I I PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1959 PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 19~5 IT'S NOT THE NAME: But Here AreSome Suggestions For The College PONDEROUS discussions have' once again gotten underway on the topic "How the Cow College Can Become a University." Prestige is what the College wants. Somehow, it just can't seem to attract worthy professors as long as it's called a College. Someone really ought to suggest to the Col- lege administrators that they get in touch with Dartmouth College, which hasn't had trouble in securing decent professors in the last couple of centuries. But of course, Dartmouth pays their pro- fessors instead of contructing beautiful new buildings on the main road into Lansing. F ORTUNATELY FOR our neighbors to the North, the local University administrators are rushing to the rescue. They are volunteer- ing time, energy, weighty thoughts and lengthy words to the problem of finding a fitting new name for The College. Certainly the respective student bodies shouldn't leave their administrations in the lurch by mere apathy. The students could start a contest to select the best name for the Col- lege-and maybe even offer a prize cow to the winner. J UST TO start off with some suggested names -what about the University of East Lan- sing, or the Agricultural University of the North, or the Athletic and Agricultural Uni- versity of America? Or, just in case they wouldn't be accepted, there's always Rumpelstiltskin University. -Dorothy Myers 'Raincoat' Might Protect From H-Bomb Fall-Out' MUCH HAS BEEN written and gulped down about the lethal extensiveness of an atomic or hydrogen blast, and about the deadly radia- tion and radioactive dust that poisons the air for as long as a day and a half afterwards. We cannot escape the blast itself, unless we happen to stay home from work that day, but something should be done about this radiation and radioactive dust. Some sort of protection should be afforded our citizens. . Although this writer, having successfully eluded lab courses, admits his ignorance on sci- entific matters, he would like to see someone who is scientific and inventive devise some kind of protection. There should be someone hiding behind a testtube who can put his physics or chemistry degree to use in this manner. DESPITE said ignorance, this writer would like to advance an idea on how this could be done. Most of us are familiar with plastic rain- coats which can be folded into one's pocket. Why not a radioactive-proof coat? Such a coat would be similar to the popular plastic raincoat-light, transparent, and port- able. Differences would lie in that it would cov- er the whole body including the face, and pos- sibly contain gloves as part of one unit. The material would be of a nature that would shut off radiation from the body. Whether there is such a material is a question beyond the scope of this writer's scientific knowledge. But even if there isn't one, scientists should be able to find or develop one. That's what scien- tists are for, new developments. EVEN if this is impossible, surely any kind of plastic coat covering the whole body would protect against radioactive dust, since it would prevent the dust from reaching the skin. Certainly our nation is not unworried about protective measures, but no protection against radiation has been developed. And, although this writer does not know if such protection is possible, he thinks it would be a good idea to try. --Jim Dygert DREW PEARSON: Democrats Get Facts On Bureau WASHINGTON-Now that the Democrats have investigative power in Joth houses of Congress some hitherto concealed facts are beginning to leak out. One of them, as to how the Dixon - Yates contract sailed through the budget bureau so smoothly, was the object of con- siderable newspaper search last summer. At that time, however, officials were completely tongue- tied. Last year President Eisenhower announced in a press conference that he had given a directive to all government agencies to make information available to the pub- lic except when it involved the security of the nation. However, questions asked at the Budget Bureau as to which offi- cials or persons worked on the Dixon-Yates contract met with a blank wall of silence. It had been reported that a spe- cial consultan who was interested in the Dixon-Yates contract came into the Budget Bureau from priv- ate industry, then left the goven- ment ofter the contract had been approved, to go back and work for the Dixon-Yates people. . query from Senator Lister Hill of Alabama to the Budget Bureau brought a negative reply A query from senator Langer's Anti-Mo- nopoly Committee brouAt a neg- ative reply. Finally a representative of this col imn went to the Budget Bu- reau, nd here is a pily-by-play ac3ocnx3t of wnat rbppened: 'harming but Adamant "WE DON'T have a list of the neope who ivo"ked on te Dixon-Yates plan," stated Virgin- ia De Pury, charming spokesman for the Budget Bureau. "Could you draw up a list?" she was asked. "No, that would be too much trouble." "We'll be happy to do the work for you if you will simply author- ize us to make the necessary in- quiries," this column countered. "This is a public building," Miss De Pury snapped. "You can go around and ask any questions you wish." "But everyone is afraid to talk," she was told. "They send me back to you. Now if you will let me say it is all right for them to talk, I can get the names without troub- ling you further." Miss De Pury refused. "Are these names a matter of national security?" she was asked further. "I don't know." "It may be embarrassing to re- lease the names of those who worked on the Dixon-Yates plan, but it certainly isn't a military se- cret," the lady ws further press ed. "Under the President's direc- tive, non-security information is supposed to be open to the pub- lic." "Jim Hagerty (White House press aide) says we don't have to give out conversations between government officials," she shot back. "Did we ask for any conversa- tions?" "The people who worked on the - Dixon-Yates plan had to talk to each other," she bristled. "We didn't ask for what they said to each other," Miss De Pury was reminded. "We only want to know their identities." "Why don't you ask President Eisenhower?" she suggested ang- rily, then withdrew the suggestion. In the end, this column appeal- ed, directly to Budget boss Row- land Hughes for the names. His reply, phoned back by Miss De Pury, was: "No comment." (Copyright, 1955, by the Bell Syndicate) Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers .............City Editor Jon Sobeloff .........Editorial Director Thank You, Health Service, We Had a Wonderf ul Time IT'S A BASIC maxim of etiquette that you write bread-and-butter letters to your hosts after a visit. Students released from the Health Service's upper regions might express their thanks, too. Because, despite contrary rumors, it isn't a bad place to spend a night-if you've got the cur- rently fashionable requirement: influenza. In the first place you can sleep. You're al- most forced to sleep. They flash out the lights, quite decisively, at nine. TOUR MALADIES are attended to. A boun- tiful collection of pills and liquids is hous- ed somewhere within the red brick edifice, and messengers are sent forth regularly with sam- ples - There's a remedy, from the multi-colored selection offered, for every symptom on record. The service is good. One ring of a buzzer will bring somebody to fill your needs. Food there isn't bad. And they serve it on pretty plates. Perhaps most comforting is the community feeling of it all. Friendly coughs and sneezes drift through all the corridors,- reminding every guest that he's got company, even if he doesn't see it. HEALTH SERVICE, of course, like all gen- ial hosts, is reluctant to see its guests go. But it submits graciously to necessity. And somehow the outer world, while a little cruder, has a pleasantly dangerous and infectious al- lure. -Jane Howard Art and Politics.. . To the Editor: THE NECESSITY of applying extra artistic criteria to an artistic function is always an un- happy experience. In our environ- ment-where politics proceeds ac- cording to standards of reasonable fair play and respect for a com- mon morality-the dictum that 'art and politics are different' is reasonable and right. Because of this legitimate concern (and res- ponsibility) that art not be shack- led to political vagaries and be- cause we recognize the highly rela- tive nature of much political acti- vity, the controversy concerning the coming Berlin Symphony per- formance needs much more criti- cal thought than it has received. It appears that much of the think- ing about this difficult and con- science-provoking topic has pro- ceeded according to slogans more appropriate to the advertising agency than to the campus. I think it must be recognized first, that the content and form of art never proceeds independent of its cultural context. The problem is to disentangle the artistic forms from its social environment and to apply proper criteria of evaluation to each sphere. The critical function with respect to one area is then seldom confused with that applied to the other. It is the artist's job to ap- ply artistic criteria to art; the social analyst's job to apply social and morale criteria to the society that generated the art. By and large the two jobs proceed inde- pendently. They are seldom con- fused and on the occasions when this has happened, the outcry has been brisk :indeed. The problem becomes perplex- ing for the liberal conscience when the two spheres become, by design, inextricably mixed and when this mixture is compounded by the kind of social action whose basic den- ial of human worth was both ap- palling in its sheer deliberate vi- cious destructiveness and terrify- ing in its consequences for civil- ized society and art. It is at such a point that the slogan 'art and politics are different' becomes an ill-thought out and shallow trav- esty. The citizen and his govern- ment have an obligation to keep the vagaries of politics from con- trolling art; the artist has the reciprocal obligation to keep his art from becoming an instrument for perversion. When both obli- gations are violated, not just by constraint but (for the conductor and manager of the orchestra) by willful and systematic participa- tion, people concerned with hu- man values and social morality are justified-even obligated-to con- demn, and to remember by effe- tive visible social action. -Ben J. Darsky * * * Intolerance.. .. To the Editor: PARTICIPATION in the destruc- tion of the autonomy of art with the social aim of destroying the most fundamental tenets of humane living are not matters of politics . . . what a silly word to apply to the willful perversion of art and life. Politics is what the Democrats do to the Republicans, what Tories do to the Laborites, even, perhaps, what generated the first World War. But by what weird extrapolation is the utter, calculated reversal to barbarism of Nazi morality to be considered, with dilletanish sophistication, as 'politics'? The years of the Third Reich bleached not only the bones of human victims, but the bones and spirit of art as well. Whether our State Department encourages the orchestra's tour or not, whether we ask Germans to bear arms with us or not, is irre- levant to whether we should pay our respects, by attendance, to a group who bears the taint of des- truction-both moral and artistic --on their breaths. It should come as no surprise to those who advo- cate these rationalizations that the war of real-politics embraces bedfellews by necessity, not pas- sion. It is indeed curious that those who while inhaling, proclaim the separation of art and politics, and while exhaling, justify the or- chestra's presence on the basis of our foreign politics. That the short space of a decade should have attenuated a basic condemnation into a polite criti- que of politics is a discomfiting measure of the gross relativity of our values and seems not unre- lated to our tolerance of the in- tolerance currently directed at uni- versities, liberals and others. -David H. Darsky Individual Responsibility... To the Editor: MR. Kaplan's editorial on Tues- day, March 1, states that "the boycott (of the Berlin Philhar- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR "Relax-They're Bound To Turn Aside" j QQ ljt CURRENT MOVIES with a desire to weaken friendly ties between Germany and Ameri- ca. Essentially, the twowriters ad- vocated the use of economic co- ercion to effect political opinions. If it is wrong for those in power to use this weapon against teachers or government employes I think it is wrong to use it against musi- cians. Certainly the playing of mu- sic has fewer valid connections with politics than does university teaching. Yet, I am sure the two gentlemen are opposed, and right- fully so, to the use of political cri- teria in the hiring and firing of teachers. Likewise politics should be irrelevant to the playing and appreciation of music. -Evan Hazard, Grad. * * * That-a-Way... To the Editor: = AM A TRUE independent and an adamant supporter of the liberalitradition; naturally I feel an obligation to state an opinion about who should and who shouldn't be a performer in Hill Auditorium. But this present ques- tion about the Berlin Philharmon- ic confuses me. The Daily could do its readers a great service by explaining which ones are the good guys. -Robert B. Glenn * * * Blast Nipped... To the Editor: I WAS leased to see that the law students' rowdy prepara- tion for their next "big blast" was nipped in the bud by Dean Stason. One would think them mature enough not to try to pre- sent their own base standards as representative of this fine law school. Such an exhibit in the halls of the school was a shocking display of bad taste. The Dean used admirable restraint in char- acterizing this half-nude manne- quin as "unseemly." The Dean's action is gratifying to those seriously pursuing an hon- orable profession, and who value the dignity of the school. -R. H. Benson mad individuals. Each of those individuals is as responsible for the acts committed as if they themselves had lit the furnaces, fired a gun, or wielded the knife. Silence in itself is a sign of agree- ment, but more than that these men are admitted Nazis. For political and defense rea-- sons our government has seemed to feel it necessary to rearm Ger- many. We may feel this is a mis- take and certainly have the right to say so, but there is little we can do about it. But when it comes to "making friends" with men who are nothing better than educated murderers we put our foot down. Many distasteful things are done in the name of necessity, but this is one thing which none of us be- lieve is necessary, and that is to attend the Berlin Philharmonic Concert. We feel that the Ameri- can public should not be so will- ing to forgive and forget; that we should show that we disapprove of what they did and that even if they played like the cherubs in heaven we could not and never will forget that they are the ones responsible for the murder of mil- lions of persons. The Student Zionist Organiza- tion is a group interested in Israel and the Jewish People. We have taken a strong stand on this issue and firmly believe that after care- ful thought, few people could sit comfortably through that.concert. -Shulamith Laikin, president Student Zionist Organization First Step . .. To the Editor: CONTROVERSY surrounding the appearance of the Berlin Phil- harmonic Orchestra on campus stems from the fact that persons connected with the organization have been members of the Nazi Party. Those that recall the horrors of the nazi regime have protested the groups scheduled appearance on campus. Editorials and letters ap- pearing in The Daily however, have contended that there should be a distinction made between en- tertainment per se and political beliefs. These writers have recognized the ideological affiliations of the Berlin orchestra bu~t they con- tend that their appearance will further cultural understanding, ra- ther than subject the audience to an evening of political propagan- da. The University has in effect sup- ported this latter contention by allowing this orchestra to appear. This is unusual when one recalls that the University is usually su- per-cautious concerning the spon- sorship of persons deemed "con- troversial." The fact remains however that the orchestra will appear. The University is to be congratulated for taking the first step in letting artists appear on campus purely for their cultural contributions and regardless of their controversiality or political philosophy. The concerts under the auspices of the University Musical Society have always been among the fin- est in the country. Now that artis- tic ability has been made the sole criteria for appearance under the aegis of this organization, we look forward to the appearance on campus of such gifted and ac- claimed artists as Walter Giesek- ing, Paul Robeson, Kirsten Flag- stad and Paul Draper who though holding unpopular political philo- sophies are all gifted with unde- niable artistic talent. -Dick Goodman { ! At the Michigan*** JUPITER'S DARLING with Esther Wil- liams, Howard Keel, Marge and Gower Cham- pion, and George Sanders. F'INDING MUSICALS for Esther Williams has, in the past, proven somewhat of a problem for MGM; Miss Williams' latest aqua- tic song-and-dance effort, Jupiter's Darling, indicates that it may be even more of a problem in the future. The story relates how the haughty Roman maiden Amytis (Miss Williams) is forced to choose between marriage with Emperor Fabius Maximus (George Sanders) and becoming a vestal virgin, neither of which she particularly desires. Fortunately, at that moment, Hanni- bal (Howard Keel) has decided to invade Rome, and Amytis flees to his tent. Romance ensues: Hannibal first sings "I Never Trust A Wo- man;" then he takes Miss Williams in his arms and coos "Don't Let the Night Get Away." All this comes to a vocal ending when Hannibal allows his love for Amytis to dissuade him from sacking Rome, and they all ride away singing "Hannibal's Victory March." WUSS WILLIAMS participates in an elaborate underwater ballet, "I Have a Dream," that is remarkable chiefly for the first use of a mobile underwater camera. Except for the employment of this technical invention, it re- sembles most of her previous ballets. There is also an exceptionally well filmed underwater chase sequence, in which the camera captures the feeling of action, that is undoubtedly the picture's highlight. Marge and Gower Champion appear brief- ly as singing and dancing slaves. They covort shyly in an overly stylized number, "If This Be Slav'ry," and strut with elephants in "The Life of An Elephant." The choreography by Hermes Pan is rather standard and overwork- engaged in mass persecution. These writers condemn the musi- cians for their behavior, which seems justified. I do not think such condemnation should pre- vent our hearing their concert. Other regimes have at tires in- dulged in unwarranted killing or persecution of minorities, as when the Soviet government recently prosecuted a group of Jewish doc- tors on trumped - up murder charges. This was rightfully con- sidered anti-Semitic by most of those who were free to do so. The lack of opposition on the part of David Oistrakh and Dmitri Shos- takovitch to this persecution is no reason to boycott their music. LYL's silence on this leads me to believe it is less concerned with persecution of minorities than DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Howard Keel makes a virile and robust Han- nibal and George Sanders appears as a stere- otyped Roman leader, cowardly and aristocra- tic. TIiERE is little doubt that Jupiter's Darling is a somewhat funny film. Part of the humor is apparently preconceived; but then there is much more which is unintentional rather than planned, and the cliched dialogue, obvious song cues and ridiculous musical num- bers add little to its enjoyment. Whether Jupiter's Darling provides enter- tainment will depend upon the audience's ability to inject humor into the lifeless script. One has the feeling throughout the Screen- play-Writer Dorothy Kingsley rewrote Robert Sherwood's Road to Rome (upon which the film is based( as an absurd farce; but at the last moment, the producers must have decided to play it straight. There are still elements of humor left, but they are too diffuse to be spontaneous. -Ernest Theodossin On Matusow MATUSOW, one would think, has got to be punished somehow; but if he is convicted of perjury, it won't help the Justice Depart- ment or the committees whether its for prev- ious perjuries or present perjuries. Either way, the country is told that officials whose sworn duty is to find the guilty and protect the inno- cent have for years been exposing or convicting people with the aid of a plain liar. Either way, officialdom has got to explain to the country how it could be so through in exposing the lives and characters of so many defendants and so careless in accepting at face value the charac- ter of its own "expert" witness. IT WILL NOT be enough to establish that the The Daily Official Bulletin, is an officipl publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetingscannot be published oftener, than twice. FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1955 Vol. LXV, No. 103 Notices Ushers are still urgently needed for "Skit Night" Fri., March 11. Sign up at the League or the Union. Veterans who expect to receive educa- tion and training allowance under Pub- lic Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must fill in VA Form 7-1996a, Monthly Certifica- tion, in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration Building, between 8:00 a.m. Tues., March 1 and 5:00 p.m. Fri., March 4. SUMMER PLACEMENT: PERSONNEL INTERVIEW: Hilltop Camp, on Walloon Lake, Boyne City, Mich.. will interview candidates in Room 3N of the Mich. Union on Friday, March 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Requests are for men's Sailing Counselor to teach sailing; riflery, R.R.A.; workshop; -waterfront A.R.C. instructor over 21. Salaries range from $250 to $350, plus maintenance, laun- dry allowance and transportation al- lowance. Season June 24 to Aug. 16, Women Counselors exper. with chil-. dren from 7-10 years old, swimming, arts & crafts, nature study,, music counselor-exper. song leader & accom- panist. More than one skill is neces- sary. Salary $175 to $250. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Mich. State Civil Service Comm.-an- nounces exams for Plant Industry In- spector 1-major in entomology, plant pathology, horticulture, botany, or for- estry; Occupational Therapist 1, Occu- pational Therapist 11, Occupational Therapist 111; Bacteriologist 1, Chem- ist 1; Library Assistant B, Library As- sistant A, Librarian 1, Librarian 1A; Traffic Engrg. Aide B, Traffic Engrg. Aide A, Traffic Aide 1; Driver License Administrator 11; Right of Way Buyer 1, anc Right of Way Buyer 11. U.S. Civil Service announces exam for Treasury Enforcement Agent for filling the position of Criminal Investigator, options 1. Gen'l Investigative, 2. Phar- macy. Experience in investigation, crim- inal law, claims adjusting, report writ- ing, examining, or pharmacy. Closing date March 25, 1955. Open to Seniors graduating in June. Headquarters, Mobile Air Material Area, Brookley Air Force Base, Ala.- needs engrs. in the fields of Radio, Ra- dar, Electronic, Elect., Mech., Materials (packaging) and Telephone or Wire Communications. Also needed are Ra-. dcir Specialists, Radio Specialists, Elec- trical Specialists, and Communications Specialists. GS-5,-7,-9. Eagle Ottawa Leather Co., Grand Ha- ven, Mich., has an opening for a man with a degree in Mech. E., either one with several years experience or a re- cent grad., for the design and dev. of new machinery or the re-design of old. type of sales work. Prefer men 24-30 with military obligations fulfilled. . General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio-men who wish to enter field of business through medium of sales. Pre- fer men in Business or Economics with a Marketing emphasis, although men with other majors in Arts and Sciences will be considered. Tues., March 8- Canada Life Assurance Co., Jackson, Mich.-LS&A and BusAd men for Sales. Positions are in various locations in the United States and Canada. Tues. and Wed., March 8 and 9-- Michigan Bell Telephone-men with any background for Management Train- ing Program. Michigan Bell Telephone -women- many opportunities in Michigan for Liberal, Arts women in the area of Public Relations; and for Math., Psych., and Engrg. students in the Management Training Program for Market Research, Engineering, and the Psychometrics field. Also opportunities for women in technical fields for re- search in the Bell Telephone Labs (N.J. & N.Y.) Wed., March 9-- Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio-men in LS&A and BusAd for Sales, Accounting, Credit, and Retread Production Manager opportunities. Scott Paper Co., Chester, Penn. - LS&A and BusAdI men for Gen'l Man- agement Training, Sales, Accounting, Purchasing, Traffic, Production Man- agement, and Personnel. General Electric Co., Aircraft Gas Turbine Div., Cincinnati, Ohio--Tech. women with Math. and Physics majors and minors for positions in Cincinnati, Schenectady, N.Y., Pittsfield, N.Y., and Ft. Wayne, Ind. will talk to Juniors and Sophomores about futures in this field. Will interview non-tech. women in BusAd or LS&A for office positions in Cincinnati. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, Room 3528 Ad. Bldg. Ext. 371. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWj: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Mon., March 7-- Link-Belt Co., Chicago, Ill.-B.S. in Mech., Elect., and Chem. E. for Engrg. Sales, Engrg. Design, & Manufacturing. Bell Aircraft Corp., Buffalo, N.Y. -- all levels in Elect., Mech. E., Physics and Math., B.S. & M.S. in Chem. E. for Research, Dev., and Design. Sinclair Research Lab., Harvey, Ii.-. B.S. in Chem. E. for Research & Dev. Republic Flow Meters Co., Chicago, Ill.-B.S. in Mech. E. for Sales, Re- search, Project, Production & Dev. Engrg., U.S. citizens only, immediate consideration for men with completed military service. American Sugar Refining, New York City, New York-B.S. in Elect. E., Bus- Ad, and Lit., B.S. & M.S. in I., Mech. E., Engrg. Mechanics for Production, Supervisory, Sales, and Accounting. U.S. Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Penn.- all level Civil, Elect Ind., Mech., Met- al., and Chem. E. for Design, Produc- tion Supervision, Research, Sales. Mon. & Tlues., March 7 & 8 - Nat'l. Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics, Cleveland, Ohio-all levels in Chem. E., Aero., Civil, Elect., Mech., and Metal. E., Engrg. Mech., Physics, Math., and Chemistry for Research, De- velopment, Design, and Operations. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y.-B.S. & M.S. In all phases of Engrg., Chemistry and Physics includ- ing Engrg. Mechanics and Materials Pat Roelofs. Associate City Becky Conrad.........Associate Nan Swinehart ........Associate David Livingston.......Sports Hanley Gurwin .. .. Assoc. Spc- +s Warren Wertheimer ..............Associate Sports Roz Shlimovitz.......Women's Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor John Hirtzel .......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskili, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Meher 4 I c_