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March 05, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-05

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Allen Author of Natural Resources Book

Republicans, Democrats
Have Similar Platforms


"Conserving Natural Resources
-Principles and Practice in a
Democracy" is the title of a re-
cently published book written by
Prof. Emeritus Shirley W. Allen of
the forestry department.
Prof. Allen has been working on
the book for four years, calling it
"a combination of my teaching
since 1929."
The book discusses many natur-
al resource problems including the
question of democracy versus con-
servation. "In a democracy where
we emphasize the rights of the
individual some of the principles
of conservation go against his way
"t of doing things," he said.
Gains Deserve Credit
Since people generally do not
like to be regulated, Prof. Allen
believes the accomplishments in
the field of conservation deserve
credit. "More hac been done vol-
t ntarily than by law enforcement.
Laws mostly give public encour-
agement to the piivate owner to
handle his property well."
"The work also calls attention

... writes forestry text
to the fact that our natural re-
source base may not always be
able to supply the rare materials
for an economy that expands as

fast as ours has been expanding,"
the author remarked.
It also suggests that rapid in-
crease in population and need
makes it increasingly necessary
to manage our natural resources
with skill and foresight," Prof.
Allen added.
Book Illustrated
The book is fully illustrated with
pictures, maps and diagrams. Al-
though it is primarily a textbook,
Prof. Allen hopes it will not be
that exclusively.
Prof. Allen is using his book in
extension courses he's been teach-
ing since his retirement last year.
He began teaching at the Uni-
versity in 1929.
Before coming here, Prof. Allen
was in the United States Forest
Service. Previously he graduated
from Iowa State College.
First Book in 1938
In 1938 he wrote his first book,
"Introduction to American Fores-
try," intending to use it for a
course he was teaching, but "they
stopped the course the year I
wrote it."
Prof. Allen attributes a large
part of the sales of his first book
to the "wisecracks I uised. I had
fun writing it because I have a
strong sense of the ridiculous,"
he commented.
Prof. Allen also applies his
sense of the ridiculous" to jokes
about his first name.
"My mother must have been
reading Charlotte Bronte and de-
cided Shirley was a nice name.
It's risen to smite me all my life."
He blames Shirley Temple for
popularizing it as a girl's name
and causing him to get mail ad-
dressed to "Miss Shirley Allen."


In their party platforms for
1955, Ann Arbor Democrats and
Republicans agree on several is-
sues but offer different methods
for carrying them out.
Both parties urge popular en-
dorsement of the newly-proposed
city charter in the spring election
April 4 but Democrats insist on
the need for even further charter
reAgreeing on the need for more
low-cost housing, Democrats. rec-
ommend establishment of a hous-
ing commission to "make fullest
use of the state public housing
act" for this purpose.
However, the GOP pledge their
efforts to induce the "free enter-
prise system development of low
income housing utilizing the Cit-
izens Housing Committee Survey
to achieve its goal."
Republicans and Democrats also
urged the appointment of a hu-
man relations commission to "hold
hearings and conduct investiga-
t i o n s involving discrimination
against any minority group," as
the Democrats say.
The GOP platform in regard to
Plan Francescatti
Concert Monday
World famed violinist, Zino
Francescatti, will perform at 8:30
p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium.
At the age of five Francescatti
made his first public appearance,
and at 10 he astounded musical
but in this country, he has played
circles, when he played the Beet-
hoven Concerto. Known through-
out Europe when he made his de-
with every American orchestra.

Grad Students Visit Indian
Village, Learn Strange Ways

Because two graduate students
went off the beaten track in search
of material for their dissertations,
the University Museum now has
on display a visual record of their'
Leaving the conveniences of
modern civilization 850 miles be-
hind, Robert and Gertrude Carnei-
ro ,predoctorate anthropology stu-
dents, lived for five months among
the Kuikuru Indians deep in Bra-
zil's Amazon Jungle.
Arriving in the village, Carneiro
and his wife were able to pick up
some of the Carib language spo-
ken by the natives. Speaking of
his hosts Carneiro said, "Everyone
is friendly and they're always an-
xious to have visitors."
Blood-letting Custom
Among the customs of the In-
dians is the age old practice of
blood-letting which is used not
'o only as a cure for all types of di-

this issue states that this commis-
sion should deal "with those hu-
man relations problems as they
arise in the community which
cannot be handled by existing
Continuing suggestions for the
coming year, Democrats called for
cooperation between Supervisors
and Common Councilr to bring
about and sustain full employ-
ment by means of a better spread
in the scheduling of future public
Specific Democrat recommenda-
tions included building new fire
stations for the west and north
sides of the city, appointment of
a second Circuit Court judge for
Washtenaw County and proper
application of existing zoning
laws to encourage establishment
of new industries in the County.
On the other hand, Iepublicans
pledged a broad study of serious
problems created by the rapid
growth of the city, including a
survey of present and future im-
provement needs of the city and
school system.
Urging a "continued awareness
by city officials of the -heavy tax
load now carried by our citizens,"
the GOP pledged a continuation of
the policy of co-ordinating city,
county and school system activities
to avoid wasteful duplication.
May Begin
Co-op Buying
(Continued from Page 1)
Stewards council will consist of
one steward from each fraternity
taking part in the scheme. The
councel will review bids submitted
by merchants on orders and will
choose the most attractive bids,
Coats explained.
Will Set Up Purchasing Group
IFC will set up a purchasing
committee which will place the
orders, buying in quantity under
the plan. Fraternities ordering
goods will be given a choice of
quality, Coats continued, while the
final order placed will be the com-
plete listing of goods wanted by
all participating fraternities.
Merchants will submit bids as
well as samples, he said. Firms
chosen will deliver the goods to
individual houses during the third
week of the month under condi-
tions of the plan.
According to Coats, although
the plan will place restrictions on
the fraternity system, it will ef-
fect considerable savings. The
scheme has been used by frater-
nities in several other universities.

-Daily-Sam Ching

seases but for disobedience as well.
The instrument used to draw blood
is the tooth of the voracious pira-
nah fish.
Other utensils used by the men
is the half jaw of the dog fish
which serves both as a drill and an
awl. The jaw of the useful, but
dangerous piranhah is used by the
natives as a pair of scissors for
hair clipping.
Beauty Aids
Speaking on the beauty aids
used used by the women, Mrs. Car-
neiro mentioned that a red paint
streak on the forehead was a com-
mon type of .makeup. "It's a sign
of friendship if they transfer some
of the red from their forehead to
yours," she explained.
After their taste of aboriginal
life the Carneiros have returned
to the rigors of civilized life. Mo-
mentos of their stay with the Kui-
kuru will be on display at the mu-
seum until April.

Young Democrats Active
On University Campus

March Winds Provide Chance.
For Designers To Test Kites

March winds are blowing and
spring is almosthere.
"What could be a better thing
to do than try out a new kite?"
said Gen Leland, '58M, when ask-
ed why she was making practice
ruis on the front lawn of Betsy
Barbour House.
Miss Leland added, "I don't
really have an early case of spring
fever, 'I'm doing this for a class
Testing Kites for Class
Miss Leland said she was testing
kites for a Design 20 class. If the
small kites being tested are work-
able and adaptable to Ann Arbor
winds, kites of regulation size will
be constructed.
Prof. Philip C. Davis of the
School of Architecture, instructor
IHC To Distribute
Weekly Bulletin
Beginning March 19 the Inter-
House Council will send weekly
newsletters to house officers.
According to Administrative
Vice-President Dave Hubly, '57,
"The Quadrangle" will transmit
new ideas and innovations be-
tween houses. Discussed on the
new letter will be social programs,
dances and suggestions on scholar-
ship and alumni programs.
Hubly said the weekly would be
as up-to-date as possible, being
printed 24 hours after it is writ-
ten. It will include weekly ques-
tionnaires, IHC meeting reports
and articles on individual IHC
policy stands.

for the course, commented on the
experiment. "By this project we
hope to increase student ingenuity
and ability in visual design." The
class hopes to design a flyable
Miss Leland informed all enthu-
siasts of a kite flying meet to be
held March 19. The site of the
meet will be announced later. "The
class will not accept the challenge
of either law students or the Sig-
ma Nu fraternity, as this is an
amateur contest," she added.
Student Directory
Application Open
Recognized student groups, ac-
cepted by the Board of Student
Publications, can submit applica-
tions for the compiling and selling
of the Student Directory.
Contracts are effective both for
summer and fall directories. Ap-
plications must be in by March 22.
Organizations wanting addition-
al information are requested to
contact the business secretary of
the Board.
Camp Jobs Open
Persons interested in applying
for a camp counseling job at the
Detroit Jewish Community Center
Day Camp and Fresh Air Camp
may arrange for appointments at
the Hillel Foundation.
Representatives of these camps
will be in Ann Arbor Wednesday,
March 9.

'U' Missiles
To Compile
Space Data
Two sleek-nosed rockets were
delivered to the Defense Depart-
ment this week by University engi-
neers. a
Weighing only 220 pounds and
standing eight feet tall, the slen-
der rockets are expected to ex-
plore regions nearly 400,000 feet
above the earth. Front surveys
made of heavier, more elaborate
models, it has been estimated that
these new rockets will probe the
upper atmosphere for a seventh of
the usual cost.
Leslie M. Jones, supervisor of the
'U' Engineering Research Insti-
tute estimates that the smaller
rockets can be built, equipped,
launched, and their findings an-
alysed for $15,000. This is a sharp
drop from the $100,000 it now
costs the government to do this.
Learn Air Temperature
By firing more rockets into the
upper atmosphere the military will
learn air temperature and density
at various levels, and how those
factorsare related to storms, so-
lar activity, magnetic fields and
other phenomena. Because the cost
of these rockets will be lower,
more thorough surveys can be
All but the propulsion units of
the rockets were fashioned from
aluminum by 'U' technicians. The
sections were packed with precise-
ly-fitted electronic equipment.
An electronic beam to reflect
radar beams used by gibund ob-
servers to track the flight of the
rockets fits into the pointed nose.
Aluminum Ball Inserted
An aluminum sphere the size of
a bowling ball is inserted behind
the nose. The rocket carries this
ball as high as possible and then
drops it, according to Jones. As
it falls it measures its own rate of
descent and radios the information
back to the earth. From this data,
the density and temperature of
the air can be calculated.
Since the rocket makes but one
flight, it is lost after breaking
open to release the ball. Thus elab-
orate measures are taken to re-
cord on film and wire tape the
information that the ball trans-
The National Advisory Commit-
tee on Aeronautics' proving ground
at Wallop's Island, Va. will be the
scene of the rocket testing. Here
they will be carried to a high al-
titude by booster units from an
anti-aircraft missile, and continue
the rest of the way under their
own power.
This spring several members of
the Michigan group will go to Fort
Churchill in Manitoba, Canada
where they will prepare the way
for launching of similar rockets
during the 1957-58 International
Geophysical year.

Bangor's New Religion Idea
In Schools Meets Criticism


(Continued from Page 1)
"The use of school property for
religious teaching of any kind has
been ruled un-Constitutional," he
Ann Arbor Opinion Mild
Reaction here in Ann Arbor has
been mild, with most officials
feeling that the Bangor action is
against the law as it now stands.
John M. Trytten, principal of
University High School, now on
sabaticalleave, saidsyesterday,
"When religion in schools has
been tried, clergymen have said
leave it to us, leave religion in
the schools."
Principal Jack Elzay, of Ann
Arbor High, said that a religion
program was once used in the
city school system, but that now
any such program is illegal.
"We'll obey what the courts
' have set down," he said.
Also disagreeing with the Ban-
gor program, Rev. Walter M.
Brandt, of Trinity Lutheran

Church here, said, "We don't want
our public schools to interfere
with the church.
"I like the release time idea,
but to use public school property
is a different matter."
Meanwhile in Bangor, School
Superintendent Homer Hendricks
has said that the "experiment will
continue until we are proved
New Courthouse
Several strikes have slowed up
work on Washtenaw County's new
courthouse, but construction is
back on schedule.
The U-shaped structure is now
about 80 per cent completed ac-
cording to William R. Kelley,
county Board of Supervisors build-
ing committee chairman. Work is
centering on the interior of the
courthouse, and the building
should be completed by the June
30 date originally set, Kelley said.

Three political organizations on
campus present many opportuni-
ties for University students to
participate actively in local, state
and national politics.
The Young Democrat Club aims
at furthering political interest on
campus with hopes of channeling
such energies into the Democratic
Organized three years ago in its
present form, the club is composed
of what it terms "liberal" Demo-
crats. At present, between sup-
porting the appearance of the Ber-
lin Philharmonic and preparing
for the 1956 elections, a battle
rages between Kefauverites and
Stevensonites, publicity chairman
Ralph Goldberg, '56, says.
50 Paying Members
Although the YD club lists
about 50 paying members, it finds
it difficult to keep student inter-
est between elections. Executive
committee members feel, however,
that interest will pick up because
of the nearing 1956 elections.
Young Democrats present an ac-
tive program every semester deal-
ing with local, state and national
political questions. Their activi-
ties include discussions of current
problems with faculty and state
political leaders, an annual Poli-
tical Party Day, and an enthusias-
tic debate with the Young Re-
Club members also are initiated
into the game of practical politics
by their work with the city Demo-
cratic Party organization, partici-
pating in election campaigns and
attending county and state Demo-
crat conventions.
Members Actively Participate
At this month's state Demo-
cratic convention, several mem-
bers actively participated in the

campaign backing Eugene Powers
for nomination to the University
Board of Regents. Their efforts
were rewarded by seeing him win
the nomination.
Aside from the coming Young
Republican -YD debate, the club's
plans include a panel discussion
on "Natural Law and its Relation
to the Isms" Thursday. Prof.
Frank Grace of the political sci-
ence department, Prof. William
Frankena of the philosophy de-
partment and Prof. Palmer A.
Throop of the history department
will compose the panel.
Lieutenant-governor Ph il p
Hart, Democrat State Central
Committee chairman Neil Staeb-
ler and Prof. George Peek of the
political science department have
been invited to discuss the future
of the Democrat Party in 1956
March 23.
Executive Committee
Main organ of the Young Demo-
crats is the Executive Committee
which consists of all club officials.
Joyce Greenbaum, '56, heads the
group, assisted by vice-president
George Zuckerman, '56, treasurer
William Peer, '57, and secretary
Ann Lawther, '56.
As representatives to the State
Central Committee of the Michi-
gan YD clubs, Dick Goodman, '55,
and Keke Pyros, '58, also are on
the Executive Committee. Com-
mittee chairmen Sarah Greek, '55,
John Brand, '55, and Ralph Gold-
berg, '56, are included.
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