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March 06, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-06

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Daily Managing Editor
FOR MORE than a week a sizeable portion
of the news columns and Letters section of
this paper have been embroiled in the Berlin
Philharmonic affair. Admittedly some inter-
esting questions are raised by the appearance
of this group, some of whose members are al-
leged to have been members of the Nazi Party
during the war. There are ethical questions in-
volving art and politics which it is good for the
campus to be confronted with and discuss from
time to time.
Man is a complex of many emotions and cap-
abilities. He can lend himself to policies which
drag the human race to the depths of a Nazi
or Communist program. He can likewise give
his life that others may live, heal the sick,
create beauty and forgive.
Forgiving does not imply forgetting. If we
forgive the brutalities of the German nation
in the last war, we need not forget nor blind
our eyes to the fact that man in any age can
stoop to such levels.
We can not win the war again by boycotting
a German orchestra or pianist. Such actions
serve only to reopen wounds the causes of
which will always remain an ugly page in the
history books.
Fortunately for the moral health of this na-
tion most Americans can forgive and putting
aside their hate still listen to and enjoy the
timeless, hateless music of a great orchestra.
* * * *
IT WAS gratifying to read last week that there
is at least one judicial group on campus
that is not afraid to have its activities report-
ed in the paper. As a result The Daily was
able to report action taken by the Interfra-
ternity Council executive committee in fining
Sigma Phi Epsilon $25 for a pledge stunt that
violated IFC rules.
This is particularly encouraging coming from
IFC and serves to further illustrate the absurd-
ity of the blanket-of-secrecy policy followed by
Joint Judiciary Council.

STUDENT Government Council elections a
little more than a week away yet this writ
er has still to hear any serious discussion frox
the candidates of problems that will be facin
the newly elected group. There is lots of tal
about how much more responsible and respect
able SGC will be than Student Legislature, bu
little in the way of concrete suggestion as t
how the council expects to fulfill its obligatia
to represent student opinion.
One obvious possibility has been overlooke
in the plan itself where provision is made f
an all-campus forum to discuss issues. Th
could prove a medium for excellent grass root
representation of student opinion.
The forum might become a regular monthl
feature on campus with some current issue sue
as the driving ban, the University calendar, o
women's hours established as the subject fo
the meetings.
The SGC president would preside and a pan
el of informed students and faculty argue th
issue at stake. Following this questions coul
could be heard and motions entertained fron
the floor which if passed by the forum woul
be placed on the SGC agenda for considera
tion. The success of such forums would depen
on controversial nature of the issues to be dis
cussed and the willingness of the student bod
to assume a responsible interest in what is go
ing on on campus.
Candidates should also be giving their at
tention to the organization of SGC. Some o
the immediate questions are what sort of com
mittee structure is the new group to have an
how are groups such as Cinema Guild and th
Book Exchange to be related to SOC. Offic
seekers would also do well to consider th
question of whether SGC should join the Na
tional Student Association. A little less general
ization and more specific proposals from th
candidates would go a long way to better pre
pare the campus to vote intelligently Marcy
15 and 16.

re Fills the Bill...
t- To the Editor:
m F THERE'S anything I like, it's
1g culture. The Daily Sunday
Lk Magazine is filling unmet needs.
In terms of its content, it merits
Lt- support and encouragement..
ut -R. L. Kramer
to . . *
n A* * *
)'Reviewing Asset ...
To the Editor:
d WHAT IS needed to lure Bob
or Holloway to attend more plays
is and movies so that he may write
ts more reviews? Of all The Daily
reviewers, he seems to be the fair-
\ est. He comments on the import-
ly ant points. He stays away from the
h stupid absurdities that the other
r reviewers seem to think enhance
r their reviews. Holloway is an asset
to The Daily that is too often left
-Harriet Davis, '57
d Rent Hike.. .
n To the Editor:
d THE PROPOSED $50 room raise
has stirred up quite some dust,
d and it is difficult to see clearly
:- what is "goin' on."
y I though Mr. Levy and the ad-
- ministration brought the matter
before the IHC so that we could
offer the administration solutions
- to this problem. We sent them not
f one suggestion; we solved no prob-
- lem; we let down the administra-
d tion along with our yelping con-
ie stituents.
My constituents "yelped" some
e sugestions that might challenge
e "inevitability." These are food (not
- "green cheese") for thought.
- 1.) An essential thing in con-
e tract law is consideration for your
- money. We get no consideration;
i students in '58 or '60 get it. Hire
a lawyer!
2.) Does the athletic fund have
- a spare buck?
3.) The State Legislature should
lend us the money, give it to us,
or limit enrollment.
4.) We could save money by
having less waste in the dining
halls, less staff men and less maid
and janitor service. Let's cut cor-
ners here and spend the savings
t on the room and board raise.
h 5.) The 6,000 dorm residents
. should have their parents write a
e letter to the State Legislature.
f What a pressure group to deal
- with!
r Ofcourse, these suggestions are
a open to criticism, but not to "It
just isn't done" and "It wouldn't
e And, Mr. Levy, I'll hop on the
a bandwagon and quote you. You
e stated that you would change your
mind on the IHC stand if you knew
e that literature had already been
a printed with the "raised" room
e rates included, before you had
been heard at the Board of Gov-
ernor's meeting. They're off the
press, Stan.
- *-Jim Elsman, '58
t IHC Representative
from Scott House
*S * * e
Air Quotes ...
To the Editor:
THE charge I tried to demon-
strate at Thursday's Student
Legislature meeting is a serious
one. Because of this, and because
of the fact that none of my evi-
dence was quoted in the news
story about the meeting, I should
liketo give some sample of my evi-
It is in the form of quotations
from The Tragedy of Silesia, a

"That's Not the Way We Plan to Celebrate It,


18 - Ate
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"f#4.A4TV.. V.UV

Dubious Democratic Tax Cut
Efforts Follow GOP Example

THE ANNUAL American ritual, debate over
taxes, has begun in earnest, and listen to
Democrats in Congress propose to reduce in-
dividual income taxes by $20 for each taxpayer
and dependent. The House attached the cut to
an Administration bill extending some corpor-
ate and excise taxes which are scheduled to
expire April 1. The combined bill was sent to
the Senate, and there the finance committee re-
jected all attempts at compromise and cut tie
cuts completely. Presumably the full Senate
will also reject the cuts. House and Senate
conferees will then battle it out and try to
reach a compromise.
REPUBLICAN objections revolve around two
points, other than that they didn't think
of it first. They feel that with the budget still
unbalanced a tax cut is not justified. But what
really irks them is the House's grouping of
the tax cut with the Administration's bill. It
means the President cannot veto the income
tax cut of $2.1 billion without costing the Ad-
ministration the $2.8, brlion in expiring cor-
poration taxes, a net loss of $700 million and
an awful lot of voters. Any tax cut Congress
agrees upon must therefore be signed by the
President, and this after all the trouble the
Republicans went to to find a man they could
elect to the White House.
This is where the hollering comes in.
"Blackjacking operation" is the way Con-
gressman Halleck describes it. Secretary Hum-
phrey calls it "irresponsible." Representative
Reed says the move is "dishonest" and amounts
to "propaganda and trickery." Congressman
Scott of Philadelphia says. Democrats in his
town pay $1 each for votes and wonders why
the price has gone up to $20. Other Republi-
cans also oppose the tax cuts as inflationary.
THE RIGHTEOUS clamor would sound much
better if the Republicans hadn't been in
office a while and established a record of their

own. With a considerable budget deficit, las
year they reduced taxes by some $3 billion, with
a heavy emphasis on relief to corporations
Individuals receiving income from corporate
dividends were handed $300 million in relie
alone. As for attaching the cuts to the Ad
ministraton's tax bill, House Majority Leader
McCormack recalls last year's action on an
Administration supported bill to extend excise
taxes. Republicans in Congress "made" the
President "take close to a $1 billion reduction
in excise taxes, and they tagged it on to the
bill extending the expiring tax law."
In his new role as Economic Philosopher, the
President had this to say about tax cuts: "When
we talk about decreasing revenues at a tirn
when the Government, in spite of every saving
we have been able to make, is still spending
somewhat more than it takes in, we are reach-
ing some kind of heights in fiscal irrespon-
sibility." One could not hope for a more exact
description of what the Republicans did last
year. That's one of the troubles with general-
izations-the shoe sometimes fits the wrong
THIS IS probably not the time for tax re-
ductions, especially after government reve-
nues have been so greatly cut already. The
money could be well spent on increasing our
military or civil defenses or on attempting to
save Asia from Communism, and Democratic
efforts might be better directed if they aimed
at larger appropriations in those fields. But
surely this is not the time for righteous indig-
nation about tactics so often employed by those
who now decry them.
Republicans charge the Democrats with
playing politics by giving every person $20 in
tax relief. Out of the present controversy a
couple of long-needed definitions become clear,
and they will serve for the duration of Repub-
lican power: "politics" is giving the voters what
they want; "statesmanship" is giving only busi-
ness what it wants.
-Pete Eckstein

book which until my charges weri
aired, was thought to come fron
the Free University of Berlin
Some of the quotes, which are eye-
witness accounts by Silesians i
1945-46 are as follows:
"We had to see the Russiar
commissary, Captain Eppstein, a
Jew from Moscow ..."
"As most Poles are by natur
lazy, they made the Germans wor
for them . .."
"The Poles have treated Silesi
and the Silesians a thousand time
worse than ever any German, ever
the members of the Nazi SS units
treated the Poles."
"I always had the feeling tha
the Russians were inhuman ...
"Eighteen esteemed and respect
ed landowners, all of them decen
living men, whose names were
found on a list of National Social
ist (Nazi) Party members, wer
arrested and taken to a camp ir
Upper Silesia. . ."
"The Polish Jews in Reichen-
bach were a great source of trou
ble . .. They soon took possession
of all the shops and charged wha
they pleased. In fact, very soon
Reichenbach began to be referred
to as 'Jewtown.' The Jews under
mined the last trace of any morale
there had still been, and mischie
between the Russians and the
Poles, with the result that the
Germans were the poor victims."
"Every Russian soldier swore
to kill at least a hundred Germans
'because, as they alleged, the Ger-
man soldiers had murdered their
fathers, mothers and children."
The question that I feel this
evidence raises is, "Should the
Student Legislature give $1,500 to
the Free University of Berlin Fund
without even a study, if the senti-
ments of this book reflect the
thinking of many people at this
-Paul Dormont
CP Absurdities ..
To the Editor:
thanks to Mr. Gene Hartwig
for his splendid editorial com-
ments in The Daily of February
22nd concerning LYL's anti-UMT
pamphleteering. Not often enough
do we see the absurd contradic-
tions of the Communist Party line
exposed in print and hardly ever
in so calm yet effective a manner.
Unfortunately Mr. Hartwig's
contribution stands as almost the
solitary opposition to LYL's steady
stream of propaganda this semes-
ter. In these columns, only on the
Berlin Philharmonic issue has
their position been exposed for the
shallow, self-seeking fraud that
it is. While light and heavy read-
ing in real gone movie reviews,
spinach a la worm, etc., is always
welcome, some time of the avid
letter writers might well be de-
voted to combating the anti-
United States ranting seen all too
often in these and other columns
of The Daily.
United States policies at home
and abroad are a legitimate sub-
ject for discussion but LYL'scat-
titude that it is a foregone con-
clusion that our policies are al-
wa-ys inimical to peace and the
pursuit of happiness can only gen-
erate the opposing attitude that
LYL is always on the wrong side
of the fence. Miss Judy Gregory,
'56, is requested to take note, as
well as to please heed Mr. Bob
Bard's advice of several days ago.
With respect to the latter she
could learn a lot of United States
economic history rather painless-
ly if she will take the time to look
over the 1955 issues of Fortune
to date.
Wiim . U

Israel resulted from the ar-
rangement for the colonization of
Palestine by international Zion-
ists. Claiming humanitarian feel-
ngs for the 400,000 European dis-
placed Jews in 1947, the West,
together with terrorist Zionists,
has caused the dispossession of
over a million Palestinian Christ-
ians and Moslem Arabs who are
now destitute refugees. For six
and a half years this mass of
humanity has been rotting in
tents, shacks and caves in the
hills of the Holy Land.
The United Nations has resolved
that these refugees should be al-
lowed to go back to their homes
and that only those among them
who do not wish to do so should be
paid appropriate compensation for
their lost property and posses-
sions. Israel, however, has -per-
sistently refused to abide by these
UN resolutions. The UN has re-
peatedly resolved that Jerusalem
be internationalized. Israel flag-
rantly answered by moving its
Government offices into Jerusa-
lem. Moreover, she has annexed
in excess of its alloted area by the
UN partition resolution, much of
the space left to Palestinian
Arabs. In further aggression Is-
rael consistently violated the UN
truce and armistice borderlines to
expand its territory. Furthermore,
it is a matter of record, attested
to by the Jewish Newsletter in this
country, that the so-calledrbastion
of Democracy in the Middle East
discriminates against its Arab mi-
nority residents, legally considers
them second class citizens and in-
flicts upon them administrative
and economic hardships in an ef-
fort to drive them out of their
country. It is also a matter of rec-
ord that certain elements in Is-
rael make no secret of their ex-
pansion plans and define their
future borders as extending from
the Euphrates to the Nile.
Egypt has always looked upon

the UN as the intermediary for
settlement of peace. Egyptians
look hopefully towards the Unit-
ed States, they need a full measure
of the sympathy, understanding
and patience of the acknowleged
leader of the Western powers.
-Salah El-Dareer
* * *
Hypocrisy *. .
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to the emotional let-
ters protesting the appearance
of the Berlin orchestra it seems
that the writers are as intolerant
and animal-like as the Nazis
themselves. Furthermore it is not
surprising that these letters come
from liberal sources, for it is
these groups that rant so shrilly
about freedom of speech, justice,
tolerance, etc., each time a Com-
munist or sympathizer is banned.
The liberals are finally exposed in
their naked hypocrisy.
One Mr. Sirota actually ad-
mitted his intolerance, and belief
in collective guilt. According to
Mr. Sirota, "personal identifica-
tion carries with it personal re-
sponsibility for the action of the
group." If this be true then every
Communist, past or present, and
everyone who has, in the slightest
degree, ever been friendly with
Communists or Communist causes
must bear with the Commuists
the full responsibility for the
slaughter and enslavement of bil-
lions of human beings. (Unless one
assumes that killing Jews is worse
than killing non-Jews). And this
includes one heck of a lot of lib-
-U. Ulianov
,* * *
Assembly .. .
To the Editor:
WE, the undersigned feel that
The Daily should do a series
of interpretive articles on Assem-
bly Association. We were quite
surprised at the Assembly Work-
shop last week to discover that
most people know that it exists,
but they do not realize what it
does. Since it is the representa-
tive body of the 3,000 independent
women on campus, we feel this
situation should be corrected.
-Mrs. Gladys Hall Vorys, direc-
tor Adelia Cheever House;
Mrs. Marjorie McCoy, director
Stockwell Hall; Mrs. Lillian H.
Wondernassoc. director Tyler
House and 12 others.
Turnabout . .
To the Editor:
I AM a Palestinian Arab and I
shan't go to hear the Berlin
Philharmonic. You see, the Nazis
took it out on the Jews and the
Zionists took it out on us, Pales-
tinian Arabs.
Besides, I can't afford the
-Michael Marmura
* * *
Kudoes.. ..
To the Editor:
H AVING just viewed the Sunday
Magazine section of the Feb.
27 Daily, I must express my ad-
miration and appreciation toward
The Daily's venture into the mag-
azine business. As an alumna of
long standing, I'd say keep up
the good work.
-Harriet C. Conrad,
(Mrs. W. E.) '21

U.S. Selling
WASHINGTON-It has been ig-
nored in the Congressional
hoopla over pay raises and tax
cuts, but the nation's rubber ty-
coons are quietly waiting for ano-
ther type of windfall from Uncle
Sam-all wrapped up and ready
for delivery in exactly 21 days.
The prize is 11 synthetic rubber
plants, built by the government at
tremendous expense during World
War II, but now about to be sold
to private industry for a song.
For some time the rubber com-
panies have cast a covetous eye on
these profitable plants owned by
the taxpayers. But now they won't
have to wait much longer--due to
a quirk of law and the anxiety of
the Eisenhower Administration to
"get the government out of busi-
In exactly three weeks - on
March 27 - tile synthetic plants
will be sold at bargain prices to a
group of private companies un-
less Congress intervenes to stop
the transaction in the next 21
days. Strangest aspect of the deal
is that a great majority of Sena-
ors and Representatives, busily
cccupied wh the tax and pay-
raise battles, are completely un-
aware of what is going on.
However, here are the facts
'1he rubber producing facilities
disposal commission, appointed by
President Eisenhower to sell the
government's synthetic rubber
plants, sent a letter to Congress
on January 2 outlining the bill of
sale to Firestone, Goodyear, U.S.
Rubber Co. (subEidiary of General
Motors), Goodrich, Shell Oil, Phil.
lips Petroleum, and others.
Profits for U.S.A.
UNDER THE law, the deal goes
through 60 days later, or on
March 27, unless either House of
Congress adopts a disapproving re-
solution before the deadline. The
proposed sale price for the 11 syn-
thetic plants-about $260,000,000
-is far out of line with either their
original cost or their current
These factories made a profit of
$73,000,000 for Uncle Sam a year
ago. And with the Communists
now in virtual control of Indo-
China and inciting rapidly down
toward the vital rubber areas of
Southeast Asia, many military men
feel this is no time for the gov-
ernment to abandon its rubber fac-
Incidentally, not one single small
business concern is among the pre-
ferred purchasers selected by the
rubber producing facilities dis-
posal commission to take over
these plants. Besides, the big rub-
ber companies, the list includes
Sears, Roebuck; Texas Oil, Arm-
strong Rubber, Anaconda Copper,
Endicott Johnson, and the Ameri-
can subsidiary of Dunlop Tires,
Ltd., of Great Britain.
Behind Bamboo Curtain
THE SWEDISH government,
which has an embassy in Pei-
ping, believes Russia has lost near-
ly all control over Red China's
policies. Dictator Mao Tse-Tung,
an old-line Communist revolu-
tionary, is even reported to view
the new Russian government
headed by Marshal Bulganin as
something of a joke.
Watch out, therefore, for ano-
ther personal visit by Nikita
Krushchev to Peiping to talk with
Mao Tse-Tung. Furthermore, re-
gardless of the tremendous short-

age of goods in Russia, it's likely
that Khrushchev will promise
large quantities of arms and ma-
chinery to Red China.
Berge's "'Jail" Record
WITNESSES WHO appear be-
fore Congressional committees
to help friends sometimes find
themselves on the Senatorial fry-
ing pan, too. This is what happen-
ed to Wendell Berge, former chief
of the Justice Department's Anti-
Trust Division, when he came to
the rescue of John Marshall Har-
lan during the latter's closed-door
confirmation grilling.
Harlan had been attorney for
the far-flung Du Pont interests
when they were sued by the Jus-
tice Department for violation of
the Anti-Trust Act.
Berge, who helped prosecute the
Du Ponts, praised Harlan's work
as attorney for Du Ponts. But Sen.
Bill Langer of North Dakota, arch-
foe of big business, promptly pin-
ned his ears baick.
"It's my recollection that you
never convicted a single person,"
Langer, challenged Berge, refer-
ring to Berge's career as Chief of
the Antitrust Division.
"We got lots of convictions,"
disagreed Berge.
"Give us the name of one single
person you put in jail," challenged
the North Dakota Senator.
"We didn't put anyone in jail,"
admitted Berge. "The Antitrust
laws are not primarily designed
to put people in jail ... I don't




ol 4P


.. . .

At the Michigan...
WALT DISNEY has once again captured a
part of nature on the screen. In his second
full-length True Life Adventure, following
The Living Desert, he has not deviated far
from the earlier work except in subjects. The
subject matter remains the same.
The Vanishing Prairie shows the animals
native to the large central plain of our Mid-
West. The camera eye has concentrated on cap-
turing the birds and animals that are disap-
pearing from the area,
THE PICTURE is fully a documentary giving,
thusly. a rather external view of things.
There are some poignant moments, notably
in the scene showing the birth of a buffalo ared
the call's first, shaky movements.
Another of the best scenes shows a mountain
lion stalking a deer to feed her young. The

steps and swift action while the lion cubs
watch in the distance is superbly caught.
As before, Disney sometimes speeds up the
camera for comedy-with-music effects, or slows
is up to emphasize the grace of birds aloft or
animals on the run. Ducks sliding on ice after
alighting do so to Wagner's Ride of the Valky-
ries and mountain sheep battle to the Anvil
The most outstanding feature of the picture
is the color. Whether the scene is depicting
land or water, flying birds or burrowing prairie
dogs, the color adds much to the richness of the
ON THE all-Disney program, is a too-long
short tersely titled Stormy the Thorough-
bred with an Inferiority Complex. While again
the color and scenes of the Kentucky bluegrass
and the California hills where the story un-
folds, are excellent, the narrative here is in-

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers...........Cty Editor
Jon Sobeloff........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ....Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor
David 'Livingston.. .Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ... .Assoc. Spc- fs Editor
Warren Wertheimer
......-.--.-.--Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shimovitz........Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel......Chief Photographer
Business Stafff
Lois Pollak...........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


(Continued from Page 2)
partment of Geography, will discuss
"The Sacrament of the Ministry." Cof-
fee Hour at Canterbury House follow-
ing the 8:00 p.m. Evensong Sun., March
Hillel: Chorus Rehearsal Sun., Mar.
6, 4:30 p.m. in main chapel. Supper
Club., Sun., Mar. 6, 6:00 p.m. followed by
record dance. Religious Committee is
sponsoring a group to study the five
books of Moses Sun. after supper club.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at 2:00 p.m. Sun., Mar. 6. Wear old
clothes. Enter at the northwest corner
of the Rackham Building.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., March 6. 9:30
a.m. Discussion "Paradoxes of the Chris-
tian Faith;" 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Sup-
per; 6:45 p.m. Worship Service and
Program. Dr. William Baker will speak
on, "What is the Place of Jesus Christ
in Salvation?"
Lutheran Student Association Sunday,
7:00 p.m. Dr. Harlyn n. Halvorsen of
the Department of Bacteriology will
speak on "The Recent Discoveries in
Biological Science and Their Impact on
Christian Thought." Corner of Hill St.
and Forest Ave.
Westminster Student Fellowship -
sponsored Bible Seminar in Room 217
of ' the Presbyterian Student Center,
10:45 a.m., Sun., March 6. Discussion
on Matthew 18. Westminster Student
Fellowship Guild Meeting, 6:45 p.m.
Sun., March 6, Lounge of the Presby-
terian Student Center.
Unitarian Student Group. The outing
scheduled for Sun. afternoon, Mar. 6,
has been cancelled. Unitarian Student
(Ti will mpf fim Marc R at


Sailing Club. Work party to repair
boats Sun., Mar. 6, 2:00 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: "The
Relationship Between the Passover and
Easter," will be discussed at 3:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Lane Hall Folk Dance Group will meet
Mon., Mar. 7, 7:30-10:00 p.m: in recre-
ation room. Instruction for every
dance, and beginners are welcome.
Generation: Meeting for the entire
staff to discuss next issue, Mon., March
7, 7:00 p.m., Generation office, Student
Publications Building. All members
requested to attend.
Hillel. Mon., March 7 is Purim. Me-
gillah Reading 7:00 p.m.
Gilbert & Sullivan. Rehearsal for
principals only Mon., Mar. 7 in the
League at 7:00 p.m.
La Petite Causette will meet Mon.,
Mar. 7 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left
room of the Union cafeteria. Ici on ne
parle que le francais. venez tous jouer
au Scrabble en francais.
Deutscher Verein. Program Tues.,
Mar. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3R of the
Union. Movies, a comedy skit, real Ger-
man cake and coffee.
The Film Forum on International
Education will feature a film on the
teaching of controversial issues-"Free-
dom to Learn." Sponsored by the Na-
tional Education Association, 4:15 p.m.
In Aud. A, Angell Hall, Tues., Mar. 8.
Hillel. Tues., 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Raphael
Tourover, Washington Representative
o Hm adasa ,.nil s ea "on,mer.icn




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