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March 11, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-11

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Committee Picks
PhiEp Fraternity
Given Campus Spot Over Tau Ep;
Chosen by IFC Executive Group
Phi Epsilon Pi was unanimously approved last night by the
Interfraternity Council executive committee to be the campus' next
Approval on the action must come from the IFC Fraternity Presi-
dents Assembly Tuesday and from the Student Government Coun-
Both Phi Ep and Tau Epsilon Phi, which vied with Phi Ep to
come here, have had chapters here in the past. Phi Ep was here
from 1921 to 1941, while TEP operated a house here from 1923 until
1932. ..
The executive committee gave several reasons for its action. In-

Union Can't
Serve Beer,
Board Told
Would Violate
City Ordinance
"There is no possibility of ever
getting beer served in the Union,"
Franklin Kuenzel, general manag-
er of the Union. said yesterday at
a Union Board of Directors meet-
Discussing recent efforts to pro-
vide beer in the new Union addi-
tion, Kuenzel said there was a city
ordinance preventing such a move.
"You can't serve beer in the Un-
ion, or you will have beer in thej
entire campus area," he said.
Tradition Problems
The Board also discussed an-
other recent attempt to preserve
the Union tap room furniture as
part of the University tradition.
Kuenzel said that plans for the
modernization were approved last
year and it had been the feelingl
of the Board at that time to com-
pletely renovate the tap room.
"We will attempt to keep the1
traditional tables iA the south
cafeteria," Kuenzel said, but added
that there was no way of saving
the carved table-tops on the north
wall now.
Set Up Committee
The Board agreed to set up a
special committee to consult with
Kuenzel on the plans as they are
now proceeding. Union PresidentJ
rn .,. r ..,. A rr .S 11._ _'















t World News
By The Associated Press
Highway Expansion . .
LANSING-The. Senate yester-
day put final polishes on a high-
way expansion program-but held
it for a final touchup and study
Monday night.
The chamber amended the
house-approved Peltz-Bill, endors-
bd by Gov. G. Mennen Williams,
to include Sen. Lewis G.: Christ-
man's restrictions on bonding
authority for the state, counties
and municipalities.
* * *
Ohio Flood .:.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-The crest of
the Ohio River flood, which al-
ready has caused 13 million dol-
lars damage and left thousands
homeless, raced downstream from
Cincinnati yesterday.
More damage was certain but
downstream cities took the word
of United States Army engineers
that it would not be major. Show-
ers over the Ohio Valley caused
no concern.
Troops Remain . . .
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower pledged
yesterday the United States will
continue to maintain a "fair
share" of its land, sea and air
forces in Europe to guard against
Communist attack.
In a special message to the pre-
miers of seven European allies, the
President said he will keep Amer-
ican units deployed in and around
Europe "while a threat to that
area exists."
Tax Policy..-
WASHINGTON-A major de-
bate to tax policy opened in the
Senate yesterday, with Sen. Harry
Byrd declaring the government is
"mortgaged to the hilt" and can-
not affort to cut taxes without
cutting spending.
The Virginia Democrat, chair-
man of the Senate Finance Com-
mittee, said, "It should be the con-
sidered judgment of every one of
us that the federal debt should not
be increased except for extreme
national emergency."
Pay Raises .. .
voted yesterday, 399-1, to grant
pay raises of six to 25 per cent for
career men in the armed services.
The idea is to keep good men in,
rather than have them turn to
jobs in private life.
* Rep. John Taber (R-N.Y.) was
the lone dissenter on a roll call
* * *
TV Debates , , .
LANSING - Republican State
Chairman John Feikens yesterday
challenged Democrats to a series
of television debates on public
service time.
Feikens previously had turned;
down a Democratic challenge for
a similar series of debates because
they would have been carried on
'UAW-CIO television time.
Feikens said he had asked Mich-
igan's television stations to grant
the public service time and de-
clared that the Republicans are
ready to go ahead with the de-
bates if the time is available and
the Democrats are willing.
Prof. I. D. Scott

cluded among them were:
1) Scholarship records of Phi Ep
while here in comparison to TEP
were by far the more outstanding
compiled by the two houses.
2) Phi Ep was here for a longer
period of time than TEP.
3) The size and strength of Uni-
versity alumni from Phi Ep will
be instrumental in establishing a
strong chapter here.
University alumni of the newly
re-activated fraternity number
169 while TEP possesses 70 alum-
ni garnered during their tenure
Charter in 1956?
Numerous conditions, w h i c h
must also be approved by the As-
sembly, were attached to the re-
activation. All must be fulfilled
after one year here. Included
among them were:
1) Phi Ep must have a scholar-
ship above the all-male average
2) Beginning next October,
monthly progress reports on mem-:
bership, finances and chapter op-
eration must be submitted to the
executive committee for approval.

Deans To Consider
Calendar Change
Committee Recommends Two
Plans After Two Years of Study
University Calendaring Committee agreed at a meeting yesterday
to submit two academic calendar plans to a Deans' Conference.
Recommendation of the two plans to the Deans' Conference is a
result of a two-year study by the student-faculty administration
committee, under the chairmanship of Erich Walter, assistant to the
Begins After Labor Day
The first plan begins the fall semester at least one and not more
than two weeks after Labor Day. Classes begin on Thursday of the
"first week of school. Registration
is scheduled for the first three
Ce sdays of the week.
The plan retains the present
Thanksgiving and spring vacations
however, the Christmas recess is
evy S ta es decreased to 'approximately 12
days. After Christmas vacation
there is a two week period before
classes end on a Wednesday. Final
examinations start on Friday fol-
lowing a "free" day.
By BOB JONES The second semester also in-
Inter-House Council president cludes the lengthened exam period
Stan Levy, '55, explained yesterday and the "free" day before finals
why he abstained on the March 7 begin. Commencement is scheduled
Board of Governors vote which for Sunday instead of Saturday to
okayed a $50 per year hike in resi- provide more time for preparing
dence hall room and board rent. grades.

Tom Leopold, 55, said that inI
case a change of plan was pro-
posed, a special meeting of the'
Board would be held.
A long discussion was held on
the advisability of adding the
presidents of the Inter-House
Council and the Inter-Fraternity
Council to the Board, either as vot-
ing or non-voting members.

The executive committee will
make a final review after one year.
3) There must be 30 men, both
actives and pledges, in the house,
which will have two open and
three formal rushing periods.
Approved Housing Needed'
4) Phi Ep must have obtaineda
University-approved housing suit-
able for occupany.
5) An active chapter adviser
will be required.
6) Phi Ep must adhere to all
University regulations as a group
and will be subject to them.
IFC President Bob Weinbaum,
'56, said a poll taken among the
six fraternities which will be most
af ected by the new fraternity's re-
activation showed three favoring
Phi Ep, two favoring TEP and
one with no preference.
Earlier in the meeting, the group
voted to recommend to the As-
sembly that permission be ob-
tained from the executive com-
mittee before a non-member is
allowed to room or board in a fra-
ternity house.
Johnston Picked
To Analyze Blast
Prof. Bruce M. Johnston, pro-
fessor of structural engineering,
will analyze the effect of an atom-
ic bomb blast on light industrial
buildings next month. .
Prof. Johnston has been re-
quested by the Federal Civil De-
fense Administration to inspect
steel and aluminum industrial
structures before and after an
"open-shot" A-bomb detonation at
the Nevada Test Site in mid-April.


"The University didn't come

Alternate Proposal


It was decided that the heads of through for us onour staff-pay
the IHC and IFC would be invitedg par- "and I didn't feel the amount they
ticipation, concurred on was close enough to
ticiption.warrant my vote."
IHC, IFC Representation w
Levy felt, however, that all of
Voting representation at this the other conditions attached to
time was opposed by the Board IHC's reluctant approval of the
since the members felt that the hike were met by the University.
voting membership should not be He went into detail on the mo-
increased, and the advisability of tion of Francis C. Shiel, manager
substituting IHC and IeC mem- of service enterprises, for the in-
bers for present student presenta- crease. Levy said the staff assist-
tion needed "a testing period." ant pay increase had been sinder
In other business, the Board ap- Board of Governors consideration
proved giving all Union profits for two years, but that no action
from Spring Weekend to the had been taken.
Washtenaw County Cancer Soci- Regarding contract re-evalua-
ety, tion, Levy said the Board "will do
exactly as we asked." Shiel's mo-
.tion stated that exceptions to con-
GrOup tracts can be made if such excep-
tions would not jeopardize the
ets Dem ise financial operation of the resi-
dence halls.
Substitute Needed
Student Government Council Residents wanting to move out
Steering Committee yesterday be- short of completing their two-
came the third campus group to semester contract must have a
meet its demise this week. substitute to fill the vacancy.
The rou head afina reort The Board stated it had always
The group heard a final report v e tdn pno npa
on the elections Tuesday and valued student opinion in plan-
SWednesday and accepted an of- ning of a residence hall, and that
ferto oldSGCmeeing inthea student would be on the plan-
ferton hning board henceforth.
Levy quoted figures indicating
Elections Director Ruth Ross- the crowded conditions in resi-
ner, '55, made a plea for addition- dence halls. Men's halls are at
al people to help with the ballot capacity with an estimated 400
count at South Quad Wednesday over capacity expected next year.
night. Women's halls are over-capacity
The steering committee also de- now, and will go even higher next
cided to ask retiring Student Leg- year.
islature President Ned Simon, '55, Delay in the completion date of
to chair the first SGC meeting the Couzens Hall addition until
until a permanent chairman is February of 1956 complicates the
elected. situation.

The alternate proposal differs
only in that a one week period
instead of two precedes final ex-
aminations, moving the entire
schedule of the second semester
up a week.'
During the meeting, H. 0.
(Fritz) Crisler, director of physi-
cal education and athletics, point-
ed out that the alternate propos-
ed plan would eliminate 11 double
practice sessions and the proposed
plan only four. Both proposals
would also limit the basketball and
baseball schedules.
Although the proposals are plan-
ned for the fall of 1956, the pro-
posed final examination schedule
begins this semester. After a break
on May 27, finals will start on
May 28.
Advantages, Disadvantages
Advantages of the two proposals
were summarized as follows: two
15-week semesters; elimination of
the "lame duck" period after
Christmas; Saturday classes giv-
en full equity; one day break be-'
fore exams in each semester and
a lengthened final examination
Disadvantages of the plans sug-
gested include a shorter orienta-
tion period and conflicts with
some athletic schedules.
Final' adoption of either pro-
posal by the Deans' Conference
and the Board of Regents would'
take effect in the fall of 1956.
U.S. To Admit
11 Red Editors
WASHINGTON 0")-The Unit-
ed States agreed yesterday, aftera
months of deliberation, to let 11
Russian student editors pay a vis-
it to American colleges.
The Russian g ov e rnm en t
promptly followed through with a
formal note saying it would like,
to send a delegation of Soviet
farmers to this country.
The 11 Russian student editors
who have been granted permis-
sion to visit American colleges run
in age from 24 to 39, with most
of them in their late 20's and early
30's. American college editors are
seldom more than 21.
(James Davis, director of 'the
International Center, commended
the State Department's action last
night and said it was a sort of
"calculated risk."
(Although we run the risk of fu-
ture abuse from these visitors, he
commented, some of them may

GOOD WHEN HE HAD TO BE--Goalie Lorne Howes, who made
41 saves, as Michigan triumphed, 7-3, over Harvard in the open-
ing round of the NCAA hockey tournament at Colorado Springs,
Colorado, last night.
YD'S, YR's Hold Meetings,
Feature Faculty Talks
YR's Consider ' Three Professors
Anti-Trust .Lawrs Talk Before YD's
Anti-trust laws were cited as an ! When we believe the majority
important aspect of a liberal eco- is always right, the idea of natur-
nomic policy and the best means to al rights goes out the window,"
maintain competition by Prof. Prof. Frank Grace said yesterday
Clare Griffin, from the School of at a Young Democrats meeting.
Business Administration. "There is a basic conflict be-
Speaking before a Young Repub- tween majoritarianism and the
lican meeting yesterday, Prof. concept of absolute rights," the
Griffin 'said that the best govern- political science professor said in
ment was a government that gov- a panel discussion of natural law
ens the least. He admitted, how- in political thought with Prof.
ever, that competition could be William Frankena of the philoso-
maintained only through govern- phy department and Prof. Palmer
ment interference. A. Throop of the history depart-
Commission Member ment.
A member of Attorney-General Retain Idea
Herbert Brownell's Anti - Trust
Commission of Laws, Prof. Grif- "So long as we think of legis-
fin referred to liberalism as a poli-I lation as a device for reconciling
cy stressing individualism. inteests and not asda source of
"Individualism must be pre- ihts," he continued, "we retain
served," declared Prof. Griffin, the formal idea of democracy."
"because it is the most important But in the use of the concept
entity of society today." He added: that the majority has the will of
"The best way in which competi- God with a popular mandate, he
tion can exert itself is through cautioned, we are moving closer to
competition." 1 the Russian type of democracy
Federalism was acclaimed by which says it speaks for all the
Prof. Griffin as an important as- people in one voice.
pect of a liberal program becauselTiracing the history of natural
it maintained close contact with law Prof. Throop said the Amen-
the people and provided the most! can heritage is based on three
efficient type of government. principles: belief in an absolute
He also advocated equality, low- systemA of law, in the right of con-
er tariffs and a liberal agricultur- tract between privileges and ob-
al policy which would allow com- ligations and in certain inalien-
modities to be sold without sup-= able rights of the individual.
port at market prices, as other Prof. Frankena discussed thet
phases of his proposed liberal eco- validity of the natural rights doc-
nomic program.m trine in the light of anthropologi-
Ratify Platform . cal and historical origin objec-

Stars in 7w3
Opening Win
Game Saturday
Special to The Daily
Harvard's Crimson fought fiercely
here last niglht, but not fiercely
enough to keep Michigan's red hot
Wolverine from storming to a
7-3 victory and a berth in the fi-
nals of the eighth annual NCAA
Captain Bill MacFarland pow
ered home three unassisted goals
for his seventh hat trick of the
year to lead the Wolverines into
Saturday night's final. They will
play the winper of tonight's Colo-
rado College-St. Lawrence game
for the title.
Cleary Scores Two
Big Bill Cleary, who scored two
of Harvard's three goals, was all
that Harvard really had. Michigan,
however, showed tremendous bal-
ance, as Tom Rendall slapped
home two goals, and Dick Dunni-
gan and Neil Buchanan one each.
Harvard's Ivy League champions
played a faster, more rugged game
than most of the experts figured,
but it was not enough to halt the
Wolverines, who scored two early
goals and were never headed,
Michigan got off to a flying start
early in the first period when Mac.-
Farland netted the first of his
three solo efforts on a bullet shot
from the left side.
Harvard goalie Chuck Slymn
Iwas sharp, but unequal to the task
of stopping a screen shot by Dick
Dunnigan later in the first period,
'M' Takes Initiative
Michigan continued to take the
initiative on offense as the pres-
sure was piled on the faltering
Crimson defense. Rendall increas-
ed the winner's margin to, 3-0 at
3:21 of the second stanza. Ren
dall's goal was a screen shot from
just -inside the blue line that
trickled off the, pads of Slymm and
rolled between his legs into the
A primarily pro-Harvard crowd
was treated to a strong comeback
from the Easterners. Cleary na-
rowed the score down to 3-1 about
four minutes later when Michigan'
was short handed via a penalty
to defenseman Bob Pitts for trip
- After the second unassisted goal
by MacFarland had seemed to put
the Wolverines* safely in the lead'
again, Cleary came back with his
86th point of the year at 13:08.
He was credited with the tally, al-
though Pitts in trying to clear the
puck accidently kicked it into the
cage past 'M' goalie Lorne Howes.
Play picked up to a high point
of tightness, as a final Harvard
drive brought the margin down to
4-3. A slowly rolling puck in front

Appoint Two to Union Opera Positions
Wayne Thiessen, '56E, was ap-
pointed 1955 Union Opera general
chairman last night, and Bill
Johnson, '57, received the road
show manager's position.
Majoring in naval architecture
and marine engineering, Thiessen
is a member of Beta Theta Pi. He
said that his interest in the Opera
and the "challenge I saw in it,"
led him to petition for the man-
ager role.
At the present time, a Union
{ }, * committee is studying possible
,y '' JOpera revision and revamping

The Young Republicans ratified
their platform which entailed con-
tinued support of the Chinese Na-
tionalists as outlined by the Ad-
ministration, a policy of freer
trade, encouragement of small
business development by reduc-
tion of taxes and flexible farm
The group will travel to Colum-
bus,O., March 25, for the annual
Midwestern Young Republican

"People may have these rights
and duties even though they don't
believe it," he said. "Belief in nat-
ural law may be sociologically con-
ditioned," he emphasized, "but the
validity of it is not determined by
sociological conditions."
Again using the analogy of the
round-earth theory, Prof. Franke-
na said the "questionable histori-
cal genesis of the idea does not
make it wrong."

IDriving Bant Discussion
Rages on for 28t Year
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the second in a series of interpretive articles on
the driving ban which as imposed in 97. Today's article outlines the basic
pros and cons of such a ban.)
"I'm 24 years old. I've put in two years in the Army and have

'Hearings End
On Navidzadeh
Formal hearings on the deporta.
tion of Buick Navidzadeh, Grad.s
ended in Detroit yesterday, ac-
cording to Prof. Beauford George
of the Law School.
Navidzadeh,.who is doing grad-
uate work in law at the Univer-
sity, had his passport cancelled
by the Iranian government last
summer and faces execution on
allegedly framed charges of be-
ing a Communist if he returns to
Yesterday's hearing was a com-
pletion of one begun on February
17. Navidzadeh's petition .for po-
litical asylum was reviewed in ad-
dition to his reasons for desiring
ass lum.
The decision as to whether or
not Navidzadeh will be allowed to
remain in the IUnited States n

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