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March 08, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-08

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Latest Deadline in the State FAIR, WARMER

VynT_ T.VrVr Nr IM



V UL. LULV, Ao. .iV

-Daily-Esther Goudsmit
ALL HANDS-Michigan's Paul Groffsky, Ron Kramer, and Jerry Stern, (left to right) fight for a
loose ball with No. 46 "Sharm" Scheuerman and Bill Logan in last night's clash with Iowa.
'o'opsters Upset Iowa's
Conference Champions, 74-5 8

4s__ r .1T r. rc 1'T1TTfiT P7

Revenge ... and against the Big
Ten basketball champions .. . is
especially sweet.
The University of Michigan bas-
k'etball team closed out the 1954-55
season in high style here last night
as it mauled NCAA-bound Iowa,
Hot From the Floor
A sparse crowd saw the Wolver-
ines play one of their best games
of the season. The Maize and Blue
had a hot night from the floor,
hitting on 47 per cent of their field
attempts, passed well, controlled
the backboards, and tied up the
potent Hawkeye offense.
With 22 seconds gone in the
game, Paul Groffsky snared a re-
bound, threw a perfect lead pass
to Don Eaddy who went in2for an
easy lay-up. Michigan led, 2-0 ...
and not once throughout the con-
test did the Wolverines give up
that lead. Instead the hosts slow-
ly built up their advantage.
Three fouls, two by Tom Jor-
genson and one by Ron Kramer
made the score, 5-0. At the 5:29
mark, a right-hand hook shot
from the foul line by Kramer
boosted Michigan's lead to 11-4.
Iowa came back but could never
come closer than three points in
Happ*y Ending
Cain, f............ 6 2 0 14
Davis, f........... 6 0 4 12
Schoof, f.... 1 3 5 5
Ridley, f .......... 1 0 0 2
Logan, c .......... 4 2 1 10
George, c ......... 1 0 0 2
Duncan, c.......... 0 0 0 0
Scheuerman g .... 1 0 2 2
Seaberg, g........3 4 1 10
Hawthorne, g ......0 1 1 1
Johnson, g......... 0 0 1 0
Martel, g .......... 0 0 1 0
Totals ...........23 12 16 58
Grofisky, f......... 3 0 4 6
Stern, f ........... 3 0 2 6
Lingle, f........... 0 0 0 0
Kramer, c ......... 7 2 1 16
Eaddy, g...........9 2 3 20
Jorgenson, g....... 7 12 2 26
Raisor, g .......... 0 0 0 0
Totals...........29 16 12 74
Haltime: Michigan 37, Iowa 27.

the first half. Michigan's biggest
edge in the initial 20 minutes wasi
11 markers.f
Fade Never Came
After the intermission, the 4,-t
500 spectators expected the Hawk-
eyes, rated one of the top clubs in
the nation, to come back. Most ex-
pected Michigan would fade-as
it has done in the past. Six straight
points by the visitors strength-
ened this impression. With 18 min-
utes remaining in the tilt, Iowas
had cut Michigan's lead to four
points, trailing 37-33.
But this was as close as the
Hawkeyes could get. The Wolver-
ines gradually increased their lead,;
and in the last 10 minutes of the
game, the smallest difference be-
tween the two squads was 10
Jorgenson enjoyed one of the
best nights of his career as he'
tossed 26 points through the hoop.
The stocky guard missed only four
of 16 charity tosses and connected
on seven of 17 from the field. Ead-
dy, Michigan's other back-court
man, also had a fine evening. He
scored 20 markers, hitting on nine
of 1" field goal tries and two for
two from the free throw line.
Eaddy Gets Ovation
Eaddy, a Senior, left the floor
with 1:34 remaining in the game.
The crowd, almost as one, rose and
gave him a standing ovation.
When, a minute later, Captain
Groffsky was replaced, the crowd
again rose to their feet.-
Though Groffsky only scored six
points, his last game for the Maize
and blue was a good one. He led
both teams in rebounds, capturing
eight, did an excellent defensive
job on Deacon Davis, and picked
up numerous assists.
Indict Mrs. Natvig
On Perjury Charge
Natvig, who see. off a sensation in
a Federal Communications Com-
mission hearing by denouncing her
own testimony, was indicted yes-
terday on nine charges of lying
under oath.

The upset victory broke a los-
ing streak which had stretched tos
five games. It enabled Michigan to
conclude its season in a four-wayl
tie for sixth place in the Big Ten.
Perigo's squad captured five vic-
tories in 14 attempts. The Wol-
verines' season mark was 11 wins
and 11 defeats. .
Perigo's Best Record
It Is Perigo's best record since
he came to Ann Arbor three years
For the season, Kramer led the
squad in scoring, racking up 352
points, aU average of 16.0. Jorgen-
son, with 333 tallies, was a close
second. In all, six wcen completed
the campaign averaging in double
figures. Jorgenson had the best eye
on the team, making 38 per cent of
his field attempts and 75 per cent
of his charity throws. Groffsky was
the top rebounder.
Pan hel Change
In Constitution
Panhellenic Association yester-
day returned to the sororities for
further consideration a proposed
Constitutional change concerning
nomination of officers from the
The original proposal stated that
members of the Board of Dele-
gates could make floor nomina-
tions at the meeting at which the
slate is presented and also when
the vote is taken.
The slate of nominees is chosen
by the Executive Council from ap-
plicants who have petitioned for an
office and have been interviewed.
Objections that women who had
neither petitioned nor had been
interviewed could be nominated
are overcome by the new amend-
ment. It also allows women who
have been defeated for one office
to run for another.
Requiring agreement of 12 soror-
ities, each of the other three ma-
jor Constitutional revisions were
passed by at least 13 houses.

iL To Try
9f Finances
Special Meeting
Scheduled Today
Student Legislature will make a
rong last effort to dispose of its
4,500 treasury in a special meet-
ng at 7:30 p.m. today.
Scheduled for the Strauss-An-
erson East Quadrangle dining
-oom, the special meeting was
:alled by SL. president Ned Si-
non, '55, after the SL failed both
Vednesday and Thursday last
eek to make a final decision on
he funds.
Want To Finish
SL will hold a grand finale ban-
uet tomorrow and members want
o finish all business before the
SL Vice-President Ruth Ross-
er, '55, said yesterday she can't
onceive 'of not disposing of the
noney tonight.
"If we don't we'll have to meet
fter the banquet tomorrow and
>ossibly Thursday," she said.
Consider Part Three
When the meeting opens to-
ight, the Legislature will be con-
idering the part three of a mo-
ion to give (1) $1,000 to a trust
und for student government in
ase Student Government Council
ioesnt survive its probation; (2)
2,000 to a scholarship fund for
tudents in activities and (3)
$1,500 to the Free University of
Parts one and two were approv-
ed tentatively at the last meet-
If SL decides to give $1,500 to the
Free University the Legislature
will have to vote again on the
whole motion.
Opposition led primarily by Paul
Dormont, '55, has snagged giving
$1,500 to the Free University
Questioned Benefits
Quoting from a book supposed-
ly received from the Free Univer-
sity he strongly questioned the
benefits of the exchange program.
Dormont proosed a substitute
motion delegating $1,500 to the
Free University only after a study
of the benefits of the present Free
University program.
He suggests giving the money to
SGC if the Free University pro-
gram is found seriously wanting.
Kohler To Defend
Heinz Kohler, exchange stu-
dent from Germany under the
Free University program, will be
at the SL meeting tonight to
speak in defense of the program.
SL President Ned Simon, '55,
told SL's open cabinet yesterday
he would not recognize any speak-
er more than three times tonight
to speak on any one motion.
He will also invoke a ten min-
ute time limit on all speeches for
and against motions tonight. Si-
mon referred cabinet members to
the SL by-laws pertaining to
length of speeches.
Tools Cited
By Samuelson
America has a "vast arsenal of
weapons" which can lick any de-
pression, Prof. Paul Samuelsor
said yesterday.

He did not rule out the possi-
bility of some fluctuations in the
economy, however.
"I breathed a sigh of relief," the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology economist said, when
President Eisenhower told Con-
gress he would use any tool at hi,
disposal to combat depression.
An answer to the problem of in.
flation resulting from anti-de.
pression measures has not beer
found, Prof. Sameulson said at a
meeting of the Economics. Club
He suggested "the political pro-
cesses do not work for, inflatioi
Prof. Sameulson discussed th
questio-i of reducing taxes or in.
creasing public expenditures t
bolster demand in the face of
threatening depression. He drev
the conclusion that if privat(
needs are more pressing, depres.
sion is best fought by reducin
A hiarh A right. rP1*ltqhi: it i!

Ohio Flood
COLUMBUS, Ohio (P)--
American Red Cross said here
yesterday the flood along the
Ohio River has reached "dis-
aster" proportions with 1,600
families in three states having
suffered damage to homes and
The Red Cross said it has
opened disaster headquarters in
Ashland, Ky., and sent 21 dis-
aster specialists from its east-
ern area headquarters to stra-
tegic points along the Ohio
River in West Virginia, Ken-
tucky, Ohio and Indiana.
Group Turns
Down Dean's
Review Right
Assembly Association yesterday
tentatively turned down a provi-
sion for review of all new poli-
cies by the Dean of Women's of-
This was done by substituting
the phrase "cooperation with the
University administration" for a
clause, in an amendment to its
proposed constitution, which had
provided for review.
The "review" clause was first'
presented at last week's Assembly
Dorm Council meeting and has
since gained approval of a ma-
jority of independent women in
dormitories and League houses.
Approval by the housing units
will be necessary before the new
clause can be substituted in the
Heated Debate
Heated debate proceeded vote
by the Assembly Dorm Council
meeting on the substitute clause.
It reads: "Assembly Executive
board shall cooperate with the
University administration in the
formulation and maintenance of
policy and of high social and
scholastic standards."
Speaking against themotion Do-
lores Messinger, '55, last year's
Assembly president said, "I believe
in cooperation with the adminis-
tration but I do not believe it
should be stipulated in the con-
Declaring that Assembly should
be "an independent student or-
ganization," Miss Messinger fav-
ored defeat of the motion, fol-
lowed by a vote to remove the
clause allowing review by the
Dean's office.
Support Traditional.
Supporters of the motion declar-
ed that since cooperation with the
administration has been tradi-
tionally a part of Assembly's pol-
icy it should r e included in th


on his front porch cracked. Win-
dows and plates rattled sharply in
the Utah city a half hour after the
explosion, which came at 5:30 a~m.,
20 minutes before dawn.
But the only radiation threat
from the big shot came to the
testers themselves.
A sudden wind shift forced more
than 100 Atomic Energy Commis-
sion scientists and 575 Army and
Marine personnel to evacuate Yuc-
ca Flat 10 minutes after the det-
Fallout Predicted
It was predicted there might be
a dangerous radioactive fallout
from the lower part, or stem of
the atomic cloud near the control
This, however, failed to happen
immediately. Six hours after the
blast there was no report of seri-
ously high radiation anywhere, on
site or off.
The soldiers and Marines had
taken the impact of the blast well-
protected in six-foot trenches 5,-
500 yards away from ground zero
-the 500-foot tower from which
the device was exploded. No cas-
ualties were reported.
Highest Shot
It was the highest tower shot
ever held here; 300 feet was the
previous high. That and the clear
weather accounted for the amaz-
ing distances the flash was seen.
Speculation on the device itself
centered on the possibility it was
a new atomic trigger for the hy-
drogen bomb. The AEC would say
only it was a major effort for the
Livermore, Calif., laboratory, with
an assist from Los Alamos, N.M.
The 20-second fireball compares
with 10 seconds for the standard
Progress of the nuclear cloud
across the United States is being
watched by a series of fixed moni-
toring stations, as well as mobile
The Atomic Energy Commission
indicated that part of the nuclear
e cloud was being blown eastward
- across southern Utah, southern
- Colorado, a corner of Kansas and
e the Oklahoma Panhandle. It was
expected to reach North Carolina
e on a front of perhaps 200 miles
.t within 72 hours.
s The middle layer of the nuclear
cloud was expected to reach Ar-
kansas and Missouri within 24
hours. The lower part of the cloud
- was being blown westward and.
was expected to cross central Cal-

World News
By The Associated Press
Matsu Defense . .
TAIPEI, Formosa (P)-The Mat-
su Islands 100 miles northwest o:
Formosa will be defended and are
steadily being reinforced, junior
Nationalist officers declared yes.
Apparently this meant with or
without United States support. The
United States has not committe
itself publicly to defend the islands
20 miles off the Red mainland...
* * *
Tito Speech .
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (P) -
President Tito said yesterday Yu
goslavia has "ample raw materials
and know-how to produce nuclear
energy for peaceful uses.
He called for destruction of nu
clear weapons and "active coex-
istence" among countries of th
* g20,* **
Stock Study .
ern stock market presidents told
the Senate Banking Committe
yesterday there is no guarante
that the present market boom wil
go on forever.
The two M en were called as par
of what the committee chairman
Sen. William Fulbright (D-Ark)
has described as a "friendly study
of stock market conditions.
* * * .
Albania Rejects . .
MUNICH, Germany (R) - Com
munist Albania rejected yesterda
President Dwight D. Eisenhower'
offer of American food.
The tiny Soviet satellite accuse
the United States of slander, in-
tervention and attempting to ov
erthrow the Albanian regime.
New Arab Pact .. .
BEIRUT, Lebanon (1') - Egyp
has failed thus far to persuade
Lebanon to join the new Egyptian
sponsored Arab defense pact, in
formed sources yesterday.
The proposed alliance, whic
would be neutralist as betwee
East and West, provides for a un:
fied command of Arab armies.I
would bar alliances with non
Arab nations.

Votes $50 Rise

In Room, Board Fees

Atomic Flashes
Seen ,800 Miles
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (P)-The biggest blast of the new atomic test
series flashed forks of light visible in a dozen states yesterday, caused
an earth rumble 30 miles away and sent scientists and soldiers scur-
ring for safety from the Nevada test site.
The predawn flash of a nuclear device believed to be at least 11/2
times the strength of the standard A-bomb was seen in the Black
Hills of South Dakota, more than 800 airline miles northeast, south
of the boarder in Mexico and in all 11 Western states. The fireball
lasted 20 seconds.
Minor Earthquake
The shock caused a minor earthquake scare in Salt Lake City
One man in Murray, a Salt Lake City suburb, reported the concrete

Hike Awaits
Final Move
Of Regents
About $10 Raise
Due for 3 Co-op
Dormitory and quadrangle re;
idents will pay an annual $50 mo:
for room and board next yei
than they are now paying.
1 Dur in g yesterday's resien
hall board of governors meetix
the move was approved, with t
raise due to go to the Board a
Regents for final approval durih
etheir March 18 meeting.
Excluded from $50 raise will 1
Fletcher, Adelia Cheever a
Geddes houses, Assembly Assoc
ation President Hazel Frank, 05
said. The three houses will pi
approximately $10 more annua
ly than at present, Service Ente
prises Manager Francis A. Sh
One Abstention
f Voting on the rate hike w
e unanimous with the exception
Inter - House Council'- Preside:
- Stan Levy, '55, who abstaine
Miss Frank said last night s
r voted for the rate hike becau
e Assembly's four reservations o
d the move have been met.
s Other action taken during t:
meeting pertained to the futu
occupants of Chicago and Fletch
houses. The houses are present
occupied by women.
Gut of the $50 room and boa
- hike, Shiel said $15 would be us
' to pay for increased labor cbo
r and social security tax for qua
rangle employes. The remaini:
$35 will be used to accelerate bo
-retirement so that planning for
e new dormitory for wonen cou
be started sometime next year.
After Levy asked if it werei
possible to pay for the future dor
- by obtaining a federal governme
d grant, it was pointed out by ot
e er board members that mon
e from that source was a loan, w
11 a grant.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea sts
t ed the $50 increase was approac
, ed by the Board with reluctan
realizing that hardships will
caused in some instances by t
hike. However, Dean Rea conti
ued, services and functions giv
in the residence halls here are
usually provided in other schoc
- Even with the $50 rent increa
y Vice-President Lewis asserted, t
s University will have to seek ad
tional funds to build the n
d dorm. Shiel said without the i
L crease it would be four or f:
years before planning for a n
dormitory could be started.
No Contrast Change
According to a brief presen
t by Shiel, no charge should
le made in the contract documei
i- which would allow any resident
- move from the dormitories pr
to the termination of the studer
h second semester.
n His statement also said that
i- the present time rates reco
it mended by the IHC providing :
- higher rent for freshmen do n
See BOARD, Page 6

Assembly's constitution
presented for ap ?roval at
meeting of the Student
Committee tomoi ow.
All-Senior House

will I
the lasi

German Students Support Berlin 'U'

Two Germans, well-acquainted
with the attitude of students at
the Free University of Berlin, yes-
terday took issue with an intima-
tion that the feelings at that in-
stitution are "anti-Polish and an-
Heinz Kohler, exchange student
from the Free University, and Pe-
ter Kalinke, Fulbright scholar
here last year, disagreed with sen-
timent expressed at the end of a
letter to the editor in Sunday's
Quoted Passages
The letter quoted passages from
a book supposedly sent here from

at misunderstanding between peo-
ples, or anything that could be in-
terpreted as anti-Semitism and
the like."
Tells Curriculum
He quoted the Curriculum of the
Free University for the current
semester, which includes an affi-
davit which must be sworn to by
every student before he is allowed
to enter the University.
An excerpt, translated literally
from German by Kohler, is as
"It is incompatible with enroll-
ment in- the Free University of
Berlin to belong to an association

Gruppe," an association for Chris-
tian-Jewish cooperation, and an-
other for international coopera-
Both he and Kalinke agreed that
the passages in the book, "The
Tragedy of Silesia," were against
these aims. But they expressed
doubt that the book had come
from the University, although nei-
ther was 'ertain of its origin.
Written to Berlin
Kohler said he had written to
Berlin to find out if the book had
been sent from the Free Universi-
ty, but he has not had time to re-
ceive an answer.
"If the 0ook did come from

At yesterday's meeting Assem-
bly Dorm Council members als
discussed a plan Ito make Betsy
Barbour an all senior house nex
The plan is an attempt to solve
the problem of senior women who
want to live outside of the stand-
ard dormitory setup according to
Mary Jo Park, '56, Assembly firs
The new plan is a substitute fo
an earlier motion passed by ADC
asking "that senior women be al
lowed out of the residence hal
system into apartments or a:
apartment type structure super
vised by the University."
Taylor Appointed
Chief in Far East
TOKYO (AP)-Gen. Maxwell D
Taylor today was appointed Unit
ed States Far East commande
and head of the United Nation


ifornia and move over the coast
line within 15 hours.


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