; P'AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 5,1953 ONE MORE AMBITION: Simon Not Sure If He'd Do It Again By MURRY FRYMER Three and a half years ago a couple of ambitious freshmen be- came roommates in East Quad, and started a rivalry that will fi- nally come to a conclusion next week. Ned Simon, '55, and Steve Jelin, '55, both decided early in their college careers to become presi- dent of the Student Legislature. They battled each other all the way; first one seemed ahead and then the other. This year, as seniors, they're roommates again. And this year, each has served his term as SL President, SL's Last President Ned is retiring next week as SL's last president. How does he feel? "I didn't feel it till the last meeting," said Ned. "I was elated. Now I can do the things I've al- ways wanted." Looking back, Ned isn't quite sure if he'd do it again. "When I leave Michigan, I'll feel I haven't received a lot out of it. Still I have received a lot that I couldn't have had." Glad of One Thing In a position where he could better understand both the stu- dents and the administration, Ned is glad of one thing. "It has taught me how to associ- ate with other people," he said, "and given me an opportunity to get into areas of the University closed to most students." The troubled state of student government on campus Ned ties to an overall University belief. Claims Paternalism "The type of student govern- ment the University encourages is very paternalistic. Students are not felt V'o be particularly respon- sible. " What's more, says Ned, the cam- pus wants paternalism "Students aren't going any- where," he says. "They don't seek Taylor Defends School Officials LANSING (A) - Charges that public schools are being "robbed" by excessive fees charged by pub- lic administrators were denied yes- terday by Dr. Clair L. Taylor, State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. Taylor said although the state general fund may be losing through excessive fees, the schools are not. -Daily-Lynn Wallas NED SIMON . .. last of the SL Presidents Specialist MEMPHIS, Tenn. (P) - An Arkansas boy, who wrote that he wants to raise money to go to Boy Scout camp, has offer- ed to sell hs dog-a "geod crook-catcher"-to the Mem- phis Police Department The ?etter from Jesse Hager of Jonesboro, Ark., was made public by Police Chief J. C. MacDonald. Jesse wrote that his dog, a Doberman Pinscher, is a "real u4 Cog, smart and my get., If you hove a nice policeman who seuld train him, h( could be a good crook-catcher." He added th ,s postscript: "It'll cost $60 to go t,+ camp" GoP Rejects CIO's Radio, TV Offer DETROIT )-An offer to ap- par on radio and television pro- grams of the CI0 United Auto Workers Union was rejected yes- terday by the Michigan Republi- can Party. But, at the same time, GOP State Chairman John Feikens said the party has "a strong willingness to meet spokesmen for the Demo- cratic Party on any public plat- form or on any public service ra- dio or television program." "We do not propose to condone the conduct of the UAW or of the CIO in using union dues to pro- mote the interests of any political party contrary to the workers' wishes," Feikens wrote Guy Nunn, UAW commentator. Nunn invited Republicans to ap- pear on the union's radio (CKLW) and television (WJBK-TV) pro- grams after Feikens had charged union dues were being used to promote Democratic candidates in violation of the Federal Corrupt Practices Act, Nunn said of Feikens' reply to his invitation: "It shows the Republican chair- man is not interested in free and public debate of campaign issues, but only in shutting up the UAW. "This is not our first rejection of invitations for Republicans to appear on our programs. We couldn't have been fairer in our offer. We proposed an equal split of time and offered every program available between now and the April 4 election, four on television and two daily on radio." New Grade Scale Used Due to inequities in grading, the Business Administration School recently changed its grading scheme. Under the new grading system, an A will be recorded by the regis- trar's office as 4.0, an A plus will be 4.3, and A- will be 3.7 and so on. Since the new system was insti- tuted, one business administration student whose grades were revised in accordance with the new rule had a 4:6 average. Under the old system of grading in the school, a straight 90 to 100 for an A, 80 to 89 for a B grade scale was used. However, many students from other schools taking courses in business administration found that, when transferring letter grades, their averages were lower- ed. For this reason, it was found that calculations of fraternity grade standings were inequitable. The situation was eased somewhat last semester when business ad- ministration school Assistant Dean Herbert F. Taggart changed the scale to make 86 to 100 an A and 76 to 85 a B. However, some instructors still used the old scale when recording grades. When this happened, the present system was instituted. Rate 'desire For College Top Factor The Commission on Human Re- sources and Advanced Training announced that desire for college training is the most important factor in deciding whether or not a student continues his education. Set up under a Rockefeller Foundation grant to study Ameri- ca's supply of highly trained per- sonnel, the results indicate that fi- nancial status, intellectual ability and high school grades are of much less importance than the in- dividual student's motivation to continue college. Dean Charles E. Odegaard of the literary college and Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school are members of the commission. WASHINGTON (P)-Pay raises for the armed forces and postal service were approved yesterday by House committees. Increases of between six and 25 per cent for career servicemen were okayed unanimously by an Armed Services subcommittee. The House is expected to adopt the measure, representing 735 million dollars in extra pay a year, next week. The House Post Office Commit- tee voted an average 7%j2 per cent increase for half a million Post Of- fice employes, at an annual cost of 150 million dollars. The mini- mum increase is 6 per cent. Average 11.9 Per Cent Increase The military pay raise bill, which President Dwight D. Eisen- hower has termed essential to keep trained men in uniform, provides an average 11.9 per cent increase for two million servicemen. Enlisted men with over two Land Purchasing Discussion Slated The fifth annual Municipal Pur- chasing Conference will be held March 10 in the East Conference Rm. of Rackham Bldg. Sponsored by the University's Institute of Public Administration, University Extension Service, and Michigan Municipal League, the conference will discuss "The Buy- ing and Selling of Land for De- velopment of Municipalities" and "The Value of Organizing the Pur- chasing Operation in Your Muni- cipality." 1. Cofume to Church 4 House Committees Approve Pay Hikes For Armed Forces, Postal Employes years' service and officers with more than three years' duty would get boosts of from $7.80 to $83.46 a month. In general, others are not affected because the bill is designed to provide more incen- tive for experienced men to stay in uniform. The measure increases special monthly pay for hazardous air and submarine duty, establishes a new dislocation allowance of one month's basic pay for service fami- lies making a permanent change of station and ups the daily travel allowance from $9 to $12. May Reach House Thursday Chairman R. J. Wilday (D-Tex) said the measure would be submit- ted Tuesday to the full committee and might reach the House floor Thursday. anything out. They go to class, do their assignments, and take exams. But they show tremendous disin- terest in anything like student government." Disillusionment Ned also expresses "disillusion- ment" as to the capabilities of oth- er campus leaders. "The most capable people are not going into activities," he says. A political science major from Winettka, Illinois, Ned hopes to go to law school next fall, preferably to Harvard. If law doesn't work out he expects he'll wind up in the real estate business. Among his many talents, Ned is noted for his cooking, especial- ly steaks. Secret Process "I have a special secret process," he claims. "I use old Eastern salts, garlics and flavor." He doesn't know where he got the recipe-"I just picked it lip." Ned is also an avid pipe smoker, with a collection of 50 pipes, al- though friends don't like it when "I smoke up the room." Zeta Beta Tau, Michigamua, and Sphinx all claim Ned's member- ship, but he says he hasn't been very active in fraternity life. Ned has, what he calls, a "se- cret ambition." He would like very much to be president of the Uni- versity for a day, "I would have so many people fired that by the time President Hatcher got back, the change would be irreparable." Strikers Ask For Boycott Of Schools IRVING, Tex. (P) - Striking teachers, feuding with the school board of this suburban community near Dallas, yesterday asked mothers to keep their children away from schools now run by vol- unteers and substitutes. A teacher committee called on a group of mothers to take their children out of schools and close them until the row is over. There was no immediate reaction from the mothers. This happenedafter quarreling trustees and teachers held their first meeting since an estimated 200 of the 300 teachers and other school employes failed to show up Tuesday. The walkout, in its fourth day, is in protest of the fir- ing of Supt. John Beard and "in- tolerable conditions." At the meeting, the board re- peated a standing offer that em- ployes may apply to return to their jobs and be passed on indi- vidually, even though 30 new per- sons have been hired. The board considered the employes broke their contracts when they struck and failed to return by a deadline Thursday. R. H. Copeland, who represented the dissident group at the session, said the board would not listen to a list of "intolerable working con- ditions" capped by Beard's dis- charge Feb. 18. Newspaper Term A filler is a newspaper term used to denote a small item of informa- tion intended to fill a space in your newspaper. It is often used when no seem- ingly appropriate news item can be found. This is a filler. Next Sunday i BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED 423 South Fourth Ave. Walter S. Press, Pastor Warren Winkler, Director of Student Work 10:45 A.M.-Worship Service. Sermon by Rev. Press; "Growing in Obedience." 7:00 P.M.-Student Guild Wednesday 7:30 P.M.---Midweek Lenten Service. MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Hill and Tappan Streets Rev. George Barger, Minister FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, 1833 Washtenaw Ave. Scientist I, 10:45-Morning Worship. Sermon: line of Discipleship." 9:45 A.M.-Church School "The Discip- Junior Theater Group Set Up Within Dramatic Arts Center Trow's Article Describes Oil Firm's Arabian Experiment As an integral part of the Dra- inatic Arts Center, a junior theater group has recently been establish- ed. Including young people between the ages of 12 and 17, the group will present plays for younger chil- dren. The new organization, coordi- nated by Mrs. L. Hart Wright, will undergo a period of training this month and next in order to be- come acquainted, with the opera- tions and equipment of the Dra- matic Arts Center, which will be used by the junior group. During the first meeting, which will take place at 3 p.m. today at the DAC, A. J. Pocock, business manager of the Dramatic Arts Center, will explain the admini- stration of the center. Other Saturday afternoon meet- ings will be devoted to demonstra- tions of make-up application, pre- sented by DAC actor Ralph Drischell, and discussions on tech- nical aspects by Martha Handley, also of the DAC staff. Joseph Gistirak, director of the center, will talk to the young peo- ple about the selection, casting and direction )f plays, while a local dance group will instruct the group on that particular aspect of presentation. According to Mrs. Wright, it is hoped that the group will be well- enough acquainted with procedure by the end of the training program to choose at least one play for presentation next year. Two pro- ductions are planned. The group is open to all young people in the area. How good human relations are being carried on in a unique Ara- bian experiment by an American oil company is explored by Prof. William C. Trow, of the education school, in a recent article in the School of Education Bulletin. Prof. Trow gave a series of lec- tures last summer in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, as part of an insti- tute for the teachers of the chil- dren of the Arabian-American Oil Company's American employees. "No longer," Prof. Trow writes, "do the dates, nor the gold, nor yet the 'pearls of great price' in the Persian Gulf not far away con- stitute the wealth of Arabia. In 1933 oil was found a mile or more beneath the surface of the des- ert on which the broad-tired tracks and pipelines fo Aramco now fol- low the old caravan trails. "What you have here," Prof. Trow said, "is a segment of the complex American technology set- tling in peacefully in the midst of the ancient and technologically undeveloped cultureof Arabia, seemingly as contentedly as if they had both been there for centuries." Trow writes that King Saud is setting up schools in buildings built by the company for the ben- efit of the Arabian people, and furnishing government support to hundreds of young men for ad- vanced study in the Middle East and America. Up to now many of these Bedouins have owned hardly more than a knife and a camel. He goes on to say that the com- pany gives technical assistance to the industries and helps the peo- ple build a modern city. CONGREGATIONAL-DISCIPLES STUDENT GUILD 7:00 P.M.-Congregational Church. Professor and Mrs. Frank Copley: "Engagement, Mar- riage, and Homebuilding." FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Avenue Edward H. Redman, Minister 10:00 A.M.-Unitarian Adult Group. Mr. Charles Bisdee leading discussion on "The Constitu- tion and Investigating Committees." 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Max Toy of Lansing, Michigan, guest speaker at services: "The Second Com- ma ndment." 2:00 P.M.-Student Group meets at Lane Hall for Outing. 5:30-7:30-High School Orientation Group. 7:30 P.M.-Student Group. returns. for. Hot Lunch and listen to "The Investigator." Monday, 8:00 P.M.-Unitarian Men's Club at 2761 S. State Street to listen to movie: Mur- row Interviews Oppenheimer. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 'William and State Sts. Minister-Rev. Leonard A. Parr Minister to Students: Rev. H. L. Pickerill, Assoc. Sue Gillespie. Director of Music-Frank S. Stillings Organist-David Taylor Junior High Church in Douglas Chapel at 10:45. Mrs. John S. McNown will speak on "Where Love Is, There Is God Also." Public worship at 10:45 A.M.-Dr.,Parr will preach on "I am Involved in Mankind" (John Donne) the second in the series "Words Men .ive By." Student Guild 7:00 P.M. in the Mayflower Room. Prof. and Mrs. Frank Copley will discuss "Engagement, Marriage and Homebuilding." 9:30 A.M.-Sunday School 11:00 A.M.-Sunday Morning Service Mar. 6-Man 8:00 P.M.-Wednesday Testimonial Service A free reading room is maintained at 339 South Main Street where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, bor- rowed or purchased. Reading Room hours are Monday, 11:00 A.M. to 9 P.M.; Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 A.M. to 5 P.M.; and Sunday 2:30 to 4:30 P.M. LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) Hill Street and Forest Avenue Dr. H. O. Yoder, Pastor Sunday- 11:00 A.M.-Worship Services 10:00 A.M.-Bible Study 7:00 P.M.-Dr. Harlyn Halvorson, Prof. of Bac- teriology, Speaker. Tuesday- 7:15 P.M.-Study of Great Church Leaders Wednesday- 7:30 P.M.-Lenten Service UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CI4APEL AND STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday at 9:30 and at 10:45: Services, with ser- mon by the pastor, "The Mount of Deliver- ance." Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, Supper and Program: A review of the work of Warner Sallman, Christian artist, with visual aids. Wednesday at 7:30 and at 9:15: Lenten Vesper Services. Sermon, "Simon Peter-Brokenheart- ed Boaster." (Sermon by the Rev. Theo. Dan- iel, Wayne U Lutheran student pastor). CAMPUS CHAPEL (Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches of Michigan) Washtenaw at Forest Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director Res. Ph. NO 5-4205; Office Ph. NO 8-7421 10:00 A.M.-Morning Service 7:00 P.M.-Evening Service ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL William and Thompson Sts. Sunday Masses- 8:00 - 9:30 - 11:00 - 12:00 Daily-7:00 - 8:00 - 9:00 Novena Devotions-Wednesday evenings-7:30 P.M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 502 East Huron, Phone NO 8-7332 Rev. C. H. Loucks. Minister Beth Mahone, Student Advisor Sunday, March 6- 9:45-We study the book of James 11 :00-Reconcilliation 6:45-"The Catholic Control to Contemporary Christianity" Professor James O'Neil. S ,, r ~- U {.'... r a'J l. ti a . .a, s \ !Ja ;v> .. 1 ''~' s 1 3 .:.: . /' GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Corner State and Huron Streets William C. Bennett, Pastor 10:00-Sunday School 11:00-"The Assurance of Faith" 6:00-Student Guild 7:30-"God's Rights With Men" Wednesday 7:30-Prayer Meeting We Welcome You r FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and STUDENT CENTER 1432 Washtenaw Ave. Henry Kuizenga and George Laurent, Ministers William S. Baker and Edward Sue, University Pastors Sunday morning discussion following early service at 10:45. Bible Discussion 10:45. Sermon: "What Is the Judgment of Christ?" Evening WSF Fellowship, 6:45. .r, FIRST METHODIST CHURCH and WESLEY FOUNDATION 120 South State Street Merrill R. Abbey, Erland J. Wangdahl, Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers 9':00 and 10:45 A.M.-Worship: "Master the Art of Hearing," Dr. Abbey, preaching. 9:30 A.M.-Student Seminar, "Paradoxes of the Christian Faith." 5:30--Supper and Fellowship 6:45--Worship and Program. Dr. William Bak- FRIENDS (QUAKER) MEETING Lane Hall 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Visitors Wel- come. 7:30 P.M.-Meetings as arranged. Students will be picked up by car at Lane Hall at 7:30 P.M. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST 530 West Stadium (Formerly at Y.M.C.A.) Sundays-10:15 AM. - 11.00 A M. - 7:30 P M. When the stag-line wolves rush your delectable date... But you're the guy she steps out to have a cigarette with... that's PURE PLEASURE! I, I , ,I 11 II