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February 25, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-25

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VOL. LXV, No. 98





D em ocrt.*.*N*...... r k
Tax Move
Rocks House
Much Name-Calling;
Outcome in Balance
cratic drive to cut income taxes
rocked the House with name-call
ing debate yesterday and the out-
come apparently hung by a hand-
ful of votes. # : { ....
"Blackjacking . .. cheap poli-
tics .. monkey business
cruel injustice" -these were ther,
epithets flung in an old-fashioned
party-line scrap between Repub-
licans and Democrats.0:.r{J:.hh.::<:.:...:n..,g. of th . uden Pbcain Building, . ih . h
Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.) w c" f:..
and his lieutenants voiced strong ?
confidence that in showdown vat-
ing, postponed to this afternoon, ..
they would push through their
plan for a $20-a-person tax cut ERD DAY REVOLT OVER-Discouraged, defeated, the survivingx
starting next Jan. 1. fe oterfg fteSuetPbiain uligwt h 7
But Republican Leader Joseph
Martin (R-Mass.) said Pres. ground is one of the many casualties of yesterda y' bloody battle.
Dwight D. Eisenhower's strong /'
personal fight against the cut was J./
having a tremendous impact."
Republican le ad e rs generally EDRvl _p
showed growing optimism they
could kill the tax-cutting move. _____
Would Provide $20 Cut By MARY ANN THOMAS
steps of the Main Library. Wav-
The Democratic bill would pro- A mass revolution swept the ing their green banner, the $7.00
vide a $20 annual tar cut for each campus yesterday complete with faction countercharged and cap-
taxpayer and each dependent- hangings, guillotinings and burn- tured a $6.50 man before he could
$100 for a family of five. It would ings at the stake. escape.
slice about $2,200,000,000 from fed- Indications that the strange Dragged Around Campus
eral revenues over a full year. struggle was to occur were circu- Finishing off their screaming
Asst. Republican Leader Charles lated around the campus with the
Halleck of Indiana said he didn't question "What is ERD Day?" But captive y dragging him around
like to use such harsh words, but the long-awaited advent of En- the Dag from a bicycle, the
Democrats plainly were guilty of a sian Revolution Day took every- group then snatched another care-
"blackacking operation." body by surprise. less opponent only to be dragged
He referred to the fact that the A pitched battle broke out at 11 from the fray, thrown to the
tax cut was wrapped into a pack- a.m. yesterday on the Diag between and run over by the black
age bill also carrying out Eisen- two factions of the yearbook or- sedan o $7. ion er.
dower's request to postpone about ganization. In what some suspi- Although near heartbreak, the
three billion dollars in corporation cious onlookers interpreted as' a $6.50 faction kept fighting until
income and excise tax cuts, now set staff rebellion, supporters of a 50 their leader fell to the onrushing
for April 1. To kill the reduction, cent raise in Ensian prices battled mob and was hung from the neck.
Eisenhower would have to veto the the status quo group in a brief Upon seeing their leader slain be-
whole bill but bloody exploratory attack, fore their eyes, the group made a
Democratic Leader John Mc- Off And On Battle full-scale retreat to the Student
Cormack said Halleck was "an Publications Building to make a
able master of blackjacking-we're The wearied combatants declar- last stand.
only copying a page from your ed a truce in order to catch up on
book." their eleven o'clock classes but the Ends With Annihilation
'Unpardonably Irresponsible' fighting broke out again at noon. However, when they reached the
Rep. McCormack referred to the The $6.50 faction heatedly Publications Building they found
fact that Congressional Republi- fought to keep 'Ensian prices at the entrance barricaded by mem-
cans last year tacked a billion dol- the present price but they were up bers of the $7 group who had an-
lars in excise tax cuts onto an ad- against overwhelming odds. Be- ticipated this move. The battle
ministration bill continuing other fore the fighting reached its cli- ended with the complete annihi-
excise rates. max at noon certain members of lation of the $6.50 group.
Rep. McCormack also took note this faction were liquidated by After the dust had settled, the
of repeated GOP accusations that tactics never before seen on this $7 group decided to reward the
Democrats were "unpardonably ir- campus. valiant efforts of the $6.50 faction
responsible" in trying to cut taxes The revolution began with a by extending the limit on the low-
in, the face of an estimated federal charge by the $6.50 group toward er-priced 'Ensian one week in
deficit of $2,400,000,000 for the their opponents entrenched on the their memory.
fiscal year starting July 1.
Altogether, he said, Republicans OWNERS COOPERATING
pushed through three billion dol-OW E SC PRA IG
lars in tax cuts last year when the -
deficit was estimated at almost five
To this, Leadler Martin asked: C iy Bid n f i i l
billion dollars. iy V1i id1i i i l
"DO two wrongs make a right?" CtF re
McCormack snapped, pointing a
quivering finger at Martin: "Then
you admit you were wrong last
year!" Block by block, Ann Arbor's multiple unit dwellings are experi-
encing a thorough investigation by the Building and Safety Engineer-
ing Department.
DAC To Glue More than 150 houses have been inspected since an accelerated
program began the first of the year, according to John E. Ryan, direc-
Two One-Act tor of the department.
A backlog of complaints ha been cleared up, allowing the depat-
Tmet to make a systematic inspec-
s tion of the city's multiple dwell-
P TNd jings. "We inspect about four or
The comic situation which W orNew s five a day," Ryan said.
arises when the entrance of a Getting Cooperation
strange man disrupts the plans of R oundu "We're getting good cooperation
a recluse widow was capitalized #Pfrom property owners," Ryan re-

upon by both Christopher Fry, in By The Associated Press ported. "People are thinking about
his play "A Phoenix Too Pre- I bringing their houses up to stand-
quent," and Anton Chekov in "The .on2g re'sswn7a& alaries ards.>"
Boor." WASHINGTON (A) - Senate The 60-day period allowed for
Thus unified by a similar theme, and House conferees yesterday correcting violations will be com-
the two one-act plays will com- agreed on a $8,750 salary increase pleted for some owners shortly,
mence a three-week end run 8:15 for members of Congress, includ- Ryan said. "But we don't expect
p.m. today at the Dramatic Arts ing a new $1,250 tax-free expense any trouble."
Center. allowance. So far, there have been no court
Fry's comedy takes place in an The agreement would raise the cases on violations of housing
ancient Grecian tomb and stars annual pay of Senators and Rep- codes. Only one warrant was sworn
Rica Martens as Doto, Irma Hur- resentatives from $15,000 to $23,- out, but the owner decided to im-
ley and Dyamane and Ralph Dris- 750, including the tax-free allow- prove his property rather than run
chell as Teagus. ance, effective March 1. It is sub- the risk of being fined, Ryan said.
Action in "The Boor" is located ject to ratification by both houses. Faulty Wiring
in the livingroom of a Russian es- They are expected to act today. Most frequent violation encoun-
tate. The production stars Miss** tered by the department has been
Martens as Madam Popovai Dris- Turkish-Iraqi Pact faulty electric wiring.
chell as Luka and James Coco in BAGHDAD, Iraq (R) The "Almost every one we inspected
the role of Smirnov. Turkish-Iraqi Mutual Defense had poor wiring," Ryan comment-
The double playbill will be pre- Pact linking a key country of the ed. Second most frequent viola-
sented each Thursday to Sunday Arab world with the West was tion has been inadequate means of
through March 13. The presenta- signed here yesterday. exit from second and third floors.
tions will close with a 2:30 p.m. Egypt, a leader in the Arab Besides the department's sys-
matinee March 13. Admission is League, recently threatened to tematic approach, answering of
$1.65, with a student rate of 99c. withdraw from the Arab collective complaints that come in once in a
security setup but several Arab while keeps inspectors busy.
A a I1.states were more agreeable to the
Abandon Isle action than Egypt had expected. VIV, Th A **

IHC. Defeats New

Opposing Rent Increase


South Quad
Petition Hits
IHC Action

Levy Says

-Daily-Dick Gaskilli
members of the $6.50 supporters
7.00's hot in pursuit. In the fore-
(He's a $6.50, of course.)
ets Diag


Emphasizing that no more price
extensions would be given after
Thursday, the $7 group announced
that the Ensian will be sold from.
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through
Thursday on the Diag, at Engine
Arch, the Union and women's dor-
mitories. The yearbook also may be
purchased any day at' the Student
Publications Bldg.j

(claimed by Residents
Indignant South Quad residents
expressed their resentment toward
Inter-House Council's handling of
a proposed room-rent increase by
formulating a petition yesterday
protesting the raise.
At the day's end it contained
more than 500 signatures.
The petition claimed IHC had
misrepresented the quadders in
passing a motion approving a $50
per year room-and-board hike for
quad residents.
A spokesman for the group
which originated the paper, Larry
Levine, '56, said: "The IHC told
us that quad residents' feelings
would be reflected in its decision
on the matter of increase."
Planned Similar Motions
Levine, an IHC representative
from South Quad. said he had
previously planned to make a mo-
tion similar to two alternatives
mentioned in the petition, but he
wasn't given a chance to do so.
"Before I could make my mo-
tion," Levine said, "IHC's motion
Protesting the room and board
raise, a group of South Quad res-
idents last night collected a
number of the cube steaks served
for dinner and presented them
to the dietitian with the rec-
ommendation: "Shoes for Ko-


CSP Supports
Three SGC{
]Post Aspirants
The Common Sense Party voted
last night to support Janet Neary,
'58, Donna Netzer, '56, and Bob
Leacock, '57, in the coming Student
Government Council elections.
CSP also passed a motion to send
a representative of the Interna-
tional Student Association to SGC
as an ex-officio member.
Foreign Student Integration
According to CSP members the
reason that "foreign" students
have not a's yet been successfully
"integrated" into American stu-
dent life is that they have not
received realistic recognition as a
group. CSP believes that this group
deserves to be represented as much
as the League, Union, or any of the
larger and more recognized student
Janet Neary emphasized that
this new proposal is not designed
to make students from other coun-
tries feel "foreign" or "separate"
from the remainder of the cam-
pus; this plan will only give them
a "fair share of representation."
Accept 'Ideal'
Debate followed a motion by
Sue Levy, '56, that the party elim-
inate the platform proposal which
says: "We believe political and
economic beliefs should not be cri-
teria for the hiring and firing of a
faculty member, so long as he does
not attempt to influence others
through his position as a teacher."
To the objection that this state-
ment is too "idealistic" for a plat-
form, other party members gen-
erally agreed that the "ideal"
would be a working basis for pos-
sible future legislation.

--Daily-Dick Gaskill
PROTEST PETITION--Larry Levine (left) watches while Jesse
Myers, 4right) collects names for the South Quad petition in pro-
test of the proposed $50 residence hall room and board raise.
Reactivation Bid Made
For Local TEP Phi Ep
National executive secretaries of Tau Epsilon Phi and Phi Epsilon
Pi last night gave arguments for re-activating chapters here during an
Interfraternity Council executive committee meeting.
Also during the meeting, the Student Activities Committee refu-
sal to allow Sigma Chi fraternity to hold an all-campus dance May 21
was discussed, according to IFC President John Baity, '55.
Representatives Speak
Phi Ep's executive secretary, w yer Tells
Harvey Greenstone, and the exe c-j.LaW er1J18
utive secretary of TEP, Sidney
Suntag, presented briefs on their Role In Labor-
respective ch a pte rs ' alumni 1
strength, quality of potential Ne oo
pledges and physical facilities gotiations
available should they reactivate.
Other alumni of the fraternities The role of an attorney is "sel-
were also present, Baity said. dom on the side of the union in

was presented, voted upon and
passed, 30-14." He said pamph-
lets containing the IHC motion
were passed out before the meet-
ing began.
"The IHC plan contains some
seeming concessions which make,
the document look more palatable
to residents," Levine continued.
"From what I know of IHC, thosej
concessions won't be passed. ButI
the rent hike will."
True Quad Question j
Petitioners feel the two alter-
native proposals mentioned in
their paper are a better expres-
sion of South Quad feeling.
These would see the $300,000
needed for the new constructionl
levied from the whole student
body, or obtained by the Univer-
sity through a loan.
"Spreading the $300,00 over the
whole campus would lower the
amount per head to about $15,"'
Levine stated. "We don't see why
those students living in residence
halls should have to make up the
whole amount."
Levine and four other Taylor
House residents drew up the peti-
tion Wednesday night. It was
circulated through lunch-lines in
all four South Quad dining halls
during yesterday's meals.,

Quad Polling
Abo Urge Status Quo
0On Women in Quads
A motion to rescind last week's
"reluctant acceptance" of the
proposed quad rent rise was
roundly defeated at yesterday's
Inter-House Council meeting, 33-6.
The IHC also passed a resolu-
tion opposing immediate change-
over plans for the return to men's
housing of Tyler Prescott and
Chicago Houses.
After this motion was accept-
ed a lengthy and heated debate
on the pay hike was begun.
Ask Phrase Deletion
Dick Snyder, '57, read a letter
which said in part "the phrase
indicating, or implying that -this
action (of acceptance) is repre-
sentative of the attitude of the
men of the residence halls be
struck out."
Joe Collins, '58, then proposed
the rescinding motion, since "the
men should not be responsible for
carrying the brunt of paying for
future housing."
Taylor House representatives
presented a proposal noting that
"distinct misrepresentation of stu-
dent opinion" had occurred and
showed petitions bearing over 580
names of South Quadders oppos-
ing the approval.
The silence of the other quads
was noted but Larry Levine, '56,
said that the names had been col-
lected in a short time today "with
no time to go to other quads."
Would Accept Anything
Stan Levy, '55, president of IHC
said that he was not surprised at
the motions, as they do reflect "a
portion of student opinion. How-
ever, people will sign anything,
even if it was an order that the
moon is made of green cheese."
"This may have been erroneous
judgement on the part of IHC. I
don't think so. If you talkedto r
students, you wouldn't get a third
of them to sign."
"The action was probably not
the thing we should do, but it was
the best we could do," Levy con-
tinued. He said that two of the
proposals added to the IHC accep-
tance were already being discussed
by the administration.
Petitions To Be Forwarded
After stating that he would fol-
low any decision made at the
meeting, he said he would bring
the South Quad petitions to the
Board of Governors meeting on
Mar. 7 (postponed from Mar. 1).
Though Levy pointed out that
he believed the IHC still to be rep-
resented at the Board, it was not-
ed that the 'Information to
Freshmen' pamphlets, among oth-
ers, already have dorm costs list-
ed as $750.
Group Change
Gets Approval
Student Government Council's
steering committee yesterday ap-
proved a change for Development
Council choosing student repre-
The committee accepted a sug-
gestion that SGC recommend
student members to University
President Harlan H. Hatcher, who
in turn would send recopmmenda-
tions to the Board of Regents.
Presently, appointments to the
Council proceed from Student Le-
gislature's cabinet to Student Af-
fairs Committee to the president.

The recommendation approved
by the steering committee will be
submitted to the next meeting of
the Development Council Board
of Directors.
Regents To Hear
Building Report

Tau Epsilon Phi operated here
from 1922 to 1932, he said, while
Phi Epsilon Pi was on campus
from 1921 until 1942. The depres-
sion and World War II were
causes of their deactivation.
According to Baity, "the execu-
tive committee definitely won't
consider it advisable for both
houses to be reactivated.
Another In 10 Years?''
"During next Thursday's meet-
ing of the executive committee,
however, the group will have to
decide whether either fraternity
should reactivate now and if so,
which one," he commented.
If one of the two houses is re-
activated as a result of next week's
meeting, Baity forecasted, it will
probably be about 10 years before
increased enrollment in the Uni-
versity may make it possible for
the other fraternity to be consid-
ered a candidate for reactivation.

terms of negotiations," explained
Detroit lawyer Richard J. Fritz,
'51, in a talk on labor contract ne-
gotiations yesterday.
Even though there is no compli-
cated psychology behind the usual
"we want 25 cents" union request,
questions like "Is he bluffing?" re-
quire a considerable amount of
psychological reasoning, he said.
Fritz also devotes time to six-
week courses in labor-management
relations in addition to his regular





l Ask Red China Recognition
Y have never used our literature at
Stressing the need for a politi- h e n" us ed
cal settlement between the West ><>- the mass level," he added.
and Communist China, Justice f r "The great drama is the contestg
William O. Douglas of the Su- between India on the one handt
preme Court last night called for and China on the other," Justicei
American recognitiori of that Douglas said. He commented thatc
country. both countries are similar, buti
"In Asian eyes we are building that Nehru took the democratici
Red China as a martyr" by our solution to India's problems whilet
non-recognition policy. He com- IMao Tse Tung took the Commu-
mented that the landing of Ameri- nist.
can troops on the Chinese main-
land would "unite China and all
Asia against us. ry ees
"Any solution of the Asian prob-
lem must be an Asian solution,"
Justice Douglas continued. Howev- .r V
ed leaders in order to promotede- IIndia and Burma are 'sittig in
mocracy in the area. He pointed the middle-not as a third force,Y
( «>> .- - --n a e - a

Welcomes Questions
Throughout the discussion, the
second of a series sponsored by
the Student Bar Association, Fritz
welcomed questions from the au-
dience but apologized: "I think
I'm going to have a tough time
making this impartial." Fritz has
had experience working for a un-
ion previous to his present em-
Importance of an effective date
of agreement of the initial con-
The extent of authority of the bar-
gaining committee and the at-
torney was also pointed out as im-
Smaller Follow Large
According to Fritz, a certain
pattern exists in many of the bar-
gainings. Smaller unions follow in,
the footsteps of their sister unions'
in demanding raises on the basis
of an "increase in the cost of liv-
ing, production, or technological
increase such as in the share of
the profits."
In answer to some of the ques-
tions concerning the experience a
student can gain in the field of
labor relations Fritz recommended
an intensive study of weekly labor
relations bulletins and also sum-
mer administrative and office jobs
with unions.
The acquaintance with termi-
nology and forms thus acquired is
helpful experience, he said.

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