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March 03, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-03

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Latest Deadline in the State INCREASING CLOUDINESS

Drops' ,eeebut Only in ew


You won't see 'MSC' in the State News no more!,
Michigan State's daily student publication, impatient with slow-
moving attempts to change the school's 'College' title to 'University,'
has decided to go ahead with the change-if only part way.
In a front page editorial yesterday, the News stated that since
Michigan State "deserves to be called a university since it is one in
every sense of the word," it will no longer refer to the school as MSC
or Michigan State College.
New Changes in Paper
Such changes as "State" for "MSC" in the headlines and "Daily
Student Publication" for "MSC Daily Student Publication" in the front
page name plate have been instituted.
The policy will remain, says the publication, until "we can offic-
ially use the title "University."
Called in East Lansing yesterday, State News Editor Jack Kole
told The Daily the policy move was made "simply because we don't
feel Michigan State is a 'college'."
Kole said he appreciated a proposal by University Regents that
a compromise be worked out, but he felt MSC students "wouldn't go
for the idea" of changing the 'Michigan State' part of the title along
with the designation 'College.'

The Regents, proposing a complete new title for the East Lan-
sing institution, have been charging the name 'MSU' would be too
similar to the University's name.
Wouldn't Add To Confusion
"There's already confusion now," Kole said. "I can't see that there
would be that much more."
Kole said that in "gaining employment an4 attracting people to
our graduate school, 'University' means so much more" than 'College,'
On the University campus, Director of University Relations Arthur
L. Brandon said yesterday that the Regents were responsible to
Gthe University, its name and prestige.
"The name, University' isn't important," he said, pointing to
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Cal Tech as two schools
which have achieved high ranking without it.
It's Not the Name
"It's not your name that's the important thing, it's what you do
with it," Brandon said. He added that the Regents would accept any
reasonable name change that MSC would come up with, "as long as
it doesn't conflict with ours."
The University Regents have agreed to a joint meeting with a
See MSC, Page 2
Act on Fun

WHAT'S IN A NAME?-Michigan State News editors feel that
there's quite a bit attached to the question of a school title. A
front page editorial announced yesterday a new policy to omit the
word "College" from the name of the school within its col-

-Daily-Lynn Wallas
umns. Even the name plate of the paper was changed from
"MSC Daily Student Publication" to just "Daily Student Publi-

cation." The policy will remain
the editors.

until MSC becomes MSU, say

Haber Views
Wage Plan
'Union Proposals
Contain Dangers'
"I know of no collective bar-
gaining problen in American in-
dustry that has had a build-up
as large as the guaranteed wage
proposal," Prof. William Haber of
the economics department said
Speaking before an economics
group in the Rackham Bldg., Prof.
Haber listed the main features of
the proposal now being pushed in
the auto industry. There would
first be an assurance of employ-
met, he said.
Payment for Unemployment
In case employment is not pro-
vided, he continued, there would
be some provision for payment.
The payment would be offset by
the amount 'received under the
state unemployment insurance
The total amount of payment
'would bsubstantially higherthan
present unemployment benefits,
and the employers would have a
liability to be limited by a certain
reserve fund.
Prof. Haber said that the main
reasons for the interest in the un-
ion proposal at this time rest on
three factors. One is the great
weight given by the unions to
fringe benefits such as retirement
and health welfare funds.
Value 'Fringe Dollar'
"The fringe dollar," he said,
"appears to have more value than
a similar amount in the base
wage." In addition the union seeks
through this device to stabilize
r employment and if possible to im-
prove the state unemployment in-
surance legislation.
The idea of a guaranteed wage
has certain definite dangers.
. These, Prof. Haber identified as
1) The costs to employers are
difficult to determine and will,
under the best of circumstances,
:t be high.
2) The employers properly ques-
tion the sidea that the cost can be
limited as the unions propose. ]
3) Employers in declining in-j
dustries with inefficient produc-
tion cannot bear the added costs
of such a proposal.3
Possible Selective Hiring
4) A guaranteed wage might
create reluctance to hire and cause
employers to be more selective,
thereby creating employment
problems, ,
5) There is a serious question
as to whether it is wise to pro-
vide unemployment benefits which
?approach a high proportion of
normal wage. Incentives to hold
on to jobs and to seek work might
be harmed.<
Prof. Haber recgnized that is-
sues in the union's proposal arek
exceedingly complex and suggest-
ed that a joint study would be es-
sential before a workabe plan
could be adopted.
Satirist To Give
Musical Program1

est Holds Lead
In Weapons--Ike
Emphasizes Importance of Quality
Over Quantity in Nuclear Power
WASHINGTON (P) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day the Western world still leads Russia in atomic and hydrogen weap-
But he said it is problematical "how long that lead can be sus-
"There comes a time, possibly, when a lead is not significant in
the defensive arrangements of a country. If you get enough of a par-
"ticular type of weapon, I doubt

YD uUpholds.
S eppearance
At a stormy meeting of the Ex-
ecutive Board of the campus
Young Democrat - Club yesterday,
the members passed a resolution
upholding the right of the Berlin
Philharmonic Orchestra to ap-
pear at the University.
"Believing in the liberal, demo-
cratic tradition of separating art
and politics," the resolution read,
the Executive Board "asserts the
right of the Berlin Philharmonic
to appear on campus March 15."
Free Expression
"Historically," the statement
continued, "liberalism has held to
the faith that a healthy society is
best secured when channels of ex-
pression are open to all."
The YD Executive Board then
censured the inconsistent stand of
the Labor Youth League on their
boycott of the Berlin Philharmon-
ic's concert. "Contrary to their
professed liberal assertions," the
statement read, "the Labor Youth
League has demanded that the
Berlin Philharmonic be banned
from Ann Arbor."
Zionists Differ
Publicity chairman Ralph Gold-
berg, '56, commented, "Although
we disagree with the Student Zi-
onist's stand, we respect their sin-
cerity in protesting. We find it
difficult, however, to justify the
Labor Youth League's statement
in relation to its professed regard
for liberty."
The YD's extended their con-
gratulations to the University for
"affirming the principle of the
separation of politics from art."

that it is particularly important to
have a lot more of it."
No Fixed Conclusion
It would be unwise, the Presi-
dent said, to attempt any fixed
conclusion as to whether Russia
might pull even with the West in
three or four years.
With heavy emphasis, Pres. Eis-
enhower said reports that an
American expedition to the Ant-
artic is seeking new proving
grounds for nuclear weapons are
"absolutely without foundation."
The expedition, he said, is for sci-
entific purposes in connection with
an international geophysical year
in 1957-58.
Chinese War
Chinese War-Pres. Eisenhower
said "the United States is not go-
ing to be a party to an aggressive
war." He said thatwas the best
answer he could make to a ques-
tion whether the United States has
given the Chinese Nationalists any
reason to expect American support
for an invasion of the Red China
Aid for Asia-A program of eco-
nomic aid for Asia will be sub-
mitted to Congress soon. He in-
dicated that delay has arisen from
changing conditions in the world,
and a need for studying them,
rather than from "a struggle"
among administration officials of
cabinet level."
Taxes-He said he was "highly
gratified" that the Senate Finance
Committee has rejected a $20 tax
cut for everybody Jan. 1. Demo-
crats pushed it through the House
over administration opposition.
Zionists To Meet
The Student Zionist Organiza-
tion will hold an open meeting
to discuss the appearance of the
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
The meeting will take place at
8 p.m. today at the B'nai Brith
Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill.

Arabs Riot 4
On Frontier
Egyptian Troops
Fire on Refugees
GAZBA, Egypt - Held Palestine
(AP)-Hundreds of embittered Ar-
abs rioted yesterday and in chor-
used shouting demanded "give us
guns to fight the Israelis."
Egyptian troops fired on the
demonstrators and wounded seven
.or more.
The rioters are among the total
of nearly 900,000 Arabs left home-
less around the Israeli perimeter
by the 1948 Palestine War.
It was the second successive
day of rioting by refugees of more
than six-year status as homeless
Uneasy Calm
Egyptian police and troops re-
stored an uneasy calm after a
march by crowds of refugees on
Government H o u s e dwindled
The marchers formally peti-
tioned Maj. Gen. Abdullah Rifaat,
Egyptian governor of Gaza, for
arms to fight the Israelis. He re-
The riots were touched off Tues-
day after a clash Monday night
between Egyptian and Israeli
troops near the armistice demar-
cation border in which 36 Egyptian
soldiers and 2 Arab civilians were
killed and 31 were wounded. The
Israelis said they had a number
of casualties but did not list them.
Blame Egypt, UN
The long pent-up outburst of the
Palestine Arabs on this sector ap-
peared also to be directed at their
Egyptian "protectors" and the
United Nations. They blame the
UN for not restoring them to their
former homes in what now is Is-
About 250,000 refugees subsist
on a UN dole in the Gaza strip,
about six miles wide and 22 miles
The rioters yesterday stoned
Egyptian army officers for 1 /2
hours in the Red Crescent Hospi-
Meantime, it was announced
that the United Nations Security
Council will meet in urgent ses-
sion tomorrow to discuss Egypt's
charges of aggression by Israel.
Selim Sarper, Turkish ambas-
sador and March president of the
Council, yesterday called the meet-
ing at the request of Egypt.

SL Fails



IWill Hear

-Daily-Fred Day
Russians Expe American Priest



MOSCOW, A')-The Soviet Un-
ion is expelling the Rev. Fr. George
Bissonnette of Central Falls, R.I.
He is the only foreign priest of
the Roman Catholic Church in
Russia, and has served the diplo-
matic colony under the Roosevelt-
Litvinov agreement of 1933.
No Reason
Father Bissonnette was called in
by the police yesterday and told to
get out of the Soviet Union by Sat-
urday. No reason was given.
In Washington, D.C. the State
Department said it had protested
United Europe
Seen Possible
By Brugmans
A multi-racial, multi-religious
and nationally-knit country such
as Switzerland was advocated for
Europe by Henri Brugmans yester-
Brugmans, rector of the College
of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, and
one of the founders of the Euro-
pean Integration Movement, criti-
cized the French and Italian gov-
ernments for rejecting the Europe-
an Defense Treaty which he said
he had hoped would contribute to
European federation.
The French still look upon the
Germans as hostile and-appeared
not to fear the thre't of Commu-
nism in rejecting EDC declared
He said their action has led
many of the Germans to talk of
turning to the East for friendship
which would destroy any possibili-

the expulsion as violating the 19331
agreement under which the United
States recognized Russia. The,
State Department said the agree-
ment guaranteed freedom of con-
science and religious worship for
Americans residing in Russia.
Not Notifiedj
The State Department said the'
U.S. Embassy in Moscow was nd-
tified of the expulsion order last
Saturday, to take effect next Sat-
urday, and the FAnbassy filed a
protest today.
Diplomats said the expulsion or-
der perhaps was connected with
the return to Moscow yesterday of
the Metropolitan Boris, of the
Russian Orthodox Church, from
New York. Boris had complained
the American government had
made it impossible for him to stay
Father Bissonnette, 33, has been
in the Soviet Union since Jan. 14,
1953, and speaks Russian fluently.

He was the latest in a series of
Assumptionist priests who have
served in Moscow under terms of
the agreement the late President
Franklin D. Roosevelt signed with
Maxim Litvinov, then Soviet for-
eign minister. It provided that a
U.S. citizen could come to Moscow
to minister to the religious needs
of the foreign colony.
There are no other foreign cler-
gymen stationed here on a regular
Father Bissonnette planned to
say mass this morning, and this
probably will be his last religious
service in this Communist capital.
There was no indication wheth-
er a successor for Father Bisson-
nette would be admitted to this
The priest has been one of the
most popular members of the Mos-
cow diplomatic colony - among
non-Catholics and Catholics.

Two Motions
At Meeting
Student Legislature will meet in
special session at 7:30 p.m. today
to again try disposing of its $4,-
500 treasury.
Despite last second efforts by
Hank Berliner, '56, to have SL
vote on all pending questions be-
fore adjournment, the Legislature
turned down the motion by two
votes and SL President Ned Si-
mon, '55, 'was forced to call the
special meeting.
Berliner's effort came after four
hours of unsuccessful SL debate
over methods of disposing the
Minutes previously SL almost
came to a vote on the main motion
on the floor to split the money
three ways:
$1,500 to the Free Univer-
sity of Berlin, $1,000 to a trust
fund for. student government in
case Student Government Council
doesn't survive its probation and
$2,000 to a scholarship fund.
Dormont Plan
However Paul Dormont, '55, sud-
denly interjected a substitute mo-
tion to give the whole $4,500 to a
trust fund to loan money to non-
profit groups whose purpose is to
provide goods and services to stu-
Si Silver, '58, after a short
pause, seconded the motion and it
was on the floor when the meeting
Special session was necessary
because last night's meeting was
the last regularly scheduled Legis-
lature meeting. SL goes out of
existence in favor of Student Gov-
ernment Council March 16.
The main motion was presented
by Joan Bryan, '56, and amended
to its present form by Bill Adams,
Dormont's substitute motion
and the main motion will be on
the floor when the special ses-
sion starts tonight.
Follow Agenda
Simon said last night if finance
problems are decided early to-
night the rest of the meeting will
follow yesterday's proposed agen-
Last night's meeting was, as one
leader of a top campus organi-
zation termed it, "chaotic."
Both former SL President Steve
Jelin, '55 and Simon chided the
Legislature for its performance.
Simon Blames SL
Simon blamed Legislature mem-
bers for failing to come to finance
committee meetings to present
ideas instead of waiting for SL
"Many of the very ideas being
discussed here tonight have been
rehashed many times in commit-
tee meetings," he said.
General confusion and noise
which became particularly bad
when Dormont made his motion
just before adjournment prompt-

Lavalle Likes Working With Youngsters


World News Roundup

Paul Lavalle, the man who ap-
plied for a Julliard Scholarship
on a dare, is easily the musical
idol of the more than eight mil-
lion American grammar school
band players.
In Ann Arbor to conduct to-
night's annual Band in Review
program, Lavalle says that it is
wonderful that children are given
a chance to play musical instru-
"Most of them will not become
professional musicians but they


Millions of children are playing
in bands."
Stresses Character
In picking men for the Band
of America, Lavalle stresses back-
ground and character as well as
musicianship. "Band musicians,"
says Lavalle, "must be able to play
any kind of music."
Honored by the Boys Club of
America, Lavalle received their
Man and Boy Award. As musical
advisor to the clubs, he listens
to recordings made by boys in the
various clubs throughout the

NEW YORK - Roy M. Cohn swore in court yesterday he never
coached Harvey M. Matusow to give false testimony against Commu-
nists-and that he doesn't think Matusow did so.
"I thought he was telling the truth then, and I think so now,"
Cohn declared.

PAHOA, Hawaii - A new vol-
ano erupted with explosive violence
yesterday near Hawaii Island's
eastern tip and a few minutes
later a National Guard plane was
forced to land less than a mile in
front of the boiling lava.

TAIPEH, Formosa-Secretary of
State John F. Dulles arrived to-
day for a high policy talk with
President Chiang Kai-shek and
the exchange of ratifications of
the U.S.-Nationalist mutual de-
fense pact.


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