Bamber
which concerned the problem of juvenile delinquency. Honorable mention went to Alpha Phi and
Sigma Phi Epsilon for their skit "The Lottery" adapted from the story by Shirley Jackson. Win-
ner of the campus wide poster contest was Kappa Alpha Theta with Phi Gamma Delta and
Mosher Hall receiving honorable mention.\

Daily-Dick Gaskili
IFORLY SPRING-It was warm enough for baseball in Ann Arbor
*esterday. So, emulating the major league teams down South,
Wocal residents and students got together for some "limbering up"
Would Hire Loyalt Risks
N Necessar -- McLeod
WASHINGTON (A)-The State Department's security chief
startled a group of senators yesterday with an assertion that he
would'hire a security risk if it were necessary "to get the job done."
a-Wouldn't hesitate to do so if necessary to fulfill a mission," W.
R. Sdott McLeod told a Senate Government Operations subcom-
mittea. The subcommittee is studying security policy.
Ch airman Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) wanted to know whether
McLeod also felt that a person
with "disloyal" tendencies might
E x -D e" ut have to be used by the government
even though elaborate machinery
has been set up to keep such per-
sons out of federal service.
Found G ilOyly Rare Case
"It's a possibility," the security
T... I .A4chL 1""1" f


Laws Forbid Campus Beer

in iiayin
BIRMINGrIAM, Ala. ()-Hus-
ky Albert Fuller, former chief dep-
uty sheri Oat Phenix City, was
sentenced to' life imprisonment
yesterday on a first degree mur-
der convictiwi for the slaying of
A. L. Patterson, sworn enemy of
The 12 jurors, who listened to
g millions of wCg.dz of testimony in
the longest jury trial in Alabama
history, returned; their verdict at
A 2:36 p.m., 22, hours and 11 min-
utes after they rexeived the case.
Fuller's $12,500 - bond, under
which he had been free since
shortly after his -indictment last
Dec. 9, was immeciately revoked.
He was taken into tustory by Jef-
ferson Birmingham County Chief
Deputy Sheriff Wilton Hogan.
Will Appeal Verdet
Chief Defense Aitty. Roderick
Beddow announced t~hat the ver-
dict will be appealed to the State
Supreme Court and a motion will
be filed for a new tnlal within a
week or 10 days.
Patterson was murcd ered at Phe-
nix City last June 18, only 17
days after .winning the Democratic
nomination for attorner general.
t, The prosecution charged that his
pledge to smash Phenix City's
multimillion dollar racket s empire
inspired the killing.
The 35-year-old Fuller remained
calm as the verdict was rettd to the
packed courtroom at the end of
the 25-day trial. The 2001-pound
defendant had appeared almost
nonchalant throughout the trial.
Empty Courtroom
Judge J. Russell McElroy, taking
unprecedentedhprecautions after
word came that the jury had
reached a verdict, ordered the
courtroom emptied and the spec-

watijlu. " 1 um*G at
forego anyone who has responsi-
bility to the American people from
using the tools necessary" to do,
an essential piece of work.
McLeod emphasized that he was
speaking only of rare and unusual
cases, and that he couldn't recall
any such case during the two years
he has been with the State De-
'So Rare'
"So rare as to almost never take
place?" asked Sen. Norris Cotton
(R-N. H.).
"Yes and no," the witness re-
sponded. "It's very rare that out
of our 160 million people you can't
find some one who is not a risk"
to perform some needed task.
"I don't recall any case," Mc-
Leod said.
Ladeijnsky Case
The discussion arose when Sen.
Humphrey was questioning him
about the case of Wolf Ladejin-
sky, but McLeod emphasized he
didn't refer to Ladejinsky in talk-
ing about possible employment of
security risks.
Ladejinsky is a former State De-
partment land reform expert in
Tokyo whom the Agriculture De-
partment rejected as agricultural
attache at the embassy there.
U' Doctors Get
Citation Scrolls
Four University doctors were
honored at a testimonial banquet
as presidents of national medical
organizations Thursday.
They are Dr. Albert C. Kerli-
kowske, director of University
Hospital and president of the

Red Editors Visit Here
Whether the 11 Russian editors granted permission by the State
Department to visit the United States will come to Ann Arbor has not
yet been determined, a State Department spokesman said yesterday.
State Department Press Officer Henry Suidam, contacted in
Washington by The Daily yesterday, said the group's itinerary is
being arranged by the International Institute on Education in New
York City.
"They may visit Ann Arbor," het -

Since 1889, no Ann Arbor estab-
lishment other than a drug store
has been allowed to sell beer east
of Division Street, i.e., on or near
University campus.
Two laws, one state, the other
local, have proved the big, stumb-
ling block. A number of moves to
legalize selling of beer on campus
or in the Union have been hung
up on these legal considerations.
In the past, both faculty and
Regents have given their okay to
the idea. Presently, Dean of Stud-
ents Walter B. Rea is in favor
of bringing beer into the Union,
as are many University policy-
As to student opinion, no re-
marks need be made.
"Desirable Outlet"
"The establishment of a rath-
skeller selling beer in the Union
would afford a very desirable out-
let," said Dean Rea yesterday in
an interview. He felt such an in-
novation would be beneficial in
respect to student conduct.
The main sore point in past at-
tempts to legalize drinking on
campus is a state law which pro-
hibits the sale of intoxicants on
state property. This statute is
backed up by a 70-year-old para-
graph in the Ann Arbor charter
which forbids sale of alcoholic
beverages near campus.
Forbids Spirituous Liquors
Ann Arbor's present charter
contains, under Section 88, para-
graph three, a statement forbid-
ding the sale of "any spirituous,
malt, brewed, fermented, vinous,
or intoxicating liquors," anywhere
east of Division Street. Thus the
half-century old Michigan Union

has never legally had the right to
use its tap-room.
Nor will it have the right if Ann
Arbor's proposed new charter
passes voters on April 4.
The new charter contains the
same old ruling, with only a new
label-"Restrictions on' Alcoholic,
Beverages"-to set it off from its
previous documentation.
All Ivy League, and some Big
Panel To Discuss
Campaign Issues
"Student Government - What
This question will occupy a pan-
el discussion of four SGC candi-
dates at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
Unitarian church.
Bruce Boss, '56, William Brumm,
'57, Tom Sawyer, '57 and Paula
Strong, '56, will present various is-
sues of the campaign and discuss
the election from the candidate's

Ten schools have very liberal on-'
campus drinking regulations. Beer,
drinking is allowed in dormitories
at Dartmouth and Harvard. The
Rathskeller in Cornell's Union,
sells beer, as does the University
of Wisconsin Union.
Serious consideration about
bringing beer on the Michigan
campus was given in the '30s. In-
vestigations of the problem were
made with Regental support but
the legal difficulties involved were
too great and the matter was
Same Conclusion
In 1950, Dean of Students Erichj
A. Walter again looked into the
situation. He came up with the
same conclusion. Two state sta-
tutes and the Ann Arbor charter1
would have to be amended to ef-
fect legalization.
Student and faculty opinion is
in favor of the change, but at pre-
sent and in the near future Ann
Arbor and the State of Michigan
prevail against it.

Dollar Loss
Eastern Third
Of Nation Hit
By The Associated Pres
The season's biggest crop of tor-
nadoes and thunderstorms ripped
across the eastern third of the na-
tion yesterday, killing at least two
persons, injuring a score and
causing property damage in the
The twisters highlighted a vio-
lent outbreak of March weather
over large areas of the country.
Thunderstorms doused the sod-
den Ohio River Valley basin hard
on the heels of the river's worst
flood in seven years. However, the
U.S. Weather Bureau at Pitts-
burgh saw no new flood threat re-
Dust Storms
Winds up to 70 miles an hour
sent the winter's worst dust storms
boiling over the southern and cen-
tral Great Plains. Half of Colo-
rado's three million acres of win-
ter wheat was ripped out.
A cool front, expanding east-
ward into moist and almost sum-
merlike warmth, triggered the
chain of tornadoes and thunder-
Hardest hit was a 45-mile
area extending from Connersville
northeastward to Union City in In-
diana, Leetonia in Columbia
County and Steubenville in Jef-
ferson County in Ohio and the
southwestern Pennsylvania area
around Pittsburgh.
Winds up to 92 miles an hour
buffeted much of the area.
Strikes Indiana, Ohio
The storm struck east central
Indiana shortly after 2 a.m., swept
on into Ohio and then tore into
Pennsylvania. Buffeting winds
were felt in New York's Steuben
Wind-driven rain pelted parts
of western Maryland and West
The twisters tore down power
lines, toppled television and radio
towers, blew a freight car off its
track and unroofed homes and
Damage in Pennsylvania was
estimated well in excess of a mil-
lion dollars. Damage also was ex-
pected to pass the million-dollar
mark in Ohio. Indiana counted
nearly three-quarter million dol-
lar damage in two cities and in-
surance adjusters say claims from
rural areas will hit the highest
total in recent years.
Lightning struck a transformer
in Union City, Ind., on the In-
diana-Ohio line, starting a fire
that caused a half million dollars
damage in the heart of the city.
World News
By The Associated Press
GOP Forces Changes
WASHINGTON - Republicans
forced major changes yesterday
in a Democratic-sponsored re-
port sharply criticizing President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's economic
The original report asserted the
nation is 'not out of the woods of,

The two-party report, to be
made public officially this week-
end, still asserts what has become
something of a Democratic' theme
-that there was an "economic re-
cession" last year and "it is not
enough just to maintain present
levels of employment and produc-
Accused of Informing
FT. MEADE, Md. - Maj. Ron-
ald E. Alley, 34-year-old artillery
officer who has been down with


said, "but we haven't worked out
anything definite yet."
The Institute will arrange visits
to various American college after
consultation with the Soviet gov-
"We'll try to satisfy the wishes
of the group as far as possible,"
Suidam said.
'U' Hasn't Been Contacted
Director of University Relations
Arthur L. Brandon said the Uni-
versity has not been contacted
about such a visit. But he indi-
cated that the University would
be a willing host.
"We've always cooperated with
the State Department 'on matters
of this kind," Brandon said.
The State Department has sug-
gested to the Soviet government
that the editors arrive in this
country April 15. Their visas are
good for thirty days.
Group of Eleven
Ranging in age from 24 to 39,
the group of eleven is composed
partly of student editors, and
partly of non-student editors of
youth publications, according to
Although Washtenaw county is
on the list of areas off-limits to
Russian citizens, Suidam said that
some exceptions will be made to
the ruling.
"The ruling applies mostly to
Russians who have a permanent
domicile in this country," Suidam
said, "and not so much to visit-

Highway Collision
Kills Two Women
Two Michigan women were kill-
ed in a two-car collision in Wash-
tenaw County yesterday.
Anna Covach, 30 years old, of
South Lyon and Lettie Beerbower,
45 years old, of -Highland were
killed when a car driven by Miss
Covach collided with one driven
by Frederick King of Detroit. The
accident occurred on the crest of
a hill in front of 6581 Dixboro Rd.

MSC Newspaper Says
Morgan 'Digging Dirt
An editorial in Thursday's edition of the Michigan State News
charged University representatives are "digging up dirt ... but stick-
ing their shovels into solid rock."
The edit, headed "Childish? Only U of M's Charges" was leveled
at a statement made by University Alumni Association official Robert
0. Morgan. Listing his objections to the college's proposed name
change, Morgan had said that students there are "acting like little
kids" in advocating the change,


'U' Only Big Ten School 'M

(EDITOR'S NOTE -- This is the<
third in a series of interpretive ar-
ticles on the driving ban. Today's
article deals with the restrictions
on driving at other institutions,
particularly the Big Ten.) ,
"This University reminds me of
the guy who complains that every-
one is out of step except himself,"
a student complained recently to
this writer.
He was referring to the fact
that the University is the only
school in the Big Ten that has
a driving ban. The other hold-
out, Michigan State College, drop-
ped its driving ban last fall and

1) Proof of sufficient property7
and liability insurance.
2) Written parental permission
for students under 21.
3) A grade point average of 2.0
or better. .
4) A safety inspection by police;
off icers.
5) Strict observance of areas
restricted to driving and parking,
The big question is how the
students reacted to a sudden lift-
ing of most driving restrictions.
Major problems arosemover
parking in the first few months
of the new rules, but the prob-
lem has been remedied by a modi-

Vth CarBa n
amended rules, he is probably ir-
responsible and would violate any
rule made."
From this, it would seem logical
to conclude that the problem has
been met and reasonably resolved
at MSC. Some resources predict,
however, that the large number of
student cars in East Lansing may
lead to future restrictions against
freshmen driving on campus.
Illinois Eases Rule
The University of Illinois eased
driving regulations in 1953. The
problem at Champaign as at East
Lansing centered about limited

The alumni assistant secretary
cited their conduct at the Rose
Bowl as "Practically riotius. They
haven't grown out of short pantsj
Had. Received Commendation
The News editorial said MSC
had received a.letter from a man-
ager of one of the California ho-
tels, which commended the be-
havior of more than 600 Spar-
tans who stayed there.
It said if University opponents!
of the change are trying to dig
dirt, they will hit solid rock be-
cause there is no dirt in the Spar-
tan student body.
Especially defending their bowl!
behavior, the paper said that
"their conduct brought nothing
but praise."
The editorial ended its defense
with a counterattack: "As forj
'acting like little kids', that's an
untruth, too. The 'charges are
childish', not the students whom

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