PAGE FOUR THE MICUIGAA DAILt SUNDAY, kkBKkJA$Y 27, 1956 PAGE FOUR ~UNI)AY, HWRUARY 27, ~ EMERGES FROM NEUTRALITY: Middle East Cautiously Aligns With the West THE RECENTLY-SIGNED Turkish-Iraqi Mu- tual Defense Pact ought not be considered lightly, for in its inception it links one of the more powerful of the Arab League countries with an ally of the United States. For many years this country has been trying to establish an effective collective security or- ganization in the Middle East. However, the Arab League, since its foundation in 1945, has chosen to remain neutral in the struggle be- tween East and West, and any type of defense arrangement involving, or sponsored by, a Western power has been objected to. During the last century, Egypt was consid- ered the spokesman of the West in the Middle East because of her relation to Great Britain, At the same time, Turkey, through the Otto- man Empire, was thought of as an integral part of the Arab area. However, now the two have traded places. Egypt has gradually rid the country of the British, and now considers her- self an integral part of the Arab world, while Turkey has taken a turn to the West. Egypt is also the leading and most powerful member of the Arab League and the organi- zation's policy of neutrality has been mainly through her effort. However, in completing negotiations with Turkey, Iraq links herself to a country which is not only a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, but also of the Balkan Alliance (with Greece and Yugoslavia) and a mutual defense treaty with Pakistan. ON JAN. 22, Egypt called a meeting of the Arab League in Cairo for the express pur- pose of discussing the proposed Turkish-Iraqi treaty. However, she made the mistake of not sounding out her allies before the gathering, for at the conference many of the member na- tions were more agreeable to the action of Iraq than Egypt had anticipated. Egypt threatened to withdraw from the Arab League and set up a new Middle East mutual defense organization excluding nations which did not agree with her. Nevertheless, when a vote was taken, only Saudi Arabia voted with Egypt, the other countries agreeing with Iraq in varying degrees. In addition, during the past few months both Turkey and Pakistan have been working to- ward incorporating into their alliance the eight other Moslem states of the Middle East-Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Ara- bia and Yemen. Thus indications show that the previously im- pervious Middle East area is emerging from her ten-year neutrality shell by gradually, but cau- tiously, aligning herself with the West. -Louise Tyor DRAMA REVIEW PRESENTING a bill of one-act plays as a substitute for the usual three-act fare pro- vided audiences is never a daring enterprise for producers since in general, problems can be dealt with in watertight compartments. The interpretation which you try in the first act does not come up to plague you in the third. The third establishment of one consistent mood is usually enough to sustain even the most complicated of these short pieces. The ma- jor effort in programming, consequently, is centered around achieving a variety in the bill which will presumably offer something to ev- erybody. As a result, one act bills seldom pro- vide either outstandingly rewarding or out- standingly disappointing evenings. They are neither organized as a group sufficiently to sustain any coherent impact, nor are they elab- orately delineated enough to get bogged down In tedium. The programming of the current Dramatic Arts Center bill of "A Phoenix Too Frequent" and "The Boor" offers, however, a little differ- ent kind of approach. Both plays presented are comedies; both concentrate on describing the human being as."attitude;" and both deal generally with the same "issue": the fidelity of mourning widows. Both plays find, of course, that the deceased's team goes on plowing very quickly after he is thin and pine. Hence, the playgoer gets continuity, rather than diversity for his money. He does, that is, if the essential difference in point of view between the two comedies is properly exploited; he gets a rec- ognizable point-counterpoint effect that makes the two plays together mean just a little more than they mean separately. THIS, at any rate, must have been the Cen- ter's idea in selecting two such similar plays. In execution, the plan has come out less per- fectly than it might have. The fault, I think, lies largely in the direction of "The Boor," which was allowed to become a burlesque tour- de-force instead of an essentially "realistic" comedy with shrewd character sense. "The Boor," in other words, is played for the same kind of response that Jackie Gleason plays for, and, although I would not quarrel that it is funny at moments, the style has prevented the natural integration of the two plays into what I think it was possible for them to achieve. What "The Boor" can provide is simply this: it can make a character out of Smirnov by decreasing his range, by making his soliloquies something more than snide asides to the audi- ence. It can make Madame Popova a character simply by emphasizing her jealous determina- tion to remain loyal to a husband who was un- faithful to her when he was alive; instead she is hardly more than a prop, a hoity-toity lady of Charlie Chaplin comedy who wrestles with Sixty-Fifth Yea Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......................Managing Editor Dorothy Myers.......,................ ..City Editor Jon Sobeloff................,.,.......Editorial Director Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor Becky Conrad...u................Associate Editor Na Swinehart.........................Associate Editor Dave Livingston........................Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin. ...........Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovtz........................ Women's Editor Janet Smith................Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton,. .................Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Polak..... .... .......Business Manager Phil1Brunsklll..............Associate Business Manager Bill Wise. ......................Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski.............. Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member her intruder, but ends up in foot-wiggling em- brace with him on the Restoration divan. All these things were important to Chekhov. Important to Stanislavsky, his director, and should have been also important to the Dra- matic Arts Center. Although the actors, James Coco, Rica Martens, and Ralph Drischell were effective in the broadest sense of the word, bur- lesqueing the production left the play deriving its force from the inter-acting dynamics of stereotypes. Since irony, the impulse of the Fry play, derives also from stereotype, "The Boor" seemed simply an inferior afterthought instead of the fulfilling additional dimension to the evening, which it might have been. -William Wiegand * * * IN ORDER to suggest that humanity has at times spent too much time brooding over its stark and moribund phoenix, Christopher Fry presents us with a lively one-act play about three lesser, but decidedly more lively birds: one would classify them roughly as a magpie, a peacock, and a bantam rooster. The peacock, Dynamene, is a widow-woman of some unspecified Graeco-Roman era who has decided to prove her love. for her deceased husband by pining to death in his tomb. The magpie is her maid-servant, Doto, who shares the funereal vigil partly through sheer devoted- ness and partly through weltschmerz. And the bantam rooster is Tegeus, a soldier assigned to guarding six bodies recently hung in the ceme- tery, who wanders in to pass the time of night with Doto and stays to fall in love with Dyna- mene, smitten with her beauty and the mag- nificence of her plan for rejoining her husband across the Styx. 'BY SETTING the play "somewhere in antiqui- ty" Fry procures a number of advantages. Not only does he gain access to a concept and an imagery of death which is rich and strange, but when he feels inclined he can spoof it gaily, as he perhaps could not if his persona were Christians looking forward to a Christian cross- ing into a Christian Heaven. The characters are not, of course, historically "authentic" (in the Hollywood research department sense). Part of the fun is in watching Fry lay the his- torical makeup on them without obscuring their modernity. As verse, the play makes a wild contrast to the ascetic poetry in the last DAC production, "The Cocktail Party." Fry's verse is antic, ir- regular, and has quite a self-conscious pride in being verse at all. Its redundancies and verbos- ities hardly ever seem tiresome, however: an exuberance over life such as this play has de- mands and equally exuberant language with which to celebrate it. Irma Hurley, in the role of Dynamene, gives what seemed to me her best performance this season. She has dignity enough to be mourning to death for a husband, and coquetry enough to accept "a little wine" and a little life from Te- geus. Rica Martens, as Doto, does very well as low comic of the piece. Her Cockney reflections on the nether world, ("all shaypes of shaypes and all shaydes of shaydes") are smooth and funny. She is quite up to being the comic "Earthmother," the lusty spring of animal spir- its which the role demands of her. Ralph Drischell, cunningly got up in golden curls, is anything but tedious in the role of Tegeus. One of the best things about this play was the way in which the wine that's passed around seems to be real wine; not, as in T. S. Eliot, the sacramental libation or the social cocktail. As Doto says, "It tastes like grapes." So does the whole play, one finds, taste like grapes. I like grapes. -Bob Holloway Quad Memo MEMO TO all quad Cheese Petitioners': Financial report-fiscal year ending June, 1954, athletic program receipts (not including football): $228,573. ? - - T TT 2T %f-- .. .....,. «.... .. ..... - - . TM~ DREW PEARSON: Johnston Wonders Whodunnit WASHINGTON-Sen. Olin John- ston is a South Carolina gen- tleman who exudes charm and cordiality as gracefully as he drops the "r's" in conversation-until you rub him the wrong way. Then you have a, cyclone on your hands. Johnston is a potent influence in postal matters because he is Chairman of the Senate Post Of- fice Committee. But for some time he has been harboring a peeve against one of Eisenhower's lead- ing cabinet members, Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield. According to the Capital grape- vine, Summerfield vetoed an invi- tation that was to be extended to Democrat Johnston to attend the Postmasters' Annual Convention in Philadelphia last year. In fact, Summerfield is reported to have served notice on the Postmasters: "If you invite Senator Johnston to address the convention, I won't be there." Naturally Johnston heard all this and after a recent hearing by the Post Office and Civil Service Committee, he decided to have it out with the Postmaster General. Backing Summerfield into a cor- ner, Johnston bluntly inquired: "I would like to straighten out these rumors. Did you or didn't you blackball me from being in- vited to the Postmasters' conven- tion last year?" Summerfield acted as though he had been suddenly crowned with a mail sack filled with copies of the agricultural yearbook. He sput- tered, cleared his throat and in- dignantly replied: "Somebody has misinformed you, Senator. That story is a lot of pop- pycock. I didn't say I would stay from the convention if you were invited. But I did request the right to look over the text of your speech in advance, if you were invited. I couldn't see anything wrong about that. It's done all the time in Washington. It would have been very embarrasing to President Eis- enhower if I was on the same plat- form with you if you teed off on his Administration." The South Carolina Senator is still dubious about one point. He was slated to be invited to the con- vention in Philadelphia-speech or no speech-and somebody at the Post Office Department nixed it at the last minute. If it wasn't Summerfield, he would like to know who it was. - -MERRY-GO-ROUND- ATTORNEY General Brownell complains privately that auto- graph hunters often mistake him for another bald-headed man- Adlai Stevenson .. . The Demo- crats are laying for Vice-President Nixon when he returns from the Caribbean. They are preparing a barrage of speeches, blasting him for being a silk-glove McCarthy * . . The promise of Democratic Senate leader Lyndon Johnson that killing the Dixon-Yates con- tract would be his first order of business in the new Congress has been unfulfilled . . . Sen. Herbert Lehman shelled out $5,000 from his own pocket to pay experts who helped him prepare a complete re- vision of the McCarran-Walter Immigration Act.... U.S. Ambas- sador Douglas Dillon is ill and has decided to resign as envoy to France. Dillon returned to Paris a few months ago after an operation in the U.S.A,, but unfortunately he is not recuperating as well as ex- pected. Prediction: the next U.S. Ambassador to France will be glamorous Clare Boothe Luce .. ' Marshal Tito told the American Embassy after Stalin's death that neither Malenkov nor Beria would be able to rule Russia long. His latest view is that Khrushchev won't last more than a year as the Russian strongman. He'll be re- placed, predicts Tito, by Marshal Zhukov and an army coalition. -CAPITAL NEWS CAPSULES- SLEEPY AIR BASE-Our giant North African air base, Ben- guerir, was caught woefully off guard recently by a test alert . . It took three hours to assemble enough pilots at the base to put planes in the air ... If this had been a real enemy attack, the base would have been wiped out before the pilots arrived. Reason: the pilots live several miles from the base . . . The budget-conscious Air Force refused to build houses near the base because of higher costs, As a result, only the commanding officer, who lives on the base, was on hand for the mock alert. TYCOON WOLFSON-A move by Congressman Wayne Hays to investigate the financial operations of Louis Wolfson was turned down by Percy Priest of Tennessee, Chairman of the House Interstate Commerce Committee. Hays ar- gued that Wolfson, who's fighting Sewell Avery for control of Mont- P Q.~ERJURE "Oh Dear-They Seem To Be Going Right Ahead" f' - -eI i. At the State. * MANY RIVERS TO CROSS, with Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker. HAZARDS of movie-going are relatively insignficant com- pared to those confronting the live-play goer. That is, the movie, though often hardly a thing of beauty, is always a thing forever; the five-o'clock showing is com- pletely the same as the 7 o'clock showing. This is not so in the real live theatre. While at Thursday evening's performance of The Cocktail Party all goes well, the following evening'A showing can become a catastrophe simply be- cause the leading man had that afternoon a bad session with his psychiatrist. This was all very clear to me until yesterday afternoon. Now I am not so sure there is such a dis- tinction to be made between mov- ies and plays. The Saturday after- noon performance of Many Riv- ers to Cross, which it was my, priv- ilege to attend, could not possibly be like aly other showing of the same movie. I feel something like that critic surely must have felt, whose duty it was to say bright things about the famed "Melan- choly Baby" performance of Ham- let. Everybody at the State yester- day afternoon went completely mad. In a very pleasant way, to be sure-there was nothing of the supersillious swssssssss-ing soin evidence during evening showings --but mad. Specifically, the at- mosphere was one of sheer good will to men, all men (including those on the screen); even the cartoon was greeted with wild gales of laughter. This sort of thing is contagious and I too (whom am cynical and unfeeling) was amused and en- tertained beyond ordinary descrip- tion. Only the small girl-child sit- ting in the next seat, who kept throwing rejected bon-bons at me, marred an otherwise perfect aft- ernoon. Many Rivers to Cross, though, is a pretty bad movie. -J. W. Malcolm At the Michigan ... SO THIS IS PARIS with Tony Curtis, Gloria DeHaven, Gene Nelson, Corinne Calvet, and Paul Gilbert. UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL undoubtedly set out to create a gay, sparkling, and unpreten- tious musical comedy in So This Is Paris. That the movie is any of these things is largely the result of its energetic and sometimes tal- ented cast of young performers. For the most part, So This Is Paris has been conceived as a ve- hicle for Tony Curtis, making his initial bow as a song-and-dance man. What he lacks in talent and experience, he compensates with energy and good humor. He has probably done noth' ; as well be- fore; and he has the pleasant abil- ity of seeming to enjoy all that he is doing. GLORIA DeHAVEN, as a French chanteuse from J a c k s o n Heights, gives a pleasant perform- ance, singing both bounce and ro- mantic songs. The big surprise is that she has developed control and gracefulness in her dancing and is given several opportunities to ex- hibit this newly acquired skill. She is still not a dancer inthe techni- cal sense; but it is interesting to, note the increased smoothness of her work. Gene Nelson, who together with Lee Scott has- provided the chore- ography, displays his usual style of acrobatic tap dancing. Corrine Calvet, as a rich heiress, and Comedian Paul Gilbert are given little to do. Gilbert, who promises much more talent than he is al- lowed to deliver, does best with a peculiar laugh that he repeatedly employs. Together with Nelson and Curtis, he dances on top of cars, in barnyards, and around swim- -ming pools. THE CHIEF difficulty with So This Is Paris is that it too of- ten falls into the category of ster- eotyped musical comedy, in story line, dialogue, and musical pre- sentations. -Ernest Theodossin CURRENT MOVIES DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued fromnPage ) Appointments, 3 5 2 8 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS NOT PRE- VIOUSLY ANNOUNCED FOR THE WEEK OF FEB. 28: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Tues., March 1 University of Mich., Engrg. Research Inst., Willow Run Research Center, Yp- silanti, Mch.-Advanced degrees in Elect. E. and Engrg. Math and Engrg. Physics for Research and Development. Wed., March 2 The Parker Appliance Co., Cleveland, 0Ohio-Mech. 1. Junior with summer address in Cleveland for Research & Dev. For appointments with the above contact the Engrg. Placement Office, Ext. 2182 Room 248 W. Engrg Wed., March 2 The LaSalle and Koch Co., Toledo. Ohio-men in LS&A and BusAd for Executive Training Program. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. OPPORTUNITY FOR FURTHER STUDY Katharine Gibbs School, N.Y., N.Y.- announces two scholarships for Senior Women for Training at any one of four Gibbs Schools. Applications must be in on March 1, 1955. For further Information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admn. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures The William W. Cook Lectures on American Institutions-Eighth Series: "The Politics of Industry" -Walton Hamilton of washington, D.C. All lec- tures will be given in Room 100, Hut- chins Hall, at 4:00 pa. Public invit- ed. Lecture III, Mon. Feb. 28: "Gov- ernment by the Honorable Company." Lecture IV, Tues., March 1: "Impact on the National Frontier" Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for James Walt, English Language & Literature; thesis: "Trollope's Literary Apprenticeship" Mon., Feb. 28, East Council Room Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. C. Boys, Meeting of the Education School Council, Mon., Feb. 28 at 4:15 p.m. in the Education School Lounge. Seminar in Chemical Physics. Mon., Feb. 28, 4:10 p.m. in Room 2308 Chem- istry. Prof. G.B.B.M. Sutherland will speak on "Infrared Intensities and Po- larity in Molecules." School of Business Administration: Students from other Schools and -o leges intending to apply for admission for the summer session or fall semester should secure application forms in Room 150, School of Business Admin- istration, Applications should be com- pleted and returned before April 1. The Extension Service announces the following class to be held in Ann Arbor beginning Tues. evening, March 1: Mineralogy and Geology of Radio- active Raw Materials. 7:00 p.m., Room 4082 Natural Science Building. Design- ed to acquaint the elementary and In- termediate student with the common uranium and thorium minerals and oth- er minerals significant to nuclear en- ergy processes. Describes deposits of uranium and thorium minerals, where they are likely to occur, and the meth- oads available for prospecting for them, and other devices. How to evaluate a including use of the Geiger counter prospect; how to market uranium ores; laws and regulations applying to prospecting in the United States. 14 weeks. $18.00. Prof. E. William Hein- rich, Instructor. Registration for this class may be made in Room 4501 of the Administration Building on South State Street during University office hours or during the half hour preceding the class in the class room. Seminar in Complex Variables will meet Tues., March 1, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering. Prof. A. J. Lohwater will speak on, "Applica- tions of the Maximum Principle." Mathematics C o11o q u i u m. Tues., March 1, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H. Dr. John Addison will speak on "An Abstract Approach to Hierarchies." Pre-professional affliation will again be discussed at the Education meeting Wed., March 2, at 4:15 p.m. in the Ed- ucation meeting Wed., March 2, at 4:15 p.m. in the Education School Lounge. We will have copies of the PTA con- stitution and a field representative for MEA will be present. Those who at- tended the meeting Feb. 24 are es- pecially requested to attend. Analysis Seminar. "The Constructive Theory of Polynomial Approximation" will hold an organizational meeting Wed., March 2, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 3010, Angell Hall. Further information can be obtained from J. L. Ullman. Concerts Student Recital: Mary Leila Curtice Bishop, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 4:15 p.m. Sun., Feb. 27, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. The pro- gram will include compositions by Frescob di, Beethoven, Chopin, Villa- Lobos and Prokofieff, and will be open to the public. Mrs. Bishop is a pupil of Marian Owen. Events Today Sailing Club. Iceboating this weekend. Rides leaving Lydia Mendelssohn, Sun., 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Work party Sun. at 11:00 a.m. to repair the crash- boat. Michigan, Christian Fellowship. Dr. Samuel J. Schultz, Department of Bible and Philosophy, Wheaton College, will speak on "Some Moral Difficulties of the Bible" at 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Re- freshments, Westminster Student Fellowship - sponsored Bible Seminar Sun., Feb. 27 in Room 217 of the Presbyterian Stu- dent Center. Discussion will be held at 10:45 a.m. Sun., Feb. 27, on Matthew 18. Hilel:Supper Club. Sun. ,6:15 p.m. lillel: Chorus Rehearsal Sun., 4:30 p.m. in main chapel. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury House breakfasts following both the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun., Feb. 27. Confirmation Instruction, 4:30 p.m., Sun., Feb. 27, at Canterbury House Can- terbury Supper Hour at 5:45 p.m., Sun., Feb. 27, at Canterbury House followed by the first in the series "The Five Sacra- ments of the Church." The Rev. Philip L. Sthenk, Vicar, Mission St. Clare of Assisi, will discuss "The Sacrament of the Family." Coffee Hour at Canterbury House will follow the 8:00 p.m. Evensong Sun., Feb. 27. South Quadrangle Sunday Musicales, a series of four programs, will be given by quadrangle residents and students in the Music School for the third year. The first program, Sun., Feb. 27 at 1:30 p.m. in the Fast Lounge, .includes Thomas Lester, tenor, George Osus, pianist, and a Woodwind Quintet. Public invited. First Presbyterian Church Choir un- der the direction of Maynard Klein with James Wallace at the Organ will give the St. John Passion by Heinrick Schuetze Sun., Feb. 27 at 4:00 p.m. Westminster S t u d e n t Fellowship Guild meeting in the Presbyterian Stu- dent Center at 6:45 p.m., Sun Feb. 27. John Akpbio, a Nigerian student at the University, will speak on Africa. Lutheran Student Association. Sun., 8:00 p.m. Supper for those who signed up. Everyone welcome to the evening program on "Church Symbolism" at 7:00 p.m. Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sun., 7:00 p.m. Meeting at the Congregation- al Church. Dr. and Mrs. William Genne of the Mott Foundation of Flint will speak and conduct a forum on "Da- ing, Friendship, and Courtship" Wesleyan Guild. Sun., Feb. 27, 9:30 a.m. Discussion "Paradoxes of the Christian Faith"; 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Supper; 6:45 p.m. Worship Service and program, a panel discussion by stu- dents on "Can We Be Moral Without Christ?" The Graduate Outing Club will 'meet at 2:00 p.m. Sun. at the Rackham Building, the northwest corner en- trance. Come in old clothes, Gilbert and Sullivan Board Meeting. Sun., Feb. 27 at 6:00 p.m. in the League. The room will be posted. Coming Events Undergraduate Mathematics Club will meet Feb. 28, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 3-R of the Union, in preparation for a trip to Willow Run to be sponsored by the club- in April. Prof. I. M. Copi of the Philosophy Department will speak on "The Logic of the Automatic computer." Both undergraduate and graduate stu- dents as well as faculty members are welcome to attend. Russky Kruzhok will meet at the In- ternational Center Mon., Feb. 28, 8:00- 10:00 a.m. Illustrated talk on life at Monterey. Refreshments. NAACP will meet Mon., Feb. 28 at at 7:30 p.m. in the Arbor Room of the League. Dr. Albert H. Wheeler, assist- ant prof. of bacteriology and President of The Ann Arbor Civic Forum, will speak. WCBN, South Quadrangle. Staff meet- ing in Room 0103, South Quad, Mon., Feb. 28, at 7:15 p.m. Attendance re- quired, program, formats requested. Lane Hall Folk Dance Group will meet Mon., Feb. 28, 7:30-10:00 p.m. in the rec- reation room. Instruction for every dance, and beginners are always wel- come. La Petite Causette meets Mon., Feb. 28, from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the left room of the Union cafeteria. Ici on ne parle que le francais. Venez tous ouer au Scrabble en francais. Verdi's Opera, "Falstaff," will be pre- sented by the Department of Speech and the School of Music promptly at 8:00 p.m. Inhthe Lydia Mendelsohn Theatre March 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. nte comers will not be seated during the first scene. There is no overture. Science Research Club Meeting, Rack. ham Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m., Tues., March 1, Program: "Some Aspects of Stress in Oxygen Poisoning," Paul John- son, Physiology. "A Cross Section of Nuclear Fields," Harold A. Ohlgren, Engineering. Dues received after 7:10 p.m. The Film Forum on International Education, sponsored by the Dept. of History and Principles of Education. will feature a film on education in France--"Passion. for Life"-Tues., Mar. 1 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Industrial Relations Club mock ar. bitration and transcriptions of origi- nal hearings involving horseplay and firecrackers. Tues., March 1, 7:30 p.m, Bus. Ad. student lounge. Anthropology Club Meeting. Tues., March 1, 8:00 p.m. East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Speaker: Dr. Theodore M. Newcomb, Prof. of Soci- ology and Psychology. Refreshments. A motion picture of Edward R. Mur- row's television interview with J. Rob- err Oppenheimer, director of the In- stitute for Advanced Study at Prince- ton University, will be presented in the Rackham Amphitheater Tues., March 1, at 3:10 and 4:10 p.m. and Wed., March 2, at 7:00 and 8:00 p.m., spon- sored by the Journalism Department. Deutscher Verein's Kaffeestunde will be held at 3:15 p.m. Tues., March 1 in i 200,000 TICKETS: SL Cinema Guild Offers Worthwhile Film Fare SOMETIME THIS WEEKEND Cinema Guild will sell its 200,000th ticket, a kind of unpretentious memorial to the only Ann Arbor theater which consistently shows interesting, worthwhile films. Throughout its rather brief history Cinema Guild has had to find solutions to a series of difficult problems. Many of them remain unsolved; but an over-all view seems to indicate that it is bringing better films and that it has become established as a permanent part of the community's cultural program. SINCE IT IS run to provide needy organizations with money, there has always been the problem customers, a problem which is not confined alone to Cinema Guild. But there is always the fact that art films are not money makers, especially when compared with the enormous financial returns of Hol- lywood efforts. At one time, Cine- ma Guild was forced to exclude foreign-language films from its presentation list with the hope that Hollywood and British pro- ducts would bring the needed box- office returns. Now that it is somewhat solidly established fi- nancially, however, foreign films have been returned to the pro- gram; and this is indeed an ad- mirable move. Cinema Guild has taken over +1 _- o {)1 im 3) h a r_ of finding films which will attract visual angle in mind. Yet the Or- pheum is hardly better. The University's answer to find- ing another auditorium has been either that Cinema Guild may use other auditoriums only occasion- ally or that there just are no au- ditoriums available. It is obvious that no business can achieve sta- bility by constantly changing its location; and there surely must be some other auditorium available on weekends. In the past there has often been the rather annoying problem of having cut films shown. Cinema Guild insists that it receives the films in this manner and that no