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March 02, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-02

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Latest Deadline in the State

43 ait I

40 4



Groups Still
Set Protest
Of Concert
Comment by 'U'




Proposed Tax Move



-Daily-John Hirtzel
IFC - New IFC President Bob Weinbaum accepts gavel from former president John Baity. Other
' officers are Bob Knutson (sitting left), Ron Clarke (standing left), Rick St. John (sitting right)
and Mike Lynch.
Weinbaum Knutson, St. John
W In Positions in IFC Election

Robert Weinbaum, '56, of Pi
Lambda Phi, was elected president
of the Interfraternity Council in
a fast-moving election proceeding
last night.
Robert Knutson, '56, who had
dropped down after losing in the
presidential race, was elected exec-
utive vice-president in one of the
tightest races for that post in IFC
Brief Voting
The presidential ballot which
inserted Weinbaum, former ad-
ministrative vice-president of IFC,
was brief in comparison with the
voting for executive vice-presi-
dent. Knutson, a member of Phi
Gamma Delta, emerged the victor
only after a 20-20 tie vote had
World News
By The Associated Press -
U.S. Tops
LONDON - Prime Minister
Winston Churchill said yesterday
Soviet leaders realize they never
can win a hydrogen bomb war
against the West.
The United States has an over-
whelming superiority in thermo-
nuclear weapons.
Refugees Stone Commission
GAZA, Egypt - Enraged Pales-
tine Arab refugees stoned United
Nations Truce Commission head-
quarters here, smashed windows,
and tore down a UN flag yester-
day in four hours of rioting touch-
ed off by a bloody border clash
between Egyptian and Israeli
* * *-
Chase On Quemoy
TAIPEH, Formosa - Maj. Gen.
William C. Chase toured tense
.Quemoy Islands yesterday gather-
ing information for high-level
talks this week with secretary of
State John Foster Dulles and top
rk Navy officers.
Matusow Finances
tusow yesterday quoted his former
wife as telling him she gave $70,-
000 to Sen. McCarthy rather than
$7,000-a figure used in a 1953
Senate Elections subcommittee re-
Logan Proposes
Repair Program
A $10,000,000 rehabilitation pro-
gram for approximately 12 square
blocks in the N. Main St. area
has been proposed by Dr. Albert
J. Logan, Democratic candidate
for mayor.
He emphasized that the program
would not have to be done all at
once, spreading the cost over a
period of years instead.
Citing a City Planning Commis-
sion study of the area, Dr. Logan
said 60 per cent of the units would
hP , rwinmi lyiTTm ~nefl n.o - '

been recast. He defeated Frank
Vick, '56, of Sigma Chi by a final
22-18 margin.
In the race for administrative
vice-president, Richard St. John,
'56, of Delta Tau Delta, downed
Ron Clarke, '56, for the position.
Clarke, a fraternity brother of
Knutson, dropped down into the
race for treasurer which he won
over Rod Comstock of Chi Psi.
Michael Lynch, '56, of Psi Up-
silon is the new secretary of IFC.
There was no need to vote for this
position as Comstock, the only oth-
er candidate, dropped out to run
for treasurer.
Stresses 'U' Relations
In his campaign speech, Presi-
dent-Elect Weinbaum s't r e s s e d
closer relations with the Univer-
sity and a strengthening of the
member fraternities in IFC.
"We should take a universal
view," Weinbaum said, "we should
should carry this philosophy-
identification with the University
-into all fields of the IFC."
Weinbaum said he supported
plans for an IFC publication to
explain more fully the policies and
workings of the council to member
fraternities, expressing a desire to
"smoothen out the rushing tech-
Knutson called for strengthen-
ing of IFC, and stressed a need
for improved communications be-
Steering Group
Discusses Fields
Of Concentration
Importance of fields of concen-
tration in college education was
I discussed by the Literary College
Conference Steering Committee
Faculty opinion on the actual
value of a field of concentration
varied from the idea that concen-
trating teaches a student to think
clearly about many things with
the concentration field as a back-
ground, to the idea that concen-
tration is the difference between
a general education and real edu-
Faculty members condemned
massing of sheer information as
superficial. They indicated learn-
ing is valuableas to the basic
knowledge of one subject
Faculty and student members
together pointed out that a col-
lege education and specialization
in one field is not a very real
qualification for a job. It was em-
phasized that college prepared a
job applicant with the ability to
recognize job opportunities when
they are presented.
istert To Speak
At Pledge Meeting
Junior Interfraternity Council's
spring pledge convocation will be
holA3 n*.t -n n~ nrav i th

tween that body and its member
Earlier in the meeting a motion
made at the last IFC meeting to
require registration of all tran-
sient peddlers was passed. Such
salesmen will be required to de-
posit a substantial bond before
they can solicit at fraternities.
The action is intended to restrict
fraudulent peddling.
Health Service
By Colds, Flu
Yesterday 44 out of 66 beds in
Health Service were occupied by
people with colds and influenza.
However, there is currently no
influenza epidemic, Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe; director of Health Serv-
ice, said yesterday. "When an epi-
demic occurs it breaks out sudden-
ly, while these cases have been
spead out over a period of time.
"Last week it was necessary to
send students back to their dor-
mitories because of lack of space.
These people were not seriously ill
and were given adequate atten-
tion," Dr. Forsythe commented.
At present the rate of illness
seems to be declining, he contin-
ged. Victor Vaughan residence re-
ported about 10 women out of the
house's 147 occupants are ill. Out
of 233 women, Jordan Hall has ap-
proximately 15 sick students.
Public health has made no ad-
vance in the treatment and control
of the common cold, Dr. Forsythe
remarked. "A number of people
have colds at this time of year
but that is to be expected. Probab-
ly there will be several cases of
colds and flu throughout March."

Both the Labor Youth League
and the Student Zionist Organi-
zation reaffirmed their protest
yesterday of the Berlin Philhar-
monic March 15 appearance here.
Each group asked students and
faculty to face the basic issues.
"We ask all students and fac-
ulty members to realize that the
Zionists are a Jewish cultural
group seeking to acquaint mem-
bers and the general student body
with the meaning and purpose of
Israel," David Sirota, Zionist
chairman said.
'Extremely Concerned'
"As such, we are extremely con-
cerned with the campus appear-
ance of an orchestra conducted
and managed by individuals who
were affiliated with a movement
dedicated to the annihilation of
so many millions of our people,"
he continued.
The organization is holding an
open discussion at 8 p.m. tomor-
row in the B'nai Brith Hillel
Foundation, 1429 Hill Street. The
topic will be "Music and Politics:
The Berlin Philharmonic Orches-
Zionist directors emphatically
stated they have no connection or
alliance with the LYL in regard
to the issue of the Orchestra.
The Labor Youth League feels
that "the Berlin Philharmonic
should not be welcomed or sup-
ported in any way in the United-
States as long as it is under the
leadership of men who have no
deeds to show that they have re-
nounced Nazism.
Basic Question
"The basic question for us,"
Mike Sharpe, Grad., chairman of
the local LYL said, "is that the is-
sue over the Berlin Philharmonic
is a symptom of the direction of
German and American foreign
"German rearmament is the
main issue. If there were no re-
armament, the issue over the
Orchestra would not be as im-
portant as if Orchestra members
had renounced Nazism."
In connection with German re-
armament,.the LYL is planning a
public meeting at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow at 103 South Fourth St.
to discuss "Rearmament of Ger-
many-Does It Mean Peace or
Comments Vary
Comment by University faculty
members on the issue varied.
Prof. James B. Wallace, secre-
tary of the music school, said, "I
can't see any basic or practical
connection between art and poli-
tics. Music does not speak the
language of propaganda. There is
nothing about the orchestra that
would spread Nazi ideas."
A professor in the English de-
partment feels "art and politics
are interrelated."
"There are a lot of political
things involved," another music
professor commented. "But, I feel
that if any complaint is made, it
should have been made last spring
when the Orchestra was engaged.
It's silly to protest now, because
those protesting sound like alarm-

$4,500 Sung
Topic of Last
SL Meeting
laubers Motion
On Floor Tonight
Student Legislature, bowing outr
March 16 in favor of the new Stu-
dent Government Council, will t
hold its last regular meeting to-
The meeting; due to start att
7:30 p.m. in Strauss-Andersony
East Quadrangle dining room, will
be followed by SL's annual bn
quet next Wednesday.
SL will concentrate last meet-
ing efforts toward distributing ap-
proximately $4,500 still left in ther
Legislature treasury.-
Must Be Distributed Tonight
Under discussion by SL for theE
last two weeks, the remainingI
funds must be distributed tonights
on a special meeting will be called,i
probably early next week.I
A motion by Joel Tauber, '57,
to give $1,500 to a special Free$
University of Berlin account and
the remainder to a scholarship
fund for students in campus acti-I
vities will be on the floor whenx
the meeting starts tonight.wh
The motion displaced both ma-i
jority and minority finance com-k
mittee recommendations at lastt
week's meeting.I
At least, two other motions willt
be made.
Joan Bryan, '56, will ask for $2,-1
000 for a student government
trust fund in case SGC doesn't
survive its prObatonary period,
$1,300 for the Free University of
Berlin and $900 for a scholarship
fund for students in student gov-
Dormont Motion
Paul Dormont, '55, will suggest
distributing the entire $4,500 to a
trust fund to loan money to non-
profit groups whose purpose is to
provide goods and services to stu-
Former SL president Steve Jelin,
'55, and SL president Ned Simon,
'55, will also probably present a
funds motion tonight but it hasn't
been finally formulated.
SL's public relations committee
will move tonight for Legislature
recommendation that SGC at-
tempt to secure Regents recogni-
tion of SGC suggestions within
three months.
The motion will also recommend
SGC attempt to get personal per-
mission to present suggestions to
the Regents. The two recommen-
dations, passed unanimously by
the public relations committee,
are point 14 of the Common Sense
Party platform,

Top State Red Leader
Released. From Prison

A short, stocky, silver-haired
man was greeted by his wife and
teen-age daughter at Willow Run
airport yesterday upon his first
visit to his Detroit home in 44
months. ,
Carl D. Winter. one of the 11
top Communist Party leaders con-
victed in the 1949 Smith Act tri-
als in New York, was released
from the Leavenworth, Kas. peni-
tentiary after completing a five-
year sentence, less one-third off
for good behavior.
Five Others Released
Five other Communist leaders
were also released yesterday but
all were immediately slated for
new prosecution or deportation in
Uncle Sam's "Operation Re-Tap."
As Winter and his companions
emerged from their various im-
prisonments, United States mar-
shalls were waiting to take them
into custody again charged with
knowingly belonging to an organi-
zation teaching or advocating the
overthrow of the United States
Five of the six were later re-
leased on $5,000 bond, but one
must serve a 60-day term in a
county jail. The, original 11. were
indicted in 1948 on two counts,
being tried and convicted on
the conspiracy charge in 1949.
Seven of the Reds surrendered
to begin their sentences July 2.
1951, after consuming 18 months
with appeals. Four others jump-
Real Gone
"Somebody bad stole my
viola" is the tune George Pa-
pich, '56SM, is probably singing.
Papich told Ann Arbor police
he left his viola, enclosed in a
black case, in an instructor's
room in Hill Auditorium at
3:15 p.m. yesterday. When he
returned 40 minutes later it
was missing.
The instrument, slightly
larger than a violin but smaller
than a cello, is valued at $330.

... top state Communist
ed bond but two were recaptured
and are in prison.
Look for Job
Although the second Count of
the 1948 indictment charging them
with knowingly being members of
a party dedicated to revolution
may mean an additional five-year
sentence, Winter plans to become
reacquainted with his fanily and
to look for a job.,
Commenting oi his jail term,
the former Michigan Communist
Party chairman said, he was
treated well and made many
friends. When asked if he made
any converts to Communism, he
smiled, "not hardly."
Calling himself an engineer by
trade, Winter said his job in*pri-
son was sorting ,and issuing
Of his jail sentence Winter said
it was "mostly of concern for the
whole country and not just his
family. If anybody can be sent to
jail for his political beliefs, no-
body is safe."
Wife Out on Bond
Winter's wife, Helen, was "re-
cently convicted of- violating the
conspiracy clause of the Smith
Acts in the Detroit trials last year.
She is now out on bond pending
appeal of the case.
Instead of. facing retrial, Rus-
sian-born Irving Potash has elect-
ed to leave the country. Released
from prison Dec. 9, he is sched-
uled to leave for Communist Po-
land Friday by agreement with the

Votes for
50, Per Cent
Salary Raise
Bill Goes to Ike
For Approval
WASHINGTON (A --Sens. Har-
ry F. Byrd (D-Va.) and Walter F.
George (D-Ga.) teamed up with
the Republicans on the Senate Fi-
nance Committee yesterday in a
9-6 vote to kill the $20 personal in-
come tax cut.
Thus President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower won a big round in his
fight to prevent the cut.
All six votes for the reduction
were cast by Democrats.
Votes Itself Pay Raise
Congress yesterday also voted
itself a 50 per cent pay raise. The
House stamped final approval on a
salary bill which also provided in-
creases for federal judges and
Acting quickly on a compromise
measure worked out in conference
with the Senate Monday, the
House voted 223-113 to boost con-
gressional salaries from $15,000 to
$22,500 a year.
The measure now goes to Presi-
dent Eisenhower for virtually cer-
tain approval.
Struggle in Prospect
Only Friday the House voted
210-205 on a roll call t keep the
$20 cut in the tax bill. If th6 Sen-
ate should sustain the adverse vote
of its Finance Committee, a con-
siderable struggle would be in
prospect between the two branches
of Congress.
Shortly after the committee
vote, 8en. Earle C. Clements (D-
Ky.), acting majority leader, sig-
naled that the Senate Democratic
leadership would make a floor fight
for the income tax cut.
As revised by the Senate com-
mittee, the tax bill now contains
only a one-year extension of the
present levels of taxation on cor-
poration income and continuation
of present exercises on automo-
biles, transportation, gasoline, cig-
arettes, liquor, wine and beer.
Last Raise in 1946
Congress last voted its members
a raise in 1946, when the rate was
X|10,000 year.
Under the latest bill, affecting
Civil Service worters, Judicial and
legislative employees, increases
would begin at $200 and figure out
at about 10 per cent through the
next-to-highest grade on the scale.
Cost of the measure has been
estimated at a bit more than $300,-
000,000 a year.
Last-minute attempts to tack on
amendments delayed a separate
postal pay measure in the House
Post Office Committee. Members
said none of the revisions was ac-
cepted. A closed session adjourned
with action not quite finished on
the bill to provide raises of an
anticipated 7 or 8 per cent.
U.S. Makes New
Demand of China
To Free Civilians.
States has made a new demand
on Red China for release of 41
American civilians from their "un-
warranted detention" behind the
Bamboo Curtain
The State Department announc-
ed the action yesterday. It met
an immediate rebuff from the Red
Chinese officials who received it
but a department spokesman said
"we naturally hope" that more

Americans will be freed by the
United States 'Consul General
Franklin C. Gowen presented the
demand to acting Consul General
Shen Ping of Communist China
in a two-hour meeting at Geneva,
Switzerland Monday. Theirs was
the 11th such session held since
June when direct United States
Red Chinese contacts were estab-
lished during the Geneva confer-
a *tntp onrtmP~tn,,4- 1nifu 11p.

Rituals Still Observed by 'U'

Confusion Gimmick Added
To Lfocal Weather Tradition.
The latest gimmick, confusion, has been added to Ann Arbor's
weather tradition.
No one is quite sure whether March came in like a lion or a lamb.
There were roars, of thunder, late Monday night which gave ominous
warning of what was to come.
Some similarity was still in the air blowing a hat off an occasional
head yesterday morning. But as March's first ticked off the predictable
clock, the foreshadowed lion re-
.mained in his unknown den.
Whether he got a chance to
come out and sniff around before
S tu d en ts deciding to wait until the end of
the month, no one knows. It
wasn't even cold yesterday-38 was
high, the weatherman said.
- Furthermore, the weatherman
predicted, last night and this
morning would get no colder than
28 degrees.
Moreover, he added with cer-
tainty. today's high should be near
x 40. The springlike weather is to be
accompanied by clouds with no
disposition to shed rain. (Editor's
note-snow, maybe?)
Nor could he shed any light on
whether March, came in like a
lion or a lamb. We'll just have to
stick around and find out how he
goes out.
.Falstaff Opera
Continues Today
F4istaff will continue his adven-
ture. with the Merry Wives of
IWindsorA1 hpDinnin at 8 n~m.

Generally held to be a trait peculiar to the medieval-minded, su-
perstitious ritual has its followers on the University campus as well.
Aside from such traditional collegiate superstitions as avoidance
of the 'M' seal on the diag, and the anthropomorphism of "Wolverine,"
many students have their own private rituals.
Blue-book procedure provides the greatest variety. There's the
wearing apparel rite in which the reasoning goes like this-as a
frightened freshman you wore your pink sweat shirt to an important
exam. Duly clutched, you are surprised when you get an A . . . so
surprised, in fact, that you credit the performance to the sweatshirt.
From then on that shirt accompanies you to blue-books.
Variations of this are the unshaven-and/or-unbathed-during-fi-
nals rite, along with the maze procedure. The former explains itself,
and exponents of the method are easily detected by sensory means.
The maze procedure, claimed infallible by its few but ardent adher-
ents, needs some explanation.
By trial and error, the follower of this method finds a circuitous
route capable of shaking Dame Misfortune from his trail. Before an
exam he races along this route, doubling and redoubling in his tracks
until, exhausted, he drags into the classroom.
1'.f n~f,-with,. ..,,1- ,,4+-. Wm. , is in, .. -, 4,zFpv'win-i.-..r u,, ha h nr ho a vnk

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