SUNDAY, MtRUARY 20, 1955
PARKING PROBLEM: "When Do We Sail, Cap'n?"
SGC Steering Committee
Should Stick to Issues
Associate City Editor
I F THE Student Government Council is going
to be sufficiently more effective than the
Student Legislature to justify its existence, the
time to begin achieving this effectiveness is
now. The Student Government Council Steer-
ing Committee has already been discussing the
driving ban issue and hoping to achieve im-
mediate action rather than mere talk. The
suggestion that a proposal to remove the driv-
ing ban be placed on the March ballot was
made; all that is needed to get the proposal on
the ballot is SL approval or 600 signatures of
students. A majority of steering committee
members oppose placing the issue on the ballot
for student vote again; student opinion has
already been voiced: students do want the driv-
ing ban removed. It seems useless to ask them
to voice this opinion again-the way to get the
ban removed is to work quietly and directly
with the Regents, as SL President Ned Simon
SGC STEERING committee members, as well
as the student- body-at-large which favors
removal of the ban, should keep in mind when
arguing that students be allowed to drive cars
and keep cars here, that there are more and
more fines being given students for parking
violations, and more and more parking meters
are being put up to make what little parking
space there is available useless for students in
classes. In other words, unless new parking pro-
visions are made in this already crowded metro-
polis, it seems quite useless to argue that all
students who can afford cars should be allowed
to have them.
The SGC steering committee is already on
the same road the SL was on, working with the
same student problems, and spending most of
their energy on a particular problem that too
recently was referred to both students and Re-
PERHAPS TO be effective, in addition to
working quietly with individual Regents
on certain problems, SGC should be dealing
with issues that in themselves are more worth-
while and that haven't been hashed over as
recently as the problem of students operating
automobiles in a university town. Specifically:
the bias clause issue has been lying dormant
for some time; there is discrimination in dor-
mitories against housing persons of different
races together; rents in Ann Arbor apartments
and rooming houses are higher than an aver-
age student can actually afford to pay; many
local landlords refuse to rent apartments to
Negro or foreign students. These problems con-
cern a larger segment of the student body than
a driving rule, and they are problems that do
not require change in the physical layout of
the city (which would be required to make
more parking space for students' autos.)
THAT AT LEAST 33 students are running for
11 positions on the SGC is encouraging--
but let's hope, that they, with the ex-officio
members, will accept the lessons SL learned
about working with the Regents, and also that
most important problems will be dealt with
first. The driving ban is not the most import-
ant !
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At the State ...
BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK, with Spencer Tracy and Robert Ryan
A LOT of celluloid had passed over the sprockets since the days when
the maiden in gingham used to apprise the posse of the news that
"They-went-thataway" with extended finger and high, flutey voice.
On television, you can still see them heading the varmits off at the
pass, but in the theaters, the Western has been anxiously coming of
,ge in the last few years. "High Noon" was a fine adult movie, so was
017sr'niE nahtMatCIT+.H ?etT 4r.
"Shane," and the producers of "Bad
vertising that this film is their
worthy successor.
Well, it isn't. It is a phony,
contrived piece of melodrama
full of oblique and self-conscious
dialogue that merely magnifies
a series of ridiculous perform-
ances from ordinarily respect-
able actors. The worst of it is
its painful effort at arty Cine-
cascopic compositions and high
moral tone. The best things in
it are borrowed wholesale fPunm
"High Noon" (the desert heat,
the corrupted citizenry, the long
shots down the railroad track,
and so forth.) In the transfor-
mations, however, all of them
have lost any sense of meaning:
they are simply grafted on with-
out purpose.
The plot of the film is dedicat-
ed strictly to an endless prolonga-
tion of "suspense" about why a
stranger has arrived in the des-
ert town of Black Rock and why
the residents of the town are treat-
ing him so shabbily. Aware ap-
parently that there is no good
reason why the stranger shouldn't
announce his purpose in town at
once, nor why the residents should
continue to feel guilty and afraid
(as they do) about something that
happened four years previously,
the makers of the film seek to
conceal their make-believe with a
lot of tense, circumventing dia-
logue that is clearly designed to
Day at Black Rock" have been ad-
keep you on the edge of your
seats. Also, they dredge up the in-
evitable yuota of familiar charac-
ters: the alcoholic sheriff, the ju-
venile weakling, the philosophical
doctor, and a couple of standard
bullies. All of . these characters
have the vocabulary of Harvard
freshmen and psychology - course
interest in subjecting each other
and themselves to boring charac-
ter analyses. None of them, unfor-
tunately, are -half as interesting
as they think they are.
For good measure, there is a
little sadism thrown in, most of
it directed at the stranger, who
is a particularly good victim
since he is missing one arm.
The stranger, however, gets in
a few licks himself in a bloody
judo fight with one of the bul-
lies, and he tops that off later
by flining a Nolotov cocktail at
his major adversary, thus set-
ting the gentleman afire. The
latter action happens to be
poetic, as well as prairie, jus-
tice; but revealing why would
also be revealing the Big Secret.
It is enough to say that the pic-
ture is also resolutely opposed
to persecution of minority races.
If it is possible to believe, the
short subjects are even worse than
the picture. Everybody apparently
had a "bad day."
--William Wiegand
Russian Expansion Builds
-On Weak Foundation
RUSSIA DOESN'T scare me so much any
more. She's a big country, and a powerful
one, but she has three glaring faults: she's
trying to expand too fast in too many direc-
tions; she has lost a great deal of prestige,
mainly as a result of the recent Kremlin
shakeups; and, most important, her inherent
weakness lies in the system which she pro-
When a man wants to build a house, he
doesn't start at the attic and build down; rath-
er, he digs a foundation as the solid basis for his
structure. It should be much the same way with
a government. Set up a solid basis for gov-
erning at home, and, after you have this solid
basis, then start to expand. Russia has not
done this. She has grabbed countries right
and left, building additions to a house that
was never well constructed in the first place.
She was able to do this because of the superior
discipline of her military and the comparative
weakness of her neighbors. It doesn't necessar-
ily follow, however that she will be able to keep
her satellites-sooner or later, the house will
HER WEAKNESS was evident in the Krem-
lin shakeups. Georgi Malenkov's whimper.
ed "I request to be relieved" was indicative of
the turmoil in which the Soviets operate. Two
years ago he promised a "new life" to the Rus-
sian people. The new life, one which had given
hope to the Western world as far as peace was
concerned, has failed, and it is time to get
tough again. Thirty-seven years has proven
that toughness doesn't work either, but Mos-
cow, reluctant to admit that so far nothing has
worked, blusters and bumbles, and doesn't real-
ly fool anybody. The Kremlin's dirty linen has
been exposed for all to see. As Time put it, "a
going concern does not shake up its manage-
ment at the very top."
The matter then lies with the Communist
system. It simply doesn't work. People, after
all, are only human. Mrs. John Q. Russian
wants nice clothes and electric washing ma-
chines as much 'as Mrs. John Q. American, the
difference being that they are more readily
available to the American housewife. A Russian
man wants to see the fruits of his labor on the
farm materialize in the form of better equip-
ment and a small profit. These things have not
been available to him. Human beings are not
automatons, they are individuals, and the can-
not be satisfied for long with a system which
by its very definition denies their individuality.
THESE things do not mean, of course, that
we are justified in sitting back, breathing
a sigh of relief, and saying "Well, it's time to
relax." Communism is more than ever a for-
midable enemy, because it has lost face and
wants very much to regain it. But it has dis-
played its Achilles heel for all the world to see.
We now know where to attack. A display of the
Individual element in our system might not be
out of place right now.
-Tammy Morrison
SL Finances . ..
To the Editor:
IT WOULD SEEM that it is time
to answer the many unjust ac-
cusations that have been leveled
at the Student Legislature re-
garding the disposition of their
First of all, I wonder at the up-
roar regarding "the student's
money" for two reasons: (1) The
students have had no burning de-
sire in the past to find out what
was happening to "their" money
during SL's nine years of existence
on this campus. I have noticed no
overwhelming vote in the all-cam-
pus elections to elect people the
students felt were competent to
protect these funds; nor have I
noticed any large numbers of
spectators at SL meetings, where
all appropriations of these funds
take place. (2) SL's entire reve-
nue is made up of a University
grant and the profits from the
Homecoming Dance and Cinema
Guild, for which the students have
already received a return in the
form of attending the dance and
seeing the films.
Secondly, it would seem that the
campus has little confidence in its
own ability to judge and elect peo-
ple who are competent to handle
themselves in a manner that will
prove to the good of their constitu-
Thirdly, the open cabinet meet-
ing that has been referred to so
many times was open to anyone
who might have taken the time
and effort to attend. The Daily
reporter was merely asked not to
publicize any discussions which
might have involved personalities,
for it has been proven by past ex-
perience that remarks printed out
of context give erroneous concep-
tions of facts.
Fourthly, all future meetings of
the Finance Committee and the
To the Editor:
Legislature will be open to the
public, and at Wednesday's SL
meeting one hour will be given to
any students who wish to speak on
this subject. I am curious to see
how many will take advantage of
this privilege.
-Sandy Hoffman
Student Legislature
Money Questions .. .
+ i
IN REFERENCE to Wally Eber-
hard's editorial entitled, "Some
C a m p u s Organizations Pursue
Strange Policy," I wish to com-
ment on the poor taste of the ref-
erences to the Student Legisla-
ture, and because of the questions
that it will undoubtedly raise, I
feel that some explanation is due.
First was an explanation of the
initial closed finance discussions.
This was the first decision of the
Legislature's finance committee,
that The Daily be barred, and was
done so that the committee could
have an accurate knowledge of
the assets of the Legislature, and
could then come up with some con-
crete and well thought-out recom-
mendations on the disposition of
these assets. It seemed possible
that during the course of the dis-
cussions, that some foolish ideas
might come up or that some or-
ganization or person might be re-
ferred to in a bad :ight. We did not
want things of this nature going
on record as the decisions and
opinions of the committee.
Now in specific reference to the
editorial. At last Monday's cabi-
net meeting no plans were made
as to disposition of money. It was
only a discussion of ides and oth-
er students were present as well
as the Legislature people.
Mr. Eberhard says that the stu-
dents, "rightfully should be able
to read some-account of how their
funds were disposed of." This is
a falsehood and is certainly mis-
leading. The $5000 is still intact
and has not been disposed of,
moreover the students will be able
to express their opinion on the
subject as well as read about it
when the disposition is made.
And last, but far from least, the
"if they are carried out in good
faith" reference to the open fi-
nancial discussions of the future.
I take this as a prsonal insult to
myself as chairman of the Legis-
lature's finance committee and to
every other member of the Legis-
lature. This is an issue, when with
seemingly few facts, that Mr. Eb-
erhard seems determined to keep
I would like to again extend the
invitation to the campus to at-
tend the discussions of finances
on Sunday at 3 p.m., Monday at
4:15 p.m., and during constitu-
ents' time at the Legislature
meeting Wednesday night.
-William J. Adams
Chairman Legislature
Finance Comm.
Treasurer Student
* * *
Both Sides . ..
To the Editor:
MISS ROELOFS is entitled to
her opinions regarding the
curriculum of the School of Edu-
cation. She is also entitled to the
expression of those opinions. But
doesn't common courtesy suggest
that one criticize graciously and
point out carefully the merits as
well as demerits? Surely student
teaching is not the only good in
the program. If the situation were
as serious as Miss Roelofs con-
Williams College Group
Adds to Old Dixieland
THERE'S something bright and
new in Dixieland jazz and it can
be found in "The Spring Street
Stompers At Carnegie Hall" al-
bum under a Jubilee Records la-
Not since the center of jazz
moved from New Orleans to Chi-
cago in the 1920's has there been
a significant change in Dixieland
music. At that time some of the
New Orleans musicians went North
and with the help of such men as
Benny Goodman they developed
what soon became big band swing.
Some musicians stayed in the
French Quarter where it all start-
ed and kept grinding out the old
traditional Dixieland. Oblivious to
the various stages of progress jazz
was going through, they refused
to change. The Dixieland music
played today by such aggregations
as Red Nichols' is the same stuff
King Oliver and Jelly Roll Mor-
ton were playing on Bourbon
Street before the Frst World War.
Although this satisfies many
people today it has ceased to be
the real jazz it was when Oliver
and Morton played it. It has be-
come a stagnant form of expres-
sion and in jazz this means that
it has ceased to express.
The only thing that can justify
a standardized musical form is
perfection and no jazz form has
reached anything resembling per-
fection. Even more to the point,
however, is the fact that true jazz
must not be standardized because
the essential element in all great
jazz is that it is emotionally spon-
taneous. Most Dixieland today has
ceased to have this element.
NOW, out of the East has come
a group of six young men from
Williams College to add some-
thing significant to a style of jazz
that had a fine beginning 35 years
ago and has lain dormant ever
This group, the Spring Street
Stompers, has retained the main
features of old Dixieland such as
tail-gate trombone and a driving
two-beat rhythm. Addiing an ob-
vious knowledge of recent devel-
opments in jazz and certain new
ideas of their own, this group has
now proceeded to produce a kind
of modern Dixieland.
It is a clear improvement over
old Dixieland. Instead of playing
out of tune and spurting 'harsh
tones out of their instruments,
they have decided it was time
Dixieland matured. The result is
a well-tuned group making valid
musical sounds. Instead of sound-
ing as if they were a bunch of in-
dividuals who just happen to play-
ing at the same time and place,
they are one cohesive group with
each member knowing what the
others are going to do, not be-
cause of a prearranged score but
because of a common spontaneous
Add to this a clarinet with the
technical dexterity and tone of
Benny Goodman, a drummer with
imagination and a bass player
who can do more than just slap
his instrument and the impor-
tance of this Dixieland group can
be appreciated.
Probably what is most impor-
tant to the Stompers' success,
however, is their emotional fresh-
ness. This is what won them
"Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts"
a few weeks ago.
Enhanced by the spontaneous
atmosphere of an actual recorded
Carnegie Hall concert, it is this
freshness which makes this album
such a surprise. Playing such old
stand-bys as "Basin Street Blues,"
"Royal G a r d e n Blues" andf
"That's - A - Plenty" with new
verve, the Spring Street Stomp-
ers make a real addition to Dix-
ieland music.
- Bob Polley
(Continued from Page 2)
S. E. Asia." Tickets go on sale tomor-
row 10 a.m. in Hill Auditorium box of-
fice, open daily 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
chemistry Lecture. Mon., Feb. 21,
8:00 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Dr.
Charles D. Dodd will speak on "Retard-
ation of Liquid Flow in Micro-Pores."
Academic Notices
The Extension Services announces the
following class to begin Mon. evening,
Feb. 21:
Hydraulics and Dynamics-Engineer-
ing Mechanics Review II. 7:00 p.m.
Room 171 School of Business Admini-
stration. Intensive review designed to
prepare candidates for civil service or
other engineering examinations. A min.
Imum of advanced mathematics is used.
Lecture notes are available. Eight weeks.
$9.00. Prof. Roy S. Swinton, Instructor.
Registration for this class may be
made at the first meeting of the class.
Make-up exam in Economics 51, 52,
53, and 54 Thurs., Feb. 24 at 3:10 p~m.,
207 Economics Building.
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Mon.,
Feb. 21, 4:10 p.m. in Room 2308 Chem-
istry. Dr. Guido Vidale will speak on
"Flash Photolysis."
Scholarships, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Applications for
scholarships for the academic year
1955-56 are now available in Room 122
Angell Hall. All applications must be
returned to that office by March 11.
Applicants must have had at least one
semester of residence in this College.
Scholarships for Engineers. Applica-
tions from undergraduate engineers for
the 1955-56 Scholarship Awards are now
being received. All applications must
be in by Fri., March 11. Blanks may be
obtained in the Secretary's Office, 263
West Engineering Building.
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Feb.
22, 4:10 p.m., Room 3011 Angell Hall. R.
D. James, visiting professor at Michi-
gan State College, will speak on "Inte-
grals of PerronType." Tea and coffee
at 3:45 p.m. 2312 AH.
Actuarial Review Class for Part I
will meet at 4:10 p.m. Wed., Feb. V, in
Room 3010 A.H. Note change of day.
Doctoral Examination for Albert
William Demmer, Jr., Metallurgical
Engineering, thesis: "The Influence of
Surface and Subsurface Variables on
the Fatique Properties of Titanium
and its Alloys," Tues., Feb. 22, 4219
East Engineering Bldg., at 3:30 p.m.
Chairman, M. J. Sinnott.
Events Today
Lutheran Student Association. Meet
at the Center promptly at 6:45 p.m.
Sun., Feb. 20 to go to the Universal
Day of Prayer Service at the St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church. Those who
live near there can meet us there at
7:30 p.m.
Graduate Outing club meets. Sun.,
2:00 p.m. at the Rackiam Building.
Come in old clothes to the north west
Meeting of all men and women in-
terested in helping write, edit and direct
the Independent Hillezapoppin Skit,
the Traumatic Players, Sun., Feb. 20,
8:00 p.m. Hillel Bldg.
Westminster Student Fellowship Bi-
ble Seminar in Room 217 of the Pres-
byterian Studert Center at 11:00 a.m,
Sun., Feb. 20. I3cussion on, "When
Heaven Comes to Earth."
Episcopal Student Foundation. Cand-
terbury House breakfasts following bot
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sue.,
Feb. 20. Confirmation Instruction, 430
p.m., Sun., Feb. 20, at Canterbury
House. Canterbury Supper Hour at 5:45
p.m., Sun., Feb. 20, at Canterbury
House, followed by the Interguild-spn-
sored World Student Day of Prayer at
7:00 p.m. in Saint Andrew's Church. Dr.
Joseph Sittler, preaching. Coffee Bnur
will follow the service.
Hillel: Chorus rehearsal Sun., 4:30
p.m. Main chapel.
Hillel: Supper Club. 6:00 p.m. Sun.,
Feb. 20.
New Testament Study Group -
"Searching the Synoptics for Meaning
in Today's World." Under the direc-
tion of Prof. E. Wendell Hewson. Lane
Hall, Sun., Feb. 20, 3:00 p.m.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Sun., Feb. 20, 6:00 p.m., dessert meet-
ing at the Congregational Church pre-
ceding World Student Day of Prayer
program at the Episcopal Church.
Westminster Student Fellowship sup.
per, Sun., Feb. 20, 5:30 p.m.,at the Stu,
dent Center of the Presbyterian Church.
Cost: 50c. We will leave at 6:45 to go to
the Episcopal Church to participate in
the World Student ay of Prayerpro-
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Dr.
R. K. Harrison, Huron College, London,
Ontario, will speak on "Problem- of
Evil" at 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Refresh-
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., Feb. 20. 9:30
a.m. Discussion Group, "Paradoxes of
the Christian Faith." 6:45 Meet in the
lounge to go to St. Andrew's Episco-
pal Church for "Universal Day of
Prayer for Students.",
First Baptist Church. Sun., Feb. 20:
9:45 a.m. Student class studies Revela-
tions; 11:00 a.m. Sermon; 6:45 p.m.
Guild meets at Guildhouse to go to
Episcopal Church.
Coming Events
Lane Hall Folk Dance Group will meet
Mon., Feb. 21, 7:30-10:00 p.m. in the
recreation room. Plans for an exhibi-
tion group will be discussed. Instruction
for every dance, and beginners are al-
ways welcome.
At Alumni Memorial Hall ..
"A BEAUTIFUL country! I'd never seen chil-
dren carrying banana leaves for umbrellas
in the rain, or bananas sold along the road-
side. I'd never seen black fuzzy tarantulas this
big crossing the road. I'd never seen ferns as
big as trees, or gravestones painted purple and
orange; on the Day of the Dead families have
picnics on their relative's graves, and eat can-
dy skulls with 'Aunt Carmen' written on them
in honor of some dead relative."
Harry Schulke, whose collection of Mexican
"things" is currently to be seen at lumni Me-
morial Hall, can ramble on for hours on the
vitality, the earthiness, the handsomeness, the
lyricism of the Mexican people, and the beau-
ty of their country.
His enthusiasm for things Mexican is obvious
in his refreshing exhibition of arts and crafts,
collected over several "summers of happiness."
He has "santos" paintings, ancient figures,
pot-hooks, and door hinges sold side by side in
open market places. He has fat pottery piggy
banks, and festive wood and paper masks. He
has shards which he dug at sites shown to him,
for a price, by little boys who maintain private
"diggings" in the Pre-Colombian ruins
Three beautifully haunting interpretive pho-
tographs by Shulke of a street waif contrast sig-
nificantly with several views of the University
of Mexico's handsome new campus.
ALSO SHOWING with the Schulke collection
are an exhibition of "Fantastic Land-
scapes" and one of watercolors assembled by
the Michigan Watercolor Association. The for-
mer, boasting works by Man Ray, Kay Savage,
Ives Tanguy, and William Congden, is hung
in a highly original manner, an attempt per-
by Peter Blume. The difficulty is that one
arises wondering whether the squatting was
worth it. Man Ray has taken a grained piece
of wood, drawn a circle on it and called it
"A La Lumiere Lunaire. Congden has contri-
buted an insectoid "Pantheon," quite the least
enjoyable of his embellished surfaces
Stage designer Eugene Behrman has done
one of the most satisfactory paintings; a sort
of da Vinci landscape, inhabited by incon-
gruous figures.
The works of Kay Savage and Walter Murch
are pleasant enough; Dubuffet has done con-
siderably better. Enrico Donati's "Landscape:
Black and Black with White Line" is good
enough to be completely revolting, his work is
as aesthetically communicative as the sooty
furnace filter it resembles.
In short, the exhibition is a sort of surrealis-
tic garbage pail; 22 good artists are repre-
sented by 22 less than good paintings. As a
whole they seem greatly contrived.
According to the blurb at the entrance of
the exhibition, "each painter's vision is tem-
pered by his own highly personal, individual
approach." The painters seem to be wearing
their "individual approach" like so many flags;
THE WATERCOLORS are not awfully excit-
ing. Richard Wilt and Jean Paul Slusser
of the College of Architecture and Design are
represented by two of the finest works in the
show. Also of note is the prize winning "But-
terfly Wing Fragment, Orange and Brown" of
Charlese Culver.
But Stephen Chizmarik's "Spring" would at
best make a colorful chintz. Mary Jane Big-
ler's abstract "Crustacea" is nicely handled, but
Midori Hanamura works in an ancient tradi-
dition that he only manages to betray.
The contrat between the Shilr nllcAtion
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editoroial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
DorothyeMyers ..... .City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ,.....Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart ........Associate Editor
Dave Dvingston ......... Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
.Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz ........ Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel .......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak ..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager
Telephone NO BC-BD-v
'At Rackham..
The Budapest String Quartet
PROGRAM: Mozart; Quartet in
D major, K. 499; William Den-
ny: Quartet No. 2; Beethoven:
Quartet in E minor, Opus 59,
No. 2..
THE SECOND program of the
fifteenth annual Chamber Mu-
sic Festival opened with the Mo-
zart Quartet. As usual with the
Budapest Quartet it was played in
fine fashion. The inner voices
were well projected and balanced,
though occasionally during the
slow movement the long phrases
movement and two to the second.
The first, third and fifth sections
are titled as tranquillo. They were
well named. These were offset by
the second and fourth sections,,
brioso .and giocoso. Due to the
polyphonic similarity in texture of
the first, third and fifth sections
the work might be considered as
one continuous movement. The
work was interesting primarily due
to th-,-fact it was new, but it might
have been more successful had the
third section-the middle-been of
a different nature than the outer
The Beethoven Quartet is the
second of the three Rasomovsky
quartets and is a real gem. The