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February 24, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-24

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.Movie Reminds Us It
Could Happen Here


Shape Qf Things To Go

SIX SHOWINGS of the Oppenheimer-Murrow
Film interview presented in the Rackham
amphitheater yesterday drew six full houses. At
the University of Washington, no one heard or
will hear the famed physicist.
All of which proves, I suppose, that having a
more 'liberal' viewpoint at this University we
have nothing to fear.
But then again, the reasons for refusing to
allow Dr. Oppenheimer's personal appearance
in Seattle could just as easily apply in Ann Ar-
President Henry Schmitz, of Washington,
based his decision on a government ruling that
Oppenheimer was a risk to the security of his
country. Yet that government also governs us.
PRESIDENT SCHMITZ feels that as the lead-
er of a tax-supported institution, he must be
careful to keep his campus as uncontroversial
as possible. Yet, our University is also tax-sup-

Could it happen here?
Not too many years ago Alexander Ruthven,
then President of the University laughed off
the threat of Communist student groups, saying
that this University welcomed controversial
Today we have a 'lecture committee' which
reviews any proposed speaker before that in-
dividual can lecture on this campus. In certain
cases, there have already been bans, which some
persons have claimed "might establish prece-
STRANGELY ENOUGH, President Schmitz
said that he too welcomed controversial is-
sues when he took his post at Washington.
Now the History department at Washington
is saying his action "might lead to a danger-
ous precedent." But they're wrong. The period
of dangerous precedents is over.
This is the real thing.
.' --Murry Frymer

A College, by Any Other Name,
Shouldn't Worry the Regents

WITH a suppressed glee, we notice that the
Board of Regents will discuss the proposi-
tion of changing the name of what is now called
Michigan State College.
University President Harlan H. Hatcher, it is
reported, will ask the Regents to form a com-
mittee with members of the State Board of Ag-
riculture to consider the problem.
The problem itself is not merely one of se-
mantics, as it would seem on the surface. The
Spartans are looking for university status, even
if in name only. To call the institution Michi-
gan State University, or something strikingly
similar, would not make the school any more
a university than it now is.
NOW THAT the Spartan football powers no
longer be, something is needed to raise
again the prestige of the greatest burden on
this generation of taxpayers. People might not
stop to think whether a name is deserved, and
university sounds better than college.
Ironically enough ,most people are not con-

cerned with the difference in terms. A name
change for MSC would probably impress only
the legislators who like the new sound.
As a prestige factor, a new name would prob-
ably be valueless, and as a reward for past ac-
complishments, meaningless. The real issue is
whether the name is deserved by the school's
present standards and attributes, whether it is,
in fact, a university, and, basically, what makes
a university, as distinct from a college.
AS MENTIONED, we are glad to see that the
Regents are taking up the problem of defin-
ing a university. This is assuming no intention
on their part to confine themselves to periph-
eral matters of little consequence.
We would like to suggest, however, that the
Regents give more time to pressing University
problems that seem to have been ignored, and
not worry about what we'll be calling Michigan
State next year, unless they are seriously con-
cerned that a new name might put MSC on the
same level as the University of Michigan.
-Jim Dygert

New Language Requirement
Hardship for Many

U.S. Drops
WASHINGTON - A p e c uli a r
thing happened down in Tex-
as the other day. It was Saturday,
February 12, and Federal Court
seldom meets on Saturday. But a
special prosecutor for Attorney
General Brownell went into court
in Houston and asked U.S. District
Judge Ben Connally to dismiss cri-
minal charges against five men
indicted for secretly mixing frost-
damaged Canadian wheat, graded
as hog feed, with good govern-
ment-owned American wheat, and
then selling it as edible wheat.
They also had collected wheat
subsidies from the U.S. Govern-
ment and were charged with de-
frauding Uncle Sam of $1,700,000.
Despite this, Attorney General
Brownell ordered the indictments
against the five men dropped. That
there was clear guilt in the case,
however, was shown by the fact
that the company for which most
of them worked, the Argentine
Bunge Corporation, pleaded. guilty
and was fined $5,000.
A corporation, of course, can-
not go to jail. Individuals can.
And one of the individuals in-
volved was E. H. Thornton, Sr.,
son of the college roommate of
Gov. Allan Shivers who is now
Shivers' highway commissioner,
his campaign manager, and one of
those closest to Shivers in the en-
tire state of Texas.
C. K. Richards, the special pro-
secutor sent by Attorney General
Brownell to dismiss the case on
Feb. 12, 1955, was the same prose-
cutor who had indicted the five
men for Brownell on June 10, 19-
54. The reason he was in such a
hurry and got the court to sit on
Saturday was because trial was
to start in a week.
Richards carefully carried out
Brownell's orders but seemed un-
happy about it.
"I have nothing more to say.
about this thing," he said as he
left the court.
In Washington, however, it is
known that Governor Shivers, the
man who swung Texas for Ike,
lunched at the White House short-
ly before the indictments were dis-
missed. Shivers refused to tell
newsmen at the time what he had
discussed with the President.
Kansas City Pattern
WHAT HAPPENED in Galveston
followed a pattern set only
one month before in Kansas City
when another special prosecutor
for Attorney General Brownell,
Earl A. Jinkinson, went into Fed-
eral Court and moved to dismiss
a criminal case against Roy Ro-
berts, close personal friend of
Ike's and publisher of the Kansas
City Star.
Texas Skulduggery
THIS WRITER happens to have
been among the first to ex-
pose influence peddling around the
White House during the Truman
Administration. Therefore let's
take a thorough look at what hap-
pened in Galveston to the father
of Governor Shivers' close friend
and the man who re-elected him
last summer.
The records show that it was
probably the most flagrant case
of cheating the government on
grain ever seen in the U.S.A.
"On foggy days," testified E. H.
Thornton, Sr., before a Senate
agriculture subcommittee, "the
windows of the elevator would be
conveniently left open to permit
moisture to enter the elevator,
thereby increasing the weight of
the wheat. This practice would in-

ure to the benefit of the elevators
as overages."
"Thornton admitted," reported
the Senate committee, "that the
elevator, during a five-year per-
iod, reaped, a profit of over a mil-
lion dollars on overages."
Elevator B was owned by the
City of Galveston. It was man-
aged by the father of Governor
Shivers' close friend.
Thornton made no apologies for
cheating the government. On the
other hand he complained that
government inspection was too
"Thornton testified," continued
the Senate committee, "that ele-
vator B had too much Federal in-
spection and disclosed that he had
pleaded with the U.S. Department
of Agriculture overa aperiod of
time for less supervision at ele-
vator B, and more inspection at
other elevators.
"Other testimony convinced the
subcommittee," reported the sena-
tors, "that there had been a woe-
ful lack of inspection at elevator
Hog vs. Human Wheat
THE SENATORS went on to ex-
pose in great detail how the
Bunge Corporation had shipped
frost-damaged wheat into the
U.S.A. from Canada, paying 13
cents less than the usual duty be-
cause it was "unfit for human con-
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STUDENTS who enter the University in 1956
will have to meet a proficiency requirement
in a foreign language, based on two years of
college work.
The present requirement is one year of a
foreign language in college or four years in high
The revised requirement means that a stu-
dent will have to take an extra year of a lan-
guage and/or pass a test based on two years
of college language study. (Of course, virtually
all students will have to take a second year of
the foreign language to pass the examination.)
THE QUESTION arises whether this second
year of the language is beneficial enough to
the student to warrant his spendiig extra time
in a field in which he does not plan to concen-
Three assumptions concerning the advantages
and need for foreign language study are com-
monly accepted.
One, that language contact increases cultur-
al contact and understanding; two that knowl-
edge of more than one culture enables better
understanding of one's own culture; three, that
increased international communication today
-politically, economically, and socially - in-
creases the need for a greater number of lingu-
But one year in college or four years in high
school can be ample time to make a student
aware of his own culture and of the importance
of inter-cultural understanding and communi-
cation. It is also enough time to separate those
students interested in continuing language
study from those who prefer to spend their time

in a chemistry lab. True, the second year in a
foreign language increases a student's proficien-
cy. However, this proficiency is certainly not
necessary for all students in Literary School.
OF COURSE to the student majoring in a
foreign language the new requirement will
have no adverse effect, since he-will be taking
advanced language courses anyway.
But to the student concentrating in literature
or the social sciences, an extra year of a for-
eign language may be met with disapproval,
even though his field of concentration is closely
allied with foreign language study.
And to the student majoring in science,
whose interests and abilities lie in zoology or
physics, facing an extra year of a foreign lan-
guage can be distasteful and a burden to his
college program.
AT ANY RATE, all students uninterested in
studying a foreign language beyond the first
year will find the new requirement taking time
away from preparation for their field of con-
centration. They will find that their limited
choice of electives will be cut even further. .
The Literary College's intention to develop
more broadminded individuals through further
language study, and the new methods for better
language learning, are commendable. However,
when every minute and opportunity at college
is valuable and important to the individual and
his interests, the udent cannot afford to spend
more time than is necessary in a subject which
he may not particularly like and in which he
does not plan to concentrate.
--Shirley Croog

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Good Trick...
To the Editor:
I WISH Dave Tice would tell us
how he managed to hear two
concerts (Brubeck and the Buda-
pest Quartet) at once. There are
many of us who would have liked
to pull such a maneuver.
Somehow I suspect that he did-
n't really do justice to one or the
-Betty Cope
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Reviewer Tice at
tended the 7 p.m. Brubeck show and
the 8:30 p.m. Budapest concert.)
A Suggestion . .
To the Editor:
FIND Mr. Gene Hartwig's pro-
posed modifications of the "in-
defensible" student driving ban
both interesting and timely.
A better and more efficient plan
would be to have the University
install a special electronic mag-
netor in every student's car which
would be touched off by a radar
screen if he comes within five
miles of the campus. This would
automatically stop the car's en-
gine thus insuring adequate park-
ing facilities on campus for fa-
culty members and those students
whose magnetors weren't working
that morning
-Melvin L. Selzer
. * .*
LYL Speaker...
To the Editor:
THE Labor Youth League is
sponsoring a number of speak-
ers this semester whom we hope
you will feel welcome to come and
hear. Our purpose is to help bring
a progressive point of view to the
campus-a point of view which is
often difficult to be heard these
days, even though everyone has a
fully legitimate right to examine
it or to adhere to it.
This Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.
we are presenting Elizabeth Moos,
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig .......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers ....... .City Editor
Jon Sobeloff .........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor
David Livingston........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Spo-ts Editor
Warren Wertheimer
........Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........ Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzei......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone No 23-24-1
The Associated Press
Michigan Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights or republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second class mail
matter, Published daily except Monday.
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.50; by mail $7.50.

an educator, a member of the Na-
tional Council of American-Soviet
Friendship, and author of "The
Educational System of the Soviet
Union." She will speak on "Edu-
cation in the Soviet Union," and
show two films entitled "Children
in the Soviet Union" and "Altai."
The address is 103 South 4th
Street. You are cardially invited.
-Mike Sharpe
Labor Youth League
* * *
B~adI ay .
To the Editor:
IN THREE and one half years
at Michigan I've read a lot of
drivel and slop by Daily "critics."
I've been able to stomach most
of it. However, William Wiegand's
dissection of "Bad Day at Black
Rock" in Sunday's paper was
more sour milk than even I can
keep down. It sounds like he took
an advanced course in "criticism"
and never quite got over it.
Few movies have gripped me
or stirred me more than "Black
Rock." Just why I don't know. I
as not a "critic" myself (for
which I am eternally thankful)
nor can I say why I enjoy a movie
I'm not supposed to like or why
I don't enjoy a movie I am sup-
posed to like. I do know that this
movie grabs hold of human na-
ture in spots and that it is re-
freshingly simple throughout-a
factor that must have caused Mr.
Wiegand much discomfort and
fidgeting during the film. Some
of the dialogue may be oblique and
self conscious, but it is generally
witty and provoking. Why Mr.
Wiegand feels rich vocabularies
belong only in university circles
is beyond me. It is unfortunate,
too, that the character analyses
bored him.
Spencer Tracy's performance
was one of the best I have ever
seen, but this sparkling review
spent so much space finding fault
it had no room to comment on the
main role. Such distorted criticism
suggests Mr. Wiegand is a person
who enters a theater expecting
the worst and who leaves think-
ing he has found it. Perhaps it
shows impudence and bad breed-
ing on my part to stick up for a
movie in which Mr. Wiegand's
dramatic standards were offended,
but I liked "Black Rock" immen-
sely. I guess I just don't know any
-Michael Montgomery, '55
* * *
Berlin Orchestra .. .
To the Editor:
WE DEAD your article in yester-
day's Daily on the protest
against the tour of the Berlin
Philharmonic Orchestra. Both of
us being natives of Berlin, we were
deeply disappointed by this nar-
row-minded attitude which, ten
years after the end of the war,
tries to exclude one of the finest
orchestras in the world.
Mr. von Westermann is right in
holding that music has nothing to
do with politics-an attitude shar-
ed by both England and France
where the Orchestra has played in
recent years. The Berlin Philhar-
monic comes here on a tour, now
financed by the German govern-
ment, to offer its art, for the first
time in 40 years, as part of the
American-German policy towards
better understanding. The fact
that some of the musicians are ex-
Nazi party members seem to us
ridiculously irrelevant. It is a
known fact that everybody hold-
ing any position whatsoever had
to be a party member in order to
keep that position. Thus to make
statements ,like the New York mu-
sicians did, containing phrases
like "Nazi-led and Nazi-managed;"
is irresponsible. insulting and

The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication In it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 96
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
an open house for University faculty,
staff, and townspeople Sun., Feb. 27,
rom 4:00-6:00 p.m., at the President's
Freshman Testing Program: Make-up
sessions for Freshmen who missed any
of the Aptitude tests given during Ori-
entation Week Jan. 31-Feb. 4 will be
held Wed., Feb. 23 and Thurs., Feb. 24.
Report to Room 110, Rackham Build-
ing at 7:00 p.m. For further informa-
tion call Ext. 2297.
The following Public School systems
are interested in teachers in the fol-
lowing fields:
Battle Creek, Michigan - (Springfield
School) Teacher Needs: First Grade,
Second Grade. Seventh Grade,Integrat-
ed Subjects, Arts and Crafts for Ele-
mentary, and Secondary Combination,
Science, English and Social Studies.
Clarkston, Michigan-Clarkston Com-
munity Schools. Teacher Needs: Com-
mercial, English, Industrial Arts, Math-
ematics, kindergarten, early and later
Kinde, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Ear-
ly and Later Elementary, Music and
Band, Science and Mathematics, His-
tory, English, Commercial, Agriculture.
Home Economics and Administration.
Monroe, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
High School - Speech, dramatics and
English, Swimming and Physical Educa-
tion (women), Mathematics and Driver
Training, Public Librarian.
Jr. High-English, Social Studies and
Elementary - Kindergarten, First,
Fourth and Sixth Grades
Tecumseh, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Jr. High Math and Science, Senior High
Social Studies, Librarian and Fourth
Grade Teacher.
Los Altos, California-Teacher Needs:
Early and Later Elementary, Seventh
and Eighth Grade, Girls' Physical Edu-
cation, vocal Music, Speech Correc-
tionist, Specialist in Reading, Industrial
Arts and Home Arts Teacher.
Los Angeles, California - Teacher
Needs: Mathematics, Science, Industri-
al Arts, English, Social Studies, Girl's
Physical Education, Early and Later
A. G. Andresen and H. W. Baldwin,
Personnel Administrators, will be in
Chicago, Illinois interviewing prospec-
tive teachers Feb. 26, 27, 28 and March
For additional information, contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
All veterans who expect education and
training allowance under Public Law
550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must get instruc-
tors' signatures for the month of Feb.
by March 1 and turn Dean's Monthly
Certification into the Dean's. office be-
fore 5:00 p.m. March 3.
Art Print Loan Collection. All re-
served pictures will be reserved till
Sat., Feb. 26. Office Hours this week will
be Thurs. 3:00-5:00 p.m.; Fri., 10:00-
12:00nm and 1:00-5:00 p.m.: Sat., 10:00-
12: 0m. Office Hours throughout this
month are posted on the door of the
office, 115 Administration Bldg. All pic-
tures that have not been picked up may
be rented, beginning Mon., Feb. 28. The
office will also be open for faculty mem-
bers and employees of the University.
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the coming
week-end. Social chairmen are reminded
that requests for approval for social
events are due in the Office of Student
Affairs not later than 12:00m. on the
Mon. prior to the event:
Feb. 25-
Delta Tlleta Phi
Delta Upsilon
Hawaii Club
Huber House
Robert Owen Co-op House
Strause House
victor Vaughan
Feb. 26-
Alpha Delta Phi
Chinese Students Club
Chi Phi

Chi Psi
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Theta Phi
Delta Upsilon
Hayden House
Kappa Sigma
Nu Sigma Nu
Phi Chi
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Kappa Sigma
Phi Rho Sigma
Phi Sigma Kappa
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Nu
Tau Delta Phi
Theta Chi
Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Psi
Feb. 27-
Phi Delta Phi
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces the following exams: open to
N.Y. state residents, applications ac-
cepted up to April 1, 1955, Insurance
Sales Representative, Compensation
Claims Investigation and Compensation
Investigator, Senior Account Clerk,
Bridge Repair Foreman, Construction
Wage Rate Investigator, Matron, Associ-
ate in Industrial Education, Case Work.
er, Junior Case Worker, Assistant Super-
visor of Case Work (Child Welfare),
Senior Nurse; candidates for following
exam must be legal residents of the
following counties: Bronx, Kings, Nas-
sau, New York, Queens, Richmond or
Suffolk,-Senior Office Machine Opera-
tor (Calculating), applications accepted
up to April 1, 1955; candidates for fol-
lowing exams open to any qualified
citizen of the U.S.-Senior Social Work-

Hurey Hospital, Personnel Dept.,
Flint, Mich-announces an opening for
a female Physical Therapist, must have
B.S. in Phys. Edu. plus advanced train-
ing in Physical Therapy, or graduation
from School of Nursing; applicants
must be registered with American
Registry of Physical Therapists.
Western Adjustment & Inspection
Co.,-Chicago, Ill., - offers continuous
training program for young men in-
terested in Adjustment profession;
Company maintains 247 branch offices
in thirteen Mid-western states.
For further information concerning
the above positions, contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Lecture sponsored by the ACS Stu-
dent Affiliate. Thurs., Feb. 24, 4:00 p.m.
in Room 1400 Chemistry. Louis F. Pe-
ser, professor of chemistry at Harvard,
will speak on "New Techniques for the
Organic Laboratory."
Justice William 0. Douglas speaks
tonight in Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.,
on the current Lecture Course. "De-
mocracy versus Communism in S.E
Asia." Tickets are on sale today 10:00
a.m.-8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium bo
The William W. Cook Lectures on
American Institutions - Eighth Series:
'The Politics of Industry" - Walton
Hamilton of Washington, D.C. All lec-
tures will be given in Room 100, Hutch-
ins Hall, at 4:00 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited. Lecture II, Thurs., Feb.
24: "Revolution and Counter-Revolu-
tion." Lecture III, Mon., Feb. 28: "Gov-
ernment By the Honorable Company."
Student Bar Association presents the
special lecture, "Negotiating the Labor
Contract," by Richard J. Fritz, labor.
relations specialist, Thurs., at 7:00 p.m.
in Room 100 of Hutchins Hall.
Dr. Stanley Sapon of the Language
Aptitude Project, Harvard University,
will speak on "Foreign Language Prog-
nosis Tests and their Implications for
Foreign Language Teaching," 4:15 p.m.,
Auditorium B, Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Make-up Examinations in History will
be given Sat., Feb. 26, 9:00 a.m.-12:00
m.., 1433 Mason Hall. See your instructor
for permission and then sign list in
History Office.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet Thurs., Feb. 24, Room
3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
C. H. Coombs and R. C. Kao will speak
on "Non-Metric Factor Analysis."
Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs.,
Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chem-
istry. Henry N. Beck will speak on "The
Nef Reaction."
Seminar in Analytical-Inorganic-
Physical Chemistry. Thurs., Feb. 24,
7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry.
Thomas Houser will speak on "Kinet-
ics of the Thermal Decomposition of
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Feb. 24, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Craige E
Schensted of WRRC will speak on "The
WKB Method and the Derivation of
Asymptotic Formulas for Scattering
Anatomy Semiiar: Fri., Feb. 25, 4:00
p.m., 2501 E. Medical Bldg., Dr. James
K. Avery, "Calcification of the Teeth."
Makeup examination for Political Sci-
ence 52 final examination will be given
Sat., March. 5, 9:00 a.m.12:00m. See Mr.
Curtis in 4619 Haven Hall.
German make-up final examinion in
I, II, 31 will be held at 3:00 p.m, Mon.,
Feb. 28 in Room 110, Tappan Hall. Stu-
dents concerned are required to regis-
ter with the departmental secretary by
Feb. 25.
M.A. Language 'Examination yin His-
tory. Fri., March 4, 4:15-5:15 p.m. 411
Mason Hall. Sign list in History Office.
Can bring a dictionary.
Law School Admission Test, Appli..
cation blanks for the- April 23 admini-
stration of the Law School Admission
Test are now available at 110 Rack.
ham Building. Application blanks are
due in Princeton, N.J. not later than
April 13 1955.
Aeronautical Engineering Colloquium.
Today at 4:00 p.m., in Room 1504 East
Engineering Bldg. Eugene Turner will
discuss "Experiments on Luminous
Shock Wave."

College of Engineering conducts the
annual Materials Handling Essay Con-
test, open to all engineering students.
Prizes of up to $100.00. Essays to be
submitted by May 2. Contact Prof. Q. C.
Vines, 237 West Engineering Building.
Actuarial Seminar will meet at 4:00
p.m., Thurs., Feb. 24, in Room 3212 A.H.
Prof. Nesbitt will continne the discus-
sion of "Interpulation in terms of Op-
History of Mathematics Seminar.
Thurs., Feb. 24, at 2:30 pm., in Room
3232 A.H. Miss Lucille Pinette will dis-
cuss "The Beginnings of Analytic Ge-
Logic seminar will meet Fri., Feb. 25
at 4:00 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall. Dr.
Buchi will conclude his discussion of
"Definability in Formal Systems" and
Dr. Lyndon will speak on the topic
"Tarski's Theory of Algebraic Classes."
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Feb.
25, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Wil-
liam Liller will speak on "The Appli-
cation of Image Converter Tubes to
Events Today
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire-
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., Feb.
24, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Building.
La P'tite Causette will meet Thurs.,
Feb. 24 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left


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A Architecture Aud. .
ALL THE KING'S MEN with Broderick Craw-
ford, Joanne Dru, John Ireland and Mercedes
ON ITS LATEST visit, All the King's Men
looks just as good as it did in its initial ap-
pearance in 1949 when it won the Academy
Award for the year's best film. Bhe story, gener-
ally based on the career of Louisiana's Huey
Long, concerns a backwoods, "hick" politician,
Willie Stark, who rises to political supremacy
on his own will and determination in an uni-
dentified Southern state.
The politician, brilliantly played by Broder-
ick Crawford in a loud, vibrant interpretation,
is a self-made and -educated man who becomes
obsessed by his personal charm and power. He
eventually succeeds in alienating his wife, his
son, and his friends; and on the day of his
greatest personal triumph, when he has suc-
ceeded in defeating an impeachment movement,
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that they lack dimension when placed next to
Willie, who constantly dominates thestory and
Perhaps the best thing about All the King's
Men is that it presents as accurate and power-
ful a picture of human violence as has ever
been done. Photographed in a small California
town by Script Writer-Producer-Director Rob-
ert Rossen, it boasts mob scenes that are power-
fully and skilfully directed. There is the terrible
irony of the crowds who follow Willie like a
god, but are unable to see his shortcomings, the
manner in which his confidence, loudness, and
blustering good nature are only devices to em-
ploy their ignorance to his own advantage.
Rossen has used many non-actors and towns-
people to give the film heightened realism; the
photography is stark and documentary-like, the
camera ever probing.
THE BEGINNING and end of the film are giv-
en to a study of the relationship between the
masses and government, Rossen ultimately de-
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