PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCB 9, 1955 A PAflI! FOTIR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 5,1955 FALSE WITNESS': Brownell Seeks To Make DREW PEARSON: Blockade "Remember Now-Don't Make Any Sudden Moves" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Perjury Proof Easier ON SUNDAY, Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. again asked Congress to make it easier for the Government to prove alleged perjury. The proposed legislation, first requested by Brownell last year, would make merely the "willful giving" of contradictory statements under oath grounds for perjury prosecution. Under existing law, the Government must prove which of the two statements made is true and which is false by producing two in- dependent witnesses or one independent wit- ness and corroborative documents. IF THE LAW had been passed when first re- quested a year ago, perhaps people like Harvey Matusow would not now be running around blatantly proclaiming how they had cheated justice. Matusow, a former Commu- nist, admitted that he lied on the witness stand. But in order for the Government '( bring a perjury case against him, they would have to prove which of his statements was false and produce two witnesses or one wit- ness and the necessary documentary evidence to support their allegations. Matusow, though a self-proclaimed, liar, has stated that he will not plead guilty to any perjury charges brought against him. Regrettably, even if the law were passed im- mediately, Matusow and others like him would go scot-free because of the Constitutional pro- hibition on ex post facto legislation. Matusow is only one man-no doubt others will follow his none-too-savory example. THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT and Brownell himself however, are not entirely innocent in this matter. Perhaps they place the tempta- tion to lie in the paths of their witnesses. These witnesses are paid by the government to reveal facts they have learned about Com- munists. If the witnesses don't produce good stories, they face the possibility of losing their incomes. Since they don't wish to lose money, some of them lie. The Justice Department should make some effort to check up on their witnesses' stories before putting them on the stand. Our laws were set up to protect the innocent, not the guilty, but, unfortunately, they don't always, work that way. Brownell has proposed a partial solution. It is now up to Conress to act on it. -Tammy Morrison Basic Dynamnisi Increasing W( A FEW days ago, I advanced the theory that through a continuing diffusion of the na- tion's wealth-particularly corporate stocks-- the United States is approaching communism. The communism referred to was, I suppose, only one aspect of communist theory, although, it was the literal definition of communism-- common ownership of wealth. This aspect concerns the material equalitarianism of com- munist theory, an idealism, almost religious, for equal ownership of wealth. . Communism is paradoxical in that it is basically materialistic, but idealistically so. We are materialistic in a different way, which is not so idealistic, except as we regard freedom an ideal, which is not materialistic. We, too, are paradoxical. Our idealism is interested in pre- serving individualism in our materialistic pur- suits, even leaving each of us free not to be materialistic if we choose. FET COMMUNISM is materialistic first, and idealistic second, setting up a collective ma- terialistic goal as a vague ideal and a set of means that do not include individual freedom. The basic conflict between communism and capitalism-democracy is not one of ideals, but of means. They are both materialistic, but dif- fer in the means to the goal. Finally, in Com.e munism the goal is the ideal; in capitalism- democracy, the means is the ideal. Communism's ultimate goal (at least one of them if there are more) is a material equality. We have never been particularly avid on this score. In this country, it has always been to each according to his ability, which may or may not be the proper way to look at it. One thing this outlook will do, I think, is gradually bring us.closer to communism's ideal of material equality than collectivism can ever hope to do, and it will do so peacefully. It must be remembered, of course, that equality can only be approached, for it cannot even be defined. WE ARE APPROACHING this equality of wealth (or decreasing the inequality), through a tendency of corporate stocks to be spread more widely in ownership throughout the population. Two very important factors have caused this tendency in the past, and should be even more important in the future. One is that everyone is becoming more edu- cated to stock ownership through the con- tof Economy V 7alth Equality scious efforts of corporations, stock exchanges, and brokers to so educate the public. Corpora- tions offer stock acquisition programs to em- ployes, the exchanges urge smaller income groups to participate in the buying of shares, and brokers have even offered installment buy- ing plans. The other factor is that incomes are tend- ing toward equality, which is a necessary prerequisite to wealth's tending toward equal- ity. According to Simon Kuznets in "Shares of Upper Income Groups in Income and Sav- ings," published in 1953, the share of the top five per cent of the nation's population in dis- posable income dropped from 27 to 18 per cent from 1939 to 1946. ALTHOUGH a tendency toward equality of incomes is a necessary prerequisite of a tendency toward equality of wealth, it is not a sufficient condition. It is further necessary that more people use a part of the income to obtain and hold wealth in the form of corpor- ate stocks. In 1952, eight percent and 9.5 per- cent of the nation's spending units owned pub- licly held stock, according to two independent studies, respectively. A more crucial question is what the future holds. It is my opinion that the increased empha- sis on the average man's owning stock and the basic dynamism of our economy, the drive to keep up with the Joneses, will bring a greater diffusion of stock ownership in the future, thus approaching nearer the communistic goal of material equality. THE DIFFERENCE of course is in the means. We can approach material equality with- out ever setting it up as a goal, instead keeping the dynamism needed for a progressive econo- my by retaining individual enterprise and in- dividual materialism rather than the collec- tive of either. It is somewhat ironic that the very aspect of capitalism that was theorized to necessitate its downfall is the one that may briing us closer to a goal, anq on a higher level of liv- ing, than capitalism's predicted successor has so far been able to do elsewhere. And it must be realized that as we approach a material equality we also approach a com- munism, or the aspect of it that most closely resembles its definition. --Jim Dygert Of China Urged WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Dulles, meeting with U.S. Ambassadors to 15 Asian countries last week, ' told them there would be no more retreats in Asia. This will be welcome news to a lot of people. However, standing firm in Asia without war is a tough proposi- tion, and in all humility I would like to suggest a strategy which we might use against the Chinese Reds in the Far East. The strategy is quite simple. I would adopt exactly the same tac- tics as the Chinese, Indians, and other Orientals use against us when they have found themselves in a tight spot. I would use the boycott. There are other names for this strategy. The Indians call it pas- sive resistance. Westerners some- times call it a blockade. But it all amounts to the same thing-re- fusing to have any dealings, busi- ness, economic, political, or other- wise with a high-handed or ag- gressor nation. Chiang Once a Red Leader THE. CHINESE COMMUNISTS have also employed this strat- egy with great success. In 1925 I was in Canton when that city was controlled by the first wave of Communists to agitate China. Their leader was then none other than Chiang Kai-shek, the rather uncertain reed on whom we ledn today. At that time Chiang was in command of the Whampoa cadets south of Canton on the PearlRiver, and Comrade Mikhail Markovich Borodin was sent di- rect from Moscow to train these cadets. But though Chiang sent threats to American shipping not to come up the Pearl River past his fort, those threats were as empty as the threats he makes against the Reds today. What was effective, however, and deadly effective, was the boy- cott which Chiang's Communist comrades in Canton enforced against the American-British-In- ternational community of Sha- meen, an island adjacent to Can- ton. No Chinese servants, no food, no water was permitted on the island. Business came to an ab- solute stop. Grass grew in the streets. It had to be cut with a lawn-mower. The American Con- sul swept out his own office. I used to see the Italian Consul, majestically bearded, hauling gro- ceries from the International Commissary on a child's express wagon. Naval Blockade 1HISTYPE of boycott, I repeat, is old hat in the Orient. It's an Oriental weapon which the Orientals understand, and it's been foolish on our part not to have applied it long ago-in the form of a naval blockade. Naturally there has been talk of a blockade in the past, but there have been two main reasons why it hasn't been adopted: 1. The proposals have come from military men, notably Ad-, miral Arthur Radford, which has scared the wits out of our friends and allies. A boycott or blockade is more a political than a military operation, and military men should quit putting their feet in their mouths. 2. British businessmen and the British Government have put trade ahead of peace. They have insisted on poking trade holes in the bamboo curtain. Other Euro- pean businessmen, especially the Greeks, have joined in the Chi- nese trade, but the British have been the worst offenders. However, the fact remains that Red China is fairly easy to boy- cott. For China is by no means self-sustaining and could not pos- sibly subsist during a long period with outside goods shut off.. All the United States has to do is keep the U.S. Navy off the Chi- na coast and world trade with China could come to a dead stop. The trickle of goods coming across the Trans-Siberian Railway could not maintain the Chinese Army. The boycott-blockade would be easier if other nations participat- ed; and with proper diplomacy at the United Nations this might be arranged. However, it could also be maintained by the U.S. Navy without any outside help. Actually, even Chiang Kai- shek's moth-eaten fleet was able to stop much of the shipping pass- ing up and down the Formosal Straits. Roosevelt Almost Blockaded THE STRATEGY of a naval blockade-boycott of the China coast was first proposed in 1936 by Admiral William Leahy, top naval adviser to Roosevelt. Leahy was not a loud-talking Admiral xAI. S+"b 4 .: 'I. ' - N- J A6.7Cr.. .i ' \ ( (J ((( f fr ttt ,/ '.' M 14 A a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR .- -- ..- ,l La ,- - i }} Jp f ' \ w -- __ ! (Continued from Page 2) r/ Myths Debunked To the Editor: IN 1945, General Eisenhower ex- plained to General Zhukov how difficult it would be for the USA to organize a war of aggression because Congress would have to debate and appropriate funds. The facts contradict this myth. On at least 159 occasions, Amer- ican Presidents have sent armed forces abroad and always acquies- cing Congresses have appropriated the funds. Furthermore, Congress has "never refused to authorize war when requested by the Presi- dent." The source for this infor- mation is-U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs: Background In- formation on the Use of United States Armed Forces in Foreign Countries, House report No. 127, Feb. 20, 1951, especially pp. 15, 19, 55 ff. (Also, C. H. Hamlin: The War Myth in U.S. History, 1927; Mauritz A. Hallgren: The Tragic Fallacy-A Study of America's War Policies, 1937, p. 207.) The hasty and almost unani- mous congressional approval of the Eisenhower resolution on For- mosa also emphasizes this. The people cannot depend on their elected congressmen to restrain the Executive from embarking on "bluffs for peace" or war. Now, Mr. Eisenhower declares that proponents of the $20 tax cut per person lack courage. They join their proposal to a bill ex- tending corporate income and ex- cise taxes-instead of considering the cut on its own merits. He is right. He taught them. They merely follow in his footsteps. Weeks earlier, he was foremost among the sponsors of the draft law ex- tension. 'They related their pro- posal to events surrounding his Formosa resolution and the inter- national tension it accentuated. Uncertainty and insecurity af- flicted the congressmen; in this condition, hastily they approved the draft law extension for four years. "Courage"-the teacher would assert. But he should remember. What's sauce for the goose can be sauce for the gander, also. -Albert Bofman **e * On the Ides .. . To the Editor: RE the controversy over the Ber- lin Orchestra and its Nazi or former Nazi taint, Mr. Mike Sharpe of the Labor Youth League in protesting the appearance of the orchestra makes the comment: "No welcome to Germans who have not renounced Nazism and militarism." As regards the mili- tary factor in this statement, I very much doubt if Mr. Sharpe or the Labor Youth League has re- nounced militarism on their own behalf. As to the political factor, Nazism, however obnoxious it may seem, must be accorded the status of that obnoxious opinion we must tolerate if we are to have freedom for our own "enlightened views." For example, our treatment of the American Indian and Negro, and the treatment of political dissi- dents of any ism in Soviet Russia. And Mr. Scota, also wielding his own enlightened wand of suppres- sion, says, "You, who will be sit- ting in the audience on March 15th, will be listening to an orch- estra whose conductor, manager, and some of whose members were part of a movement that engaged in wholesale slaughter." ers. At least this charge cannot be brought against any members of the Berlin Orchestra at the pres- ent time. I just don't see why anyone, except the hopelessly de- luded, should feel uncomfortable at this slaughterer's soiree. Not even the pacifists, who must be quite accustomed now to guilt-by- association. So let's have a good time every- body. Only the music counts, even on the Ides of March. --E. R. Karr * * * Notes Overlooked .. . To the Editor: For those who believe that the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra is an organization dedicated solely to music, the following bits of in- formation might prove enlighten- ing: 1) The orchestra opened its New York concert on Wednesday night by playing "Deutschland Uber Al- les" (Germany Over All). This song exemplifies the worst in Ger- man chauvinism. When the Allied armies entered Germany, they rightly banned this song. Now, however, with the revival of Naz- ism, it has again gained such "re- spectability" that it was even played in New York under the direction of a leading Nazi. 2) In its American tour the Berlin Orchestra has, for some strange reason,' played only the works of composers who met the approval of Hitler. The works of such noted composers as Mendel- ssohn, Mahler, Hindemith, Kurt Weill or Ernest Kreneck have thus far not been played. The works of these composers (and many others) were banned under the Nazi regime. While I know that an orchestra cannot play every composer, I maintain that it is a bit strange that an orchestra, which claims it is solely dedicated to music, should overlook the music of precisely the same people whom Hitler banned. In fact, I would think that if the members of the orchestra were sorry about their Nazi connections or if they were forced to join Nazi party they would make it a point to play at least some of the works pro- hibited by Hitler. In closing I would like to call to mind to those people who claim that we must accept the Berlin Orchestra because the Nazis are now our allies the following adage: "I can take care of my enemies, but, God, protect me from my friends." -Ed Shaffer * * * Group Identification.. To the Editor: THE BERLIN Symphony ques- tion certainly poses a problem for many of us, and I doubt that I can satisfactorily solve it for my- self. I am a Jew, a believer in the Zionist cause, and can quite nat- urally concur with them that "op- posing the concert is symbolic pro- test, a means of positively remind- ing those who may be forgetting" the Nazi regime. However, I also agree with thoseopposing the pro- test that actions such as boycot- ting the Berlin Symphony will do nothing toward building a better world and in fact will hamper its realization. Admittedly there are good points pro and con which were well expressed early in the debate, but now it appears some malicious prejudice has crept in as evidenced by some of the letters appearing in The Sunday Daily. One of these accuses Mr. Sirota of hypocrisy, intolerance and "be- cal Process, Analysis Eng'g., Industrial-f Standards.v Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Mich.- B.S. & M.S. In Elect., Mech., Nuclear E., and Physics for Summer and Regular Elect. System Planning & Operations Engr., Power Plant Production Oper-d tional Engrg., Planning & Project Engr. & Design.I Penn. Salt Mfg. Co., Sharles Chemi- cals, Inc., Wyandotte, Mich.-B.S. & M.S. in Chem. E. for Dev. and Produc- tion Control. Allied Chem. & Dye Corp.; Semet-Sol- vay Div., New York, N.Y.-B.S. & M.S.s in Mech., Chem. E., and Chem. for Re- search, Dev., Operations.I Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., Santa Mon-I ic, Calif.-all levels of Aero., Civil, Elect., Mech. E., Engrg. Mech., Math. and Physics for Research, Dev., Design,I Test, Electronic Computation. For appointments contact the Engrg,. Placement Office, ext. 2182, 248 W., Engrg.I Wed.,.March 9- Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron,I Ohio-men in LS&A and BusAd for Sales, Accounting, Credit, and Retread Production Manger opportunities. Scott Paper Co., Chester, Penn. - 1 LS&A and BusAd men for Gen'1 Man-I agement Training, Sales, Accounting,I Purchasing, Traffic, Production Man-1 agement, and Personnel. Thurs., March 10- General Electric Co., Aircraft Gas Turbine Div., Cincinnati, Ohio-Tech.I women with Mth. and Physics majors1 and minors for positions in Cincinnati,R Schenectady, N.Y., Pittsfield, N.Y., and Ft. Wayne, In'd. Will talk to Juniors and Sophomores about futures in this field. Will interview non-tech. womenI in BusAd or LS&A for office positions4 in Cincinnati.1 Chase National Bank of the City of New York--June men in LS&A and BusAd for training for Commercial Banking Coreer. Branches are in New York City area and in foreign countries. International Harvester Co., Chicago, 111.-men in BusAd, Liberal Arts, Com- merce and Engrg. for Motor Truck and General Sales. Positions in Michigan and upper Ohio.' Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York-men with Mth. majors, Econo- mic or Business majors for positions as Actuarial Trainees and Management Trainees. Wed. & Thurs., March 9 & 10- Proctor & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, Ohio-men in Science (Psychology, Bi- ology, Math., Physics) and Economics for Factory Management Training Pro- gram. Fri., March 11- Northern Trust Co., Chicago, Il.- men in LS&A and BusAd for General Openings in Trust, Banking, Operating, and Staff Deprtments. Campbell Soup Co., Chicago, Ill.- men with majors in Accounting, In- dustrial Management and Chemistry for Departmental Training in Manage- ment and Accounting. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, room 3528, Admin. Bldg. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. -needs a Draftsman in the Office of the Co-ordinating Architect. New York Civil Service Commission- announces positions open for Case Workers in local public welfare depart- ments. Open to college graduates and seniors who will receive their degrees by July 1955. Courses should inclue sociol- ogy, psychology and/or allied sciences. Applications will be accepted up to April 1, 1955. Open to all qualified U.S. citizens. New York CSC also announces exams for Insurance Sales Representative, Ma- tron, Compensation Claims Investigation and Compensation investigator, Senior Account Clerk, Bridge Repair Foreman, Construction Wage Rate Investigator, Associate in Industrial Education, Sup- ervisor of Case Work, Senior Nurse-all are open to N. Y.state residents and ap- plications are accepted up to April 1, 1955. Open to any qualified citizens ofa the U.S. are positions of Senior Social Worker, and Superintendent of Recre- ation-closing date April 1, 1955. The position of Senior Office Machine Oper- ator is open until April 1, to residents of Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond or Suffolk. Position of Thruway Toll Collector is open to New York state residents up to April 15, 1955. Lectures Engineering Lecture, auspices of Tau Beta Pi. Dr. Harold S. Osborne, Paul G. Agnew Foundation. Standards-A Tool for the Young Engineer." Wed., March 9, at 8:00 p.m. in Auditorium D, An- gel Hall. Open to public. Aeronautical Engineering L e t u r e. Wed., March 9, 4:00 p.m., in Room 1504 East Engineering Building. "Current Aircraft Design Problems," R. R. Heppe, Department Head, Aerodynamics, Lock- heed Aircraft Corporation. Military Science Lecture, "The Civil Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig .Managing Editor Dorothy Myers ... .......City Editor Jon Sobeloff .........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad ...... ...Associate Editor Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor David Livingston......Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Spo-ts Editor Warren Wertheimer .arr n er Associate Sports Editor Roz Shimovitz.........Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel.......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Adt..s fl4 War." Dwight L. Dumond, professor of history, Wed., March 9, 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Public in- vited. Academic Notices Honors Program in Psychology. Stu- dents interested in entering'the program next year should apply to Mr. Heyns, Room 6632 Haven Hall, before March' 19. Office Hours: Tues. and Thurs., 9:00- 11:00 a.m., other times by appointment, Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The freshman five-week progress reports will be due Fri., March 11, in the Faculty Counselors' Office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall. Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Dr. E. Y.- Hsu, Physicist, David Taylor Model Basin, Washington, D.C., will speak on "Calculation of Viscous Drag for Bodies of Revolution" at 3:45 p.m. Tues., March 8. in Room 101, West En- gineering Building. Seminar in Complex Variables will meet Tues., March 8, at 2:00 p.m. in 247 West Engineering. Prof. Wilfred Kaplan will speak on Some Classical Results of Schwarz, Hadamard, Mntel, and Vitai." Biophysics Colloquium. 4:00 p.m. Tues., March 8, In Room 1041, Randal Physics Laboratory. Dr. R. Parrish will give a talk on "X-Ray Analysis of the Structure of Haemoglobin." Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues., March 8 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 2308 Chemistry. Dr. R. C. Taylor will speak on "Recent Approaches to the Evalua- tion of Force Constants." Concerts Student Recital. Justine Votypa, p1- anist, will perform at 8:30 p.m., Wed., March 9, in Rackham Assembly Hall. Her program, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Mu- sic degree, will include four Early Ital- ian Pierces, and works by Bach, Piston, Schumann, Ravel, Griffes, and Finney. Miss Votypka is a pupil of Benning Dexter, and the recital will be open to the public. Events Today Deutscher Verein. Program Tues., Mar. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3R of the Union. Movies, a comedy skit, real Ger- man cake and coffee. The Film Forum on International Education will feature a film on the teaching of controversial issues-"Free- dom to Learn." Sponsored by the Na- tional Education Association, 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall, Tues., Mar. 8. Hillel. Tues., 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Raphael Tourover, Washington Representative of Hadassah will speak on "American Foreign Policy in the Middle East." Sponsored by Student Zionist Organ- izatIon. Mathematics Club will meet Tues., March 8, at 8:00 West Confer- ence Room, Raekham Bldg. Prof. P. S. Jones will speak on "The Early Devel- opment of the Concept of Complex Numbers." La Socedad Hispanica. Vengan todos a la Tertulia Informal coffee hour is held every Tues. from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union cafeteria. Fac- ulty members are always there. Lutheran Student Association. Tues., 7:15 p.m. We will study Thomas Aquin- as and Erasmus at the class on Great Leaders of the Christian Church. Cor- ner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. The Congregational - Disciples Guild. 4:30-5:45 p.m., Tea at the Guild House. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong Tues., March 8, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. Actuarial Review Class. March 8, at 3:10 p.m. in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Al- gebra.Test. Weekly Square Dance at Lane Hall this evening from 7:30-10:00 p.m. Frosh Weekend. Maize Team Finance Committee will meet today in the League at 4:45 p.m. Hillelzapoppin Meeting -at Hillel Tues. at 7:15 p.m. for all men and women Interested in acting, singing, dancing, or working on costumes and scenery for the Hillelzapoppin Inde- pendent Skit. Coming Events Le Cercle Francais will meet Wed., Mar. 9 at 8:00 p.m. in the Women's League. Slides of -modern French painting from Corbet to Matisse will be shown by C. G. Christofides of the Romance Language Department. Dis- cussion and refreshments. Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers will meet Wed., March 9, at 7:00 p.m. in the Men's Union. Lester Stair, a research engi- neer at Willow Run Hydraulics Lab- oratory, will speak on, "Harbor Shel- ters in Ports of the Great Lakes." Political Science Round Table will meet Wed., March 9, at 7:45 p.m. at the Michigan League. Prof. Samuel Beer, Chairman of the Department of Gov- ernment at Harvard University, wifl speak on, "British Politics." Open to public. Lutheran Student Association. Wed. Mar. 9, 7:30 p.m. Meditations based on "The Seven Last Words from the Cross," this week on the third word. Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Generation Fiction Staff will meet Wed., Mar. 9 at 3:00 p.m. in Publica- tions Bldg. Both old and new members should attend. If possible, each member should read the story manuscripts sometime before the meeting. Hillel. Wed., Mar. 9, 8:00 pm. Hillel Lecture Series. Rabbi Max Kapustin, Director of Hillel Foundation at Wayne University will speak on; "Torah-A Way of Life: The History and Meaning of Halakah." Discussion. , I ' '-4 0 1 9 11 i MUSIC REVIEW a 4 . At Hill Auditorium ... ZINO FRANCESCATTI, violinist, with Ar- thur Balsam, pianist. PROGRAM: Brahms, Sonata No. 2 in A ma- jor; Bach, Solo Sonata in C major; Ravel, Sonata; Pieces by Konstantinoff, Valle, and Paganini. THE BRAHMS SONATA which opened last night's recital begins with a statement by the piano of the opening theme, interrupted by a couple of tiny four-note phrases in the violin, The beauty of tone and attention to phrasing and dynamics with which Mr. Francescatti played this simple passage set the tone for the entire recital. He is a performer of intense but unpretentious musicality, and everything he plays has the ring of authority as well as ex- cellent technical control of the instrunent. The Brahms was given a quiet, unhurried reading by both violinist and pianist, and the climaxes took on all the more power for their contrast to the serene quality of the rest. It seemed to me that the last movement was a little less successful in its pacing than the rest, but I couldn't analyze the difficulty, so perhaps the fault was not in the playing, but in my attentive faculty. The unaccompanied Bach sonata suffered and the compromises that the performer must thus make with the printed music. But Mr. Francescatti surmounted these difficulties amazingly well, His interpretation was clear, well-planned, and extraordinarily accurate in- tonation-wise. Also impressive was, in the last movement, the way in which he differentiated melodic line and accompanying "busywork." THE RAVEL SONATA is a smoothly written, effective work composed with Ravel's un- failing gift for idiomatic instrumental writing. It was played with the elegance and verve that such a composition needs, and the humor of the delightfully ludicrous middle movement was captured fully. The piano part of this work is at least the equal in importance of the violin part, and Mr. Balsam played it to perfection. His playing throughout the recital was virtual- ly beyond criticism both pianistically and in ensemble with the violinist. The recital con- cluded with a likeable little Berceuse by Kon- stantinoff, Folguedo Campestre by Valle, and. an interminable set of variations by Paganini on The Carnival of Venice. Mr. Francescatti's playing was impeccable, but the let-down here in musical quality was unfortunate. It's just too bad that there are few virtuosic violin pieces of real musical content. Encores were Schumann's