"I PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN ]DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1951 PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAiLY SATURDAY, MARCH 5,1951 SL'S GIVEAWAY SHOW: Interest, Proper Procedure, Would Have Avoided 'Circus' Integration Problem LETTERS TO THE EDITOR DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN r T HERE IS somethin unpleasant about kick- ing an organization whose existence will be terminated in less than two weeks. Espec- ially an organization that has striven reso- lutely against many obstacles in its eight short years of existence. However Student Leg- islature's performance of the last two weeks -called at various times "a circus," "chaotic," and compared to a "bunch of animals,"-is open to criticism. For three weeks SL has been trying to dis- pose of approximately $6,000. The Legislature had little trouble with the first $1,500. But two regular meetings, and one special session have, now passed without delegation of the rest. The cause of the "chaos" is simple. SL mem- bers didn't become interested in their own money until after the problem reached the floor of Legislature. Only a few members actually gave thought to the problem. At a finance committee meeting three weeks ago to formu- late plans for finances, only nine SL members were present. Five of these were members of the committee. Attendance at other finance meetings was less. OME SL members as late as last week didn't know how much money the body had despite the fact the amount had been printed in The Daily on more than one occasion. Much of SL was giving real thought to the problem for the first time a week ago Wed- nesday. A main motion was brought to the floor by the finance committee and since that . time members have been battling to see who can bring forth the most amendments to the original finance committee motion. Most of the amendments should have been presented as suggestions at finance committee meetings. If they were acceptable they would have been in- corporated in the main motion. Many amendments proposed to the whole SL have been soundly defeated after long ora- tions on the part of their maker. Certainly a minority has a right to be heard but in this case most of the minority opinions could have been hashed out in committee. PERHAPS SL's determination to keep the finance information secret until it was pre- sented to the Legislature is at the root of the problem. If the finance information had been made public early the campus and the whole SL would have become interested early. If the financial problem had been widely publicized a month ago three-fourths of SL would not likely have waited to get to the floor of Legis- lature before formulating ideas. -Dave Baad ii A.4SUPREr_ ( DREW PEARSON:. Motley Witness Parade Helps Judge Harlan Touring European Orchestras Aid Toward Future Peace AMONG THE primary reasons our foreign relations are not particularly successful is that the average attitude towards the cultural endeavors of European countries (in particular) is one of unconcern or even glaring disrespect. The educated European generally is much concerned with the culture of the peoples around him, and though he may have his own definite ideas he is respectful. The Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra toured this country earlier this year with great success, the Danish State Radio Orchestra last year, and recently the Virtuosi di Roma from Italy, and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. These groups have promoted a feeling of great closeness with the cultural environments of our European neighbors in a manner that far surpasses such mediums as newspapers and films. (Curiously, there are few musical or- ganizations that tour Europe from our coun- try, only an occasional exchange of solo artists and conductors. The unsuccessful American policy has been to send money.). France and England have been rewarded by an exchange of musical and literary artists and teachers with the Soviet Union. WHAT HAS happened between this country and Germany, Italy (from whence came the Virtuosi di Roma) and Japan (the Azuma Kubuki Dancers from Tokyo were in this coun- try last year) in the past is of little importance in relation to what is happening now or what is to happen in the future. The Berlin Phil- harmonic Tour is a sincere effort on the part of the German and United States Governments to better relations between our two countries through recognition and appreciation of both cultural similarities and differences. IT WOULD seem to me, that since wars fail as a manner of unification for peaceful ex- istence (at least they have in the past) co- operation and respect is the only answer to successful relations between different political powers. If we must relate politics and music then here is a means; by an exchange of cultural groups for an educational purpose. In such a case, the efforts of groups to boycott and discourage attendance at these concerts and similar functions is retarding to peace- loving peoples in their efforts toward inter- national understanding. Must the memories of a terrifying past ob- scure the plans to prevent a more terrifying future? -Gordon Mumma INTERPRETING THE NEWS By J. M. ROBERTS "It just isn't the right time. Things aren't Associated Press News Analyst built up right. We'd know if there was really THE IMPRESSION has grown up over many danger." years that people everywhere are in a con- " l n ,,,d stant flap over the possibility of having to face "Well, anywa, wat ouldiwero?" the agig terorof Aboms.'We'd be jlust as well off sitting here as do-. the raging terror of A-bomnbs. in ntiges. Wednesday evening I was in a group of six ing anything else." or seven men in Rockefeller Center when the "I'd want to get my wife started out of town sirens went off across the Hudson river for an and then get to work," said a newsman. air raid drill in New Jersey. "My wife probably knows more than I do " "Here come the Rooshans," said the first to about it," said another. "They have meetings recognize the eerie sound above the din of the- around the neighborhood. She hasn't been, but ater-time traffic in the streets below. "I hadn't women pass things around among themselves." heard there was going to be a drill." "Yeah, but even the Civil Defense workers Neither had anyone else in the group. don't seem to know much, or to be able to make "Maybe one of the things has gone off by up their minds." accident," said another. Among the Jersey millions a few thousand "It's a helluva thing to have an accident called police to find out what was going on. about," was the reply. West side New York precincts said most of "Wonder what we'd do if it were real?" their calls were from Civil Defense workers wanting to know if there was anything they "HOW DO WE KNOW it's not?" Nobody should do. made a move to find out. It had been In Rockefeller Center somebody said "Go announced but they hadn't noticed. ahead and deal." MUSIC REVIEW' WASHINGTON-A motley par- ade of witnesses has been marching behind closed doors to deliver some of the weirdest tes- timony ever heard on Capitol Hill regarding the fitness of a Supreme Court Justice. The man the op- pose is John Marshall Harlan. But some of their testimony was so bizarre, so unfair, that it boom- eranged. Heredis a cross-section of te witness parade, some for, some against Harlan: Herwin K. Hart, lobbyist for right-wing causes, called on the Senate Judiciary Committee "to reject the nomination of Justice Harlan and not to confirm any nominee who is not known to be in favor of America first." Radio commentator Fulton Lew- is's protege, George Racey Jordan, speaking for the American Coali- tion and the "patriotic world" in general, declared stirringly: "We have no interest in politics or re- ligion or anything except where it strikes the basic security of the country, and then we swing into action." John Buchanan of Pittsburgh, disdaining a crack by North Da- kota's Sen. "Wild Bill" Langer that he was "a professional wit- ness," appealed "to John Marshall Butler (Maryland Republican Sen- ator) and the other members of this committee to vote for the con- firmation of John Marshall Har- lan in order that that great name may be continued in American history." Harry Klinefelter of Baltimore, ...1V Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers .............City Editor Jon Sobeloff ....,....Editorial Director Pat Roelofs .,... Associate City Editor Becky Conrad........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor David Livingston .....Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Spo-ts Editor Warren Wertheimer . ............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shimovitz .....Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel.......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise ........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephone No 23-24-1 Member The Associated Press Michigan Press Association Associated Collegiate Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights or republication of all other mattersherein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Published daily except Monday. Subscription during regular school describing himself as "A Jeffer- sonian constitutional state-rights Republican," suggested that the country made a terrible mistake when it began printing money. He didn't say much one way or the other about Harlan, but he seem- ed to be against him. 15-cent -Progress AIRS. ERNEST W. Howard re- presenting something called the "wheel of progress," complain- ed that her cause wasn't properly publicized by the radios and news- papers, except for a pocket-sized magazine called Jet. "Everyone is buying it every week for 15 cents," she testified. New Jersey's GOP Sen. Alex Smith, appearing as a witness, not only came out for Harlan but as- sured everyone that the late Sen. Bob Taft would also have favored Harlan. Herman Methfessel, ex-District Attorney on Staten Island, blamed his defeat on the way Harlan ran the New York State Crime Com- mission and concluded Harlan was "an unsuitable Justice for the court of last resort." Herman's Grandpa THROUGHOUT the hodgepodge hearings, Idaho's irrepressible Sen. Herman Welker acted as sort of a comic prosecuting attorney, alternately ripping into witnesses and reflecting about his famous grandfather. "I had a grandfather that was a great preacher down in North Carolina," he boasted, after New York Bar President Edmund Lew- is told how Harlan's grandfather had been on the Supreme Court. Welker added coyly that he had never been able to achieve his grandpa's fame. Later, while Buchanan was ap- pealing to John Marshall Butler to confirm John Marshall Har- lan, Welker broke in again: "Well, I had a famous relative." "What was his name?" asked Buchanan politely. "Reverend George W. Welker of Greensboro, North Carolina," happily responded Welker. Pure Theatre FROM THE point of view of pure theatrics, the best show was put on by Fulton Lewis's friend, George Racey Jordan, who started off his testimony against Harlan by announcing: "I had never heard of him in my life un- til he came up for the nomina- tion." Jordan was suspicious of Har- lan's friendly attitude toward the Atlantic Union, whose aim it is to unite the democracies against Communism. He was skeptical of the other democracies. "We think they are broken- down socialistic empires that are absolutely studded with Commun- ism," he explained in the closed- door hearing. He also had a feeling that the Supreme Court wasn't standing up vigorously enough for the Consti- tution. "We are very much concerned in the patriotic world," he said, "about this situation on the Su- preme Court. We are horribly up- set about it." As for Harlan, Jordan conceded with tongue in cheek: "He may be a very fine person individually, but we listened to a lot of recom- mendations for Alger Hiss once upon a time." Klinefelter, the Jeffersonian Re- publican, had trouble hearing. "I have been here three days in suc- cession, and my batteries ran down," he explained. Ater pointing out that "It re- quires printed money to be Social- Short Memory ... To the Editor: OBJECTIVITY is not to be ex- pected of college sportswrit- ers when they write up the week- end exploits of the home team. Their plaudits should, however, remain within th bounds of rea- son-and a year's memory - if possible. I refer to the statement in Tues- day's Daily that "Not only did Michigan beat Nortl-. Dakota (in hockey), but never in recent mem- ory did such a supposedly 'good' team take such horrendous beat- ings as did Fido Purpur's Nodaks. Now it takes an amazingly short memory to fail to recall the ex- perience of a "supposedly good" (NCAA tournament caliber) team just one short year ago when it journeyed to Grand Forks for a two-game series. The beatings suffered by that Michigan team were only slightly less "horrendous" than those suf- fered by North Dakota last week- end. The scores then: 10-3 and 5-3. Remember? -Bill Vogel *' * * Speculation ... To the Editor: IN RE: Jordan Hall Food Prob- lem "Wiggle, wiggle little worm, Through the spinach you do churn, Chewing and munching we see you crawl Despised and hated at Jordan Hall, Have pity on these girls in grief, Just hope they turn over a new leaf, For if your kind they forever spurn, What will happen when the poor worm turns?" -Harvey Silets, '55L Policy Slap .. . To the Editor: IF Mr. David Kaplan wants to defend the Berlin Philhar- monic Orchestra he should at least be consistent in his arguments. In one sentence he states that the orchestra's tour represents "the efforts of a musical group to play music-nothing more," while in the very next sentence he charges that a boycott is "a slap in the face of our foreign policy." How the orchestra's tour can be at one and the same time both a purely musical event and an adjunct to our foreign policy, Mr. Kaplan does not explain. The very fact that both Mr. Kaplan and a certain unnamed professor have raised the issu of American foreign policy shows that the orchestra's tour has po- litical as well as cultural conno- tations. It is indeed difficult to be- lieve that the Musical Society was motivated purely by cultural con- siderations in extending its invita- tion to the orchestra. In recent years, for instance, the Society has not seen fit to sponsor one of America's finest artists, Paul Rob- eson. Yet, in the different politi- cal atmosphere prevailing before the advent of the "cold war," Mr. Robeson appeared as an honored guest on this campus. Thus, it is obvious that political considera- tions play a not unimportant role in determining the policies of the Society. While Mr. Kaplan is wrong about the purely musical charac- ter of the tour, he is right when he says that a boycott is "a slap in the face of our foreign policy ." But, I ask you, Mr. Kaplan, isn't it about time that someone slap our foreign policy in its face? Any policy which revives the German militarists, who have already plunged the world into two wars; any policy which finds it neces- sary to use as its allies such dregs of humanity as the Nazi generals, Francisco Franco, Bao Dai and Chiang Kai-Shek abroad and Har- vey Matusow, Louis Budenz, Paul Crouch, Elizabeth Bentley and Manning Johnson at home deserv- es to be roundly condemned by all decent people. If a boycott can do anything to change the mad, in- sane policy our government is now pursuing, then this is the best reason yet for not welcoming the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. -Ed Shaffer * * * Understanding ... To the Editor: AFTER WRITING a letter to The Daily on Feb. 24 concerning the protests against the tour of the Berlin Philharmonic, we were sorry to read in The Daily edition of March 1, that our letter pro- voked such an unfavorable re- sponse from two campus groups. We regret very much, that the bias and the antagonism of the New York musicians has now also spread to a university which is one of the best known American uni- versities in Europe. A boycott of the concert would not only, as we said before, be demonstrant of little artistic spirit, but would also be another poor display of aca- in the aily of March 1. This edi- torial expresses in moderate and rational terms what we meant in our letter of Feb. 24 when we pleaded for a chance for rehabili- tation and understanding instead of continued antagonism and ill- will. -Peter H. Hay, H. Chris Krueger * * * Crossed Views ... To the Editor: CONCERNING the recent con- troversy over the concert to be presented by the Berlin Phil- harmonic Orchestra with its al- leged Nazi members, only one side has been presented to the readers of The Michigan Daily, that of the Communist-front Labor Youth League. Their whole idea of ban- ning this performance is pure in- consistency. This is inconsistent because the LYL spends a good deal of time distributing pamphlets that pro- test the outlawing of the Com- munist Party by the United States Government, and advocating free- dom of speech for all minority po- litical factions. By this same tok- en, then, the Labor Youth League should, to be consistent with this viewpoint, not wish to obstruct an orchestra with a few Nazi mem- bers from playing to an audience which is mot concerned with poli- t~ics but with good music. Although I am a person who tends to follow the more conserva- tive thinking in politics, I would not care if an orchestra was Com- munist or Fascist as long as the performance was good. This, in my opinion, represents the feel- ings of the majority of the stu- dent body. -Don Sproat, 57 Second Look... To the Editor: T APPEARS that I am being ac- cused of being a Nazi and sympathize with the Fascist move- ment. If my coming actions make me a Fascist, then Heil Hitler! In answer to Miss Styler, who wants to know whether I would go to hear one A. Hitler play the pic- colo, the answer is yes, if I cared for piccolo solos and Hitler could play well. I have never found my- self being influenced politically by music. If this were so, I would now be a British, as I listen to "God Save the Queen" before all the Canadian hockey broadcasts. Neither do I think that any of the notes played in this concert are going to slaughter millions *of helpless people. If I see any swas- tikas issuing from the instruments, I will be the first to apologize to those who may be hurt. I wonder if Mr. Sharpe would protest so vigorously if the Mos- cow Symphony, a fine musical or- ganization, were playing? I don't believe Robert A. Taft, whom I have always admired, would call me a Communist for listening to their records. Not event McCarthy could find groundshere. I think that Mr. Sharpe and Miss Styler better taken another look at Lincoln's second inaugural address before they sound off again. Never, have I heard such utter hogwash. -Richard A. Hamilton Economic Factors .. . To the Editor: CONCERNING the Berlin Phil- harmonic Tour: A musicians union in New York objected to the Berlin Philhar- monic Tour supposedly for poli- tical reasons, but the cause of their outcrys were actually eco- nomic; "don't give the foreigners money we should have" might be the most convenient wording. The LYL (in particular) has contradicted their stand for "li- berty and justice to all," in the re- cent writings daming H. von- Karajan, von Westermann and the Berlin Philharmonic. They might well object to the political implications of pianist Walter Gie- seking (also to appear on the con- cert series) who performed for Nazi German audiences during the war. Why not also boycott the en- trance of Winston Churchill (for example) into this country. After all, we were at war with England once too. Regardless of previous historical blunders, I, as one of the Chosen Race find it most inconsequential to be concerned with the now de- funct Master Race. The Berlin Philharmonic Or- chestra is one of the very great musical organizations of the world, and the LYL ( and others) pro- claim disrespect for all humanity by condemnation of any group whatsoever. -Joseph Bernstein Out of the Rut.. . To the Editor: ONE of the important functions of a newspaper, especially a college one, should be to give cov- erage to all aspects of daily life. (Continued from Page 2) Twinning, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Commercial. Wednesday, March 9, 1955- St. Clair Shores, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Early and Later Elementary. River Rouge, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Early and Later Elementary. Thursday, March 10, 1955- Gaines, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Early and Later Elementary, Football Coach, Math, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Commercial, Industrial Arts. Redlands, California- Teacher Needs: All Elementary and Secondary. Litchfield, Michigan-Teacher Needs: All fields, For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, NO 3-1511, ext. 489. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar: "The Hormones of the Thyroid," under the direction of Dr. Lila Miller; Room 319 West Medical Building, Sat., March 5 at 10:00 a.m. Preliminary Examinations in English: Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who expect to take the preliminary examina- tions this spring are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Ha- ven Hall. The examinations will be giv- en as follows: English Literature from the Beginnings to 1550, Tues., April 12; English Literature, 1550-1750, Set., April 16; English Literature, 1750-1950, Tues., April 19; and American Literature, Sat., April 23. The examination will be given in Room 76, School of BusinessAdmini- stration, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:OOm. First meeting of a beginning class 3n' fencing for men will be held Mon., March 7 at 4:30 p.m. in the boxing room of the Intramural Ildg. Weap- ons and protective equipment will be provided. Mar. 5. Events Today Verdi's Opera, "Falstaff," will be pre- sented by the Department of Speech and the School of Music promptly at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre March 5. Latecomers will not be seated during the first scene. There is no overture. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong Sat., March 5, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chap- el of St. Michael and All Angels. Party sponsored by SRA Sat., Mar. 5, from 8:00-12:00 p.m. at Lane Hall. Social dancing, square dancing, and other forms of entertainment. Ingeborg, a comedy in German by Curt Goetz, will be given in the Pat- tengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High, on State St. at 8:00 p.m. Sat., Mar. 5. Tickets are available at Tappan Hall and will be sold at the door. Student ad- mission :75c. "Guest in a Hundred Homes." Mrs. DeWitt C. Baldwin will speak to the SRA Saturday Lunch Discussion group of her five months' stay in Europe. Res- ervations by Fri. Lane Hall. 12:15 Sat., Sailing Club. Work parties to repair boats Sat., Mar, 5, 9:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and Sun., Mar. 6, 2:00 p.m. Russian dance group will meet 2:30 p.m. today in Room 3G of the Michigan Union. Coming Events Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury House breakfasts following both the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun., March 6. Confirmation Instruction, 4:30 p.m., Sun., March 6, at Canterbury House. Canterbury Supper Hour at 5:45 p.m., Sun., March 6, at Canterbury House. The Rev. Stanley D. Dodge, De- partment of Geography, will discuss "The Sacrament of the Ministry." Cof- fee Hour at Canterbury House follow- ing the 8:00 p.m. Evensong Sun., March 6. Hillel: Chorus Rehearsal Sun., Mar. 6, 4:30 p.m. in main chapel. Supper Club., Sun., Mar. 6, 6:00 p.m. followed by record dance. Religious Committee is sponsoring a group to study the five books of Moses Sun. after supper club. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:00 p.m. Sun., Mar. 6. Wear old clothes. Enter at the northwest corner of the Rackham Building. Wesleyan Guild. Sun., March 6. 9:30 a.m. Discussion "Paradoxes of the Chris- tian Faith;" 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Sup- per; 6:45 p.m. Worship Service and Program. Dr. William Baker will speak on, "What is the Place of Jesus Christ in Salvation?" Lutheran Student Association Sunday, 7:00 p.m. Dr. Harlyn O. Halvorsen of the Department of Bacteriology will speak on "The Recent Discoveries in Biological Science rind Their Impact on Christian Thought." Corner ofHill St. and Forest Ave. Westminster Student Fellowship - sponsored Bible Seminar in Room 217 of the Presbyterian Student Center, 10:45 a.m., Sun., March 6. Discussion on Matthew 18. Westminster Student Fellowship Guild Meeting, 6:45 p.m. Sun., March 6, Lounge of the Presby- terian Student Center. Unitarian Student Group. The outing scheduled for Sun. afternoon, Mar. 6, has been cancelled. Unitarian Student Group will meet Sun., March 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the church. The record "The Investigator" will be played. Re- freshments. Transportation, from Lane Hall at 7:15 p.m. Floorshow Committee, Frosh Weekend Maize Team. Interviews will begin 4:00 p.m. Sun., March 6 in the Undergradu- ate Office of the League. Individual times are posted in the Undergraduate Office. New Testament Discussion Group. "Searching the Synoptics." E. Wendell Hewson, professor of meteorology, Sun., 3:00 p.m., Lane Hall Fireside Room. a -, ft f T #1/. r. 4 ANNA RUSSELL, Seven O'Clock Performance T HIS IS a rave review. And as a raving re- viewer it is only fitting I commence with a meticulously abstruse description of the chan- teuse going something like: "She has the face of a -, the voice of an-, and a heart of solid -" Very well, I shall. Anna Russell has the face of a Bulgarian collective farmer's daughter, the voice of an obdurate fire-engine, and a heart of solid-gold, I suppose. I really wouldn't know. She is an artist of the worst rank, which is only to say Miss Russell holds nothing sacred. No, not even the Habanera. Or German Lieder, very Grande Opera, The French Art Song, The Italian Art Song, The Merry Madrigal, The Madrigal of Gravity and the french horn. MISS RUSSELL'S routine consists of saying pleasant things, which somehow come out as tremendously funny things; after which she sweeps aside her pink boa (I really don't need it. I just put it on to let you know I had one.") and able; she can sing very high ("Oh Gentle Bird With Feathered Breast") or very low (the bass role of "The Madrigal of Gravity." Miss Rus- sell, of course, sings all of the four parts), or very loud ("Nacht.und Tag"-"Night and Day for you Americans"),, or very tubercular (the Death Scene from "Anemia"-"A role I created as leading soprano of the Ellis Island Opera Company"). The triumph of the evening was, perhaps, a none too gentle spoof of a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, "appropriate for any place." To spoof a spoof, is a pretty hezardous, if not impossible, undertaking. Anna Russell, for some reason of her very own, accomplished this feat, deftly skirting any number of scyllas and charybdis- es. Much of her success, with this and other se- lections, has to do with what could be seen as a studied disregard for the appropriate. Miss Russell simply does not look like "a maid of two and twenty," or Carmen, for that matter. Leider rarely treats of the subject food ("du bist ein weinerschnitzl"). Neither do Ital- I M