PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY W'EDN'ESDAY. MARCH 9. MO. PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1VI~fl1%1E~flAV MAPI'U 0 - .JULFANJU .'.a , *~aAV%-al 0, Vsa. 1 Prof. Beer Sets 'Politics' Lecture Prof. Samuel Beer, Chairman of the department of government at Harvard University, will speak on "British Politics" at 7:45 p.m. to- day in the Hussey Room of the Michigan League. As a Guggenheim fellow in DAILYOFFICIAL BULLETIN Britain in 1953-54, Prof. Beer made a thorough study of contemporary British politics, particularly, the parliamentary form. Prof. Beer is the author of the book, City of Reason. T hELUUFIEItGt IJ Starting TODAY ORPH EUM Weekdays 6:30 - 8:30 65c TH E TALK OF THE NATION! LIFE magazine 'A 0 articles on Garbo rstarted a nation- wide demand to see her on the screen again . . . the most fabulous. personality of our time in her great- est romance! "'CAMILE' RO(BERT TAYLOR The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building bofore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1955 Vol. LXV, No. 107 Notices CANDIDATES OPEN HOUSES March Time 8 6:00 P.M. 8 6:30 8 6:30 8 7:00 School Studies, which will be in Detroit Wed., March 9. held House Candidates Phi Kappa Psi Alpha Chi Omega Tau Kappa Epsilon Pi Lambda Phi All All All SGO The following Out-of-State Public Schools are interested in teachers in the following fields: Coronado, California Teacher Needs-all fields South San Francisco, California Teacher Needs: Core English-Social Studies, Combination teacher for men- tally-retarded and also basic English including reading, and United States History and Government. Bridgeport, Connecticut Teacher Needs: English, United States History and Problems of American Democracy, Physics, Chemistry, Ad- vanced Mathematics, Advanced French and Spanish. The areas of Art, Mu- sic both instrumental and vocal and Physical Education. La Grange, Illinois Teacher Needs-All fields Garden City, New York Teacher Needs: All fields Perrysburg, Ohio Teacher Needs: All fields Toledo, Ohio Teacher Needs: Third, Fifth and also a possibility of a first grade. Lakewood, Ohio Teacher Needs: All fields Appleton ,Wisconsin f Teacher Needs: Speech Correctionist Milwaukee, Wisconsin Teacher Needs: Kindergarten, Grade 7th and 8th. Overseas The American School in Japan, Tokyo, Japan--Teacher Needs: Social Studies The following Colleges are interested in teachers in the following fields: Angola, Indiana - Tri-State College Teacher Needs: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathemat- ics and Science, and Civil Engineer- ing. 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 5:30 6:00 '6:30 5:15 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 6:30 Chi Omega All Collegiate Sorosis All Williams House All Kappa Kappa Gamma All Betsy Barbour SGO Pi Beta Phi All Alpha Omicron Pi All Greene House All Chicago House SGO 10 6:30 13 14 14 14 14 7:00 5:00 6:30 6:30 7:00 Sigma Alpha Epsilon Kelsey House Prescott House Jordan Hall Delta Tau Delta Martha Cook S.Q. SGO SGO SGO SGO HERBERT TREYTEON ODERN SIZE Any candidates wishing to speak at an- other house or at another time than otherwise specified, please contact the respective house presidents. Ushers gre still urgently needed for Skit Night. Please sign up at the League or the Union. SUMMER PLACEMENT The Bureau of Appointments, Sum- mer Placement Division will hold its weekly meeting Wed., March 9 in Room 3G of the Michigan Union from 1:00- 5:00 p.m. All available summer job openings will be shown. The following Public School systems are interested in teachers in the fol- lowing fields: Battle Creek, Michigan-Calhoun Rural Agricultural School. Teacher Needs: Social Studies and communication skills, Girls' Physical Education, Home room teacher-fused program, Second, Third Grade and Speech Correctionist. Detroit, Michigan - Redford Township School District Teacher Needs: All fields Ionia, Michigan Teacher Needs: Elementary, English, Science and Mathematics (Senior High). Iron River, Michigan. Teacher Needs: Second Grade, Third Grade, Fifth Grade, Homemaking High School Mathematics (Man) with Science minor Ovid, Michigan Teacher Needs: Mathematics and Sci- ence, Library and Study Hall, Senior High English, Early Elementary, High School English and Girls Physical Education. Pinconning, Michigan Teacher Needs: Home Economics, High School English, High School Library, Later Elementary and First Grade. Richmond, Michigan Teacher .Needs: High School Mathe- matics and Science Teacher, High School Physical Education (Girl's), High School Art, High School Librar- ian with Journalism and Speech and Early Elementary. Williamston, Michigan - Williamston Community Schools Teacher Needs: Early Elementary, Commercial, Homemaking and Jr. High teachers. Detroit, Michigan An invitation is extended to elemen- tary teaching candidates who are in- terested in teaching in Detroit to at- tend the Clinic of the Elementary School Improvement Committee, Met- ropolitan Bureau of Cooperative For addition information the Bureau of Appointments, ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511 Camp Charlevoix, Boys private camp in Northern Michigan will interview male candidates for all types of coun- selor positions March 9 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. and March 10 from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00m.; 1:00-5:00 p.m. Contact the Bu- reau of Appointments, Ext. 2614 to make an appointment for an interview. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS:' Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Tues., March 15-- J. P. Morgan & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.-June men in LS&A or with de- grees in Economics for Management Training. Household Finance, Inc., home of- fice-Chicago, Ill., branches in various areas in U.S. and Canada-June men LS&A and BusAd for Management Training Program. Inland Steel Co., general office-Chi- cago, Ill., location of training-Indiana Harbor, Indian-June men in LS&A or with technical training for General Management Training. Employers Mutuals of Wausau, Wau- sau, Wisc.-men and women in LS&A, BusAd, Legal, or Engrg.-for accounting, underwriting, claims, sales, actuarial, claims-legal, safety engrg., and super-# visory positions. Wed., March 16- John Deere & Co., Moline, Ill.-men LS&A and BusAd for Sales. National Bank of Detroit, Detroit, Mich.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Management Training Program, Credit Analyst; Investment Analyst, and Trust Aide. Wed. and Thurs., March 16, 17- Kroger Co., Detroit, Mich.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Merchandising, Personnel, Comptroller, Real Estate, Warehouse Superintendent, and Manu- facturing Superintendent. J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich.-men and women in LS&A and BusAd for Executive Training Program primarily for the Merchandising Division, but will talk to people interested in other divi- sions. Thurs., March 17- Wayne County Bureau of Social Aid and Mich. Civil Service-men and wom- en with any background for social work anywhere in Mich. For appointments contact the Bureau contact 3528 Ad- Ext. 489. of Appointments, 2528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures EngineeringLecture, auspices of Tau Beta P. Dr. Harold S. Osborne, Paul G. Agnew Foundation. Standards-A Tool for the Young Engineer" Wed. March 9, at 8:00 p.m. in Auditorium D, An- gel" Hall. Open to public. Aeronautical Engineering L e c t u r e. Wed., March 9, 4:00 p.m., in Room 1504 East Engineering Building, "Current Aircraft Design Problems," R. R. Heppe, Department Head, Aerodynamics, Lock- heed Aircraft Corporation. Military Science Lecture. "The Civil r.' Dwight L. Dumond, professor of history. Wed., March 9, 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Public in- vited. Academic Notices College of Architecture and Design freshman five-week grade reports are due Mon., Mirch 14. Send them to 207 Architecture Building. Geometry Seminaiz will meet Wed., March 9, at 7:00 p.m. in 3001 A.H. Prof. G. Y. Rainich will speak on "Purely Formal Geometry." Zoology Seminar. Prof. John T. Em- len, Jr., Department of Zoology, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, will speak on "Some Factors Regulating House Mouse Populations," Wed., March 9, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditor- ium. Sociology Colloquium. "Surplus Chil- dren-Research Strategies in Facilitat- ing Family Planning in Puerto Rico." Dr. Reuben Hill, University of North Carolina. 4:00 p.m., Wed., March 9. East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Actuarial Seminar. March 10, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 3212 A.H. Jose Cortes will continue the discussion of "Interpola- tion in Terms of Operators." Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs., March 10 at 7:30 pa. in Room 1300 Chemistry. A. Charles Schoenthaler will speak on "Preparation and Properties of Paracyclophanes." Seminar in Analytical-Inorganic-Phys- ical Chemistry. Thurs., March 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Dr. Anil K. be will speak on "Modern Trends in the Analysis of Trace Quantities of Uranium." 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application, of Mathematics to Social Science will meet Thurs., March 10, Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. L. B. Slobodkin will speak on "The Regulation of Numbers of Animals." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., March 10, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering. Prof. C. L Dolph will speak on "Difraction of an Electro-Magnetic Plane Wave by a Sphere." Concerts Student Recital. Justine Votypka, pi- anist, will perform at 8:30 p.m., Wed., March 9, in Rackham Assembly Hall. Her program, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Mu- sic degree, will include four Early Ital- ian Pierces, and works by Bach, Piston, Schumann, Ravel, Griffes, and Finney. Miss Votypka is a pupil of Benning Dexter, and the recital will be open to the public. Events Today Frosh Weekend - Publicity Commit- tee, Maize Team will meet Wed., March 9, at 7:00 p.m. in the League. Programs Committee, Maize Team meet Wed., March 9, at 7:15 p.m. in the League. University Lutheran Chapel. Lenten Vesper Services today, at 7:30 and 9:15 p.m., with sermon by the Rev. Theo. Daniel, Wayne U. Lutheran Student Pastor. (Continued on Page 4) WHOEVER STOLE the briefcase from the Union Friday morning, please re- turn the lecture notebooks to the Union. 78A FOR SALE ARMY-NAVY taype Oxfords-..6.88. Sox, 39c, shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )26B 1948 DODGE two-door green, radio, heater, new tires. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron, Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )245B 1948 CHEVROLET Club Coupe-radio, heater, good tires, The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )277B 1950 NASH, two-door, heater, good paint, good tires. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )283B 1947 CHEVROLET four-door, good tires, radio and heater, good transporta- tion. The big lot across from down- town carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )282B FOR SALE--2 refrigerators, 6 and 20 cubic feet, also 2 gas ranges and miscellaneous kitchen equipment. Cheap. NO 2-8269, ask for Tim Rear- don or NO 3-1511, Ext. 2534, ask for Harold Wolfe. )284B 1948 DeSOTO 4 door Sedan, heater- in excellent condition, $225. Call NO 3-8123. )289B Purchase from Purchase' Keystone Olympic 8mm. Movie Camera with f 1.9 lens; used, $75. PURCHASE CAMERA SHOP 1116 S. University NO 3-6972 )287B 33-FT. MOBILE HOME, completely modern, priced at little more than a year's apartment rent. Call NO 3-1616, or may be seen at Lot 3, Coachville. )292B MICHIGAN DAILY Phone NO 23-24-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .66 1.47 2.15 3 .77 1.95 3.23 4 .99 2.46 4.31 Figure 5 overage words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 PM. doily. 1:00 A.M. Saturday LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE 1948 PONTIAC, new tires, radio and heater, newly overhauled motor. The big lot across from downtown car- port. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )294B 1946 OLDSMOBILE, 4-door, mechani- cally perfect, good tires, spotlessly clean interior. Shown by appoint- ment on dark nights-$145. Call NO 2-6229 days-NO 3-289 on nights. )296B 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, radio and heater; good condition-$295. Call NO 2-5061, George, after 5:00 P.M. )295B HEAR THE NEW TELEFU N KEN The finest in AM-FM performance ever offered! We will accept your present AM-FM radio as a trade-in. For the First Time a quality FM table model radio for $29.95. A real value-See them today!1 For World Wide Reception Hallicrafters Radios-"CHOICE OF EXPERTS" - Also Zenith Trans- oceanic receivers - the original short-wave portable. Prices start at $54.95, used. The Webcor Musicale The first and finest and still im- proving. Bring in your favorite record and try it. ANN ARBOR RADIO AND TV 1217 S. University Phone NO 8-9742 12 blocks east of East Eng. 297B '47 CADILLAC, two-door, new white- wall tires. Perfect condition through- out. Equipped with all Cadillac ac- cessories. $375. Call NO 2-1291 aft- er 6. 298B ALMOST NEW Royal Quiet Deluxe type- writer. Sacrifice. NO 3-0521, Ext. 572. )299B 1946 BUICK Sedan, Radio, $75. 1948 FRAZER Sedan, $95. Fitzgerald-Jor- dan, Inc. 607 Detroit St., NO 8-8141. )300B ROOMS FOR RENT ONE DOUBLE ROOM, large closet kit- chen privileges optional. No drinkers or smokers. For quiet gentlemen. Near State and Packard-Phone NO 8-8345. )50D BY DAY, week, month,. student rooms also available. Campus Tourist Home, 518 E. William (near State) NO 3-8454. )62D Rooms for Men clean and pleasant, near the Uni- versity and all the best eating places. Parking facilities. 1412 Cambridge. Call NO 8-7683. )63D ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED; exceptional four room flat, private bath, avail- able for bachelor girls, or family, NO 8-7106. )64D ROOM AND BOARD BOARDERS WANTED, excellent food, no work, 927 Forest. Call NO 8-8400. )18E WANTED TO RENT ONE-BEDROOM apartment for young couple. Needed at once. Phone Pat Ward, NO 2-4514. )65D PERSONAL WANTED: for L.S.&A. Senior Class Veep -FRED KEYWELL. (Paid political advertisement). )66F $300 FIRST WEEK-$50 EVERY WEEK -Two of us are putting ourselves through school with this business. You too can do this in only a few hours a week. Free particulars. Stu. dent Opportunities, 808 E., 13th, Uni- versity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. Mr4 COMPARE-a newspaper-7c; Time-6c; Life-8c; Sat. Review-82c; U.S. News --10c; Atlantic Monthly-25c; Sat. Eve.Post-10c. Student Periodical, NO 2-3061. )67F TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED to Cleveland, Friday, March 11. Call John Vatroch. NO 8-6249. )470 BUSINESS SERVICES R. A. MADDY-VIOLIN MAKER. Fine instruments. Accessories, Repairs. 310 S. State, upstairs. Phone NO 2-5962. )101 RADIO - PHONO - TV Service and Sales Free Pick-Up and Delivery Fast Service - Reasonable Rates "Student Service" ANN ARBOR RADIO AND TV 1217 S. University. Phone NO 8-7942 114 blocks east of East Eng. )281 TYPING WANTED. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Mullet, 726 S. Main, NO 8-6883. )291 REAL ESTATE Call Ward Realty NO 2-7787 for 2-3 bedroom homes-priced for students. Evenings call: Mr. Hadcock NO 2-5863 Mr. Rice 3YP 2740-M Mr. Garner NO 3-2761 Mr. Martin NO 8-8608 Mr. Schoot NO 3-2763 )20 Read and Use Daily Classifieds . .4 -1 l The Theosophical Society in Ann Arbor presents A PUBLIC LECTURE "THE CONQUEST OF ILLUSION" The public is cordially invited. No Admission charge. WED., MA RCH 9, 8:00 P.M. Meeting Place: 736 South State (N.W. corner State and Hill) I CLAUDE RAINS * IN PERSON* Distinguished Star of Stage and Screen IN AN EXCITING DRAMATIC PROGRAM With Piano Accompaniment FILTER TIP.TAR.EYTON PATENTSPENDING An -entirely new concept In cigarette filtration. A filter tip of purified cellulose, Incorporating Activated Charcoal, a filtering substance world-famous as a purifying agent, notably for air, water and beverages. ISMTo rs c1~.czvvgab ko: . U.... U 4 MAI FESTI' AL FINAL 4 PERFORMANCES Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 8:15 P.M. Sunday Matinee 2:30 ' "A PHOENIX TOO FREQUENT" -Christopher Fry "THE BOOR" Anton Chekhov STUDENT RATE 99c GENERAL ADMISSION $1.65 DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER NO 2-5915 327 S. Fourth I SINGLE CONCERT TICKETS COUNTER SALE i BEGINS THURS., MAR. 10 - 9 A.M. $1.50 -$2.00 -$2.50 -$3.00 UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY BURTON MEMORIAL TOWER NOW r MICHIGRN Mats, 50c Eves. 80c rnv 11 k it rrr ENDING TONIGHT WilimARDPEMRS STEREOPH IC Eshr Howard WILLAMS- KEEL Maarge & Gower George CHAMPION'SANDERS William DEMARESI THURSDAY U?41!A P)MRI prsnt s TYRONE BERLIN PHILHARMONIC (C. U. SERIES), WALTER GIESEKING (EXTRA SERIES) . .. . . MARCH 15 22 MARCH . . I MAY FESTIVAL-MAY 5-6-7-8 Wanted: a week in Bermuda Calypso band; Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Rugby games. Motor bike cycling, stay at the exclusive Princess Hotel with swimming pool. Island boat trip. Fly there by Pan American Airlines. I n 'o i [lA. n rrQ ev ..7:-.. Wed., Mar.16-8:30 P.M. TICIKTCS NAW hCA SAI POWER it MAUREEN f A uw w l ' Imm...... -. - . -m