PAGE SVC' , THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, M"CH 10, 1955 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1935 ANN ARBOR SURVEY: Cancer Threats Alter Smoking Habits Medical threats have caused half Ann Arbor's smokers to change their nicotine habits. Findings of a recent survey tak- en by the University's Survey Re- search Center and Department of Journalism reveal that eight per cent of the cross-section sample actually have given up the habit completely. Among those who did not quit, one out of five changed to filter- tip cigarettes, and the rest re- duced cigaret use, changed brands, or took up pipe smoking. Three Factors Three factors were involved in the reaction to news relating smoking and cancer: 1) W h e t h e r an individual smokes, 2) How much education he has had, 3) What his parents thought about smoking. Theother.half of the adults in- terviewed said they did not smoke. Four out of five had read articles concerning the relationship be- tween smoking and cancer. Education Exaggerates Education seemed to exaggerate the tendency for people to fit the "facts" into what they already be- lieved. Among college graduates, for example, those who smoked were more likely -to be skeptical of the relationship between smoking and cancer than non-smokers. Of those familiar with smoking- cancer news, 70 per cent of the smokers thought the evidence was not conclusive, as compared with only 38 per cent of the non-smok- ers. Men smokers had the edge over women smokers. The survey shows John Enders Will Lecture Key scientist in solution of the polio problem, Dr. John Enders of Harvard University and the Child- ren's Hospital of Boston will de- liver the annual Don W. Gude- gunst Memorial Lecture at the University Tuesday. The Nobel Prize recipient will talk on "Remarks. on the Present Status of Knowledge Concerning the Poliomyelitis Viruses." Dr. Ender's lecture will be given in the School of Public Health Auditorium at 4 p.m. In 1949, Dr. Enders and his two associates, Dr. Thomas Weller (son of University pathologist Dr. Carl V. Weller) and Dr. Frederick Robbins found a method for grow- ing the polio virus in test tubes. This discovery broke a crucial bottleneck in polio research and made' possible later discoveries by Dr. Jonas Salk of the University of Pittsburgh. All three men re- ceived the Nobel Prize for medi- cine last year.; NICOTINE TEMPTATION-Student holds his cigarets at arm's length upon hearing Survey Research Center project results. that a higher percentage of the aimed at adult townspeople, find- 50 per cent smokers were men. ings of the research cannot be Also, the women who do smoke applied to other communities be- tend to be younger than women cause the study was made in a who don't have the nicotine habit. university city-with a population Even though the survey was which isn't typical. 'U' RESEARCH FINDINGS: Doctor Sees Possible Cancer Preven ttive in Glut atione .4 Research by Dr. Jere M. Bauerv of the Department of Internal Medicine indicates a cancerous body makes a valiant effort to feed both itself and the cancer. Eventually, though, the cancer takes the lion's share of nutrient and feeds off the rest of the body. Studying the chemical changes which lead to body wasting in the late stages of cancer, the Univer- sity scientist has found evidence that a compound called glutatione may play a key role in the situa- tion. American Cancer Society These findings were reported yesterday by the American Can- cer Society which is supporting Dr. Bauer's research. Importance of the findings is that it may be possible, by con- trolling the amount of glutatione in tissue of cancerous animals, -to find a way to avoid some of the wasting effects of cancer in hu- mans. Glutatione is composed of glu- tamic acid, cysteine and glycine, three, building blocks of protein. It is present in all living plant and animal cells. Growth of Cells Indications aire that this com- pound m*y control the cell's con- struction of protein and conse- quently the growth of cells and tissues. In cancerous mice, Dr. Bauer reported, there is a progressive de- crease in glutatione concentration in those body tissues that lose pro- tein. Glutatione Varies In the liver, however, the gluta- tione varies during the course of malignant growth in a way which suggested it is connected with the efforts of the liver to produce pro- tein for its own use as well as sup- plying blood proteins to be used by other body tissues and the growing cancer. Dr. Bauer's work indicated that one way in which a malignant growth is able to take protein from normal body tissues is to de- crease the capacity of the normal tissues to form and replace their own protein. In this way, the cancer weakens the ability of normal tissues to compete for available nutrients, thus causing body waste. Purchasing Talks To Be Held Here Beginnings Of Driving Ban Told (Continued from Page 1) the hands of a student committee. But the pressure was on, and the Board of Regents action stood. Students paraded-on roll- er skates-in front of old Univer- sity Hall, the Student Council passed resolutions and The Daily editorialized. More than tighter enforcement of the driving ban was at stake in the Regents move. It was passed in order to eliminate wasted stu- dent time, overstressing of social distinctions, and to improve exist- ing moral conditions, according to the then Dean of Students Har- vey C. Emery. Students tried various ways to get around the ban: the Dean's of- fice issued a statement that "the employment ofschauffeurs by stu- dents to circumvent the ban" was illegal. Measure Upheld The State Attorney General, W. W. Potter, upheldcthe constitu- tionality of the act and pointed out: "The rule of school authori- ties extends beyond the class- room." At almost regular intervals since the ban was clamped on in 1927, the student body has protested in one way or other against the ac- tion. Since then, the policy has been relaxed to allow certain categories of students to qualify for exempt or special driving permits; but for most students, driving is still ver- boten. Most recent polling of student opinion on the topic was at fall campus elections in 1952. At that time, 2,702 voted for complete re- moval of the ban; 2,840 asked for modified restrictions; and 1,782 voters favored maintaining the status quo. The results of the election were passed on to the Regents, but no action has been taken since. (The next article in this series will deal with the basic pros and cons on the driving ban issue. Theta Sigma Phi Taps 4 Women Theta Sigma Phi, national hon- orary and professional fraternity for women in journalism tapped four new members last night. They are Lorraine Dmock, '55, Sue Garfield, '56, Sue Gilbert, '56 and Judy Wilson, '56. To be eligible for membership, women must be of junior or sen- ior standing, maintain a "B" aver- age in journalism courses and overall "C" plus average and be recommended by, the chairman of the journalism department. New Hearings Set For Navidzadeh Another in a series of deporta- tion hearings for Buick Navidza- deh, Grad., will be held at 4 p.m. today in Detroit. Navidzadeh's passpot has been revoked by the Iranian govern- ment and his deportation ordered by the United States government. However, the law student claims he faces almost certain execution if he returns to his native Iran. Fountain Pens School Supplies Typewriters Desks Files Chairs MORRILL'S 314 S. State St. Since 1908 Phones NO 8.7177 " NO 8.9610 Open Saturdays until 5 P.M. Read and Use Daily Classifieds Daily-Dick Gaskill SQUIRBELY is an apt adjective for this character. Spring's ar- rival bodes ill for this representative of a small but rapidly grow- ing campus minority group. He and his are the most persecuted of University creatures because a large canine population, with nothing better to do than stalk squirrels, has filled the lot of these rodents with peril. Continued warm weather will bring all the squirrels back down to earth-to face canine aggression... NOT ALL ROSY: Civic Theater Celebrates 'Twenty -Fifth Birthday GROWING DEMAND: Dean Brown Tells Cause Of 'U' Engineering Rise By LOUISE TYOR Celebrating its twenty-fifth an- niversary this season, the Ann Ar- bor Civic Theater considers itself different from most community theaters in that 95 per cent of its actors are college graduates. Ted Heuzel, director of the group, explained it is necessary for actors, and especially direc- tors, "to be well-schooled in all periods in order to understand and interpret roles correctly." Local Actors The group includes actors main- ly from the town, although Uni- versity students and faculty fre- quently take part in productions. Plays which the group feels will appeal to a majority of local the- ater-goers are selected because "theater has to be solvent in or- der to run," Heuzel commented. Taking this into consideration, well-known plays are usually pre- sented. A play - reading committee chooses the six scripts which will be presented during the year. Act- ing is in the hands of a special casting committee. All Take Part With all phases of production B~arristers Tap eTen. To the poor and oppressed-the humble ones, Your life of service is due, The choice no longer is your own, If a weak man asks for you. The law is your mistress - your staff of life, And you must serve it well.- If you can-and will-then rise, speak up, Answer the tolling bell. Your type we need-able to lead, You.. of courage and propriety. It is you we seek and always claim, For the Barristers Society. Ned Bessemer, Esq., William Cassebaum, Esq., Dick Dailey, Esq., Howard Downs, Esq., Paul Haerle, Esq., Arne Hovdesven, Esq., Bill Jentes, Esq.; Dick Jones, Esq. Charlie Renfrew, Esq., Roger Wil- kins, Esq. OYEZ, OYEZ, OYEZ. CSP Meeting Common Sense Party announces a mass meeting at the Union at '7p.m. Publicity for the election, and other points of campaign strategy are on the agenda.. Wayne-Major Airport at Romu- lus, Michigan, is rated the second largest airfield in acreage in the world. delegated to various committees, as many of the 900 active mem- bers of the group as possible are afforded an opportunity to take part. A board of directors, elected by the members for a period of four years, is composed of local busi- ness people and one University faculty member, Prof. Anthony Pasquariello of the romance lan- guages department. Isn't All Rosy "However, it isn't all rosy," Heuzel smiled. "You still have to fight to get people to work." He -explained that after the novelty, wears off, interested people are sometimes hard to find. In addi- tion, since the group is composed of amateurs, other commitments frequently deprive the theater of actors and staff. Heuzel was of the opinion that community theater "is the salva- vation of all theater. It gives the people an outlet." The final Civic Theater offer- ing of the season, "The Country Girl," by Clifford Odets, will be presented 8 p.m. today, tomorrow and Sat. at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Admission is $1.50. The cast includes Ken MacDon- ald as Frank, Bob Logan as Ber- nie, Sally Replinger as Georgie, Gordon Bagerow as the stage man- ager, Herb Klein as Unger and Mark Leudi as Phil Cook. Professor Named To Two Positions Prof. Wilbert J. McKeachie, of the psychology department, was recently named to two posts. He has been appointed chairman of the policy and planning com- mittee of the Conference of State Psychological Associations. Prof. McKeachie was also named a member of the committee on un- dergraduate research training of the Social Science Research Coun- cil. Festival Ticket Sales Begin Today Single tickets for all six concerts of the May Festival are now on sale at the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Tower. Tickets are priced at $3, $2.50, $2, and $1.50. Included in the Festival will be works by Orff, Beethoven, Tach- akivosky, Bizet and Dello Joio. Performers include Rise Stevens, Rudolph Serkin, William Warfield and the Philadelphia Orchestra. By GAIL GOLDSTEIN With the large increase in en- rollment at the University this se- mester, the College of Engineering has the second largest addition of students. Dean George Granger Brown of the Engineering School offers sev- eral reasons for this sizeable in- crease. "There are definitely more students who are attending college each year," he said, "Naturallyhengineering will get its share of these students." How- ever the Dean went on to say that one of the main reasons for the increase was the growing demand for engineers. Discouragement in 1950 He pointed out that in Janu- Scenarios Due Scenarios are due today for the Union Opera Script Con- test. Entry blanks, which may be picked up at the main desk of the Union, shouldbe turned in with the script at the main desk or Room 3-G of the Union. The script contest is open to any male University student. Further information may be ob- tained from Jay Grant, NO 3-5347. DAC To Present Chevok, Fry Plays Final Dramatic Arts Center pre- senations of "The Boor" by An- ton Chekov and "A Phoenix Too Frequent" by Christopher Fry will be presented 8:15 p.m. today through Sat. and 2:30 p.m. Sun- day. The double play-bill stars Rica Martens, Irma Hurley, Ralph Drisphell and James Coco. RENT-A-CAR Standard Rates Includes GAS and OIL and INSURANCE. Phone LtCE NS UU N O 3-4156 LIE-lE NO 8-9757 Nye Motor Sales inc. ary 1950 in a Department of La- bor Bulletin it was announced that there were too many engineers and that potential engineers would be wise to change 'their course of study. This bulletin received wide pub- licity and many potential engi- neers using this as their criterion changed their plans. Therefore, a wide decrease in attendance at engineering schools throughout the country came into effect from 1950 until 1954. In the fall of 1950 the demand for engineers was great. However . the wide publicity of the bulletit. took its effect and though the need for engineers was actually so great, the enrollment in shools went down, Dean Brown went on to say. Salaries Upped An increase in salaries for en- gineers probably has also effect- ed the increase in enrollment, Dean Brown added. The Dean was emphatic in pointing out the- scholastic duffi-, culties in engineering school are accountable in a large part to poor background in English and mathe- matics in the high schools. He pointed out that potential engi- neers who have an inadequate background in these subjects have difficulty in readily comprehend- ing the work in the various courses in science and engineering. I N;. SAVE TIME! Let Us Handle Your Laundry Problem For You "We wash your duds in separate tubs." JUST BRING IT IN- WE DO THE REST N NEW DROP-OFF PICK-UI; SERVICE WASHED, DRYED AND FOLDD B"n""em0 cc lb. 3-HOUR SERVICE ON REQUEST SELF SERVICE Q Pound Washed and Dryed.... W Load 600 Try Our SHIRT SERVICE The minute our expert shirt finishers proess your shirts, they're placed in durable PLIOFILM envelopes to protect them from all dirt and dust until you're ready to webr them. In by 8 A.M. Back by Noon the Next Day (except weekends) *DRY CLEANING - 10% discount PAC KARD SELF SERVICE Phone NO 2-4241 Open Evenings 715 Packard (near State St.)' Ample Parking --- I Ei'3 I EB For That LATE NIGHT F, shorten distances - save time You'll enjoy cycling! BI1KES 399 Imported -hand brakes -3 speeds r n IN 1"I f with each new bicvcle SUMMARY of the News TUNE IN WHRV, 1600 on your dial at Midnight Monday thru Friday 1 I I I 1'