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September 26, 1954 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1954-09-26

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Iowa ....... 14 S. Carolina ... 34 Penn State .. 14lNotre Dame . ,.21 Oklahorna ... 21IFlorida..... 13 Duke..... .
Michigan Statel10 Army .0......20 Illinois . . .. .,..12 Texas ...... 0 TCU .........16 Ga. Tech. .. 12 Penn...... .



Ohio State...

0 Indiana

. 0.. .*.


See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State









Not Likely
To Censure
Senate To Decide'
Question Nov. 8

UN Clears Atom,
Plans for Debate

Baldacci Accounts
For Winning TD's
'M' Ground Attack Offsets Passing
Of Lederman; Kramer Injured

Eisenhower-Dulles Proposals
Assigned to Top Committee

y _ __ _ .. - _ _ !

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (P)-The report The UN General Assembly yesterday cleared the Eisenhower-
of the special committee that in- Dulles atoms-for-peace proposals for top-ranking debate in the UN.
vestigated censure charges against The United States wants this to begin quickly.
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R- Without any hint of objection, the 60-nation Assembly approved
Wis.) was described by one sena-
tor Saturday as likely to draw- the item on which the United States has placed an urgent, priority
critical conclusions on s o m e tag. The Assembly assigned the question to the main political com-
counts butonlesaveto the Senate mittee, generally considered the most important of the Assembly's
itself whether censure is warrant- seven working groups.
r ed. Lodge on Committee
This senator, who is not a mem- Francisco Urrutia, Colombia, veteran of the Security Council and.
ber of the six-man investigating of the Geneva conference on Korea, is chairman of that committee.1
committee and who declined to be 'V Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., U. S. chief
quoted by name, said he under- J B -delegate; Russia's Andrei Vishin-
stands the committee's report will JOBS: sky, Britain's Selwyn Lloyd, In-
stop short of any outright rec- dia's V. K. Krishna Menon, and,
ommendation that McCarthy be Union the top political figures of the As-
censured.na sembly conduct the debates in
"Critical Language" Reported that committee.
He said his information is, how- Calls IU. S. delegates handling theI
ever, that it will contain some qeto ragdnwtlswt
"sharply critical language" about I question arranged new talks with
harplyritical lanage about Wanted: dressmakers. typists, other delegates to insure high
clWidongiveturlicae of his copywriters, salesmen and song priority for atoms item on the
clined to give the source- ++ his-


Special to The Daily
SEATTLE - Playing almost exclusively from the T-formation.
Michigan scored in the second and fourth quarters to blank Washing-
ton's Huskies, 14-0, in an intersectional football game before 41,300
fans here yesterday afternoon.
Washington had the arm, but the Wolverines had the legs as
Lou Baldacci scored both Michigan touchdowns to defeat a Pacific
Coast eleven which had only the threat of quarterback Sandy Led-
erman's lefthanded passes.
Huskies Lack Ground Attack
However, the Huskies did not have the running game to 'make
Lederman deceptive or effective although several times his passes
brought Washington deep into<+
Michigan territory.
The furthest point that Wash- I
ington could penetrate was to the s J*S 7 rn
Michigan six yard line early in the
fourth quarter when reserve quar-
terback Bobby Cox advanced the F e c
ball about 30 yards in three run-
n ing plays. Then the defense stif-1O e e s
on the 26 yard line after a fumble.
While most of Washington's to-
ta arae aevia the air route, WAHNTO-A)- Secretary
tal yardage came viaof State John Foster-Dulles warn-
it was the fine running of Baldac-
ci, Tony Branoff, Dan Cline, and nged the French government last
Fred Baer complemented by the night that "Americans cannot af-
passing of Duncan McDonald ford to gamble" their safety and
which paved the way to Michigan's hsurvival on defense programs
opening victory. which fail to assure genuine se-
Baldacci Scores First curity.
Raldacci oe the scoring Dulles and other American lead-
Baldacci opened tesoigeshv lasisse h e-
with less than five minutes re- av always in the Gai-
maining in the first quarter when man rearmament in association
h slced over right tackle and wdi the North Atlantic Alliance
dashed 21 yards to paydirt on the is absolutely essential to an ade-
first play after tackle Art Walk- quate defense of Western Europe.
er recovered a Washington fum- Dulles took off Saturday night
ble. for London and a showdown with
The play came as somewhat of French Premier Pierre Mendes-
a shock to the victory hungry Pa- France on rearming West Ger-
cific Coast fans who were hop- many.
ing for an upset over the Big .Ten He and a party of advisers left
representative which had trounc- on a special military plane. He is
ed their home team 50-0, one due in London Sunday afternoon
year earlier. for immediate talks with Mendes-
Only minutes before the Hus- France, British Foreign Secretary
kies had stopped the Wolverines' ' Anthony Eden and German Chan-
initial drive on the four yard line. cellor Konrad Adenauer on grant-

The bulky report, whipped into
final shape by the committee of
three Republicans and three Dem-
ocrats yesterday, is to be made
public tomorrow morning. It will
be submitted to the Senate for
decision at a session starting Nov.
8, the week after the Nov. 2 gen-
eral election.
Basis for Decision
Official notice went outhto all
senators today, advising them of
the Nov. 8 session. The telegrams,
were sent by J. Mark Trice, Sen-
ate secretary.
Chairman Arthur V. . Watkins
(R-Utah) said the committee re-
port, adopted unanimously, offers
a basis for a clearcut decision!
which the Senate "could vote up
or down." He added, without giv-
ing any inkling of the contents of
the report, that this would be its
"final effect."*


writers for the 1955 Union Opera.

3 comuzw ee programIcul.



Committee tryouts for these and The U. S. plan advanced by Dul-
other jobs will be held Wednesday les last Thursday proposed to set
and Thursday in Rm. 3-G of the up within a year an internationali
Michigan Union, according to Guy agency on atomic power, with or
Moulthrop, '56E, promotions chair- without Russian cooperation: to
man. provide training for students from
Cast tryouts for the Opera, ten- all over the world in how to use
tatively scheduled for staging in atomic power for irrigation, farm-
early December, will be held soMe- ing and industrial uses: and howj
time in October, according to Jay to use atomic fission to fight can-
Grant, '55, general chairman. cer. Scientists Called
________________________________________________________________________ S c en ist C a le

Group Gets
Two From 'U'
Prof. William Haber of the eco-

The only role so far assigned
specifically to the UN was to call
a world congress of scientists early
next year to hear a report on what
the United States has started to
Meanwhile release of a file of

NSA Asks

nomics department, and Prof. secret documents exchanged be-!
Marcus L. Plant of the Law School tween Washington and Moscow
disclosed last night that the Unit-
have been appointed by Gov. G. ed States and Russia were dead-
Mennen Williams to a workmen's locked from the start in their
compensation study commission. negotiations over President Eisen-i
Set up to study improvements hower's proposal for peaceful de-
in the Workmen's Compensation velopment of atomic energy on a
Law, the Commission is headed worldwide basis.
by Theodore Ryan, chairman of The documents were made pub-
the State Workmen's Compensa- lic simultaneously in the two capi-
tion Commission. tals. The action appeared to mark
The group has scheduled its first the end of the negotiations, al-
meeting for Thursday in Lansing. though both governments held the
door open to further exchanges if
either has anything to say.

--AP Wire Photo
McDONALD TO BRANOFF-Michigan halfback Tony Branoff 117 snares an aerial from Duncan
McDonald early in the second quarter as Washington's Dean Derby (47) fails to stop the comple-
tion. Branoff then scampered eight additional yards to the Huskies' 32, making the play good for
32 yards. The Wolverines were stopped two plays later when Sandy Lederman intercepted a Mc-
Donald pass. Although the contest was not in the least reminiscent of last year's 50-0 Michigan
triumph, Bennie Oosterbaan's gridders had enough to win, 14-0.-
New Wolverines Confuse Fol lowers
Special to The Daily
SEATTLE-The University of The white-shirted eleven came Before the afternoon was over,
Michigan alumni who thronged out of the huddle, and all was still the reports that had been sifting
into this city from all along the well. But then they lined up. It was out of Ann Arbor all fall were con-
Coast had to take a second look firmed; for the first time in his-
yesterday to make sure it WAS rumored in the press box that at tory Michigan had scrapped thel
Michigan they were watching I this point one old gentleman wear- single-wing in favor of the up-
The cigar-smoking gentlemen ing a Michigan Union button in his start "T"-formation.
in the Michigan section of the lapel fainted: the rebort couldn't But the sun was beating down,
stands were initially surprised be confirmed. the temperature was in the eight-
when the Wolverines trotted onto ies, and -the white shirts won the
the field for their pre-game warm- rgan-em I carried the water game, so the former Ann Arborites
up.k eam crried, hewa all held their pennants high as

Air Service
International air carriers were
requested by the National Student
Association today to permit con-
tinued trans-Atlantic charter ser-
vice for American college students
on a nation-wide basis.
End of student air charter ser-
vice was required under an inter-
pretation of international airl
travel regulations by a Breaches
Commission of the International
Air Transport Association effec-
tive Sept. 15.
The action followed complaints!
by two international airlines, andf
{ has already resulted in cancella-
tion of three student charter}
NSA President, and former Daily
Managing Editor, Harry Lunn
said in a letter to the presidents
of the airlines involved that con-
tinued charter service was essen-
tial to promote student exchange
among Western nations and rep-
resented an important new mar-
ket for the airlines,
Dr. Fuirstenberg
Elected by Group
Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg, dean
r of the Medical School, has been
named president-elect of the
American Academy of Ophthal-
mology and Otolaryngology.
To take bffice in January, 1956,
he will succeed Dr. Algernon B.;
Reese of New York City. Dean'
Furstenberg, dean of the Medical
school since 1935, has been teach-
ing otolaryngology (diseases of the
ear. nose and thrnti since 1918.

After holding Washington in
check for the first series of. downs
following the opening kick-off, the
Maize and Blue marched downI
the field in routine fashion until{
their steam gave out, near theI
Walker Sets Up Score
A fourth-down pass to sopho-
more Ron Kramer from McDon-

ing sovereignty to West Germany.
Either in those talks or in the
nine-nation conference opening
Tuesday, Dulles has the task of
determining whether in his judg-
ment Mendes-France sincerely
wants to rearm Germany under a
reasonable system of safeguards
or whether he is simply stalling
inn an iC-m thA t is hi hl'h1 nntra-

Stocks Rise To Hit
Neiv 25-Year Peak
NEW YORK ()-With only the
b izC f t h ifan tv th le m.ia

DrleesL estancy, tn eSLOCK mar-
ket this week made a decisive rise
to another new 25-year peak.
The week's rise was the third in
a row since the market began its
recovery drive to erase losses suf-!
fered in late August.

Organizations interested in
taking responsibility for coat
checking at the Homecoming
Dance, Oct. 23, may contact
Donna Somers, '56, from 8 to
9 p.m. daily at NO 2-3279.
Photographers interested in
taking pictures at the dance
may also contact Miss Somers.


In place of the usual blue jer-1
sies the gridders wore white ones,
with the only concession to tra-
dition being the Maize stripes,
trimmed in Blue, which adorned
the arms.
But the biggest shock was yet
to come. The Wolverines kicked
off to Washington at the opening
whistle, promptly held the Huskiesj
on downs, took over possession of
the ball when the Coast team
punted, and the Michigan alumni
settled back finally convinced that
the team was a representative of
their alma mater after all.


London Meeting To Consider

" "t'm "" llvo: teyfiedoutofWahinto Sa-on an issue Una isigiiy cmonrv-
they filed out of Washington Sta- and the Huskies took over on versial in France.
dium. ald was incomplete in the end zone
a hecks They did glance furtively at downs. An exchange of punts gave Dulles, in an outspoken state-
lecks their programs before they tossed Washington the ball on -its own ment, made clear the United
Students who turned in books them away, though, to make sure twenty and on the first play from States and its Western allies stand
to the Student Book Exchange it WAS Michigan. scrimmage Walker recovered a i his opinion at a crossroads n
the struggle to gain security
may pick up their checks and loose ball to set up Baldacci's 21 againstgSoviet power
unsold books from noon to 6 jobS kcreaSeyard run. gant __e pwer.
p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, and E 1 McDonald kicked the extra
Wednesday. A report by the Michigan Em- point and the Wolverines led 7-0. S hine Give
Distribution of checks and ployment Security Commission yes- The second tally came on a sus-
books will take place in the terday indicated the Ann Arbor itained drive of 64 yards following t
quonset hut near Waterman job situation, which had worsened the second half kick-off. Baldacci as a Duty
Gym, the same building in over the past few months, reached climaxed a 13-play offensive marchwi/
which the sale was held. "bottom" in August and then with a one-yard plunge from the
turned upward. traditional single wing forma- AUGUSTA, Ga. UP'-The Army
-~~- tion, long a trade-mark of Michi- announced yesterday that G.
gan football teams. DavidSchine has been promoted
Screen Pass Clicks from private to private first class
The key play of the drive was a and ordered to Alaska for military
screen pass from McDonald to police duty.
European Q uestion Baldacci who bulled his way down The promotion carries with it
to the one-yard line after taking an increase of $14 a month.
the toss on the ten. Walker threw Schine, controversial figure in
ny 'he Associated ress a great block to assist Baldacci oa the recent McCarthy-Army hear-
Secretary of State Dulles is to sit down in London tomorrow with the play which picked up 14 yards. ings in Washington and 30 other
o rei miiter of t e Wes tn sitrop wn nationsinan attem t witoI Following the score McDonald MPs are expected to leave Camp
foreign ministers of the Western European nations in an attempt to converted again to give Michigan Gordon in mid-October for the
fill the vacuum created by French rejection of the European Defense its 14-0 margin. Alaskan post.
iIn between the Wolverine touch-
The need for a substitute for EDC as a. continental security sys- downs, the Husky line proved IY To Sponsor
tem against possible Soviet aggression is recognized everywhere as ur- stubborn and at times even out-
genL Britain's Anthony Eden made a hurried five-day tour of West- played the heavier Maize and Blue Williams' Speech
forward wall, During the second I
ern European diplomatic capitals last week to set up the nine-power foriod wen drn be eo
conference in London. And Secretary Dulles made a flying fact- peiod henLederman began Governor G. Mennen Williams
fidigtrp oLodo ndBonlat ek orte am uros. effectively hurl the football, the wl aehsfrtcmag
finding trip to London and Bonn last week for the same purpose. Washington line gave him excel- will make his first campaign
The conference will be attended by the foreign policy chiefs of lent protection and gave the lo- speech in Ann Arbor on Wednes-
Britain, the' United States, Canada, France, West Germany, Italy, cal fans a hope that the home day, Sept. 29 at the first meeting
Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. team might be able to come from of the Young Democrats Club.
behind and win. I!Williams, who is running for re-
'here have been many plans suggested for brinain France and faaninnmllc"nl n 'Tama tt

#..-- ! GERMANY'

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