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February 23, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-23

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Rent Hike Reaction Shows
Weakness of Quads, IHC

IT BEGINS to appear, for the benefit of those
who may have missed the first performance,
that a somewhat unfortunate dormitory situ-
ation exists at present. In the midst of a series
of interpretive articles dealing with the services,
history, and future of the Inter-House Com-
mittee, it was learned that the administration
of the University had about decided to raise
dormitory rents some $38, which would be
used as a general building fund. Greatly pleas-
ed, IHC, and the Joint Assembly-Dormitory and
League House Council (which is yet unabbre-
viated) announced that they were being con-
sulted by the administration. (Strange how
that term "administration" has developed an
unpleasant sound after so many years.)
It is claimed that new dormitories are need-
ed because many students now live in unsani-
tary, unsafe, and unhealthy private housing, or
overcrowded fraternities, or other such unsuit-
able places, and that more students are en-
rolling every term.
IHC FINALLY did reluctantly accept the rent
raise plan, but named a number of condi-
tions which must be met before its rubber
stamp of approval would be inked. A signifi-
cant pair of conditions are:
1. Re-evaluation of contract termination
2. Investigation of outside dormitory finan-
The second condition seems like a rather
reasonable request. But the need for the first
points out an unhealthy situation, namely that
some students are virtually imprisoned in dor-
mitories here.
In the same issue of the Daily, in which IHC
gave its reluctant approval to the rent raise,
it was mentioned that existing policy is to
deny fraternity men permission to leave a dor-

mitory unit which is not filled. In other words,
fraternity men are to be packed into dormi-
tories to fill vacancies. Small wonder (as the
saying goes) that IHC wants some sort of re-
evaluation of this contract termination policy.
Assembly Association also accepted the rent
raise, not reluctantly, but again with a few
conditions. The first two concerned investi-
gation of outside financing, and desirability of
students helping to plan new dormitory units.
But, again significantly, the third condition
"-the ruling requiring women to stay in
dorms be reviewed-"
IT SOMEHOW seems regretable that two
housing groups feel the need of attempting
to use this problem of rent increases as a
means of directing administration attention to
the large numbers of students who are unwill-
ing dormitory residents.
Thus, tvo significant observations may be
.drawn from this present situation,
1. IHC, for all its hectic beginnings, and Op-
timistic future, is still on rather uncertain
ground, politically speaking, when it must re-
luctantly accept dormitory policy of the ad-
ministration regardless of the obvious student,
disapproval of this policy.
2. Some re-evaluation of the dormitory liv-
ing conditions is called for, with two dormitory
groups both attempting to use this rent raise
question as a wedge to force open the doors to
allow a few more unwilling dormitory residents
to escape. It would seem that before more dor-
mitories are built, it might be valuable to dis-
cover why such a large percentage of dormi-
toroy residents are eager to forsake the many
advantages, of dormitory living for unsanitary,
unsafe, and unhealthy private housing.
-David Kessel

Spread of Stock Ownership
Bringing 'Communism'

BECAUSE Russia's so-called Communism has
an identity with totalitarianism and a pen-
chant for violence, we tend to forget the real
neaning of communism, and not to recognize
our own falling into the dreadful sounding
The core of communist theory concerns the
common ownership of wealth, evolving from a
clash between the capitalists and the prolet-
s'riat. A continually rising standard of living
under capitalism in this country has made the
theory look somewhat ridiculous, and the de-
velopment of the corporation as the dominant
form of business has made it obsolete.
But it is this same development, the core
poration, through which we are gradually ap-
proaching communism, in a non-violent, un-
conscious sort of way. Ownership of stocks
gives the common people ownership of the
wealth which that stock represents, and con-
trol over it if they wish to exercise it.
ALTHOUGH stock ownership may not be as
extensive as the National Association of
Manufacturers advertises, there can be little
doubt as to the process of diffusion in the
ownership of the country's wealth through cor-
porate stocks.
As this process continues, ownership will
approach a state of being common. All that
will remain needed is a realization on the
part of stockholders that they are, in fact,
owners, and an inclination to match that
ownership wtih the control that is there for
the wanting.
If stockholders never deem it worthwhile to
take advantage of the control they possess
over the nation's business (the largest per-

centage of the national income is now ac-
counted for by corporations), we would have
common ownership without common control.
In other words, we would have unconscious
communism, but communism nevertheless.
I F STOCKHOLDERS, to the very smallest, do
decide to take advantage of their poten-
tial power, then we will have communism con-
forming to the best of Karl Marx' definitions,
but without the previous violence. It would
have evolved from capitalism, ironically from
the institution that is considered to have de-
stroyed communist theory, the corporation.
This kind of corporate communism would
differ from the present theory in one other
major aspect. Communism has always been
identified with materialism. In fact, com-
munism has always been an idealism, a fa-
natic religion for an ideal of material equality.
A CORPORATE communism, on the other
hand, could look for its mother to true
materialism, American style, in which the em-
phasis is on each man obtaining the material
most for himself. The only equality considered
is one of opportunity to make yourself wealthy.
People are doing this through acquisition of
stocks, which will lead us to a corporate com-
munism. It is materialism that is leading us
to communism peacefully and unconsciously,
and idealism that insists violence is necessary.
We are leading ourselves toward a material
equality which we never professed wanting by
fighting the ideal of material equality we have
persisted in hating and misunderstanding.
History is the definition of irony.
-Jim Dygert

Hall May
Get Legal
WASHINGTON - Big, bluff,
wise-cracking Len Hall, who
rode herd on the Republican Com-
mittee without rubbing any fur
the wrong way last week, may not
be in that spot when the cam-
paign gets going in '56.
Though Ike likes Len, he feels
happier with Jim Murphy, head
of the Citizens for Eisenhower
Committee; so Len Hall may get
one of the prize plums of govern-
ment, the law business of Gener-
al Aniline and Film. This is the
big German company seized and
operated by the U.S. government.
The job pays about $75,000.
For a time it looked as if ex-
Gov. Tom Dewey was slated to get
General Aniline legal business.
Word came to the Justice Depart-
ment from Dewey several months
ago that his old friend, Attorney
General Brownell, should clean all
Democratic holdovers out of Gen-
eral Aniline. That was why Jack
Frye, a Republican appointed by
Truman, was ousted as president.
Dewey apparently was not look-
ing for legal business for himself,
however, but for an easy way by
which Len Hall might retire from
the Republican National Commit-
NOTE-Top jobs in American-
seized foreign companies have us-
ually been political. Louis John-
son, former Secretary of Defense,
was former counsel for General
Aniline. Frye, retiring president,
is an old friend of former Attorney
General Tom Clark who got him
the General Aniline job when Frye
exited from Trans World Airlines.
Blitz Campaigning
plan to hold the Republican
National Convention at the latest
date ever is twofold:
1. The boys around Ike know
that he won't go for a long cam-
paign. It wears him out, makes
him nervous, interferes with doc-
tors' orders that he must take
regular rests. If confronted with
a three-month drag of oratory and
whistle-stops, they figured he
would throw up his hands and re-
fuse to run.
2. GOP campaign experts also
figure that by astute use of their
advertising agent friends on Madi-
son Avenue, they can accomplish
the same political results in six
weeks that they could in the cus-
tomary twelve.
This was what happened last
First tried, however, in 1952, the
blitz campaign was worked out by
Lester Weinrott and Rosser Reeves
of the Ted Bates Advertising Agen-
cy, with Red Rudge of Fisher,
Rudge and Neblett. Weinrott took
Ike to a Long Island film studio
and spent a whole day filming and
recording one-minute TV and ra-
dio spots. Then Reeves persuaded
the big advertisers to relinquish
their network time.
Because most of the big adver-
tisers were Republicans (only one
big New York advertising agency
is Democratic), it was a simple
matter to get the TV and radio
time relinquished. The plan work-
ed miracles, and present strategy
is to repeat in 1956.
(Copyright, 1955, by the Bell Syndicate)
Sixty-Fifth Year

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers .............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff .........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart ........Associate Editor
David Livingston .......Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
-...--.-......Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz.........Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel........Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak ..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone No 23-24-1
The Associated Press
Michigan Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights or republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second class mail
matter. Published daily except Monday.
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.50; by mail $7.50.

Taking Stock . ..
To the Editor:
WHILE AMERICAN praises its
way of life, as opposed to the
slavery of Communism and Social-
ism, it might be a good idea to
take stock of one aspect of that
way of life-our economic system.
We accuse the Russians of
grinding the souls and bodies of
her people to produce goods, yet
we conveniently ignore the condi-
tions existent in this country be-
tween post-civil war days and the
First World War when men, wo-
men, and children lived in poverty
and squalor to produce capital
goods so that one percent of the
population could own 50 percent
of the wealth. In echoing the
greatness of our system, we ignore
the fact that we have ever been
victims of recurring cycles of de-
pression or recession. We emerged
from the First World War richer
than before, and the switch to
consumer goods in the '20's gave
us prosperity. Rather than re-
invest and distribute the accumu-
lated wealth, our entrepreneurs
chose to overproduce and specu-
late, with the unforgettable results
of 1929. Rather than do something
about the ensuing disaster, Hoover
gave us spiritual comfort, and it
was left to Roosevelt to save not
only the people but the system
as well, for if his reforms had
really been radical, there would
not have been 11,000,000 unem-
ployed in 1937.
World War II gave us our great-
est prosperity and full employ-
ment, but the post-war days again
brought a recession. Korea came
along to save us, and now we are
again in a recession, with rosy
predictions for 1965. Now to save
our sagging economy we rearm
the Arabs (for peace in the Mid-
dle East), we rearm Japan (though
it is against her Constitution), we
rearm Germany (against France's
real interests), and rearm our-
selves (we are building for peace).
We have come to a point today
where we think recessions, war-
prosperity, and constant unem-
ployment are part of a normal,
continually "readjusting" econo-
Do we actually believe we can
sell such a program to the world?
-Judy Gregory, '56
Steering Council .
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS that some members of
The Daily staff are somewhat
confused about the exact function
of the Student Government Coun-
cil Steering Committee. In her re-
cent editorial, Miss Roelofs criti-
cized the present work of the
Steering Committee inferring that
it was merely falling into the same
pitfalls of non-action that the
Student Legislature has been ac-
cused of in the past. At this time
we would liketto pointout to Miss
Roelofs an'd others that the Steer-
ing Committee was set up to run
the SGC elections and settle other
matters of implementation for the
SGC. The Steering Committee is
not the body to decide any issue
and it is not its function to con-
sider issues such as the driving
ban, the bias clause or sorority
fall rushing. It would seem that
such discussion or action on the
part of the Steering Committee
would not only be out of place but
completely beyond its jurisdiction.
We sincerely hope that, no student
would want an interim body to
undertake projects or assume pow-
ers beyond its limits.
-Lucy Landers
President of the Women's
League and Member of the
SGC Steering Committee
-Hazel Frank

"Oh Dear-They Seem To Be Going
Right Ahead"
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at least equal importance. Over-
crowding is the first which comes
to mind. As a high school English
teacher I have just short of two
hundred pupils in my classes.
These pupils range from those who
cannot write a simple sentence
to those whose performance is al-
ready at the college level. I, like
all teachers and all schools of
education, have been unable to
find a simple solution for teaching
this range and this number with-
in a twenty-four hour day. Due to
the limits of space, I can only
mention some of the other pressing
problems of the high school teach-
er: low salary, parental apathy,
counseling, administrative short-
comings, the lessening in value of
the high school diploma and, per-
haps most important, the normal
adolescent resistance to forced
Evennassuming that Miss Roe-
lof's major premise is correct and
that a well-trained teacher could
overcome these may other ob-
stacles, her condemnation of the
School of Education is hardly jus-
tified. Again we find her blaming
the teachers; in this case, the
teacher of teachers. While I never
thought to find myself defending
the educators, I would say that
a large share of the blame must
fall on the students who enroll in
the School of Education. Many of
these students are poorly inform-
ed in their fields even though they
have taken courses from some of
the outstanding men in the lit-
erary college. Is this the fault of
their professors or is it due to the
students' own innate mediocrity?
While I have not found the doses
of educational theory of much
use in actual teaching, I couldn't
with any justification call them
harmful, and it is worth consid-
eration whether or not it actually
is possible to teach anyone how
to teach.
-Janet Klaver
Economic Angle .. .
To the Editor:
THE RECENT editorial on Rus-
sia by Tammy Morrison shows
either a complete ignorance of
economics or is an artful piece of
wishful thinking.
Her main bone of contention is
that Communism is inherently
unworkable. How would she ex-
plain then the 15 percent growth
for every peacetime year in in-
dustrial power which is twice the
top level of boom spurts here, and
3 to 5 times our best long-term
rate of growth. How does she ex-
plain the 3%'/ fold rise in living
standards since 1913 or a lower
death rate than the United States.
She uses a trifling example
about nice clothes and electric
washing machines to show we
have a better living standard. Yet
it is a basic necessity in economics
that capital and industrial goods
must be produced before consumer
goods and that exports must ex-
ceed imports in order to raise capi-
tal to produce consumer goods.
Again, she ignores the fact that
in the early days of our indus-
trial growth we did not enjoy our
present standard of living. What
does she want from a country on-
ly 35 years out of complete stag-
nation and 10 years out of a de-
vastating war?
Just where is the great individu-
alism that she talks about in Am-
erica? Do our recurring cycles and
resultant economic insecurity show
respect for the individual's wel.
fare? Did the rugged individualists
of laissez-faire show their respon-
sibility to the people when they
overproduced and speculated in
the 20's, precipitating the crash
of '29? Where is the respect of the
individual when less than 5c of

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 95
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Feb. 23, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Uhers are needed for Skit Night, Fri.,
March 11 in Hill Auditorium. Persons
interested in ushering for this event
may sign up in the office at the Union
and at the League, starting Wed., Feb.
Variety Concert series ushers are re-
minded that Gulantics is number four
In the series and is Sat., Feb. 26 instead
of Fri., as indicated on your cards. Your
presence is urgently needed for this
event. Be there not later than 7:15 p.m.
General undergraduate scholarship ap-
plications may be obtained at Room
113, Administration Building. The com-
pleted applications must be returned
by March 1. All applications must be
accompanied by University transcripts.
Rocky-Bar-O Ranch Camp, Big Fork,
Montana needs a waterfront counselor
and an evening program counselor for
teen-age girls. For further information
and for interview contact Mrs. Janet
R. Shapiro at Normandy 2-1636 after
6:00 p.m.
Camp Rising Sun, Rhinebeck, New
York needs counselors who are in-
terested in working in a boys scholar-
ship camp with an international at-
mosphere. Guest campers are invited
from all countries. Personal interview
is required.
Recreation Department, City of Port
Huron, Michigan, has positions open
for 2 or 3 people to teach tennis or/and
organize tennis tournaments for a city
program. Contact Stanley Stenek, Su-
per. of Recreation, 624 Wall St., Port
Huron, Michigan.
Four-Way Lodge, Torch Lake, Mich.
has openings for an experienced male
sailing instructor and an experienced
male canoeing instructor at their girls
camp. Salary is $500 for an 8 week sea-
son. Prefer older married men and will
accommodate the men's wives. Contact
Mrs. M. F. Eder, Dir., 5699 Belmont Av-
enue, Cincinnati 24, Ohio.
Camp Jened, Hunter, New York, a
coed camp for the physically handi-
capped, needs counselors, therapists
and general workers (waiters, wait-
resses, caretakers, etc.)
Peacock Camp for Crippled Children,
Lake villa, Ill. needs a male waterfront
director and a male recreation director
for theirtcoed camp. Season Is from
June 26 to Aug. 26. Salary range from
$200 to $300 for the season and in-
cludes full maintenance.
Bellefaire, Cleveland, Ohio, a coed
residential treatment home for emotion-
ally disturbed children, has openings
for 9 group counselors, an arts and
crafts specialist and a swinming in-
structor. Counselors receive 'special in-
service training in weekly sessions. Ex-
perience in working with groups of
children is essential. Counselors sal-
ary ranges from $125 to $150 per month,
plus full maintenance.
Hoover Bail & Bearing Co., Ann Ar-
bor, is interested in Mechanical Eng
students who have completed gradu-
ate work or are graduating this year
and who are desirous of locating in
Ann Arbor. Prospects may contact the
Personnel Department of Hoover Ball
& Bearing Co. Monday through Fri-
The Detroit Arsenal requests that En-
gineering students interested in work-
ing during summer vacation fill out
Civil Service Form 5' and forward to
Civilian Personnel Office, Attention:
Mr. C. E. Alfsen, Detroit Arsenal, 28251
Van Dyke, Center Line, Mich.
U.S. Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Land Management is inter-
ested in receiving applications (Civil
Service Form 57) from Civil and Agri-
cultural Eng. students to work in New
Mexico this summer. Positions require
use of the transitand telescopic alidade
and completion of course work in
surveying. Applications should be filed
before March 1.
Devoe &rRaynolds Co. of Louisville,
Ky. and Detroit, Mich. requests that
students majoring in chemistry and
chemical engineering who are inter-
ested in summer work in the organic

Lab work in Detroit or Louisville, Ky.
contact them. (We have application
blanks for this.)
For additional information and/or
application forms inquire at the Bu-
reau of Appointments Summer Place-
ment meeting at the Michigan Union
in Room 3B Wed., Feb. 23 from 1:00-
5:00 p.m.
The Bureau of Appointments will hold
a meeting at the Michigan Union in
Room 3B from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Wed., Feb.
23. At this time all present summer job
opportunities listed with Summer
Placement will be presented.
Petitions to the Hopwood Committee
must be in the Hopwood Room, 1006
Angell Hall, by 4:00 p.m. Tues., March 1.
Freshman Testing Program: Make-up
sessions for Freshmen who missed any
of the Aptitude tests given during Ori-
entation .Week Jan. 31-Feb. 4 will be
held Wed., Feb. 23 and Thurs., Feb. 24.
Report to Room 110, Rackham Build-
ing at 7:00 p.m. For further informa-
tion call Ext. 2297.
The following Public School systems
are interested in teachers in the fol-
lowing fields:
Battle Creek, Michigan --(Springfield
School) Teacher Needs: First Grade,
Second Grade, Seventh Grade, Integrat-
ed Subjects, Arts and Crafts for Ele-
mentary, and Secondary Combination,
Science, English and Social Studies.
Clarkston, Michigan-Clarkston Com-
munity Schools. Teacher Needs; Com-
mercial. English. Indiustrial Arts Math.

Tecumseh, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Jr. High Mth and Science, Senior High
Social Studies, Librarian and Fourth
Grade Teacher.
Los Altos, California-Teacher Needs:
Early and Later Elementary, Seventh
and Eighth Grade, Girls' Physical Edu-
cation, Vocal Music, Speech Correc-
tionist, Specialist in Reading, Industrial
Arts and Home Arts Teacher.
Los Angeles, California - Teacher
Needs: Mathematics, Science, Industri-
al Arts, English, Social Studies, Girl's
Physical Education, - Early and Later
A. G. Andresen and H. W. Baldwin,
Personnel Administrators, will be in
Chicago, Illinois interviewing prospec-
tive teachers Feb. 26, 27, 28 and March
For additional information, contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces the following exams: open to
N.Y. state residents, applications ac-
cepted up to April 1, 1955, Insurance
Sales Representative, Compensation
Claims Investigation and Compensation
Investigator, Senior Account Clerk,
Bridge Repair Foreman, Construction
Wage Rate Investigtor, Matron, Associ-
ate in Industrial Education, Case Work-
er, Junior Case Worker, Assistant Super-
visor of Case Work (Child Welfare),
Senior Nurse; candidates for following
exam must be legal residents of the
following counties: Bronx, Kings, Na.-
sau, New York, Queens, Richmond or
Suffolk--Senior Office Machine Opera-
tor (Calculating), applications accepted
up to April 1, 1955; candidates for fol-
lowing exams open to any qualified
citizen of the U.S.-Senior Social Work-
er (Child Welfare), Superintendent of
Recreation, applications accepted up to
April 1, 1955; exam for Thruway Toll
Collector, must be legal resident of
N.Y. state one year, applications ac-
cepted up to April 15, 1955.
Hurley Hospital, Personnel Dept.,
Flint, Mich.-announces an opening for
a female Physical Therapist, must have
B.S. in Phys. Edu. plus advanced train-
ing in Physicl Therapy, or graduation
from School of Nursing; applicants
must be registered with American
Registry of Physical Therapists.
Western Adjustment & Inspection
Co.,-Chicago, Ill., - offers continuou
training program for young men in-
terested in Adjustment profession;
Company maintains 247 branch offices
in thirteen Mid-western states.,
For further information concerning
the above positions, contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Mon., Feb. 28-
Connecticut General Life Insurance
Co., home office - Hartford, Conn. ,-
men with B.A. or M.A. in BusAd or
Liberal Arts for Management Training
Program In Administration, Technical
Area, Sales, and Sales Management for
positions throughout the country and
in Hartford.
Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati,
Ohio-men in BusAd., Marketing, In-
dustrial Management, Ind. Engrg
Transportation, and related fields for
Training and Development Program in
Purchasing and Traffic.
National Security Agency-interview-
ing Monday for Technical People, men
and women, all levels of Electronics,
Elect. and Mech. Engrg., non-engrg.
Math., and Physics. B.S. level of Phys-
ics only must have Electronics or En-
gineering option.
Tues., March 1-
Nat'l. Security Agency-interviewing
Tuesday for gen' Liberal Arts People,
men and women, majors in History,
Intl. Relations, P01. S., English, etc.,
with minors in a Foreign Language,
B.A. level only, M.A. candidates con-
sidered only if they have a good read-
ing knowledge of a non-Romance lan-
Procter and Gamble Co.-men with
basic Accounting courses for Admini-
stration Training Program in Comb-
trpller's Division. P.M. only,
P. & G.-any background men for
Sales Management Training for posi-
tions anywhere in country.
Ohio Boxboard Co., Rittman, Ohio-
men for Training Program in Sales,
Production Supervision, Accounting and
Electro-Metallurgical Co., Div. of Un-
ion Carbide and Carbon Corp., Niagara
Falls, N.Y.-men in BusAd and LS&A
for Production and for Manufacturing
Office, rotating training program.
Plants are in various locations.
Wed., March 2- .
Norton Co., Worcester, Mass.-Tech
and Non-Tech. men for Sales, Research,
and Production. (Company makes abra-
sives, grinding wheels, etc.)
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp,To-
ledo, Ohi-BusAd & LS&A men for
Sales, Purchasing Cost Control, and

Thurs., March 3-
J. I. Case Co., Racine, Wis.-men in
Econ., BusAd or with Agriculture back-
ground for Sales Div., company man-
ufactures power farm machinery.
Pan American World Airways--men
with any background fer Management
Training Program including Sales.
Internat'l Business Machines-offices
in various locations-men with BusAd,
Accounting, Liberal Arts for (1.) Sales,
(2.) Math. - math people interviewed
will be BA for sales program, M.A. or
PhD for Applied. Sciences. (3) ~Women
will be interviewed for Systems Serv-
ice Representative positions, BA or BS
in any field with Accounting or Educ.
preferred, 21-28 years old.
Fri., March 4-
Sutherland Paper Co., Kalamazoo,
Mich.-BusAd and Econ. men, single,
for Sales.
For appointments contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, Ext. 371, Room
3528 Admin. Bldg.
The William W. Cook Lectures on
American Institutions - Eighth Series:
"The Politics of Industry." Walton
Hamilton of Washington, D.C. All lec-
tures will be given in Room 100, Hutch-
ins Hall, at 4:00 p.m. The public is
cordially invited. Lecture I, Wed., Feb.
23: "Separation of State and Economy."
Lecture II, Thurs., Feb. 24: "Revolu-
tion and Counter-Revolution."
Lecture sponsored by the ACS Stu-
dent Affiliate. Thurs., Feb. 24, 4:00 p.m.
in Room 1400 Chemistry. Louis F .iF.



GENERATION, slim and elegant, goes on sale
today. Among those who approach its sales
stands, there may be some who do not feel com-
mitted to.buy, or pass by, without looking at a
copy first. Such independents, given space
enough and time to thumb through the issue
between classes, are likely to be surprised by its
competent good looks.
The lay-out makes fullest use of contrasts in
black and white, ranging from the stark and
dramatic to the modulated and warm. Either of
these effects could easily have damaged the
other if not combined with clear planning,
knowledge of the potentialities and limits of
the medium, and deft execution. As it is, the
effects work together creating an appearance
that is clean, not sterile, and warm, never
sloppy or diffuse.
The cover, by Ann Thuma, is perhaps the best
example of this. A quality of decision was need-
ed to give the cover this appearance, and this
quality seems to have gone beyond both the ap-
pearance of the magazine and its cover to set
an integrating tone. It is a tone marked by in-
telligence and experience, and it pulls many of
the contributions, as well as other aspects of
the magazine, together toward a whole.
CERTAINLY the contributions that best could
stand on their own have this tone of intel-
ligence and experience. The particular merit of
the layout is that, in possessing a similar tone,
it is able to associate itself with the superior
contributions, leaving an impression, even when

issue of Generation. Its body, a description of
Ives' Concord Sonata, is of interest to laymen
as a statement of the importance of music in
a man's life. Written with warmth and wit by
David Tice, this article re-inforces its theme by
the proportions of its structure, proving its
title to be more apt than it might at first sound,
"Charles Ives as Composer."
The first article presents the history of the
translation of a Babylonian prayer under the
perhaps overly diffident title, A Translator's
Worksheet. Peter Viereck once remarked that
one method of criticism is to shoot your arrow
and then draw a bull's eye around it, but Louis
Orlin seems to be doing something more diffi-
cult in his translation, "A Babylonian Prayer
to the Gods of Night," and in the article that
precedes it. He very successfully meets stand-
ards previously set up.
HOWEVER, his "ground rules" for translation,
particularly his dictum demanding good
English, would force harsh judgments on sev-
eral of the other translations in this issue.
L. H. Scott is certainly exempted from this
criticism by his excellent poem, translated from
what I believe is Russian, not Greek. One might
criticize the editors for my hesitation on this
score; they might have provided a little more
guidance among the array of translations with-
out necessarily giving the effect of a Cook's
Tour of World Literature. Doris Parson's trans-
lations should also be exempted; her sonnet by
Verlaine, especially, cannot be appreciated




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