PAGI FOUR THURSDAY. MARCH 111. 111.5 PAGE FOUR I iik~ ~4IiiIIi~,A2% IJAALI TI4iII~rhAv IIIARILI 1~b IOa& - .., aw....ras a, ,,.nwt,..&V, ASU E.. SO LONG, SL Legislature Ends Eight Year Existence Quietly: Why? "Don't Even Think About It" v W ITH A BANQUET, Howard Nemorovski, and six speeches, Student Legislature left us last night. And Student Government Council stands poised to take over next week. By their overwhelming support for SGC last Decem- ber, students are apparently willing to let SL slide quietly out of the University student gov- ernment picture. Except for a few critical gasps directed at SL's disposal of a $6,000 treasury, few seem to have noticed the denouement of an eight-year adventure. SL received constant criticism during its eight years, from many sources. Much of it was deserved. Much of it was not. All organi- zations carrying on business constantly in the public realm are under constant scrutiny. All groups make mistakes. But not everything any group does is a mistake. IN THE week-long vacuum between the last student government and the next, we might remember a few things about SL. We might remember that it was hampered by a contrary philosophy on the role of the stu- dent. The exponent of that contrary philoso- phy held, and holds, the power, whether it be called paternalism, responsibility to the people of the state, or anything else. Yet, in face of this, SL accomplished many things. In 1949 it persuaded the Regents to lift the ban on political speakers. Shortly after it arranged a "Meet Your Regents" program. Later it began the bias clause issue continued by passage of an SAC resolution and killed by a President Ruthven veto. SL has done many other things, a more complete list of which will be published later this week. MOST IMPORTANT of all was SL's tenacity. Its sticking to principle got it in a lot of trouble. Its acting as a sounding board for campus opinion got a lot of people excited. No one has charged that ideas were suppressed on the floor of SL. It freely criticized mem- bers of the administration as a whole when faculty members were suspended last spring and on other occasions. Perhaps these are the real reasons why SL died last night. SGC will succeed only if it has SL's courage. -Dave Baad and Jim Dygert '. < , SA K yAil R&tF" 'PSTOMS..- -; I. E '1~'1g~lPg~ ToRtt « * «~AUr iF~' / ot A1I's'ct f :;, a_ >... _ v jk a Y' '" "<.. 3 '-C- c C EDITOR'S NOTE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR By GENE HARTWIG Daily Managing Editor APPARENTLY the Union Board of Directors is looking forward to remodeled cafeteria fluorescent-lighted, automat. facilities that will resemble a stainless steel. Gone will be the carved table tops that col- lect cigarette ashes and salt. Also a thing of the past will be the dim lighting and comfortable low-ceiling atmosphere of the present Union cafeterias. If this represents a change for the better in Union service to the campus, this writer must oppose it. The Union Board of Directors is sadly miscalculating if it thinks students on this campus are so many machines to be refuel- ed at a spotless human filling station and then hurried on their way. The art of enjoying a good meal in comfort- able surroundings is almost lost in this .fast- living, machine dominated nation. The Union plans can only hasten the approach of a pill- fed America. Who could possibly linger over a tasty dinner served from the remodeled Union kitchens with his face glaring up at him from a plastic table top? If the Board took a check of student opinion they would find that the poor quality, of food in the cafeterias, not their physical appearance is the real objection. The Board ought to take a second look be. fore casting tradition out of the Union cafe. terias altogether. E VER SINCE the residence halls were built and the Union ceased to be the social center of the campus, It has been fishing around for ways to lure the student back within its ivy clad walks. One of the most obvious lures has been avoided like the plaque. A rathskeller complete with plank tables, I-D checker and supply of good beer would go a long way toward bringing the Union back into the center of things. We are told that the present basement tap room was at one time intended for just such a purpose. Unfortunately prohibition cut things short. The suggestion is not so indecent as it at first may sound. Such a tap room would provide the most natural setting for the kind of social get-together a large portion of the student, body over 21 generally favors. A trip to student- frequented down town drinking spots any night bears this out. Such a tap room would represent a refresh- ing change from the present Victorian attitude' the University takes toward student social life. The tap room would be a locus for the develop- ment of spirit and tradtion on campus. It would be a natural rendezvous for returning alumni, especially on football weekends. At any rate the Board ought to take a look at the possibilities for including such a tap room before the future of the Union is fixed for the next fifty years. * * * * GENERALLY the Board and Union adminis- tration are to be commended for their will- ingness to recognize and seek solutions to the over-all problem of bringing the Union physi- cal plant up to date. Particularly encouraging is the interest being taken in renovating main floor lounges to make them more inviting places for students, parents and alumni. No one will deny that the present lounges are an interior decorator's nightmare. Brighter paint on the walls, better lighting and furnishings that are both comfortable and attractive will go a long way to dispel the present morgue-like atmosphere of the Union main floor. The present Board will do the campus a great service if it does a complete job now in bring. ing the Union into line with mid-twentieth cen- tury student needs. Advice to Michigan's Hockey Squad: Fight Fiercely! Uncorruped Communication , . To the Editor: WE CAN sort, humankind into two camps: those who think as we do, and those who are insin- cere. Having hopefully placed the Labor Youth League among the atter, The Daily may have mis- judged the LYL's protest against the appearance of the Berlin Phil- harmonic. Not insincerity is at issue, but the creed, sincerel held, that ide- ology provides a measure for the fitness of all action. Shared by both Communist and Fascist, it pledges each to tyranny. We may usefully define a demo- cratic order as one in which po- litical significance is ascribed to a minimum of human activities. Since to attribute political mean- ing to an action is in effect to en- dow it with a public interest, lib- eral democracy can be conceived as an attempt to maximize pri- vacy in human affairs. It fol- lows that those who are commit- ted to democratic values will ex- amine closely all efforts to extend the realm of the ideologically per- tinent. In this sense a high degree of political apathy - of innocence with respect to the "political" im- plications of non-political acts-- is, I think, desirable in a de- mocracy. For this reason I would reject the argument that the Ber- lin Philharmonic be welcomed be- cause Germany is an ally. They should be welcomed even by those who react, as I do, against Ger- man rearmament. They should be welcomed precisely because their music will have nothing to do with rearmament. Art is not for art's sake, but the sake of communication; of that "uncorrupted communication" of which Oppenheimer spoke, where the ideological barriers are down that make us strangers to one an- other. Science involves that kind of communication. And so, it seems to me, does music. The greater the complexity of a social organization, the fewer the problems to which private solu- tions are possible. Thus, 1984 will undoubtedly come. Then we shall all be public men, and all our ac-, tions public actions, and doctrine our only yardstick for worth. Meanwhile, we stave it off with gentler, private values. Deny these, and man becomes a political animal in ways that Aristotle nev- er knew. -Ernest Lilienstein Letter Campaign . . To the Editor: I HEARTILY agree with Jim Els- man on the points he brought out in Sunday's paper in regard to the rent raise. It is up to the State Legislature also to see that something be done about the increased enroll- ment. Mr. Elsman brought out a par- ticularly good point when he said that "the 6000 dorm residents should have6their parents write a letter to the State Legislature." This is an excellent idea. If it would be followed through, I'm sure it would do a great deal to- ward affecting a change. -Ruth M. Weiss, '58 C'est La Guerre . . To the Editor: JT IS encouraging that Mr. El Dareer is such an avid peruser of the "Jewish Newsletter." Yet his conclusions seem bizarre and the "matters of record" sheer fa- asked by the Israeli Authorities to stay. To refresh Mr. El-Dareer's memory we would like to point out that it was the Arabs who re- fused to accept the UN partition plan.. It was only after the col- lapse of the illegal military inter- vention of the Arab League that the Arabs agreed to an armistice. C'est larguerre M. El-Dareer, if you start a war you can't start cryingeafter you lost that you were wronged. As to the internationali- zation of Jerusalem I refer Mr. El- Dareer to the nearest representa- tive of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He might be well advised to submit his questions in writ- ing, since the Arabs are a very passionate people. His crocodile tears over the Arab refugees are really touching. Let him read the various UN re- ports on Arab Refugees which bear out the intransigent refusal of the memnbers of the Arab League to settle those people. The Arabs are practicing Realpolitik and so is Israel although Mr. El-Dareer prefers to call it "International Zionist Espionage." The Arabs found it politically convenient to treat the refugees as they did, that is their business, but let us not have any of this "holier-than- thou-"attitude" even though we read the "Jewish Newsletter." -Y. Menkes A. Menkes ,M. Menaster Spy Angle .. . To the Editor: IT SEEMS that all the points per- taining to the Berlin Philhar- monic have not been completely exhausted. This group of roughly 100 men represents a serious threat to our government. It is not enough that the concert schedule of this group has been known for several weeks, or that this group will be together during the entire tour, thus allowing no divergence of its members into strategic sec- tions of the country. The mere fact that these musicians are to- gether and will play together is subtle espionage. For example, consider yourself seated in Hill Auditorium listening to this orchestra. They are just completing a selection when sud- denly all the violins hit thw same note. As if by conspiracy the brass and woodwinds come in as the sound of this one note intensifies. It becomes louder and louder un- til the final resounding crescendo trembles the building. They have hit the resonant frequency of the building. It shakes the foundations of Hill until the plaster falls. The beams sway as if caught by a hur- ricane wind. This is it! The build- ing collapses on 4000 of the stu- dent body killing them all. Not only has the Berlin Philharmonic brought down the house, but it has struck at the bulwark of our na- tion-the University students. A serious threat. -Hal Boyne, Grad. Thick Garbage . r To the Editor: UDGE NOT, that ye be not judged. --atthew 7:1. The garbage gets pretty thick around here at times but occa- sionally a gem in the trash heap appears like M. E. R. Karr's re- freshingly sensible letter of March 8. Thanks, Mr. Karr, for remind- ing me that I, too, am a citizen of a country that has gone in for wholesale slaughter in the recent past. I'll confess I had forgotten. Of course, this wouldn't apply to sophisticated squirrels like Shaf- fer and Sharpe. One wonders to which country they really belong. Incidentlv that hnrrihl Nzi DREW PEARSON Brownell Winks at Scandal WAASHINGTON -Attorney-Gen- eral Brownell went out of his way at a press conference last week to try to alibi the dismissal of five Galveston grain scandal in- dictments just before they were to go to trial and shortly after Governor Shivers of Texas had lunched with President Eisenhow- er. Brownell even brought his chief of the criminal division, Warren Olney, a competent public servant who did a good job as counsel of the California Crime Commission to the conference. Together they claimed they were short of evi- dence and that one government witness had reversed himself, This did not, however, satisfy some of the Senators, most of them Republican, who investigated the shocking Galveston grain scandal two years ago and who gathered enough evidence to in- dict several of the grain dealers plus E. H. Thornton, Sr., the fa- ther of Gov. Allan Shivers' Com- missioner of Highways who was Shivers' roommate in college and manager of his re-election cam- paign last summer. "I would have thought it was a matter for the jury to decide," commented Sen. Ed Thye, Minne- sota Republican. "The dismissal just doesn't look good." Sen. Milton Young, North Da- kota Republican, also expressed dissatisfaction. "How can American wheat far- mers expect to sell abroad in com- petition with Canada," he said, "when Canada maintains strict inspection of its wheat exports while American wheat is sent to ports like Galveston wheie it's mixed with hog feed and milo maze, then sent abroad as sup- posedly top grade American wheat? "The American farmer doesn't know his wheat is being mixed with hog feed and he's the one in the long run who suffers." Swiss Refuse Delivery SENATOR YOUNG referred to the fact that two shiploads of the impure Galveston wheat had been sold to the Swiss who re- fused to take delivery. Several shiploads were also sent to the West German Republic, a country we are trying to keep friendly to the west. They, however, accepted the wheat and used it even though later found to be "unfit for human consumption." "That's the kind of reputation our wheat is getting abroad," Sen- ator Young commented. He also referred to the fact that the Bunge Corporation, an Argen- tina firm, made it a regular prac- tice to ship its wheat to Galves- ton where it had a friendly ar- rangement with the Galveston city grain elevators of which E. H. Thornton was manager, to mix its poor wheat with good-grade U.S. Government wheat right under the eyes of the U.S. Inspector. Thornton brazenly admitted to investigating Senators that he gave orders to "slug the ships as much as possible," that is, mix off-grade wheat with the good. He told how ships selected to be slugged were loaded at night when it was difficult for the inspector and the sampler to see what was happening. "It's a hundred feet from one hatch to another," Thornton testi- fied. "He has to walk that hundred feet, and these ships we might have selected to slug would start at night; and he can't walk from one hatch to another in ten min- utes." He went on to explain that the sampler had to climb up and down hatches. The Amazing Brownell THE MOST amazing thing about Attorney-General Brownell's alibi for dismissing these indict- ments was that the Senate Agri- cultural Subcommittee had already developed all the evidence a prose- cuting attorney would appear to need to take the case to court. In page after page of the Sen- ate hearings are frank statements of graft and wrongdoing--how the damaged Canadian wheat was im- ported through Duluth at less than regular duty because it was sup- posed to be hog feed, how it was carefully shipped to the friendly and cooperativedGalvestonrdocks, how it was mixed with good gov- ernment wheat and how the Bunge Corporation then collected subsidy payments from Uncle Sam. It's all spelled out in the Senate hearings. Furthermore, though the Justice Department alibied that there was no evidence any Galveston dock (Continued from Page 2) Psi Upsilon Reeves-Kelsey Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Nu Tau Kappa Epsilon Theta Chi Theta Delta Chi Theta Xi Triangle Zeta Beta Tau Mlarch 13- Jordan Phi Delta Phi PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Wm. J. Mericka & Co., Inc., Cleve- land, Ohio-opening for one or two young men interested in entering the investment securities field. Background of economics is preferred but not es- sential. Linde Air Products Co., Div. of Un- ion Carbide and Carbon Corp., New York, N.Y.-needs a number of Chemi- cal Engrs. and Physicl Chemists. From two to five years industrial experience are desirableypreferably on inorganic product development. The Vulcan Detinning Co., Gary Ind. -seeking a Plant Engr. Should be Mech. E. with experience In plant maintenance, familiar with boilers, crsnes, materials handling, electrical equipment, etc. Some knowledge of inorganic chemistry helpful but not necessary. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Correction on Previously Announced Personnel Interviews: Inland steel Co., Chicago, Il., June men for Gen'. Mgt. Training Program, previously announced for Tues., March 15, will be here wed., March 16. Contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Aeronautical Engineering L e c t u r e, "Some Aspects of Structural Dygmics and Aeroelasticity," Raymond L. Bis- plinghoff, professor of aeronautical en- gineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Fri., March 11, at 4:00 p.m.. in Room 1504 East Engineering Building, Academic Notices College of Architecture and Design freshman five-week grade reports are due Mon., March 14. Send them to 207 Architecture Building. Actuarial Seminar. March 10, at 3:00 p.m. In Room 3212 A.H. Jose Cortes will continue the discussion of "Interpola- tion in Terms of Operators." Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs., March 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. A. Charles Schoenthaler will speak on "Preparation and Properties of Paracyclophanes." Seminar in Analytical-InorganicPhys- ical Chemistry. Thurs., March 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Dr. Anil K. De will speak on "Modern Trends in the Analysis of Trace Quantities of Uranium." 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science will meet Thurs., March 10, Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m.tL. B. Slobodkin will speak on "The Regulation of Numbers of Animals." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., March 10, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering. Prof. C. L. Dolph will speak on "Difraction of an Electro-Magnetic Plane Wave by a Sphere." Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., March 11, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Hel- en W. Dodson of the McMath-Hulbert Observatory will spek on "Photometry o1 Solar Flares." ffi ial Dil DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Logic seminar will meet Fri., March 11 at 4:00 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall. Dr. Lyndon will continue to speak about "Tarski's Theory of Algebraic Classes." Biological Chemistry Seminar. Dr. Isadore A. Berstein, of the Institute of Industrial Health, will speak on "Gly- colysis in Rat Skin," Room 319 West Medical Building, Sat., March 12 at 10:00 a.m. Events Today Christian Science Organization Testi- monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire- side Room, Lane Hall, International Center Tea. Thurs., Mar, 3, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackhtmn Building. May Festival Tickets for single con- certs will go on sale beginning Thurs. morning, March 10, at the offices of the University Musical Society in 'Burton Memorial Tower-at $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 each. In order to facilitate sales, it will be appreciated if purchas- ers will determine in advance the num- ber of tickets required, etc. La Petite Causette will meet Thurs., Mar. 10 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. In the left room of the Union cafeteria. Scrabble. Congregational - Disciples G ui d Thurs., Mar. 10, 7:00 a.m., Breakfast meditation group in Guild House Chap- el. Call by Wed. noon if you plan to come. Hillel: Reservations for Fri. evening supper must be made and paid for at Hillel from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Thurs, Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong Thurs., March 10, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. Holy Communion at 7:30 p.m. Thurs., March 10, followed at 8:15 p.m. by four seminars dealing, with various aspects of "Everyday Christianity," in the Par- Ish House. Meeting for all those interested in possible action toward removing dis- crimination in housing in Ann Arbor. Students and Faculty members wel- come. 4:30 p.m. Thurs., Mar. 10, Lane Han. Common Sense arty--Thurs. at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Plans for election publicity will be made. Young Republican flub General Meeting Thurs., March 10, 8:00 p.m. Un ion, Room 3-K. "A Program for Eco- nomic Liberals," "rof. Clare E. Griffin of the Bus. Ad. School. Platform will be ratified, and plans for the Midwest Con- vention will be completed. Open to the public. WCBN - East Quad staff meeting Thurs., March 10, 7:15 p.m. in Hinsdle study hall, East Quadrangle basement, near radio station temporary studios. Attendance i required. Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs., Mar. 10 at 7:45 p.m. in 311 W. Eng. Michigan Actuarial Club. Nel W. Moclntyre, F.S.A. Assistant Actuary of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, will speak on "The Agent and The Actuary" in Room 3017 Angell Hall Thurs., March 10, at 4:15 p.m. Frosh Weekend-Decorations Commit- tee, Maize Team will meet Thurs., March 10, 7:00 p.m. in the League. Tickets Committee, Maize Team will rmeet Thurs., March 10, 7:30 p.m. in the League. Stage Crew, Maize Team - Meeting in the League, Thurs., March 10, 7:00 p.m. All committee members are asked to sign up for individual com- mitteesainthe Undergraduate Office of the League. Gilbert & Sullivan. Principals and}. chorus rehearsal tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the League. Congregational-Disciples Guild. 5:00- 5:30 p.m., Lenten Meditation service in Douglas Chapel. 7:00-8:00 p.m., Bible Class at Guild House. Baha'i Student Group weekly discus- sion Thurs. at 8:30 p.m. at 612 Church St., Apt. No. 2. Mid-Week Lenten Vespers In the sane- tuary of the Presbyterian Church, 5:10- 5:35 p.m., Thurs., March 10. Meditations from Mark: "Who is Christ?" Vespers sponsored by Westminster Student Fel- lowship. Arts Chorale Thurs., Mar. 10 at 7:00 p.m.,uAuditorium D, Angell Hall. Open to public. Young Democrats. "The place of Nat- ural'Law in Modern Political Thought," panel discussion. William Frankena, professor of philosophy; Frank Grce, assistant professor of political science; and Palmer A. Throop, associate pro- fsor of history 715 p m oday In Room 3B of the Michigan Union. r Education School Council will meet in the Education School Lounge at 4:15 p.m. today. Russian Coffee Hour will meet from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Michigan Union cafe- terio. First Baptist Church. Thurs., March 10. 7:00 a.m. Yoke Fellowship. Coming Events Graduate Outing Club. Those inter- ested in participating in co-rec. night at the I.M. building comr to the north- west entrance of Rackham, 7:15 p.m. Fri., Mar. 11. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Coffee Clatch, 4:00 to 5:15 p.m., Fri., March 11, itt Canterbury House. Student and Faculty-conducted Even- song Fri., March 11, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. Canterbury Campus Series:' The first speaker ofythe Lenten Series on "Chris- tianity and Evil" will be The Rev. John G. Dahl, Rector, Trinity Church, De- troit, "The Christian Teaching on Sin," 7:30 p.m., Fri., March 11, at Canterbury House. A Coffee (and tea) Hour will be held in the Lane Hall Library Fri., Mar. 11 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Dr. L. Thomas Hop- kins will be our guest and the Young Friends are the guild host. L. Thomas Hopkins, professor of ed- ucatin . rtre-, Y. h m ar-, nl, i 4k ,A WE WOULDN'T know how the Harvard Crimson is taking it, but we are a wee bit wary about the effects of today's hockey game with the men from Cambridge. Not about the game itself. Both teams are champions in their respective divisions and it will be interesting to see who wins. What we are most interested in is the effect that Harv- ard will have on the team. While the University of Michigan has always been proud of being compared academically with Harvard, this is only the second time that we have met them in an athletic endeavor. Rumor has it that the Harvard players car- ry copies of Spinoza and Henry James in their green book bags in addition to a hockey stick. WE DON'T mean to imply that Messrs. Mac- Farland, Rendall, Howes, Schiller, et. al. are not prepared scholastically to cope with the Harvards. 7 ~1 We only wish that Coach Vic Heyliger had prepared them in the little things before their journey to Colorado Springs. Perhaps he could have had the team invited to Martha Cook to learn the fine art of balancing a tea cup. Their training should also have included a session with Prof. Eisenberg of the Fine Arts Department, so that they would know a Rem- brandt from a Goya. And why didn't Heyliger think of the time when the boys will be in the penalty box? Talk of SGC is all right for Ann Arbor, but it would have been so much more to our advantage to have them discuss the implications of Sir Tho- mas Browne's poetry. Naturally it is the teams that pay for the library. Far be it from us to make them stop their industry long enough to use it. -Alan Eisenberg Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig ....Managing Editor Dorothy Myers ............City Editor Jon Sobeloff.....Editorial Director i Pat Roelofs .....Associate City Becky Conrad .........Associate Nan Swinehart ........Associate David Livingston ......,Sports Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Spc-s Warren Wertheimer .Asso....Aociate Sports Roz Shllmovitz ........Women's Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor J CURRENT MOVIES i At the Michigan... THE BOUNTY HUNTERS, with Randolph Scott. IT WAS a bad day at Warner Brother's when this one came out of the developing tank. Randolph Scott plays a bounty hunter; a sort of droll fellow who shoots outlaws and de- livers them to the taxidermist for stuffing while waiting to collect a reward. Thus is his name feared by all the guilty, but also deplored by the honorable and honest men of the West who would rather kill for less obvious reasons. Eventually, Randolph's hunting of bounties leads him to Twin Forks, a sizable Western town, where he is following the cold trail of three train robbers who are missing along with a local M.D. and eventually marries her but not before catching the robbers, getting the reward and disarming a couple of women. Somehow this all failed to excite me veryr much. AFTER THIS Bounty Hunting was over came a. variety of other features. (I came in late). First, a scenic photo-tour of Naples, full of village idiots staring into the camera. Then the news, complete with overexposed shots of John Foster Dulles. And then a cartoon. This cartoon seems to follow the current trend: depicted were a couple of animals des- perately trying to blow each other to pieces. It seems that a sort of animal caricature of n.h m ni t. h -, i+n a in , s hnn ,merril John Hirtzel .......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak,..........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise.........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member The Associated Press Michigan Press Association Associated Collegiate Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights or republicationeofrall other matters herein are also reserved, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter, Published daily except Monday. Subscription during regular school : 'k.