OPPENHEIMER BAN See Page 4 Y L Latest Deadline in the State A6F :43 a t ty 4 4 0WCLE SNOW, COLDER VOL. LXV, No. 97 ANN ARBO.R, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1955 EIGHT PAGES French Faure 4ssembly Names Pre mier As New <-> < -Daily-Fred Day STEFAN VAIL PRESENTS PLAN TO LEGISLATURE $4,500 Retained. by SL- After Lengrthy Discussion By DAVE BAAD After three and a half hours de- bate last night Student Legisla- ture still has approximately $4,500 left in its treasury. A SL's only appropriations last night were $250 for National Stu- dent Association dues for one year and $150 to pay registration fees for students attending this sum- mer's NSA convention. Most of the remaining time was spent debating three motions for dispensing the rest of the money. Eliminate Two Plans By 12:16 a.m. adjournment time, SL had eliminated two proposals leaving only a motion by Joel Tau- ber, '57, to give $1,500 to the Free University of Berlin and the re- mainder to a scholarship.fund for students in campus activities on the floor. Tauber's , motion according to Legislature procedure will auto- matically be on the floor at the opening of next week's SL meet- ing. $150 Million Wiow Village Plan Disclosed A preliminary purchase agree- ment for the 1,641 acre Willow Village was signed yesterday, pav- ing the way for construction of a new $150,000,000 community-the largest re-development project in the nation's history. Under the agreement, the area will be sold to the Willow Develop- ment Co. for a price "in excess of $1,500,000," not including the vil- lage's commercial properties. New Company Newly formed to handle the un- precedented project, the Willow Development Co. is a partnership consisting of 10 individuals who owned two different firms which previously had submitted purchase propositions to the Ypsilanti Township Board. Final sale will be closed accord- ing to terms to be drawn up after professional planners hired by the development firm have drafted a master plan acceptable to the Board. Upon closing the deal, the Township will release 676 acres now owned outright and 965 acres on which it now has an option, ac- cording to Township Attorney En- gene B. Calder, Jr. Demolition of present units in the area will' be done by a firm hired by the development com- pany. Construction of new homes puresumably would begin in the vacant 139-acre parcel adjoining the present housing area. Unique Provision A unique provision of the agree- ment obliges the development firm to pay the township a "commun- ity improvement fee" to be used for providing and maintaining utilities and other facilities in the community. State Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) recently introduc- ed a bill in the Legislature which would enable townships to hire private contractors to build hous- ing with rental rates lower than the general standard. Ann+h.. m.nignr ofih oe Two motions turned down by SL last night included a move by the finance committee to appropriate $3,800 to the Free University of Berlin account and $700 to account for any payables assumed by the Legislature before it goes out of existence next month. If SL didn't use the whole $700 for payables the rest would be given .to SGC with recommenda- tion that it be used to finance trips for delegates to the NSA convention. Other Motion The other motion, a minority finance committee proposal, made by former SL president Steve Jelin, '55, asked. for all SL funds (ap- proximately $4,500 after some bills are paid) to be appropriated to the Free University of Berlin account. Jelin's motion was turned down at 12:16 a.m. in favor of Tauber's substitute proposal 19-12. Earlier the finance committee motion had been rejected in favor of Jelin's motion, 25-11. Four Present Only four students were present last night to take part in the spe- cial Legislature constituent time. Inter-Cooperative Council Presi- dent Stephan Vail, Grad., Inter- House Council President Stan Levy, '55, Ben Sorscher, '56D, and Simon Dresner, '55, all spoke brief- ly. Crux of opposition to Tauber's motion last night was lack of, campus-wide benefit and lack of money to make the scholarships worthwhile. Simon emphasized in a last minute effort to save Jelin's mo- tion from defeat ,that giving the money to . the Free University would benefit a much greater seg- ment of the student body. Extensive Increase An extensive increase in the cul- tural exchange between the two Universities would have a consid- erable impact on the whole Uni- versity, Simon said. Tauber told SL $1,500 would be sufficient to help the Free ,Uni- versity. The rest of the money can be made during bi-yearly bucket drives, he said. He emphasized need for finan- cial assistance to students in activ- ities. Many are forced to drop out of activities when financial problems arise because they cannot both work, be in activities and still maintain scholarship standing, Tauber said. Amount and number of schol- arships will be determined by a board of directors consisting of the Dean of Men, Dean of Women, Vice-President for Student Af- fairs, and four representatives of student organizations. The tentative organization calls for no single scholaiship to exceed $450. Tauber expressed hope addition- al funds might 1e obtained by getting control of the Homecom- ing Dance. Larry Harris, '56, speaking in support of the motion, thought alumni might come to support of such a scholarshin. SL treasurer Bill Adams, '57, told the Legislature $600 presently in the Student Award fund could be transferred to this scholarship fund. Additional motions, including Paul Dormont's, '55, trust fund plan will likely be brought before the Legislature next week. Early in the meeting SL voted to recommend to SGC retention of the anti-discrimination board in its present form. Prohibitionists In Board Race Two Prohibition Party candi- dates have thrown their hats in the political ring, seeking election to two University Board of Regents posts in the April 4 elections. The two are Dr. Earl A. Johnson, of River Rouge, and Henry Crouter of Flint. Less than 20 delegates nominated candidates for the Pro- hibition slate at their convention Tuesday. At least {three persons are ex- pected to vie for Democratic nom- ination to two posts at their con- vention in Grand Rapids Satur- day. Included are Eugene B. Pow- er, of Ann Arbor, William E. Ba- ker, of Mesick, and John M. Zeale, of St. Claire Shores. Experts Say Policy Turn Not Expected Mendes-France, Faure Similar A new French premier will not mean a shift in French policy, Prof. Daniel Wit and Robert F. Curtis, both of the political science department, agreed last night. The difference between the new- est governmental chief, Edgar Faure and former Premier Pierre Mendes-France is one of person- ality Prof. Wit said. He called Faure "less vigorous" and predicted that 'his leader-I ship will be less vigorous. I don't know if he will succeed in dloing what Mendes-Francewanted to do." Near Mendes-France Faure was accepted by the French Assembly because it be- came obvious that only someone close to the Mendes-France point of view could form a. coalition, Prof. Wit explained.I Coming from the same segment of the Radical Socialist party as the former premier, Faure will perpetuate the liberal North Af- rican policy which led to the fall of the Mendes-France government earlier this month, the political science professor said.a The strong right wing element in the new cabinet is an indica-: tion that Faure has been able to gain the support of the MTqP (Pop- ular Republican Movement), which' Mendes-France was personally unable to do, Prof. Wit said. European Union On the question of European Union, Curtis declared that while Faure favors the Paris Treaties foir German rearmament as did Mendes-France, the French will still have a hard time getting them through the assembly. That the Radical-Socialist Par- ty has provided France with two Premiers in succession "probably indicates that it is coming back as an important party, playing the role it used to before World War II," Curtis said. The party was discredited during the war, he -Daily-John Hirtzel CONFUSION-Students leaving 11 o'clock classes and autos tangle in the State Street-North University area. Police say the traffic lights slated for Liberty St. and State St., State and North University and William and State will "probably be up within a week." SEATO CONFERENCE: U.S Power in Pacific .Described in Dulles Talk Bangkok (')-United States Secretary of State John F. Dulles told the Southeast Asia defense conference yesterday that the power of U.S. forces in the Western Pacific is greater than at the height of the war with Japan. in a sweeping review of the Far East situation, the secretary also made these points: Face Dangers . Potentially greater dangers face the free world now because of in- Takes Top Spot By 369-210 Vote Change Represents 21st Shake-Up Of Government Since Liberation PARIS (A)-The French National Assembly yesterday approved Edgar Faure, a 46-year-old financial expert and attorney, as the nation's new Premier. By a vote of 369-210, the deputies accepted Faure as the succes- sor to Pierre Mendes"France, who was turned out of office Feb. 5. Faure, who held the job in 1952 for six weeks, will head the 21st government in France's post-liberation history. explained, because tremely active in movement. it was not ex- the resistance National. Champ-tons World News Roundup I By The Associated Press Nationalists Hit Reds TAIPEH, Formosa - National- ist planes bombed Red islands yesterday north and south of the menaced Nationalist garrison on Nanchishan Island. An air force communique said that 100 planes, attacking in the face of intense antiaircraft fire, struck from dawn to dusk at a Red buildup area in the Taishans, 30 miles south of Nanchishan, and at the islet of Peichishan, 12 miles north. * * * Churchill Warning LONDON - Prime Minister Winston Churchill-in an appar- ent softening of his own govern- ment's policy - warned yesterday against pressing the United States too far in insisting on surrender of China's offshore islands to the Reds. * * * Replace Investigators WASHINGTON - The Senate Investigations subcommittee yes- terday completed a shakeup of its staff, confirming appointment of a group of new investigators to replace men who served under former Chairman Joseph R. Mc- Carthy (R-Wis.). U.S. Fighter's Down North Korean Jets WASHINGTON W)-The State Department disclosed yesterdayl that American fighters invoked the policy of "hot pursuit" to shoot down two attacking North Korean jets nearly three weeks ago. At the same time, it charged the North Korean Reds are flag- rantly violating the Korean arm- istice. It said they are "illegally introducing aircraft," including jet fighters into their zone. An official State Department announcement for the first time disclosed that a Feb. 5 air battle which began ove- international waters of the Yellow Sea off Korea wound up with American Sabre Jets downing two Russian-built MIG 15s far above the armistice line. Instead of retiring from the fight, U.S. planes engaged in "hot pursuit" by carrying on the run- ning battle over territory they normally would avoid. Oternal pressures of the Communist hierarchy. Japan, South Korea, Formosa and Indochina are deeply involved in Southeast Asia security. He wished they were represented at the Bangkok meeting. Chiang Kai-Shek's Formosan government and Syngman Rhee's South Korea must be maintained; they are barriers against Red Chi- na aggression, he said. Lists Components Sec. Dulles mentioned new weapons and listed these compo- nents of a force that he described as able to strike anywhere in the Pacific : Four hundred warships includ- ing the largest carriers, 300,000 men in the naval forces, 350,000 men in five Army divisions, 30 squadrons of Air Force jet bomb- ers and interceptors plus other strategic forces available if need- ed. Britain's Foreign Minister Sir Anthony Eden, informed sources said, omitted mention of Formosa in his opening speech. He did sup- port Sec. Dulles on the need of an immediate meeting of military ad- visers for the Southeast Asia de- fense treaty, often called SEATO. Radical Socialist The only blocs of opposition came from Communists and So- cialists. Both Faure and Mendes- France are members of the Radi- cal-Socialist party, a badly splin- tered centrist group. Earlier Faure had announced a Cabinet which included former Premier Antoine Pinay as foreign min' ter, Pierre Pflimlin as fi- nar e minister, former Premier Robert Schuman as justice minis- ter and Gen. Pierre Koenig as de- fense minister. The Cabinet has been labeled as one of the farthest to the right in postwar history, despite that Faure is classed a little, left of center. Pledges Rearmament OK In his address of investiture, Faure pledged his government to work for ratification of the Paris treaties for German rearmament as quickly as possible. The upper house of the French Parliament, the Council of the Republic, still must approve the treaties passed by the Assembly. Faure was voted into office in 1952 with 401 votes but lasted only six weeks. Many observers believe the same thing might be possible this time, although these same men see the possibility that Faure might hang on until the elections next June. Fourth Candidate He. was the fourth candidate to be called by President Rene Coty to end the crisis. The program Faure announced yesterday calls for new increases in industrial production, a seven per cent increase in the standard of living, balancing the foreign trade accounts, hikes in workers salaries by April, price supports for agri- cultural products and continuation of the fight against alcoholism. CSP Election Parle Today The Common Sense Party will hold a mass pre-election meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Union, today. Party members will vote upon a permanent slate of candidates and will debate issues and stands for the coming SGC election. "If we don't get a sufficient turnout of active members," stat- ed Leah Marks, '55L, party chair- man, "CSP may be dead on the Michigan campus within a few weeks." Eisenhower Derides Tax Cut Proposal WASHINGTON eP) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower blasted the Democrats' .$20-a-person tax cut plan yesterday. He called it the height of "fis- cal irresponsibility." He also accused the plan's back- ers of lacking the courage to sub- mit a separate tax-cutting bill. Thus he challenged them to aban- don their preset tactic of putting it forward as an amendment to another tax measure backed by the administration. See Devalued Dollar In a series of vigorous and some times heated statements at a news conference, the President declar- ed a further tax cut at this tim-- while the government is spending more than it takes in-would cut the value of the dollar and hurt the nation's economy. "We simply cannot have this kind of thing in responsible gov- ernment," he declared. But Pies. Eisenhower said a tax cut should be possible next year if the budget deficit is reduced. Other Remarks Pres. Eisenhower's tax com- ments-which drew from Demo- crats a reminder that the Repub- licans cut taxes last year in spite of an unbalanced budget-domi- nated a far-ranging news confer- ence in which the President also said: 1. The United Nations must be kept going as a sort of laboratory in the search for 'peace even if "our opponents do' deliberately use it as a propaganda platform." 2. He has no great optimism about agreement being reached at the UN arms limitation meeting opening in London this week. Looks Askance 3. He personally looks askance on the idea of sending surplus wheat to the Soviet Union, but is having his advisers look into the idea. 4. He is going to put his full strength behind the Paris agree- ment for bringing a rearmed Ger- many into the Western defense alliance, and "will take up alter- natives afterwards." That was his reply to a question stemming from current delays in ratification of the Paris pact. A reporter asked about the Pres- ident's announced hope in his State of the Union message last month that taxes can be cut in 1956. President Eisenhower said he thought this can be done. "But," he said, "it must be done on a thor- oughly worked out, analytical basis." Air Force KC97 Crashes With 11 WASHINGTON (P) - An Air Force KC97 tanker plane with 11 men aboard crashed in flames near its Sedalia, Mo., base yesterday. The Air Force here said six bod- ies have been recovered. Three men are missing. Two bailed out JURIST, AUTHOR, TRAVELER: Dou glas To Talk on Asian Situatlon Author, juror and world-traveler, William 0. Douglas, associate justice of the Supreme Court, will speak on "Democracy vs. Commu- nism in Southeast Asia" 8:30 p.m. today at Hill Auditorium. The talk 'ill be the fifth in a series sponsored by the University na Lecture Course.4 Youngest Appointee Appointed to the nation's highest court in 1939 by the late Frank- ~:: lin D. Roosevelt, Justice Douglas was the youngest man to be as- signed such a post in several decades. ' In the last few years, Justice Douglas has visited much of Asia and Australia, where he was a first-hand witness to the struggles of various democracies against Communism. Trips Result'in Books Since 1950, and as a result of his numerous trips, Justice Douglas has published many books including "Almanac of Liberty," "Strange Lands and Friendly People," "Beyond the High Himalayas" and "North from Malaya," Before his Supreme Court appointment, Justice Douglas served -Daily-Lynn wallas OUTSTANDING CHAPTER-The campus chapter of Theta Xi Senators Raise Pay I ,