THC andsthe Rent Hike See Page 4 'Y L Latest Deadline in the State :4Iaii4 RAIN OR SNOW , VOL. LXV, No. 99 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1955 SIX PAGES I i0 SIX PAGES -. 1 U' Regents Acknowledge Gifts, Grants Donations Total $562,367.58 Gifts and grants amounting to $562,367.58 were accepted by the Board of Regents yesterday at their February meeting. Largest amount was $379,728.75 from the estate of the late Alice B. Groesbeck, of California. This will be added to the endowment of the Clarence E. Groesbeck Me- morial Scholarship Fund. Polio Fund Gift From the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., of New York City, the Regents ac- cepted $36,416.10 for the Polio Res- pirator Center Fund. The Regents accepted $20,000 from the estate of the late Han- nah Dpan Purdy, of Detroit, to establish the Dwight H. and Han- nah Doan Purdy Scholarship fund for students in the College of Pharmacy. A total of $16,175 was accept- ed for the Varsity "M Club Scholarship Fund with $12,500 from the University "M" Club and $3,655 from miscellaneous donors. Research Grants From the National Foundation of Washington, D.C., the Regents accepted two grants amounting to $21,700, for research by Prof. Fred- erick K. Sparrow, of the botany department, and for support of studies under the direction of Robert R. McMath of the Mc- Math-Hulbert Observatory. Promise of the renewal of four fellowships for 1955-56 amounting to $8,500 was accepted from the Dow Chemical Company, of Mid- land. The Regents accepted $5,609 from the Kenneth H. Campbell oundation for Neurological Re- search, of Grand Rapids, for the foundation's neurological research fund. Cancer Society Two grants amounting to $5,484 were accepted from the American Cancer Society, Inc., of New York City, From the Allen Industries Foun- dation, Inc., of Detroit, the Re- gents accepted $5,000, for research in neurosurgery to be conducted by Dr. Edgar A Kahn. From Mrs. Clinton H. Haskell, 1426 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill., the Regents accepted a collection of 181 books, 19 letters and five prints about George Washington. E. D. Hester, associate director of the Philippine Studies Program of the University of Chicago, has given 210 pieces of 14th and 19th century porcelain, porcelaneous and earthern wares of Chinese, Siamese and other Far Eastern or- igin which the Regents accepted for the Museum of Anthropology. The residents of Strauss House, East Quadrangle, have given a television set in honor of Mrs. Eva B. McKenzie, associate ad- visor of Strauss House. Regents Name New Projeets At Meeting Names for three projects in the Michigan Memorial-PhoenixPro- ject were approved by the Board of Regents yesterday. They approved the name of the Ford Nuclear Reactor for the re- search reactor to be built with a gift of $1,000,000 to the Project from the Ford Motor Company Fund. Cancer Unit Renamed The cancer therapy and re- search unit constructed adjacent to the University hospital was re- named the Lloyd Radiation Ther- apy Center. Dedication ceremonies have been set for March 26. The library in the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Laboratory will be named the Mason Memorial Library in memory of George W. Mason, the late president of American Motors Company, who' was "an energetic worker on be- half of the Phoenix Project in the position of national special gift chairman." Gifts in his memory to the Pro- ject were suggested by his family in place of flowers. A total of $9,219.81 has been collected and' the executive committee of the Project has voted to use the money Major uestions Acted on by SAC Discuss Political Groups, Rushing, Bias Clause, Conduct Committee By GENE HARTWIG Daily Managing Editor Student Affairs Committee yesterday took a final look at some long-standing unfinished business and acted on two major ques- tions in an effort to smooth the way for Student Government Coun- cil in its early stages of organization. The committee unanimously passed a recommendation that University President Harlan H. Hatcher set up- a study committee, similar to the group that recently looked into the student govern- ment problem, to reevaluate the composition and functions of the present Committee on Student Conduct.. Regarded as 'Unwieldly Group' Generally regarded as an unwieldly group, the Committee on Student Conduct is made up of the deans of all the schools and colleges, three faculty members and representatives of student gov- ernment and Joint Judiciary Council. The committee last met in 1949. Chief responsibility of the conduct committee is to frame regulations governing student conduct and to supervise procedures of the campus-judiciary system. Because of the difficulty of arranging meetings, many of the conduct committee's duties have been delegated to the three-man Subcommittee on Student Discipline. This smaller committee also has the final power of review in cases handled by Joint Judic. Discussion in SAC brought out two problems. The first involves a reexamination of the conduct committee with an eye toward " possibly revamping its organiza- tion and functions. Saar P act The second problem centers on a clarification of the present rules governing student conduct. irial SACfelt that the organization of the Committee on Student Con- duct should be looked into first Ymand that the rules could then be studied by whatever new group might be set up. No dissatisfaction was express- BONN, Germany (Y')-Chancel- ed with the functioning of the for Konrad Adenauer struggled Subcommittee on Student Discip- yesterday to save his Saar agree- line. MSC Name ChangeStill In Question Regents State Reasons For Opposing Change By PAT ROELOFS Associate City Editor The Board of Regents yester- day reaffirmed its opposition to the proposed name change of Michigan State College. President Harlan H. Hatcher, outlining the University's position concerning a plan to change the name of MSC to Michigan State University, referred to the Re- gents' public statement of a year ago opposing the change. Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel re- iterated the opinion of the Regents given last year that any name that includes the words of "Michigan" and "State" and "University" is an infringement upon the name of the University of Michigan. In addition, the Regents based their stand on the belief that "such change would necessarily raise questions about the real purpose of the proposal in relationship to higher education in Michigan." According to statements issued by MSC, because the word "col- lege" is now in its title, hiring of qualified faculty members is diffi- cult. MSC officials appear to be- lieve this problem would be re- duced were the name "University" substituted for "College." President Hatcher referred also the necessity of modifying the Michigan Constitution which es- tablishes educational institutions by law, in order to change the name of MSC. "What state university would be meant in wills or other documents which were not specific to iden- tity?" is a question that further complicates the problem of chang- ing our sister institution's name, according to the Regents. Regent Alfred B. Connable, Jr. suggested that the Regents follow the recommendation of the Michi- gan Association of State College Presidents to have a joint meeting of committees from MSC and the University to discuss the problem. Chairman of the Board of R- gents, J. Joseph Herbert appointed Regents Roscoe O. Bonisteel, Charles S. Kennedy and Otto E. Eckert to meet with a committee of the State Board of Agriculture (MSC governing body) to discuss a name that will be acceptable to both institutions. No date has been set for the meeting. All of the Regents emphasized throughout the discussion that they acknowledge the university status of MSC, and the accom- plishments of that school in the educational field. "We want to proceed on this issue in a friendly manner" they agreed. Newsmen questioned the Re- gents on the possibility of expan- sion implications for other schools that include the name "university" in terms of law, medicine and oth- er professional educational facili- ties. President Hatcher r e m a r k e d that duplication of professional training facilities is very expensive, but that the needs of the state in these areas must be considered. He concluded that implications of ex- pansion have not been clarified with reference to MSC if the name "University" is applied to it. SEATO Nations Agr To Check Su. bversion, Free As ee ment with France from death in the West German Parliament. All hope for wrench approval of German sovereignty and rearma- ment depended on the outcome. Gravest Hours Adenauer experienced his grav- est hours as Chancellor in defend- ing his temporary renunciation of 980,000 German - speaking Saar- landers in their coal-rich frontier valley. Attacked by opposition Socialists for "treason to the Saar," Ade- nauer was deserted on the issue by two of the government's four par- ties-the Free Democrats and the Refugees. They total 74 deputies, but not all may vote no. In fact, after a four-hour con- ference of Free Democratic depu- ties, party chairman Thomas Deh- ler said 10 or 11 of them probably will vote for the pact. Dehler had led a fight against it. CDU Support Adenauer's own Christian Dem- ocratic Union, which normally has a one-vote majority of 244 in the Bundestag, rallied behind him. However, Three CDU deputies, ex- pelled from their birthplace in the French-occupied Saar in 1953 for pro-German politics, refused their support. The German party, fourth and smallest government party with 15 deputies, stuck with Adenauer. The Saar agreement is one of the five Paris treaties which France insists must be ratified by the Germans as a package if the Bonn Republic is to be granted independence and admitted to the Atlantic Alliance. ta Candidate Requirements In its second action SAC "rec- ommended to SGC as a general policy ,that student organizations formed for the purpose of sup- porting candidates for any public office be required to meet those qualifications for recognition that are placed upon any student or- ganization. "And that SGC at its earliest convenience meet jointly with the University Lecture Committee to resolve the problems of joint jur- isdiction in this area." Past SAC policy has been to give recognition only to those po- litical groups sponsoring candi- dates for the Presidency of the United States. Under this policy, groups desiring to work for the See SAC, Page 5 Harlan Replies To Opposition WASHINGTON W)John Mar- shall Harlan, President Dwight D. Eisenhower's nominee for the Su- preme Court, denied yesterday he favors any "one world" or inter- nationalist movement that would interfere with the sovereignty of the United States. Harlan testified at an open hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is considering his nomination. Several previous witnesses opposed his selection for the high court on the ground he has been associated with the At- lantic Union movement. -Daily-Dick Gaskill NORTH DAKOTA GOALIE JERRY SCHULTZ BLOCKS BILL MacFARLAND'S SHOT BUT WOLVERINES POUND OUT 7-0 WIN TO NEAR NCAA PLAYOFF BERTH. Wolverine Icers r os, 7-0 By PHIL DOUGLIS Michigan's resurgent hoc key squad took a huge step toward gaining its eighth NCAA playoff berth by thoroughly drubbing a hapless North Dakota outfit, 7-0, last night at the Coliseum. Tom Rendall treated the near' capacity throng to one of the year's greatest scoring displays with a three-goal hat-trick, while his teammates put on their most' balanced performance of the sea- son to completely dominate the contest. Scoring two goals in the first period, four in the second, and one in the final stanza, Michigan also protected goalie Lorne Howes Professors Given Leaves Of Absence The title of professor emeritus of metallurgical engineering was conferred on Clair Upthegrove by the Board of Regents at their meeting yesterday. Prof. Upthegrove, 70 years old, joined the University faculty in the fall of 1916. He earned a Bach- elor of chemical engineering de- gree in 1914,, and served almost continuously on the faculty until his retirement last fall. Prof. Hawley Reappointed In other action, Prof. Amos H. Hawley was reappointed chair- man of the department of sociol- ogy for a five-year term begin- ning with the University year of 1955-56. Prof. Philip A. Duey of the School of Music and conductor of the Men's Glee Club, was granted a sabbatical leave for the 1955- 56 year. He will spend the year in Europe, chiefly in Italy, collecting material for a study of vocal or- namentation and style in the 16th and 17th centuries. Prof. Ross Lee Finney, of the School of Music, was given a sab- batical leave for the second se- mester of the 1955-56 year. He will spend the time writing music and studying the education of Eu- ropean composers. Prof. Owen Prof. Marian Owen, of the School of Music, was granted a sabbatical leave, for the second semester of the 1955-56 year. Her plans include study in New York and in Europe where she will au- dit the classes of internationally known artist teachers and receive coaching from some of these, magnificently, as he gained his second shut-out of the year. Wolverines will take on the No- daks again tonight in the Coli- seum at 8:00, and will attempt to run their victory streak to six straight games. Heyligers' sextet has now copped nine out of their last 11 games, putting on another brilliant stretch run in the race to the Broadmoor and the NCAA Ice finals. Work Smoothly For the first time this season, two Wolverine lines functioned smoothly at the same time. In fact, they scored alternate goals throughout the contest, as seven different players shared in the scoring. Howes was great when the oc- casion warranted it, but the vaunt- ed North Dakota offense never got going. Only Ben Cherski resem- bled his press clippings, but even he was obscure in the face of the Wolverine onslaught. Garner Two Points The game, worth two big points in the WIHL standings, was nev- er a contest after Tom Rendall scored the initial goal at 11:45 of the first period. Spike Schultz, the Nodak goalie was far from in- vincible, and Michigan skated through, in, and around the weak Nodak defense. Rendall sent the huge mob into bedlam when he broke the ice by completely faking out five Sioux defenders, riding in all alone on Schultz, and sneaking the puck past him. A little over a minute later, Rendall gave more evidence of what was to come by virtually re- peating his performance, as he again stick-handled magnificent- ly through the entire Nodak out- fit, and easily beat Schultz. Michigan Goes to Work Holding a 2-0 lead at the first intermission, Michigan really went to work during the second stanza. Not even five minutes had passed before Jerry Karpinka notched the Wolverines' third marker by rac- ing in from the left and whipping in a 20 foot shot. Schultz never even saw it. Jay Goold went to work only four and a half minutes later at 9:29 when he picked up a re- bound and slid it behind the har- ried Schultz to up the Wolverine margin to 4-0. Game Becomes a Rout By this time, the game was be- coming a rout, and the Nodaks knew it. The steam seemed to go Tech's Loss 'M's' Gain Colorado College pounded Michigan Tech, 4-1, last night at Houghton, Mich, thereby boosting Michigan's Wolverines into undisputed possession of second place. If Michigan downs North Dakota again to- night, while Colorado repeats with a win over Tech tonight, the Wolverines will clinch an NCAA playoff berth for the eighth straight year. The vic- tory officially gave Colorado College the league title. out of their play, and Michigan took even more of it out just a minute and a half later. Little Dick Dunnigan, who had been assisting on go Is all night, finally got one of his own, as he roared in all alone on Schultz, right up the middle, and faked the bedeveled goalie right out of the play, After a brief respite from scor- ing, Michigan notched its fourth goal of the period, and its sixth of the game as Jay Goold scored his second marker of the night. Goold See ICERS, Page 3 Eight Nations Sign Treaty In Bangkok U.S. To Supply Military Bulwark BANGKOK 01) - The eight Manila Pact nations agreed yes- terday on united action "to pre- serve and strengthen the peace" of Southeast Asia and block "those subtle- forms of aggression by which freedom and self-govern- ment are undermined and mens minds are subverted." The decisions wound up a three- day conference which set up per- manent headquarters in Bangkok and created committees to deal with military, subversive and eco- nomic problems. Sharp Differences Despite some sharp differences of opinion, international commu- nism was mentioned in the final communique of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization as a menace against which members were unit- ed. It was the first time the word communism appeared in an offi- cial SEATO document since the pact was signed in Manila last September. "The way of the aggressor has been made harder," summed Unit- ed States Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. The communique said delegates met "in circumstances which give increasing urgency to objectives of the treaty." This apparently re- ferred to the Formosa situation on which Secretary Dulles conferred at length with British Foreign Sec- retary Eden during their stay in Bangkok. Defense Discussed Even before the conference end- ed yesterday, military advisers be- gan discussing plans "to take all possible measures" for defense of freedom in the Orient. The conference's final communi- que emphasized that these military arrangements, to be built around an American force in the Pacific of 650,000 men, "will never be used for purposes of aggression." Some Asian nations had hoped that a SEATO military force, com- parable to NATO, would be devel- oped. But the United States opin- ion prevailed that mobile striking forces, with the possible use of nuclear weapons, would be the most effective. Subversion Threat The threat of subversion, viewed with particular concern, is to be met by cooperative development of the economic, social and cultural phases of the area. This was underscored by an rof fer from Secretary Dulles to share 220 pounds of nuclear fuel with the seven other Manila Pact na- tions for atomic research reac- tors. The eight pact nations are the United States, Britain, France, Austria, New Zealand, the Philip- pines, Pakistan and Thailand. Soviet Schools' Topic of Talk, "Education in the Soviet Union is based on the practical applica- tion of the Marxist-Leninism doc- trine," Elizabeth Moos said at a Labor Youth League 'meeting yes- terday. In Russia, Mrs. Moos explain- ed, "the development of the per- sonality depends greatly on the environment." Following the the- ory that man is determined by his environment, children are educa- ted toward social goals, she com- mented. DISPENSATION DELAYED: Three Pro By DAVE BAAD With Student Legislature final funds dispensation delayed until at least Wednesday, three dispo- sal possibilities loomed in the fore- ground yesterday. 1. Joel Tauber's, '57 proposal to give $1,500 to the Free University of Berlin account and the approxi- mately $3,000 remaining to a scholarship fund for students in campus activities. Discussed heatedly at SL's meet- ing last Wednesday, Tauber's pro- posal will be on the floor when the next meeting opens. 2. Paul Dormont's, '55, proposal for using all remaining SL money to set upga fund for loans to non- profit groups and associations whose purpose is to provide goods and services to students. 3. A proposal, mentioned briefly yesterday, to appropriate at least posals Made for SL Fund to the Free University of Berlin ac- count was turned down by the Leg- islature in favor of Tauber's schol- arship plan. Dormont's trust fund plan re- jected by SL's finance committee last Sunday received a shot in the arm Thursday when Inter-Cooper- ative Council offered direct sup- port to the plan. Dormont's trust fund to be con- trolled in part by students for the needs of the students, is designed to make loans to students inter- ested in fostering or continuing non-profit organizations at the University. ICC Favors Fund ICC resolved favoring the estab- lishment of a loan fund in aid of non-profit enterprises serving the needs of students and urged SL to allocate its residue funds substan- tially as suggested in Dormont's trust fund plan. If SL allocates $4,500 to the trust. fund and if Lhe fund proves insuf- ficient for the aid of a group deem- ed worthy by both the trust fund's trustees and the ICC, the ICC shall consider: a. lending a sum not to exceed $2,000 to the trust fund in order that such a group or association may be aided, or b. lending a sum not to exceed $1,000 to such a group or associa- tion directly, or c. other action in aid of such an association as the circumstances of the case may dictate. Reiterates Support Stefan Vail, Grad., who spoke in support of Dormont's plan at SL meeting Wednesday and at the finance committee meeting Sunday reiterated his sunnort vesterdav. 'SMART POLITICS' Prof. Mus grave Gives Views on Tax Proposal By DIANE LABAKAS The Democratic income tax pro- posal, passed yesterday in the House, was cited as a smart po- litical move for the Democrats by Prof. Richard Musgrave of the economics department. The bill which would cut per- ed Prof. Musgrave. "If we do, it would mean a tax cut over five billion dollars." The argument behind the Dem- ocratic proposal, asserted Prof. Musgrave, is that an income tax cut would increase consumer ex- penditure while the Republican idea is that a cornoration tax re-