i PAGE FOVJR THE F MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1951 PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1951 EINE KLEINE NAZIMUSIK? Difficult Question, But Berlin Group Should Play T'rE QUESTION of whether or no the Berlin Symphony should perform here is a valid one, if only because an honest answer cannot be come by easily. The arguments provided up to date by both sides of the controversy have been, I suggest, facile and unsatisfactory. The spokesmen for the yes side airily dismiss the opposition with the statement: "music has nothing to do with politics." Of course music has nothing to do with politics. Just as Hamlet has nothing to do with psychoanalysis, or the Kore of Euthydikos has nothing to do with sociology, as much as psy- choanalysts and sociologists have utilized these works of art for their very specific ends. ART IS ART; I think few were particularly startled by the Musical Society's statement to this effect. Many, however, have asked them- selves whether the statement is really an an- swer to the question (one which has been raised many times before as to E. Pound, Giese- king, etc.). The statement would be appropriate only if the charge read: Since the conductor of this orchestra, and several of its members were members of the Nazi Party, the music they play will reflect this affiliation. It will sound differ- ent than music played by Michigan Republi- cans." Nobody to my knowledge has made such a charge, or anything remotely resembling it. .fHE ACTUAL CHARGE against the sympho- ny's performance has to do with the con- ductor's and certain members' voluntary asso- c'ation with the Nazi regime. It is contended thai,'!y this association these musicians must be, seen as sharing the responsibility for the exter- mination of six million Jews. I will not argue this contention here: first, because I believe the contentioxi to be a true one; second, I can also admit the validity of the opposite view, one which would place responsibility on environ- mental or psychological forces. THE POINT, however, is that although those who do not wish the Symphony to play have hade clear their belief that the musicians are responsible, they have not made clear the connection between this responsibility and the concert itself. I think I can intuit the connection the sin- cere opposition (this does not include the obvi- ously insincere LYL spokesman) has made. This more admirable opposition is saying in effect that "No civilized being can conscion- ably afford to forget the enormity of the Nazis' crime. And each civilized being is significantly responsible for insuring that it doesn't happen again. Each person who forgets the enormity is, just one more force making the world less civilized and more prone to a repetition of barbarity." As to the concert: "Our opposing the concert is symbolic protest, 'a means of positively re- minding those who may be forgetting. If the symphony came and played and went without word said, this could mean only that 6 million victims of barbarism, of a sort the world has never before seen, have been forgotten." BUT HERE, I think, the opposition is in error. Because a protest of this nature is neces- sarily based on hatred directed toward members of a specific group, in this case certain mem- bers of the orchestra, however much it is claimed that the hatred is directed toward a criminal act. Certainly we should hate what happened in Nazi Germany. But there is an awesome danger in allowing 'this hatred of an ugly portion of history to spill over into a hatred of human individuals. (Germany hated being hungry and so took to hating Jews). That we view the Nazis, and per- hps all the German people, as responsible cannot mean that we are to exterminate them. Yet not allowing certain individuals to'play, is but the first step toward not allowing certain individuals to live, something the Nazi's made only too clear. Is this the lesson to be learned from the Nazi terror? I think not. Whatever the spirit of forgiveness means, and it has always meant something pretty enormous, this spirit is the one to be cultivated; when we forgive we are in effect asserting that we do not forget. There is no better way of asserting this hope for a world in every respect opposed to the one Hitler sought to create, than by visiting a gallery or hearing a symphony (whether led by Nazis, Communists or Dadas) and become ourselves that much more humanized. -J. W. Malcolm MUSIC REVIEW FALSTAFF, opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi, presented by Department of Speech and School of Music. FOR the second time in less than five years Sir John Falstaff is occupying the Univer- sity's opera stage, tnough this time with a good deal more significance. Nikolai's Merry Wives of Windsor, the earlier production, is of course not in the same league as Verdi's masterpiece on the same theme. Unquestion- ably Verdi's Falstaff holds the same position iri nineteenth century opera as the Mozart opera buffas do for the eighteenth. If one were to rank them, they would both be sitting alone on top. The only thing similar in last night's production of Falstaff to the -Merry Wives was, outside of the same dramatis per- sonae, a few costumes. This only pointed up the comparison. The current production of Falstaff is a stimulating musical experience of which Prof. Blatt, the director of the opera workshop, and all singers involved can be Justly proud. For their first production of any Verdi opera and for sheer musical demand, the University players could not have chosen a more ambi- tious project, yet only in a few small places did any of the music seem beyond their means, and these were mainly due to the orchestra. IT WAS not a question of the orchestra play- ing too loud, they are much too important in this opera, but rather the shortcomings of Lydia Mendelssohn. Prof. Blatt wisely never had the more immature voices try to shout above the orchestra, a fact that would have caused undue competition, but let them sing with their normal capacity, thus causing the acoustical shortcomings to be the only com- plaint of the evening. Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students o1'the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.................. ..Managing Editor Dorothy Myers......................... ..City Editor Jon Sobeloff......................Editorial Director Pat RAeiofs ...................Associate City Editor Becky Uonrad......................... Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.............. . Associate Editor Dave itvingston .........................Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ........... Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer.,...........Associate Sports Editor Rn Shimovits ............. Women's Editor Janet Smith.. .............. Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.Chief Photographer Business Staff Lots ocUak.. . ............ Business Manager Phil Brunskill,. ............Associate Business Manager Bill Wise ..... ..........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski............Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member The Associated Press What was most sparkling in this perform- ance was its musicality. Blessed with many singers of talent, and an orchestra which was more than responsive in their enthusiasm and vitality, Falstaff literally breathed musical animation and vivacity. One cannot help but feel in this opera that it was not just Verdi's genius that make this work a masterpiece, but equally the perfect craftsmanship of this master, who knew the ins and outs of the voice like few composers before or after him. With vocal lines so well-conceived the possi- bilities of musical characterization are much enhanced. From last night's singers little moth could have been asked in bringing these latent characterizations to fruition. INEVITABLY Falstaff sinks or swims as does the lead role. Much is demanded of this character, from violent anger to amorous buf- fonery, from high falsetto murmurs to low grumbling in the bass. Yet all in all if Fal- staff is not sung with lyricism, with that golden-tqned voice that is basic to all Italian opera, the more extreme effects lose their meaning. Undoubtedly Prof. Blatt had Robert Kerns in mind when he chose to do Falstaff. Mr. Kerns, who has been in opera hereabouts for several years now, has matured into a bari- tone of unusual tonal quality and lyric bril- liance. Even though his performances in the past have always been tops, he surpassed him- self last night with a performance truly ex- citing. POINTING up a contrast to the lyric bari- tone of Mr. Kerns, was the dramatic bari- tone of Thomas Tipton, making his first ap- pearance in the University operas. Mr. Tip- ton, as his role of Ford demanded, exploited' the intense, more muscular quality of the bass- baritone. Particularly was he effective in Ford's second act monologue, in which he is called upon to sustain anger and bitterness through an exceptionally long and treacherous vocal line. Among the women's voices Mary Mattfeld, Dame Quickly, showed a beautiful contralto voice. Her acting was one of the humorous high spots of the opera; her voice with its mellow low tones and broad tones was one of the musical delights. DOLORFS Lowry, Mistress Ford, and Joan Rossi, Mistress Page, handled the roles of Falstaff's two amorous objectives with vocal ease and acting ability. Both lent fine voices to primarily ensemble roles, and both stood out in the solid musical backing they gave to these parts. Miss Lowry, who had the most to do since she was the only one with which Falstaff actually makes contact, was especially brilliant in her glimmering stage presence. Priscilla Bickford sang the role of the young lover, Nannetta, with lovely lyricism and acting composure. Her last act aria was another high point. The rest of the cast, Donald Pressley-Dr. Caius, William Merrell-Bardolph, James Berg -Pistol, and William Cole-Fenton, Nannet- + ,.. m- o 1 n r 7.. .1 1 . _4 ...U ... DREW PEARSON: Ike Out To Beat Tax Cut WASHINGTON - The boys in the White House are rolling up their sleeves as never before to defeat the Sam Rayburn $20 tax-reduction amendment. Long- distance phones all over the USA were busy last week trying to pres- sure certain wavering congress- men. This week they are working 0]n Senators. Last week, for instance, Assist- ant President Sherman Adams phoned Gov. Robert Kennon of Louisiana, an Eisenhower Demo- crat, and asked him to do some long-distance lobbying. Governor K e n n o n, in turn, phoned various governors whom he knows personally, asking them to pressure their own Congress- men to vote against Speaker Ray- burn and his $20 tax reduction. Among others, Kennon called Gov. Phil Donnelly of Missouri, a Demo- crat, who did not bolt to Ike, asked him to work on the Missouri delegation. His words fell on barren ground. Governor Donnelly did not exert himself. No votes were changed aiong the Missouri representa- tives in Congress. Sam's Trump Cards REASON FOR White House con- sternation over the $20 tax reduction is because of two trump cards in Sam Rayburn's hand. Trump No. 1-He appoints the conferees to the Joint Committee of the House and Senate which will finally iron out the tax bill. They will be stanch Rayburn sup- porters. With the Senate likely to defeat the $20 reduction, Sam's conferees will stick to the bitter end, and the Senate will probably have to yield. Trump No. 2-The tax bill, to which Rayburn has tacked his $20 tax reduction, will expire April 30 unless Ike gets some action. And he wants action badly. He needs to have that bill renewed so badly that he can't very well veto it, even if the $20 tax reduction is in the bill. For the bill continues wartime excise-profit taxes and corporation taxes. So if Rayburn's amendment stays on, Ike is hooked. If he ve- toes, he may not have a tax bill at all. Also, a veto would put him in an even worse spot politically with several million small tax- payers. That's why Sherman Adams is working the long-distance phone overtime to try to switch votes in Congress. Friendship vs. Politics DURING THE first weeks of Eis- enhower's term in 1953, he enjoyed excellent personal rela- tions with Sam Rayburn, at that time demoted in favor of Joe Mar- tin as Speaker of the House. But one day, when the Eisenhower budget went to Congress, Ike went out of his way to slap Democratic failure to balance the budget. Whereupon, Rayburn made one of his infrequent speeches. He took off the gloves and blasted Eisen- hower for sending that kind of critical message. And he dared Eisenhower to balance the budget -which so far has not been done. That afternoon, Rayburn got a call from the White House asking him to breakfast next morning with the President. Eisenhower op- ened the breakfast by saying: "Sam, I thought you were a friend of mine." Rayburn replied that he was; but that in the American system of government, loyalty to your par- ty was more important than friendship, and he was not going to let the Democratic Party be un- fairly criticized. Country vs. Politics TWO YEARS passed. When Eis- enhower prepared to send his Formosa Message to Congress, Speaker Rayburn conferred with Ex-Speaker Joe Martin and both decided Ike didn't need any spe- cial authority from Congress to take action in the Formosan cri- sis. So Martin got the President on the phone. Both he and Ray- burn, in a three-way conversation, told Eisenhower that the special resolution was not necessary; that he already had all necessary au- thority. Ike appeared to agree. After the conversation, Rayburn went back to his own office and told a group of Democrats that the Presidential message was off; Ike would not send it. However, the President sent it just the same. And after it was sent, Rayburn jammed it through the House in record time. He work- ed just as hard as if the message had come from a Democratic Pre- sident. For the prestige of the na- tion was at stake and Sam put the nation ahead of politics. Three weeks later, when the Re- ciprocal Trade Bill was at stake, Rayburn stepped down from the rostrum and personally urged the bill's passage. His personality, his "How About A Good-Will Experiment?" - f 1 & P . , A$~ \ 4 '2 C-\ Fascism Revival .. . To the Editor: THE decision that two Nazi Party members should have the license to play music on our cam- pus, or in this country is appall- ing. There are several things which have to be considered. What is the issue involved? Is it that the Berlin Philharmonic should not be allowed to play? Hardly Aestheticism is not the issue. It is that Nazi Party mem- bers should not be able to rise again into positions of promi- nence without so much as a blink of the eyelash on the "objective" cloud of "culture." These men renounced "culture" when' they joined the Nazi Party. There is a great distinction here between a German and being a Nazi. The ordinary German was caught up in the whirl, apathetic or unaware he was struggling to find some solution to hunger, un- employment, national depression. The Nazi Party member is not "guilty by association," but guilty by deed, by active participation!! These are men who were con- sciously participating in a regime which decided that six million Jews, countless scientists, artists, humanists and other nations were to be destroyed. Why, some may ask, should any- one be concerned by the appear- ance of only two Nazis on a con- cert stage? For this reason: this is not an isolated event. There is a conscious policy at present of "excusing" the "ex-Nazi," war criminals, "artists," munitions makers and Party officials are rising again rapidly into power. Because there is a pattern of re- viving Fascism this is a very real threat to world peace. Apathy or attendance at this concert is not only an affront to those who suffered under Fascism, but is a means of tacitly condon- ing the revival of degeneracy and destruction. I wonder how many would go to hear Hitler play the piccolo at Hill Auditorium? -Diana Styler Nowak Talk.... To the Editor: CONTRARY TO David Kaplan's editorial, the Berlin Philhar- monic controversy does not in- volve the issue of cultural ex- change. The widest cultural ex- change should be supported in or- der to encourage friendly n tions among all countries. The issue is this: should honor leaders and members o orchestra who have not renour Nazism and militarism, butv on the contrary, intend tof the United States to make the vival of the Nazi war mac more acceptable to American Let us welcome anti-Nazi C mans; let us welcome Germ who want to clean house, to nazify and de-militarize. Let us welcome those Germans who c the same torch today as they fifteen years ago. In 1938, when Wilhelm F waengler, late conductor of Berlin Philharmonic, and a mi ber of the Nazi Council of S was to come to the United St the nation's leading musicians fused to solo with the New Y \ Philharmonic "if its leader ww be the man who had accepted profited by the Nazi regime." engagement was cancelled. After the war, public pr compelled the Chicago Symph to cancel a concert with F waengler. Pons, Horowitz, Ru stein, Piategorsky, Brailowsky others announced they would t cott the Chicago Symphonyi was led by a collaborator of1 ler. Rubinstein stated: "Had F waengler been firm in his de cratic convictions he would h left Germany. Many persons Thomas Mann departed fromt country in protest against barbarism of the Nazis. Furtwae ler chose to stay and chose perform believing. he would b the side of the victors." These protests remain vali long as German exist who n the dreams of Hitlerism. Because the German questio so vital today, the League in you to hear former State Sen Stanley Nowak, Thursday, Ma 3, 7:30 p.m., 103 South 4th,t will speak on "Rearmament Germany: Does It Mean Peac War?" -Mike Sharpe Labor Youth Leagu Cryptic Economics. . To the Editor: HISS JUDY Gregory, '56, in three latest contribution Institutional Economics, as p lished in The Daily last wv shows a vast knowledge and c mand of the worse sort of psue LETTERS TO THE EDITOi (Continued from Page 2) International Harvester Co., Chicago, Il.-men in BusAd, Liberal Arts, Com- merce and Engrg. for Motor Truck and General Sales. Positions in Michigan and upper Ohio. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York-men with W~th. majors, Econo- mic or Business majors for positions as Actuarial Trainees and Management Trainees. Fri., March 11-- t' Northern Trust Co., Chicago, Ill.-- men in LS&A and BusAd for General Openings in Trust, Banking, Operating, and Staff Depsrtments. Campbell Soup Co., Chicago, Ill.- men with majors in Accounting, In- dustrial Management and Chemistry forDepartmental Training in Manage- ment and Accounting. For appointments contact the Bu- reau of Appointments, ext. 371, room 3528 Admin. Bldg. Lectures Lecture. "Problems and Prospects of European Union." Henri Brugmans, Rector of the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium. 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. Alpha Kappa Phi, professional busi- ness fraternity, presents H. D. "Des" Dardenne, Trade Relations Manager of McCall's Magazine, speaking on "The Magazine and Modern Merchandising," Wed., March 2, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 141, School of Business Administration. William W. Cook Lectures on Ameri- can Institutions, Eighth Series: "The ela- Politics of Industry"-Walton Hamilton of Washington, D.C. Lecture V, "Sa- lute to the Emerging Economy," Thurs., we Mvarch 3, 4:00 p.m., Room 100, Hutchins f an Hall. Public invited. nced who, Academic Notices tour e re- Pre-professional affiliation will again hine be discussed at the Education meeting Wed., March 2, at 4:15 p.m. in the Ed- IS? ucation meeting Wed., March 2, at 4:15 Ger- p.m. in the Education School Lounge. nans We will have copies of the PTA con- d- stitution and a field representative for de- MEA will be present. Those who at- not tended the meeting Feb. 24 are es- arry pecially requested to attend. did Scholarships for Engineers. Applica- 'urt- tions from undergraduate engineers for ut- the 1955-56 Scholarship Awards are now the being received. All applications must em- be in by Fri., March 11. Blanks may be tate, obtained in the Secretary's Office, 263 ates, West Engineering Building. 5re- me- Geometry Seminar will meet Wed., s to aid W. Crowe will discuss, "Projective and Metrics in Minkowski Geometry." The.,, TAnalysis Seminar. "The Constructive Theory of Polynomial Approximation" Dtest will hold an organizational meeting hony Wed., March 2, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 'urt- 3010, Angell Hall. Further information bin- can be obtained from J. L. Ullman. and Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Prof. boy- Victor L. Streeter will speak on "A if it Quick Response variable Flow Control Hit- Device" at 3:45 p.m., Wed., March 2, in Room 101, West Engineering Build- ing. 'urt- 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the mo- Application of Mathematics to Social have Science will meet Thurs., March 3, lik Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. N. Smith will speak on "Values and the Decision Process." Departmental Colloquium. T h u r s., Mar. 3 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemis- try. Edward C. Olson will speak on "Polarographic Behavior of Aromatic N- nitrosohydrozylam ines." Moe Wasser- man will speak on "Structure and Photoconductivity of Thin Lead SulAde Films." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., March 3, at 4:00 p.m. In Room 247 West Engineering. Craige E. Schensted of WRRC will speak on, "The Luneberg-Kline method and the Derivation of Asymptotic Formulas for Three - Dimensional Scattering Prob- lems." Actuarial Seminar will meet Thurs., Mar. 3 Ft 4:00 p.m. in Room 3212. War- ren Orloft will continue the discussion of "Interpolation in Terms of Opera- tors." Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet Thurs., March 3, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Room 3010 Angell Hall.- Howard Reinhardt will conclude his discussion of Chapter 7 and Joseph Wrobleski will begin discussion of Chapter 8 of Coch- ran's "Sampling Techniques." Zoology Seminar: Dr. H. Lewis Batts, Jr., assistant Prof., Department of Zool- ogy. Kalamazoo College, will speak on "An Ecological Study of the Birds of a 64-Acre Tract In Southern Michigan," Wed., March 2, at 4:15 p.m. in the Nat- ural Science Auditorium. Events Today Verdi's Opera, "Falstaff," will be pre- sented by the Department of Speech and the School of Music promptly at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre March 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Late- comers will not be seated during the first scene. There is no overture. La Socledad Hispanica will meet Wed., March 2 at 8:00 P.m. in the Michigan Room of the League. Panel discussion on "Life in Latin America and Life in the United States." Gisela Luque, Debora Rozental, Arturo Go- mez, and Charles Donnelly. Prof. L. Kiddie will act as moderator. Dancing and refreshments. Hillel: Reservations for Fri. Evening Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Must be made nd paid for at Hillel ry Thurs., any evening from 7.00-10:00 p.m. E p i sc o p a1 Student Foundation. Breakfast at canterbury House follow- ing the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Wed., March 2. Student and Faculty- conducted Evensong Wed., March 2, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. Ulr Ski Club meeting in Room 3 K & L of Union ed., March 2 at 8:00 p.m. Election of officers. Movies. Varsity Debating will meet Wed., March 2 at 4:00 p.min room 4203 An- gell Hall to view the Northern Oratori- cal League Contest. Announcements. Sophomore Engineering C o u n c i, Board meeting Wed., March 2 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 1300. East Engineering. Lutheran Student Association Wed., Mar. 2, 7:30 p.m., Lenten Vespers. 40 minutes. Meditation on "The Second Word from the Cross." Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Pre-Medic Students invited to the meeting of the Pre-Medical Society to- night, 7:30 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Business & organization, lecture by Prof. B. Meinecke on "The Essence of Medical Culture," movie. Student Zionist meeting Wed., March 2, at 8:00 p.m., Hillel. Discussion on the organization's founding convention. Wesleyan Guild. Wed., March 2. Mid- week Tea in the lounge, 4:0-5:15 p.m. Mid-week Worship in the chapel at 5:15 p.m. Generation: Organization meeting for all students who wish to become staff members. No previous magazine experi- ence necessary. 3:15 p.m. Generation office, Stud. Publ. Bldg. Pershing Rifles. Regular company drill Wed., March 2. Report to TCB in uni- form at 1930 hrs. Coming Events Christian Science Organization Testi- monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire- side Room, Lane Hall. International Center Tea. Thurs., Mar. 3, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Building. Senior Board meeting Thurs., March 3. at 8:00 p.m. In the League. Room will be posted on the bulletin board. Executive cabinet will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs., Mar. 3, 7:45 p.m., 311 W. Eng. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong Thurs., March 3, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. Four seminars dealing with various as. pects of "Everyday Christianity," Thurs., March 3, at 8:15 p.m., in the Parish House. Phi Sigma Society continues Arctic Series. "Birds of Northern Baff in Is- land," by Dr. J. Van Tyne, Curator of Birds, and "Some Aspects of Mammal Life in the Arctic" by Dr. W. H. Burt, Curator of Mammals. Both illustrated. Rackham Amphitheatre, 8:00 p.m., Thurs., March 3. Open to the Public. (Refreshments after meeting for mem- bers and guests). Business meeting - 7:30 p.m. to elect new officers for Beta Chapter. La Petite Causette meets Thurs., Mar. 3, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room of the Union cafeteia. Ici on ne parle que le francais. Venez tous jouer au Scrabble en francais. Congregational-Disciples Guild. 7:00 a.m., Thurs., Mar. 3. Breakfast medita- tion in the Guild House Chapel. If you plan to come, please call Guild House by Wed. noon. Hillel. Thurs., Mar. 3, 8:00 p.m. Organ- izational meeting of graduate group. Refreshments. 4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN that the eng- to e on d as urse n is vites ator arch who of e or e ue her s to pub- 'eek, om- edo- I scientific criticism of the Ameri. can Economic System. What she lacks in theoretical apparatus she adequately compensates by use of brilliant new phrases like "Dis- tribute the accumulated wealth," "those in economic power," "cor- porate privilege" and "usual re- curring depression." I'm afraid however, that I find it impossible to reasonably take issue with her on any of her many points. This is not because I agree with her but I cannot be at all sure what she is trying to say. Cryptic language is the domain of the modern poet but it is not fit for an expounder of economic and social criticism. Although I'm sure it would be as futile as it would be unkind to suggest that MissGregory subject herself to a few hours of the In-. troductory Course in Economics, I would appreciate it greatly if before she again takese typewriter in lap she would bone up a bit on syntax and grammar. --Bob Bard CURRENT MOVIES At the Orpheum ... ROMEO AND JULIET A FEW years ago Tom Lea's nov- el, "The Brave Bulls," was made into a movie with Mel Fer- rer. It had several good bullfight scenes, a lot of descriptive back- street photography, and a couple of good performances. In spite of this, it was not what the novel was; indeed it was not really much of anything except a- fathful re- production of what the action in the book must have looked like. What it neglected to tell was what it all felt like-how the matador felt, how the promoter felt, even how the bull felt. It missed that half-cynical exaltation which was the novel's main excuse for exist- ing. Something similar has happen- ed in the handsome British-Ital- ian film production of "Romeo and Juliet" which is running this ducer's effort to make it plausible is in fact, what keeps the film from being Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," the hymn to youth and abandoned love. BUT TO FORGET Shakespeare for a moment, let us consider the film's strengths. First of all, it is set in an authentic Verona, a bright and brawling market- place city where blood feuds seem as natural as ripe vegetables. It is a town of wooden gates, long stair- cases, and hoodlum cavaliers. Tempers are perpetually hot, the swordplay is electric; only the duke and the great, solemn cathedral stand for peace and harmony. Sec- ondly, the film has cast its char- acters with close attention to phys- ical appearance. Tybalt really does look like a cat; Juliet is love- ly; and Romeo is the poet-knight incarnate. Third, the adapters have wisely dispensed with many of the lines from the play; they know they are making a movie and that mrvic ai.A, a. a,. thing like the impact of what it was necessary to cut out. Shake- speare's "Romeo and Juliet" is full of light and shadow, festivity and gloom, blossoming and dying. The film is almost without contrasts. It is not easy, of course, to find, satisfactory substitutes for the force of a lyric measure or the mood of a dimly lighted stage. But simple authenticity, in the name of authenticity, will not suf- fice. Documenting the reason for the failure of the Friar's message to reach Romeo will not do it; -cutting Mercutio as a loudmouth will not do it; showing us Tybalt's corpse as it really looked rather than as Juliet imagined it will not do it; and giving us standard close-ups of even the nicest-look- ing man and woman in the world will not do it. If you try to do it this way, you end up with a pro- duction that it is impossible to parody (as "Romeo and Juliet" is often so easy to parodyY. But