What Price Dormitory? See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State . ait S w ,. Y PARTLY CLOUDY, COOLER VOL.-LXV, No. 96 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY,.FEBRUARY 23, 1955 FOUR PAGES I SL Expects To Dispense Funds Today Ask Constituents To Today's Meet By DAVE BAAD Student Legislature expects to- day to complete disposition of ap- proximately $5,000 left in its treas- ury. SL's finance committee will ask the Legislature to give $3,750 to the Free University of Berlin fund, $250 for next year's National Stu- dent Association dues, $300 for remaining SL expens'es and the re- mainder to Student Government Council to finance student trips to the NSA conference this summer. The meeting starting at 7:30 p.m. will be held in the Strauss- Anderson House, East Quad din- ing room. Constituents Invited SL, still open to last-minute suggestions for disposal of the funds, has invited constituents to tonight's meeting to participate in an hour discussion period. Constituents time will be held before the finance committee mo- tions. The Legislature will also hear a minority finance committee re- port from SL President Ned Simon, '55, and former SL President Steve Jelin, '55, recommending delega- tion of all money to the Free Uni- versity except $250 *for NSA dues and $300 for remaining SL ex- penses. Trust Fund Paul Dormont, '55, expects to ask Legislature consideration of his much-discussed trust fund plan. His plan calls for using all re- maining SL money to set up a fund for loans to non-profit groups and associations whose membership is open to students and whose purpose is to provide goods and services to students. Finance committee members dropped the plan from committee consideration Sunday. Other ideas dropped by the _ committee include a trust fund for student government in case SGC fails to survive its two year proba- tion, and a gift of all the money to SGC. SL will hear a motion tonight recommending SGC retain the anti-discrimination board in ap- proximately its present form. New appointments to the board will be approved by SL tonight. The suggested new appointees are Marg Frogel, '56, Sue Levy, '56, Art Sachs, '56, and Tim Reardon, '57. Election -Plans Launched by Two Parties t Democrat and Republican party members are launching campaigns for the April. 4 election with speeches and planning meetings scheduled' for this weekend and next week. A "Why, What and Who" pro- gram on the local city election sponsored by the Ann Arbor Dem- ocratic Women's Club will be held 8 p.m. Monday at the Women's City Club, 1830 Washtenaw Ave. Margaret Price, Democratic Na- tional Committeewoman from Michigan, will speak on "Why the City Election is Important in the Over-All Democratic Picture." and Dean W. Coston, Democratic Ald- erman from the Fifth Ward, will discuss issues of the election. John W. Conlin, candidate for President of the City Council and Dr. Albert J. Logan, candidate for Mayor, will address the group briefly. In Lansing the Republican State Central Committee will meet Sat- urday to make plans for the spring election campaign designed to "keep control of Michigan's school system in the hands of' local com- munities. Lenten Services To Begin Today Today the Christian world en- ters its annual 40 day period of solemn repentance, as Lent be- gins. Local churches have planned a Dance Requests Nationalist Pl~Q i t Den ied b A Upholds Policy Against All-Campus Events Backed by Single Houses By GENE HARTWIG Daily Managing Editor Student Affairs Committee yesterday reaffirmed its policy against individual housing units sponsoring all-campus events when it denied requests from two fraternities to hold campus-wide dances. Sigma Chi fraternity was denied its request to hold a "Derby Day" May 21 consisted of competitive races for women's housing units in the afternoon and an all-campus out-door dance on the roof of the Maynard St. Carport in the evening. Representatives of the fraternity described the event as a tradi- tional Sigma Chi sponsored activity on many campuses and one which the local chapter hoped would foster better relations betxeen mem- bers of all living units on campus. Any proceeds from the affair would have gone to some charity, fraternity representatives pointed out. The entire day's activity would Shave been handled by members of the local chapter. RD Day m SAM Request The other request involved Sig- ma Alpha Mu fraternity who Nobody knows what ERD wanted to hold an all-camp'us Day is, but everybody's been dance the weekend, of the Michi- guessing, gan State football game, at the Mary Lou Kierdorf,'56Ed Intramural Bldg., the proceeds to wonders whether the initials go for the fund to send American herald the "end of ruthless dog- teams to the 1956 Olympic Games. matism," while Ron Mauer, '56, SAM representatives indicated anticipates a new beer. that they had done considerable A secret clue in the Paul Bun- preliminary work on the dance and yan trophy hunt is the guess that the idea had received favor- of Cliff Hart, '57. Nancy Marsh, able comment from Athletic Di- '57, thinks ERD is probably an- rector H. O. Crisler and from the other student government. head of the local Olympic Games "It could," meditated Kirke fund raising group. Lewis, '57, "be European Recov- In denying the two petitions ery Day," and Lynn Laviolette, SAC voiced approval of the ideas '58, has decided it might be a of the two fraternities, but felt digestive disorder. they ought to be carried out by But nobody's sure. some existing all-campus group which normally handles such projects. POLITICAL: General thinking of the com- mittee was that approval of the two dances, regardless of their D OR l6 1merit, might be the signal for other housing groups to begin e sponsoring such all-campus af- Hamilton fairs and that inequities would be bound to arise in trying to fit them into an already crowded calendar. Housing Committee Report SAC also heard a preliminary re- port from the Student Housing Lecturers at the University to- Study Committee and authorized day and tomorrow will cover two that group, set up to study stu- political subjects. dent housing and health condi- It laIn 11 ~L Red Fleets Attack Increases Nanchishan Peril TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)-National- ist planes yesterday smashed at more than 200 Red armed junks and gunboats close to imperiled Nanchishan Island. Pilots claimed six were sunk and many damaged. A veil of official reticence made it impossible to tell whether this' was the same Communist flotillaI that earlier in the day bore down1 on Nanchishan and then reported-; ly turned away. It is presumed here to be the same. Position Untenable This earlier feint threw an in- vasion scare into that island 140 miles northwest of Formosa. In- formed quarters considered that' with Nationalist air cover stretch-' ed thin, Nanchishan's position was4 becoming untenable. An air force communique said' the Communist craft were spotted 1 near four islets, 12 miles north of! Nanchishan and the warplanes swept in for the attack. The communique said that up to late afternoon, the planes destroy-! ed one gunboat of about 700 tons' and five armed motorized junks. It also claimed two gunboats, two other warships of an unspeci- fled type and "a considerable num-' B urns Burns? It seemed like a big day. Fifty or so schoolchildren gathered around Some were ex- cited, others just curious. All were intensely interested. They stared, stood on tiptoes and crawled under legs--anything to get a. better look at the ex- citement. But no sooner had it begun than it was over. The fire en- gines left more quietly than they had come. Burns Public school was still standing, un- charred by the false alarm. 'Ike Asks Approval Of Road Program SCites Need I SWorldNews Roundup By The Associated Press Daley Nominated .. . CHICAGO -- Richard J. Daley, Cook (Chicago) County Clerk, backed by a party organization that dumped two-term Mayor Martin H. Kennelly, won the Dem- ocratic nomination for mayor of; Chicago late yesterday. State Road Plan . . DETROIT -- Gov. G. Mennen Williams in a radio broadcast over WJR yesterday urged the legisla- ture to put a proposal for a $500,- 000,000 bond issue to build high- ways on the April 4th election bal- lot. "Only a few days more remain for action," Williams said. "Then! it will be too late to submit the program to the people for a vote. --Daily-John Hrtzel PERSONAL RECORD - Michigan's Grant Scruggs (right) crosses the finish line in yesterday's 600-yard run just ahead of team- mate Laird Sloan. Scruggs' time of 1:11.9 is his new personal record. Michigan Cinderinen Score ber" of armed junks were dam- Fare Seeks Post aged. . . s l~va VavV .f7UN Ll.V.3 Walton W. Hamilton will dis- cuss "Separation of State and Economy" at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 100 Hutchins Hall, as the first in a series of five talks on "The Politics of Industry." Hamilton, a Washington, D.C. attorney, is speaking in the eighth series of William W. Cook lec- tures, which are open to the pub- lic. He received his doctorate from the University in 1913 and served on the economics department here from 1910 to 1914. Southeast Asia will b'e the sub- ject of two speeches tomorrow. Associate Justice William O. Douglas of the Supreme Court will speak at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audi- torium on "Democracy vs. Com- munism" in that area. The jurist, author of "Strange Lands and Friendly People," "Be- yond the High Mimalayas" and "North from Malaya," is speak- ing under the auspices of the Ora- torical Association. "Responsibilities in Southeast Asia" will be discussed by Prof. William Stewart Cornyn of Yale University at 4:15 p.m. in Audi- torium A. Prof. Cornyn's lecture is being sponsored by the Depart- ment of Far Eastern Languages and Literature. tions both on and off campus, to continue with the preparation of a final report. Among the recommendations in the report was one calling for a "permanent committee responsible to the Vice-President for tudent Affairs ... to coordinate Tniver- sity policies in the entire field of student housing and environmen- tal health." The Committee also unanimous- ly passed a Student Legislature recommendation that will allo- cate 80 per cent of the profits of Cinema Guild movies to sponsoring groups and 20 per cent to the Cin- ema Guild Development Fund. Reasons behind the move were "to comply more fully with the purpose of Cinema Guild to help needyorganizationsvand because the new student government will not have to rely on this source of revenue. A special SAC meeting has been called for Friday to consider areas of unfinished business before the group ends its career. Among the items to be consid- ered will be the present regula- tions on student conduct, the fall sorority rushing question and a review of progress being made in fraternity and sorority bias clause removal.4 Red Centers Hit PARIS - Edgar Faure, a for- V7-7 W in O*ver Ohio ate Two waves of planes attacked i mer premier with a reputation for and destroyed many Communist nimble political maneuvering, goes military installations on the Tai- before the National Assembly to- By STEVE HEILPERN shan Islands, 30 miles southwest day to ask for approval as France's Michigan's track squad passed its last major test before the ap- of Nanchishan, the communique next head of government. proaching Big Ten meet with flying colors, downing Ohio State, 77-37, said. The Taishans form a serious at Yost Field House yesterday afternoon. flanking threat to Nanchishan. 1 Nitcfear Explosion . . . Grant Scruggs and Tom Hendricks led the way with dazzling per- Beginning before dawn, three ' formances, although the Scruggs effort wasn't in an official meet other waves blasted at shipping LAS VEGAS, Nev. - A small event. around the Taishans, the air , nuclear device-tle probable pro-I Ate force reported. It said two vessels totype for an automatic missile After being pulled from the 440-yard dash so he could test him- of an unspecified type were sunk warhead-exploded yesterday with -self for the Conference meet's 600- and six others hit. a force that jarred cities 135 miles yard event, Scruggs established a While communiques did not away. The pre-dawn flash was A t o License p timae record in the latter race. mention it, there was one report seen 400 miles away. his career and only five-tenths of that two Communist planes flew The shot from a 300-foot tower "Sa second off the Big Ten indoor over Nanchishan itself-an area in i on Yucca Flat was the second test! D emi inerecord. which the Red air force has not of the 1955 series.H.e yet appeared in any strength. * * Hendricks continued his hot !I lOUne JfY o01 Last year's Michigan auto li- pace of recent weeks by tying the 'uo * * censes expire at the end of this! Field House record for the 65-yard Two Students LONDON - Britain announced week. low hurdlesofo f the thid dmeele yesterday she will build a navy of Arbor's license bureau will a row. His cl ing of .4equalle superlethal guided missile ships to Ann tro s l bueau will his performances against Notre Given Rotary meet the challenges of the H- be open until 8 p.m. daily to meet Dame and Kansas. , bomb era. the added demand. Moule Impresses Scholarshis At the same time the fleet will Bob Marshall, manager of the John Moule also continued to get new still-secret aircraft ca- local branch of the Secretary of give Michigan coach Don Canham pable of carrying the atom bomb. State's office, said yesterday the cause for optimism as he traversed John E. Gilbert, Grad., and Meanwhile, Soviet Russia came office at 211 S. State will open at the mile course in 4:13.9. While John W. Leppelmeier, '55, are two out yesterday with a direct claim 9 a.m. It will be open a total of 66 four seconds slower than his mark of 109 "outstanding university to an edge over the United States hours this week to help motor- against Notre Dameyesterday's graduates" in the country to re- in the production of atomic and , ists meet the Feb. 28 deadline, clocking was excellentconsidering ceive a Rotary International fel- hydrogen weapons. i Marshall said. chckn was eeent coering lowship providing for one year's * ~ *-- - - - -there was no one present to extend study abroain 29 countries.er'the Michigan captain. Announced in conjunction with HALFWAY MARK: *Larry Snyder's Buckeyes could the golden anniversary celebra- , pick up no more than two firsts: tion of the service organization's A* 'sophomore Lee Williams, in the founding, the grants for the 1955- j/lu mi t F u f U l O a i1 Ors broad jump; and George Jones in 56 academic year average $2,500 the half-mile run. and total $275,000. R each 4 Williams' leap of 22' 83" was Lepemie0il ttn shol ^lO iUU I a good enough to defeat Michigan's in either Uruguay or Chile to pur- Junior Stielstra and Hendricks, sue Latin American studies. He Eighty-four thousand dollars-more than twice te sum assem- who took second and third, re- would like to go into foreign ser- bled at this time last year-have been contributed since July 1. 1954 sute srt by namesake Hobe vice work. He is flying to Chicago'tomihuteispurtnbyumnamesnkemHobe today to assist in the fiftieth an- to the Michigan Alumni Fund. Jones of Michigan to take the 880 niversary dinner. t Announcement of the total came at a Saturday meeting of the in the comparatively slow time of Gilbert will attend the Univer- University Development Council Executive Committee, under which the 1:58.4. sity of Grenoble, France to study Alumni Fundoperates. See 'M' TRACKSTERS, Page 3 language and literature. He plans Much of the $84,000 has been donated in line with a najor Alumni a teaching future. Gilbert will re- Fund principle: that emphasis is put not on the amount of money ceive his master's degree from the given but on the extent of participation by individual alumni. TIhev Lectured University in June and will leave More Student Representation for France in September. Student interest and activity in alumni affairs may soon be in- I VA For 40,000 Mile System Would Relieve Fatal Congestion WASHINGTON (R)-President Dwight ' D. Eisenhower yesterday urged Congressto approve a long- range road-building program that would relieve the nation's high- ways of "deadly congestion." His estimate was that the fed- eral government, states and locali- ties need to build $101 billion worth of roads in the next 10 years. He said he was "inclined to the view" that a 40,000-mile network of interstate roads, a port of the whole program, should be financed through a new federal borrowing agency. Shortly afterwards, Sen. Edward Martin (R-Pa) and two other senators introduced the admini- stration's highway bill. It calls for new federal expenditures of $25 billion. Legislative Confusion Legislative picture on the high- way situation was one of some confusion. Sen. Francis Case (R- SD), who dropped the bill into the hopper on behalf of Sen. Martin, himself and Sen. Denis Chavez (D- NM), said he was by no means en- dorsing all its provisions. Sen. Chavez made a similar statement. Sen. Case said also he wasn't sure that President Eisen- hower would give his backing to all sections of the bill, In his 1,800-word message, Pres- ident Eisenhower listed four basic reasons for a greatly expanded na- tional highway network: 1. Better highways would save lives. Each year, he said, "more than 36,000 people are killed and more than a million injured on the highways." 2. The poor physical condition of highways "increases the cost of vehicle operation . . . by as much as one cent per mile of vehicle travel." A-Bomb Danger 3. Present highways would not permit "quick evacuation in case of an atomic attack on our key cities. The present system in criti- cal areas would be the breeder of a deadly congestion within hours of an attak." 4. "Unless the present rate of highway improvement and devel- opment is increased, existing traf- fic jams only faintly foreshadow those of 10 years hence." Opera Petitions Now Available Petitioning for Union Opera scenario script writing is still open. Any male interested in creative writing may petition to work on the all male musical. Blanks are available at the main desk in the Union. Scenarios are due March 10. Petitioning is also open for gen- eral chairman and road show man- ager of the Opera. Opera experi- ence is not required though coor- dinating ability is desired. These petitions are due Saturday. Information about these jobs may be obtained from Jay Grant, '55, NO 3-5347. STUDENTS AROUSED: College Head Bars Oppenheimer Talks /v l+ f S 1 f By JANE 'HOWARD Plans for a march on their state legislature last week engulfed stu- dents at the University of Wash- ington, whose President Henry Schmitz last Monday barred a proposed series of talks by atom- ic physicist J. Robert Oppenheim- eir. Basing his decision on "the best interests of the University," Schmitz claimed Oppenheimer's dismissal last spring from the Atomic Energy Commission as a security risk made him unsuitable for the series. most of them questioning "how Support for Oppenheimer's ban- one of the most brilliant minds in ning came from several faculty; the world can be denied an oppor- members. "As the executive of a; tunity to impart its knowledge." tax - supported. institution," one Organizations Assembly, Wash- stated. "it is President Schmitz' ington's student government, vot- duty to see that no controversial ed 47-0 to request a reversal oft- personage is made a member of Schmitz's decision. The president, f the faculty. The University 'hasn't however, refused to change hisde- allowed other controversial fig- cision. ures to appear on campus in the Physics Department officials and past." professors at Washington con- demned the action almost unan- Openheiter Filmin imously. "Stifled intellectual at- mosphere," according to the de- Slated Tomorro'w creased, according to another' Committee announcement, when revisions to the DevelopmentI Council Charter, now under con- sideration, are formalized. Thomas L. Dickinson, Assistant Council Di- rector, discussed eventual plans for more student representation on the Council's Board of Directors. 73 Advisory Groups Serving to link alumni through- out the country with the Council and the University are a new total of 73 Alumni Fund advisory com- mittees, representing Fund inter- ests on a national basis. Several other groups, a meeting announce- ment stated, are now pending. llegents Set Talk On MSC's Name E' I stQ LUy - "The automobile industry is no longer a mass production industry, but has now become a custom builder on the greatest scale in history." Speaking on "Meeting the Mov- ing Market," Edwin H. Sonnecken, program manager of Ford Motor Co., said that mass production was making it impossible for the con- sumer to express his individuality in the kinds of thing he bought. In an effort to satisfy the con- sumer, "The Assembly plant todayj . looks like a giant] mail order house." Sonnecken felt that the automobile industry must try to combine consumer individuality with mass production efficiency, * * * Draw Good? If so, the Art Editor of Gar- goyle would enjoy meeting you at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Gar- goyle Office in the Student Publications Bldg. Artists are requested to bring samples of their craft. Excel- lent opportunities for editorial positions both now and on next year's Gargoyle will highlight the discussion, to be led by Gargoyle's redoubtable Mr. Scott. No refreshments. But Michigan State Colleges bid for ."', >trr;+C-.'v,'. .."Tradition. indifference. lethar- I I I :, I'I I