SUNDAY, MMR'UARY 209'1855 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVM SU?4DAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVE?~ Photographs n Display A group of black and white pho- tographs and color transparencies taken by John Arms, '56 A&D, are now on display in the arcade of the School of Architecture and De- sigh.- In subject matter, the pictures range from architectural shots of St. Marks in Venice to street scenes in Paris. All the photo- graphs were taken during the war while student Arms was stationed in Germany. Arms has been working with photography for almost four years, but primarily as a hobby. The cur- rent show is his first exhibit, and the aim has been to reflect a part of the environment that he saw. Arms used a German Kodak, Re- tina IIa, Xenar f.2 lens, with Plus- X film. The show closes Friday. CAMERA-EYE--Carnival and wine-cellar atmosphere has been caught in these two pictures by architecture student John Arms, '56. The tilt-a-whirl pictured on the left was taken in Koblenz, Germany, with gingerbread shapes contributing to a study in design that suggests unreal carnival atmosphere. Wine bottles on a checkered tablecloth give a more nostalgic mood to the picture on the right, tak- en in Rudesheim-Rhine, Germany. For this unusual shot, the photographer used a one minute exposure at f.2. A STAR IS BORN: Judy Garland Poses Oscar Problem One of the "hottest" items of gossip in film circles and news- papers today is whether or not Judy Garland deserves an Acad- emy Award for her performance in A Star Is Born. Her comeback, after a four-year absence from films, is in many ways sensational beyond anything achieved in the past. Star has proven to be the perfect medium for her talents; it has given her an opportunity to display all of her abilities. But it has also made evident her limitations; and it will be very hard for Miss Garland to advance from this film, for she may never find another picture so Ssuited to her personality. The story is about a young girl who meets a Hollywood actor. He puts her on the road to stardom, then marries her. While she be- comes increasingly popular he sinks into a kind of cinematic ob- livion and eventually commits sui- cide. Emotional Quality It is a very emotional story for a very emotional lady, and the Garland forte, has always been emotion, at best a controlled, ar- tistic emotional quality which is most apparent in her singing, at the very least an uninhibited emo- tionalism that sometimes comes through in Star with the em- barassed laughs, the inability to direct body movements to coincide with facial expressions. Acting is an. intellectual grasp- ing of a characterization, a mas- tery of mind over body, a willing of one's personality into complete identification with the character involved. It can only be this which* enables a Broadway actress to re- peat a performance night after night, regardless of her personal Mexican Objects Now on Display An exhibit of Mexican art ob- jeets is now on display through March 6 in the North Gallery of the University Museum of Art. The exhibit, which includes ob- jects ranging from modern house- hold utensils to paintings from the Colonial period and pre-Co- lumbian idols, boasts 500-year- old articles. Material for the exhibit was col- lected during the past five sam- mers by Harry Schulke, design and photography instructor in the College of Architecture and De- sign. Schulke first became interested in Mexican art in 1948 while en- joying a traveling grant from Vogue Magazine which enabled him to spend 11 months study- ing and photographing the coun- try, feelings. Judy Garland could never do this; she is not an actress. Great Realism Star took ten months and $6,000,000 to film. Director George Cukor played each scene over and over-until his star could dupli- cate each emotion. There was never acting, only duplication; and it is this duplication which made Star such a personal film. It seemed at times that the camera had been placed in some- one's home andrecorded the little day-to-day emotional crises. There is one scene where Miss Garland breaks into hysteria in a dressing room that was as real as any hys- teria could be. Much Embarassment. Throughout her performance, Miss Garland was never the act- ress portraying, only the actress living her role. This, of course has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition to the aforementioned personal qualities, the film had al- most complete realism and the in- tegrity which this realism brought. To the negative, there was the near embarassment which aud- iences seemed to go through at screenings, the feeling that here was tremendough emotional pow- er left unchannelled, given no art- istic ordering. There were the breaks in Miss Garland's voice, tht hysterical laughter, the quivering lip that at times were almost pathetic. Music Integrated Like Miss Garland's work, the film itself had an amorphous quality. It held together rather' loosely. The musical selections were integrated, but still it lacked dramatic unity, an over-all per- spective which would transform a series of somewhat unrelated scenes into a whole. Cutting the film-about 40 min- utes were removed from the orig- inal 182 minutes at the insistance of theater managers who claimed the film was too long for continu- ous. showings-only accented this disunity. Before there existed a unity in individual scenes; then much of this was gone. Many Cuts For example, the dressing room scene was originally framed by] the "Lose That Long Face" num- ber which provided the irony of the actress who is professionally happy and privately troubled. The song and dance was removed: the scene looked completely out of place. Another twenty-five minute cut removed the portion recounting the difficulties Miss Garland ex- perienced in her rise to fame. Other individual cuts, near the middle and end of the film, took out little footage, but tended to ac- centuate the choppiness and un- evenness. As a singer, Judy Garland also is an emotional animal. Her tonal reproduction is clear and her phrasing accurate; but she relies more upon style and delivery (as do most "popular" singers) than vocal technique. Even here she has little control and she is likely at one moment to be screaming and shouting, at the next being tender and wistful. For Star, Composers Harold Ar- len and Ira Gershwin wrote six numbers, each giving Miss Gar- land an opportunity to display some particular emotion. "Gotta Have You Go With Me" was a rousing bounce number; "The Man That Got Away," had power in Miss Garland's presenta- tion of a blues singer who is really blue, but it was sometimes overly loud; "It's A New World" and "Here's What I'h Here For" (gone from the cut version) were tender ballads performed with feeling and color; "Lose That Long Face" was perhaps too-obvious a parallel of Miss Garland's baggy-pants rou- tine in Easter Parade. Good Clown As a clown, Miss Garland has the timing which only stage work breeds in a performer; but she often relies upon her cuteness and upon the shock of singer-turned- comedienne to win over her aud- ience. In the partomine-parody of movie production numbers in Star, Miss Garland used her cuteness and timing to advantage. In addi- tion, she seemed to be enjoying her work, which is invaluable in win- ning audience approval. As a dancer Judy is an old vaud- eville trooper. She has danced with Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, but her Terpsichorean talents are very limited. Her dances for Star, the "Lose That Long Face" buck- and-wing and the "Swannee" strut, were choreographed by Richard Barstow who often works with non-dancers. Her other "dance" work in Star was confined chiefly to simple rhythmic movements Barstow em- played to remove some of the static quality which straight sing- ing in a film inevitably brings. Future Bleak It will probably be difficult for Judy Garland to find another film like A Star Is Born. She will un- doubtedly win an Academy Award, if only because the Academy is often very sentimental, and the sentiment seems to be. swinging toward Miss Garland. Also, the years when studios re- fused her services because she was too tempermental, would not work within schedules - that is prob- ably over for the present. But the future holds very little that is bet- ter than A Star Is Born for Judy Garland. --Ernest Theodossin Films The Detroit Institute of Arts will offer its next program in The Film as an, Art series at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the muse- um buliding in Detroit. Directed by Frank Lloyd in 1933, the film, Cavalcade, stars Diana Wynard, Clive Brooks, Una O'Connor and Beryl Mer- cer. Other films in the series in- clude La Nuit Fantastique, The Winslow Boy, No Way Back and Ramuntcho. Two-Way Golfer Skirt. 6.95 Sleeveless Sun Top. 4.95 . y . f f !r Student Bill To Feature Verdi Opera Robert Kerns, Grad, will sing the title role of Falstaff in the speech department-music school produc- tion March 1-5. The Verdi opera will be the first in a ti-part Spring Playbill which will also include Thornton Wilder's "The Skin of our Teeth" and a student-written play by James Harvey, '53, "The Clugstone In- heritance." Other members of the cast, from both the speech department and the school of music, include Wil- liam Cole, Grad., Thomas Tipton, '55 SM, Daniel Pressley, '56 SM, Dolores Lowry, G r a d., Laura Smith, '55, Priscilla Bickford, '55, Mariam Tinkham, Grad., Joan Rossi, Grad., June Howe; '55, Mary Mattfield, '56, and Lois Bruce, Grad. A special opening night rate for all three plays of $1.50 as well as season tickets for $1.90, $2.60 and $3.25 may be ordered. by mail through the Lydia Mendelssohn box office. The box office will be open be- ginning Feb. 21 Prices for the opera are $1, $1.40 and $1.75. Ford Experiment To Feature Art "Looking at Modern Art, a new experiment in museum art educa- tion sponsored by the Ford Foun- dation's Fund for Adult Education, will begin on March 4 at the De- troit Institute of Arts. Preliminary application for the 11-week discussion series must be made in writing. The class will meet from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Fridays in the Institute's confer- ence room. William E. Woolfenden, Curator in Charge of Education, will con- duct the Detroit group which is one of ten such groups in the mid- west. _______________________________________________ I ! ~ at* too< i t tiQ nyy p Tooled Taper Slacks. 5.95 Short Sun Briefs. 3.95 Year-Rounder Jacket. 5.95 Button-Front Skirt. 7.95 Sun Bro. 2.95 , -~ I n Shin-Hi Ctamdiggers. 4.95 Tooled Shorts. 3.95 I I X'Y I ape 1' t Jamaica Shorts. 4.95 ____ Cool, Lightweight Sanforized, Washable Iced Poplin Sport Companions ,-Wmq A Mockey Cap. 1.95 Mainliner Jacket. 6.95 Skinny Pants. 6.95 FROST NAVY ARCTIC GREEN AQUAMARINE 0 In i U I. m P B I I I