, I
See Page 4
:YI e
3Kr it u
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 a t t
Special Faculty
Report Released
On Nickerson
H-b Ash
Causes Death
Of Japanese
Tense Relations
Follow Incident
The social fraternity rushing
registration totals soared past
the record mark yesterday with
the day-end tabulation reach-
ing 896.
This surpasses last fall's peak
885. Prospective rushees still
have until Wednesday to sign
in the Office of Student Affairs
for this semester's rushing ses-
I naetion
o.m4millll .&i ee onI Lil
And Integrity Ex
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fou
evidence presented to University offici
The Daily in the case of Prof. Mark N
Sub-Committee on Un-American Acti
He was suspended by University Presi
ther investigation of his case by Univer
authorized dismissal of Prof. Nickerson
(Today's article presents excerpts
Faculty Senate, the Committee on Inte
Associate C
Prof. Mark Nickerson made an
Intellectual Freedom and Integrity
in his case when President Hatche
r° tion for his dismissal would be sent
Between July 31, when Prof. Ni
Prof. Angus Campbell, chairman(
Integrity group, and August 11, wi
sent to President Hatcher, the five
charges against Prof. Nickerson.
Members of the appeal commit
Prof. Raymond Garner. biological4
chemistry department; Prof. Karl
Litzenberg, English department;;
Prof. Gilbert Ross of the music
school; and Prof. Allan Smith of
canines Charges ;
urth in a series of articles discussingt
as, faculty appeal committees and to1
'ickerson. He appeared before a House
vities at a Lansing hearing in May.
dent Harlan H. Hatcher pending fur-
sity committees. August 26 the Regents ]
from an appeal committee of the 1
llectual Freedom and Integrity.)
ity Editort
n appeal to the Subcommittee on
to reexamine evidence presented
pr advised him that recommenda-t
to the Regents.
ckerson sent his letter of appeal to
of the Intellectual Freedom andI
hen the group's final decision was]
e members analyzed in detail the'
tee, in addition to Prof. Campbell,
the Communist Party. One natur-
ally feels suspicious of anyone who t
has been revealed to be a past
member of the Party; but in the
TOKYO, Friday (R)-A Japa-
nese fisherman who was dusted by
radioactive ash from a U.S. hyd-
rogen bomb-and became the fo-
cal point of tension between Ja-.
pan and the United States-diedRo n u
Thursday night.
Japanese doctors listed Aikichi By the Associated Press
Kyboyama, 40, as probably the
world's first hydrogen bomb cas- TOKYO, Friday-Premier Chou
ualty. They said he died of jaun- En-lai of Red China was quoted.
dice brought on by radiation sick- by the Peiping radio yesterday as
ness and a generally weakened saying the U.S. 7th Fleet must
condition. withdraw from Formosa Strait in
order to relieve international ten-
Radiation Causes Death {son
Dr. Shigenobu Kuriyama, vice He reiterated that Formosa
director of Tokyo Nationalist Hos- must be "liberated."
pital, said flatly "radiation sick- An English language broadcast
ness was the cause of death." gave only a paraphrase of Chou's
U.S doctors have said Kuboya-! remarks before the People's Con-
ma and other fishermen from the gress in Peiping. But the para-
Lucky Dragon, accidentally dust- phrase was far tamer than a Chi-
ed by an H-bomb blast off Bikini nese language version as trans-
March 1, could be suffering from lated in Tokyo earlier.
jaundice resulting from blood * ,
transfusions. Japanese dctors chal-
lenged this view and refused to al- Jet Tank Explodes .. .
low the Americans to make thor - BI URGrayA un
ough examinations of the victims. BITBURG, Germany-An un-
U.S. Ambassador John M. Alli- derground American military jet
.S issuedastatemeJn.A fuel storage tank blew up near
speak on behalf f the goveinment here yesterday with a mighty roar.
and the people of the United States At least 28 persons are believed
andthepepleoftheUniedStaesdead. Upwards of 40 others were
in expressing extreme sorrow and repd injrd.
regret at this most unhappy: The dead were all believed to
event"a be Frenchmen and Germans. Ger-
St Eman police said no American vic-
In Washington, a spokesman for tims have been reported.
the Japanese Embassy said Kubo- The tank-built into a former
yama's death would bring a high- bunker of German Siegfried line-
ly emotional and sharp reaction exploded as it was being filled
from the Japanese. during dedication ceremonies.
The death unleashed another The explosion sent a column of
great wave of bitterness in Japan thick, black smoke 10.000 feet into
toward the United States. Radios the air.
and television stations carried a * * *
heavy flow of news on the death, isnorable Discharge
and many commentators blamed
the United States. FT. SHERIDAN, Ill. - Lt. Cal.
Newspapers, which have made Harry Fleming, a veteran of two
much of the Lucky Dragon case, wars, yesterday was ordered dis-
did not publish Thursday, a holi- missed from the Army for col-
day, but their reaction also is ex- laborating with his Communist
pected to be sharp. captors in Korea.
Kuboyama's death lowered the The 11-officer court-martial
spirits of the other 22 members of that convicted him Wednesday
the Lucky Dragon crew still under- i ordered also that he forfeit all
going treatment in Tokyo hospi- pay and allowances.
tals. Fleming, white-haired at 46.
vowed to "do everything I can to
In FHA Says,
Senate Group Hears
Of New Windfalls'
DETROIT WP-A one-time $2,600-
a-year Federal Housing Adminis-
tration employee conceded before
the Senate Banking Committee yes-
terday that on two of three rental
housing projects he built with FHA-
insured loans he reaped a "wind-
fall" profit of $772,000.
The former FHA employe is Saul
Silberman, of Baltimore, Md., who
was questioned closely about as-
sociations with Clyde Powell, for-
mer deputy FHA commissioner in
charge of rental property loans.
Denies Close Association
Vote To Be
"SIGN HERE"-Buck Dawson, Grad. draws a head on Dottie
the Law School. absence of any proof of guilt we
The following is a condensation must accept his statement of in-
of the Report and Recommenda- nocence.
tion of the Subcommittee on In- "
tellectual Freedom and Integrity C3.) Dr. Nickeron remains a -
of the Senate Advisory Commit- Comusn spartanCmmeps-
tee on University Affairs, sent to diatesnpart the Communist
the Pesidet on ugustprog"ra m orobjectives.
the President on August 11.". Nickerson has made it clear
"Prior to analyzing the charges, to this Committee and to the Spe-
the Subcommittee decided that it cial Advisory Committee that he
was unanimously of the opi-on still holds the basic views on ma-
that dismissal from the Univer- jor economic and political issues
sity faculty, particularly in the that he held during the period he
case of a faculty member with was a member of the Communist
tenur'e, is consistent with the party. In these respects he is an
ideals of intellectual freedom on- uncompromising Marxist and he
ly when there is substantial evi- stubbornly refuses to retreat from
dence of grave misconduct on the this obviously doctrinaire posi-
part of 'the individual concerned. tion b
We have earnestly sought, there- tkonr
fore, (1) to determine, as precise- the fact that Dr. Nickerson speci-
ly as possible, the nature of e t .fa ct aypat on tha i
charges brought against Dr. Nick- hea rejects any implication that
erson; (2) to analyze the available he approves, has ever approved
evidence concerning such charges of, any illegal activities of the
in order to determine the weight Party, such as sabotage, espionage,I
of the evidence with respect tohor vvlent overthow of thsov-
thei sustatiaion an (3 toement. He states that he saw no
teirubteraitoany(3)itevidence of such illegal activity,
evaluate the gravity of any mis- 'during the time he was a Party
conduct which seems supported by member. The evidence seems clear
substantial evidence." ebr h vdec em la
Eubstantialeidnce." Cthat he does repudiate those as-
Evaluation of Charges ac pects of the Communist Party pro-
"In our evaluation of the facts' gram and objectives which lie out-
in this case, we have tried to avoid side the legal framework of the
being bound by the narrow inter- American political system. One°
est of the faculty. We recognize may questionithe credibility of
that our frame of reference can these disavowals but there is no
never be quite the same as that doubt that he hasmade them.
of administrative officials. But, , This Committee's views
to the extent that we understand with deep misgiving the implica-
such problems, we have tried to tion that a faculty member's "spir-
keep in mind the relations of this ,, sjt t
University to its alumni and stu- ticiss. We believe that a man's
dents, and to the citizens of the iii euiyahaiaea
Stat of ichian.We ae kenlyspirit is peculiarly a private area
state of Michigan. We are keenly which the 'University should res-
aware of the very real pressures pect as such. We feel that a man
which exist today which tend to reveals himself in his words and
force conformity " in political and actions and that he should be
economic thought, which are a judged on the basis of these tang-
continuing threat to institutions 'ible facts."
of higher learning, and which can "4.) Dr. Nickerson has given
be resisted only by a steadfast conflicting testimony concerning'
adherence to the principle that .the time of his withdrawal from
universities function best when See SPECIAL Page 6)
they encoura'ge the widest range _ ____
of ideas. We believe that we speak;
for faculty and administration ZBT Deletes
alike when we assert that so long+
as ideas do not extend beyond the , e
pale of legality, or accepted con- M em e sh p
cepts of morality, the great tra-
dition of academic freedom re-
quires their protection." Restrictions;
The following is a list of the
charges made against Prof. Nick- Zeta Beta Tau became the third
erson. social fraternity with a chapter
"1.) Dr. Nickerson was in the at the University to remove its'
past a member of the Commun- bias clause in recent weeks, when
ist Party, its Supreme Council voted to up-
"We believe that a protracted hold a previous resolution by the
period of membership in a clan- undergraduate body.
destine, rigidly doctrinaire organ- Undergraduate chapter dele-
ization (such as the Communist gates voted to delete the member-
Part undoubtedly is) cannot fail ship restrictions at its National
to leave its mark. While this ef- Convention in Miami last month.
feet may have little long-term However the Zeta Beta Tau con-
importance in individual cases, stitution states that the Supreme
it must be recognized that a per- Council must approve the constiu-
iod of indoctrination in the Com- tutional changes.
munist Party is a prejudicial pre- The decision lowers the number
paration for life and work in the of University fraternities with bias
academic world. clauses to ten.
"We approve what we take to Lambda Chi Alpha and Delta
be the University's policy-that Chi had removed their clauses dur-!
past membership in the Commun= ing the summer,
ist Party shall not in itself con- Zeta Beta Tau was founded in
stitute sufficient cause for dis- New York City in 1898 as a college
missal from the faculty. fraternity limited to men of the
"The significant ouestion in the Jewish faith. It was thought at
Silberman denied that his associ- Fink, '55Ed, while 'Ensian Business Manager Paul Geiger signs
aton was unusually close orthat Dottie up for a picture appointment for the 1955 Michiganensian.
paid any gamblingdebts for him "Seniors and others receiving degrees this year may make ap-
or bought any pari-mutuel tickets pointments from 1 to 5 p.m. today at the Student Publications
for him at race tracks. He con- Bldg. on Maynard St., and during the same time Monday through
ceded, however, there had been Friday next week," said Geiger. "Shooting-pictures, that is-
home-to-home telephone calls be- starts Monday," said Dawson, 1948 Editor of the 'Ensian. Dottie
tween them. signed and said nothing. .
Silberman insisted that $15.600
a year which he and his partner,
Ralph DeChario also of Baltimore,
inlp cts ro Ulns Ap alimoe egents Gran t Con tract s
paid each other should be counted
and Uplands Apartment B in or Union Construction
Maryland. To
He also argued a profit of $211,-
000 on land which one Silberman- Financing of the new Union addition was approved by the Re-
DeChario corporation sold to an- gents at their meeting Wednesday, with the contract for construction
other which built the two apart- being awarded to Steinle-Wolfe, Inc. of Fremont, O.
went projects should be counted. The Ohio company's bid of $2,227,352 was the lowest, although
Got $272,000S h-, n ,tfin.l hp ,,4-a a1 .,. a i ffa.lc urill-na 4-,if.awit
th i~ i~5L . fi l bZ. t.U iLV±i, U±±±. IV1 ±lnlJ1ti, W ith
With land profit and salaries
taken out, he conceded on question-
ing by Chairman Homer Capehart
(R-Ind) he got $772,000 more in
FHA-guaranteed loans than the two
housing projects costs, and that
with credit for salaries and land
profits "thrown in" the excess was
te fgure rs noL ina Decause unversi y oriciais wi nego ia e wi
the company for alterations not included in the original plan.
Franklin C. Kuenzel, General
Manager of the Union, estimated
Lecture Set s ! the final cost will exceed original
estimates by approximately $400,-
AT C -7000.
Arts Magazine
Holds Meeting
For Tryouts
Generation, campus Ii t e r a r y
magazine is holding an organiza-
tional meeting at 3 p.m. in the
Generation office, Student Pub-
lications Building,
No previous experience is, need-
ed to work on any of these staffs;
new members are trained and aft-
er apprenticeship may seek promo-
tions to editorial and managerial
positions through the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Staff members need not neces-
sarily be contributors, though their
work is welcome at all times. The
job of the editorial staff consists
in choosing the manuscripts which
are to be printed; the business
staff solicits advertising, manages
circulation and plans the sales
campaigns; the art staff is re-
sponsible for designing advertise-
ments, covers, layout, and for
choosing the student art which
appear's in Generation's pages.
clear my name." "above $400,000."
Fleming is the first American '_ _ _
Army officer to be court-martial-
ed on specific charges ofacollab- Med School Dean
some officers were tried for aiding Named to New Post
the enemy in the Civil War.
The finding of involuntary dis- Succeeding Dr. Algernon B.a
charge for a commissioned officer: Reese of New York, Dean of the
is comparable to a dishonorable Medical School Albert C. Fursten-j
discharge for enlisted personnel. berg was named president-elect of
the American Academy of Opthal-3
{ mology and Otolaryngology last I
ETicket Resales ;night.
, esHe will take office in January,]
Begin' 11956.
Begin M onday Associated with the University
since 1918, Furstenberg teaches
Michigan Union football ticket otolaryngology, diseases of the ear,
resale service will be open from 3 nose and throat. He is past pres-
to 5 p.m. Monday at the Union ident of the Association of Amer-
student offices, according to Mark ican Medical Colleges and a mem-
Gallon, student services committee her of the American Board of Ot-
chairman. olaryngology.
Persons having tickets to sell _®__
iNow on ;ate
Season tickets at reserved seat
prices and with a special student
rate are now 'on sale for the Uni-
versity Lecture series which will
present seven programs this year.
Highlighting the season will be
Herman Wouk's "The Caine Mu-
tiny Court-Martial" on Oct. 22.
The two act play, adapted by
Wouk from the trial sequence of
his best selling novel "The Caine
Mutiny," has received the Outer
Critics Circle. award as the best
play of the year.
The series will open on Oct. 12
with a talk by Gen. Mark Clark
on "Struggle in Asia." Novelist
John Dos Passos will discuss "Jef-
ferson's Times" on Nev. 18, and
on Dec. 7, Harry Schwartz, the
New York Times' expert on Rus-
sia, will speak on "The Men Who!
Rule Communism."
Initial groundbreaking for the
building will begin in approxi-
mately three weeks. Completion of
the project will take a year to -a
year and a half, Kuenzel said. The
Union's dining facilities, however,
will operat, normally until after
commencement next June.
The contract for kitchen equip-
ment was awarded to the Illinois
Range Co. of Chicago on its bid of
$329,993. University Vice-President
Wilbur K. Pierpont explained thatj
minor adjustments would also be
made in this contract.
Work on the project during the
summer was confined to instal-
ling a new steam tunnel to make
room for additions to the base-
ment cafeteria. Kuenzel indicated
that this part of the project was
95 per cent completed.
A Union addition was approved
by the Regents last Spring aft-
er several years of planning.
Thoughts Voiced
Student Legislature began plans
yesterday to "revitalize" its or-
ganization, at the same time hit-
ting out at what they called the
"bad faith" of the Board of Re-
gents for failing to consider the.
proposed reorganization of student
government at its meeting Wednes-
The Laing plan for a Student
Government Council was not giv-
en any action by the Regents, aft-
er a last-minute vote by SL mem-
bers endorsed the plan with stated
"Lack of Concern"
At a SL cabinet meeting yester-
day, Vice-President Ned Simon,
'55, announced plans for a motion
"expressing disappointment in the
Regents, President Harlan Hatch-
er, and Student Affairs Vice-Presi-
dent James A. Lewis for ".lack of
proper concern" toward the inter-
ests of student government.
The motion will be considered by
the Legislature cabinet at their
meeting Monday.
Ruth Rossner, '56, SL First Mem-
ber at Large, charged that'the Re-
gents are hot interested in studying
the SGC plan any longer, but in re-
ality are "afraid of a strong stu-
dent government."
- SL Just as Good
"SL is just as good a means of
strengthening student government
as SGC is," Miss Rossner stated.
"I think we should reconsider our
approval of the plan and work with
renewed vigor to improve our own
organization internally."
David Levy, '57, said that he
would begin action on a plan to
bring the SL-SGC issue before the
student body in the form of an open
"SL will go on, attempt recon-
struction, and forget about SGC."
he said.
"Stalling Action".
Joan Bryan, '56, charged that
the Regents' failure to act on the
plan was "typical of the kind of
stalling action we. always get."
"They don't want us to have any
power," she said. "They want to
cut us down. What I resent most
about this administration is that
they never lay their cards on the
Cabinet meetings were planned
today and Monday to consider- what
new action SL might take. There
was talk that the organization
might adopt some of the proposed
ideas for SGC to strengthen SL.
This would include, according to
Miss Rossner, adding organization-
al representatives to SL, or reduc-
ing the number of elected mem-
SL President Steve Jelin '55
stressed the need for squashing
any defeatism.
ROTC Groups
Show Decline
In Enrollment
A decrease in enrollment in the
ROTC program was reported by
both the Air Force and Military
Science offices yesterday.
The enrollment in Air Forc
ROTC according to Colonel Wil-
liam Todd has decreased from 800
men to 600. A similar decline has
taken place in enrollment in Mili-
tary Science ROTC where Colonel
Land reports an enrollment of 350,
The final figures on Naval Sci-
ence enrollment were not complete
Must Sign Loyalty Oath
A new feature of all the ROTC
programs is the requirement that
all students have to sign a loyalty
oath at the beginning of each aca-
AOismie -na-..
may leave them at the office any-
time during the week, and those
wishing to purchase tickets may
call at the office beginning Tues-
Student tickets may not be re-
sold, and all tickets will be sold at
the regular price.
700 at Rushing Meeting
Jobs Scar'c
ty une
Out of approximately 50 students The sit
who have come into the student same
employment office in the admin- branch
istration building daily seeking Proba
jobs, 20 to 30 claim that they need ment th
jobs in order to stay in school. Nottin
According to office interviewer that a
Ronald Roberts, during the past ers rep
week only 50 per cent of the stu-eas-oef
dents applied for part-time and lay-offs
full-time employment have been continu
placed in jobs by the employment this ar
service. However, he said that un- Very
til this week about 95 per cent oft be a s
the applicants have found jobs. the ar
But with. approximately 400 stu- and m
dents applying weekly since Sept. are cu
1, "the end of the barrel foi- stu- pany s
dent jobs has about been reached., carsy
Now, about 20 to 30 students mobile
daily have been unable to get pick up
work. From now on, Roberts said, Howe
jobs will be hard to find. With his many
office handling both full-time and pointed
part-time placements, about 90 eir lanti w(
rpnvo- a i f a ndf nr.er In, f,r n
employment is about 5,000.
uation has been about the
for several months, the
office manager said.
ably the highest unemploy-
is year occurred in August,
,ham commented, adding
trend of many local work-
porting back to work after
is beginning. However, he
ed, many local workers left
ea when jobs were scarce.
shortly, he said, there will
;hortage of skilled labor in
ea. Electricians, plumbers
asons, among other trades,
rently in demand, Notting-
aid. With automobile com-
change-overs for -the 1955
1st about completed, auto-
"worker employment will
soon, Nottingham said.
ver, this will not affect
Ann Arbor workers, he
out, although more Ypsi-
orkers will soon be back on
e n Ann Arbor
Commenting on the employment
of carpenters,. financial secretary
William Bowling of the American
Federation of Carpenters local here
said that 35 of the 700 union mem-
bers in Ann Arbor are currently
Although individual union mem-
bers have varied on the list of un-
employed, the carpenters' local has
not had full employment during
the year, Bowling said. About the
same number of men were also
unemployed during the summer.
Business agent Charles L. Click-
ner of Laborers Local 959 said that
70 or 80 of the union's 800 mem-
bers are currently unemployed, al-
though the number dropped last
month. During the summer, about
150 laborers were unemployed in,
the Ann Arbor area. The employ-
ment situation is improving for the
laborers union, Clickner said. j
Teamsters Situation Bad
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